THE URBAN LEAG:JE O' JTLA'W 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER FIELD OFFICE OFFICERS 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH Eugene L. Pfeifer President PROJECT STAR 718 WEST BURNSIDE PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0151 5329 N, E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288.6517 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 5329 N, E. UNION 5329 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6361 287-4181 Herbert 1. Amerson Vice President Thomas Current Vice President Alfred M. Gleason Treasu ret James Thompson, Jr. M EMOR,A N D U M Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Ellis Casson Member at Large DIRECTORS Mrs. Mamie Bowles Mrs. Constance Bruner Paul Cook Robert Dillard Gerard K. Drummond Guy Frazier Mrs. Margaret Greene Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Edward Hawes Mrs. Gordon Hearn Rev. A. L. Hendeson William Hilliard Troy Horton James Lee Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley John A. Mills Jack Radow Carlos Rivera Mrs. Betty Schedeen C. Don Vann Ex-Officlo Member Miss Helen Holconib STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director James 0. Brooks Director 0f Field Office Director of Community Services To: All Urban League Board Members From: Eugene L. Pfeifer, President Re January 20th Board of Director's Meeting This is a very important meeting. There are a number of factors which need the deliberation and counsel of the Annual Meeting; the the Board, some of which are: Housing Foundation proposal; "Whose Available"; the United Good Neighbors Budget Report and the Black Caucus. This meeting will be held on Thursday, January 20th, at 7:45 p.m., in the 2nd floor conference room, (room 217) of the Community Service Building, 718 West Burnside Street. Free parking available at the Chevron Station across the street. Please cal]. the Urban League office (224-0151) and let us know if you can attend this important meeting. Ronald L. Martin Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma L. Johnson Field Office Secretary PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert 0. Knudson Co-Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickersor Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Thursday, January 20, 1972 AG ENDA President Eugene L. Pfeifer presiding. 1. Call to order 2. Adoption of minutes as mailed. 3. Communications and Board action. 4. Report - Budget Committee - B. U. Pfeifer. 5. Report - Annual Meeting Committee - C. Don Vann and Eddie Hawes. 6. Ieport - Public Relations Committee - Bill Hilliard. '7. Report - Education Committee - 8. Report - Housing. Foundation - Carlos Revera. 9. Report - Guild - Margaret Greene 10. Report - Membership Committee - Executive URBAN LEAGUE BOARD MEETING January 20, 1972 President Pfeifer called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. in the 2nd Minutes were floor conference room of the Community Service Building. approved as mailed. The Executive read correspondence from Mr. Chandler, Editor of the. Bend Bulletin, praising the selection of Mr. Vernon Jordan, Jr., as the new Executive Director of the National Urban League; an invitation from UGN to their annual Meeting, a memorandum from Western Regional Director, Henry Talbert,'on the forthcoming Auditing Conference in San Francisco, February 2nd, 3rd and 4th for Executive Directors and bookkeepIt was unanimously ers and a media conference in Washington, D. C. passed to send the Executive and bookkeepers to San Francisco and to Mr. accept the Washington Media Conference invitation, if so selected, Chatman would accompany the Executive to Washington. President Pfeifer stated that our U.G.N. Budget was deficient in the amount of $21,000.00 which would necessitate either giving up or triming some services in the field office or raising additional monies on our own and operating on a boot strap. Mr. The question arose that did we make any money on annual meetings. Hilliard said we may be criticized for charging for admission to Mr. Jordan's visit, Mr. Hawes asked if it were possible to have Mr. Jordan appear on some television program, such as Crossroads, have it taped so it would be available to all the people at no charge. Mr. Don Vann, co-chairman of the annual meeting committee, read a list of possible menus, together with various prices, which were available from the Red Carpet Service caterers. It was moved and passed that tickets would not exceed $5.00 per person, gratuities included and the actual menu selection be left up to the committee. The contract for the hail at the coloseum was signed. It will hold 300 to 500 persons, have a head table set up f or 14 people, include a piano and public address system and include ample, free parking, Dinner is set for 7:00 p.m., and a no-host cocktail party at 6:00 p.m. Bill Hilliard distributed copies of the new National UL organizational chart arid announced that the Annual Report was at the printers now. Meeting was adjourned at 9:45. Respectfully submitted, James Thompson, Jr. Th9se present: Ellis Casson, Bob Di1lar Guy Frzier, Edward Hawes,William Hilliard, Troy Horton, Faye Lyday, John Mills, Gene Pfeifer, Don Van, Mrs. Staff represented by: E. Shelton Hill, James Brooks and June Geri Ward. , Hartley. B 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER OFFICERS FIELD OFFICE Eugene L. Pfeifer President Herbert 1, Amerson Ie1Ij 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH PROJECT STAR .J 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. I 5329 N. E. UNION 5329 N. E. UNION I I ' PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0151 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6517 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6361 287.4181 Vice President Thomas Current Vice President Alfred M. Gleason treasurer James Thompson, Jr. Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Ellis Casson Member at large DIRECTORS Mrs. Marnie Bowles Dr. Webster Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn William Hilliard M B M 0 R A N D U M To: Al] Urban League Board Members From: Euqene Lx Pfeifer, President Re: February 17th Board of Directorst Meeting Troy Horton James Lee Dr. Alexander levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. T. Ross Paden Michael J. Park Mrs. Ulysses G, Plummer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C. Don Vann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex.Officio Member Miss Helen Holcomb Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director Director of Community Services The Portland Urban League will have its Board meeting Thursday, February 17, 1972, in Room 217, Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside, This will be a very important meeting as we must discuss the approved revised budget and plan ways to get additional funds to complete the budget, There will be reports from the Annua] Meeting committed, the Housing Foundation comm ttec, the Membership P1anning committee, as well as other important items, We hope all of you can he present, Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma L. Johnson Field Office Manager PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS I9 WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS URBAN LEAGUE OF POPTUAND Board of Directors Meeting February 17, 1972 AGENDA 1. Adoption of Minutes 2, Communications 3. Discussion of approved budget and ways to augment Executive it. - President Pfeifer 4, Peport Annual Meeting Committee - Don Vann and Eddie Hawes 5. ReportHousing Foundation Committee 6. Report 7. Peport - Membership Committee - Betty Schedeen 8. Appointment Nominating Committee - (4 board members and 3 from membership at large) 9. Peport - National Urban League Trustee Meeting Bill Hilliard 10, Jim Thompson Education Committee Report - Urban League Guild URBAN LEAGUE BOARD MEETING February 17, 1972 President Pfeifer called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. utes were approved as written. Min- Those attending were: Herbert Amerson, Mamie Bowles, Gerard Drummond, Michael Parks (sitting in for Guy Rrazier), Eddie Hawes, Wilham Hilliard, Victor Levy, Geraldine McConnell, Eugene Pfeifer, Jack Radow, Carhos Revera, Betty Schedeen, James Thompson, C. Don Vann, Margaret Greene and Helen Holcomb, Staff was represented by the Executive and June Hartley. The Executive read a letter of resignation from Tom Current, listing frequent absences from the city and lack of time, as the basis and regretfully His resignation was unanimously for his action. accepted and the secretary was instructed to write the letter of acceptance over the President's signature. Mr. Hill also read a letter to Vernon Jordan, Jr., asking details of his itinerary on his forthcoming trip to Oregon, in April, so that reservations and conferences, etc., could be completed. Mr. Hill read the invitation to participate in the Kelley Loe Mr. Hawes nominated Mrs. Clara Peoples and Mr. Revera nomawards. inated Mr. Russell Dawson, of HUD. Mr. Dawson received the nomination and Mr. Revera promised to send additional information to the board on Mr. Dawson to the secretary for the letter of nomination, due before March 10th. Member Don Vann voiced congratulations to Herb Amerson for his proThe board motion with PNB to the rank of a department manager. joined in. Don Vann, Co-chairman of the Annual Meeting Committee, reported that the Assembly Room in the Coloseum, would seat around 500 guests but that 800 tickets had been printed, hopeful that some persons would purchase tickets as a donation, even if they were unable to use them. Each board member agreed to take ten or more tickets to sell and it was agreed to mail ten to each absent member. James Thompson reported briefly on the housing committee and Mr. Revera asked the board for a resolution of authorization for the comIt was so agreed. mittee to delve further into the situation, Mr. Hill, substituting for the education chairman, said the "Whose Available" would be ready for distribution about the time school was out. Betty Schedeen said the membership committee was preparing letters to be sent to groups and organizations, asking either for a group membership in the League or 100% membership in the League by its She said they planned to contact political, candidates for members, Board Meeting F' uary 17 , Page 2 1972 contributions Mr. Amerson, chairman of the nominating committee, said they planned to meet., prior to the next board meeting. Bill Hilliard, member of the National Urban League Board, re ported on his recent trip east and said Vernon