UCL LIBRARY SERVICES PRATT-SILS SUMMER SCHOOL 2007 Academic libraries and e-materials or e is for everything Liz Chapman Deputy Director of UCL Library Services elizabeth.chapman@ucl.ac.uk UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Overview Definitions E-ordering and supply Finance Licensing Deals Content provision UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Definition of terms Collection development Building, acquiring, providing Policy, priorities, budget Collection management Monitoring, cancelling, weeding Policy, priorities, space Big Deals Online aggregations (bundles) of econtent from a publisher or supplier for sale or lease on terms which encourage total purchase UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Information for ordering Who provides information and who decides? Academic input 40% (60%) + reading lists / bibliographies Library input 60% (40%) + crystal ball / policy / new course plans UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Sources of information for ordering: serials Academic input - The top 100 I’m on the board….and I like salami Crucial for RAE – future metrics Competing institutions have it Library input What is used / requested What the Big Deals are Budget constraints UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Electronic and print? “The library on the desktop” Contradictions Personal paper copies vs. e-access Library as place vs. library as supplier Invisible supply to desktop Big deals supplant smaller offerings Big Deals curtail cancellation of print Move to e-only not encouraged by publishers but strategic for UCL UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Library suppliers / vendors Increasing reliance on decreasing number of suppliers All eggs in one basket / language? Discounts Services Effects of consortia Internet Inertia UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Finance – how much? What is being spent in the UK? UK spends far less than USA, Australia, NZ UK spends more on average than rest of Europe – Library increases higher than HE increases overall – Newer universities more on journals than books – Overall books: serials ratio 45 to 37 Figures from reports in 2004 and UCL benchmarking UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Finance – how? Budget and Prices Bidding for extra funds Fund accounting by subject Too complex in big deals Financial year Subscription year Invoices and payment VAT on e UCL LIBRARY SERVICES The other side of the coin: de-selection A time to refrain from ordering? Access vs. ownership Cooperation and collaboration Open access publishing Cancellation Price hikes vs. reputation and inertia Usage information Weeding UK National Research Reserve UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Serials selling and pricing problems Complex – differing models Alphabetical order listings…. Price tie-in to historic print subscriptions see UCL’s move to e-only in STM Selling titles to other publishers – information needed Changes in title – complex URLs Big Deals obscure low use titles Need for reliable use statistics UCL LIBRARY SERVICES A licence to licence Complex Long Wrong jurisdiction Single signature required multiple times Preferable to work with suppliers / agents Inability to recognize complexities of service – multiple customers - NHS Librarians are not pirates UCL LIBRARY SERVICES National deals JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) UK National Electronic Site Licensing NESLi2 2002-7 Negotiates via an agent Big Deals from major publishers Authentication and Counter compliant Also supports: digitisation, repositories, national gateways UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Content provision Cataloguing – do we still need MARC? Federated searching Licensed access for users Digital preservation – JSTOR Portico, ARL 2005 strategy Such changes in library practice bring challenges for Library Technical Services and Subject Specialists UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Promotion of e-resources New materials with expensive price tags need to be used Need Library branding Need proper promotion Librarians like to differentiate: Databases, back files, e-journals, e-books, image databanks, reference works, sound archives (BL) Is it important in the Google age? UCL LIBRARY SERVICES User Interface Optional SubGateway Indexing & Metadata Library website Scholarly Gateways e.g. Intute VLE (WebCT) MetaLib UCL owned eUCLid E-Prints Reading Lists UCL licensed Freely available A&I databases A&I Databases Library catalogues SFX Digital Content Paper Content UCL owned Freely available UCL licensed Special Colls archive E-Journals Exam papers E-Prints Digital Course E-Books Readings Books Journals Reading Lists E-Journals E-Books Other full text Exam Papers Inter-connected e-services @ UCL UCL LIBRARY SERVICES And Finally… Happy to answer Questions And to discuss