URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1974-1975 OFFICERS JOHN . MILLS - PRESIDENT FRED FLOWERS-TREASURER MRS. CONRAD MCCONNELL-SECRETARY DR. ERNEST HARTZOG -MEMBER AT LARGE JOHN HANSEN-MEMBER AT LARGE MRS. GERI WARD-VICE PRESIDENT ROBERT j...., RACOULAT-VICE PRESIDENT merson, Herbert L. 'augh, Davi /vfBaYless Mrs. Marlene 2606 N.E. 9th Ave. /7\ 6044 S.E. 97202 (h)* Reed College P1. Portland Public Schools (w) Ext. 349 Cox, FranK County Cour 1"Duke, Ms. Shireen Flowers, Fred iyHa1ev, Fther Joseph (I (C,S.C.) '2Hansen, John - Hartzog, pr, Ernest 97212 (h)* 1533 N.E. Stanton 210 N.E. Holland 771-6633 234-3392 97208 Clackarnas '3roadus, Melvin Gerard 226-8950 284-6425 5701 Arizona Dr., Vanc., Wash. 98661 (h)* 695-5972 Cro' Zelierhach, Central Research Dept.(w) 834-4444 631 N.E. felcher, Mrs. Allison #309 97201 (w) * (h) 97212 1900 S.W. 4th Ave. 97211 (h)* 287-4933 285-5847 House, Room 620, 1021 S,W. 4th(04) N.W. Rio Vista Terrace 97210 (h) -8-3 224-3920 1400 Public Service Bldg. 97204 (w)* Rt. 1, Box 525A, West Linn, Ore. 97068 (ii) 638-5994 j104 N.E. Knott S-t. 97212 (h)* 287-8974 Leeds Dept. Store-Lloyd Center (w) 281 -.7356 222 S.W. Morrison , #412 97204 105 N. Ainsworth 97217 (Ii) 221-2067 (w) University o Portland (w)* 5000 N. Wi1apette Blvd. 97203 283-7367 KPTV, P.O. Box 3401 97208 (w)* 3530 S.W, 55th Dr, 97221 (h) 222-9921 292-3863 Portland Public Schools (w)* 234-3392 631 N.E. Clacicamas 624 S.W. Burlingarne 246-0995 97208 97201 (h) Japanese American Ctizen League (w)* 327 N.W. Couch 223-4051 97209 1407 S.E. 28th Ave. 97214 (ii) 232-8435 BOARD OF DIRECTORS (CON'D) 'Hendersone Rev. A, Lee Martha (Mrs.) (VVtee, James 5828 N.E. 8th Aye, 97211 (w)* 2737 N.E. 10th Ave. 97212 (h) 288-5429 282-0067 Child Service Center 220 N.E. Beech 9'7212 (w)* 4323 N.E. 6th Ave.. 97211 (h) 288-5361 284-3342 609 N.E. Simpson 1/Mills, John A, /Tj/-41OSS, Ci1es 97211 97201 (w)* 890() S.W, Caroline Dr. 97225 (Ii) 229-5902 292-0521 U.S. National Bank P.O. Box 4412 97208 (w)* 1005 S.W. Myrtle Drive 97201 (h) 225-5793 4840 N.E. Garfjeld 287-1506 97212 3640 N. 'inche1l 97217 426 S.W. Stark (w) Ddom, William Jr. 3233 N.E. 13th Avenue Rosenbaum, Fred rvl. Lchedeen, Mrs. Betty Schnaib.e, Roy Smith, Oliver', Jr. ((7Vann, C, Don Mrs. Geri 287-6425 Z- 7-22 1400 S,W, 5th, #555 icCil, Mrs. Conrad Robert L, (h)* 227-5824 (h)* (w) ext. 42 o (h)* 97212 (h)* 43 282-7201 289-7976 221-2594 282-6937 Xerox Corporation, Harrison Square 1800 S.W, 1st, Suite #250 97201 (w)* 1608 N.U, 143rd 97229 (h) 221-1850 Standard Insurance Company 975 S.E. Sandy Blvd. 97214 (i)* 5359 S.W. Dover Ct, 97225 (h) 234-6551 645-2501 244-1397 Schedeen Personnel Nain Ofc 2324 S.E. 122nd 97233 (w)* Downtown Oc 417 S.W, Taylor 97201 (w) 1612 Division, Gresham, Ore. 97030 (ii) Pacific Northwest Bell 421 S,W. Oak 97204 (w)* 4 S.W. Touchstone, #144, Lake Osweqo 97034 (h) 255-1790 221-0204 665-4730 226-5162 636-5541 John Deere Co., 2100 N.E. 181st Aye, (w)* P.O. Box 20098 (Mailing Address) 97220 805 S.E. 9th Ave., Gresham 97030 (h) 665-0191 521j N. Williams, 97217 (w)* 284-2210 281-2836 (w) 228-8422 281-5209 72j S,W. Broadway 97205 6225 N.E. 42nd 97218 (h)* 666-9286 BUARD OF DIRECTORS (CON'T) 1' iiiu's, Beverly (Ms.) K(Th1-TV "-'W±11iap, Harold 1501 S,W. 6204 N.E. 11th 97201 (w)* Jefferson (h)* 97211 (w) WilUams, eslth(MiSs) 5631 N.E. 23rd 97211 (h)* JExt, 36 224-8620 287-6607 378-3676 281-4941 286-4411 GUILD MEMBER 4ø- Mrs. Beatrice L,everelt 5216 N.E. Rodney 97211 (h)* (w) 284-875. 284-5622 1NTJLUSTEE 4 Hilliard, Wi11ia YOUTH COMMUNITY MEMBER The OREGONIAN 1320 S.W. Broadway 97201 2315 N.W, Aspen 97210 ,(w)* (h) 221-8195 222-2057 URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1074-1975 ( / OFFICERS JOHN A. MILLS - PRESIDENT FRF,D FLOWERS-TREASURER MRS. GERI WARD-VICE 'RESIPFNT MRS. CONRAD McCONN?LL-SECPRTARY ROBERT L. RACOUILLAT-VICE 'RES IDENT AT LAPG1 DR. ERNEST HARTZOG-MEMBER JOHN HANS EN-MEMBER AT LARGE 1900 S.W. 4th Ave. Bai4gh, pavid 5701 Arizona Dr., Vanc. , \as1i. Ajsop 3rqadus, MO1.vin 6044 S,E. Portland 07202 Reed CoLlege Fl. public Schools (w) Ext. 631 N.E. Clackamas 97208 1533 N,E. Stanton 97212 (1i)* (h)* 349 695-5972 771-66.9 234-3392 287-4935 (h)* 285-587 (b)* 210 N.E. Holland 97211 3145 )'Drl4umond, Ger.rd K. 'Duke, Ms.; Shreen P1owers, Fred a1ePther Joseph \ (C.S.Q,1) '/ 98661 Con1y Court House, Room 620, 1021 S.W. 4th(04) 248-3O8 Franc i4rtzoql,4, 224-6425 (h) 97212 Crown Zellerhach, Central ieseacb Dept.(w) 834-4444 1Byless, MS. Marlene Be1ohe. 2606 N.E. 9th A\le. 226-8950 972Q1 (w) * #309 Arnerson, Herbert L, Ernest N.W0 Rio Vista Terrace 97210 (h) 1400 Public Service Bldg. 97204 Ft. 1, Box 525A, West Lirm, Ore, (w)* 224-3920 97068 (h) 638-5994 (h)* 97212 1104 N.E. Knott St. Center (w) Leeds Dept. Store-Lloyd 287-8974 281-7356 222 S.W. Morrison , #412 105 N. Ainsworth 97217 221-2067 97204 (w)* (Ii) University oE 283-7367 97208 (w)* KPTV, P.O. Box 340:1 (ii) 97221 3530 S.W, 55th Dr 222-.0921 Portland (w)* 97203 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. (w)* 97208 Portland Public Schools 631 N.E. Clackamas 624 S.W, flurlingane 97201 (ii) 292-3663 234-3392 246-0095 noAJp. OF DIEcTOR iv /i7V' 5/\i 1erder.son, fev. A. I \Jordon, Martha Levy :\4. (CON'D) ee (Mrs.). 288-5429 282-0067 973.11 (1..7)* !3828 NJ.E. 8th Ave. 2737 T, B. 10th Ave. 97212 (h) Chil.d Servjce Center (w)* 220 N.E. Beech 9721.2 97211 (h) 4323 N.E. 6th Ave. 268-5361 284-3342 287-6425 (h)* 97211 Jmes 609 N.E. Simpson VIctor 97201 (w)* 97225 (b) 8900 3.W. CarolLne Dr 229-5902 292-0521 U.S. National Bank P.O. Box 4412 97208 (w)* 1005 S.W. Myrtle Drive 97201 (ii) 225-5793 400 S., 5th, #5 Mi11Sl)*m A, 1oss, Chr1es MaConpMrs, Conrad 227-5824 287-1506 97212. (h)* (w) ext, 42 or 43282-7201 289-7976 (h)* 97217 3640 N. Uinchell. 221-2594 (w) 426 S,W, Stark 4840 N.E. GarLield 97212 282-6937 (h)* Odom, Wi-l4iam Jr, 3233 N.E. 13th Avenue Racoui11at, Robert b. Xero> Corporation, Harrison Square 1800 S.V. 1st, Suite #250 97201 (w)* 1606 N,W, 143rd 972.29 (Ii) 221-1850 Standard Insurance Company 234-6551 /'Rosenba4ifl, Fred M. \ Schedeen, Mrs. Betty Schnaible, Roy 545-2 SC1. 972:1.4 (w)* 975 3. B. Sandy Blvd, (Ii) 97225 5359 SJV, Dover Ct, 244-1397 Schedeen personnel Main Oc 2324 .S,E, 122nd 97233 (w)* Downtown Oc 417 S.W, TayLor 97201 .(w) 1612 U. Division, Gresham, Ore, 97030 (Li) 255-1790 221-0204 665-4730 PacLeic Nortiv,vest Bell 421 S,W, Oak 97204 (w)* 4 S.. Touchstone, #144, Lake Owego (Li) 226-5162 636-5541 97034 $Smith, OI4ver, Jr. Jolin Deere Co., 2100 N.E. 181st Ave. (w)* 97220 P.O. Box 20098 (Maliinq Address) (h) 97030 805 S.B, 9th Ave., Gresham 5211 N. Williams, 97217 Vann, C, po Ge 97205 97218 721 S,c.\1, Broadway 6225 N.E. 42nd ())* 665-0191 666-9286 284-221 C 281-283 (ri) 228- 842 (h)* 281-520 - ---- - * I3OARD OF DIRECTORS (CON'T) Wil1jms, Beve1y (Ms, ) KGW-TV Ii11ims, wiU4ains, ro1d Les1ie(MSS) 1501 s.J. Jeerson 6204 N.E. 11th 97211 5631 N.E. 23rd 9721 97201 (w)* (h)* (w) 224-8c20 287-6607 _78-3676 (h)* 281-4941 _xt.36___?4±LL GUILD MEMBER Mrs Beatrice Leveett 5216 N,E Rodney 97211 (h)* (w) 284-8751 284-5622 NTJL TTWSTEE Hi11i-rd, Ti11iam The OREGONIAN 1320 5,1. Broadway 97201 ,(w)* 2315 YOUTH COMMUNITY MEMBBR Aspen 97210 (h) 221-8195 222-2057 MAIN OFFICE 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER FIELD OFFICE 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 224-0151 288.6517 OFFICERS John A. Mills President Mrs. Geri Ward Vice President Robert 1. Racouillat Vice President Fred Flowers, Jr. Treasurer Mrs. Conrad McConnell Secretary Dr. Ernest Hartzog Member at Large MEMORANDUM TO: Urban Leaque Board Members FROM: John A, Mills, President DATE: January 10, 1975 John Hansen Member at Large DIRECTORS Herbert L. Amerson David Baugh Mrs. Marlene Bayless Mrs. Allison Beicher Melvin Broadus Frank Cox Gerard K. Drummond Miss Shireen Duke Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Rev. A. Lee Henderson Mrs. Martha Jordan At the December Board meeting, discussion included holding Board meetings on a hi-monthly basis with committees meeting in the interim, The Board has been polled with the following results: James Lee 24 in favor 3 opposed 4 unable to contact Victor Levy Charles Moss WilUam Odom, Jr. Fred Rosenbaum Mrs. Betty Schedeen Roy Schnaible Oliver Smith, Jr. C, Don Vann Ms. Beverly Williams Harold Williams Miss Leslie Williams STAFF James 0. Brooks Executive Director Nathan W. Nickerson Deputy Director Field Operations Mrs. Gertrude Rae Associate Deputy Director Program and Fiscal Operations In accordance with this, there will be no January Board meeting, Our next Board meeting will he held February 20, 1975, with notices being mailed prior to the meeting, P, S Enclosed are committee lists which were passed out at the last Board meeting, as well as minutes of the meeting, Please note on the last page of the minutes, the items discussed but not voted on due to lack of a quorum George Rankins Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Ms. Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Ms. Linda Biggs Secretary/Receptionist Ms. Janice Moore Field Office Secretary MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS January 13, 1977 MEMORANDUM TO: Urban League Membership Committee The following information may be helpful to the Membership Committee in reviewing some of the activities of the Urban League: The Urban League of Portland provides a professional, re- sponsible interracial service essential for the well-being of the community, a service helping everybody towards the goal of equality for all, anc enabling blacks and other minorities to cultivate and develop their abilities. The Urban League was organized in Portland in 194.5 and it is one of the United Way agencies. It is an affiliate of the National Urban League which was founded in 1910 for the purpose of creating a better climate of interracial understanding by improving the living and working conditions of minority groups and by eliminating discrimination and segregation. The Urban League of Portland has a multi-racial membership. it is governed by a Board of local citizens from many segments of the community and who are from a variety of occupations. The Urban League has an excellent, dedicated professional Staff that administers and operates the many programs and services the Urban League provides the community. The Urban League's main office is located in the Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside, Portland, Oregon 97209, telephone number 224-0151. The Urban League also maintains a field office in the Walnut Park Building, 5329 N.E. Union, Portland, Oregon 97211, telephone number 288-6517. The League is accessible to the people who use and need its services. Page 2 January 13, 1977 Employment is one of the important responsibilities of the Urban League and they provide the following services: / The Urban League operates an Economic Development and Employment Department under the supervision of George Rankins. It carries on a day to day employment program to broaden employment opportunities for minority persons by working with, employers and counseling with job applicants. The Urban League Employment Department provides a resource for companies that have affirmative action plans. There is much work yet to be done for there are many jobs and professions that have not attracted a representative number of people from minority communities. The Urban League operates the Labor Education Advancement Program -- LEAP -- which is a key unit for the Portland metropolitan area in preparing members of the minority community for employment in the building and construction trades. The LEAP staff recruits, counsels and prepareS. people for entry into the appren- ticeship and training programs. It assists qualified people to upgrade into the journeyman status. The Portland Urban League LEAP operation has been one of the top programs in the country and it has been an outstanding service to the entire community. Portland has been spared the disruptive problems in the building and consuction industry that has been endured by such cities as Philadelphia and Seattle. LEAP provides the organization where Labor, Contract.ors, concerned Government agencies and the minority community can work together toward the goal of providing employment for minority workers. LEAP is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor and sub-contracted through the National Urban League. Page 3 January 13, 1977 Also within LEAP there is a Women's Component division that has the responsibility of placing women in non-traditional jobs. The Urban League has a very active Education and Youth Incentives Department led by its Director, Vernon Chatman with the mission to help provide minority students with educational, oppor- tunities and to stimulate and encourage young people to prepare themselves for useful and productive jobs and professions. The Department develops cooperative relationships with educational institutions and other youth oriented organizations. The Department administers scholarship programs. Companies that wish to develop minority personnel to become participants in their industry use the Urban League to operate appropriate scholarships. The Urban League will do all the work from selecting qualified students to providing counseling support during their training period. The Education Department conducts "Career Awareness Seminars" for high school students in various sections of the city that is open to all students interested in attending. The Urban League enlists the help of business and the professions to present these seminars to enable students to become aware of careers and jobs that are available, andthe study and knowledge required to be prepared for such jobs. One of the highly valuable services provided by the Urban League's Education Department is the publication of a reference book "Minority Potential"*. This reference provides a comprehen- sive list of minority students attending college in the State of Oregon giving a complete outline of their interests, training, *Original title was "Black Potential" January 13, 1977 Page 4 studies and type of work they wish to pursue. A copy of Minority Potential' is essential for all personnel departments, particularly, if their company has an affirmative action plan. The Urban League of Portland operates the School - Community Program which works in support of Portland Public Schools Administrative Transfer Program for desegregation. This unit works with parents to increase their involvement to further educational opportunities Seminars are held for the parents and achievement. Parents are informed to help clarify and define school programs. of school functions and programs. When needed, transportation is provided to make it possible for parents to participate in school activities. Parents are counseled to help achieve solutions for students and schools when problems arise, The staff seeks host homes for transfer students in the resident community. When certain students require special help, the Program provides tutoring in basic skills to enable the student to become successful in the classroom. The School - Community Program is funded by the U.S. Departmont of Health, Education and Welfare Emergency School Aid Act. The Urban League of Portland has an effective and efficient administrative organization, and for many years has provided reliable human services to the community. Because of this avail- able resource, the Urban League was requested to become the parent organization of the Senior Adult Center which was previously under the direction of Model Cities. The Urban League has assumed this responsibility and has been the administrative head of the Senior Adult Center for more than a year. This past summer the City of Portland requested the Urban Page 5 January 13, 1977 League to assume the administrative responsibility for the Northeast Youth Service center, which it did. The community can be grateful that there is a capable and independent organization like the Urban League that makes it possible for these important services to continue to be available. The Urban League is the principal agency in Portland to represent the minority community. Its Executive Director, James Brooks, Staff and active members serve on numerous committees, boards and appear at a multitude of meetings, hearings, commissions and councils in both the private sector and government, as responsible, knowledgable and understanding representatives of the minority community. During these times of our social develop- ment, this representation by Urban League of Portland is invaluable to the well-being of our community. The current standing committees are listed below: Economic Development and. Employment: With staff assistance, this committee works to develop new opportunities for employment and training. Housing: This committee works to expand housing opportunities (purchase or rentals) for members of minority, groups by cooperat- ing with other groups in community planning, as well as working independently. Public Relations: All resources are used by this committee to interpret the Urban League program to every segment of the cornmunity. Education and Youth: This Committee supports the Education and Youth Incentive Department in its many activities. Page 6 January 13, 1977 Membership: This cornmittee works continually to enlist con- cerned individuals, clubs, organizations and industries to become members and supporters of the Urban League and to encourage them to participate in the community service programs and projects of the Urban League. Police-Community