Jordan, Jr,, had stressed the need to revise the national organization and the fact that money is a problem, It has been suggested that the fiscal year he changed to July to July, rather than the current January to January basis, It was again stressed to have 20% of each board, be under the age of thirty. Mr Drummond spoke briefly on HR 620 and bussing. Margaret Green reminded members of the Guild Ball, Meeting adjourned, Respectfully submitted, / J.mes Thompson , -Secretary iT: jh Ir T1 UIFL\11 .LGUE OF POE T) 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER OFFICERS Eugene L. Pfeifer President Herbert 1. Amerson FIELD OFFICE 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH PROJECT STAR 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 5329 N. E. UNION 5329 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0151 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6517 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6361 287-4181 Vice President Thomas Current Vice President Alfred M. Gleason 'Ireasurer James Thompson, Jr. MEMORANDUM Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Ellis Casson Member at Large To: All Board Members DIRECTORS Mrs. Mamie Bowles Dr. Webster Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn From: Eugene L. Pfeifer, President Re: March 16th Board of Directors' Meeting William Hilliard Troy Horton James Lee Dr. Alexander Levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. T. Ross Paden Michael J. Park Mrs. Ulysses G. Plummer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C. Don Vann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex-Officio Member Miss Helen Holcomb Our regular monthly Urban League Board of Director's meeting will be held in Room 217, Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside at 7:45 p.m. This our last board meeting before our Annual Meeting please come on April th and a very important one. and bring a report on how your ticket sales are going. We hope all of you can be present. Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director Director of Community Services Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma 1. Johnson Field Office Manager PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co.Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS I9 WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Board of Directors Meeting March 16, 1972 AGENDA 1. Adoption of Minutes as mailed 2. Communications - Executive 3. Nominating Committee Peport - Herbert Amerson 4, Election of officers 5. Annual Meeting Report - Executive 6. Industrial Membership report - Jack Radow URBAN LEAGUE BOARD OF DIRECTORS March 16, 1972 President Pfeifer called the regular monthly board meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. , in the second floor conference room of the Community Service Center. Minutes were approved as mailed. Rev,. Henderson, James Lee, Victor L.evy, Attending were Herbert Amerson, El4is Cas&on, Gerard Drimmond, Guy Frazier, Mrs. Gordon Hearn, William Hilliard, Mrs. Conrad McConnell., Eugene Pfeifer, Jack Radow, Ret; chedeen, Margaret Greene and Helen Holomb. Staff was represented by B, Shelton Hill and secretary, June Hart ley. The Executive read from an Associated Press wire, stating President It was Nixon's views re busing and equalizing educational. opportunity. moved and passed that the board, as individuals, write and express their own personal views and that the secretary he instructed to write each senator and representative of the State of Oregon, expressing the Urban League Board as being in opposition to Mr. Nixon's stand. Further correspondence included a letter from Mary Miller, regarding a questionaire on youth rel)resenta-tlon on local boards; letter from the Executive Director, John Mack, of the Los Angeles Urban League re the Western Regional Executives meeting in Phoenix on May 16th and 17th, 1972; a memorandum from NUL stating that the Black Student Summer Program has been discontinued since it has not been funded and the forthcoming LEAP Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, March 21-24, 1972. Mr. Herbert Amerson, chairman of the nominating committee, reported the following nominations for hoard officers: president - Herbert Amerson Vice President - John Mills Vice President - James Thompson, Jr. Secretary - Mrs. Geraldine McConnell Treasurer - Alfred Gleason I Members-at-large: Geri Ward and Paul Cook All nominations were unanimously accepted and the secretary was instructed to notify same by mail, of their election, Nominations for new members of the board, replacing those retired, or expired terms, are as follows: Mr. John Saizer, Mr. Charles Luebbert, Mr. Harold Williams, Mr. James Griffin, Mrs. Dael1 Johnson. These The secare to be voted upon at the annual meeting on April 6, 1972. retary was instructed to noti.fy same by mail. The Executive gave the Annual Meeting report. that all introductions, etc., be limited. Mr. Hilliard requested Jack Radow reported that the Industrial Membership Committee would meet April 5th and report hack to the board. Mr. Hilliard gave a brief report, as a NUL. Trustee, on the National Board Meeting. He requested, and was given, a sound round of applause for the excellent. leadersiip of Mr. Gene Pfeifer, upon his retirement as president. Jack Radow reported that the Industrial Membership Committee would meet April 5th and report back to the boa. Mr. Hilliard gave a brief report, as a NUL Trustee, on the National Board He requested, and was given, a sound round of applause for the Meeting. exceiieiL ieadersiip of Mr. Gene Pfeifer, upon his retirement as president. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. ResPectfullY hmitted ;Jmes Thompson, Jr. Lscretary of the Bo(rd B OFFICERS Eugene 1. Pfeifer President Herbert 1. Amerson T11r UA LEAGUE OF PORTLAND 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER FIELD OFFICE 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH PROJECT STAR 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 5329 N. E. UNION 5329 N.E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0151 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288.6517 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6361 287.4181 Vice President Thomas Current Vice President Alfred M1 Gleason Treasurer James Thompson, Jr. Secretary MEMORANDUM Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Ellis Casson Member at Large DIRECTORS Mrs. Mamie Bowles Dr. Webster Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C, S. C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn To: Board of Directors, Portland Urban League From: Herbert Amerson, president of the Board Re: Monthly Meeting - April 20, 1972 Date: April 13, 1972 William Hilliard Troy Horton James Lee Dr. Alexander Levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. 1. Ross Paden Michael J. Park Mrs. Ulysses G. Plummer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C. Don Vann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex.Officio Member Miss Helen Holcomb Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director Director of Community Services This is a very important meeting - new officers will be seated, report on the Annual Meeting, evaluation of the meeting and suggestions for future meetings, adoption of the National UL Terms of Affiliation and a number of other factors which need, the deliberation and counsel of the board. This meeting will be held on Thursday, April 20, 1972, 7:45 p.m., in room 217 (2nd floor conference room) 'of the Community Service Center, 718 West BurnSide. Free parking is available at the Chevron station across the street. Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives please call the Urban League office (224-0151) and let us know if you can attend this important meeting. Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma L. Johnson Field Office Manager p.s. - please bring in reports, money and unsold tickets to the annual meeting. PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS URBAN LEAGUE BOARD OF' DIRECTORS April 20, 1Q72 AGENDA 1. Adoption of Minutes 2. Introduction of new Board Members (Please check your listing on our new roster) 3. Communication and Action - Executive 4. Annual Meeting Report - Co-chairman Eddie Hawes (ask for tickets, money, etc.) 5. Evaluation of Annual Meeting and sugnestions for future meetings. 6. NUL Terms of AffiLiation 7. Election of Delegate and Alternate to NTJL Conference in St. Louis, July 30-August 3rd, 1972. 8. Priorities for 1973 - Appoint Committee 9. Home Town Plan (Affirmative Action Plan) - Appoint representative 10. Annual Budget - Appoint Committee 11. possible new project - U.S. Highway Dept. 12. CPA Audit of UL and Projects Star & Outreach. 13. Reports of Projects - a - Project OUTREACH ..... Charles Ganter, Director b - Project STAR ......... Nathan Nickerson 14. Guild Report - Margaret Greene 15. Other business 16. Adjournment .AND URBAN LEAGUE OF P0 Board of Directors Meeting April 20, 1972 President Amerson called the regular monthly meeting together at 7:50 p.m. in the 2nd floor conference room of the Community Service Center. There were four new board members present and each member introduced After a comment by Mr. Casson, stating he felt he should have himself. been consulted before a new member at large was chosen to replace him, minutes were approved as mailed. In attendance were: Herbert Amerson, Mrs. Mamie Bowles, Ellis Casson, Paul Cook, Robert Dillard, Gerard Drummond, Alfred Gleason, James Griffith, Troy Horton, Jim Lee, Charles Luebbert, Mrs. Faye Lyday, Mrs. Geraldine McConnell, John Mills, Carlos Revera, Jim Thompson, Mrs. Geri Ward, John Salzer and Mrs. Margaret Greene, Staff was represented by the Executive, Nathan Nickerson, Charles Ganter and June Hartley. The Executive read the following communications: A Proclamation from Mayor Schrunk, proclaiming April as Fair Housing Month; A NUL request for nominations for NUL Trustee (must pay own travel & expenses), which was turned over to the Nominating Committee; A memorandum regarding a representative on the Administration Committee under the Home Town Plan (the Executive was elected to this non-paying position); A letter from Jim Brooks, Field Office Director, requesting the month of May for sick leave, which the Board agreed to extend; Memorandum from UGN announcing April 28, 1972 as the deadline for our Spring Budget Presentation and various congratulatory letters on the April 6th Annual Meeting. The Board of Directors elected President Herbert Amerson to attend the Annual Delegate Assembly of the Urban