T e x a s Civil Statutes, Article 6252-1 3 a , 96, requires that executive o r d e r s issued b y the Governor of T e x a s b e p u b l i s h e d in t h e Register. A p p o i n t m e n t s m a d e a n d proclamations issued by the governor are also published. Appointments. a r e published in chroriological order. The certification information, which includes a telephone number for additional information, follows each ~ u b l i s h e dsubmission. amended. a n d m a y exercise t h e powers granted t o t h e goy nor 'therein. T h e director of t h e (;overnor's Divisien Emergency Management may accept from t h e fed6 . for t h e purpose for which they were made. - 'n: T h e council.shall be comprised of t h e chief executive offi of t h e foliowine boards. .commissions. - s t a t e agencies. representatives of organized volunteer groups. Addi c h i e f executive officers of s t a t e agencies may be added membership of t h e council a s deemed necessary by t h e go$ 1 nor. ! ' -. Executive Order WPC-11 is amended as follows and shall b e known as WPC-11, as Amended S e p t e m b e r 14, 1981 .. .- Establishing the Emergency Management Council. WHEKKr\S. t h e s t a t e of Texas recognizes its responsibilities to provide services to meet the needs of its citizens in case of disaster: a n d M'HL.:I~EI\S.advance planning for coordination of activities relating to disaster prevention. preparedness. response. a n d recovery is necessary to meet those needs: a n d WHEREI\S. t h e governor is authorized to appoint t h e direc. tor of the 1)ivision of Emergency and - - Management: ............... . . . n)75 975. tiJth H t t r.Kr.~\s.t h e 'I exas ulsaster ~ c01t I : 1,egislaturer. a s amended. authorizes thle governor to estab, ,....I -:.., u v r a e arru anarat lish a n I'mergenqy Management ('ouncil. LU a,.,.I..:,.him in a l l m a t t e r s r e l a i i n g t o d i s a s t e r p r e p a r e d n e s s . emergency services. energy emergencies. a n d disaster recov. ery. -. .- fl.l. -. 1- is-..---.... UI 'I'exas. under t h e authority vested in m e do hereby create and establish the I'mergency Management ('ouncil. hereinafter refer-..J .... :1 reu LO ah CIJUIICII. A . I'he duties and responsibilities of each agency or group sented shall he delineated in t h e S t a t e Emergency M ment Plan a n d annexes thereto. The chief executive-dl ,.., . . ,.... -...... , I...,.. ,.~ r.~ lemenrs. .-....)I-.. t~uverrlur..r I F V M . 1 t l r . ~ r . r ~ ~ I~. ~ w rI , I' .I . I I-. 4..rl..... Transportation Land Office S t a t e Hoard of Insurance Texas Industrial Commission Texas Department of Mentak Health a n d Mental Itetardation Texas P a r k s a n d Wildlife Department 1)epartment of Public Safety I-'ublic I'tility ('ommission of Texas Texas Ilepartment of Human liesources '! Itailroad ('ommission of Texas Texas Department .of Water Resources Texas Forest Service ( ;overnor's I livision of Kmergency Management - :.( 'I'exas Ilepartment of ('ommunity Affairs :\ merican Red ('ross ..5 , l'exas Engineering Extension Service . ( ;enera1 Executive Orders WPC-11, as Amended September 14,1981 ... T h e l\djutant (ieneral's Department Texas ~ \ e r o n a u t i c s(.'ommission Texas Department of Agriculture Texas Air ('ontrol Board Attorney (;enera1 S t a t e Auditor T h e Hankine De~art-mentof Texas (.'omptroller-of L b l i c r\ccounts S t a t e Purchasing a n d (;enera1 Services Commission 'Texas Education Agency l'exas Emp1oyment~'ommission , 'I'he 1)ivision of I.;mergencv hlanag@ment shall esl ~ 'I'he director o f t h e 1)epartment of I'uhlic Safety shall serve a s tlirector of' the (;overnor's Ilivision of Emergency hlanage ment and a s chairman of the council. 'I'he director of the I)ivision of I.:mergency Management shall serve a s the gover nor's designated agent in t h e administration a n d supervision of t h e provisions of the '1't.x;ls Ilisitster l\ct of' 197.5, a s district disaster committee for each disaster district compcaed of represent at ives of each s t a t e agency. boi commission having mernhership on the council. T h e patrol commanding officer of each highway patrol dis! siit)district shall serve ;IS chairman of t h e district;dl committee a n d report to t h e director on matters re1 tlisitstcrs iind emergencies. 'I'he chairman shall b e K~lrr~ttc, ti. Nrrnrbc*r 72. Se/)tcvtrhc~r2.5. 198I I prior to that date: and any such investigation. trial, or other to t h a t district who shall provide guidance, counsel. inistrative support a s may be required. 198 1. or until modified. amended. or rescinded by me. lssued in Austin. Texas. on September 13. 198 I . William P. Clements, Jr. Doc. No. 81 6620 Governor of Texas ance with t h e Texas Disaster ,\it of 1975. $8. a s For further information, please call (512) 475-3021. instances. and in accordance with $8cfl of the Act. the ing officer of the political sibdivision shall prqmptly the Ilivision of Kmergency Management of the person . ; public service: and . WHEREAS, Sybil Dickinson was a valued and trusted advisor to the 17 secretaries of state: and . Governor of Texas or further information, please call (512) 475-3021. M'HKIIKAS. Sybil 1)ickinson's ancestors traced back to Stephen I:. Austin and she was a devoted student of Texas heritage: and WHKHKr\S. Sybil Dickinson's thirst and appreciation of Texas history were recognized and she participated as a n active member of the Texas Arts Alliance, the Austin Heritage Society. the Texas Historical Foundation. and the Texas nates the governor as.the commander-in-chief of the forces of the state: and M'HKHKAS: Sybil 1)ickinson was appointed. on April 28. 1977. and confirmed on May 5. 1977. a s a member of the Historica1 and WHKKKAS. Texas Civil Statutes. Article ($78. vests the Manual for (!ourk-Martial (revised.editioh. 198 1 1 . the State of Texas. a1 shall be in force and effect in the d a t e miliiary Issued in Austin. Texas. on September 14. 1981. For further information, please call (512) 475-3021. Volume'G, Number 72, September 25, 1981