'i ;iiUW1e1ui irj I MAIN OFFICE FIELD OFFICE 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. d '] 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E, UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 224.0151 288.6517 OFFICERS John A. Mills President Mrs. Geri Ward Vice President Robert 1. Racouillat Vice President Fred Flowers, Jr. MEMORANDUM Treasurer Mrs. Conrad McConnell Secretary (Si Dr. Ernest Hartzog Member at Large John Hansen Member at Large DATE: January 8, 1976 DIRECTORS Herbert L. Amerson David Baugh Mrs. Marlene Rayless Mrs. Allison Belcher Melvin Broadus Frank Cox Gerard K. Drummond Miss Shireen Duke Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Rev. A. Lee Henderson Mrs. Martha Jordan The Urban League Board of Directors will meet Thursday, Janu 15, 1976, at 7:30 p0m. in the Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside, Room 2l7 James Lee Victor Levy Charles Moss William Odom, Jr. Fred Rosenbaum Mrs. Betty Schedeen Roy Schnaible Oliver Smith, Jr. C, Don Vann Ms. Beverly Williams Harold Williams Miss Leslie Williams STAFF James 0. Brooks Executive Director Nathan W, Nickerson Deputy Director Field Operations Mrs. Gertrude- Rae Associate Deputy Director Program and Fiscal Operations George Rankins Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Ms. Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Ms. Linda Riggs Secretary/Receptionist Ms. Janice Moore Field Office Secretary MEMBER OF TI-fE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN TI-fE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Jarmaty iS, 1976 A.nda L Roll C1i 8 Unfinished Business 9., New Business URBAN LEAGTE OF PORTLAND, ir Board of Directors Meeting Jannary 15, 1976 The Exectitive Director reported L. Board Minutes/ paqc! 2 January l5 1976 Jan F4tite he nominated to serve a oneyear unexpired term which is pre 20 sently vacant, Gene Walter he nominated to replace retirinq Board member C, Don Vanu, 4 Luis Alvare2 be nominated to replace retiring Board member James Lee, 5, Ttters will he sent to Board members whose attendance has been poor asking If they can no longer serve the foilowinci is recommended: them ff they wish to continue on the Board, a, b, C, Don Vann, Jr, replace Gerard Drummend Fred Markev replace Ed Butcher, (The committee urges that every effort be made to encourage Ed Butcher to he active,) Allison Belcher 6, Fred Flowers Father Joseph 1ia1eyJJôhn Hansen Ernest Hart zog9 Bob Raconi llat Roy Schucible and Joe White be reelected for additional threeyear terms, Mrs. Christian made a motion that the Board accept her report individually, Motion seconded by Mr, Moss and carried, Miss Williams made and vote on each item otjon that the current officers he ree1ected, Motion Mr, Wht de a motion that officers who econd.d oard ter by Mrs. Belcher and cried, expire in 1976 be lted, Motion eonded by Mrs, Beicher and c:riH, Mr, Whie kdC a motion that Jan Batiste be nomited to fill the oneyear unexpired term tion seconded by Moss and carried, be nominated to Motion seconded b H , Mr, Jordan made a motion thai: Gene Walter C. Don Vaun and Luis Alvarez be nominated to replace James Lee, Ward and carried0 made a motion that all retiring Board members eligible for reelection be nominated for an additional thH ar term0 Motion seconded by Mrs. Bayless and Mr0 carried, rYHtdent Flowers reported that a Nominating Committee will he appointed at the Board meti ng following the Annual Meeting, f;:, Jordan made a motion that James Lee and C0 Don Vanu be Inue Dr, Alexander Levy Award, Motion seconded by Mrs, c.o.rc?cepients of the Urban ChiHian and carried, Christine PooJe member of the committee reported that preSAT classes were sponsored by the committee in November to aid high school students planning to Rducation take SAT tests, She read xample:responses from the questionnaires the students later completed concerning the classes, Annual Meet Mike Jordan CoChairman reported: 1, Mercedes Deiz has been selected to emcee the program. 2. Head table guests have been selected as have persons who will be acknowledged in the audience 3 Invitations have been mailed to members and other community individuals and organ{ zati. one0 George Rankins has done a good job on the public relations. JL Board Minutes/ pane 3 January 15, 1976 er Board discussion, Mr0 Vann made a motion that the Annual Meeting Committee prom Motion seconded by Mrs. vide Lee with as many tickets as he requests for sale0 Ward and carried0 Mr0 Board members were asked to support the Annual Meeting by each selling 10 tickets, if possible0 10 The Guild's Mad Hatter's "Bicentennial" Bail will he held May 29th at the Sheraton0 2, A )uncheon and fashion show will he sponsored in March, 3 Attempts are being made to increase and integrate the membership of the Gui 1 ci, She urged lady Board members to join the Guild and attend the meetings held the second. Wednesday of each month, George Rankins, staff coordinator for the Public Relations and the nc1Bmloment committees, reported , KPTV is airing a spot which urges viewers to join the Urban Leanue, 2, Press releases concerning the Annual Meetinci have been sent to radio, tele vision and other news media, 3, $1,100 has been received ($1,000 from Arco and $100 from Union Pacific) for a Portland Skills Bank, Bob Raconillat has recommended that the Xerox cor porate headquarters be contacted for an additional contribution, Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p0m0 LW:ph Leslie Wi1liaj4, Secretary B URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND T1 MAIN OFFICE FIELD OFFICE 718 WEST BURNSIDE 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 5329 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 224-0151 288.6517 OFFICERS John A. Mills President Mrs. Geri Ward Vice President Robert L. Racouillat Vice President Fred Flowers, Jr. Treasurer Mrs. Conrad McConnell Secretary Dr. Ernest Hartzog Member at large TO: Urban League Board Members FROM: Fred Flowers, President DATE: February 12, 1976 John Hansen Member at Large DIRECTORS Herbert L. Amerson David Baugh Mrs. Marlene Bayless Mrs. Allison Belcher Melvin Broadus Frank Cox Gerard K. Drummond Miss Shireen Duke Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Rev. A. Lee Henderson Mrs. Martha Jordan James Lee Victor Levy The Urban League Board of Directors will meet Thursday, Febru ary 19, 1976, at 7:30 pam. in the Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside, Room 2l7 cc: Urban League offices Charles Moss William Odom, Jr. Fred Rosenbaum Mrs. Betty Schedeen Roy Schnaible Oliver Smith, Jr. C. Don Vann Ms. Beverly Williams Harold Williams Miss Leslie Williams STAFF James 0. Brooks Executive Director Nathan W. Nickerson Deputy Director Field Operations Mrs. Gertrude Rae Associate Deputy Director Program and Fiscal Operations George Ranklns Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Ms. Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Ms. Linda Biggs Secretary/Receptionist Ms. Janice Moore Field Office Secretary MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS LN URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND February 19, 1976 1, Roll Call 2, Approval of Minutes, 3. President's Message 40 0 0 0 Action ExecutIve Report a, b, CETA Introduction of Lee TI] ander and Bar ney Hicks Senior Adult Ser vice Center 5. Election of Delegate and Alternate to National Conference 6, Committee Reports a, b. c, Nominat: ncj Committee, ,,,,, Geraldine Chris tiao Annual Meeting Committee, , , ,Geri Ward Finance Committee00,,,,,,,,,,Charies Moss 7, Unfinished Business 8, New Business 0Action ) I - David Baugh Marlene Byless Allison Reicher____ -ç c - __ f) U Paul Cook A /1. Gerard Drunmond I ) Shireen Duke 1 __-iii Father Joseph_Haley ( John Hansen V Ernest Hartzog V Q K LEE __ __ __ ± stan Kiyokawa ( Y James Lee Charles Moss // /7 7/ - ___ William Odom9 Jr, // / Robert Racoulliat Fred Rosenbaum ( // 1. 7/ 7/ ( I' c 1- Betty Sehedeen Roy Schnaible /1 ç () Dana Taylor C, Don Vann 1/ N) GeriWard Joewhite4Hh)/t/ Leslie Williams /7 Wfffiia T NtL Trustee P I Present E = Excused A T Absent T T 'I! URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Board of Directors Meeting February 19, 1976 1, Mike Jordan was recently named Principal of Hollyrood School by Portland Public Schools District #1, 2 The building the Center is housed in is for sale for $48,000., 5 Urban League oard Minutes/ page 2 February 19, 1976 ie Executive Director reported COMM I TTEE REPORTS I S .Dll ii I - - vii llli I II President Flowers expressed his thanks to the Board for their support of the Annual Meeting and commended Geri Ward and Mike Jordan, CoChairperson; on an excellent jobs Urban League Board Minütes/ page 3 February 19, 1976 Mrs. Ward reported that the "Mad Hatters' Bicentennial Ball", which is scheduled for May 29th, will provide the League with another potential source of revenue. Sup port is needed from the Board and the community in order to promote it, President Flowers reported that there would be more concrete information presented at the next Board meeting regarding our financial status, In response to Mrs. Bayless' earlier inquiry concerning the section in the minutes of the January 15, 1976 Board meeting regarding the hiring policies of Portland Pub lic Schools, Dr. Hartzog reported: 1, There is no Portland Public School District policy which limits the hiring of minority teachers, As a matter of fact, there is a special employment task force aimed at increasing minority teachers, 2, The HEW "Singleton Rule" does not concern hiring of teachers, but rather assignment of teachers, It was found that 54 teachers had to be re-assign ed in order to bring Portland Public Schools into compliance. The policy insures that the teaching staff will not be racially segregated. 