Matrix Cracking in Ceramic and Polymer Matrix Laminated Composites In-plane stress-strain relation of laminate where Stress-strain relation for each ply with 1-axis parallel to fibers. With ν m = ν f ≡ ν Plane strain tensile modulus The above assumes bonded fibers. Reference: Xia, Carr, Hutchinson, 1993, Acta Mater 41, 2365-2376. Matrix Cracking, continued For specified Poisson ratios (ν f = ν m = 0.2) : ⎛ Ef ⎞ Gss E0 = ,c⎟ f ⎜ σ 2t E ⎝ m ⎠ Finite element calculations (Xia, et al.) give Gss E0 σ 2t Ef Isolated tunnel crack—plane strain assumed for crack analysis. Em Representative of ceramic composites but not epoxy/glass or epoxy/graphite composites overall (average applied stress)= σ tensile stress in the 90o layer (prior to cracking): σ 0 = = 1, 2,3, 4,5 2ET σ EL + ET Steady-state energy release rate for tunneling crack: For uniform, isotropic material : where δ ( x ) is the open displacement computed from the plane strain solution. If there is initial residual stress σ R then it must be added to σ 0 . Gss E π = σ 2t 2 Matrix Cracking, continued—Limit of very stiff fibers The previous method can be used for the case of very stiff fibers compared to matrix—see Xia, et al. We can also get Insight from the results of Ho and Suo (???) for one isotropic layer sandwiched between two isotropic layers of different modulus. #1 Gss E2 σ 02h σ0 (h = 2t ) E1 − E2 , σ 0 = stress in layer 2 E1 + E2 E For 1 >> 1, α → 1 and E2 α= Gss E2 ≅ 0.5 2 σ0 h For G E E2 >> 1, α → −1 and ss 2 2 becomes large! E1 σ0 h Matrix Cracking, continued—some representative numbers For an epoxy matrix of thickness, h = 0.5mm, E = 5GPa, Γ IC = 50 Jm 2 Gss = 0.5 σ 02h E2 = 0.5E2ε 0 2 h Gss = Γ IC ⇒ ε 0 ≅ 0.02 & σ 0 ≅ 100 MPa For an ceramic matrix of thickness, h = 0.5mm, E = 200GPa, Γ IC = 5 Jm 2 Gss =≅ 1 σ 02h E2 = E2ε 0 2 h Gss = Γ IC ⇒ ε 0 ≅ 0.2 ×10−3 & σ 0 ≅ 40MPa Matrix Cracking, continued—periodic cracks Gss E0 σ 2t Isolated crack limit 2t / 2 L The same technique can be used to compute Gss assuming all the cracks tunnel simultaneously. One makes use of a unit cell with periodic boundary conditions. ( E0 )cracked E0 Matrix Cracking, continued—Sequential periodic cracks s --periodic unit cell s/2 s The Gss for a second set of cracks bisecting an existing set with spacing s ( Gss )sequential = ( SEcracks ( s) − SEcracks ( s / 2) ) s = ⎡⎣ 2 ( SEno cracks − SEcracks ( s / 2) ) s / 2 − ( SEno cracks − SEcracks ( s ) ) s ⎤⎦ = 2Gss ( s / 2) − Gss ( s ) With Gss E0 /(σ 2t ) = f (t / L) for cracks with spacing 2L (see previous slide), A new set of cracks tunneling between a set of previous cracks. s ≡ 4 L = spacing between existing cracks s / 2 ≡ 2 L = spacing between new tunneling cracks Recall that for a single set of cracks with spacing s: Gss ( s ) = ( SEno cracks − SEcracks (s) ) s ( Gss )sequential E0 /(σ 2t ) = 2 f (2t / L) − f (t / L) for cracks bisecting existing cracks with spacing 4 L. Matrix Cracking, continued—crack spacing versus stress With Gss E0 /(σ 2t ) = f (t / L) for cracks with spacing 2L (see previous slide), ( Gss )sequential E0 /(σ 2t ) = 2 f (2t / L) − f (t / L) for cracks bisecting existing cracks with spacing 4 L. Gss E0 σ 2t ⎛t⎞ = f⎜ ⎟ ⎝L⎠ σ t E0 Γ IC t/L 2t / 2 L Relation between stress and crack spacing (Gss ) sequential = Γ IC ⇒ Γ IC E0 = 2 f (2t / L) − f (t / L) σ 2t Note that we assume a new set of cracks is nucleated and bisects the previous set of cracks—thus it is the sequential G that is relevant. Note, t/L increases roughly linearly with stress once the crack spacing exceeds about twice the layer thickness. The spacing does not correlate with stress for large spacing—this behavior is dominated by initial flaw statistics which is not considered