PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION Programme title: Final award (BSc, MA etc):



Programme title:

Final award (BSc, MA etc):

(where stopping off points exist they should be


MSc Technology Management

MSc detailed here and defined later in the document)

UCAS code:

(where applicable)

Cohort(s) to which this programme specification is applicable:

(e.g. from 2015 intake onwards)

Awarding institution/body:

Teaching institution:


Parent Department:

(the department responsible for the administration of the programme)

Departmental web page address:

(if applicable)

Method of study:


Criteria for admission to the programme:

Length of the programme:

(please note any periods spent away from UCL, such as study abroad or placements in industry)

Level on Framework for Higher

Education Qualifications (FHEQ)

(see Guidance notes )

Relevant subject benchmark statement


(see Guidance notes)

Brief outline of the structure of the programme and its assessment methods:

(see guidance notes)


From September 2014 intake onwards

University College London

University College London

Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Space and Climate Physics


Appropriate first degree (e.g. engineering, physical science or management) 2:2+. English Language: UCL Good

1 calendar year (from September)

Masters Level (Level 7)


The programme comprises 6 taught modules and 3 research activities. 4 of the taught modules are compulsory, 2 may be selected from a list of options. The taught modules are all assessed by a written assignment and an unseen examination. The first compulsory module – Technology Strategy – is dedicated to this programme. The remainder of the taught modules are shared with the sister MSc in Systems Engineering Management. The research activities consist of: an Emerging Technology Review (group project), a Project Concept Study, and an extended, supervised Research

Project (duration around 6 months). Each research activity will be assessed by a written report and a presentation.

Board of Examiners:

Professional body accreditation

(if applicable):

Name of Board of Examiners:

MSc Systems Engineering Management

IET (planned in future)

Date of next scheduled accreditation visit:


The programme aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop a career in Technology

Management or Engineering Management. In particular, it aims to teach students about the challenges and opportunities of working with new and legacy technology, and introduces students to key concepts such as technology maturity, lifecycles, risk, reliability and resilience. Systems and strategic thinking is promoted throughout, and the important of understanding the enterprise context. The research elements aim to give students a deep knowledge of at least one area of technology management with industrial relevance.


The programme provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas:

A: Knowledge and understanding

Knowledge and understanding of:

 the nature of technology and challenges of managing technology

 the fundamental concepts of lifecycles, requirements, risk,

Teaching/learning methods and strategies:

Small class teaching blocks, supported with case readings, discussions, short exercises and extended case studies.

Pre and post-class reading is provided, together with a subject-specific bibliography for each module. reliability, resilience

 the tools and techniques used to develop technology within a business context including technology roadmapping and technology readiness levels

 the environment within which engineering companies operate


The student’s grasp of the principal points covered in each taught block will be assessed by a written examination and by at least one piece of course work.

In addition, the student’s understanding of technology management is expected to be demonstrated in the research activities.

Intellectual (thinking) skills:

 management skills necessary to facilitate the development of complex technology on time and within budget

 ability to manage innovation and to propose creative solutions to technological problems

 ability to recognise and manage risk and uncertainty, including exploring a range of scenarios in which technologies may need to operate

B: Skills and other attributes

Teaching/learning methods and strategies:

The acquisition of intellectual skills will primarily be by participation in discussion groups and syndicate exercises, which will form a major component of each teaching block.


Each teaching block will have at least one written assignment which will be designed to test the student’s ability to treat Technology Management issues in an academic, intellectually rigorous way.

Practical skills (able to):

 apply Technology Management processes to a variety of real world situations

 complete technology roadmaps linking market needs to technological possibilities

 establish, define and manage the requirements for complex, evolving systems, including both large scale (e.g. aircraft) and small, mass-market products

(e.g. smartphones)

C: Skills and other attributes

Teaching/learning methods and strategies:

These will be introduced and discussed in the teaching blocks, and will be deepened by the research project, aided by regular interaction with the project supervisor.


Some informal assessment and feedback will occur during the taught modules. Depending on the precise form that a student’s project takes, acquisition of practical skills will be assessed here from the dissertation and the associated presentation.

Transferable skills (able to):

 write good assignments and dissertations

 understand business processes

 use computers effectively for design, analysis and communication

 present material orally

 present material visually

 listen and contribute to discussions

 critically study written material

 construct effective arguments when defending a position


 negotiate towards an agreement

(such as contracts)

D: Skills and other attributes

Teaching/learning methods and strategies:

These will be taught by interactive lectures and group exercises throughout the programme.

Presentation skills will be developed through group exercises in the taught modules and through presentations of findings at the end of the Project

Concept and Research Project modules.

These skills will be a major focus in preparing students for a career in technology management.

 make effective decisions under uncertainty (manage risk)

 manage a complex group task


The quality of written material will be one of the factors considered in marking coursework assignments and the project dissertation. Presentations will also be marked to indicate the quality of the communication.

The following reference points were used in designing the programme:

the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications



the relevant Subject Benchmark Statements ( );

the programme specifications for UCL degree programmes in relevant subjects (where applicable);

UCL teaching and learning policies;

staff research.

Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each course unit/module will be shown in the departmental course handbook. The accuracy of the information contained in this document is reviewed annually by UCL and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency.

Programme Organiser(s)


Date of Production:

Dr Michael Emes


Date of Review:

Date approved by Head of


Date approved by Chair of

Departmental Teaching


Date approved by Faculty

Teaching Committee

17 December 2014 (MW)

17 December 2014

17 December 2014

February 2015