3, Portland was one of sixty school districts affected by this ruling; Mr. Moss suggested inviting Stan Peters, representative of the Portland Police As sociation9to a Po1iceCommunity Relations Committee meeting, The Executive Director reported that Mary Edwards, Executive Director of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, would like to coordinate the efforts of Police Community Relations Committees operated by the Urban League, the National Conference of Christians and Jews and others in the community, The Board will be kept informed regarding the work of the committee, Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p,rn, Lw:ph Leslie Williams, Secretary iji B Uj ; g f IeIuJ :7 MAIN OFFICE 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. FIELD OFFICE .J 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 OFFICERS John A. Mills President Mrs. Geri Ward Vice President Robert 1. .Racouillat Vice President Fred Flowers, Jr. Treasurer MEMORANDUM Mrs. Conrad McConnell Secretary Dr. Ernest Hartzog Member at Large John Hansen Member at Large DIRECTORS Herbert L. Amerson TO: Urban League Board Members FROM: Fred Flowers, President DATE: March 11, 1976 David Baugh Mrs. Marlene Bayless Mrs. Allison Beicher Melvin Broadus Frank Cox Gerard K. Drummond Miss Shireen Duke Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Rev. A. Lee Henderson Mrs. Martha Jordan There will be a very important Urban League Board of Directors meeting Thursday, March 18, 1976, at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside, Room 217. James Lee Victor Levy Charles Moss William Odom, Jr. Fred Rosenbaum Mrs. Betty Schedeen Roy Schnaible Please call the Urban League office (224-0151) to let us know whether or not you will be in attendance. Please make every effort to be there. Oliver Smith, Jr. C. Don Vann Ms. Beverly Williams Harold Williams Miss Leslie Williams STAFF James 0. Brooks Executive Director Nathan W. Nickerson Deputy Director Field Operations Mrs. Gertrude Rae Associate Deputy Director Program and Fiscal Operations George Rankins Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Ms. Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Ms. Linda Biggs Secretary/Receptionist Ms. Janice Moore Field Office Secretary MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL JRBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS 224.0151 288.6517 URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND March 18, 1976 i. Roll Call 2 Approval of Minutes 3, President's Message 4 Executive Report a, Otto Rutherford b Senior Adult Service Center c, d, Project LEAP Ebony Fashion Fair a, PoliceCoznmunity b0 C, d. Relations,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,James 0 Brooks Housiflg,,,,000000006009,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Jameg 0. Brooks Membership...... . . 0 , , .. ,, ,John Hansen . . , Guild..,,..,..,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,.,..,,,.James 0. Brooks 6, Unfinished Business 7, New Businesss URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Board of Directors Meeting March 18, 1976 President Flowers reported: 1, Geri Ward has accepted the chairmanship df the 1977 Annual Meeting Committee. 2, The Fundraising Resource Committee has been established to investigate new, innovative means of raising additional funds and boos±ing the economics of the Urban League, Members include Luis Alvarez, Paul Cook, Andrew Iw:r, Fred Rosenbau, Ted Runstein, and C, Don Vanri, Sr. A comittee chairman will be selected in the near future. 3, Planning has begun for a BoardStaff seminar, Clarence Coleman, NUL Dep uty Director in charge of ?i1d Operations, will be in Portland May 2729, 1976 to participate in the Urban League Guilds "Mad Hatters' Ball" arida special Guild meeting, Hopefully, the Board.Staff seminar will be held during his stay in Portland so he may participate in it, The committee tc plan the seminar will include two Board persons and two staff persons. The Executive Director reported that Clarence Coleman has recently established new guidelines for Urban League Guilds and he felt it would be beneficial for the Guild to meetwith Mr. Coleman, Mr, Coleman is now working on a booklet regarding the relationship of Board to staff. Mike Jordan and Allison flelcher volunteered to serve on the committee to plan the BoardStaff seminar, The Executive Director reported that the staff persons will be assigned at a later date, President Flowers reported that a recommendation is being made to increase the petty cash fund amount to $50.00, The recommendation is as follows: That Article 7, Section 2, first sentence of the ByLaws of the Urban League of Portlnd, which reads: 'FAll funds of the organization except a petty cash fund of not to exceed $20.00 shall he deposited in a recognized financial institution to the account of the organization or to special fund accounts as ap propriate." tJL Minutes/ page 2 March 18, 1976 be amended to delete $20.00 and insert $50.00. voted on at the April Board meeting, This recommendation will be President Flowers introduced new Board members Mary Wright and C, Don Vann, He also reported that the Executive Director, James 0. Brooks, will be Jr. honored by B'nai B'rith and will be presented their "Brotherhood Award" at a ceremony March 28th at the Hilton Hotel. The Executive Director reported that Geraldine Christian will serve as the Nominating Committee chairman, Selection of other committee members is in progress. The Executive Director introduced Otto Rutherford and Mary Nero of the Senior Adult Service Center, Mr. Rutherford and Mrs. Nero gave presentations on the Center and emphasized the need for additional funds and more volunteers, Secretary Williams read a memo from Geraldine Christian regarding the Ebony Fashion Fair which will be held Friday, April 9, 1976 at the Portland Civic Auditorium, Tickets to the event may be obtained from Mrs. Christian, COMMI TTEE RE PORTS po1iceCommunite1ations The Executive Director reported that he and Leslie Williams, Commitee Chairman, have invited Stan Peters, President of thePortland Police Association, to attend a Police-Community Relations Committee meeting. Hopefully, the meeting will be held prior to the next Board meeting. Housing - The Executive Director reported: 1. The HCDA monitoring committee held a meeting with Mayor Goldschmidt regarding the assignment of money to social service programs, 2, A sub-committee of the HCDA committee has been formed for the purpose of establishing priorities for various kinds of social service programs. The committee i asking that 20% of the $8.7 million HCDA budget be set aside for social service programs, r4embershp - John Hansen, Co-Chairman, reported: 1. Since January 1, 1976, the Urban League has received 50 new individual memberships ($258.00) and 3 new business or group mem berships ($175.00). 2, During the same period, 58 delinquent members have renewed meruberships ($427.50). 3, These amounts ($860.50 total) are in addtion to memberships which were renewed at the time they became due, UL Minutes/ page 3 March 18, 1976 4, More letters will be sent out in the near future by the comm mittee to increase our memberships. Guild The Executive Director reported that the Guildvs "Mad Hatters' Ball" will be held May 29th at the Sheraton Motor Inn in Lloyd Center, and will feature a hat There will be a speal Guild meeting with Clarence Colman the morning of May 29th for members from the Seattle, Tacoma and Portland chapters, contest0 Meeting adjourned at 9d5 p0m. Leslie Williams, LW:ph Sectetary 4 _( f772O2 2/23/76 I URBAN LEAc;UE OF PORTLAND if? o,1\ BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1976 1977 OFFICER S FRED FLO!ERS, JR. PRESIDENT MRS. GERALDINE CHRISTIAN VICE-PRESIDENT ROY SCHNAIBLE TREASURER JOHN S. HANSEN VICE-PRESIDENT MISS LESLIE WILLIAMS SECRETARY MRS. GERI WARD MEMBER AT LARGE PR, ERNEST HAPT7X - MEMBER AT LARGE \eSA1var,is Ae Financial Advisory Company 4520 S,W, Water Avenue 97201 (w)* 226-1255 (h) flfOBatiste, Ms, Jan 245-5261 404 City Hall 97204 (w)* 248-4682 238-1536 (h T3augh, David 5701 /\rizona Dr., Vanc, Crown 7ellerhach, Central 3ayless, Marlene C5Belcher,JM Allison 6044 S.F. Reed College PL,, 97202 (h) Portland Public Schools 631 N,E, Clackanias 97208 (w)* 234-3392 1533 N.E. Stanton 9722 (h) * 287-4935 (h)* (w) 289-7976 221-2594 (h) 287-0268 '{) Christian, Mrs0 Geraldine 3640 N, Winchell 97217 426 5,W, Stark 14jkCook, Paul 1932 Duke, Miss Shireen lower1yJr., 1aley, th Fred Joseph (COS,C,y \Irsen Sii S. A 98661 (h)*(206) 695-5972 Research (w) (2O6)8344444 N.E. Stanton 97212 77 1-6633 First National Bank - Gateway Branch 10401 N,F. Halsey St0 97220 (w)* 255-5816 6076 F, Burnide 97215 (h)* Leeds Dept. Store-Lloyd Center 232-0485 281-7356 (w) 105 N, Ainsworth 97217 (h) 222 S,W Morrison, #423 97204 (w)* 221-2067 University of Portland 5000 N, Willamette Blvd0 97203 (w) * 283-7367 3530 S.W. 55th Dr. 97221 (h) KPTV, P.O. Box 3401 97208 (w)* 292-3863 222-9921 *Indicates Mailing Address I'Z7 /t//D / 2898133 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Page 2 HartErnest Henderson, Rev, A. Lee \/SJorda,, N9e 624 S,W. Burlinqame 97201 (h) 246-0995 631 N.E. Clackamas 97208 (w)* 234 3392 2737 N.E. 10th Ave. 97212 (h) 5028 N.E. 8th A"e, 97211 (w)* 282-0067 288-5429 6900 S,7, Merry Lane, Beaverton 97005 (h)* 646-6901) Portland Public Schools Hollyrood School Kerr, Andxew 3560 fLE. Hoilyrood Ct, 97212 (w) 284-6766 4140 S,W, Green Hills Tay 97221 (h) 297-3095 1100 Yeon Bldg. 522 5,1T, 5th Ave. 97204 Stan (w)* 9109 S.F. Holgate 97266 (h) Japanese American Citizens League 327 N,W, Couch 97209 (w)* 4840 NE. Garfield 97212 (h)* Moss, Charles (w) Rosenbium, Fred M, 4tv 5359 S.W. Dover 97225 (h) Ct. 221-1772 775-7862 223-4051 287-1506 248-4870 244-1397 Standard insurance Company 975 S,E, Sandy 5Pinstein, i'fO Blvd0 97214 (w)* 2861 N,T%T, Westover (Ii) 1107 Commonwealth Bldg. 97204 (w)* Ted Schedeen, Mrs, Betty 1612 N. Division, Gresham 97030 (h) 234-6551 222-5622 222-3531 665-4730 Schedeen Personnel Main. Ofc, 2324 S.F. 122nd 97233 (w)* Downtown Ofc, 417 S,W, Taylor 97201 Schnai, Roy 4 S.N. Tonchstone, 144 Lake Oswego (h) Pacific Northwest Hell Taylor, Ms. Dana Don eyt. 255-1790 221-0204 636-5541 421 S,W. Oak 97204 (w)* 242-5162 918 N.E. KillIngsworth 97211 (h)* 400 S,N, 6th 97204 (w) 248-4403 5211 N. Williams 97217 (w)* 282-5486 ( 4iter, dene