Relations: This committee works with the police department in improving community relations. Finance: This committee explores ways and means to stay within the United Way guidelines and the tax exempt agency status and to secure finances for that portion of the budget not provided by the United Way of the Columbia-Willamette. SUQGT$ED CHANGES TO COSTTtJTION, Urban League of Port 1 Committee;ev. Lee Henderson, Chairman, Fr. Joseph Ha1y ARTCLR III MIIMEERSI-LIP 1.. e9uirementS: Any person .,., 2.'Anrn4alMeeting: There shall he an Annual Business T%1eei:ng of the membership of the Urban Leagte of Portland for the purpose evaluation and approval of Urban League policy, for the .:Q presentation of views of the members, and for the elecUon oard members as stated in Article IV, Section 4. Article. IV. Sejon 1. Sction . Board of Directors "The Board shall decide upon a mandatory retireAdd: ment for the Executive Director and activey re view qualifications for his successor," Paragraph 2. "The Board (delete or specify: pursuant to standards previously established, may declare a Board positon vacant for the failure of the memberto maintain active participation in the affairs of the organization, as failure to attend three consecutive Board meetings without adequto reason and prior notice Sotion 4. Delete last sentence "There shall be no nominations.. 3econd paragraph: Add the slate of nominee from the Nomin.ting Committee and nominations from the floor shall he presented to the Annual Meetings of the membe for election " HY4AWS Standinq Committees Artiçla XV 3ction 1 Delete "To initiate and conduct aurvevs' (duplicating othei agencies) ft* use Add to sentence and resources to plan, . 11 available information HRciigious Resources ArticlV, Is there such a standing Committee, Its responsibilities and relationship of ,eliqious boths to Artjce V the Urban Leaue ujld tJ.te 5substitute Urban eague's for uagency's" substitute for "to supplement ... of the followina: H -I-- ' --v eague" the "to. raise and distribute financial resources subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of the Leagp,I,,, Atic1eVI, ction 3. H ) ( : 'i . Budget and Funds "Suh reports Substitute for sentence 2 the following: to the Board quarterly or upon shall be made available the request.t' MAIN OFFICE 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER FIELD OFFICE 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 224-0151 288-6517 OFFICERS John A. Mills President Mrs. Geri Ward Vice President Robert 1. Racouillat Vice President MEMORANDUM Fred Flowers, Jr. Treasurer TO: Urban Leaque Board of Directors FROM: John A, Mills, President DATE: February 14, 1975 Mrs. Conrad McConnell Secretary Dr. Ernest Hartzog Member at Large John Hansen Member at Large DIRECTORS Herbert 1. Amerson David Baugh Mrs. Marlene Bayless Mrs. Allison Belcher Melvin Broadus Frank Cox Gerard K. Drummond Miss Shireen Duke Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Rev. A Lee Henderson Mrs. Martha Jordan James Lee Victor Levy The next Urban League Board meeting will be held Thursday, February 20, 1975, at 7:30 p.m, in the Community Service Center, 718 W, Burnside, Room 217, This will he a very important meeting. Officers will be elected and there will be a number of committee reports, so please make every effort to attend. This win be the last Board meeting prior to the Annual Meeting. Charles Moss William Odom, Jr. Fred Rosenbaum Mrs. Betty Schedeen Roy Schnaible Oliver Smith, Jr. C. Don Vann Ms. Beverly Williams Harold Williams Miss Leslie Williams STAFF James 0. Brooks Executive Director Nathan W. Nickerson Deputy Director Field Operations Mrs. Gertrude Rae Associate Deputy Director Program and Fiscal Operations George Rankins Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Ms. Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Enclosed is an exact duplication of suggested changes for the constitution and hy-laws which was presented to 'the Board by the Constitution and RyLaws Committee at the January 18, 1973 Board meeting, Although these suggestions were discussed, no Board action toward acceptance or re jection was taken, Please review the suggested changes and compare them to the Constitution and ByLaws currently in effect, These changes will he discussed at our February Board meeting, In accordance with a recommendation adopted by the Board at the March 21, 1974 Board rieeting, the Executive Cornroittee will soon submit the first annual evaluation of the Executive Director 'to the Regional Office. In order to have full Board participation, I would like each Board member to mail their comments to my home address: 1005 S,W, Myrtle J)rive Portland, Oregon 97201 Ms. Linda Biggs Secretary/Receptionist Ms. Janice Moore Field Office Secretary MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL JRBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS RivEs, BONYHADI & DRUM MOND ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1400 PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING GEORGE 0. RIVES ERNEST SONYHADI HUGH SMITH GERARD K. DRUMMOND ROSERT F HARRINGTON CHARLES H. HASERNIGG HARDY MYERS,UR. DEXTER E. MARTIN LEONARD A. GIRARD RICHARD 0. BACH GEORGE K. MEIERm PATRICK J. SIMPSON WILLIAM J GLASGOW IVAN LEWIS GOLD TELEPHONE 224-3920 AREA CODE 503 920 SOUTHWEST SIXTH AVENUE PORTLAND. OREGON 97204 ALLAN A. SMITH (1686-1972) February 18, 1975 MARK H. PETERMAN DENNIS SROMKA RICHARD A. HAYDEN JR. I F ) ) r r John A. Mills, President The Urban League of Portland 404 Community Service Center 718 West Burnside Portland, Oregon 97209 Dear Jack: I am sorry that I will be unable to attend the Urban League Board Meeting Scheduled for February 20 at 7.: 30 p.m. because of a prior commitment at that same time. I previously agreed to review, with appropriate staff people, proposed amendments to the constitution and bylaws after Board comments had been obtained, with the notion of putting the agreed upon changes into the appropriate "legalese." I continue to be willing to do so if you desire. truly yours, N Gera4 GKD:llh K. mond FJRBAN LBAGIJF BOARD MrtE'FING February 20, 1975 I\çe uda 1. Roil Call 2 Aprroval of Minutes 3. Presidentt:s Remarks 4, a, Board Attendance b, Chançji no !lnnual Meeting Septeuiher January Fxecutive s Report a, Projec.ts b, Title VII C, RBSP d, Northwest Peojorial Counci I Meetinc in Tacoma (Common Probi. Bms) 5, Guild Repor L, , 6, Committee Reports , , ,,,o,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , , ,Beatrice Leverett a, Economic Development & J3mployment b, Itducation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , , ,,,,,,,,,Evelyn Kelsaw c, Finance ,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,. d, 1-tousincj,,,,,,,. , e Membership, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,, John Flansen Betty Schedeen .0 , ,Charles Moss James Brooks 00000. f, PoiiceCommunity Relations,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Leslie Williams c, Annual Meeting h, i, , , , ,, , ,Geri Ward and Fred Posenhaum Public Relations,,,,00,000,0 , , ,,,,,, , , ,,,,,, Combi ned Meetings Personnel Policies, , , , , ,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,, ,Fred Flowers 7, j, Nominatino, , Unfinished Business 8, New Business 9, Adjournment , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Geraldine McConnel 1 URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND, INC. Board of Directors Meeting February 20, 1975 The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. in the second floor conference room of the Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside, by President John A, Mi 11 s Directors in attendance were: Marlene Bayless, Melvin Broadus, Frank Cox, Fred Flowers, Father Joseph Haley, John Hansen, Dr. Ernest Hartzog, James Lee, Charles Moss, Geraldine McConnell, Robert Raconillat, Betty Schedeen, Roy Schnaihle, Geri Ward, Harold Williams, Leslie Williams and Beatrice Leverett. Staff was repfesented by James 0, Brooks, Willie Smith and Pam Howard, Evelyn Kelsaw represented the Education Committee, No corrections or additions were made to the minutes of the last meeting which were distributed by mail. Mr. Moss made a motion that the Board adopt a change suggested by the Constitu The sugges tion and ByLaws Committee at the January 18, 1973 Board meeting, ted change is for Article TV, Section 3, paraaraph 2 of the Urban League of Portland Constitution and is as follows: oard may, pursuant to standards previously established by it, declare a Board position vacant for the failure of the member to maintain active participation in the affirs of the organization, or failure to attend three consecutive Board meetings without ade quate reason and prior notice, The Motion seconded by Mr. Raoouillat and carried, After