League in St. Louis, Missouri on August 2, 1972, during the National Urban League Conference. Mrs.Faye Lyday was elected Alternate. Co-Chairman Eddie Hawes reported that Annual Meeting Committee deserved everyone's thanks for a job well done. Five hundred twenty-two dinners were served at a cost of $2218.50 and $221.85 for gratuities. Members agreed that future meetings be flexible, depending on the available speaker. Due to the length of the agenda, it was agreed to ask Mr. Ganter and Mr. Nickerson to make their project reports at the next two meetings, rather than tonight. Jim Lee invited all members to the NAACP Membership kick-off and urged them to become members as well. There was no Guild Report as President Margaret Greene was in Los Angeles attending a regional meeting. The Priorities Committee, consisting of Eddie Hawes, Carlos Pivera, Jim Griffin, Mrs. Mamie Bowles and Charles Luebbert agreed to meet prior to the May 1st deadline for the program priorities report to NUL. Meeting adjourned 9:35 p.m. GM/j Respectfully submitted, Geraldine McConnell, Secretary SPORT TO URBAN LEAGUE BOARD April 20, 1972 Proj cob STAR A ctivi Lies Project STAR continues to work with ninety-siic (96) families who are contacted at least once every two weeks to deteniiine their needs and how we cah improve the' delivery of services to them. / fe average thirty to forty referrals a month to all kinds ol agencies tiiat service a variety of needs such as Welfare, Housing Authority of Porbiand, the Oregon State Multi-Service Center, Sheltered Workshops, ftc Oregon Nm Lti-Uthcipline Clinic, Divis Lon of Vocn tLonai cha I) iLl in Li on, ftc Urban League of Porbinrid , Vamily Counseling cv Lee ,i in 11 ic 1uI1.tnoinu ii A esoc l.a Lion .L'or koth rdod ChAd roe We use po toonal con to eta wi Lh blie workers in agencies and programs so tlia L our fainij.ies can receive the service and also learn to use the proper tochnques to help themselves in contacting agencies and to learn the necessary procedures to receive service after STAR is gone. The workers give counseling to both parents and children and participate as advocates lor the family in discussions with agencies or institutions in matters such as suspension Irii schol * in securing needed services. ie are attempting to make the parents more self sufficient this project year and are helping in the organizing of a STAR Parent Association which will be able to effectively pursue the interests of their families and retardate members by doing such things as applying for mdcl Cities funds. Staff conducts a hygiene class for girls in our families where they are taught oroper health habits. STAR has successfully worked with Lhe Pork bureau to provide recreation at Matb Dishmn Center and helps to supervise the program. Pc psrtic:ipated in the Family Counseling Service workshops on advocacy for clients. Last month we had a neeting with Jialen Manser, of the Natonal Project SfAR staff to bring us up to date with the plans for the project on a. NotLonal haste for the third and final year. These National plans will inlcude a Federal and Local Resources Seminar where nabional and local staff will interact with afencies which do serve and which should serve our population. Our immediate local concerns include a program which is involving forty to fifty people who are interested in some type of p'ogram to test for himli levels 0± -Lead in children and in houses. Lead poisoning can lead to mental retardaton and to death. Many agencies are involved in working with STAR to determine whether or not a community effort con bring forth a testing program , agencies involved include Kaiser roj(lcL [AI A:ivtios 2 Comprehensive Health Services Project, The Multnomah County Board of Health, The University of Oregon Medical School, tl Housing Authority of Portland, Model Cities, Portland Metropolitan Steering Committee, '1etropolitan Youth Commission, the Albina Action Center, Li-C Information and Heferral, Emanuel Hospital, Medical Committee for Human kights, and Uhe ieople' iree iealth Clinic. We Invc 'hrLod In enli rolling bo 1et ca ipahips br boLh rebidont en rip a ii day en rap for oar tamilios Wo ;rur1m IC o r Ifl VU fl popOsnl W Ui tho help ui the Urban League before Lhu /2 eonurLLL1oo to provide roorea tior and culLure acLLvi tLos Jot' our youL}w, Luclusive Of such UlinEs as visits to the zoo, bail games, museums and the Lrout farms, Mis. Lucille Love, a client of Project STAR, has been elected to the Natonai idvisory Committee of Project STAR. Irs. Annie Huginnie will present a review of the hgiene program and its implications to the National Social Workers Convention in May in Chicago. Mrs. tiuginnie is our newest Social Worker. We are now awaiting approval and funding from H.E.W. for our third and final year. 'iTü have applied to Model Cities for thu local share funds buL as yet have received no firm commitment. Submitted by f' Iathan W Nickerson Project STAR Director / URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1972-73 Revised: 5/4/72 OFFICERS Herbert L. Amerson - President John A.. Mills - Vice President James Thompson, Jr. - Vice President Alfred N. Gleason - Treasurer Mrs. Conrad McConnell - Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward - Member at Large Mr. Paul Cook - Member at Large Amerson, Herbert L. 1900 S. W. 4th Avenue, Rm. 309, 01 (W)* 2606 N. E. 9th Avenue, 3.2 (h) 226-8950 284-6425 Bowles, Mrs. Mamie 1343 N. B. 9th Avenue, 32 (w)* 4066 N. Gantenbein Avenue, 27 (h) 287-1239 282-3489 Casson, Ellis 222 S. W. Morrison, 04 (w)* 7126 N. Vancouver Avenue, 17 (h) 221-2067 Unlisted Cook, Paul 1st Ntl. Bank, P.O. Box 3131, 08 (w)* 1932 N. B. Stanton, 12 (h) 225-2236 287-0268 Dillard, Robert Main Post Office (w) 10116 N.E. Thompson, 20 .(h)* 221-3501 252-2282 Drummond, Gerard K. 1400 Public Service Bldg., 04 (w)* Rte. 1, Box 525A, West Linn, Oreg. 97068 (h) 224-3920 638-5994 Frazier, Guy Tektronix, P. 0. Box 500, Beaverton 97005(w)*644_0161 7855 S.W. Ruby Terrace, 19 (h) 246-6331 Gleason, Alfred N. 1500 Public Service Bldg., 04 (w)* ext. 717 17351 S.W, Canyon Dr.,, Lake Oswego 97034 (h) 226-7411 6136 N. B. 18th Avenue, 11 (h)* 288-9875 Griffin, James Haley, Father Joseph (C.S.C.) U of 1', 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., 03 * 286-7367 Hawes, Edward 641 S. B. Peacock Lane, 14 (h)* 232-8948 Hearn, Mrs. Gordon 3340 S.W. Fairmount Blvd., 01 (h)* 228-2934 Henderson, Rev. A. Lee 5828 N. B. 8th Avenue, 11 (w)* 2737 N. B. 10th Avenue, 12 (h) 288-5429 282-0067 Horton, Troy 1151 S. W. Vermont, 19 (w) 1226 S.W. Cheltenham, 01 (h)* 246-3311 246-2258 Johnson, Mrs. Darrell P.O. Box 1491, 07 (w) 220 N. Humboldt, #12, 17 (h)* 2882818 229-4815 U. L. Board List 5/72 Lee, James 609 N. B. Simpson, 11 (h)* 287-6425 Levy, Victor 1400 S. W. 5th Ave., Rm. 555, 01 (w)* 8900 S.W. Caroline Drive, 25 (h) 229-5902 292-0521 Luebbert, Charles P.O. Box 3849, 08 (w)* 3027 N. B. 23rd Avenue, 12 (h) 224-6350 284-7320 Lyday, Mrs. Faye 5329 N B. Union Ave., Rm. 217, 11 (w)* 4057 N.E. 7th Avenue, 12 (Li) 288-8261 282-1418 McConnell, Mrs. Conrad 3640 N. Winchell, 17 (h)* Crestview Convalescent Home 6350 N. B. 30th Avenue, 11 (w) 289-7976 244-7533 Manley, James 27_0466 201 S. W. Arthur, #314, 01 (w)* 4409 N.E. 86th Avenue, 20 (h) 253-6669 U.S. F1t1. Bank, P.O. Box 4412, 08 (w)* 1005 S. W. Myrtle Drive, 01 (h) 25-611l Pfeifer, Eugene L, 421 S.W. Oak, Rm. 606, 04 (w)* 2626 S.W. Park Rd., Lake Oswego 97034 (h) 226-5162 636-5155 Radow, Jack Lipman & Wolfe, P.O. Box 1070, 07(w)*ext. 522 228-8111 920 S.W. Atwater Road, Lake Oswego 97034 (h) 636-6551 Mills, John A. 227-5824 Rivera, Carlos 4422 SE. Brooklyn, 06 (h)* 775-0853 Saizer, John H. 421 S.W. Oak, #508, 04 (w)* 12295 S.W. Douglas St., 25 (h) 227-2125 643-2496 Schedeen, Mrs. Betty 2324 S.E. 122nd Ave., 33 (w)* 1612 W. Division, Gresham, Ore. 97030 (h) 255-1790 665-4730 Thompson, Jr.; James A. 103 N. Ivy, 27 (P.O. Box 12165, 07)(w)* 7210 S.W. Brier Place, 19 (h) 287-ll14 Vann, C. ton 5211 N. Williams Avenue, 17 (w)* 284-2210 281-2836 Ward, Mrs. Geri 721 S. W. Broadway, 05 (w) 6225 N. B. 42nd Avenue, 18 (h)* 228-8422 281-5209 Williams, Harold 2611 N. B. Union, 12 (w) 6204 N. B. 11th Avenue, 11 (h) 229-3864 287-6607 3139 N. W. Industrial, 10 (w) 2923 N.E. 8th Avenue, 12 (h)* 223-1153 287-3519 6408 N. E. 4th Plain Blvd., Vancouver, Washington 98661 (h)* 693-8284 GUILD MEMBER Mrs. Margaret Greene EX-OFPICIO MEMBER Miss Helen Holcomb 2465358 NUt. TRUSTEE William Hilliard YOUTH COMMUNITY MEMBER TBA 1320 SW. Broadway, 0]. (w)* 2315 N. W. Aspen, 10 (h) city desk 226-2121 2222057 March 1, 1972 - February 28, 1973 hTAh Project .year Total Project costs 98,198.00 hare /6,60Q,00 Federal 21,598.00 Applicant share or the 3LAR unds provided the local share Coda! CiLiun pojooL yeni' o Mnrch 1, 19(1 through ebruary 29, 19(2. Model Cities has asked tue t STAR be considered and approved lor an allocation amounting to ll,235,0O for the Model City Action Year commencing June 16, 1972. The Model City staff has indicated that because of their own budgetary prob1ems th allocation from Model Cities can not be in- ccoased, Projeot STAR has applied for funds that were allocated to other a;encies and were not spent during the Model City Second Acti4n Year of June 16, 1971 through June 15, 1972. Mr. Charles Jordan has irdicatod that te necessary audit indtcating ny such "unexpended" funds will not be completed until after June 15, 1972. He furthar states there can be no promises made althbugh he anticipates some unexpended funds will be discovered which STAR receve priority lor using. This situation leaves Project STAR with a governtnt contract under which the Urhan League is the prinry grantee with an approved budget from H.E.W. which includes a share, 21,5980O local 0 2 The anticipated unds £rom Model City i will leave the project the amout ol lO,363 short of the 11, 23 '1oca1" share .tunds h.E.W. guidelines for projct operaand unable to cociply with to obtain the 1oaJ. share tion 3incO the project is supposed n ot d r Lo noo budget line items, PiO h vii uoou UI1SUCCOI3S ior Lul in pursuing other resour ces boil haro Iunds. Submitted by Nathdn k. Nickerbon Project i)irctor May 1?, 1972 ¼ B OFFICERS Eugene 1. Pfeifer President Herbert 1. Amerson Vice President 1E U2N LAUE OF PORTLAND 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER FIELD OFFICE 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH PROJECT STAR 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 5329 N. E, UNION 5329 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0151 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6517 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6361 287.4181 Thomas Current Vice President Alfred M.Gleason Treasurer James Thompson, Jr. Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Ellis Casson Member at Large DIRECTORS Mrs. Mamle Bowles Dr. Webster Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn William Hilliard Troy Horton MEMORANDUM: To: Members of the Board of Directors From: Herbert L. Amerson, President of the Board Re: May 18th, 1972 Meeting James Lee Dr. Alexander Levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. T. Ross Paden Michael J. Park Mrs. Ulysses G. Plummer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C. Don Vann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex.Officio Member Miss Helen Holcomb This is a very important meeting. We have a number of factors which need the deliberation and counsel of the Board. Nathan Nickerson, Director of UL Project STAR, will bring us up to date on that project. Reports on the Western Regional Executive Directors' Council and the National Urban League Trustee Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, will be presented, along with our regular &tanding committees reports. Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall This meeting will be held on Thursday, May 18th, at 7:45 p.m., in the 2nd floor conference room of the Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside. You can park free in the Chevron Station lot across the street, - STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director Director of Community Services Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Please call the Urban League office (224_0l51) and let us know if' you can attend this meeting. Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma 1. Johnson Field Office Manager PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS i9 WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS .. LBL1 LPGJ tF PTLAf1fl 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER FIELD OFFICE OFFICERS Eugene L. Pfeifer president 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH PROJECT STAR Herbert L. Amerson Vice President 71.8 WEST BURNSIDE PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0151 5329 N. B. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 9721) 288.4517 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 5329 N. E. UNION 5329 N. Bc UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6361 287-4)81 Thomas Current Vice President AlfredM. Gleason Treasurer URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Jamps Thompson, Jr. Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward MemberatLarge BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Ellis Casson Member at Large May 18) 1972 DIRECTORS Mrs. Mamie Bowles Dr. Webster Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn Adoption of Minutes as mailed 2. Communications - B. Shelton Hill 3. Financial Responsibilities - Executive 4. Administrative Recovery Costs - Executive 5. Planning Conference - Phoenix - Executive (submit 3 names - require 2 signatures) 6. Priorities Report - Eddie Hawes 7. Annual Meeting Report - Eddie Hawes 8. Project STAR Report - Its progress and problems Nathan W. Nickerson, Project Director 9. Prooram Planning Committee appointments - President Amerson William Hilliard Troy Horton JamesLee Dr. Alexander Levy Victor Levy Mrs.FayeLyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. T. Ross Paden .. Mchael J.Park Mrs. Ulysses G. Plummer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C.DonVann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex-Officio Member Miss Helen Holcomb Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall STAFF F. Shelton Hill Executive Director Directorof Community Services Director of Economic Development and Employment 10. Possible new project Program Assistant 11. Guild Report - Margaret Greene Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director 12. Other Business 13 . Adjournment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Executive Youth Incentives Mrs.GertrudeM.Rae Membership Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma L. Johnson Field Office Manager PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co.Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS ESH j h WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNI IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS URBAN LEAGUE BOARD MEETING May 18, 1972 President Herbert Amerson called the Board of Directors to order at 7:45 p.m. in room 217 of the Community Service Building. Minutes of In attendance were: Herbert the prior meeting wete approved as mailed. Amerson, Paul Cook, Alfred Gleason, James Griffin, Edward HaweS, Jim Lee, Mrs. Geraldine McConnell, John Mills, John Saizer and Mrs. Betty Schedeen. Staff was represented by the Executive and June Hartley. The Executive read the following correspondence: An invitation to watch the election returns with the Luebbert for Senator Committee on the evening of May 23rd; an apology from new board member, Mrs. Darrell Johnson, saying she had a work conflict with the last two board meetings a request from the but was very interested in serving on the board; Schools for the City :ommittee to submit a statement of support for the Tax Base Measure on May 23rd; a memorandum from UGN stating that the Spring Budget Panel, Sub-Committee B, will meet with the Urban League from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. on June 1, l972and a letter from Mr. Duane Rivera of the Tacoma Urban League, requesting information on Project Star. The Executive spoke briefly on the meetings in Phoenix, May 14 - 16th, of the Western Region Council of Executive Directors and Planning Conference, where 1973 Program Priorities, Statements of Concern, Terms of AfIt was decided that filiation, Agency budgets, etc., were discussed. project checks be signed by "any two of three or more signers" and that Project Star needed only a new bank card (since they already had three names listed but only required one signature) and Project Outreach would need a third signer and new bank card. The President appointed Eddie Hawes to act as a third signature. Mr. Hawes and the Executive reported on the Questionnaire on Local'& The committee compiled material gathered at meetNational Priorities. ings on April 6, 26 and May 4, 1972. A copy of this report will be mailed to each member, per Mr. James.Griffin's request. Mr. Nathan Nickerson, Project Director of Star, reported on their activities progress'and problems (copies attached). A question and answer period followed. The Executive told the board of another possiblity of a highway project and asked that a project committee be appointed to study forthcoming proposals and report back to the board. President Amerson asked for suggestions from the board as to what each one would like to see the board accomplish. A questionaire will be included in the next mailing. The Executive suggested appointment of a planning committee. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. fully submitted, ldine McConnell Secretary e r IjI&'1 Ie-jUj :7 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER OFFICERS Eugene 1. Pfeifer President Herbert 1. Amerson FIELD OFFICE 200 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH PROJECT STAR sI 718 WEST BURNSIDE PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0151 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6517 5329 N. E. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. I WII'] 1.1 5329 N. E. UNION 5329 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6361 287-4181 Vice President Thomas Current Vice President Alfred M Gleason Treasurer MEMORANDUM James Thompson, Jr. Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Ellis Casson Member at Large DIRECTORS Mrs. Mamie Bowles Dr. Webster Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn To: All Urban League Board Members From: Herbert L. Amerson, President Re: June 15, 1972 Board of Directors Meeting William Hilliard Troy Horton James Lee Dr. Alexander Levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. T. Ross Paden Michael J. Park Mrs. Ulysses G. Plummer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C. Don Vann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex.Officio Member Miss Helen Holcomb Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall STAFF E. Shelton Hill This will be our last board meeting until September. We usually do not meet during July and August which are vacation periods for many of our members. The Executive Committee may be called for meetings at any time the occasion demands during these months. It is imperative that we have good attendance at this meeting as the agency has some very pressing' problems which require board action, as well as plans to make for the summer months. There are special appointments to be made, such as the plan-' ning committee and the project committee. Executive Director Director of Community Services Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and We urge your attendance at 7:45 p.m., room 217 of please call the the Community Service Building. Urban League office (224-0151) and let us know if you can attend. Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma 1, Johnson Field Office Manager PROJECT OUTREACH HA / j Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G Knudson Co-Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS l9 WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS B r iI 11 b 4X1UI UJ 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER FIELD OFFICE OFFICERS Eugene L. Pfeifer President PROJECT STAR PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0151 5329 N. F, UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6517 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH Herbert 1. Amerson 718 WEST BURNSIDE 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 5329 N, E. UNION 5329 N. E UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6361 287-4181 Vice President Thomas Current Vice President Alfred M Gleason URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Treasurer James Thompson, Jr. Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large June 15, 1972 Ellis Casson Member at Large AGENDA DIRECTORS Mrs. Mamie Bowles Dr. Webster Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn 1. Call to order President Herbert Amerson a. Adoption of minutes as mailed 2. Communications - B. Shelton Hill 3. Local Share for Project Star 4. Education Committee Report - Vernon V. Chatman 5. Administrative Costs William Hilliard Troy Horton James Lee Dr. Alexander Levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. T. Ross Paden Michael J. Park Mrs. Ulysses G. Plummer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C. Don Vann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex-Officlo Member Miss Helen Holcomb Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall a. Appointrrient of committee 6. Report on Health Conference, San Francisco 7. National Urban League Conference 8. Signatures on Bank Cards for Star 9. Appointment of Program and Planning Committee STAFF F, Shelton Hill Executive Director Director of Community Services 10. Appointment of Future Project Committee 11. Guild Report - Margaret Greene 12. City-County Ombudsman 13. Other 14. Adjournment Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma L Johnson Field Office Manager PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co.Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS I9 WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS Executive URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND, INC. Board of Directors Meeting June 15, 1972 In the absence of President Amerson, Vice President James Thompson, Jr., called the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors to order at 7:55 p.m., in the second floor conference room of the Community Service Center. Minutes were approved as mailed. Directors in attendance were: Gerard Drummond, Edward Hawes, Mrs. Evelyn Hearn, Mrs. Darrell Johnson, James Lee, Victor Levy, Mrs. Geri McConnell, Jack Padow, Carlos Rivera, John Salzer, Mrs. Betty Schedeen, James Thompson, Jr., Don Vann, Mrs. Geri Ward and Harold Williams, Staff was represented by the Executive, Nathan Nickerson, Vernon Chatman and June Hartley. The Executive read: (1) A request from staff member, James Brooks, requesting educational release time, nine hours a week for four weeks. It was so granted. (2) Letter from Mayor-Elect Neil Goldschmidt, replying to Mr. Hill's suggestion that a qualified person, of a minority group, be considered to fill the council vacancy. He stated that it was the time to consider a well qualified Negro person and would appreciate any suggestions. Mr. Drummond suggested that the Board give some concrete answers and names. Mr. Rivera moved that the Board write a letter to the council, asking that a member of the minority group be selected to fill the post and another letter be directed to the general membership, asking that they use their contacts, etc., to urge the council to appoint such a person of a minority group. It was so passed. (3.) Memorandum from National, requesting all Executive Directors to arrive at the National Conference two days early for a pre-conference planning session. Two Board Members, elected at the April 6th meeting but who had been unable to attend earlier hoard meetings, Mrs. Darrell Johnson and Mr. Harold Williams, introduced themselves. To solve the $10,363.00 deficiency Mills and Paul Cook were appointed two board members each from Family Association for Retarded Children, in the Star budget, members John by President Amerson, to meet with Counseling Service and Multnomah to figure out a way to raise the money. Vernon Chatman, Director of Education and Youth Incentives reported on his Pace Relations Group, organized between Rex Putman and Grant High Schools, to promote meaningful relationships between a 95% white and 100% Black group on personal, social and educational levels. He added that a program was underway to recruit minority students for the National Banking Institute on a work/scholarship basis. Mrs. Darrell Johnson, John Salzer and Carlos Rivera volunteered to serve on the Program and Planning Committee, to meet and discuss possible programs and to present them to the Board in September. Margaret Greene, President of the Guild, announced that she would represent the Portland Chapter at the National Conference in St. Louis. The Guild also presented the League with a check for $200.00 as their donation. The Executive read a letter from the Metropolitan Human Relations Committee, over the signature of James Jackson, asking endorsement, all or in principle, of the move to elect an Ombudsman for the local government. Mr. Vann moved that since there was not sufficient time to study the report in depth, the matter be tabled until the September 21st Board Meeting. The motion passed. Carlos Rivera spoke of Cesar Chavez and the Lettuce Boycott, and asked the Board to go on record as supporting the United Farm Workers Union and its aims, and -to ask friends to join them in the following: 1. Support Cesar Chavez and the UFW Boycott of head lettuce. 2, Not buy head lettuce in stores and not eat head lettuce until such a time as the United Farm Workers reach a just settlement with representatives. Mr. Rivera introduced Mr. Wally Priestly, a visitor, ther on the lettuce boycott. who spoke fur- After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Thompson suggested that we table the matter until further information was received from the Regidnal Office. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Geraldine McConnell, Secretary GM:jh SUMMARY Based on the above, the report recommends that: 2 Changes be made in the Agreement establishing the Human Rela 'ionsto accommodate the Ombudsman position, (Nine specific changes relating to the Ombudsman's authority, focus, respon sibility to citizens and government, powers and reporting re quireinents are contained in the reports) AGENDA Executive Committee of Urban League of Portland August 23, 1972 12:30 p.m. 1, Report of Administrative Cost Research by B. Shelton Hill 2, Recommendation and Discussion by Committee 3, Bank Signature 4, Mock Budget Presentation to U,GONQ Loaned Executives 8:30 a,m, to 10:00 a,m, on September 6, 1972 Will use last budget figures for orientation of new loaned executives, 5, Plans for STAR Local Share by John Mills URBAN LEAGUE BOARD OF DIRECTORS September 21, 1972 AGE NDA 10 Adoption of Minutes. 2, Communication 3, Discussion and Board Action0 a, Road Builders Service h. Board Authorization to siqn legal documents Reports from Delegates to NUL Conference, a, Board Delegate President Herbert Amerson h, Guild Delegate Mrs. Margaret Greene 4 Report and Discussion on Women's Forum and Betty Schedeen 5, Report and Discussion Education Committee 6 Report and Discussion Planning Committee 7, Appointment of Committees. a, Personnel Policies Revision h, Constitution and ByLaws Revision U,L0 Jewelry Mrs, Vernon Chatman, John Saizer, I I GM/ph T1 UA] LZGUE OF PORTLAND 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER OFFICERS Eugene L Pfeifer President Herbert 1. Amerson FIELD OFFICE 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH PROJECT STAR 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 5329 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0151 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6517 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 5329 N. E. UNION 288-6361 287.4181 Vice President Thomas Current Vice President Alfred M. Gleason Treasurer September 22, 1972 James Thompson, Jr. Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Ellis Casson Member at Large DIRECTORS Mrs. Mamie Bowles Dr. Webster Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn CONSTITUTION & BY LAWS COMMITTEE TELEPHONE NUN BESS RESIDENCE WORK William Hilliard Troy Horton James Lee Dr. Alexander Levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. T. Ross Paden Michael J. Park Mrs. Ulysses G. Plummer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C. Don Vann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex.Officio Member Miss Helen Holcomb Reverend Lee Henderson, Chairman 288-5429 282-0067 Eugene L. Pfeifer 226-5162 636-5155 Geraldine McConnell 244-7533 289-7976 Father Joseph Haley 286-7367 Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director Director of Community Services Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma 1. Johnson Field Office Manager PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co.Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS I i 'MiV 4IeiII 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER OFFICERS Eugene 1. Pfeifer President Herbert L. Amerson FIELD OFFICE PROJECT STAR 718 WEST BURNISIDE 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH d WI 'IJ .I 5329 N. E. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 5329 N. E. UNION 5329 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0151 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6517 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6361 287.4181 Vice President Thomas Current Vice President September 22, 1972 Alfred M Gleason Treasurer James Thompson, Jr. Secretary PERSONNEL POLICIES COMMITTEE Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Ellis Casson Member at Large DIRECTORS Mrs. Mamie Bowles Dr. Webster Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn Charles Luebbert, Chairman Telephones: Home Work 224-6350 284-7320 Jack Radow 228-8111, ex 522 636-6551 John Saizer 22 '7-2125 643-2496 284-7722 287-6425 229-3864 287-6607 James Lee (NAACP) William Hilliard Troy Horton James Lee Harold Williams Dr. Alexander Levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. T. Ross Paden Michael J. Park Mrs. Ulysses G. Plummer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C. Don Vann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex-Officio Member Miss Helen Holcomb Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director Director of Community Services Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma 1. Johnson Field Office Manager PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS B - I11i1pui i till 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER FIELD OFFICE OFFICERS Eugene 1. Pfeifer President 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH PROJECT STAR Herbert L, Amerson Ij 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. .I 5329 N. E. UNION 5329 N. Ec UNION I J PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0151 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6517 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6361 287.4181 Vice President Thomas Current Vice President Alfred M. Gleason ireasurer Jtmes Thompson, Jr. Secretary MEMORANDUM Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Ellis Casson Member at Large DIRECTORS Mrs. Mamie Bowles Dr. Webster Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn To: Members of the Urban League Board of Directors From: Herbert Amerson, president of the Board Re: Board Meeting Postponement Date: October 12, 1972 William Hilliard Troy Horton James Lee Dr. Alexander Levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. T. Ross Paden Michael J. Park Mrs. Ulysses G, Plummer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C. Don Vann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex-Officio Member Miss Helen Holcomb Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall STAFF E. Shelton 14111 Executive Director The regular monthly Board of Directors Meeting on the third Thursday of each month (October 19th) has been postponed one week, October 26th, 7:45 p.m. , in the 2nd floor conference room, Room 217, of the Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside, There has been a death in the family of the Executive Director. which necessitates his flying ast to appear in court in Tulso, Oklahoma. You will receive a telephone call about the meeting a day or two before the 26th. Director of Community Services Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma 1. Johnson Field Office Manager PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS l9 WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS B OFFICERS Eugene 1. Pfeifer President Herbert 1, Amerson Vice President TM URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER FIELD OFFICE 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH PROJECT STAR 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. 8. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 5329 N. E. UNION 5329 N. 8. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0151 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6517 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6361 287-4181 Thomas Current Vice President Alfred M. Gleason treasurer James Thompson, Jr. Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Ellis Casson Member at Large DIRECTORS Mrs. Mamie Bowles Dr. Webster Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn October 13, 1972 MEMOIR ANDUM William Hilliard Troy Horton James Lee Dr. Alexander Levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. 7. Ross Paden Michael J. Park Mrs. Ulysses G. Plummer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C. Don Vann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex.Officio Member Miss Helen Holcomb TO: OM: All Board Members Herbert L, Amersorl, Board President Disregard the postponement notice of the Board meeting as being transferred from October 19 to October 26, The Executive will he here on October 19, and we will hold our regular meeting at the regular time (7:45 pm0) in. room 217 of the Community Service Center ( 718 West Burn side), Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director This is a very important meeting, so please be present Please return the enclosed card imrnediately Director of Community Services Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma L. Johnson Field Office Manager PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS "a WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNI1Y IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS REGULAR MONTHLY MEErING URBAN LEIGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS Thursday, October 19, 1972 AGENDA '1. Adoption of Minutes 2. Conwiuncat1ons 3, Road Builders Service and Staff Changes .....,,...........,,.,, E. Shelton Hill Recent Mass Media Interpretation , Interim Report of Committee on Constitution and By-Laws Rev, A. L.. Hcn4erson ( .6. E /. oard Vacancies President Amerson 7. Guild Report Margaret Greene 8, Program Planning, etc. . President Amerson JH RAN lttG[ Itt ()}' PORTI A ND, T NC Hoard of Di rectors Meet i ncj Ocioher. t, :1972 The rogiil ar month I y moe 1 no of the Urban League of Greater Poir t 1 arid Board of Di rcot i ri I lie Second Ifloo r Conference Poom c) I the Corn ors was called o order at 8 00 P ,m nu los were app r ov inuni ly 5cr vi ce Center 7 18 Wesi: Rn rnsi do In' President Arne rson en as rnai I en] Direct ors n al tondance We to llerbc'r I Ainerson, Pa I her Joseph i-ta] ey , Edward Hawes James Lee, Vi clor Levy, John MJ 1 is, Jack Padow, Cabs Ri vera, John Saizer, James Jiarol d Wi] 1 jams , and Mrs Margaret Greene, Staff was represented by Thompson, Jr It She 1 tori I-Ill and Mi ss Panic 1 a Howard. Several letters of communication were read by the ttxeentive, among whi oh was a 1 et tet from Gus Lange of Uni ted Good Neighbors, stating that the Pal ] budge I. hearing for the Urban League i s to be ho] d Tuesday, Noveinbet 28, 1972, before I he UGN budget Pan- The Executive stated that resumes on all Board members were sent to Henry Talbert in the Western Recji onal Off cc, The i.nforma ii on i nd unled on each member was name, Board posi lion, work address and tel ephone number, home address and telephone number and occiipa ti on, A copy of the resume ii st was gi. von to each board member present and cop i us wil I he ynai led to members not in attendance, lowi ag thi c, di scussion was he I.d regarding what National Urban League can do for The Ttxecu'ti ye poi n ted oiii that the Nat ona I Urban League i s hel pi no lie gave as examples the conuininity in terms of n('(JotJ ations a t the Na I. onal level roject Outreach, Project Star and the Road Rul iders Service Program, The Executive pointed on 1: that Vernon Jordoii, Executive Dir ector of NUL, :i s interested in knowi rig what new areas NIL can beorne invol ved in, Ito our coinmuni ty President Amer son stated I hat this concern was brought out at the National 1972 Con ference in St Louis, Missouri, July 30Auqust 2, He said suggested possihi 1 iii es di scussed at the Conference i nciuded , in part, audits conducted by the Nati orial' Dr han League, use of Adnii.n i strati ye Cost and assistance to the local Leagues from NUI i ii any area where expert iso is needed, Pather haley pointed out a need to bring people together in the commune I v and t1iroiiçjh' out the nation because i I. appears that people are spli ute ii ng rather I:han becorni rig closer, President Arnerson said possible ways of bringing people closer together wore also considered at the National Conference, Mr. Hawes wan ted to know if any action had been taken on the proposed cuts in a ll.oca tions to the 4Cs Day Care Program, The E,cerii tive pointed out that the Urban League wanted to do all it could to stop the proposed cuts, hut the cuts in the budget Will Mr. Mills raised a question as to whether or not the Urban Lea he made nevertheless gue is able to lobby. The Executive saint the Urban League per se is unable to lobby, but that an interested group woub d be eligible to do so, Mr. Hawes suggested id t:ers he sent out regarding the proposed cuts, The Executive said he would, through a uews letter, call, attention to -the entire membership of the Urban League, regarding this sil uation arid ask each member to contact people. Other suggestions discussed were: establishing a fact.finding committee to investigate the 1Cs Day Care situation and ending strategy letters to key people i iwo] ved in the proposed budget cuts, Presi d orit Amerson appoi ii'ted a comrni ttee consisting of Edward Hawes , chai rman, Carl os P i vera and Harold Wi b hams, to i rivestigate the 4Cs Day Care si.tuation The cornflhi thee was g yen the author I I.y to draft a letter and will report back at the next Board meet i nd, 'nard minul es/ 101 972 page 2 Next on the agenda was the Road Rul [ders Service Program, Background on the new Urban League redcral project was gi yen by the Execu ti ye and the Di rector of the Pro gram, George Rank ns Was introduced to the Board It was explained by the hixecu tive that the Urban League had attempted to rent office space in the Communi ty Servi ce Cen tot and also the Walnut Park Building for the new project, hut was unable to locate sati s factory space, and later estahi I shed an oFfice in the Nero Jndur tr iec Bul J.di ng located at U525 N, union, The EXcCUt1VC explal ned that the new project had two staff persons: a Director and a Secre tary/Bookkeepe r, Mrs Juno hart .1 ey, former Sec rotary to he Executive and Bookkeeper, has been hired as Secretary/Bookkeeper for the new prect, RepJ acing her as Secretary to the Executive and Bookkeeper i s M1 ss t'ame ha Howard. At present , \f:plicati ons are hol no taken to 113 t the posi forniei'' ly held by Miss Howard, that of Membership Secretary and Receptionist, ii was explained by the Executi ye that Mr. Ranki ns had attended an or enta lion session 1 1:1 011 i n Los Angc' I es the second week in October and from 1\Joveinhet S to NOVC1TIbCT 0, he won 1(1 attend a Eta If Devei opncn t Program in Bear Mono tal n, New York, at the expense of the Department of Labor through the National Urban League, At this time, Mr , Ranici or addressed the Board. The Executive told members of the Board that Harold WI 111 arms ar ranged a 3Orni nute te tr'vi ron program on KGW to in ter1iret the Urban League programs and explain the "Black ['o teriti a I " publication The program was tel evised twice lie also informed the Board that, in two weeks, the Oregoni an will have, in the Sunday paper, a pictorial page devoted to the Urban League, with ties to United Good Neighbors. The i ntevi in report of the Commi Itee on the Revisi on of Consti tul ion and By'Laws was ot given due to the fact that Rev, A, Lee Henderson was attending a budget meeting in connection with the flay Care Centers, John Sal zer reported that the recommendations made thus far by the Committee on Per sonnel Policies were patterned a Fter the current Pacific No rthwest hell Personnel Po I I ci es , Pu rther report from this conmmi t fee Wi Ii he postponed mmnti 1 the next Board meetlnq, The Executive repori;ed. that there are three vacancies on the Board, those of Troy hIor ton, Tames Gri ff1 r and James Man hey, There was discussion concerni nçj removal of James Manley tromn the Board due to his non attendance, Harold Wi Li jams suggested a letter he sent to Mr. Man hey i'egardi rig absences From Board meetings as set up in the Consti tut:ion, wa.s decided that the Nomi na 1:1 ng Committee should moot to so lee t Board members to I hese ya cans es Pr err dent Arme son appo I n ted John Mi 11 s as chai I man of the Com mnittee. Suggestions for prospective Board members included an accountant, a contrar' tor and a person from Labor, It was decided that any names to be cons dered as poten Ii al Board members simon] d he cal hen in to the Mai ii office arid Mv, Mi his would pi ck them up, F ii I r i Margaret Greene, local Gui 3d President, reported t hat the Gui. Id liel d its regular meet They are in the process of finalizing plans ror their Autumn Tea to he he 1 ci October 