PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION Programme title: Language, Culture and History: French and Francophone Studies Final award (BSc, MA etc): MA (where stopping off points exist they should be detailed here and defined later in the document) UCAS code: N/A (where applicable) Cohort(s) to which this programme specification is applicable: from 2009 intake onwards (e.g. from 2008 intake onwards) Awarding institution/body: University College London Teaching institution: University College London Faculty: Arts and Humanities Parent Department: School of European Languages Culture and Society (SELCS) (the department responsible for the administration of the programme) Departmental web page address: (if applicable) Method of study: Full-time or Part-time Full-time/Part-time/Other Criteria for admission to the programme: A good upper second class degree, or equivalent, in any programme with an emphasis on French Culture and Language Length of the programme: One year full-time or two years part-time (please note any periods spent away from UCL, such as study abroad or placements in industry) Level on Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) (see Guidance notes) Relevant subject benchmark statement (SBS) Masters Level (Level 7) Languages and related studies (see Guidance notes) Brief outline of the structure of the programme and its assessment methods: (see guidance notes) Board of Examiners: The programme consists of: a core course (30 credits) and dissertation of 12,000 words (60 credits) which are compulsory, plus 90 credits worth of modules (60 credits taken from modules in the French Department) for the Taught Pathway. For the Research Pathway, students take the core course (30 credits) and dissertation of 18,000 words (90 credits) and two modules from the French Department totalling 60 credits. Modules are assessed by essay and examination. Training in research skills (non-assessed) is available through the Graduate School. Name of Board of Examiners: French Board of Examiners/Language, Culture and History Board of Examiners N/A Professional body accreditation (if applicable): Date of next scheduled accreditation visit: EDUCATIONAL AIMS OF THE PROGRAMME: The programme aims to provide students with a thorough understanding of key methods and issues in textual criticism, and of aspects of French and francophone culture, notably literature, art and film; to teach students to understand and use contemporary critical idioms; to train students in independent critical thinking; to equip students with research skills; to develop students’ communication skills in a range of environments PROGRAMME OUTCOMES: The programme provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas: A: Knowledge and understanding Knowledge and understanding of: Teaching/learning methods and strategies: 1. literature and/or other representational forms and their contexts (inc. cinema); Acquisition of 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 is fostered particularly through the core course on modern literary theory and the optional taught courses; 2. contemporary ways of thinking about literature etc., its forms, functions and transmission; acquisition of 3 and 5 particularly through research skills courses and the dissertation; 3. the concepts, techniques and resources required for research in a French studies context; acquisition of 3, 4,and 5 and 6 through essay writing for the core course and options, through a culture of critical reflection on discourses about literature, and through the dissertation. 4. scholarly discourse and exposition in the context of French studies and of literary/ theoretical studies more widely; 5. practical aspects of literary etc. study and research; 6. French and Francophone Studies as an academic discipline; 7. Sophisticated written forms of academic and literary French. Assessment: Students’ knowledge and understanding are assessed by a variety of methods: essays, take-home (written) examination, dissertation, and an oral exam. B: Skills and other attributes Intellectual (thinking) skills: Teaching/learning methods and strategies: Students will be able to Acquisition of 1, 2 and 3 is fostered through the courses as listed above and through the dissertation; 1. analyse and assess at an advanced level a broad range of linguistic, social, cultural, historical and literary issues; acquisition of 4 through intensive class discussions and both summative and formative feedback. 2. apply the relevant analytical concepts, tools and methods to particular intellectual and practical problems; 3. conceptualize literary and theoretical issues in their appropriate context and at a high level of abstraction; 4. think critically and independently, assessing evidence and views (including one’s own) sceptically and appreciating the strengths and weaknesses of different ideas and lines of argument; Assessment: Students’ intellectual skills are assessed by a variety of methods: essays, take-home (written) examination, dissertation, and an oral exam. C: Skills and other attributes Practical skills (able to): Teaching/learning methods and strategies: 1. plan and produce a variety of shorter and longer essays involving in-depth critical analysis and sustained exposition and argumentation; Acquisition of 1, 2 and 3 through coursework as part of the courses listed above, through research skills courses and through the dissertation; 2. gather, store and process information for research purposes, making use of printed sources and IT tools as appropriate; 3. communicate effectively, above all in writing (but also orally), about a range of intellectual and practical issues; 4. engage with others in intellectual debate, both orally and in writing; 5. maintain a steady rhythm of learning and critical reflection on learning; 6. identify, choose and pursue a research project; acquisition of 2 especially through research skills courses; acquisition of 3 and 4 through discussion and debate during classes, through coursework and the dissertation; data processing, including the use of IT-supported communication tools; acquisition of 5 through a culture of conscious, reflective learning maintained through a system of regular tutorials and critical feedback on coursework; acquisition of 6 especially through the dissertation acquisition of 7 through coursework as part of the courses listed above 7. read and understand sophisticated written forms of academic and literary French. Assessment: Students’ practical skills are assessed by a variety of methods including: essays, take-home (written) examination, dissertation, and an oral exam. (7 is not assessed independently but is assessed indirectly through the various modes of assessment). D: Skills and other attributes Transferable skills (able to): Teaching/learning methods and strategies: 1. engage actively in intellectual and practical problem-solving; 1 to 7 are acquired through all courses, all requiring regular written work and oral contributions of various kinds; critical feedback is given orally and in writing and in personal tutorials; 2. communicate effectively both orally and in writing; 3. participate constructively in intellectual debate; 6 is acquired particularly through personal tutorials, critical feedback on coursework and the dissertation. 4. explore and assess a broad variety of ideas and approaches to intellectual and practical issues; 5. make good use of oral as well as printed and IT resources as and when appropriate; 6. effectively manage one’s own time and work independently; 7. critically assess one’s own performance and take appropriate action Assessment: Essays, examinations and the dissertation all test 1 to 5. Effective communication of and engagement with ideas (2 to 4) are key criteria in assessing all aspects of students’ work throughout the programme. 6 and 7 are not formally assessed. The following reference points were used in designing the programme: the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications: (; the relevant Subject Benchmark Statements: (; the programme specifications for UCL degree programmes in relevant subjects (where applicable); UCL teaching and learning policies; staff research. Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each course unit/module can be found in the departmental course handbook. The accuracy of the information contained in this document is reviewed annually by UCL and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency. Programme Organiser(s) Name(s): Head of Department of French / Professor Andrew Leak Date of Production: 9 December 2008 Date of Review: June 2014 Date approved by Head of Department: Date approved by Chair of Departmental Teaching Committee: Date approved by Faculty Teaching Committee