Document 13846855

Assessment of GRAD521
Research Data Management
Anonymous Survey Questions
Winter 2014
1st Survey, Weeks 1 – 4
Q1 This course evaluation is designed to obtain feedback on the first 4 weeks of classes. During this time period we covered: -­‐ Overview of research data management (importance, funding context, research/data lifecycle) -­‐ Data organization (folder-­‐ and file-­‐naming, folder hierarchies, documenting data / notebook) -­‐ Data management planning for your project -­‐ Data Curation Profiles -­‐ Data storage, backup and security -­‐ Version control (with Tom). As you answer the questions below, please consider the 4-­‐week time frame only. I will survey you again regarding metadata and the topics following (IRB, intellectual property, data sharing, etc.). Answers to all questions are required, except for the last two open-­‐ended questions. There is only one page for this survey. If you have questions about the survey, please feel free to get into touch. THANK YOU for your help in improving this course! Q2 How well did the first 4 weeks of sessions prepare you to explain what research data is? m Did not prepare me adequately (1) m 2 (2) m 3 (3) m 4 (4) m Very well prepared (5) Q3 How well did the first 4 weeks of sessions prepare you to describe the value and relative importance of data management to the success of a research project? m Did not prepare me adequately (1) m 2 (2) m 3 (3) m 4 (4) m Very well prepared (5) Q4 How well did the first 4 weeks of sessions prepare you to explain the lifecycle continuum to manage and preserve research data? m Did not prepare me adequately (1) m 2 (2) m 3 (3) m 4 (4) m Very well prepared (5) Assessment for GRAD 521: Research Data Management | Winter 2014 | Survey Questions | Page 1 of 8
Q5 How well did the first 4 weeks of sessions facilitate your understanding of the US federal agency context for data management and sharing? m Did not prepare me adequately (1) m 2 (2) m 3 (3) m 4 (4) m Very well prepared (5) Q6 How well did the first 4 weeks of sessions prepare you to identify data management plan (DMP) requirements used to characterize and plan for the lifecycle of research data? m Did not prepare me adequately (1) m 2 (2) m 3 (3) m 4 (4) m Very well prepared (5) Q7 How well did the first 4 weeks of sessions prepare you to explain what a research data set is and the range of data types and formats? m Did not prepare me adequately (1) m 2 (2) m 3 (3) m 4 (4) m Very well prepared (5) Q8 How well did the first 4 weeks of sessions facilitate your understanding of: Did not prepare me adequately (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) Very well prepared (5) The lifecycle of data? (1) m m m m m The stages of research data? (2) m m m m m Which data management actions are associated with lifecycle stages? (3) m m m m m Q9 How well did the first 4 weeks of sessions prepare you to develop appropriate file-­‐ and folder-­‐naming conventions? m Did not prepare me adequately (1) m 2 (2) m 3 (3) m 4 (4) m Very well prepared (5) Assessment for GRAD 521: Research Data Management | Winter 2014 | Survey Questions | Page 2 of 8
Q10 How well did the first 4 weeks of sessions prepare you to organize data and documentation in a logical manner? m Did not prepare me adequately (1) m 2 (2) m 3 (3) m 4 (4) m Very well prepared (5) Q11 How well did the first 4 weeks of sessions prepare you to create standard procedures for data management and documentation, including proper use of a field or laboratory notebook? m Did not prepare me adequately (1) m 2 (2) m 3 (3) m 4 (4) m Very well prepared (5) Q12 How well did the first 4 weeks of sessions facilitate your understanding of the purpose, value and process of creating a Data Curation Profile? m Did not prepare me adequately (1) m 2 (2) m 3 (3) m 4 (4) m Very well prepared (5) Q13 How well did the first 4 weeks of sessions facilitate your understanding of why adequate data storage, backup and security of research data are important? m Did not prepare me adequately (1) m 2 (2) m 3 (3) m 4 (4) m Very well prepared (5) Q14 How well did the first 4 weeks of sessions facilitate your understanding of best practices methods for: Did not prepare me adequately (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) Very well prepared (5) Research data storage? (1) m m m m m Research data backup? (2) m m m m m Research data access control? (3) m m m m m Research data security? (4) m m m m m Assessment for GRAD 521: Research Data Management | Winter 2014 | Survey Questions | Page 3 of 8
Q15 How well did the first 4 weeks of sessions prepare you to formulate an approach to creating a storage, backup and security plan for your project? m Did not prepare me adequately (1) m 2 (2) m 3 (3) m 4 (4) m Very well prepared (5) Q16 How well did the first 4 weeks of sessions facilitate your understanding of version control theory and methods? m Did not prepare me adequately (1) m 2 (2) m 3 (3) m 4 (4) m Very well prepared (5) Q17 How well did the objectives of the first 4 weeks of sessions meet your expectations for what you need to learn regarding data management? m Did not meet my needs/expectations (1) m 2 (2) m 3 (3) m 4 (4) m Entirely met needs (5) Q18 How useful/relevant are the following instructional materials to your learning needs? Materials not at all useful/ relevant (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) Materials very useful (5) Lectures (1) m m m m m In-­‐class activities (2) m m m m m Homework assignments (3) m m m m m Q19 What lecture content, discussion or learning activities did you like best in the month’s sessions? Why? Q20 What lecture content, discussion or learning activities did you like least in the month’s sessions? Why? Q21 What would be the single most significant improvement in the content or hands-­‐on elements of the first 4 weeks of sessions to help you better understand data management concepts and manage research data? Assessment for GRAD 521: Research Data Management | Winter 2014 | Survey Questions | Page 4 of 8