H, ALCOA P,O.Box 120 Ward, Geri Vanc0 WA 98660 (w)* (206) 6225 N,5, 42nd 97218 (h)* 721 S,W, Broaclway 97205 (w) 693-2581 281-5200 228-8422 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Page 3 T1hite, Joe 2464 N.E. 50th Wi11iams,ifrLes1ie 51 N.E. Cook 97212 1 Wright, Ms. '4ary Avenue 97213 (h) (evenings) (h)* (w) ext, 36 Allis-Chalmers P.O,Box 23385 97223 (w)* 287-1540 771-1141 284-8973 286'441i 639-4181 GUILD MEMBER Ward, Mrs. Geri See Page 2 NIJU_TRUSTEES Cawthorne, Herb Center for Self-Development University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon 97403 686-3232 Hi1liad ,yil1iam The Oregonian 1320 S.W. Broadway 97201. (w)* 2550 S.W. Montgomery Dr. 97201 221-8147 227-6933 THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS MAIN OFFICE OFFICERS FIELD OFFICE 718 WEST BURNSIDE 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 5329 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 Fred Flowers, Jr. President Mrs Geraldine Christian Vice President John S. Hansen Vice President Roy Schnaible Treasurer MEMORANDUM Ms Leslie Williams Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward TO: Urban League Board Members FROM: James 0. Brooks, Executive Director DATE: April 8, 1976 Member at Large Ernest Hartzog Member at Large Dr DIRECTORS Luis A. Alvarez Ms Jan Baliste David Baugh Marlene Bayless Ms Allison Belcher Paul Cook Miss Shireen Puke Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Rev A, Lee Henderson Michael Jordan Andrew Kerr Stan Kiyokawa Charles Moss Fred Rosenbaum Ted Runstein Betty Schedeen Miss Darla Taylor C, Don Vann, Jr. Gene H. Walter W. Joe White Ms Mary Wright STAFF James 0. Brooks Executive Director Nathan W. Nickerson Deputy Director Field Operations The Urban League Board of Directors will meet Thursday, April 15, 1976, at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside, Room 217. The agenda will include a vote on the following recornmenda tion for a change in the ByLaws of the agency: That Article 7, Section 2, first sentence of the By-LaWS of the Urban League of Portland, which reads: "All funds of the organization except a petty cash fund of not to exceed $20.00 shall be deposited in a recognized financial to the account of the organization or to special fund accounts as appropriate." institution be amended to delete $20.00 and insert $50.00, Mrs Gertrude M. Rae Associate Deputy Director Program and Fiscal Operations George Rankins Director of Manpower Operations Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Ms. Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Ms Velma Jones Secretary/Receptionist Ms Janice Moore Field Office Secretary A NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE AFFILIATE A United WayAgency s ui9 Please call the Urban League office (224-0151) to let us will be in attendance, Please know whether or not you make every effort to be there. 224.0151 288-6517 URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND April 15, 1976 en 1, Roll Call 2. Approval of Minutes 3 Announcement from new President and Message URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Board of Directors Meeting April 15, 1976 The meeting was called to order at 7:50 pm in the second floor conference room of the Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside, by Mrs. Geraldine A. Christian. Directors in attendance were: Luis Alvarez, Allison Beicher, Father Joseph Haley, John Hansen, Ernest Hartzog, Mike Jordan, Ted Runstein, Roy Schnaible, C, Don Vann, and Geri Ward. Staff was represented by James Brooks and Pam Howard. Mr. Schnaible made a motion that minutes of the March 18, 1976 Board meeting be approved as mailed. Motion seconded by Ms. Belcher and carried. Mrs. Christian reported that Fred Flowers had resigned as President and from the Board of Directors and that she would succeed him as President for the remainder of his term. Mr. Flowers' letter of resignation was read for Board information. The appointment of a secretary to replace Leslie Williams (who left the city) -was discussed but no action was taken, The Executive Director reported: 1. John Hansen has been selected as the recipient of Concordia College's "Citizenship Award" and will be honored at a dinner April 24, 1976. 2. The two CETA VI employees, Barney Hicks and Lee Tilander, are excellent in their work assignments with the Urban League. He would like to hire them both as permanent employees. 3. All projects are doing well with the exception of Road Builders. Only two checks have been received for the Road Builders project since July. 4. A proposal has been submitted to the State House Aging Committee for funding in the amount of $45,000 for the Senior Adult Service Center. The Board is urged to support passage of this proposal. 5, Presently, proposals are being researched and prepared for: (a) (b) (c) (d) Two interns from Lewis and Clark's "University Year for Action" program. A program for ex-of fenders funded by LEAA. The Youth Manpower Services program. The PIPE program, a national program which sponsors seminars for students in engineering. ULMinutes/page two April 15, 1976 6. The Board/Staff Seminar is scheduled for May 28 and is in the process of being planned by co.chairpersons, Mike Jordan and Allison Beicher and Staff Coordinator, Jeanne Hartzog. Clarence Coleman, NUL Deputy Director in charge of Field Programs, will be a participant in the seminar. Ms. Beither made a motion that Mrs. Christian be elected as Delegate to the 1976 NUL Conference to replace Fred Flowers. Motion seconded by Dr. Hartzog and carried. Mrs. Christian reported that the proposed amendment to the By-Laws, which was read and discussed at the March 18, 1976 Board meeting and mailed to Board members prior to tonights meeting, would be voted on at this time. The recommendation is to amend the first sentence of Article 7, Section 2, of the By-Laws of the Urban League of Portland which reads: "All funds of the organization except a petty cash fund of not to exceed $20.00 shall be deposited in a recognized financial institution to the account of the organization or to special fund accounts as appropriate." by deleting the figure, $20.00, and substituting the figure $50.00, that it reads: so "All funds of the organization except a petty cash fund of not to exceed $50.00 shall be deposited in a recognized financial institution to the account of the organization or to special fund accounts as appropriate." Mrs. Christian made a motion that the Board approve the amendment. seconded by Ms. Belcher and carried. Motion The Executive Director reported that the Institute of Cultural Affairs, the sponsoring organization for "Town Meeting 1976", a Bicentennial Program, contacted the Urban League regarding our sponsorship for the Portland program. The local sponsoring organization, in coordination with the city, must raise $1,000 in order to put on the program. The program must not be for profit. The Executive Director had discussed this program with Mrs. Christian and their feeling was that, if money is raised by the Urban League, it should be used for the Urban League program. Their recommendation to the Board was that the Urban League should not participate in "Town Meeting 1976." Mr. Jordan moved that the Urban League should mt participate in "Town Meeting l976.' Motion seconded by Mr. Schnaible and carried. Uf. Minutes/page three April 15, 1976 OMMITTEE_REPORTS Nominafl Mrs. Christian asked Ms. Beicher to chair the Nominating Committee and reported that Rev. Henderson would like to remain on the Board. She requested the Board to inform Ms. Beicher regarding nominees. Police The Executive Director reported that Stan Peters, President of the Portland Police Assn.9 had not yet returned a call to the Urban League regarding a meeting date with the committee. Further efforts will be made to set up a meeting with Mr. it Relations Peters. The Executive Director reported that the HCDA monitoring committee had held individual meetings with Mayor Goldschmidt and Commissioners Jordan, McCready, Ivancie and Schwab. The committee would like a percentage of the city budget to be set aside for social programs, with individual neighbor hoods establishing their own priorities for use of the funds. Guild Geri Ward, President, reported: 1, The Guild Seminar will be held Saturday, May 29, beginning at 9:00 am, with Clarence Coleman presiding. At 12:00 noon, there will be a luncheon and fashion show. 2, The Guild Mad Hatter's Ball will be held that evening beginning at 10:00 pm, and will be preceeded by a cocktail hour beginning at 9:00 pm. Tickets are available at $4.76 each. Mrs. Ward urged all Board members to attend the Ball and support the Guild by selling tickets to others. Finance Roy Schnaibie, committee member, reported: The l97677 Urban League budget will be presented Way budget panel Wednesday, April 21. The budget is for $190,000, which is about $70,000 more than allocation for 1975-76. The budget items include additional staff persons and salary increases for staff in addition to other requests. to the United request our two current UL Minutes/Page four April 15, 1976 ndJn Luis Alvarez, committe member, reported that the committee is Resource is in the process of exploring ideas to raise additional funds for the agency. The Executive Director reported that other means of fund raising are being considered. Memibersl4p John Hansen, co-chairman, reported that letters are being sent to small businesses in the Portland area inviting them to become members of the Urban League. The Executive Director reported that Johnnie Mae Moore, the Field Office Secretary, has resigned, A new secretary, Willa Mae James, has been hired through the Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center, POIC will pay her salary for the first three months of her employment with the Urban League as placement is the final phase of her training program through POlO. He also reported that interviews will begin in the near future to hire an additional clerical worker for the main office. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm. ph/sm THE URBAF LEAGUE OF PORTLAND WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS MAIN OFFICE OFFICERS FIELD OFFICE 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. B. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 Fred Flowers, Jr. President Mrs. Geraldine Christian Vice President John S. Hansen Vice, President Roy Schnaible Treasurer MEMORANDUM Ms. Leslie Williams Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Dr. Ernest Hartzog Member at Large DIRECTORS Luis A. Alvarez Ms. Jan Batiste David Baugh Marlene Bayless Ms. Allison Balcher Paul Cook Miss Shireen Duke TO: Urban League Board Members FROM: Geraldine A. Christian, President DATE: May 13, 1976 Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Rev, A. Lee Henderson Michael Jordan Andrew Kerr Stan Kiyokawa Charles Moss Fred Rosenbaum Ted Runstein Betty Schedean Miss Darla Taylor C. Don Vann, Jr. Gene H. Walter W. Joe White Ms. Mary Wright There will be an Urban League Board of Directors meeting Thursday, May 20, 1976 at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Service Center, 718 W. Burnside, Room 217. Please call the Urban League office (224-.0151) to let us know whether or not you will be in attendance. Please make every effort to be there. STAFF James 0, Brooks Executive Director Nathan W. Nickerson Deputy Director Field Operations Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Associate Deputy Director Program and Fiscal Operations George Rankins Director of Manpower Operations Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Ms. Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Ms. Velma Jones Secretary/Receptionist Ms. Janice Moore Field Office Secretary cc: A NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE AFFILIATE 4 A United Way Age ñcy Urban League Qffices 224.0151 288-6517 URBAN. LEAGUE OF PORTLAND May 20, 1976 enda l Roll Call 2, Approval of Minutes 3, Executive Report a, b, c0 4, National LEAP Conference Youth Service Center Projects Committee Reports a, b, c, d0 Board.Staff Semjnar,,,,,,,,,,,,Jarnes 0, Brooks Education , , , ,.,,. ,..,.,, Mary Wright PoliceCommunity Relations,,,,, ,Linda Torrence e , Housing, , , , f, Fjriance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,CharlesMoss Fundraising Resource,,,,, ,,, ,,,,Paul Cook Building,,.,,,,,,,, ,,,.,.,,,,,Luis Alvarez g h, 5, Unfinished Business 6, New Business , ,, ,* *,* *, , * , James 0, Brooks URBAN LEAGUE OF \PORTLAND Board of Directors' Meeting May 20, 1976 The meeting was called to order at 7:50 p,m, in the secord floor conference room of the Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside, by President Geraldine Christian Directors in attendance were: Luis Alvarez, Jan Batiste, David Baugh, Paul Cook, Father Joseph Haley, John Hansen, Ernest Hartzog, Mike Jordan, Stan Kiyokawa, Geri Ward and Mary Wright, Staff was represented by James 0, Brooks and Pam Howard, Also present ws Linda Torrerice, Chairperson of the PoliceCommunity Relations Committee, Father Haley made a motion that minutes of the April 15, 1976, Board meeting be ap proved as mailed, Motion seconded by Mr, I3augh and carried, The Executive Director reported: 1. The National Urban League LEAP Conference which was held May l0l3 in Miami, was excellent, 37 prolects were represented (14 of them had Women's Com ponents) with a total of over 500 participants. He asked Napoleon Johnson, National Director of LEAP to consider Portland as the host city for the 1977 LEAP donference and received a favorable response, Mr. Jordan made a motion that Portland be the host city for the 1977 LEAP conference Motion seconded by Dr. Hartzog and carried, The Executive Director reported that, with the Board's permission, he would like to appoint a committee from the LEAP Adsory Board to coordinate the conference, 2, The Urban League is being considered as the umbrella agency for the Youth Services Center, The purpose of the Center, which services the Northwest Portland area and is presently a City of Portland agency, is to work to ward deterring youth from entering the field of crime, If a youth is picked up, he or she will be taken to the Youth Services Center rather than the Juvenile Detention Home, The League must let the City know in the near futurewhether of not we will take it over, If the League takes over the Youth Services Center, we will also take over the Youth Manpower Services Program, This program cannot be contracted out to any agency other than the one who has the contract for the Youth Services Center, 3, On the projects: 4. a, LEAP is doing very well, b The SchoolCommunity Program is doing well a1o, but we recently received a letter from the Region X office in Seattle, informing us that our application for future funding had been put on fiscal hold until they receive word from HEW in Washington regarding funding, c. Richard Norwood, the Field Representative for Road Builders, has been doing a good job, The Executive Director and George Rankins will meet with the State Highway Division in the near future to investigate the possibility of a direct contract between the State and the Urban League of Portland, Registration packets to the 1976 NUL Conference in Boston are available and may he picked up after tonight's meeting, UL BoardMinutes/ page 2 May 20, 197(, IMMI TTFtE REPORTS Nominating The Executive Director reported that the committee has held one meeting and is still accepting nominations to fill the seven vacancies on the Board. The committee has nominated Jan Batiste as Secretary. Mr. Hanseg made a motion that the nomination be accepted. Jordan and carried, Boarth.Staff_Seminar Motion seconded by Mr. Mike Jordan, CoChairman, reported: 1, The Seminax will he held Friday, May 28th at the Sheraton Motor Inn in Lloyd Center 2, A general session will he held first and will include reports from President Christian and the Executive Director as well as staff reports. 3, Followinci the general session the group will divide into three discussion groups: Education (moderated by Vernon Chatman and Ernest Hartzog), Em ployment (moderated by George Rankins and John Hansen) and Funding (moder ated by James Brooks and Charles Moss), Following this portion of the seminar, all participants will return to the larger group to present short reports, 4, There will be a nohost cocktail hour at 4:15 p.m. and dinner will begin at 5:30, with Clarence Coleman, NUL Deputy Director for Field Operations as guest speaker. After Board discussion, it was decided that the moderators for each discussion group topic would rotate to another group every 20 30 minutes, thus enabling each group to cover all three topics. President Christian and Mr. Jordan urged all Board members to attend and partiôipate in the seminar, Board members weréaiso encouraged to donate the cost of their din ners ($6.SO to the League in order to help pay the expenses. Education Mary Wright, committee member, reported: 1. A meeting was held March 23rd at the University of Portland with guest speaker Marjorie Brown Wright, Associate Director for the School of Com munications and Public Affairs at the University of Oregon, She outlined the légilative process and also reported on 20 people from the Northwest who were nominated for White House Fellowships (16 were chosen from "Black Potential"). None of the 20 made the semifinals and f011owup calls are being made to the White House to determine the reason. 2, At the April 27th committee meeting, Vernon Chatxnan distributed tickets to the Mad Hatters Ball and each committee member is committed to selling five, 3, "Black Potential" is at the printers and should be available for distribu tion within the next few weeks. 4, Two video tapes were cut at KGWTV and are being aired as public service announcements, Inquirdes regarding the Urban League program have been coming into the Urban League office as a result of the announcements. The United Way logo was inadvertently left out of the tapes, however, and as a result, the tapes must he redone, UL l3oard Mintues/ page 3 May 20, 1976 5, New committee officers for the 197677 year are: Co.Chairperson Anne Dillon CoChairperson George Tribble Secretary Keith Wright 6, Other activities of the committee include providing tickets and transpor tation to the American Continental Circus sponsored by the Po1ie Associa tion on Saturday, May 22nd and planning a social activity for the total committee to wind up the year, Thetentative date is June 19th. Finance In the absence of Charles Moss, committee Chairman, no report was given0 Fundraisinq Resource Paul Cook temporary Chairman, reported: 1. Discussion has involved theory and The committee has held three meetings, speculation, The committee does not have the official au-thority to take action but would like to affect other committees by suggestion, 2, Discussion items have included: a, The feeling that the Urban League story is not being told, The Board and committees need to be better informed regarding the work of the Urban League. The work of the League in the field of employment needs to be emphasized and people need to he made more aware of the accomp lishments of the League. b, Priorities need to be set and met, c, When members are billed for their dues, additional information should be iicluded, Mr. Hansen will assist with a letter to be included with the renewal slips. Solicitation of business memberships was discussed also, d. The Nominating Committee needs to select interested persons who will he an asset to the Board and the League. e, Methods of fundraising were discussed and included such items as an auction or art sale, 3, The committee is not ready to recommend anything to the Board at this time but wished to provide the above data for information only. 4. A permanent committee chairman must be selected. President Christian reiterated that it is imperative for Board members to attend the BoardStaff Seminar to find out what the League is about. UI. Board Mintues/ page 4 May 20, 1976 Board discussion included: 1. Holding more BoardStaff Seminars. 