some Board discussion, Mr. Lee made a motion that the Annual Meeting date be changed from April to January in years subsequent to 1975. Motion seconded by Mr. Mossand carried, The next Annual Meeting will be held in January, 1976. The Executive Director reported that the 1975 Dr. Alexander Levy Award would By Board consensus, it was agreed the be presented at the Annual Meeting. recepient should be the retiring Board President, John A, Mills. The Executive Director reported: 1. Project Outreach is doing well, 2. School"Community is also doing well and is receiving favorable attention from the Portland School District, 3, Road Builders Service Program submitted their proposal on Janu ary 20th for the next fund year, The next meeting with the Oregon Highway Division and National Urban League staff will be February 26th, 4, Board members are invited to visit project offices, 5, The Northwest Council of Urban Leagues met in Tacoma on Febru' ary 18th to discuss fundraising and the possibility of sharing expenses for speakers. / UL Minutes/ paqe 2 February 20, 1975 Education Committee Ms. Kelsaw, Chairwoman, reported: 1, Speakers at committee meetings have ináluded the principals of Both report Jefferson High School and Boise Elementary SchooL enrollment is down compared to several years ago. 2, The committee has sponsored several Career Awareness Seminar which have been held at the University of Portland and Jeffer son High School, 3. This year Chicanos will be included in Black Potential. 4, Board members are invited to attend the Education Com mittee meetings which are held the fourth Tuesday o. each month at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Moss, Chairman, reporteththe l97576 budget which Finance Committee was submitted to United Way included new requests for a paid health plan for etnployees, two additional staff persons (one professional and one cleri cal), and staff training. Housin9 Committee Mr. Brooks, Staff Coordinator for the comthittee, reported: 1. Russell Dawson, Area Director for HUD, was speaker at the last committee meeting. His topic was the Housing and Com munity Development Act (HCDA). One of the committee's priorities is to monitor HCDA in Portland, 2, Mary Pederson, Coordinator for the Neighborhood Association at City Hall, will speak at the February 27th meeting at 5:30 p.m. The Board is invited to attend, 3, The committee also has: a. Written to Greg Smith, Administrator of the State Housing Council regarding the inclusion of affirmative action clauses in the low and moderate income housing bonding bill being dis cussed intthe Oregon Legislature, b. Contactd thre legislators and requested their assistance in including affirmative action clauses in the abovenamed bill, IJL MinUtes/ page 3 February 20, 1975 c. Dealt with two insurance housing issues regard ing discriminatory practices by insurance com panics in housing, flimitte! 1, Mr. Hansen, CoChairman, reported: Changes have been proposed for the Urban League of Portland mem bership dues schedule, The proposed schedule would be as fol1os: ForGroupsBusinesses or Industries For Individuals 25.00 (or more) (or iore) Student l.Q0 $60.00 (or more) Contributing $3,00 (or more) General (or more) Sustaining $100.00 Contributing $10.00 (or more) (or more) triore) Supporting $500.00 (or $is.00 Sustaining 2, The portions of tonight's meeting which were filmed by KPTV will be used as a public service spot announcement, PiceCommu,,Relations Committee Miss Williams, Chairwoman, reported: 1, Police Chief Bruce Baker will speak at the next committee meeting which will he held March 3rd,, 2, Three other oliceomrnunity elations groups are in opera tion (Jefferson, Adams and Roosevelt), Mrs, Ward, Co.Chairwoman, reported that the Annual Annual MeeJ Committee Meeting will be held April 18th at the Hilton Hotel, with a nohost social hour beginning at 6:30 p.m. and dinner at 7:30. Guest speaker will be Wil1ie Brown, Assemblyman in the California State Legilature and theme for the evening will he "The Time is Now", Following dinner, there will he music for dancing with George Lawson's Band, Tickets for the dinner and dance are $10.00 per person. Mr. Flowers, Chairman, presented copies of the Personnel Policies Committee personnel po1cie6 with the proposed revisions to the Board, President Mills asked Board members to take the copies home, read them and be prepared to dis" cuss them at the next meeting, NominatjnC9mmittee Mrs. McConnell, Chairwoman, reported: 1. The committee included, from the Board, Marlene Bayless, Fred Flowers, Fred Rosenhaum and Leslie Williams, and from the general membership, Harvey Rice and Conrad Rosing, 2, The following were nominated for the Board of Directors: Andrew Kerr Lawyer Lawyer Ted Runstein Administrative Assistant to City Commissioner Jordan Joe White Vice Principa1 Hayhurst School Mike Jordan Youth representative Darla Taylor Banker Paul Cook Regional I)irector, Japanese American Citizens League Stan Kiyokawa Manager, Triangle Milling Company Ed Butbher UL Minutes/ page 4 February 20, 1975 3. Nominated for Board Officers are: Fred Flowers President 1st Vice President Geraldine McConnell 2nd Vice President Robert L, Raconillat Secretary Leslie Williams Treasurer John Hansen Member at Large Geri Ward Member at Large Dr. Ernest Hartog Mr. Cox made a motion that the Board elect the nominees for Board officers. Motion seconded by Mrs. Schedeen and carried, President Mills asked if the Board members present wished to make additional nominations for the Board vacancies. The Executive Director requested that any further nominations he sent to Mrs. McConnell prior to the Annual Meeting, Meeting adjourned 9:30 p.m. Geraldine McConnell, Secretary GM : ph II C) 4. I' / 1 -'I 1 , / / ,, // / tJRRAN LEAGUE OF' POTLAN[) J3OAD OP DIRECTORS 1974-1075 OFEICERS MILLS PRESIDENT FREt) FLOWEPSS-TREASUPEP NIP.S. CONRAD McC0NNELLSECRETARY ROBERT L. RACOUIULAT-VICE PRESIDENT DR.. ERNEST HARTZOC-MEMBER AT LARGE JOHN A MRS. GER I WARD-VICE PRESIDENT _________________________JOHN HANSEN-MEMBER. AT '1Arnerson, Herbert L. 1900 S.W. 4th Ave. 07201 (w) 972i2 (h) t3O9 2606 N.E. 9th Ave. 4uqh, David \ \ ( T,Al-GE 5701 Arizona Dr., Vane., Ulash. Crown Zel lerhach , Central 226-8950 284-6425 * 90661 (h)* 695-5972 Research Dept. (w) 834-4444 6044 5,3, Reed Colleqe P1, 97202 (]i)* Ext. 349 Portland public Schools (w) 631 N.E. Clackamas 97200 771-6633 Beicher, Mrs. Allison 1533 N.E. Stanton 07212 (h) 287-4935 3roadus 210 N. B. Holland (h) * 285- 5847 ,Me4vin Cox,2k 072.11 1335 S,W, 66th Avenue, Apt. 211. (25) (Ii) 234-3392 292-5578 (J 1400 Public Service Eldg. 97204 Rt. I , Box 525A, Tet. Lion, Ore, /jo Druintnoncl, Gerard K. V 1104 N.E. Knott St, \ Duke, Ms. Shireen 222 S.W. Morrison , #412 97204 (w)* Flowr-Ø,, ?rerl 105 N. Ainsworth Ha1ey, Pher Joseph 6' (h)* 97212 Leeds Dept. StoreLloyd Cnter (w) (C,S,C.') John ,Hartzo, D. Ernest (w)* 97068 224-3920 (h) 630-5994 287-8974 281-7356 221-2067 97217 (Ii) University of Portland 5000 N0 Willamette Blvd. 283-7367 97203 KPTV, P.O. Box 3401 97200 (w)* 3530 S,W. 55th Dr, 97221 (h) 222-9021 Por tianci Public Schools (w)* 631 N.E. Clackamas 97200 624 S.W. Pul'linqarne 97201 (h) 234-3392 / 292-3863 246-0995 223 98th\ve,072 G3i 130A9D OP DIRECTORS (CON '0) Henderson , Rev rdon, Martha Lee , / ) Mi11S.\JoFfr(A, A Lee ('virs. 97211 (VJ)* 5828 '1,6. 8th Ave. 228-5429 2737 N.E. 10th Ave. 97212 () 282 ..-00S7 Chi d Serv.ce Center 97212 220 N, 8, Beech 4323 N.E. 6th Aye, 9721 (h) 288-5361 284-3342 (h)* 287-6425 609 N.E. Simpson (w ) * 1 97211 1400 3,W. 5th, #555 97201 (w)* 8900 5, W. Caroline Dr 97225 (h) 220-5902 292-0521 U.S. Nctiona1 Bank P.O. Box 4412 97208 (w)* 1005 .S., Myrtle Drive 972)1 (h) 225-5793 9722 48610 N.E. Garie1,c1 3640 N. Nincheil 426 S.N, stark 972:L7 (tv) 3233 N.E. 13th Avenue Xerox Corporation, 227-3824 (h)* 287-1506 (w) ext. 42 or 43282-7201 (h)* 289-7976 221-2594 97212 (h)* 282-6937 Harrison Square 221-1851) 1800 .S.W. 1st, Suite #251) 97201 (w)* 1.608 N.Y. 143rd 97229 (h) 545-2501 Standard Insurance Company 975 S,E. Sandy Blvd. 97214 (i)* 5359 S.L, Dover Ct, 972.25 (h) Schedeen Main Ofc Downtown 1612 .. 234-6551 244-1307 Personnel 2324 .S.E. 122nd 97233 (w)* Ofo 417 S.W, Taylor 97201 (w) Division, Gresham, Ore. 97030 (h) Pacific Northwest Bell (w)* 421 5,J, Oak 97204 4 S.W. Touchstone #144, Lake Osweqo 97034 , John Deere Co. (h) 255-1790 221-0204 665-'1730 226-5162 636-5541 2100 0,8, JOist. Ave. (w) P.O. Box 20098 (T'iailinq AdOre ss) 97220 805 3,8, 9th Ave., Gresham 97030 (h)* 665-0191 5.211 N. Williams. 