29, 1972 at St Phi 1 tip s Church, 120 N, Ii,, Knoll Another project underway 1 s a drawl ng to be held November 25, 1972, wi t:h ai I proceeds being ")llated to the Port land Scholarship and Ai d Fund, Ot:lme r plans of the Gui 3d I nc 1 ude ie Nal ionai Guild (onferer,ce to be held in Portland. at the Travejorlqe Oil May 0, t9'/3, amid he Annual Gui Id Ba Ii I ng on October ii wh I ch i i s , , 3arri ff111111 payc 3 (/ I O 1 9 72 dent AIJIOrSOn aj)!)OTt oted a comini I tee, cons istino o 1 Carlos Ri ye ra, chai iinafl, Ia1 er Joseph Ha1ey Vie I or Levy and I k\1O1 ( Wi I- ains IC) iie&kc pl \flS tar a Hoard-Staff qather i no, possi hly in November 1 John Salt zer p01 nted out that the Jet'Cerson Iii qh School band woni ci Like to make baud ror,is and woul d 1 1 ke to have Fahr i c clonal ed !U The kxeeuI ye agreed to contact Harod t-1 rsch o L Whi to Stag concerni fly 11115 need and Jack Radow wi 11 contact Don Suni t h 1 o 1, Jant Zen The mccli ncj was adjourned at 9:1 pam. Respectful 1 y sublu] I 10(1 Gera I (h ne MeConitel I c;ri :pil , Se :retary URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1972-73 (1) 1 Revised: 5/4/72 OFFICERS 1 Herbert L. Anierson - President john A. Mills - Vice President James Thompson, Jr. - Vice President Alfred M. Gleason - Treasurer Mrs. Conrad McConnell - Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward - Member at Large Mr. Paul Cook - Member at Large (fY Ainerson, Herbert c)) Bowles, Mrs /j / /ff) "?: 1900 S. W. 4th Avenue, Rm. 309, 01 (w)* 2606 N. B. 9th Avenue, 12 (h) I2JO N Mamie E. 226-8950 284-6425 3razee 97212 1343 4066 N. Gantenbein Avenue, 27 (h) 27-1239 Casson, Ellis 222 S. W. Morrison, 04 (w)* 7126 N. Vancouver Avenue, 17 (h) 221-2067 Unlisted Cook, Paul 1st Ntl. Bank, P.O. Box 3131, 08 (w)* 1932 N. B. Stanton, 12 (h) 225-2236 287-0268 Dillard, RobErt Main Post Office (w) 10116 N.E. Thompson, 20 221-3501 f/i Drummond, Gerard K. f /)/ ;i) ')1 Frazier, Guy Gleason, Alfred M. 282-3489 h)* 2522282 1400 Public Service Bldg., 04 (w)* Pte. 1, Box 525A, West Linn, Oreg. 97068 (h) 224-3920 638-5994 Tektronix, P. 0. Box 500, Beaverton 97005(w)* 644-0161 7855 S.W.. Ruby Terrace, 19 (h) 2466331 1500 Public Service Bldg., 04 (w)* ext. 717 17351 S.W. Canyon Dr., Lake Oswego 97034 (h) 226-7411 288-9875 (,YffI. / Haley, Father Joseph (C.S.C.) U of F, 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., 03 * 28- 7367 Hawes, Edward 641 S. B. Peacock Lane, 14 (h)* 232-8948 Hearn, Mrs. Gordon 3340 S.W. Fairmourit Blvd., 01 (h)* 228-2934 Henderson, Rev. A. Lee 5828 N. B. 8th Avenue, 11 (w)* 2737 N. B. 10th Avenue, 12 (h) 288-5429 282-0067 L-.--W4ent-,_--19.Jw) 246-3311 246-2258 (h)* Johnson, Mrs. Darrell P.O. Box 1491, 07 (w) 229-4815 288-2818 #12-17 (h)-&.. (/9 U. L. Board List 5/72 Lee, James 609 N. B. Simpson, 11 (h)* 287-6425 Levy, Victo 1400 S. W. 5th Ave., Rm. 555, 01 (w)* 8900 S.W. Caroline Drive, 25 (h) 229-5902 292-0521 Luebbert, Charles P.O. Box 3849, 08 (w)* 3027 N. E. 23rd Avenue, 12 (h) 224-6350 284-7320 Lyday, Mrs. Faye 5329 N. B. Union Ave., Pm. 217, 11 (w)* 4057 N.E. 7th Avenue, 12 (h) 288-8261 282-1418 '7 4, '' MeCormell, Mrs. Conrad 3640 N. Winchell, 17 (h)* Crestview Convalescent Home 6350 30th Avenue, 11 (w) 2897976 244-7533. . (\\ Manley, James 201 S. W. Arthur, #314, 01 (w)* 4409 N.E. 86th Avenue, 20 (h) 227-0466 253-6669 U.S. Ntl. Bank, P.O. Box 4412, 08 (w)* 1005 S. W. Myrtle Drive, 01 (h) 22-5-6W Pfeifer, Eugene L. 421 S.W. Oak, Pm. 606, 04 (w)* 2626 S.W. Park Rd., Lake Oswego 97034 (h) 226-5162 636-5155 Radow, Jack Lipman & Wo1f, P.O. Box 1070, 07(w)*ex't. 522 228-8111 920 S.W. Atwater Road, Lake Oswego 97034 (h) 636-6551 (j Mills, John A. (/1 227-5824 Rivera, Carlos 4422 S.E. Brooklyn, 06 (h)* 775-0853 Salzer, John, HI' 421 S.W. Oak, #508, 04 (w)* 12295 S.W. Douglas St., 25 (h) 227-2125 643-2496 Schedeen, Mrs. Betty "n 2324 S.E. 122nd Ave., 33 (w)* 1612 W. Division, Gresham, Ore. 97030 (h) 255-1790 665-4730 Thompson, Jr.; James A.'" 103 N. Ivy, 27 (P.O. Box 12165, 07)(W)* 7210 S.W. Brier Place, 19 (h) 287-1114 246-5358 Vann, C. Don 5211 N. Williams Avenue, 17 (w)* 284-2210 281-2836 Ward, Mrs. Geri 721 S. W. Broadway, 05 (w) 6225 N. B. 42nd Avenue, 18 (h)* 228-8422 281-5209 Williams, Harold)L 2611 N. B. Union, 12 (w) 6204 N. B. 11th Avenue, 11 (h) 229-3864 287-6607 3139 N. W. Industrial, 10 (w) 2923 N.E. 8th Avenue, 12 (h)* 223-1153 287-3519 6408 N. E. 4th Plain Blvd.., Vancouver, Washington 98661 (h)* 693-8284 GUILD MEMBER Mrs. Margaret Greene" EX-OFFICIO MEMBER Miss Helen Holcomb NUL TRUSTEE William Hilliard YOUTH COMMUNITY MEMBER TEA 1320 SW. Broadway, 0]. (w)* 2315 N. W. Aspen, 10 (h) city desk 226-2121 222-2057 RJVES, BONYHAD & HALL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 400 PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 920 SOUTHWEST SIXTH AVENUE GEORGE D.RIVES LEONARD BENNETT ERNEST BONYI-IADI BRUCE McGREGOR HALL TELEPHONE 224-3920 AREA CODE 503 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 HUGH SMITH GERARD K. DRUMMOND ROBERT F. HARRINGTON October 25, 1972 HARDY MYERS, JR. DEXTER E. MARTIH LEONARD A. GIRARD ALLAN A.SMITH DONALD A. SCHAFER OF COUNSEL RICHARD P,BACH WILLIAM BOYCE FRECK GEORGE K. MEIER DI KENNETH M.NOVACK ROBERT C. LASKOWBKI PATRICK .J. SIMPSON -. Mr. Herbert L. Amerson Board President The Urban League of Portland 404 Community Service Center 718 West Burnside Portland, Oregon 97209 Dear Mr. Amerson: Please excuse my absence from the Board meeting held on October 19. I was out of town from October 9 through the 19th and hence could not attend. Very truly yours, rard K. Drummond GKD:mc H / TPJI!\N LEA(1 JB. OP 1'OPTLAND Boa:cl of D rectors Info'rrnati on O( tohc r, 1 9 (dl ason, cont d ) Mr. J-lerhert L. Ainerson home: 17151 S.W. Canyon Drive..- '-Board President work Lake Oswono, Orcuon 97034 Telephone: 636-4340 1900 S.W. 4th Avenue, #309 Portland, Orecion 97201 Telephone: 226-8950 home: Vice-President of Pacific PowendLhtCan.L 2606. N 8. 9th Avnu :Portland, Oregon 97212 H 'Telephone: 284-6425 Mrs. Conrad McConnel1 ioard Secretary /. . wora: 6350 30th Avenue Portland, Oioqon 97201 Commercial Manager for StJ0 Tc'l epli no: " .'.' Mr John A. Mills ljom,: 3o4() N, Wi nchel] Board Vi. ce-President -work: . Porti and, Oreoon 97217 Tdephonn: 289-7976 U.S. National Bank P.Q, Box. 4412 "Prtland, Oregon Telephone: 244 7533 P1irrnacist . 97208 225-5791 Mrs. Corel Ward Mornber-ai. -Larc-e 1005 S.W.- Myrtle Drive :-,Port1 anur 0regon 97201 Telephone: .227-5824 Vice-President of Urban Affairs for U.S. National Bank work: 721 S,W, Broadway Portland, Orecion 91205 Telephone: 223-8422 borne : 6225 N. 8. 42nd Avenue Pnetland, Oi'eqon 97218 Telephone: 281-5209 Mr. James A. Thompson, Jr. Board Vice-President .. work: home . j P.O. Box 12165 Portland, Oregon 97207 Telephone: 207-li 1.1 Brier Place Portland, Oregon 97219 Telephone: 246-5358 7210 S,W0 Mr. Paul Cook -Large work: Mr. Alfred Gleason Board Treasurer work: 1500 Public Service Buiidjno Portland, Oregon 97-2i4 Telephone: 226-7411, ext 717 First National Raii!: P.O, Bo>c 3131 Portland, Oregon Telephone: Bread Supervisor for ITT_Continental Baking Co. -- home: 07208 225-2535 1932 N. B, Stanton Portland, Oregon 97212 Telephone: 287-0268 Vice-President o.f Pi rst' National Bank ' * .......tJrbp.'Leac,of Portland/ po. 2 Mrs. Marnie Bowles work: 1320N.E0 home Brazee Portland, Oregon 97212 Telephone: 288-6401 & work: 4066 N. Gantenboj n A\'em1( teacher Regional. Civil 97211 Rights Officer Office . Thompson Port1and,Oregon 97220 Telephone: Gordon Flearn 3340 S,W, Pairmount Blvd. Porti and, Croon Rc', A, 0cc' 'crk: 97201 228-29:34 Flenderson 5820 N. 8, 8th Avenue Portland, Oi oci'on 97211. Teie'phone: 288-5429 972o .221-3501 1'01 16 N home: 2737 N, Ii. 10th Avenue Portland, (ireqo n 97212 Telephone: 252-.2282 283-0067 L9!i Pastor of AMP : !h.. Mr .1, Gerard K, Drummond work: 140q:Puhlic Service Building Portland, Orqon 97204. Telephone: home: Church and Publisher of Troy horton home: 224-3920 Roitel, Box 525A West Linn, Oregon 970(8 Tel phone: 638-5994 1226 S.W. Oheitenham Portlanu, Oteqon 97201 Telephone: 246-2258 Iii eh School teacher Dar rell Johnson Mr. Guy Frazier work: Telephone: home: work: P,0. Ro M91 PorLiand, Oregon 97207 Telephone: 229-4815 home: 220 N, JIunihoic1 Tektkiix, P.O, Box 500 ; Beaverton, Oregon 9700 644-0161 7855 S,W, Ruby Terrace Portland, Oregon 97219 Telephone: 246-6331 Personnel Director Wage and hour of Labor Uouscwife Potland, Oregon Telephone: Was with the 101 ephene : Mr. Robert Dillard Main Post international. Students 641 8 Pea cock Lane Portland, Oregon 97214 Telephone: 2327948 Mrs, borne: of U..Ho1yDeparUnnt work; 5000 N, Will amette Blvd. Portl and, Oregon 97203 Telephone: 206-7367 ketired ( 2?2 S,W. Morrison Portland, Oreoon 97204 Telephone: 221-2067 P0O' BOX 11325 Portla.pd, Oregon home .S.CO) Mr. Er.IwaLcJ Tlawes hoite: Mr. Ellis Casson work: (C Univcrsiy of Portland D: rector of Portland, Oregon 97227 Telphone:.. 28234E39 Elemntarv FaLher Josph Halei,' #12 Portland. Oregon 97217 Tc8iephono: 288-2818 , : Urbap Lequc of Porti nd/ po Mr', James Lee ome: 6O9'.' E. Sirpson Prtland, Oregon 1 Telephone: work; 97211 287-6425 rr)llon hTne Mr.. Victor Levy 14OO S.W. 5th Avenue, #555 ,Por:tlpd, Oregon 97201 Telphone: 229-5902 2&,26 S W. Park Road,, lake' Owe co, Or equn 97034 636-.5155 D'sion Manaqer for Pacif-ic North-. ' WPEBpflTeJpfleCOfl__ Mr. Jack Paclow Work Portland, Oregon 97225 292-0521 Teephone: J)rflan WO11(, Co. ' P.0, p< 1070 Portland, Oregon Attorney for State Department of Labor Telephone : OJT Mr',dharies Luebbert work: 22f)- 5162 Tel.r)hr14; home: ,8900 S'.WCaro1ine Drive v,' S.W Oak, #606 land, Oregon 97204 42 l7n'r Retired iPlilliman Porter work: Eugene L. Pfei let r 97207' 228-Ri 1], ec 522 020 S.W. Atwater Road Ouçq Oreqon 97034 Tel ephnnr.; P00,., Box'3849 ô36A 551, ' Portland, Oreqon 97208 Telephone: 224-6350 me: j Iect()r Mr , 3027 N E." 23rd Avenue Pottiand'"Oredbn 97212 home: .Tlp1pne: '2847320 Mr 5329 'N,' F.tJnion Avenue, #217 work: Pot1and, Qrecion 0l home: 41)57 "N. , 7th Aenue work: 201 S.W, Arthur, #314 Portland, Oron 97201 Telephone me: 4 ' "4409 227-0466 NAB, 86th A',enue Portland, Oregon 97220 TeTephone: 2536660 President ofOommunicat'ions Union S 1 ei sew, Oak, #508 12?9 S 07204 227-2125 Douqi as Street Portland, Ore-,on 07225 Telephone: 643-2406 , .Presidept of ADO Mat h'r' Man],y John 11 Telephone: S,W0 Ti alli c Stall Superi sor for Pacific NarthwtPi,Tphonc '.Club, Mr. James 97206 77508 Potlnc1, Oreqon 2R8Fi26l Portland, Oregon 97212 Telephone: 282-1418 Brooklyn DicctoiofChianocontiact_(a___ Faye Lydy 1Te1phorie: 4422 S,E TI?) 