HSC 3-11 (13-14) [Health and Safety Committee, 15 July 2014] Item 8 HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE LABORATORY ANIMAL ALLERGEN ACTION PLAN: UPDATE AND UCL STANDARD “MANAGING THE RISK FROM EXPOSURE TO LABORATORY ANIMAL ALLERGENS Summary: Update on progress with UCL action plan to prevent occupational disease through the control of laboratory animal allergens; this includes consideration of the new UCL standard. Action proposed to the Committee: To note progress with action plan and to approve the proposed UCL standard Author/Proponent: Jillian Deans Background 1. When they met in January 2013, the HSC considered a plan detailing the actions required to ensure UCL has appropriate measures in place to prevent work-related ill health through effective control of exposure to laboratory animal allergens (LAA). 2. This plan had been developed following a detailed review of UCL’s current approach to control as well as the actions already taken in response to the enforcement action taken by the Health and Safety Executive following a report of occupational asthma in 2012. Actions to date 3. HSC has received regular progress to date; a final update is detailed in the table in Annex 1. The only significant outstanding item is the e-learning module and it is planned that this will be available by the end of the year. UCL standard 4. A new UCL standard has been prepared to replace the previous UCL Approved Code of Practice (Annex 2). The standard aims to clarify the roles and responsibilities of those involved and sets out the measures necessary to control exposure to LAA in both Biological Services Units and Departmental Home Office registered areas. 5. The draft standard has already been discussed and agreed with Biological Services and Occupational Health. A wider consultation with departmental staff with registered rooms in their areas and Biological Services staff responsible for the care and welfare of animals in these departmental areas has been undertaken; a verbal update will be given at today’s meeting. HSC 3-11 (13-14) [Health and Safety Committee, 15 July 2014] Item 8 Annex 1 Issue Progress Ventilation 1. Develop programme to identify and test general ventilation systems and establish arrangements on-going testing (frequency/provider etc). Estates Engineering, Maintenance and Infrastructure currently tendering for service providers 2. Provision of monitoring equipment to monitor pressure differential between rooms and corridors This will be considered on a case-by-case basis in line with planned refurbishment/upgrade of units. 3. Identify all LEV and ensure that all equipment is tested every 14 months To be followed up as part of routine Safety Services interventions. Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) and Personal Protective equipment (PPE) 4. Investigate best means of provision of FFP3 masks to ensure appropriate use/storage - consider provision of single type of mask. Need to determine whether masks should be single use or re-usable FFP2 masks currently being supplied at entry to all units. Plans for migration to P3 masks are to be discussed with Faculty Managers (joint Biological Services/Safety Services approach) as this will involve additional costs for departments. 5. Establish face-fit testing programme for all RPE users Service currently being rolled out to existing users. Information, instruction and training 6. Prepare joint (Biological Service, Occupational Health and Safety Services) information leaflet covering key points and consider provision of more detailed on-line training to be completed in advance of attendance at HO training E-learning module in development. First draft of script (for narrated PowerPoint presentation), filming and photography has been completed. Work about to restart following pending completion the revised UCL Standard (see item 7) 7. Review/revise UCL guidance to reflect current HSE advice and best practice in the sector. To be discussed/agreed at HSC 15/7/14 8. Educate staff on the risks to themselves and others and enforce the correct use of PPE and RPE as appropriate See comment against 6 Management of designated departmental space HSC 3-11 (13-14) [Health and Safety Committee, 15 July 2014] Item 8 Issue Progress 9. A baseline inspection programme will be carried out to establish current practices in departmental designated rooms and inform the planned revision to the UCL guidance. Inspections carried out and information used to inform the new UCL Standard. Safety Services now assess rooms against criteria in UCL standard as part of the process of Home Office registration 10. Revised UCL guidance will clarify the requirements for departmental designated space; both in terms of the risks, physical requirements and working practices to ensure better understanding and better control of allergen, including the use of RPE. See comment against 7 Health surveillance 11. BSU staff are able to restrict access to the units until statutory health surveillance is undertaken. Managers to restrict work that involves potential exposure to laboratory allergens until health surveillance is undertaken Process agreed with OHS and BS and now in place. 12. Monitor the maintenance of records as part of the inspection process To be followed up as part of routine Safety Services interventions following publication of new UCL Standard