Document 13839498

ivision of Emergency Management representatives
to t h a t district who shall provide guidance. counsel.
nistrative support
a s may be required.
kuncil is hereby authorized to issue such directives a s
& necessary t o effectuate t h e purpose of the Texas Dis.
ct of 1'3'76. a s amended. and is further authorized and
ered to exercise t h e specific powers the
ance with the Texas Disaster A & of 1975. $8. a s
because of the disaster vulnerability of all
t h e state. 1. William 1.'. Clements. Jr.. (;overnor of
designate the mayor of each municipal corthe county judge of each county a s the
nagement director for their respective political
his authority may be delegated to a n emergent coordinator who shall serve as a n assistant
ng officer of the political subdivision for
ency management purposes.
. and
with the'Texas ])isaster Act of 1975. $4(21and
as amended. a municipality'or municipalities and the
y in which they are sited may establish. by ordinance
ommissionerls court order. a n interjurisdictional agen-
1 instances, and in accordance with $8(fl of the Act. the
ing officer of t h e political subdivision shall promptly
the 1)ivision of Emergency Management of the person
to head the program.
sued in Austin. Texas. on September 14. 198 1.
oc. No. 816619
William P. Clements, Jr.
Governor of Texas
or further information, please call (512) 475-3021.
which arraignment has been made. or' other action begun
prior to t h a t date: and any such investigation. trial. or other
action begun prior to that date may be completed in accorions
dance with. the applicable laws and m a n ~ a l ~ ~ r ~ v i sper
taining to state military forces in the same mapner and with
the same effect as if this manual had not been prescribed.
This executive order is effective on and after November I .
198 1 , or until modified. amended. or rescinded by me.
Issued in Austin. Texas. on September 14. 198 1.
William P. Clements, Jr.
Doc. No. 816620
Governor of Texas
For further information, please call (512) 475-3021
Proclamations .
41 -1 837
WHEREAS. Sybil Dickinson. former director of t h e Administrative Division of the Texas Secretary of State's Office
served 17 secretaries of state constituting over 30 years of
public service: and
WHEREAS. Sybil Dickinson was a valued and trusted advisor
to the 17 secretaries of state: and
M:Ht.:HEAS. throughout her public service career, Sybil
1)ick'inson exemplified the qualities of dedication and concern to her position and those persons s h e encountered in .the
performance of her duties: and
WHEItEAS. Sybil Dickinson was a revered and respected
public servant: and
M'HEHKAS. Sybil 1)ickinson's ancestors traced back to
Steph'en I-'. Austin and she was a devoted student of Texas
heritage: and
WHt.:HE,\S. Sybil Dickinson's thirst and appreciation of
Texas history were recognized and she participated a s an active member of the Texas Arts Alliance. the Austin Heritage
Society. the Texas Historiqal Foundation. and the Texas
Heritage (?ouncil: and
EAS. the Constitution df the State of Texas. Article 4.
WAS. Texas (.:ivil Statutas. Article 57& $:{ti. states
he governor may. prescribe the procedures including
of proof. in cases before military courts and other mili-
WHKKEAS: Sybil Dickinson- was appointed. on April 28.
1977. and confirmed on May 5. 1977. a s a member of the
Texas Historical Commission: and
WHEHf.:AS. Texas Civil Statutes. Article 678. vests the
governor of the State of Texas with t h e authority to issue
special proclamations permitting interment in the State
(:emetary of persons other than public officials.
'%On:. THEK1:ORE. I. William P. Clements, Jr.. (;overnor of
Texas. do hereby proclaim Sybil D,ickinson eligible for burial
in the State Cemetary of Texas a t Austin, Travis County.
Texas. and request t h a t proper arrangements be made with
the State Purchasing and (;enera1 Services Commission of
the State of Texas.
rpanual shall be in force and effect in the s i a t e military
of Texas on and after November 1. 1981. with respect
itary justice proceedings taken on orafter that date.
, howeker. t h a t nothing contained in this manual.
construed to invalidate any investigation. trial in
Issued in Austin. Texas. on September 14. 1981.
William P. Clernents, Jr.
Governor of Texas
DOC. NO. 816621
For further information, please call (512) 475-3021.
Volume 6, Number 72, September 25, 1981