ITU WSIS Thematic Meeting on Countering Spam* International Conference Center of Geneva (CICG) Geneva, 7–9 July 2004 Registration Form Return by FAX to +41 22 730 5881 by 18 June 2004 Country/Organization/Company/Entity represented: Mr Ms Family name: _________________________ Official title: First name: _________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Tel: Fax: E-mail: Passport No:______________________________ Validity:_________________________________ Date: ________________________ Signature and official stamp: _______________________________________________ Please note: this form registers you for the meeting only. For accommodation, please contact a hotel directly. For a list of hotels in the Geneva area offering ITU preferential rates, see For other practical information, see * Organized as a candidate WSIS Thematic meeting for the Tunis phase of WSIS in 2005. Designation of the thematic event will be made by the WSIS process.