here. Competition between crack penetration and deflection at an interface σ A little background: Consider the feasibility of tunnel cracking in a homogeneous isotropic material. Gsides = π 2a G front = θ r Fig. B1 Fig. B2 Fig. A Fig. B3 λ is given by: 2( β − α ) α + β 2 + cos πλ = (1 − λ ) 1+ β 1− β 2 (Zak and Williams, 1963) See Next Slide for λ 2 Ref: He and Hutch, 1989 & He, Evans, Hutch, 1994 σ 2a Cracks will not tunnel in a homogeneous, isotropic material because it is more favorable for them to spread 2 π σ a along their sides. E 2 E If the crack is in a layer and the sides are along an interface, there are three possibilities: (i) the crack is arrested along the sides (ii) the crack penetrates the interface (iii) the crack deflects into the interface We first consider the stress field near the crack tip in Fig. A for the tip at the interface. The stress field is symmetric about the crack assuming the loading is symmetric. The stresses have the form: σ ij = k fij (θ ) (2π r )λ where the dimensionless functions fij (θ ) depend on the Dundurs' mismatch parameters, α and β , as does λ --see to the left. Note that k has units of stress ilength λ = Paimλ !! Competition between crack penetration and deflection at an interface, continued k fij (θ ) (2π r )λ σ ij = λ k has units Paimλ Consider a short crack of length a in B1. λ = 1/ 2, isotropic β =0 α= The stress intensity factor K of this crack depends linearly on k. Dimensional arguments require: E1 − E1 E1 + E2 K1 = c1ka − λ +1/ 2 G penetration = (c1k )2 a1− 2 λ / E1 where c1 is a dimensionless function of α and β . Note! G → ∞ as a → 0 if λ > 1/ 2 (α <0). Now consider a short crack of length a in B2 & B3. B3 B1 Gdeflection G penetration B2 ⎡⎣ d + d 2 ⎤⎦ E 1 = 2 c1 E* 2 1 tan Ψ deflection ≡ The stress intensity factors K1 & K2 of this crack depends linearly on k. For each case, dimensional arguments require: 2 K2 d2 = K1 d1 Note that the above ratios are independent of load! ⇐ K1 = d1ka − λ +1/ 2 , K 2 = d 2 ka − λ +1/ 2 , Gdeflection = ⎡⎣(d1k )2 + (d 2 k ) 2 ⎤⎦ a1− 2 λ / E * 1 1⎛ 1 1 ⎞ for β =0 and * = ⎜ + ⎟ E 2 ⎝ E1 E2 ⎠ where d1 and d 2 are dimensionless functions of α (β = 0). Competition between crack penetration and deflection at an interface, continued Crack Advance Criteria: Penetration ⇒ G penetration = (Γ IC ) material1 Deflection ⇒ Gdeflection = (ΓC (ψ ))interface Assuming roughly the same flaw size, a, for both the interface and the penetrating crack, (ΓC (ψ ))interface Gdeflection < ⇒ Deflection wins (Γ IC ) material1 G penetration (ΓC (ψ ))interface Gdeflection > ⇒ Penetration wins G penetration (Γ IC ) material1 Gdeflection See plot. Of course the load must be sufficient such that Gdeflection ≥ (ΓC (ψ ))interface or G penetration ≥ (Γ IC ) material1 β =0 G penetration When the elastic mismatch is small, Gdeflection 1 ≅ G penetration 4 Deflection wins Penetration wins (ΓC (ψ ))interface (Γ IC ) material1 Competition between crack advance in interface and kinking out of interface Reference: He & Hutchinson, J. Appl. Mech. 1989, 270-278. Crack in the interface: Stress intensity factors & energy release for crack on interface: K1 & K 2 , tanψ 0 = K2 1 1 1⎛ 1 1 ⎞ , G0 = * ( K12 + K 2 2 ) , = ⎜ + ⎟ * K1 E E 2 ⎝ E1 E2 ⎠ Crack kinking out of the interface: Stress intensity factors & energy release for kinked crack ( β = 0): K 1 K I & K II , tanψ = II , Gkink = K I 2 + K II 2 ) ( KI E2 Assume ψ 0 > 0 so kinked crack propagates into material #2. K I & K II are linear functions of K1 & K 2 . Dimensional analysis implies: K I = a11 K1 + a12 K 2 , K II = a21 K1 + a22 K 2 where the aij (ω , α ) depend on ω and the first Dundurs' parameter α, but independent of a. Brief sketch of solution