97217 284-2210 281-2836 , Broadway 97205 6225 N.E. 42nd 97218 721 S ,'.V, 666-9286 (vT) 220-8422. (h)* 281-5209 B2ARD OP' DIECTTS (C:Y 'T) 4 2-' / d Ui ii jams, Beverly (Ms. ) KGW-TV '1i1liams, 41kt'd /( I& / rwi11±amIs1ie 1501 S .U. JeJer son 97201 6204 N. B. 11th 97211 (vi) * (h)* 2876607 1-3733676 (w) (Miss) 532 N,E Gojnq, Apt.1 97211 (h)* (wE 224820 Bxt. 36 284-8973 286-4411 I' GUILD MEMBEP' Mrs, Beat4verett 5216 ( N.B, Rodney 97211 (h)* (w) 284-8751 284-5622 NUL_TRUSTEE Hilliard, Uilliam The )REGONIAN 1320 S.'J. Broadway 2315 NJ. Aspen YOUTH_COMMUNITY_MEMBER 97201 07210 (w)* (h) 221-0195 222-2057 IC)I 1975 A'f JirneJu Au9 page 2 jconej SeOCt Nov )ecjan Feb March ');E1:j dill cv T,eslie Williams eatrice Leverett Guild reident William Hilliard NUL Trustee P '2 Il ' 1 I 11 N\ H L i 1/ II1J1:y1g 4rIuJ MAIN OFFICE FIELD OFFICE 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. s1 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E, UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 OFFICERS John A. Mills President Mrs. Geri Ward Vice President Robert 1. Racouillat Vice President Fred Flowers, Jr. Treasurer MEMGRANDUM Mrs. Conrad McConnell Secretary Dr. Ernest Hartzog Member at Large John Hansen Member at Large DIRECTORS Herbert L. Amerson David Baugh Mrs. Marlene Bayless TO::. Urban Leaoue Board Members FROM: RE: June Board Meetinq DATE: June 6, 1975 Mrs. Allison Belcher Melvin Broadus Frank Cox Gerard K. Drummond Miss Shireen Duke Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Rev. A. Lee Henderson Mrs. Martha Jordan James Lee Victor Levy Charles Moss The last Board meeting prior to the summer recess will be L2,rt Sheraton Motor Inn, held June 19, 1975, at the Following last year's successful format, this will be a dinner meeting with a no-host cocktail hour beginning at 6:00 p.m. and dinner at 6:30 p.m. William Odom, Jr. Fred Rosenbaum Mrs. Betty Schedeen Roy Schnaible Oliver Smith, Jr. C, Don Vann Ms. Beverly Williams Harold Williams Miss Leslie Williams Since we must let the hotel know in advance how many will be present for the dinner, ac1 the Urban League office (224-0151) to let us know whether or not you will be attending. Please make every effort to attend. STAFF James 0. Brooks Executive Director Nathan W. Nickerson Deputy Director Field Operations Mrs. Gertrude Rae Associate Deputy Director Program and Fiscal Operations George Rankins Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatmen Director of Education and Youth Incentives Ms. Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Ms. Linda Biggs Secretary/Receptionist Ms. Janice Moore Field Office Secretary MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS 224.0151 288.6517 Hansen ,John 10, Policies Personnel U, Dues00..,, Membership 12, Conference League Urban National 000000' Meeting Annual 1976 Moss Finance,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.Charles Ward c, Housing d, Williams Leslie Relations,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,, Po1iceCommunity Hartzoj ,Ernie 9, f, e. AnnualMeeting,000000..,,.,...,,,00,,.,.,,Geri ,,,,,,, h, Schedeen ,.J3etty Employment.,.., and Development Economic ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0000EvelynJ(eisaw Education,000,,0,,00, a. - 6, Brooks 0, Report,.0000James Executive and Introductions Staff New 7, ,00,,000., Report,..,0, Guild 8. Reports Committee Ward Geri. 00000000 Introductory Jr, Flowers, Message0000000000000000000Fred 50 1, Order to Call 2, Introductions 3, Minutes 4, Correspondence c1a 1975 19, June PORTLAND OP LEAGUE URBAN URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND, ir'x, Board of Directors Meeting June 19, 1975 The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p,m, in the Sheraton Airport Hotel by President Fred Flowers, Jr, Directors in attendance were: Marlene Bayless, Paul Cook, Shireen Duke, John,Hansen, Ernest Hartzog, Mike Jordan, Andrew Kerr, Stan Kiyokawa, James Lee, Robert Raconillat, Betty Schedeen, Roy Schnaible, Darla Taylor, O Don Vann, Geri Ward, Joe White and Leslie Williams, Staff was represented by James 0, Brooks, Gertrude Rae, Margaret Solomon, Richard Norwood, Cathy Saito and Pam Howard, Evelyn Keisaw represented the Education Committee, Mr. Jordan made a motion that minutes of the last Board meeting be approved Motion seconded by Mr. White and carried, as mailed, Miss Williams, Board Secretary, read a letter to the Board from Hugh McGinnis and Carmen Walker of Jefferson High School in commendation of Vernon V, Chat man, Director of Education and Youth Incentives, President Flowers presented introductory remarksduring which he introduced the new Board members and sád he was looking forward to working with the Board and staff during his term as President, The Executive Director introduced Margaret Solomon and Cathy Saito, Coordin ators for the Women's Component of Urban League Project Outreach, and Richard Norwood, Assistant Director of Economid Development and Employment for the Urban League, All three are employed by the Urban League as a result of CETA funding. Miss Saito presented a report on the Women's Component which is During the 2 months the Wo seeking to place women in nontraditiona1 jobs men's Component has been in operationthe following has been accomplished: 1, 22 personal interviews have been conducted for large indust±ies; 2, Over 60 letters have been written to inform businesses Component; of the goals of the 3, Numrous phone calls have been placed and received re garding the program; 4, The majority of the clients are between the ages of 18 and 35, are usually heads of household and less than half are high schoolgraduates, The Executive Director reported: 1. The SchoolCommunity Program received word that Congress Our proposal passed a bill to appropriate funds for ESAA, for refunding has no competition, hut as of this time, we have not received word on how much our allocation will he, The project has received very strong, favorable support from Portland Public Schools UL Minutes/ page 2 June 19, 1975 2, The Road Bui:iders Service Project has presented many problems in the last few months, The program was to receive refunding by April 1, 1975, but to date, has not, it is hoped funding will be received by July 1st, 3, Project Outreach is doing fine. 4, The Labor Affairs Conference in Los Angeles May 2iT24j 1975, was attended by the Executive Director and seven staff mern hers of the Project Outreach staff, including Ms. Solomon and Ms. Saito, The Portland LEAP project finished second in the nation for the 197374 fund year. Miami had the top project and beat Portland by 3 points. 5, The Executive Director is currently investigating possible funding from the Law Enforcement Administration (LEA) to establish a law enforcement component. The Po1iceCommunity Relations Committee is hoping to conduct a citywide seminar for policecomniunity relations groups and the police force, LEA will be requested to fund the seminar. 6. The Executive Directcr has been appointed to a committee established by the NAACP which is responsible for monitor ing the use of the HCDA funds ($8.9 million) recently re ceived by the City of Portland, 7. Vernon Jordan, Executive Director of the National Urban League, will be the Annual Meeting speaker for 1976. 8, The Executive Director was requested by the NUL to re commend a nominee for the NUL Board of Trustees. Paul Cook is the nominee, President Flowers and the Executive Director congratulated Geri Ward on her election on June 11, 1975 to the office of President of the Urban League Guild, Nut, service award tins were presented to her for distribu tionto Guild mem bers who have attained 5, 10, or 15 years of volunteer service for the Urban League. COMMI TTRE REPORTS Education Evelyn Kelsaw, Chairwoman, presented Black Potential books to each Board member, She reported that sever1 students listed in the book have been hired by companies who have received copies of Black Potential, Betty Schedeen, Chairwoman, reported: 1. There is a good possibility that Atlantic Richfield will agree to fund the NUL Skills Bank for the first year of its operation in Portland, 2. If funding is unavailable from Atlantic Richfield, letters will he written to local businesses requesting $200.00 each for support of the Skills Bank, UL Minutes/ page 3 June 19, 1975 3, Hoin George Rarikins, Director of the ED & B Department, will contact the Florida Skills flank for inforrna tion regarding operation and other pertinent data, Ernie Hartzocj, Chairman, reported: 1. The committee needs a fulltixne staff person work ingin the housing area, 2, One of the priorities of the committee is the moni Portland is one of 60 toting of the HCDA funds. cities across the nation in which the HCDA funds will be monitored by committees established by the NAACP, 3, He and the Executive Director had returned from Cor vailis just prior to the meeting, Oregon State Uni vers:ity's football team will be playing Grambling in Portland on Saturday, October 4th, Dr, Hartzog, as Chairman of the Oregon drive for the United Negro Col lege Fund, has arranged for a bloc of t:tckets for this game to be sold out of the Urban League office with 10% o:f the proceeds going to the United Negro College Fund and the remainder. to OSIJ, Leslie Williams, Chairwoman Annual reported: 1, She met with several lieutenants from the North Precinct of the Portland Police Department to duscuss the possibility of a community meeting with members of the police force, It would be impossible for 10 officers from the sameshift to attend a meeting at the same time, so meetings will be set up in such a way that three officers from each shift will attend the meetings on a rotation basis. 