'Thono: Personnel Directdr for work: Car 'I or R vera Port I and, Oreqon 'ht1erCoorMion Mr () I Persotinel : work: Mrs. Betty Scheclec'n 2'324 S,F 122nd Port I and, Oregon Telephone: Ayene 97233 2551701) 1 61 2 W. Di .i4 ri n :" . Gresham, Oreqofl 97010 Te)ephone: 665-4731) Owner' of Sc'Iiedperi Rmniovrnent Sprvjcc B OFFICERS Eugene 1. Pfeifer President Herbert 1. Amerson Vice President T URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER FIELD OFFICE 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH PROJECT STAR 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 5329 N, E. UNION 5329 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0t51 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6517 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6361 287-4181 Thomas Current Vice President Alfred M. Gleason Treasurer James Thompson, Jr. Secretary MEMORANDUM Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Ellis Casson TO: All Urban League Board Members FROM: Herbert L RE: Next Board Meeting DATE: November 7, 1972 Member at large DIRECTORS Mrs. Mamie Bowles Dr. Webster Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C, S. C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn Aroerson, Board President William Hilliard Troy Horton James Lee Dr. Alexander Levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. T. Ross Paden Michael J. Park Mrs. Ulysses G. Mummer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C. Don Vann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex.Officio Member Miss Helen Holcomb Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall Our next regular Board meeting, normally scheduled for the third Thursday of each month, would be held on Nov ember 16, but due to the fact that that date conflicts with the United Good Neighbors victory banquet, and the following Thursday, November 23, is Thanksgiving, we are postponing the regular meeting to the first Thurs day in December(the 7th), and this meeting will serve as both the November and December meeting You will receive a reminder and copies of the minutes prior to December 7 STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director Director of Community Services Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma 1. Johnson Field Office Manager PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS lg WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS B OFFICERS Eugene 1. Pfeifer President Herbert L. Amerson Vke President 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER FIELD OFFICE PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0151 5329 N. E, UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6517 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH PROJECT STAR 718 WEST BURNSIDE 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 5329 N.E. UNION 5329 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 Thomas Current Vice President Alfred M. Gleason Yreasurer James Thompson, Jr. Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Ellis Casson Member at Large MEMORANDUM DIRECTORS Mrs. Mamie Bowles Dr. Webster Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn TO: Executive Committee Members FROM: Herbert L, Amerson, Board President RE: Fall Budget Hearing 1ATE: November 8, 1972 William Hilliard Troy Horton James Lee Dr. Alexander levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. T. Ross Paden Michael J. Park Mrs. Ulysses G. Plummer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C. Don Vann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex.Officio Member Miss Helen Holcomb Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director The Fall Urban League budget hearing will be held. from 1:30 p,m, to 2:30 p,m, on Tuesday, November 28, 1972, in Room 217, Community Service Center, 718 West Burn side, We would like to meet about 12:30 p.m5, so we may have a clear understanding of the type of present ation we will be making, Put this date on your calender now and I will see you on the 28th, We are enclosing a copy of the budget for you to study, Director of Community Services Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma 1. Johnson Field Office Manager PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS I9 WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS 288-6361 287-4181 THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER OFFICERS Eugene 1. Pfeifer President Herbert L. Amerson Vice President FIELD OFFICE 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH PROJECT STAR 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 5329 N. E. UNION 5329 14. . UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0151 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6517 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6361 287-4181 Thomas Current Vice President Alfred M. Gleason ireasurer James Thompson, Jr. Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Ellis Casson Member at Large DIRECTORS Mrs. Mamie Bowles Dr. Webster Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn William Hilliard MEMOPA NOUVI TO: Urban League Board Members FROM: fierher-t L, Amerson, President; RE: December 7, 1972 Board Meeting DATE: November 30, 1972 Troy Horton James Lee Dr. Alexander Levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. T. Ross Paden Michael J. Park Mrs. Ulysses G. Plummer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C. Don Vann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex.Officio Member Miss Helen Holcomb Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director This is to remind you of the next Board meeting which wilJ be held December 7, 1972, at 7:4i in Room 2117, Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside, This will be a very important meeting as it is the last me eting of the current program year and there are several serions decisions which must he made by the Board, We also must begin definite plans for our Board-Staff Institute and our next Annual Meeting. We will haje reports from the Committee of Personnel Policies and from the Contiinttee on the Revision of the Constitution and By-Laws. It is important that all members he present Director of Community Services Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma I.. Johnson Field Office Manager PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS I9 WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS Ut? BAN UIAGUR. BOA1fl) o DIpEcTors December 7, 1972 AGB NDA 1. Adoption of Minutes 2, Commun1catons 3fld Action 3. Report of Nomi natirq Comnii ttee John Mi I is 4. Report. of Per sound Chai:ies tAlebher I: 5, Report of Chi id Care Comini ttee 6. Di scussion of Annual Mee ti ncj Plans and Appot ntmeri 1: of Coninri t tee 7 Report of Plans for Seniinar. Car1.os Rivera 8, Report of Consti tut ion & Bybaws Committee Pev 9. General Mills Probiem- Pol :1 cies Commi ttee . . 10. Status of Project Outreach ii . Report of Pinal IJGN Budget Presenta tion Edward Hawes A, bee Henderson Shelton Hill. -..Presi dent Arnerson .Aifred Gleason The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, GM: ph Geraldine McConnell, Secretary ° 7 o_.1 IRAN LEiG OF PORTLAND BOAPD OF DIRECTORS Revised: 5/4/72 1972-73 OFFICERS Herbert L. Amerson - President Treasurer Alfred M, Gleason Secretary Mrs. Conrad McConnell John A. Mills - Vice President James Thompson, Jr, - Vice President Member at Large Mrs. Geri Ward Mr. Paul Cook - Member at Large ** X** \/merson4rbert 1900 S. W. 4th Avenue, Rm, 309, 01 (w)* 2606 N, B. 9th Avenue, 12 (h) L. 226-8950 284-6425 ( ->(Bowles, Mrs. Mamie A\ienu12 (w) * '/, I 4066 N, Gantenbein Avenue, 27 (h) 287-l239 282-3489 222 S. W, Morrison, 04 (w)* 7126 N, Vancouver Avenue, 17 (h) Un Ji ste d 1st Ntl, Bank, P.O. PDX 3131, 08 (w)* 1932 N. B, ;Stanton, 12 (h) 225-2236 287 0268 Main Post Office (w) 10116 N.E. Thompson, 20 (h)* 221-3501 252-2282 1400 Puh1i Service Bldg., 04 (w)* Rte, 1, Box 525A, West Linn, Oreg, 97068 (h) 224-3920 1343 N,- E j e-5 asso, Ellis Cook, Paul -Dillard, Robert - Drummonerard K. ,,zier,Guy AG1easo, 22l-2O67 63'8-5994 Tektronix, P.O. Box 500, Beaverton 97005 (w)* 644-0161 246633J. 7855 Sow0 Ruby Terrace, 19 (h) Alfred M. 1500 Pubiic Service Bldg., 04 (w)* ext. 717 Canyon Dr.,, Lake Oswego 97034 (h) 226-741). 6136 N, B, 18th Avenue, 11 (h)* 288-9875 17351 SW0 -f1mes'3 79/i )( Haley, Fâther Joseph (C.,S.C.) '1earn, Mrs. Gordon \( Hende) Rev. A. Lee U of P, 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., 03* 641 S. B. Peacock Lane, 14 (h)* 232-8948 3340 S,W. Fairmount Blvd., 01 (h)* 228-2934 5828 N, B. 8th Avenue, 11 (w)* 2737 N. E, 10th Avenue, 12 (h) 288-5429 282-0067 1151 S. W. Vermont, 19 (w) 1226 S. W, Cheltenham, 01 (h)* 246-3311 246-2258 P.O. Box 1491, 07 (w) 229-4815 288-2818 /t6 Johnson, Mrs. Darre1l,,, C/) U, L, Board List 5/72 Lee, James 609 N. B. Simpson, 11 (h)* 287-6425 Levy, Victor 1400 S. W. 5th Aye,, Pm, 555, 01 (w)* 8900 S,W, Caroline Drive, 25 (h) 229-5902 292-0521 LuebbhV Charles '' P,O, Box 3849, 08 (w)* 3027 N, F. 23rd Aven,, 12 (h) 224-6350 284-7320 Lyday, Mrs. Fayec 5329 N. B, Union Ave., Pm, 217, 11 (w)* 4057 N, E, 7th Avenue, 12 (h) 288-8261 282-1418 3540 N. Winchell, 17 (h)* 6350 N-E 30th Avenue, 01 (w) 289-7976 244-7533 201 S.W, Arthur, #314, 01 (w)* 4409 N0E, 86th Avenue, 20 (h) 227-0466 253-6669 Mills, fJohn A. U0S0 Nt].. Bank, P,O, Box 4412, 08 (w)* 1005 S0W, Myrtle Drive, 01 (h) 225 .44+ 227-5824 Pfeifer, Eugene L. 421 sow0 Oak, rm. 606, 04 (w)* 226-5162 636-5155 \j McCcnnel, Mrs. Conrad Crestview Convalescent Home 'Mne--Jame s \j_i 2626 S,W, Park Rd., Lake Osweqo 97034 (h) Box 1070, 07(w)ext. 522 228-8111 Lipman & Wolfe, 920 S0W. Atwater Road, Lake Osgo 97034 (h) 636-6551 Radow, Jack) P,00 Riverarlos Sa1zei John HT\ Schedeen, Mrs. Betty James A.) 4422 S,E, Brooklyn, 06 (h)* 775-0853 421 S,W, Oak, #508, 04 (w)* 12295 S,W, Dou1as St., 25 (h) 227-2125 643-2496 2324 S,E, 122nd Ave., 33 (w)* 1612 W, Division, Gresham, Ore. 97030 (h) 255-1790 665-4730 103 N, Ivy, 27 (P.O, Box 12165, 07)(w)* 287-1114 24:65358 7210 S,W, Brier Place, 19 (h) Van Don Ward, Mrs0 Geri \ -t.J Williams, Haro1d-\ GUILD_MEMBER 5211 N, Williams Avenue, 17 (w)* 284-2210 281-2836 721 S. W, Broadway, 05 (w) 6225 N. B, 42nd Avenue, 18 (h)* 228-8422 281-5209 2611 N. B. Union, 12 (w) 6204 N, B, 11th Avenue, 11 (h). 229-3864 287-6607 31.39 N, W, Industrial, 10 (w) 2923 N,E, 8th Avenue, 12 (h)M 223-1153 287-3519 6408 N. F. 4th Plain Blvd., Vancouver, Washinciton 98661 (h)* 693-8284 C'O7 zA- iet Gree EX-OP'FICIO MEMBEP Miss Helen Holcomb ! NUL TRUSTEE William Hilliard YOUTH COMMUNITY MEMBER TEA 517:5 132C) S.W. Broadway, 01 (w)* 2315 N, W, Aspen, 10 (h) city desk 226..2121 222-2057