20 Having staff' persons attend Board meetings and give presentations0 Including written staff reports with Board mintues to inform the Board regarding a specific department or project prior to a presentation0 The Executive Director agreed to compile brief project and department staff reports and distribute therti to the Board prior to the BoardStaff Seminar, 3. din Luis Alvarez, committee member, reported that the committee has held its first meeting to discuss the purchase of a department and projects. Information is b Urban Leagues regarding the procedure. It in the next six or seven months. He urged they are aware of available buildings. building to house all the Urban League ing requested from the Tacoma and Seattle is hoped a building will be obtained with' the Board to let the committee know if' The Executive Director reported that Wes Korrsian, Gertrude Rae and he will be inspect ing the Urban League offices next week and checking the square footage of each, Geri Ward, President, reported: Guild 1. 2, A Guild Seminar will be held Saturday, May 29th, with Clarence Colenan as guest speaker. The topic will he uGuidlines for Urban League Guilds", At noon, there will be a luncheon and fashion show. The Board is invited to a reception Saturday evening honoring the Tacoma Guild, She urged Board members to attend the Mad Hatters Ball Saturday eveng, May 29th. Meeting adjourned 9:15 p0in. THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS MAIN OFFICE OFFICERS FIELD OFFICE 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E, UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 Fred Flowers, Jr. President Mrs. Geraldine Christian Vice President John S. Hansen Vice President Roy Schnaible Treasurer MEMORANDUM Ms. Leslie Williams Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Dr. Ernest Hartzog Member at Large DIRECTORS Luis A. Alvarez Ms. Jan Batiste David Baugh Marlene Bayless Ms. Allison Belcher Paul Cook Miss Shireen Duke TO: Urban League Board Members FROM: Geraldine A. Christian, President DATE: June 10, 1976 Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Rev. A. Lee Henderson Michael Jordan Andrew Kerr Stan Kiyokawa Charles Moss Fred Rosenbaum Ted Runstein Betty Schedeen Miss Dana Taylor C. Don Vann, Jr. Gene H. Walter W. Joe White Ms. Mary Wright There will be an Urban League Board of Directors meeting Thursday, June 17, 1976 at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Service Center, 718 W. Burnside, Room 217. Please call the Urban League office (2240151) to let us know whether or not you will be in attendance, Please make every effort to be there. STAFF James 0. Brooks Executive Director Nathan W. Nickerson Deputy Director Field Operations Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Associate Deputy Director Program and Fiscal Operations George Rankins Director of Manpower Operations Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Ms. Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Ms. Velma Jones Secretary/Receptionist Ms. Janice Moore Field Office Secretary A NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE AFFILIATE 0 A United Way Age ñcy I9 cc: Urban League Offices 224.0151 2886517 6/11/75 1JRBAN fEAGU OF PORTLANE) BOARD OF DIPECTOPS 1975 1976 OFFICERS FR ED FIX)WERS, JR. PRESIDENT TREASURER JOHN S. HANSEN VICFPRESIDENT MRS. GERALDINE Chrjstjan SECRETARY MISS LESLIE WILLIAMS VICE-PRESIDENIT ROBERT L. RACOUILLAT MEMBER AT LArE MRS. GEPT WARD MEMBER AT LARGE DR. ERNES'r HARTZOG Baugh sY Marlene Bayless, Allison Beicher, Butcher, Ed Paul 1'V 0 Drummond, Gerard K. Duke, Miss Shreen Flowes Fred Jr. ND Haley, Father Joseph 7 695-5972 6044 SE Reed College P1,,, 97202 (h) Portland Public Schools (w) 97208 631 NE Clackamas 771-6633 1533 NE, Stanton 97212 John S. (h)* 834 - 4444 23t -3392 287 -.1933 26566 S. Elijah, Canhy 97013 (h )* Triangle Milling Company 97227 (w) 665 N. Tillamook St. ?6677 79 (9) 1932 NE Stanton 97212 First National Bank Catway Branch 28-0268 10401 NeE. Halsey St. (20) 25558l6 (w) 97068 (h) Box 525A,, West L nn (w)* 1400 Public ervice Bide, 97204 Rt. 5010 1 , NE0 19th Aye,, Apt, In 97211 (h)* 281 -1293 638-59°4 224-3020 287-8974 Leeds Dept. Ftore-LlJyc1 Center (w) 281. -7:356 (h 105 N. Ainsworth 97217 222 SW Morrison #423 (V72U4 221-2067 (w ) University of Portland 5000 N. Willarnette Blvd. (CS,C.) Hanse WA 98661 (h) Crown Zellerbach, CentraL Research (w) 5701 Arizona Dr. , \!anc D&vid 97203 (h) 97221 3530 SW 55th Dr. (w)* 97208 KPTV, P.O. Box 3401 ii (w)* 283-7367 292-3863 222-9921 BOARD OF DIPBCTOR (con?) 624 SW Bu:r 1 inçjame Hartzog, Dr. Rrnest 97201 Portland Public Schools 97208 631 NE Clackamas A Ødda çJ Lee 4140 SW Green Hj1I Way 1100 Veon Bldg. 97204 522 SW 5th A'e. 609 97211 Simpson 4840 NE Garfield Moss, Char1s tj)dom (w) 2343392 (h) 282-0067 (w), 2885429 97221 (h) 207-3095 (w)* O9i_1'772 (h ) 9109 SF Roiqate 97266 Japanese American 0:1 t I zens league (w) 97209 327 N W Couch KiyolcawA, Christia,i,Mt 97212 97211 246-099 6900 SW Merry Lane. T3eaverton 97005 (h)* 646690O Peninsula School, 8125 Ne Emezald (w) 285-4695 M)ke Kerr, Andrew es 2737 NE 10th Ave. 5828 NE 8thAve, (h ) Geraldine 3640 N. Winehell 426 SW Stark William Jr. Racouillat, Robert L 3233 NE 13th Ave. .1608 N,W 143 rd Posenbaum, Fred M, j3 R-O Punst,..ed Schedeen, Mrs. Betty Schnaible, Roy 0Taylor, Ms. Dana 223-4051 2876425 (h)* 97:212 97217 (h)* 287.1 506 (w) 2484a7a (h)* 280-7976 221-2594 (w 97212 97220 (h* 282-6937 64 r35fl1 (1)) 229-3731 or 229-37 Xerox Corpora t ion Siii te 250 (PSU (w) 1200 S.W.1t 97201 r1° 77 3 221-1850 244-13°7 (h) 97225 5359 SW Dover Ct, Standard Insurance Company (w)* o721.4 975 S. 2.. Sandy Blvd. (h) 2861 NW. Wc'stover 1107 Commonwealth Pldq, 234-6551. 222-5622 97204 (w) 222-3531. 1612 W. Division, Gresham 97030 (h) Schedeen Personnel (w)* Main Ofc, 2324 SE 122nd 97233 Dontown Ofc, 417 52'), Ty1.or 97201 665-473() 4 S,W. Touchstone, #1.44 Lake Osweqo (h) Pacific Northwest Bell. (w)* 97204 421. S,W. Oak 636-5541 918 N.E. Killingsworth 400 S,hJ. 6 th 97204 97211 2551790 221-0204 242-5162 (h)* (w) 248-4403 BOARD OF DIRECTORS (conO)) evann, C'/Dr t21 1 11 i ams N, 07217 (w ) * 284-2210 281. 2B7( r721. eri nA,YTagcM1 Jc>e 622 2464 (h)* R 42nd 97?11 (w SW Broadway 9'7205 N.E0 5Oth Avenue 97213 (h) y5White Ali1.liarnS, $Its/Leslie 51 N.E. Cook 97212 2815209 228-B 422 (ever1rcs)287.4 540 7714141 284-8973 (w) ext,36 286-44l1 GUILD MEMBER Ward, Mrs. Geri See above NUL TRUSTEES Flilliard, William The OP IGONI AN 1320 SW Broadway 97201 2315 NJ As1rn 97210 (h Cawthorne, Herb Cnttr for Se1f'Deve1open tJnizsity of Orecjon Luqene Oreqo, 97403 (w ) 221-81.95 222-2057 686-3232 URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND June 17, 1976 Agenda 10 Roll Call 2, Approval of Minutes 3, President's Message 4, Executive Report a0 Projects 1, Road Builders 2, CETA STAR 3, b, Tacoma Annual Meeting 5, Metropolitan Human Relations Commission..,,,..Action 6, Summer Board Meetings0 7. Special Report00000,,,,, 00000000000000eo0 .Ernie Hartzoq 8, Committee Reports 90 10, a, Nominating, h, Board5taff Seminar0000000,,,,,..,,James 0, Brooks 0000* Finance,,,., 000000000 d, e f. Membership, . Guild, 0 Building, 0 , 00 , Business 00000*000000 ,Charles Moss John Hansen ,Geri Ward ,,, . , . , , 0 ,Luis Alvarez , 00 , , , 0 ,. 0Aliison Beicher 000 e0 00 ô, Unfinished Business New .Action 000 00 00 0 0 00 0 , , , 0 URBAN LEAGUE. OF PORTLAND Board of Directors Meeting June 17 1976 in the second floor The. meeting was called to order at 8:00 P,M, conference room of the Community Service Center, 7.18 West Burnside, by President Geraldine Christian, Directors in attendance were Jan Batiste, Allison Beicher, John Staff was represented by James 0, Brooks Hansen, and Roy Schnaihle, and Pam Howard Due to lack of a Board quorum, no action was taken regarding the approval of minutes for the May 20, 1976 Board Meeting, The Executive Director reported: U 1, The Road Builders contract is due to expire June 30th, but will probably rece:Lve a fourrnonth extenslon, There new cou will be no funds available for appopria tion on if funds are available, At that time tract until December the Urban League will apply for a contract with the State, 2, Juno 15th, the Urban League signed a contract with the City for an additional nix.month period with CET.A League's two CETA erupt. v's , Lee Tilander and Barney H:ckr, will now be employed ':o.: CETA II instead of CETA V10 3, There is a State and City program similar to STAR a pro gram for the mentally retarded which the Loague previousl.y ds an umbrella operated for a threeyear period, which iven a tentative ttyesu to sponsor The League has agency, ing the program0 4, Four members of the Portland Uihan League staff recently attended the dedication of the Tacoma Urban League's new office building and their Annual Meeting0 The Tacoma Urban League received funds from EDA, private foundations and Model Cities to construct the building and incurred no additional indehtness, Tacoma is the only Urban League, In of 105 affiliates, which has a totally new building0 addition to the building dedication and Annual. Meeting, a Wesi;ern Regional Executive Directors' meeting was held with Vernon Jordan, The emphasis was on the 1976 NUL Conference in Boston, UL Board Minutes/page 2 June 17, 1976 5 The Board Staff Seminar was very interest tug, but it was disappointing that so few Board members attended C1arone Co) oman gave some very good points in Board Staff It is hoped that next year a bette date will be selected for the Board Staff Seminar in order to encourage better Board attendance0 relationships0 In order for the Board to be better informed regarding the work of the Urban League, members suggested Board review of proposals suh mitted by the League and distribution to the Board of organized notebooks with dividet pages for minutes, programs, Board list, eta At this point, in the absence of a quorum of the Board, the Presi dent declared the meeting an Executive Committee session. The Executive Director reported that the City and County will drasitc ally cut funding for the Metropolitan Human Relations Comm s tori as of June 30, 1976. He suggested the Urban League write a letter