2, The Executive Director wrote a letter concerning the Fickle Johnson shooting and the actions of (Copies of the letter were the police force. passed out to Board members,) in Geri Ward, CoChairwoman, reported: 1. $3,690,00 was received from ticket sales, $2,839.54 was paid out in expenses with a total o. $850.46 In addition to this, $150.00 is still owed cleared, by other agencies and Board members, 2, As a result of problems encountered this year in publicity procedures, next year all publicity will he handled directly ot of the Urban League office. 3, This year's procedure of handling all ticket sales out of the office was very successful and the same procedure will he followed next year. UL Minutes/ pane 4 June 19, 1975 Finance Gertrude Rae, Associate Deputy Director for Program and Fiscal Operations, reported: 1. Our fiscal year ends June 30, 1975, and the budget is about $2,500 short on income, 2, Today, official notification was received from United Way on next year's funding, The amount will be $119,000 for the twe1vernonth period beginning July 1, 1975 and ending June 30, 1976. This is only a 6% :in crease over last year's allOcation and is $70,000 less than was requested0 The major areas in the requested budget included two new staff persons, staff training, c)ftice equipment and furniture and a partiallypaid health plan for employees0 Memhershi John Hansen, CoChairman, reported that about $3,000 came in as a result of the membership drive, Several new memberships were received also Mr. Hansen made a motion that the following dues schedule he adopted by the Urban League of Portland: For Individuals dent1,00 (or more) General $3.00 (or more) Contributing $10.00 (or more) Sustaining $is.00 (or more) General Contributing $25.00 (or more) $60.00 (or more) Sustaining $100.00 Supporting $500.00 (or more) (or more) This will replace the dues schedule currently in the ByLaws, Article II, Section 1, which reads as follows: Student or Serviceman Adult Minimum Sustaining Contributing $1.00 $3.00 $3.01 $10.00 $10.01 and over Motion seconded and carried. President Flowers presented a National Urban League Hansen for volunteer service to the League. 5year service pin to Mr. At the request of President Flowers, Geri Ward agreed (tentatively) to serve as Chairwoman or CoChairwoman for the 1976 Annual Meeting Committee. Con' cern was expressed by Board members regarding the January date for the next Annual Meeting. It was decided that the Annual Meeting Committee should meet with the Executive Committee to discuss the best possible date for the next Annual Meeting. President Flowers reported that copies of the proposed personnel policies as revised by the Personnel Policies Committee, had been distributed to all Board members by mail, The Executive Director expressed concern regarding IJL Minwtes/ page 5 June 19, 1975 item XXII of the proposed personnel policies which read, "The Executive Director shall have the power to hire and terminate employees with the con Mr, Lee made a motion that the phrase, "with the eurrence of the Board", Second by Mrs Sch concurrence of the Board' be stricken from item XXII, edeen and carried. Mrs. Schedeen made a motion that the personnel policies Secondby Mr. Lee and carried. by adopted by the Urban League of Portland, The Executive Director passed out registration packets for the 1975 NUL Con fe:rence in Atlanta to Board members and reported that the delegate from Port land is President Flowers, with Robert Racouillat as Alternate Delegate. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Leslie Wil hams, Secretary LW :ph JOINT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING Urban League of Portland 718 W Burnside, #404 Portland, Oregon 97209 August 11, 1975 PRESENT Fred Flowers, Jr Geraldine McConnell John Hansen Roy Sehnáible Charles Moss James 0, Erooks Gertrude Rae Mrs. McConnell made a motion that the Executive Committee authorize the Fiscal Officer to borrow five thousand dollars ($5,000O0) from the Memorial Fund, to be taken out as needed to meet operating ex perises of the Urban League, and that monthly meetings of the Finance and Executive Committees he held for review of the financial situa tion of the agency, Motion seconded by Mr, Moss and carried. (Bob Paconillat present for discussion, but left prior to motion) Prepared by Pam Howard Approved by Executive Committee at October 23, 1975 meetings URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND EXECUTIVE COM]ITTEE MEETING Septembei ), l97 Board Members present were Fred Flowers, presiding, Leslie Williams and Qeraline "ames 0, Brooks and Gertrude M,Rae represented staff, McConnell, Mr0 Brooks reported that Roy Schnaibie is arranging for Someone from the PNB training staff to conduct a twoday workshop for staff on MBO training during the week of September 22, l97 Mi'0 Brooks advised the Committee that our agency had been requested by Buz Wilhits to serve as an "umbrella" agency for an Exoffenders program to be We would provide no space or staff and receive no money for funded by CEfA, our progfam operation but would act as the agent through which CEPA monies There was consensus that would be administered to the Threshhold program, no action should be taken on this request until there was further clarification of our responsibilities, The committee discussed the feasibility of holding our Annual Meeting in October and decided that there was not sufficient time to plan and promote it, Gertrude Rae reported that we were continuin $900.00 a month, to run a deficit of approximately prepared by Gertrude M, Rae B THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND MAIN OFFICE FIELD OFFICE 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 718 WEST 8URNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 OFFICERS John A. Mills President Mrs. Geri Ward Vice President Robert 1. Racouillat Vice President Fred Flowers, Jr. Treasurer MEMORANDUM Mrs. Conrad McConnell Secretary Dr. Ernest Hartzog Member at Large John Hansen Member at Large DIRECTORS Herbert L. Amerson TO: Urban League Board Members FROM: Fred Flowers, President DATE: September 9, 1975 David Baugh Mrs. Marlene Bayless Mrs. Allison Belcher Melvin Broadus Frank Cox Gerard K. Drummond Miss Shireen Duke Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Rev. A. lee Henderson Mrs. Martha Jordan James Lee Victor Levy The Board of Directors of the Urban League of Portland will meet Thursday, September 18, 1975, 7:30 p.m., at 718 West Burnside, Room 217, Since this is the first Board meeting of the year, I hope to see all of you in attendance, Charles Moss William Odom, Jr. Fred Rosenbaum Mrs. Betty Schedeen Roy Schnaible Enclosed are minutes of the last Board meeting for your review, Oliver Smith, Jr. C. Don Vann Ms. Beverly Williams Harold Williams Miss Leslie Williams STAFF James 0. Brooks Executive Director Nathan W. Nickerson Deputy Director Field Operations Mrs. Gertrude Rae Associate Deputy Director Program and Fiscal Operations George Rankins Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Ms. Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Ms. Linda Biggs Secretary/Receptionist Ms. Janice Moore Field Office Secretary MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL JRBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS 224-0151 288.6517 URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND September 18, 1975 Agenda 1, Roll Call 2, Minutes 3, Presentation of 25year pins James Lee H, J, Belton Hamilton 4, Presidentts Remarks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fred Flowers 5, Executive Report,,,,,,,, a, b. c, d, e, 6. 