Nurses Week Research Poster Session 2013 Program Poster Title Author (s) Safety and Tolerability of Glial Growth Factor 2 Daniel J. Lenihan, MD, Sarah Anderson, ANP- in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure: A BC, Carrie Geisberg, MD, Anthony Caggiano, Phase I Single Dose Escalation Study MD, Andrew Eisen, MD, Evan Brittain, MD, James A.S. Muldowney III,MD, Lisa Mendes MD, Douglas Sawyer, MD What’s the buzz about pediatric pain relief with Elizabeth Card, RN, CPAN, CCRP, Chrystal needle sticks? Simson, RN, BSN , Christy Egbert,RN, BSN, Ann Jenkins,RN, BSN, Janelle Schmulick RN, BSN Communication Basics for Palliative Care Melody Draper, RN Nurses Improving Nurses Knowledge and Mary Egger, APN, WHNP, Sheryl Redlin- Documentation of Lymphedema Frazier, MSN , Carol Pope RN , Pamela Wood RN Parent-based Actigraphy Education in Children Diane Fawkes, BA, CCRP, Beth A. Malow, MD, with Neurodevelopmental Disorders MS, Karen Adkins, MA, RN, CCRC, Deborah Wofford, Amanda D. Wyatt, BS, Suzanne E. Goldman, PhD, FNP, BC Implementation of Delirium Screening Tool on Rachel Fowler, RN an Inpatient Palliative Care Unit It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a Super Charge Laura Hollis, BSN, RN, CCRN, Beth Adame, RN Nurse: Improving Surgical Flow Through the Use of Innovative Technologies Inherited Patients: Friend or Foe Haley Hoy, PHD, ACNP, Laura Roberts, MSN, NP Nursing Implications to Reduce Negative Ta-Chueh (Melody) Hsu, RN Factors for the Bereavers What a pain in the neck Steve Klintworth, RN, Elizabeth Card, RN, CPAN, CCRP, Mary Hamilton Chestnut, RN, FNP-C 1 Nurses Week Research Poster Session 2013 Program Poster Title Author (s) Implementation of Onsite Unit Specific Based Cathy Lee, BSN, CPAN, CAPA, CCRN, Jeannie Education Program Wood, RN Comprehensive Model to Assess the Service Wendy Lloyd, BA, LPN, CIP, CCRP, Angela Quality of the IRB Regulatory and Compliance Howard, PhD, CIP DeeAnn Scott, BS Barbara Monitoring Activities Gibson,BS, BSN, RN, CCRC, CIP, CHRC Johny Tadros, BA Physical Activity Improves Quality of Life in Shao Ma, BSN, RN Palliative Cancer Patients Improving Preceptor Performance by Applying Sandy McGill, RN Key Concepts in Training Clinical Decision Support to Improve Brittany H. Nelson, DNP, CPNP-PC Preventive Care in Juvenile Systemic Lupus Erythematous Patient Education and Engagement Record: A Shelly Padgett, BSN, RN, Deborah Ariosto, PhD, Multidiciplinary Approach to Patient RN, Connie Lewis, MSN, NP-C, CCRN, CHFN, Education Zachary Cox, PharmD Open vs Closed Endotracheal Suctioning in Martha Reeves, RN, BA, CCRN, , Arthur P. Mechanically Ventilated Patients with Acute Wheeler MD, Kristen Majeske RN, Julie Foss Respiratory Failure RN, Glenda Harling RN, Aven McNab RN, Enqu Kent RN, Suzanne Hyde RRT, Paul Ring RRT, Todd Rice MD, The Effects of Saline Flushes on Taste and Smell Crystal Rice, BSN, RN Team Wellness: On an Inpatient Palliative Care Karla Schroeder, MSN MHA, RN Unit Improving Nursing Knowledge on Palliative Candice Smith, RN Wound Care 2 Nurses Week Research Poster Session 2013 Program Poster Title Author (s) Flight Paramedic to Flight Nurse: A Pilot Tony Smith, MSN, RN, Shala Horton ASN , RN Program Jeanne Yeatman, MBA BSN RN The Effects of Early Intervention of Palliative Molly Tashiro, BSN, RN Care on Quality of Life, Symptom Management, and End-of-Life Care in Patients with Cancer Dyspnea in Advanced Heart Failure Molly Tashiro, BSN, RN Implementation of Green Dots: A Bystander Christine Tomes, RN, Margie Gale, RN, MSN, Initiative to Prevent Workplace Violence CEAP Identification of the Mental Health Patient as Christine Tomes, RN, Victoria Montei, Dawn a Culturally Unique Population in the Post Woten Anesthesia Care Unit Implementation of an Evidence Based Practice Christine Tomes, RN, Dawn Woten, RN, Randy Committee in the Peri-anesthesia Care Unit Joheson, RN, Pam Phillips RN, BSN Pain Management Communication with Non- Julia Yao, BSN, RN, Michelle Browning, MSN, English Speaking patients RN. Hospital Care Structure and Self-Care Brian Widmar, PhD, RN, ACNP-BC, Ann F. Education Processes of Ventricular Assist Minnick PhD, RN, FAAN , Mary S. Dietrich Device Programs: A National Study PhD 3