to the City and County protesting this action. He would also like to involve all sociaiservice community agencies in the protest. After Committee discussion, it was decided that a draft of the letter would be sent to all Board members for approval, with followup by If approved, the letter will he signed by the Executive Director and the President0 telephone0 After Committee discussion to holding Board meetings during the summer, Mr Hansen made a motion that no Board meetings be held in July or Motion seconded by Mr. Schnaible and carried. August0 NYminatth Allison Belcher, Committee Chairwoman, reported that to date the committee had held two meetings and was submitting the foll owing recommendations: 1, Police Chief Bruce Baker he elected to the Board of Directors, and 2, John Hansen be elected as 1st VicePresident and Mike Jordan be elected as nd VicePresiclent, Mr. Schnaihle made a motion for adoption of the Nominating Commit tee recommendations, parts I and 2. Motion seconded by Ms. Batiste and carried0 B ard Miniite;/paqe Juno 17, 1976 U Builcflnq James O, Hrookn, ta1 Coordinator, ret>orted that an architect inspected the Senior Adult Service COflti Youth Service Center building and the Walnut Park Building (which huiidng, the houses the Urban League Field Oice and other pro jec is) Her ported that the Walnut Park Building could be modernized at a reason able cost, but to aquiring the buildings. recommended tb Urban League give no consideration Senior Adult Bervice Center or Youth Service Center Meeting adjourned at 8:4 P.M. Bati ¶3t('. Secrrtaf 313 :ph EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING The Executive Committee of the Urban League of Portland met Thursday, July 15th, 1976 at 5:30 PM0 in the Urban League Office at 718 W Burnside, #404 Present were: Geraldine Christian, Board President John Hansen, First VicePresiden Michael Jordan, Second VicePresident Roy Schnaibie, Treasurer James Brooks, Executive Director The Executive Committee unanimously agreed to ign the Statement of Agreemcnt with the United Way of the Co1umbiaWiliamette This was me only action taken0 Agency se1feva1uation and Executive Director 's evaluation was discussed Meeting adjourned at 6:15 Prepared by James O Brooks PM0 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING The Executive Committee of the Urban League of Portland met Monday, August 16, 1976 at 12:00 noon in the Urban League office at 718 W, Burnsicle, #404, Present were: Geraldine Christian, President John Hansen Roy Schnaihie Charles Moss, Finance Commit tee Chairman Mr. Hansen made a motion that the Executive Committee approve and authorize the following recommendations submitted by the Personnel Committee: 1. New salary ranges be established as follows: $19,500 $14,500 $13,000 Executive Director Deputy Directors Department Directors $35,000 $20,000 $18,000 2, Associate Deputy Director, Program and Fiscal Operations be pro moted to Deputy Director, Program and Fiscal Operations. 3, l97677 salaries for program staff be as follows: Executive Director Deputy Director, Program and Fiscai Operations Deputy Director, Field Operations Director of Education & Youth Incentives Director of Manpower Operations 4. $25,000 $16,500 $16,240 $15,876 $15,523 Necessary funds be allocated from the Memorial Fund Account to defray these costs if income for l97677 Fiscal Year is in sufficient to cover increments, Motion seconded by Mr. Schnaible and carried, Mr, Schnaible made a motion that the Executive Committee approve the 1 97677 budget as attached, Motion seconded by Mr. Hansen and carried, President Christian announced that there will he a meeting of the Personnel and Executive Committees Monday, August 23, 1976 at 12:00 noon in the Urban League office, Agenda items include the Urban League program and Executive Director evaluation. Geraldine A, Christian, President CC :ph B OFFICERS THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS MAIN OFFICE FIELD OFFICE 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 Fred flowers, Jr. President Mrs. Geraldine Christian Vice President John S. Hansen Vice President Roy Schnaible Treasurer Ms. Leslie Williams MEVORANDUM Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Dr. Ernest Hartzog Member at Large DIRECTORS TO: Urban League Board Members FROM: Geraldine A, Christian, President DATE: Sep-tember 9, 1976 Luis A. Alvarez Ms. Jan Batiste David Baugh Marlene Bayless Ms. Allison Belcher Paul Cook Miss Shireen Duke Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Rev. A. Lee Henderson Michael Jordan Andrew Kerr Stan Kiyokawa Charles Moss Fred Rosenbaum Ted Runstein Betty Schedeen Miss Darla Taylor C. Don Vann, Jr. Gene H. Walter W. Joe White Ms. Mary Wright STAFF James 0. Brooks Executive Director Nathan W. Nickerson Deputy Director Field Operations The first meeting of the Urban League of Portland's new fiscal year will be held at 7:30 p.m., September 16, 1976, at 718 West Burnside, #217. We hope every Board. member will he present to learn of new projections and some of the exciting events that have occurred since our last Board meeting, New Board members will he recommended for positions vacated by those who have moved from the city or otherwise become. disassociated with the Board. Let's count at least 99% attendance for the first Board meeting. The second of the season promises to be a real treat, Please call 224-0151 to confirm your attendance. Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Associate Deputy Director Program and Fiscal Operations George Rankins Director of Manpower Operations Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Ms. Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Ms. Velma Jones Secretary/Receptionist Ms. Janice Moore Field Office Secretary A NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE AFFILIATE 0 A United Way Agency P.S, Please review the enclosed materials prior to the They will be included on the agenda. meeting. 224.0151 288-6517 URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Seotember 16, 1976 Aa en da 1, koll Call 2, Approval of Minutes 3, Coriesponclence 4. Comiiiittee Reports a, Education000000000000000000000000MaryWriclit h. BuilcJ:i nc, c, Finance, d, Nominatinq, e, Membership000000000000 00000000000 f, Public Relations, 0 q. Annual Meetinq,,,,,,,,00, ,,,,rn 0 , James 0, Brooks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 5, Presidents Remarks 6, Remarks 0 ,, 0 0 00 , 00 , 0 ,Charles MOSS 0Allison Belcher ,Linda Torrence JaniesO, Brooks a, NUL Conference b, Audit c. Extension of Road Builders Service Project d, Northeast Youth Service Center ,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,Action 7. School 8, Equal Opportunity 9, Affirmative Aetion,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,Action 10, Unfinished Business 11, New Business 12, Adjournment Day,,,,00000.,000000Action [JR BA N LB AGIlE 0 P PORTLANI) Board of Directors Meeting September 16, 1976 The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m in the second floor conference room of the Community Service Center, 718 W, Burnside, by President Geraldine Christian, Allison Beicher, Paul Cook, Father Joseph Haley, Er nest Hatzog, Mike Jordan, Roy Schnaible, and Mary Wright, Staff was represeited by James 0, Brooks and Pam Howard, Also present were William Hilliard, NUL Trustee, and Linda Torrence, Directors ;in attendance were: Dr. Hartog made a motion that minutes of the May 20, 1976, and June 17, 1976, Board meetings be approved as mailed. Motion seconded by Mr. Shnaibie and carried, President Christian read a letter from Henry Talbert, Director of the Western Regional Office of the National Urban League, regarding a nonfinancial audit of the Portland Urban League which will be conducted by his office within the next few months, COMMITTEE REPORTS Education Commi tee Mary Wright, member of the committee, reported: 1, Anne Dillon was recently elected as chairman of the Education Committee, replacing Evelyn Kelsaw who resigned in June. 2, Mrs. Dillon established a committee to judge essays submitted for the Ligqett Essay Contest entitled "How Does Higher Educa tion Contribute to My Opportunities for Employment and Personal EnriChment?" The ommit tee selected the top three entries and submitted them to the NUL Western Regional Office for further corisiderat ion, 3, The Career Awareness Seminar, conducted by the Education Depart mont, will be held November 6, 1976, at the Univerity of Portland and will be attended by students from Port1andaroa high schools, 4, September 11th and 12th, the Urban League participated in the [Jnited Way display at Washington Square, Builthnq Committee James 0. Brooks, Staff Coordinator, reported: 1. Representatives of the committee have met with Lloyd Corporation administrators to discuss acquiring the Walnut Park Building, 2, The committee is also working on a proposal to submit to the Economic Development Administration to acquire funds which may be used to refurbish the building if it is acquired, Finance Committee was given, In the absence of the Committee Chairman, no report Allison Beicher, Committee Chairman, reported that Noininalino Commit tee the commi Itee ecoinmended the following persons he elected to the Board of Directors of the Urban League of Portland: Trish Morgan H, J. Belton Hamilton, Jr. Dr. Walter Reynolds DL Board Minutes September 16, 1976/ page 2 Ms. Beicher made a motion that the Board elect Ms Morgan, Mr. Hamil ton and Dr. to the Board of Directors, Motion seconded by Dr Hartzog and carried, Memb, hi Committee In the absence of the Committee Chairman, no report was given, Pub us Committee t Linda Torrence, Committee Chairman, reported that thecoinuiL lee has held several meetincis to discuss and establish the public relations needs of the Urban League, Annual Meetnn Conimtto Ernest Hartzog, Committee CoChairman, reported that the coi,iiii ttee has held three plannine meetings for the Annual Meeting, which will be held in January at the Hilton Hotel or the Sheraton Motor Inn, President Christian reported that she is concerned about the poor attendance at Board meetines and would like to determine the interests and goals of the Board, Ms. Bele her volunteered the services of the Nominating Committee to work with President Christian on this matter, President Christian also reported on the 1976 NUL Conference which has held in Boston. She has various materials from the Conference which are available for review if the Board wishes to do so, r, Hartzog reported that Con Ward had volunteered the use of her house for the Octo her Board meetinc, He made a motion that the Board hold their October meeting at Con Ward s, !btion seconded by Mr. Jordan and carried, The Executive Director reported 10 The National Urban League Conference was excellent. 