0 , ,James 0, Brooks CETA MBO Seminar Staff Changes Projects Threshold Committee Reports Education, , ,,,,,,, , , , , , , , , ,Anrie Eii.ion Brooks ,,,,,00,,0GeotgeRankins Membership,, ,.,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,John Hansen ,,,,,,,Charles Moss Annual Meetina,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,Mike Jordan PoliceCoinmunity Relations,,, ,Leslie Williams Guild, , 7, Old Business 8. New Business , , , , , , , , , 0 Geri Ward URBAN LEAGUE Oil' PORTLAND, INC Board of Directors Meeting September 18, 1975 The mnetinq Ws called to order at 7:45 p.m., in the second floor corference room of the Community Service Center, 718 West i3urnside, by President Fred Flowers. David Baugh, Allison Beicher, Paul Cook, Father Joseph Haley, John Hansen, Mike Jordan, Stan Kiyokawa, James Lee, Charles Mgss, Ted Runstein, Roy Schnaible, Darla Taylor, C, Don Varin, Geri Ward and Leslie Williams. Staff was r?presented by James 0, Brooks, George Rankins an4 Pam Howard. Also present were Anne Dillon, representing the Education Committee, and H,J, Belton Hamiltén, Roll was called and directors in attendance were: Mr. Vanri made a motion that minutes of the last Board meeting he approved as mailed, Motion seconded by Mr. Moss and carried. President Flowers spoke briefly on the 1975 NUL Conference and reported that the 1976 Conference would he held in Boston, Mass, President Flowers also reported that our United Way allocation for fiscal year l97576 is far below the amount re As a result, the Finance, Program and Executive Committees will meet, after the United Way campaign is completed, to discuss possible ways to raise funds. Pre sident Flowers also read a section concerning Board responsibilities from the National Urban League Manual for Affiliates, quested. The Executive Director reported: 1. Our CETA contract expires October 1, 1975. Attempts are being made to have the contract refunded in December and also to have present funding extended to include the interim period. 2, Cathy Saito, who isemplbyedas a Women's Component Coordinator for Project LEAP, under ETA, resigned effective September 23, 1975, 3, The City Council passed an ordinance approving the Urban League to act as an umbrella for the Threshold Program, even though approval has not been given by our Board of Directors, No papers re Thres hold will be signed until it is approved by our Board, 4. An MBO (Management by Objectives) Seminar for Urban League staff wil:L be conducted September 22 and 23, 1975, by a Pacific Northwest Bell representative. President Flowers will attend also, 5, Road Builders has finally been approved for refunding, three months 6, Project Outreach's name has officially been changed to Project LEAP by directive from the National Urban League, The proposal for the l97576 contract year has been submitted by the National Urban League to the Department of Labor with a request for funding five Women's latérthahcheduied, Components throughout the nation, 7, SchoolCommunity Program is doing fine, However, as a result of re duced funding by HEW, one staff person had to be released, Founda tions will be approached for possible funding DL Board meeting September 18, 1975/ page 2 MMI TTED REPORTS Anne Dillon, Acting Secretary of the committee, reported on their ac Education tivities which will include a Women's Forum scheduled for November 7, 1975, from The theme 6:00 p.m, to 9:00 p,m, in Buckley Center at the University of Portland. is "Innovative Dialogues and Careers for Women", and speakers include Mary Miller, Education Director from NUb Western Regional Office; Gladys McCoy, State of Oregon Ombudsperson; Robert Racoui]lat, Portland Branch Manager of Xerox Corporation who is currently on leave to develop a program and curriculum at Portland State Uni versity for minorities and women in management positions; Mayor Neil Goldschmidt and City Commissioner Charles Jordan, Following her presentation, she departed Housing James 0., Bróoks, Staff Coordinator for the committee, reported: 1. He has been appointed to the local committee which will "watchdog" the HCDA monies in allocation and disbursement, 2, Monitoring HCDA is one the Housing Committee's priorities George Rankins, Staff Coordinator for the Public_Re1tions and the Economic Dee'lop ment_and Erplo2ment committees, reported: l The Public Relations Committee will print a interpretative statement brochure soon, 2, He and the Economic Development and Employment Committee Chairwoman, Betty Schedeen, would like to get more people interested in their commi 1: tee, 3, The Economic Development and Employment Committee would like to com pile a list of statistics on Urban League employment interviews and job placements, John Hansen, CoChairman, reported: l UL Memberships can be solicited without overstepping the "no fund' ra±sng" restriction by United Ways 2, A letter will be directed toward businesses to invite memberships, with Nathan Nickerson compiling a list of particular businesses to contact, 3, A major effort for memberships will begin December 1, 1975, which will include more spot announcements being shown, 4, The next committee meeting will he held September 29th and the com mittee would like to recruit more members, The Executive Director reported that all Urban League committees should be composed of any interested community persons as well as Board members, Charles Moss, Chairman, reported on the current financial status of the agency with projections given for the remainder of the fiscal year if finances con tinue at the same level, UL Board meeting September 18, 1975/ page 3 AUfl Mike Jordan, committee member reported: 1. The dates being considered for the next Annual Meeting are January 22, January 29 or February 5 (all Thursdays). 2, The places being considered are the Hilton, the Sheraton and the Uni versity of Portland Commons and Terrace Room, with a buffet dinner and a desired attendance of 1,000, 3. At the University of Portland, buffet dinners range from $4.00 to $6.50 per plate and a $25.00 minimum deposit is required to reserve the facili ties following selection of the date. A cocktail area can also be provided. There were objections from the Board regarding holding the Annual Meeting at the University of Portland because of distance and at the Hilton because of the lack of parking, Geri Ward, Committee Chairwoman, reported that tickets for the Annual Meeting will be be priced no less than $10.00 per person. Leslie Williams, Chairwoman, reported on various meetings held by the Metropolitan Human Relations Commission regarding the issue of police car rying shotguns in their cars. President F1owes reported that the Urban League will take a public stand against the use of shotguns. PoliceCommunijiations Geri Ward, President, reportedthat the first meeting of the year was held Guild the following items being It was an organizational meeting with 'eptember lath, iscussed: 1. Upgrading the Guild membership; 2, Lending greater financial support to both their scholarship fund and the League; and 3, Holding various types of meetings such as a dinner meeting away from individual homes, She also reported that the Guild meets the second Wednesday of each month and that Board members are welcome to attend, President Plowers presented National Urban League 25year service pins to Mr. Hamil ton and Mr. Lee,ackñowledging that, between them, they have contributed a half century of service to the Urban League. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Leslie Wil]ams, Secretary LW:ph URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING September 30, 197 Boaxd Members present were Mrs. Geraldine Christian, Leslie Williams, John Hansen, Others present were Buz Willits, James O Brooks Andrew Kerr and Ted Runstein, and Gertrude N, Rae, Nr, Willits presented background on his proposed program, Threshold, indicating its success in other parts of the country and his inability to receive funding under CETA since he had no alliance with an established ongoing agency. Con siderable discussion inusued regarding our legal and administrative responsibilities and fiscal liability prior to reimbursement, Mr. Willits was excused and the committee continued its discussion, ending in consensus that while this might be a very worthy program, our agency was unable and unwilling to adsume any administrative or fiscal responsibility for it at this time, Mr Brooks was directed to communicate this decision to Mr. Willits, prepared by Gertrude N, Rae / URBAN LEAGUE OF' POfTLANI) BOARD OF' [)IRRCTOPS 1975 1976 OFFICERS PR ES I DENT ER ED FLOW ER S, JR. TREASURER JOHN S. HANSEN MRS. GERALDINE McCONNELL - VICR.PPESTDENT MISS LESLIE WILLIAMS - SRCPETARY VICE-PRESIDENT ROBERT L. RACOUILLAT MRS. GERI WARD - MEMBER AT LARGE DR. ERNEST HARTZOG - MEMBER AT LARGE Baugh/Dayid 'Ray1ess, Mrs. Marlene 5701 Arizona Dr,, Vanc. WA 98661 (h)* Crown Zeilerbach, Central. Research (w) 695-5Q72 6044 SE Reed College P1., 97202 (h) Portland Public Schools 771-6633 I LA2/2- 1533 N.E. Stanton 97212 Butcher, Ed 26566 S. Elijah, Canby 97013 (h)* Coo/4u1 Triangle Milling Company 97227 (w) 665 N. Tillajnook St. 1932 NE Stanton First National 97212 Banic 97208 234 3392 287 4935 (h)* Belcher/M. Allison P.O, Box 3131 /4/0 (w)* 97208 631 NE Clackanas 834-4444 266-7779 28.1 .12c)3 (h) 287-0268 (w* 22 22 32 Drummond, (;erard K. Et. 1, Box 525A., West Linn 97068 (h) (w)* 1400 Public Service Bldq. 97204 638-5904 224-3920 [)uke, Miss Sliireen 5010 N.E. 19th Aye,. Apt. 19 97211 (h)* 2878974 F1Owe)tSJFred Jr. 105 N, Ainsworth 97217 222 S Morrison, #423 Haley, Fathr/7oeph University of Portland i11amette Blvd. 5000 N. (C.s.C.) Hans,4hn S. Leeds Dept. Store-Liwcl Center (w) (h) 204 (w )* 97203 (h) 97221 3530 SW 55th Dr. (w)* KPTV, P.O. Box 3401 97208 (w)* 281-7356 2212O(7 283-7367 292-3863 222-9921 BO\RD OF DIRECTOR (con 'd E-Iartzog, Dr. Ernest y1(z Henderson, Rev. A. Lee 624 SW Rurlingame 07201 Portland Public Schools 97208 631 NE Ciackarnas (h) 246-0995 (w) 234-3392 2737 NE 10th Ave. 5828 NE 8th Ave. 9721.2 (h) 282-.0067 97211 (w)* 288-5429 6900 SW Merry Lane, Beaverton 97005 (h)* 646-6900 Jordj4çike I. )'.11UUL )V 3'.J) I 1''\Vc / 2 Kiyoa Stan les 2 ? (h) 297-3095 (w)* 221-17'7? 