Q22 What questions do you still have related to data management that the first 4 weeks of sessions could address? Q24 Feel free to add any more thoughts, suggestions, or ideas (not required). 2nd Survey, Weeks 5 – 9
Q1 This course evaluation is designed to obtain feedback on weeks 5 -­‐ 9 of classes. During this time period we covered: -­‐ metadata -­‐ legal & ethical considerations for research data (human subjects & intellectual property) -­‐ data sharing (funding requirements, data identifiers, ORCID IDs, sharing platforms) -­‐ data preservation & archiving As you answer the questions below, please consider the 5-­‐week time frame only. This will be the last content-­‐specific evaluation survey. Answers to all questions are required, except for the last two open-­‐ended questions. There is only one page for this survey. If you have questions about the survey, please feel free to get into touch. THANK YOU for your help in improving this course! Q2 How well did weeks 5-­‐9 facilitate your understanding of the following learning outcomes on metadata? Did not facilitate understanding (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) Very well understand (5) N/A -­‐ I was absent (6) Develop an ability to read and interpret metadata from external disciplinary sources (1) m m m m m m To understand the concept of, and rationale for, metadata (2) m m m m m m Familiarize you with tools for creating metadata (in the lab) (3) m m m m m m To identify and list the types of information typically included in metadata records (4) m m m m m m Formulate an approach to creating metadata for a project (6) m m m m m m Assessment for GRAD 521: Research Data Management | Winter 2014 | Survey Questions | Page 5 of 8
Q3 How well did weeks 5-­‐9 facilitate your understanding of the following learning outcomes on legal and ethical considerations for research data? Did not facilitate understanding (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) Very well understand (5) N/A -­‐ I was absent (6) Understand the role of the OCCD in helping students and faculty at OSU with IP concerns (1) m m m m m m Recognize the importance of privacy with some forms of research data (2) m m m m m m Understand the concepts of risk to research subjects, consent, and data security levels (3) m m m m m m Understand potential legal issues connected to your data including, intellectual property, copyright claims, and licenses needed for use (4) m m m m m m Q4 How well did weeks 5-­‐9 facilitate your understanding of the following learning outcomes on data sharing and reuse? Did not facilitate understanding (1) 2 3 (2) (3) 4 (4) Very well understand (5) N/A -­‐ I was absent (6) Understand benefits of using a unique researcher ID in metadata (e.g. ORCID or ISNI) (1) m m m m m m Identify benefits and obstacles to sharing and re-­‐using data (2) m m m m m m Describe steps to make data sharing easier (metadata, std formats, null values, interoperability, QA/QC, credible repositories, open licenses) (3) m m m m m m Understand the difference between CC0, Public Domain and OpenData Licenses (4) m m m m m m Address re-­‐use/sharing requirements from granting agencies or sponsors (6) m m m m m m Understand options for data sharing and maximizing data reuse (7) m m m m m m Understand data identifiers (DOI) and their use (8) m m m m m m Assessment for GRAD 521: Research Data Management | Winter 2014 | Survey Questions | Page 6 of 8
Q5 How well did weeks 5-­‐9 facilitate your understanding of the following learning outcomes on archiving and preservation of data? Did not facilitate understanding (1) 2 3 4 (2) (3) (4) Very well understand (5) N/A -­‐ I was absent (6) Understand basic archival processes: checksum, auditing, format migration, etc (2) m m m m m m Address the need for conversion to standard formats needed for re-­‐use (3) m m m m m m Explain options for a long-­‐term sustainable preservation strategy/policy for your data (e.g., discipline specific, institutional, departmental, individual) (4) m m m m m m Understand costs & timelines for data storage, management tools and services (6) m m m m m m Assess metadata quality, and how metadata varies across disciplines and repositories (lab activity) (7) m m m m m m Understand the repository data submission / ingest process (lab activity) (8) m m m m m m Q6 How well did the objectives of weeks 5-­‐9 of sessions meet your expectations for what you need to learn regarding data management? m Did not meet my needs/expectations (1) m 2 (2) m 3 (3) m 4 (4) m Entirely met needs (5) Q7 How useful/relevant were the following instructional materials to your learning needs during weeks 5-­‐9? Materials not at all useful/ relevant (1) Lectures (1) m In-­‐class activities (2) Laboratory activities (3) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) Materials very useful (5) N/A -­‐ did not attend/complete (6) m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m Assessment for GRAD 521: Research Data Management | Winter 2014 | Survey Questions | Page 7 of 8
Q8 What lecture content, discussion or learning activities did you like best in the month’s sessions? Why? Q9 What lecture content, discussion or learning activities did you like least in the month’s sessions? Why? Q10 Do you feel that the guest speakers contributed to the quality of the course, or would you prefer more structured lecture time on the topics covered? Feel free to address topics individually (IRB, intellectual property, data sharing, etc.). Your comments will not be shared with the guest speakers; I just want to know if the guest-­‐speaker approach was successful or not. Q11 What would be the single most significant improvement in the content or hands-­‐on elements of the weeks 5-­‐9 of sessions to help you better understand data management concepts and manage research data? Q12 What questions do you still have related to data management that weeks 5-­‐9 sessions could address (not required)? Q13 Feel free to add any more thoughts, suggestions, or ideas (not required). Assessment for GRAD 521: Research Data Management | Winter 2014 | Survey Questions | Page 8 of 8