2. The U.S. Department of Labor has been authorized to audit all Urban Leagues who receive any federal funds, The National Urban League has informed us that if any affiliate is found to have an overabundance of unallowable ex penses, that affiliate is held accountable, Prior to these audits, the National Urban League is willing to provide assistance to affiliates by send ing out two teams of NUL representatives, The first team will conduct an audit of the affiliate in the same manner as the DOL audit and the sedond team will assist the affiliate in 'putting its house in order", 3, The Road Builders Service Projecl contract, which was due to expire June 30, 1976, has been extended to October 31, 1976, or until the available funds are depleted, 4, July 1, 5, The reins have been loosened regarding the poltca1 status of Urban Leagues without affecting their 501 (c) (3) taxexempt status, An Urban League may now spend 5% of its time in political activity. However, an Urban League can lobby fot issues only, not candidates, A staff member may work for a political candidate on his own time i .f he states that he is working for him self and not for the Urban League, When the law is sqned, the Urban League 1976, the Urban League of Portland. bacamue the umbrella agency for the Northeast Youth Service Center, It has a staff of nine. Uk Board Mmii t es September 16, 197o/ page 3 o f. ccci cc a copy of i t from the NUJ Port land wi 1 1 will di si ribute copies to the Beard, lixecuti ye Di rector also reported that he had Washing l:on Bureau and tecei ved a tc'l.eplione cai rega:rdi nc whether or not the Urban I eague Woni (I nuppoi t ha I 1 ot Measure #7, wh:i ch will appear oii the November ballot No Board acti on was fakeri at this ti me The Scnai ble iiiade a inot on that the hoard support the recommendat ion by the Lgi s Portland Public Schools that a tax base t Lee of the Board of Pdncation 0 increase measure be placed on the November general election ballot, ( in:oua.t i on P' ke t s reqardI rig this ic't tei wc.e mailed to all BOard members wi.th the no Li ce for iii alit s meet: tug, ) Moti on seconded by M Relclier and carried Mr . 1 at ive Coriuni I hlarioq made a not. ion that the Board app rove an hqual Oppor toni ty AfSC tnnat i ye Action luncheon or (Jlnnei JnCormat ion packets eardi nq this matter were mai I cci to al I Board members wi Ui the notice for toni çjh t s nice tirig ) Mo Li on seconded by Mr Cook and car r ted, Mt , Sc hriai bie macic a iiiot:i on that President kin. Isti an appo, ii t a working commi t tee Lot thi s luncheon or dinner , Motion seconded by Mr Joi dan and Dr , ( , carried, Pres i dent Chv ts t i an appo:t nied Dr Bar tog to serve as Commit t tee Chai man Other commi t tee members wi 11. be selected at a later date (Na:t'y for tiii s even I , Wright will join the conan ttee aftet January 1st Action reqardi og the Urban League o.i Porti arid s AL ii rma Live Action i'l an was on t ii the next ho aid nice t t nçi eti no adjourned at Di pam. (jan Ba I t JB:ph I ci, Secre I a1 postponed THE JRBAP1 LGU OF PORTLAND WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS MAIN OFFICE OFFICERS FIELD OFFICE 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E, UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 Fred Flowers, Jr. President Mrs Geraldine Christian Vice President John S. Hansen Vice Ptesident Roy Schnaible Treasurer MEMOR ANDUM Ms. Leslie Williams Secretary TO: Urban Leaciue Board Members PROM: Geraldine A, Christian, President DATE: October 13, 1976 RE: Change in I)ate and Place for October Board Meeting Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Dr. Ernest Hartzog Member at Large DIRECTORS Luis A. Alvarez Ms. Jan Batiste David Baugh Marlene Bayless Ms. Allison Belcher Paul Cook Miss Shireen Duke Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Rev, A. Lee Henderson Michael Jordan Andrew Kerr Stan Kiyokawa Charles Moss Fred Rosenbaum Ted Runstein Betty Schedeen Miss Darla Taylor C. Don Vann, Jr. Gene H, Walter W. Joe White Ms. Mary Wright STAFF James 0. Brooks Executive Director Nathan W. Nickerson Deputy Director Field Operations Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Associate Deputy Director Program and Fiscal Operations George Rankins Director of Manpower Operations Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Ms. Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Ms. Velma Jones Secretary/Receptionist Ms. Janice Moore Field Office Secretary A NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE AFFILIATE 0 A United Way Agency For the October Board. meeting, we are combining a business and social meeting. Please note that the date has been changed to Wedy, October 20th, The meeting will be held at the home of Geri Ward, 6225 N.E, 42nd Avenue, he ginning at 7:30 p.m. I urge everyone to be prompt so the business meeting can he brief and we can then enjoy the barbeque and refreshments which will be furnished, ' 224.0151 288.6517 lIP BAN UEAGIJP OF' PORTLAND Octobet 20, 1976 1 Poll Cal IL 2, Approval of Minutes 3. :int oducIon of New Board fvlernbers ,,,,,,,,, 4, introduction of Guests ,Gerald:ine Christ:ian o,. , ,,,,,,,,,,,Jmes' 0, Brooks Spectal Pepo:t 6 Waverly Davis Coriun:i ttee Reports a, Membership, I), Ajnua1 Veefiji, ,,,, C, Ohc'y eports , COTImit tee 7. (oi r B, Bxecutive 03. :rector s Remarks 9, Affirmative Action,, 10, Unfinished Business 11 New Business 12 , Ad I our omen t , , , , , ,johri 1-lanscu ,Prnest I-lart?oq onc1eoce , , 0 ,Action i_ 1. The main office should have a new secretary within the next week. Her duties will include various Board and committee ass1gnnents as well as other secretarial duties, ur ;l14 j:jJ I N TFF URBAN AGUE O ORTLAD WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS MAIN OFFICE OFFICERS FIELD OFFICE 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N, E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 Fred Flowers, Jr. President Mrs Geraldine Christian Vice President John S. Hansen Vice, President Roy Schnaible Treasurer Ms. Leslie Williams Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Dr. Ernest Hartzog Member at Large iii DIRECTORS Luis A. Alvarez Ms. Jan Batiste David Baugh Marlene Bayless Ms. Allison Belcher Paul Cook Miss Shireen Duke Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Rev. A. Lee Henderson Michael Jordan Andrew Kerr Stan Kiyokawa Charles Moss Fred Rosenbaum Ted Runstein Betty Schedees Miss Darla Taylor C. Don Vann, Jr. Gene H. Walter W. Joe White Ms. Mary Wright STAFF James 0, Brooks Executive Director Nathan W. Nickerton Deputy Director Field Operations Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Associate Deputy Director Program and Fiscal Operations George Rankins Director of Manpower Operations Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Ms. Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Ms. Velnia Jones Secretary/Receptionist Ms. Janice Moore Field Office Secretary A NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE AFFI LIATE A United WayAgency l9 "C - 224.0151 288.6517 URBAN LEAGUE OP PORTLAND November 17, 1976 Arenda 1, io11 Call 2, Approval of Minutes 3, December Metin 4 Election of Deleoate to 1977 NUL Conference, 5, Committee Reports a, EducaIior 6. , , , Norninatinq, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Builctinn ,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,Action , ,Aôtion 1'1OY1(0 Walker ,A1iison Belchei: b. c, d, e, f0 Affirmative Action Luncheon ,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,, , ,Ernie Hai: tzoq ,,,,,,,,, ,,,Ernie Hartzoç Annual Meetino. , ,,,,, , (3, Guild,,, ,,,, ,,,,,, Membership , o L;1ljS J-\lvarez Hansen ,,,Geri Ward Staff Chancjes a0 h. c. d, Senior Adult Service Center Mary Daniels Economic Development & Employmen 1: Depar linen t uns Gloria McWilli Main Office Martha Stephen Nor theast Youth Service Center Lilian Stapper 7, Presidents Remarks 8, pxecutve Directorts Remarks a, b, c, d, 9, ,,,,,,,,,,,,00,,,, Road Bui lders Service Project Urban Leanue I AP rvice Center Senior Adult Northeast Youth Service Center Unfinished Business 10, New Business 111, Adjournment - _________________ I. I- Il rn S. :1.1:1 (IM;;T.W UL Board Minutes November 17, 1976/Page 3 5 Guild 2 Nathan Nickerson will look into firms who will donate the printing for our Annual Reports Gori Ward, President, reported: The Guild is initiating new programs in hopes of boosting their membership U.i ms I 'I - - THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS MAIN OFFICE OFFICERS 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. FIELD OFFICE 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E, UNION Fred Flowers, Jr. President Mrs. Geraldine Christian Vice President John S. Hansen Vice President Roy Schnible Treasurer MEMORANDUM Ms. Leslie Williams Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Dr. Ernest Hartzog Member at Large DIRECTORS Luis A. Alvarez Ms. Jan Batiste David Baugh Marlene Bayless Ms. Allison Selcher Paul Cook Miss Shireen Duke Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Rev. A. Lee Henderson Michael Jordan Andrew Kerr Stan Kiyokawa Charles Moss Fred Rosenbaun, Ted Runstein Betty Schedeen Miss Darla Taylor C. Don Vann, Jr. Gene H. Walter W, Joe White Ms. Mary Wright STAFF James 0. Brooks Executive Director Nathan W. Nickerson Deputy Director Field Operations Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Associate Deputy Director Program and Fiscal Operations George Rankins DIrector of Manpower Operations Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Ms. Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Ms. Velma Jones Secretary/Receptionist Ms. Janice Moore Field Office Secretary A NATiONAL URBAN LEAGUE AFFILiATE Q A United Way Agency TO: All Board Members FROM Geraldine Christian, President DATE: December 9, 1976 PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 224-0151 288-6517 .7, December 1976 16 The Urban League of PorH.and 14011. Commu ity OJV 100 718 West Euwnoide Ceter Portland, Oregon 97209 Attention: James 0. Brooks, Executive Director Dear Mr. :Brooks We, the Education & Labor suhcommittee of the fducata,on Coimaittee, has comp.1.eted a. review cad alysis of 1-louse Bill 1 "iiati.onal Educational Opportunities Act ci' 1976'. As per your request, uc have detailed below our opinion of this bill and. our Urban League of Portland. . omandation en. a position for the The committee agrees with the thrust of t bill to provide equal cducat lonal opportunity and. with the enoral con.elr.s Icu Ufunclamental changes in educational policy and prnctiec must be inst.tu.ionalized in the basic. planning of the state and. local edncationeJ agenies for effective imple. mentation of quality education. VIe alco believe that croectown trarLsportat- ion plans are on);y a pa tial solution to segr-egaftd schools Eo'crover, even though it is a controversial solution, it is the most effective means of assuring some semblance of quality education, to date. We are in disagreement with the solution this bill provides for two basic reasons: 1 Local educational agencies and government have historically failed to take the initiative to develop a vehiclE which would provide quality education for a:Ll students regardless of race, color or national origin. 2. It is only under court order or agency mandate that local educational systems have desegregated. Given these facts it seems risky to rely on these same local systems for implementation of equal educational opportunity on a national basis. At the educational for all students present time each state has an educational system that anawers to the that state. Por examule, the educational system in Oregon might be quite different from the educat:i.onal system in Now York. And too, dlifferences will occur between cormannities 'iithin a state. In Portland we elect our Superintendent of Schools as we do state.wid.e. In other states or cornmunitie they may be appointed by governor. At the present needs of the citizens of / Page 2 Jones 0. Brooks December 16, 1976 time the school stem in o:Jsnd for the uoat iart, apI)oars to haiirlle the educational. needs of the ainohity corsranty euit ably and. a system each as the one opcod in. ilneso EU 1 1 i;ht \10ra here In Boston however, we feel ii;5 success wouLd ho di smol In rospondi.ng to t1ii hi:i1 each mthor:L-Uy ccmisrm:ty across the U, S. must assess their reopsct:i:ve ohooi lems in oraer to do emjine if this bill would meet thOr floods or not, The above are cur general impressions, The comm.it-ioo has analyzed each 'ection of }1OUSO Bill 1 26 and we ic'ald. like to point out to you some of' the major draibacks we see in a more ocific war, The following is an overview of each eotion aul our eoiricnis concerning acme All States and local. educational agencies shall provide to any student the righi, at the beginning of each school year, to traasS.cec frm a school they have been assigned. in. which they are a majority to a school within the same district in which their race is in the minority. * . and (h) The local. eftecational agency may postpone a student' a transfer for a reasonable time while the most feasible effective measures are taken to alleviate o\ercrowting. C0J1iT1fT: The gra;cantees provided in Section 103 are currently being practiced. in the Portland school system, We ace a problem with this transfer provision in that a chool system is given the option of denying a student 'a transfer rights if overcrowding exists at the school the student ha made a request to attondi This provision has the potential for abuse along with the fact that the "most rapid feasible effective measures to alleviate overcrowding" a-re not defined. SECTION 106 Any person, or the Attonioy General, may bring a civil action if they feel the state or local educational agency has violated sections 101, 102, 103, or 10L. of this bill. CONIflNT: ThJ.s section is the safeguard sot forth to ational agencies do not violate the ensure that boa], educ- spirit of the bill. These safeguards are judiciary remedies which are not unlike the present remedies for persons who feel thcir rights have been violated relative to equal educational opportunities and. quality education. A pa son bringing this action would fiftt have to fallow the grievance procedures adopted in the state plan and then go tia'ough the courts ii' not satisfied. It would appear that this could. create lenghy delays along with doubling the costs involved. Page 3 James 0. B:ooks December 16, 1976 SECTION 201 Outlines the methOdolo(r for assuring ccnal and. quality education by each state adopting a plan to carry out; the purpose of b.L.LL ciil.(20 SECTION 202 This plan. shall provide 'for a State Aclviscrr T Ccninci 1 appointed by the Cove iior. We see severn]. p ob1e:n hex's I/ho will lrrre the responsfhility for preparing each state I CO1lfl'S : ) "Equal Educational Oppo'Lwaiies P].an" Minori fy groups uh as the h4LCP Urban Leac;oe, etc or i.ts rep cstarves scould, assist .n the con straction of any t;oio govenned ( eegTgaiiOfl plan. Only then can we be assured that the needs of the peonle (other than policy makers) are ihuler House Bill 1255'd no provision is established to guarantee this minority coununity incut niet (2) In Oregon the State Superintendent of SchooJ. is elected by the citizens of Oregon. We feel a conflict of .tnteresi; coulu ar:iso if the of this bill is politically appoicied. by the () Although thax'e are watchdog Governor, stipulations as to rho ri:Li c apriso the "advisory council", there sue sL;ili no safegeards to insure that i;ho members of this council will adequate:Ly represent 'the needs and aspirations of those communities which have lustornoa]Jy been denied san equal and quality educational cxpeuiance States are open to choose from various options for achieving desegre gation and. quality education in the provisions of this bill. This is not unlike the present situation on a nationa:L level. The differences between what we pueently have end this proposed legislation arc: a. a mandatory plan which wifl he submitted. on an annual basis to the Secretary of H{M and. monitored. through reports from the local educational agencies. b. a relief for school districts across the nation which have been in litigation over busing and other desegregation issues for some time now. o a detailed plan of how fiundinag will be distributed among school d.istrict for those schools participating in transfer programs and enrichment pro grams for 5ocio-ciconomie di sadvan-L age ci. children. CTIOQ2Q52O6anc1.2C These sections deal with school £i.mciJng from the Federal government under title I and III of the Eleroentary and Secondary Ethcc.ation Act of 196g. Specifically Section 207 which cuts off these funds to any state not found in compliance with the plan, 'I' 'w!n?1'r,'n'rn''\' -,--M-;----,- ;.,. _. . Pao It James 0. 11Ok5 December 16, 1976 i'lie Scrotary of £9I tho do not. comply with this :plan to cub caf funds to school di Cu bb:iri. riots oil of ibids w(IUld, more than likely :Leed to school oioe Under the present eation progrem funds can be i;hhe1d from Sh3O:L di5t11C)3 who haVe been i'ourid to he discriinnating in their practices he are nob aware of &y situation where funds have ctuel.ly beau cub off until school districts have conic into compliance. \T have therefore no ron to believe that this would, occur under the proposed legi elation, SECTION 208 If any state Is dissatisfied, with the SocretarytS final action with rosjoct to the approval of its State Plan or his action to out off funds the state may appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals. COMMENT: School districts are egain loft with the final recourse of caurt action if they disagree with the Secrotaiy rolabive to state action plans. The bill appears to set up a bureaucracy thai ifltimately does not provide many more safeguards or benefits than a-re presently available to most school districts across the nation, Th or conflicts still rests with the courts. final burden of settling disputes For those school dstrcts which oppose basic a:tterations of the status quo they are given an unbrella a-nd an extension of time to continue to diecriruinate in the educational arena until it can be substantiated that they are, in fact, delivering sducab:iona]. services that have disparate' results for a certain group of students. Mr Brooks, to summarize the above, this committee feels that the House Bill 1258, "National Educational OpporbunfLfies .Act of 1976" does not create what we feel is an adequate and viable alternative to the present desegregation We are not schooled in the fine points of the educational systetas in the United States and can only speak from the experiences we have had our local educational system. A bill such as this could provide a equal and quality education he:L'e in Portland but we must deal with a broader perspective. We feel that it woiid be unwise to transfer ultimate responsibility for assuring an equal and quali-by education for all students from the court room to the local educational agencies Therefore, our recommendation on this program. ith bill is a negative one. at this time. If you have any questions regarding our comments please contact us. do not hesitate to Sincerely, The Education and Labor Sub-.Committee Jeana Woolley Bernadette Artharee Baruti krtharee Ann Daniels cc; Vernon Chatman, Director, Education & Youth Incentives Anne Dillon, Chairperson, Education .Coxuniittee '--- -- --- , -.