775-7862 (h) 9109 SE Holgate 97266 Japanese American Cit ien League 327 N W Couch 97209 (w)* 609 NE Simpson L!,)Iee,arnes /Mos, 97221 4140 SW Green Hills Way 1100 Veon Bldg. 972ft1 522 SW 5th Ave. Kerr, Andrew (VV ) r 287-6425 (h)* 97211 4840 NE Garfield 223-4051 (h)* 97212 287-1 506 248-4878 (w) McConnell, Mrs. Geraldine 3640 N. Winchell (h)* 9721.7 426 SW Stark Odom, Willian Jr. Racouillat, Robert L. 289-7976 221-2594 (w 1608 N.W,143 rd (h)* 97217 3233 NE 13th Ave. 97229 282-6937 645-2501. 229-3731 or 229-371 (h) Xerox Corpora t ion, Suite 250 (PStJ 1800 S,W.lst /iJo Rosenbaurn, Fred M. Punst1r;ed k{07 Schedeen, Mrs. Betty Schn6ae, Roy 221-1850 (w) 07225 (h) 5359 SW Dover Ct. Company Standard insurance (w)* 97214 975 S.E.Sandy Blvd. 244-139' 2861 N,W, W'stover (h) 1107 Commonwealth Bldg. 222-5622 222-3531 97204 234-6551 (w'* (h) 1612 W. Division, Gresham 97030 Schedeen Personnel (w)* Main Oft. 2324 SE .122nd 97233 Downtown Oft. 417 S.W. Taylor 97201 4 S.W. Touchstone, #144 Lake Oswego (h) 665-4730 255-1790 2210204 636-5541 Pacific Northwest Bell 421 SM. Oak Tay1r,Ms, Dana 97201 918 N.E. 07204 (w)* Killinqsworth 97211 400 SM. 6 th 97204 242-5162 (h)* (w) 2484403 BOARD OF DIRECTORS (con'd) -- Vann/Ci Don Geri / 5211 N Williams 07217 Miss Leslie 281-52fl9 (h)* 97218 97205 (w) 721 SW Broadway 6225 JE 42nd City Hall, Room 314 White, Joe 284-2210 28! 2836 (w) 532 NR Coing, Apt, #1 97204 97211 228-8422 kt S'?- /YO 248-4682 (w)* 284-8973 (w) ext,36 286-4411 (h)* GUILD MEMBER 284 - 8751 (w) 284 62 NUL TRUSTEE Hilliard, William The OREGONIAN Broadway 97201 1320 2315 NW Aspen 97210 (h) (w 221-8195 222-2057 URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Executive Committee Meeting October 23, 1975 Mr. Ranen made a motion that minutes for the Executive Committee meetings held August 11, 1975, September 4, 1975, and September 30, 1975, be approved. Motion seconded by Mr Flowers and carried, Mrs. Rae presented the following financial report: 1. The agency is continuing to run at approximately a $900 deficit a month, A receptionist has been hired for the Main Office and, as a result of her salary, we will have a greater deficit, 2 We also owe the National Urban League for ou NUL dues, 3. As a result of our current financial status, the 1976 Annual Meeting must he a fund.raising event, 4. We are still experiencing reimbursement problems with GETA and Road Builders, 2, The Guild must contribute the majority of the funds they raise to the Affiliate, 3, New guidelines for Urban League Guilds will be sent to the Affili ates in the near future, 3rd quarter 1975 Mrs. Ward reported: 2. All Guild members are being informed they must be members of the Urban League in order to belong to the Guild. 3. The Guild is planning a soul food luau. MAIN OFFICE FIELD OFFICE 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E, UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 OFFICERS John A. Mills President Mrs. Geri Ward Vice President Robert 1. Recouillat Vice President Fred Flowers, Jr. Treasurer Mrs. Conrad McConnell Secretary 4-jj' Dr. Ernest Hartzog Member at Large !TT John Hansen Member at Large DATE: Novriiber 14, 1975 DIRECTORS Herbert L. Amerson David Baugh Mrs. Marlene Bayless Mrs. Allison Belcher Melvin Broadus Frank Cox Gerard K. Drummond Miss Shireen Duke Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Rev. A. Lee Henderson Mrs. Martha Jordan The Urban League of Portland Board of Directors will meet Thursday, Noveber 20, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Service Center, 718 West Buruside, Room 217. A full and important agenda will be discussed, on time, Please be James Lee Victor Levy Charles Moss WilUam Odom, Jr. Fred Rosenbaum Mrs. Betty Schedeen Roy Schnaible Oliver Smith, Jr. C. Don Vann Ms. Beverly Williams Harold Williams Miss Leslie Williams STAFF James 0. Brooks Executive Director Nathan W. Nickerson Deputy Director Field Operations Mrs. Gertrude- Rae Associate Deputy Director Program and Fiscal Operations George Rankins Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Ms. Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Ms. Linda Biggs Secretary/Receptionist Ms. Janice Moore Field Office Secretary MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS I9 WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS 224.0151 288.6517 November 2O 1, Roll Cal], 2, Approval of Minutes 1975 .rnr.1i 4, President 's a, b, e, d, e, CETA. , Gramb1itig Reports a a ,, . OSU (Bad a a a a a a a e ,, ,Information 0 0 , , Information checks).0,..,0.00000lnforniation Senior Adult Center,, ,,, ,, ,Actjon Projects (LEAP; Road Bui1dezs)00000000000Information Board Memberships,,.. ,,,. Information 6, Letter of Agreement 7, Amendment 8, Resolutjon re Zionism 9 Committee Reports toPersonnelPoljcjes,,,,,,,,,a,,,,,,,,,,Actioyi United Nations,,a,, 0,,,,,,,Action Ms. PlumDler, Multnomah County Affirmative Action Officer, spoke oii her responsi bj1jtje and the current status of the Countys Affirmative Action She requested assistance from the Board in the establishment of a community affirm tive action commission, After some discussion, Mr. Vaun made a motion that Pre ident Flowers appoint a committee from the Board to work with Ms, Plummer on this matter, tttion seconded by Mr. Lee and carried, Program0 The Executive Director reported: EL Minutes/ page 2 Noveiber, 1975 1, 2 Authorization for the Urban League to provide a monthly travel allowance to employees with program responsibilitis Authorization for the administrative funds to be disbutsed at the discretion of the Executive Director Vann made a motion that the Personnel Policies include an item providing a monthly travel allowance for staff with program responsibilities in the fo1ow Mr ing manner: F1Mt. I COMMITTEE REPORTS UL Minutes/ page 3 Noveiither, 1975 1. Following completion of the United Way campaign, KPTV will begin air inq UL advertisements, Mt, Lee also expressed concern regarding Board members who have not paid their mem bership dues, nnualMeet2 Mike Jordan, Cohairman, reported: 2, The Sheraton will provide Vernon charge 3, Entree for the Jordan with the Executive Suite, dinner will be roast beef at $6,50 per plates free of Meeting adjourned at 9:45 pam. Leslie Wi1liams, Secretary LW:ph Id I g f IIeEIUj 'i MAIN OFFICE FIELD OFFICE .J 1.1 ;b d Wi I ' 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 224.0151 288.6517 OFFICERS John A. Mills President Mrs. Geri Ward Vice President Robert L. Racouillat Vice President Fred Flowers, Jr. Treasurer TO: Executive Committee Members FROM: Fred Flowers, President Mrs. Conrad McConnell Secretary Dr. Ernest Hartzog Member at Large John Hansen Member at Large DIRECTORS Herbert L. Amerson David Baugh Mrs. Marlene Bayless Mrs. Allison Belcher Melvin Broadus Frank Cox Gerard K. Drummond Miss Shireen Duke Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Rev. A. Lee Henderson Mrs. Martha Jordan James Lee Victor Levy Charles Moss WilUam Odom, Jr. Fred Rosenbaum Mrs. Betty Schedeen Roy Schnaible Oliver Smith, Jr. C. Don Vann Ms. Beverly Williams Harold Williams Miss Leslie Williams Items which will be discussed include the Annual Meeting, our financial status, the Senior Adult Center, Road Builders, and the NtJL delegate commission. Please be present. STAFF James 0, Brooks Executive Director Nathan W. Nickerson Deputy Director Field Operations Mrs. Gertrude Rae Associate Deputy Director Program and Fiscal Operations cc: Executive Committee members Members at Large George Rankins Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Ms. Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Ms. Linda Biggs Secretary/Receptionist Ms. Janice Moore Field Office Secretary MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS 2, Financial Status of Agency 3, Senior Adult Center 4, Poad Ruilders Service Project 5 NUL Delegate Commission