procedures to determine KI & KII based on integral equation methods. Let br (η ) & bθ (η ) be components of an edge dislocation at z0 . The problem noted in the figure where the dislocation interacts with a semi-infinite crack can be solved in closed form. The tractions acting on the plane at angle ω at a point z = te −iω are given by (see He & Hutch, 1989) ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ + H r (t ,η , ω ) ⎟ br (η ), σ rθ (t ) = E ⎜ + Hθ (t ,η , ω ) ⎟ bθ (η ) ⎝ 4π t − η ⎠ ⎝ 4π t − η ⎠ σ rr (t ) = E ⎜ Competition between crack advance in interface and kinking out of interface: continued The stress on the plane at z due to the applied intensity factors is σ rr (t ) = K1 K2 K1 K2 f rr (−ω ) + f rr (−ω ), σ rθ (t ) = f rθ (−ω ) + f rθ (−ω ), 2π t 2π t 2π t 2π t The integral equations for the distributions br (η ) & bθ (η ) are a⎛ 1 ⎞ K K2 1 + H r (t ,η , ω ) ⎟ br (η )dη = − 1 f rr (−ω ) − E∫ ⎜ f rr (−ω ) 0 π η − 4 t π π 2 t 2 t ⎝ ⎠ a⎛ 1 ⎞ 1 K K2 + Hθ (t ,η , ω ) ⎟bθ (η )dη = − 1 f rθ (−ω ) − E∫ ⎜ f rθ (−ω ) 0 2π t 2π t ⎝ 4π t − η ⎠ These are called Cauchy-type integral equations. There are powerful numerial methods for solving these equations (Erdogan and Gupta, 1972, Q. Appl. Math. 29, 525-534). The desired stress intensity factors, K I and K II , and thus the coefficients, aij , are simply related to the distribution of the dislocations as t → a. Alternatively, finite element methods could be used to obtain the intensity factors and coefficients. However, given the interest in all orientations ω , integral equation methods are probably more efficient and somewhat more accurate. Competition between crack advance in interface and kinking out of interface: continued KINKING IN A HOMOGENEOUS MATERIAL UNDER MIXED MODE LOADING E1 = E2 = E , ν 1 = ν 2 = ν ; K1 & K 2 are prescribed. Contending criteria for advance of the kinked crack in a material with isotropic and homogenerous elastic and fracture properties. A) ω is determined by K II = 0; advance requires K I = K IC B) ω is determined by maximizing G; advance requires G = Γ IC C ) ω is determined by maximizing σ θθ associated with K1 & K 2 Criterion C was set as a homework problem. It give a reasonable ψ0 estimate of ω (compared to A or B) as long as ψ 0 < 45o ψ 0 = tan −1 ( K 2 / K1 ) =ψ 0 α =0 β =0 ψ0 There is very little difference between A & B Competition between crack advance in interface and kinking out of interface: continued Bi-material case ψ0 =ψ 0 =ψ 0 Kink angle associated with K2=0 ψ0 =ψ 0 Competition between crack advance in interface and kinking out of interface: continued Bi-material case Employ maximum G criterion B--(essentially indentical to A). ψ0 β =0 Crack advance criterion for material 2 below interface: Gkink = Γ (2) IC Crack advance criterion for interface crack: G0 = ΓC(interface) (ψ 0 ) Consider curves where kinking and crack advance in interface are equally likely : Kinking into material 2 Γ (2) Gkink IC = (interface) (ψ 0 ) G0 ΓC α= Advance in interface (interface) Γ (2) / Γ (ψ 0 ) IC C These curves are plotted in the figure to the left. For a prescribed mode mix, ψ 0 : (interface) Kinking into material 2 will occur if Γ (2) IC / Γ C is to the left of the curve (for a given α ), while Crack advance along with interface will occur if Curves corresponding to equally likely kinking and advance in the interface for a wide range of elastic mismatch. (interface) Γ (2) is to the right of the curve. IC / Γ C For example, for α =0 and ψ 0 = 45o : (interface) Kinking will occur if Γ (2) (45o ) < 1.6 IC / Γ C (interface) Interface advance will occur if Γ (2) (45o ) > 1.6 IC / Γ C The more compliant is material 2, the greater must be its toughness to avoid kinking.