Document 13839497

WHEREAS: Texas i-anked fifth in 1979 in receiving
research grants and contracts; and
Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6252-13a, 56, requires that executive orders issued by the Governor of Texas be
published in the Register. Appointments made and
proclamations issued by the governor are also published.
Appointments are published in chronological order. The
certification information. which includes a telephone number
for adational information, follows each published sudrirission.
WHEREAS. Texas' institutions of higher e d ~ c a t i o ~
encouraged to develop and expand their rese
development activities by vying for defense related
and grants: and
. '
WHEREAS. Texas needs a coordinated state stra
advantage of the opportumties created by the rap
aerospac'e and defense technology in the United S t
NOW. THRKEFOKE. 1. William P. Clements. Jr.. Gov
council. to support.existing aerospace. military de
Executive Order
Establishing the Texas Aerospace and National Definse Tech-'
nology Development Council
WHEREAS, the continued well being and prosperitv of the
citizens of Texas and the United States a r e dependent on the
preservation and development of national security: a n d
council shall be comprised of a broad representation
aerospace industry. I.I.S. military organizations. inst
of higher eddcation, labor organizations. elected offici
other interested'citizens and organizations.
An b:xecutive ('ommitbe comprised of not more
WHEREAS, the current administration in Washington has
increased the awareness for the need for increased efforts in
the areas of national defense and military preparedness: and
WHEREAS. Texas has historically been a leader in the aerospace industry and the military defense of this country: and
WHEREAS. the State of Texas should actively encourage expansion and development of additional military installations.
aerospace i ~ d u s t r i e s .related businesses. related vocational
instructions. and education of aerospace technologists and
engineers in its universities and colleges: and
authority to act for and on behalf of the council,
budgets and expenditures. and conduct husiness th
before i t by the chairman'of the council.
WHEIIEAS. Texas has a thriving aerospace industrial com.
munity: and
well a s consultant resources ,to assist it in fu
,I,he council m a y em'ploy an executive director a
WHERKAS. in 1979. Texas had 23 active military installa
lions employing.64.000 military personnel: and
WHEIIEAS, nearly $I billion of defense research is annu$\ly
spent in grants and contracts by the federal government'jn
Texas and is aerospace related research: and
WtlEIIEAX, Texas population is expected to increase fmm
14.2 million in 19HO to approximately 2'2 million hy. the year .
2000: and
WtiEIIEAS. 170.0(10 new employment opportunities must he
created in Texas each year through the end of the ccnlury Go
meet the needs of a growing l'exiis populiilion: end
f h ~assist in securing additional reseiirch an
ment, contr:icts l i ~ 'l'exas'
aercnpuce and defense
spircr! and defense I.eehnology industries 1.0 't'ex
((11 cncouriige ti f';ivoriihlc climatc for elec
hvr 18. / ! I 8 I
formanceof its duties.
Issued in Austin. Texas, on September 4.1981.
William P. Clements, Jr.
Doc. No. 81 6438
Governor of Texas
.. .: