JOB PROGRESS PROGRESS REPORT REPORT JOB ANADROMOUS FISH FISH PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT TITLE: TITLE: PROJECT Research fish in in coastal coastal Research on on anadromous fish watersheds of Oregon Oregon watersheds of PROJECT NUMBER: NUMBER: PROJECT AFC-67-3 CONTRACT NUMBER: NUMBER: 014-6-208-14 04-6-208-4 PROJECT PERIOD: PERIOD: PROJECT Annual Report, July July 1, 1, 1975-June 1975-June 30, 30, 1976 1976 Annual Report, Completion Completion Reports, Reports, July 1, 1, 1973-June 1973-June 30, 30, 1976 1976 Prepared by: by: Prepared Alan M. M. McGie Program Leader Leader Research Section Oregon Department of Fish & Oregon & Wildlife 16314 S.5. W. W. Alder Alder Street 1634 0. Box 3503 P. 0. P. Portland, Portland, OR OR 97208 This project project was was financed financed in in part part with with Anadromous Anadromous Fish Fish Act Act (PL-89-3014) (PL-89-304) funds funds through the National National Marine Marine Fisheries Fisheries Service. Service. through the CONTENTS Page No. No. INTRODUCTION .................................. . .. ................ . ...................................................... SECTION 1: 1: 1 ANNUAL PROGRESS PROGRESS REPORT REPORTFY 1976 1976 ..................... - FY ....................... ReportsPrepared Reports Prepared............................................. ............................................. Coastal Reservoirs Coastal Reservoirs.......................... . ................ ........................................... 2 2 1 Nestucca River River....................... McGuire Reservoir, Nestucca ....................... Barney Reservoir, Trask River River........................... ........................... 33 TenmileLakes Tenmile Lakes................................................ ................................................ 33 Coho Spawning Population Population................................ ................................ Catch in in South South Tenmile Tenmile Lake Lake........................ Trap Catch ........................ 3 3 Fall Fall Chinook Ecology Ecology......................................... ......................................... 4 4 River..................... .......................... E 1 k River Elk ............................................... 4 4 Population Estimates Estimates............................... ............................... Sport Fishery Survey Survey.................... . .......... ............................... Growth and and Early Early Release Release ........... :... Accelerated Growth ............... Contribution of 1969-Brood 1969-Brood Fall Fall Chinook Estimated Contribution Salmon .. .... . ............. . .............. . ....... Salmon........................................... ............... Rearing Program, Program, 1974 1974 Brood Brood.... . .. . ....... Hatchery Rearing 44 66 9 9 1 22 4 4 l0 10 11 11 Chetco River River................... .. ... . ............. . ... . . ............................................ 11 11 .................................... Jack Creek Creek Trap Trap.................................... Rearing Program, Program, 1974 1974 Brood Brood............... ............... Hatchery Rearing Fishery Survey Survey.................... . .......... Sport Fishery ............................... II 11 ll 11 ll 11 Coastal Fall Coastal Fall Chinook Stock Assessment Assessment Project Project................ ................ 14 14 Tagged Smolts Released Tagged Released in in FY FY 1976 1976........................ .... ... . .. .. .. .... .... Coded Wire Tag Recoveries, Coded Recoveries, 1973 1973 Brood Brood........... .. ...... ................... 14 14 15 15 Pacific Coast Fisheries Fisheries............................ ............................ .................................. Oregon Hatcheries Hatcheries.................................. 15 15 15 15 Salmon River Project Project.......................................... .............. . ...... . . ... ..... . .. .... .. 15 15 Field Studies Studies .................... ........................................... . ..... . .. ... .. ... ... .. . 17 17 ................................... Juvenile Studies Studies................................... Adult Tagging ...................................... Tagging...... .. ...................... . ....... Spawning .............................. Spaw?ing Fish Fish Surveys ~u~veys.............................. Species Spec 1 es Composition Compos 1 t 1on................................. ............................... 17 17 17 17 17 17 I8 18 No. Page No. Data Analysis......................................... DataAnalysis ......................................... 18 18 Shad and and Striped Bass Shad Bass.... .................................. ...................................... 18 18 SECTION II. I I. COMPLETION REPORT REPORT- JULY 1, 1, 1973, 1973, TO JUNE JUNE 30, 30, 1976. 976. Tenmile Lakes.............................................. TenmileLakes .............................................. FlorasLake Floras Lake................................................ ................................................ Fall Chinook Ecology Fall Ecology....................................... ....................................... Coastal Coastal Fall Fall Chinook Stock Assessment Project .... ~......... ............... Salmon River Salmon River Project Project....................................... ....................................... Shad and Striped Striped Bass Bass...................................... ...................................... 19 19 19 19 21 21 22 22 25 25 26 26 26 26 TABLES Table No. No. 22 33 44 55 6 6 Page No. No. Reports by the the staff staff of of Coastal Coastal Rivers Rivers program, program, Reports submitted submitted by FY 1976.......... . ........................ . .............. FY1976 .................................................. 2 Species Species composition of fish fish caught in in a floating trap, trap, Templeton Arm, Arm, South South Tenmile Tenmile Lake, Lake, 1975 1975.. ... . .. . ..... .... .................. 5 of fish fish captured captured per per net net day day in in Templeton Templeton Arm, Arm, Numbers of Numbers South Tenmile Tenmile Lake, Lake, July July through through December December1969-75 1969-75......... ... .... South 5 Estimated return return and and survival survival of of hatchery hatchery chinook chinook salmon salmon Estimated to Elk River, River, 1975 1975................. . ..................... toElk ....................................... 7 7 the sport fishery fishery for for fall fall chinook chinook in in Elk Elk River, River, Summary of the 1972-75.................................................. 1972-75 .................................................. 88 Origin of anglers interviewed interviewed during during creel creel census census surveys surveys on River, 1972-75 1972-75.................................... on Elk River, .................................... 99 2 5 5 7 7 Survival fall chinook chinook hatched hatched in in heated heated water water Survival of 1970-brood fall incubators.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I100 incubators............................................... 88 Size-specific survival survival rates rates for for 1970-brood 1970-brood fall fall chinook chinook 5, 1971 1971............ .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . released June 5, .................................... 10 10 Fall (1974 brood) brood) reared reared and released released into into Fall chinook chinook salmon (1974 Elk River........ . ....................................... ElkRiver ................................................ 12 12 Fall Fall chinook ch(nook salmon salmon (197)-i (1974 brood, brood, Chetco Chetco stock) stock) reared at at Elk River Hatchery and released released into into the the Chetco, Chetco, Coos, Coos, and and Mi 11 icoma rivers rivers..................... . ................... Millicoma ......................................... 13 13 1974-brood fall fall chinook chinook salmon salmon released released Distribution of 1974-brood into the the Chetco Chetco River, River, September-November 1975 into 1975..... ...... ........... 13 13 Number of fall faJJ chinook salmon salmon smolts smelts (1974 (1974 brood) brood) marked marked coded wire tags tags and and released released in in 1975 1975... .. ... . .. ... .. with coded ................ 16 16 Coded tag recoveries recoveries from from 1973-brood 1973-brood fall fall chinook chinook Coded wire tag salmon sampled in in coastal coastal fisheries fisheries in in 1975 1975... .. .... ... . . .............. 17 17 14 14 Commercial landings of shad and and striped striped bass, bass, 1975 1975.... ... Commercial landings ....... 18 18 15 15 Numbers fall chinook released released into into Elk Elk and and Chetco Chetco Numbers of fall rivers, by brood year year............. . . . . . . .. . .. ... ....... . . rivers, by .................................... 22 22 99 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 on Anadromous Fish Fish in in Research on Coastal Watersheds of Oregon Coastal INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Following merger merger of of the the Fish Fish and and Wildlife Wildlife commissions commissions into into aa unified unified Following agency in in FY FY 1976, 1976, work work responsibilities responsibilities of of the the Coastal Coastal Rivers Rivers Investigation Investigation were reassigned reassigned from from management and and research research in in the Fish Fish Commission Commission to to the the Research Section Section (Operations (Operations Division) Division) of of the the Department Department of of Fish Fish and and Wildlife. Wildlife. Coastal Investigation was relieved relieved of of all all management management functions functions and and Coastal Rivers Investigation (1) Elk Elk River River Fall Fall Chinook assigned four four research research projects projects during during FY FY 1976: 1976: (I) (3) Coastal Coastal Fall Project; {2) Salmon Salmon River River Project; Project; (3) Fall Chinook Stock Assessment Assessment Project; (2) Project; and and (Ii) (4) Tillamook Estuary Study. Study. Former projects on coastal coastal lakes lakes Tillamook Estuary and reservoirs were terminated terminated during during the the fiscal fiscal year. year. The Tillamook Estuary and reservoirs Study was assigned to to the the program program in in November November 1975, 1975, on on aa separate separate budget budget outoutside realm of the the Anadromous Fish Fish Act cooperative cooperative agreement. agreement. side the realm Program headquarters headquarters is is located located in in Charleston Charleston near near Coos Coos Bay. Bay. Field Program located in in Tillamook and and Port Port Orford Orford (Elk (Elk River River Salmon Salmon research stations are located Hatchery). the close close of FY FY 1976, 1976, the the program program was was staffed staffed by by five five biologists, biologists, Hatchery). At the one researcher, researcher, two two technicians, technicians, and and aa secretary. secretary. Federal Federal cooperation has has enenlarged the scope of each research research project project with the the provision provision of of federal federal funds funds larged under the the Anadromous Anadromous Fish Fish Act Act (P.L. (P.L. 89-3013). 89-304). The operating budget budget for for FY FY 1976 1976 was $232,100 and and the the federal federal share share was was $116,050; $116,050; however, however, due due to to aa reduction reduction in funds, the the project project cost cost was was amended amended December December213, 24, 1975, to to $228,13l6 $228,416 in federal federal funds, for the remainder remainder of of the the fiscal fiscal year. year. The federal federal share was $112,366 and and the the for the state share remained remained at at $116,050. $116,050. State General General and Daily Daily Ocean Salmon Salmon Angler License (DOSAL) (DOSAL) funds comprised the the state state share. share. AA separate separate unmatched unmatched DOSAL DOSAL account of $213,lk1 $24,141 brought in FY FY 1976. 1976. brought the the total total operating operating budget budget to $252,557 in This report report is is divided divided into into two two sections. sections. The The first first presents presents aa resume' resumd This of work accomplished in in F? FY 1976. 1976 . The second part gives a synopsis of accomplishments the 3-year, 3-year, federal-state federal-state cooperative cooperative program program beginning beginning plishments during the July 1, 1, 1973, 1973, under under annual annual federal federal Grant-in-Aid Grant-in-Aid awards awards in in compliance compliance of of the the promulgated by by the the Anadromous Anadromous Fish Fish Act. Act. stipulations promulgated SECTION I: 1: PROGRESS REPORT REPORT- F? FY 1976 1976 ANNUAL PROGRESS Reports Prepared Prepared Reports The results results of various various segments segments of of research research completed completed within within the the Coastal Coastal 11 Rivers Program were presented presented in in aa numbered numbered series series of of mimeographed mimeographed "Information lnformation Reports."11 In Reports. In FY 1976, five Information Reports Reports and one progress report report were FY 1976, five Information prepared and submitted submitted to to Department Department of of Fish Fish and and Wildlife Wildlife headquarters headquarters (Table 1). 1). The processed reports reports were distributed distributed to to Department Department personnel personnel and and agencies upon upon request. request. other agencies Table 1. 1. Reports Rivers Reports submitted by the staff taff of of Coastal Coastal Rivers program, FY FY 1976 program, Berry, R. L. R. L. 1975. Spawning surveys in in coastal coastal watersheds, watersheds, 1974. 1974. Spawning salmon salmon surveys 1975. Oreg. Rivers Info, Info, Rept. Rept. 75-4. 75-4. 27 p. p. Oreg. Dept. Dept. Fish Fish and and Wildl., Wildi., Coastal Coastal Rivers spring chinook chinooksalmon salmon(Oncorhynchus (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) 1975. Rearing Rearing spring tsheji4)ytscha) 1975. in River, Oregon, Oregon, 1973-74. 1973-74. Oreg. Oreg. Dept. Dept. in J. J. W. W. Barney Barney Reservoir, Reservoir, Trask River, Fish and and Wildl.~ Wildi., Coastal Fish Coastal Rivers Rivers Info. Info. Rept. Rept. 75-6. 75-6. 15 p. 15 p. Hostick, G. 1975. Hostick, G. A. A. 1975. Salmon sport sport fishing fishing census census on on New New River River Estuary, Estuary, 1974. 1974. Oreg. Rivers Info. Info. Rept. Rept. 75-5. 75-5. 77 p. p. Oreg. Dept. Dept. Fish Fish and and Wildl., Wildi., Coastal Coastal Rivers M. 1975. Research fish in In coastal coastal watersheds McGie, A. M. Research on on anadromous anadromous fish watersheds of 1975. Oregon. Fish Coastal Rivers Rivers Invest. Invest. Annual Annual Rept. Rept. Fish Comm. Comm. Oreg., Oreg., Coastal July 1, 1, 1974 1974 to to June June 30, 30, 1975. 1975. 19 p. 19 p. Reimers, P. E. P. E. 1975. 1975. Fecundity of fall fall chinook chinook salmon salmon in in Sixes Sixes River, River, Oregon. Oregon . Oreg. Dept. Dept. Fish Fish and and Wildi., Wildl., Coastal Coastal Rivers Rivers Info. Info. Rept. Rept. 75-3. 75-3. 55 p. p. Oreg. relationship of fall fall chinook salmon in the the 1975. Length-weight Length-weight relationship salmon in Sixes River sport sport fishery, fishery, 1969. 1969. Oreg. Dept. Fish Fish and and Wildi., Wildl., Coastal Coastal Sixes River Oreg. Dept. Rivers Info. Rivers Info. Rept. Rept. 75-7. 75-7. 66 p. p. Coastal Coastal Reservoirs Reservoirs Municipal water water storage storage reservoirs reservoirs for for the the cities cities of of Hillsboro Hillsboro and ~nd Municipal McMinnville are are located located on on the the headwaters headwaters of of the the Trask Trask and and Nestucca Nestucca rivers, rivers, McMinnville respectively. J. W. Barney Reservoir Reservoir on the the Trask Trask River River has has 205 205 surface surface J. W. Barney full pool pool and McGuire Reservoir Reservoir on the the Nestucca Nestucca River River has has 130 130 acres. acres. acres at full Maximum depths m (60') depths are are about about 18 18m (60 1 ) in in both reservoirs. both reservoirs. The feasibility feasibility of rearing rearing juvenile juvenile spring spring chinook chinook salmon salmon (Oncorhynchus (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in tshawytscha) in the the reservoirs reservoirs has has been been under under investigation investigation since since 1973. 1973. stocked with 150,000 150,000 spring spring chinook chinook fingerlings fingerlings (1974 (1974 McGuire Reservoir was stocked brood) brood) weighing 205 2.05 fish/lb fish/lb on on March March 18, 18, 1975. 1975. Barney Barney Reservoir Reservoir received received 250,000 250,000 spring spring chinook. chinook. One-half of the the total total was was liberated liberated on on March March 19, 19, 1975, 1975, One-half of at 191 191 fish/lb fish/lb and and the the remainder remainder on on April April 9-10, 9-10, at at 139 139 fish/lb. fish/lb. Routine Routine 1imnological collected from from the the reservoirs reservoirs after after limnological and and biological biological samples samples were collected chinook were liberated. liberated. McGuire Reservoir, Reservoir, Nestucca Nestucca River River Spring chinook grew from 59 mm in in March to to 107 107 mm mm in in September September in in McGuire McGuire Reservoir. The spring spr i ng chinook chinook experienced experienced aa slower slower growth growth rate rate than than 1973-brood 1973-brood Reservo i r. The fingerlings stocked the the previous previous year which grew from from 51 51 to to 122 122 mm mm during during the the fingerlings stocked same time same time interval. interval. In reques ted city personnel personnel to to discharge discharge water water In 1975, 1975, we we requested through through the the lower lower gate valve (+2.75 (+2. 75 m) m) during the the summer summer to to disrupt disrupt thermal thermal stratification, thereby increasing i ncreasing the the available available rearing rearing area area for for chinook chinook in in s-trat i ficat ion , thereby the the reservoir. re servoir. Monthly Monthly 11 imnological stratification imnological samples samples revealed revealed thermal thermal stratification again again occurred, occurred , but but was weaker than than in in previous previous years. years. 22 Survival chinook appeared appeared to to be be similar similar to to estimates estimates obtained obtained Survival of spring chinook in 19713. in 1974. The catch per per unit unit of effort effort in in experimental experimental gill gill nets nets set set in in September 1975 1975 was was comparable comparabletoto19713 1974 when when an an estimated estimated57,000 57,000fish fish(36.8°/b (36.8% of the fingerlings fingerlings stocked) stocked) were counted counted at trap ininat aa downstream-migrant downstream-migrant trap stalled below the the reservoir. reservoir. The installed in in 1975 1975 preventing The trap trap was was not not installed aa more survival. more definitive estimate of survival. restocked with 153,000 1975-brood 1975-brood spring McGuire Reservoir was restocked with 153,000 spring chinook chinook fingerlings 16, 1976. 1976. fingerlings averaging 262 fish/lb on March 16, Reservoir, Trask River River Barney Reservoir, Spring length of 63 mm mm Spring chinook grew from an average length 109 mm in September 1975, and increase of 46 mm. Growth 109 in September 1975, and increase of 136 mm. than for than for 1973-brood 1973-brood spring spring chinook chinook stocked stocked inin 19713. 1974. when stocked stocked to to when was smaller by by 10 10 mm mm reservoir pool pool level level remained remained above above 113 14m {45 1 ) during The reservoir m (135') during 1975, 1975, providing aa substantial rearing area during during the the summer. summer. Limnological Limnological conditions conditions were were substantial rearing satisfactory throughout the the critical critical summer summer months, months, with with dissolved dissolved oxygen oxygen measurements above 77 ppm. ppm. Survival spring chinook chinook appeared appeared to to be be excellent excellent since since Survival of juvenile spring unit effort in in gill gill nets nets set set in in September September 1975, 1975, were were the the highest highest catches per unit yet recorded recorded in in the the reservoir. reservoir. Barney restocked with 251,000 251,000 spring spring chinook chinook fingerlings fingerlings Barney Reservoir was restocked on 17 and 22, 22, 1976. 1976. The fish fish were liberated liberated at an average weight of of on March 17 272 266/lb, respectively. respectively. 272 and 266/lb, Tenmile Lakes Lakes In September 1968, 1968, the the Fish Fish and Game commissions applied applied rotenone rotenone to to in large populations eradicate large populations of of stunted stunted brown brown bullheads bullheads (Ictalurus (Ictalurus nebulosus), nhulosus), perch (Perca (Perea flavescens), flavescens), and and bluegills bluegills (Lepomis (Lepomis macrochirus) macrochirus) in in the the yellow perch Tenmile Lakes Lakes system. system. The project was was conceived to to enhance declining declining trout trout and native coho coho salmon salmon (Oncorhynchus (Oncorhynchus kisutch) kisutch) populations populations inhabiting inhabiting the the lakes. lakes. 1.0 million young young coho coho were were salvaged salvaged from from the the lake lake system system before before treattreatNearly 1.0 ment and restocked ment restocked as as smolts smolts when when the the project project was was completed. completed. in In subsequent years, we evaluated coho years, coho salmon salmon populations populations following following their their reintroduction reintroduction and and monitored changes in in the the warm-water warm-water fish fish populations populations after after some some bluegills bluegills and and brown brown bullheads survived survived treatment treatment of of the the lakes. lakes. Personnel lack of of funds funds forced forced curtailment curtailment of of field field work work Personnel transfers and lack at Tenmile Lakes during at during FY FY 1976. 1976. However, However, we completed the the annual annual population population estimate of spawning spawning adult adult coho coho salmon salmon in in late late 1975, 1975, and and trap trap netted netted in in South Tenmile Lake Lake to to monitor monitor the the composition composition of of fish fish populations. populations. Coho Spawning Spawning Population Population annual spawning spawning populations populations of of jack jack and and adult adult coho coho salmon salmon in in the the The annual Tenmile Lakes Lakes system system have have been been estimated estimated since since 1956 1956 from from data data collected collected in in 3 3 standard stream stream surveys. surveys. These estimates based upon upon a tagging study study comcomestimates are based pleted in in 1955. 1955. The 1975 1975 population population estimates were compiled compiled from from spawning spawning fish counted in in lake lake tributaries tributaries totaling totaling 7.0 7.0 miles. miles. fish An 2,500 adult adult coho coho (age (age 3) 3) and and 3,500 3,500 jacks jacks (age (age 2) 2) spawned spawned An estimated 2,500 in the in 1975. 1975. The total total return return (including (including jacks) jacks) from from in the Tenmile Lakes system in the 1972-brood year was 5,500 coho or approximately one-half the the previous previous the record low low of 10,000 10,000 coho coho produced produced by by the the 1967 1967 brood. brood. Scale Scale samples samples were were record collected from spawned-out spawned-out coho coho to to compare compare with scales scales taken taken from from juveniles juveniles collected from in previous years. Scales in if the the collapse Scales will will be be analyzed analyzed to to determine if collapse of of the coho salmon salmon population population was due due to to aa lack lack of of lake-reared lake-reared smolts. smolts. the ratio of adult coho coho salmon salmon in in 1975 1975 was was 68.l? 68.1% females females and and 3l.9? 31.9% The sex ratio males based on a sample sample of 185 185 spawned-out spawned-out carcasses carcasses recovered recovered in in tributaries. tributaries. males The average size size (FL) (FL) of of jacks jacks was was 1+5.9 45.9 em cm compared compared to to 74.2 74.2 em cm for for adult adult males em for for female female coho. coho. Fork lengths were from mid-eye and 71.1 71.1 cm Fork lengths were calculated calculated from mid-eye to to posterior scale scale (MEPS) (MEPS) measurements. measurements. The combined average length length of adult coho was 72.2 72.2 cm em in in 1975. 1975. coho Trap Catch in in South Tenmile Lake Lake A trap placed placed at a fixed fixed site site in in Templeton Arm, Arm, South South Tenmile Tenmile A floating trap Lake, has has provided provided an an index index of of population population changes changes since since the the lakes lakes were were treated treated Lake, with rotenone. rotenone. The The trap trap was was fished fished at at standard standard intervals intervals from from July July through through December Dece~ber 1975. 1975. Bluegills and and brown brown bullheads bullheads were were the the most most abundant abundant fish fish captured captured in in the the Bluegills trap (Table (Table 2). 2). The two two species species combined combined comprised comprised 97? 97% of of the the total total catch. catch. Compared to to 1974, 1974, the the index index catch catch (number (number captured captured per per net net day) day) of of all all species, brown bullheads, bullheads, declined declined in in 1975 1975 (Table (Table 3). 3). The catch catch of of species, except brown largemouth bass (Micropterus sairnoides) salmoides) declined from 8.8/net day in in 1974 to declined from only 0.1+/net 0.4/net day in in 1975. 1975. The decrease reflects reflects the the loss loss of age age 22 and bass since since these these were were the the only only age age groups groups taken taken in in the the trap. trap. The younger bass younger The catch per unit effort of of juvenile juvenile coho coho (1971+-brood (1974-brood year) year) continued continued to to decline decline from a high of 21.7/net day in 1971 to a record low of 0.5/net day in 1975. from a high in 1971 to record low in 1975. bluegill (46.3 (46.3 fish/net fish/net day) day) was 15 15% less than in in 1974; 1974; whereas, · The CPUE for bluegill less than the catch rate rate of of brown brown bullheads bullheads (1.4.3 (14.3 fish/net day) was l9? 19% greater greater than than the fish/net day) in 1974. in Fall Fall Chinook Ecology River Elk River Population Estimates. Estimates. Populations and hatchery-reared hatchery-reared fall fall Populations of wild and Elk River River were were estimated estimated in in 1975. 1975. We We tagged tagged 437 437 salmon salmon chinook entering Elk in lower lower Elk Elk River from October 1 through December December 29. 29. In In 1975, 1975, large large numbers numbers in of salmon moved upriver upriver in in October following following increased increased river river flows. flows. Seining became ineffective ineffective in in late late October because because of high high stream stream flows; flows; therefore, therefore, gill nets were used almost exclusively until the tagging operation terminated gill until the tagging operation terminated in December. Seventy-one percent (215) (215) of the the 301 301 adult chinook tagged tagged in late December. 1 4 Table 2. 2. Species fish caught caught in in aa floating floating t'ap, t ~ ap , Species composition composition of fish Templeton Arm, Lake, 1975 1975 Arm, South Tenmile Lake, Dates fished fished Hours fished fished 6/30 to to 12/15/75 12/15/75 6/30 1,785 .6 1,785.6 Coho Salmon Juveniles (1974 brood) (1974 brood) Jacks (1973 (1973 brood) brood) Adults (1972 brood) (1972 brood) 42 42 29 29 Kokanee 20 20 7 7 Trout Rainbow Cutthroat Steelhead (adult) (adult) 33 21 21 22 B 1ueg i 11 Bluegill 33,442 , 442 Brown bullhead 1,060 1,060 Largemouth bass 1/ Largemouth bass I/ 31 31 Pacific lamprey lamprey 1 Al l age age 2+ 2+ or or younger. younger. 1/ All Table 3. Table 3. Arm, in Templeton Templeton Arm, Numbers fish captured per per net net day day in Numbers of fish South Tenmile Lake, Lake, July through through December De cember 1969-75 1969-75 Year Species 1969 1969 Coho (Juven i 1e) 8.3 (Juvenile) Trout 1/ 76.9 Bluegill Bluegill 0.0 Brown Brown bullhead 14.2 14.2 Threespi ne Threespine stickleback 0.0 Prickly sculpin 0.7 La rgemouth Largemouth bass 2/ 0.0 bass 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1971+ 1975 0,5 0.5 0.4 0.4 Yearly Yearly change l974-75 1974-75 1.1 1.1 20.6 2.0 21 . 7 21.7 3.7 3.7 70.8 70 . 8 4.2 4.2 1L+.9 14.9 205.3 0.9 0. 9 5.5 5.5 100.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 54.6 54.6 1+6.3 46.3 -0.3 -0.5 -8.3 34.5 24.7 24 . 7 170.7 78.9 12.0 12.0 14.3 +2.3 +2.3 2,858.4 140.7 2,858 . 4 11,404.9 ,404 .9 00.0 .0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.3 3.3 6.5 6. 5 19.5 1.8 1.8 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 -0.1 -0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 2 0.2 7.9 7.9 8.8 8.8 0.4 0.4 -8.4 -8.4 ODF&W. 1/ Varying numbers numbers of of trout trout annually annually stocked stocked by by ODF&W. Stocked Stocked in i n 1971. 1971. y2/ 55 in 1975 were were captured captured in in 1975 in gill gill nets nets fished fished primarily primarily at at night night in in the lower lower 6 km of river. Tagged fish recovered from the sport fishery, the hatchery fish were recovered from the sport fishery, at the hatchery of river. adult pond, adult pond, and during spawning spawning fish fish surveys surveys from from October 10, 10, 1975, 1975, to to February 17, 17, 1976. 1976. The total total run run of adult chinook salmon salmon (ages (ages 33 through through 6) 6) was estimated at 10,895 fish fish (Cl95: (cl ~ =7,865; 7,865;iiN == 15,252). 15,252). This This was the largest largest run run of at 10,895 95 : N= adult chinook chinook since since the the hatchery hatchery began began operations operations in in 1968. 1968. The estimate was based on on 301 301 tagged tagged wild wild and and hatchery hatchery adults, adults, aa combined combined sample sample of of 1,41+2 1,442 based carcasses, and and 39 39 tag tag recoveries. recoveries. The wild run run of chinook adults was estimated estimated at 1,882 1,882 by by applying the the in the the combined combined tagging tagging and and sport sport catch catch samples samples percentage of wild adults in (17.3%) to to the the total total adult adult estimate estimate of of 10,895 10,895 fish. fish. Timing of wild and and (l7.3) has been been similar similar in in past past years and and we assumed assumed that that neither neither hatchery chinook has tagged nor nor sport sport catch catch samples samples were were biased. biased. The estimated 1,882 1,882 wild chinook tagged adults in 1975 1975 represented represented a substantial substantial increase increase over the the average average of 1,383 1,383 adults in for the past past 44 years years in in Elk Elk River. River. for The total total run run of age-2 age-2 chinook chinook (jacks) (jacks) in in Elk Elk River River was estimated estimated to to be be = 4,004). This This estimate was was based 116 tagged 2,255 (c1 : ~N== 1,317; 1 ,317; N = based on 116 tagged2,255 fish fish (Cl95: 95 wild and hatchery hatchery jacks, jacks, aa combined combined sample sample of of 310 310 carcasses carcasses and and 15 15 tag tag recoveries. No direct estimate of wild chinook jacks jacks could could be calculated because of of the the small small sample sample size. size. However, an an estimate estimate of of 1,651+ 1,654 wild chinook chinook because jacks was derived derived by by applying applying the the percentage percentage of of wild wild jacks jacks in in the the combined combined jacks to the the total total jack jack estimate estimate of of 2,255. 2,255. The estimated wild run run (73.4%) to sample (73.4°) of chinook jacks in in 1975 1975 represented represented a substantial substantial increase increase over the the average average of 1,000 1,000 for for the the past past 44 years. years. from 15 15 separate separate test test groups groups of hatchery-reared hatchery-reared fall fall chinook chinook Returns from entered Elk River River in in 1975. 1975. Four groups from from the the 1973 1973 brood brood returned returned as as jacks, jacks, four groups from the the 1972 1972 brood brood returned returned at age 3, 3, three three groups groups from from the the 1971 1971 four brood 4, three three groups groups from from the the 1970 1970 brood brood returned returned at at age 5, 5, brood returned at age 4, and from the the 1969 1969 brood brood returned returned at at age 6. 6. We estimated 9,614 and a single group from hatchery chinook (9,013 (9,013 adults and 601 601 jacks) ja~ks) returned returned to to Elk Elk River River in in 1975 1975 (Table 4). The run run of hatchery hatchery jacks jacks was was small small in that in in (Table 4). in 1975, 1975, similar to that The reasons reasons for for the the recent recent decline decline in in the the number number of of jacks jacks are are unknown, unknown, 1974. 1974. but program may possibly possibly be be altering the the maturity schedule schedule of of but the hatchery program hatchery fish fish as as second second and and third third generation generation propagated propagated adults adults become become inincorporated into into the the egg egg take. take. Jacks appear to to contribute contribute to to the the gene gene pool pool in in Jacks appear the natural but are discarded in in the the hatchery program. program. the natural spawning population but Sport Fishery Fishery Survey. Survey. AA statistical statistical creel creel census was conducted on the the lower from early October, first entered lower 19 19 km km of of Elk ·River River from October, when when chinook first entered the river, until until the the end end of of the the fishing fishing season season on on December December 31. 31. The sport sport salmon salmon river, season was was extended by 1 month season for the the second second successive successive year to allow anglers month for year to anglers to harvest more late late returning returning hatchery hatchery adults. adults. to 1 interviewed 3,011 3,011 anglers anglers and and estimated estimated 3,601 3,601 fall fall chinook chinook salmon salmon We interviewed were harvested in in the the Elk Elk River River sport sport fishery. fishery. A total of of 841 841 fish fish or or 23.49 23.4% A total of the the catch in in 1975 1975 was was taken taken in in December December during during the the 1-month !-month extension extension of of the season. Hatchery-reared Hatchery-reared fish fish comprised comprised an an estimated estimated 8l.0 81.0% of the adults adults of the 6 Table Table 144. Estimated -return and and survival survival of of hatchery hatchery chinook chinook salmon salmon Estimatedreturn to River, 1975 1975 to Elk River, :\cc um. % ccurn. .;urvival urvival viva! no. vival of no. I1 (a (all released ages) Sur% Sur°, Brood year ~ear Age Mark Number released released 1973 22 22 22 22 RV RV LV LV Ad+CWT RP RP 102,935 121,784 121 '784 39,660 38,502 38,502 10.0/lb 10.0/lb 10.0/lb 10.0/lb 10.0/lb 32.0/lb 10/74 10/74 10/714 10/74 10/74 10/714 6/74 6/74 227 227 103 189 189 82 82 0.22 0.09 0.48 0.21 0.21 0.22 022 0.09 0.48 0.21 0.21 33 33 33 3 3 LV LV LP LI' RP RI' D-Ad-RP tD-Ad-RP 102,785 I 21 , 642 121,642 114,311 1114,311 97,428 37.4/lb 8.0/lb 8.0/lb 15.7/lb 5.0/lb 6/73 11/73 11/73 3/74 103 103 7814 784 433 582 582 0.10 0.64 0.38 0.60 0.19 0.71 0.71 0.46 0.97 105,1+10 105,410 105,397 334,157 7.2/lb 7.2/lb 6.6/lb 6.6/lb 12.5/lb 11/72 11/72 11/72 11/72 11/72 11,456 ,456 932 932 3,840 1.38 38 1. 0.88 1.15 2.20 2.20 2.02 2.02 409,092 97,568 171,757 47.0/lb 47.0/lb 12.7/lb 12.7/lb 12.7/lb 6/71 6/71 9/71 9/71 250 228 369 0.06 0.23 0.22 0.31 0.31 4.43 3.59 3-59 107,808 107,808 8.0/lb 8.0/lb 10/70 10/70 36 0.03 5.75 5-75 1972 1971 1971 4 RV RV 4 t-D-LP -D-LP 4 LV LV 14 1 14 1970 1969 RV RV 5 5 55 5 5 Ad-RM Ad-RM 6 6 Ad-LM LV LV Size and time time of release release 1975 Estimate L+.o8 4.08 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ Total caught 52,365 52,365 entire during during 9,614 and and 27.3 27.3% of the the catch catch of of jacks. jacks. Total Total estimated angler angler effort was hours average catch hours with an .average catch rate rate of of 14.5 14.5 hours hours per per salmon salmon for for the the season. Anglers Anglers spent spent 15,778 15,778 hours hours of of effort, effort, 30.1° 30.1% of of the the total, total, season. in December. December. the season extension in In catch of In addition addition to to the the catch catch of of 3,601 3,601 fall fall chinook, chinook, we estimated a catch 76 trout trout (under (under 20") 20") and and 172 172 steelhead steelhead (over (over2011). 20"). The overall rate overall catch rate for all species was 13.6 13.6 hrs/fish hrs/fish for for the the entire entire season. season. All the trout trout All of the for all species were caught prior to to December and 125 125 or 72.7% of the the steelhead steelhead were were caught caught or 72.7 during December. December. The estimated steelhead steelhead catch catch represents represents an an unknown unknown perperthe total total harvest harvest of of that that species species from from Elk Elk River River since since many many fish fish centage of the were caught in in January-March, January-March, after after the the survey survey was was terminated. terminated. Total fishing fishing effort effort and and the the catch catch from from Elk Elk River River increased increased substantially substantially Total in to previous previous years. years. The increase increase followed a trend trend that that in 1975 1975 compared to started in in 1970, 1970, the the first first year year that that hatchery-reared hatchery-reared chinook chinook returned returned probably started to Elk River. to River. We have documented increases increases in in catch catch and/or and/or effort effort each each year year since the first creel census in 1972 (Table 5). The estimated 36,587 hours since first creel in 1972 (Table 5). hours of effort during during the the regular regular season season (through (through November November 30) 30) in a in 1975 1975 represents represents a 107 107% increase over the 1974 season season and and a ll4 114% increase increase over the the average for for increase over the 1972-74. The percentage of local local anglers participating participating in in this this fishery fishery dedethe 4-year 4-year period period while while the the percentage percentage of of out-of-state out-of-state anglers anglers clined over the 77 Table 5. table 5. Summary of the the sport sport fishery fishery for for fall fall chinook chinook in in Elk Elk River, River, 1972-75 1972-75 Tota catch Total1 catch Extended Comb. 1/ Comb. 1/ s eason season Angler An 9ler effort e ffort ~hrs.} (hrs.) Regular Extended Regular Extended Comb. sea son season season Comb. season Hou rs/fis h Hours/fish Regular Extended Extended sea son season season season Year Year ReguTar Regular season season 1972 1972 2,075 -- 1973 2,1435 2,435 -- 19714 1974 1,585 1, 585 923 2,508 2,508 79.7 79.7 26 . 1 26.1 17,671 17,671 22,173 39,844 11. 11.11 24.0 15.9 1975 2,760 2,760 841 8141 3,601 3,601 65.7 27.4 27.4 36,587 15,778 52,365 13.3 13.3 18.8 18.8 14.5 14.5 -- ----- % hatchery hatche ry % of run run 79.8 16.5 19,622 -- -- 9.5 9.5 81.1 81.1 19.3 19.3 14,074 114,074 -- --- 5.8 Comb. Comb. ()) y1/ The catch of of adults adults was was 413 413 in in 1972 1972 and and 36'5 365 in 2,149 in 1974 1974 and and 2,573 2,573 in in 197.5 1975 after in 1973 1973 compared compared to 2)149 after the extended through through December. December. the season was extended remained at at about about the the same same level level and and the the percentage percentage from from other other areas ar~as in in remained Oregon increased increased substantially substantially (Table (Table 6). 6). While While total total catch catch increased increased over over the the 4-year period, the the catch rate rate gradually gradually declined. declined. Table 6. 6. Table Year Origin anglers interviewed interviewed during Origin of anglers during creel creel census census sur\eys sun·eys on Elk River, River, 1972-75 1972-75 total Percentage of Percentase of total Remainder Local Local 1/ 1/ of Oregon Creson of-state anglers Number of anglers furnishing furnishing information information 6.2 (60) (60) 4.8 (47) 4.8 (47) 970 966 966 OutOut- 1972 1972 89.0 (863) (863) 3/ 3/ 89.0 1973 1973 83 ;2 ·(804) (804) 83.2 10.9 ((105) 1OS) 5.9 (57) 5.9 (57) 19742/ 1974 2/ 78'.4 78.4 (T,973) (1,973) 16.5 (416) (416) 5.1 5.1 ((129) 129) 2,518 1975 1975 2/ 77.2 (2,283) 77.2 17.4 17.4 (515) (515) 160) 5.4 5.4 ((160) 2,958 1/ Includes Includes area area within within 11 hour's hour's driving driving distance distance of of Elk Elk River. River. 1/ 2/ 2/ Includes Includes extended extended December December season. season. 3/ Number Number of ofinterviewed interviewed anglers anglers in in parentheses. parentheses. On June June 25, 25, 1971, . Growth and and Early Early Release. Release. On 1971, we released released Accelerated Growth fingerling chinook averaging 47 fish/lb fish/lb into into Elk River River following following 409,092 fingerling accelerated growth growth in in the the hatchery. hatchery. The intent of the experiment was to to The intent of the produce large, large, viable viable migrant migrant chinook chinook by by late late June June of of their their first first year. year. For For this experiment to to be be successful, successful, the the chinook chinook needed needed to to attain attain sufficient sufficient size size this to good survival survival and and migrate mjgrate out out of of Elk Elk River River while while avoiding avoiding competicompetito produce good tion rearing in in the the river. river. tion with wild chinook rearing chinook returned returned in in 1975, 1975, essentially completing the the life life cycle Age 55 chinook cycle of fish fish in in this this experimental experimental release. release. Total Total survival survival was only 0.31? 0.31% of of the the Detailed scale scale analysis analysis indicated 409,092 fingerlings fingerlings released released (Table (Table 7). 7). Detailed indicated 409,092 that remained in in Elk Elk River River following following their their release release and and that surviving chinook remained analyses of juvenile most migrated migrated with with the the wild wild fish fish in in autumn. autumn. Comparative analyses and adult scales showed that that these fish fish averaged 12 circuli release (range (range averaged 12 circuli at at release 15) and and added added about about 12 12 circuli circuli (range (range 10 10 to to 15) 15) during during their their extended extended 8 to 15) in the the river river before before entering the the ocean. ocean. residence in Scale samples were used used to to back back calculate calculate size size aatt release of returning returning adults and and calculate calculate survival survival rates rates according according to to size size groups at liberation. 1 iberation. Highest survival survival came came from from the the largest largest fish fish among among the the fingerlings fingerlings released released Highest and 8.7 cm (Table 8). Survival rates of fingerlings fingerlings between between 6.8 6.8 and em was only 0.O7? 0.07% Survival rates (Table 8). compared to to 3.26 3.26% for for those those attaining attaining lengths lengths between between 9.8 and 10.7 10.7 cm em at at compared release. release. In summary, the average size size at at release release was was 10.0 10.0 cm em among among surviving surv1v1ng adult adult In summary, the chinook in in the the experiment. experiment. The juvenile fish fish reared reared in in Elk Elk River River until until autumn autumn chinook extended residence and grew grew to to an an average average size size of of 12.8 12.8 cm. em. Their extended residence may have had had and impact on wild fish fish by virtue of their their cohabitation, a deleterious impact cohabitation, but but no no direct data are are available available to to confirm confirm or or refute refute this this premise. premise. 9 Table 7. Table 7. chinook hatched hatched in in Survival of 1970-brood Survival 1970-:brood fall fall chinook heated water water incubators heated incubators Estimated survival Estimated survival .2/ 1/ Percentage Number Age composition compos i t Ion 22 521 52t 0.13 33 190 190 0.05 0.05 1+ 4 297 0.07 0.07 55 250 250 0.06 11,258 ,258 0.31 0.31 Total Total 1/ 1/ Based Basedupon upon 409,092 409,092 fish fish marked marked RV RV and and released released June June 25, 25, 1971,at 19?1,at 14? 14? fish/lb. fish/lb. Table 8. Table 8. Size at at Size release (em) (cm) Size-specific survival survival rates rates for ·1970-brood 1970-brood fall fall chinook chinook released June June 5, 5, 1971 1971 released Number of fall fa 11 chinook chinook Number Total return return Released Total Released Percentage Percentage survival survival 6.8-7.7 12,232 9 9 0.07 0.07 7.8-8.7 11+0,605 140,605 103 103 0.07 0.07 8.8-9.7 230,278 298 0.13 0. 13 848 3.26 9.8-10.7 25,977 ' 25,977 81+8 Estimated Contribution Contributien of of 1969-Brood 1969-Brood Fall Fall Chinook Chinook Salmon. Salmon. On On October 21, 21, 1970, 1970, 107,808 107,808 fall fall chinook chinook salmon salmon smolts smolts from from the the 1969-brood 1969-brood year year were released released into into Elk Elk River River at at an an average average weight weight of of 8.0 8.0 fish/lb. fish/lb. The smolts were were given given an an uriduplicated unduplicated mark to were mark (Ad-LM) (Ad-LM) to to determine determine their their contribution to Pacific Coast Coast commercial commercial and and sport sport fisheries. fisheries. Six-year-old chinook salmon salmon this group group returned returned to to Elk Elk River River in in 1975 1975 completing completing the the experiment. experiment. from this from ,2l2 (25%) (25?) were were taken Commercial fishermen fishermen landed landed 3,642 3,642 fish fish (75°) (75%) and and 11 ,212 taken Commercial recreational fisheries fisheries from from aa total total estimated estimated catch catchofof4,851+ 4,854 fall fall chinook chinook in recreational in 78% of of the the total total catch catch came came from from ocean ocean fisheries fisheries compared compared to to salmon. About About 78? 22? in 22% River sport sport fishery. fishery. A preponderance of of the the sport sport catch catch (1,01+8 (1,048 A preponderance in the the Elk Elk River fish 86.5%) occurred occurred in in Elk Elk River River with with the the remainder remalnder (161+ (164 fish) fish or 86.5?) fish) taken taken by by anglers fishing fishing offshore. offshore. The fish fish contributed to ocean fisheries fisheries over a large from Alaska to central California, but but the the primary primary large geographical geographical area area from Alaska to central California, contribution was was to to Oregon. Oregon. Sport Sport and commercial fishermen fishermen in in Oregon Oregon landed landed and commercial 2,771 chinook or 72.8? 72.8% of the the total total known known ocean catch catch while only 628 628 (l6.5?) (16.5%) 2,771 10 F were landed landed in in California, California, 316 316 (8.3?) (8.3%) in in Washington, and and 91 91 (2.4°/ (2.4%~ in in Alaska. Alaska. The total total ~stimated catch of of 3,806 3,806 1969-brood 1969-brood fall fall chinook chinook from from Elk Elk estimated ocean catch is minimal minimal and and the the percentage percentage taken taken by by Oregon Oregon fishermen fishe 1·men is is River Hatchery is maximal Columbia landings landings were not not examined examined for for marked marked fish. fish. maximal since British Columbia An estimated estimated 5,157 fall fall chinook chinook either returned to either returned to Elk Elk River River Hatchery Hatchery or spawned in in the the river river system system bringing bringing the the total total yield yield (catch (catch plus plus escapeescapement) to 10,011 10,011 or or 9.3 9.3% of the the 107,808 107,808 marked marked smolts smolts released. released. The catch to to ment) to escapement ratio ratio was approximately 1:1 1:1 for for 1969-brood 1969-brood fall fall chinook chinook released released at Hatchery. at Elk River Hatchery. Hatchery RearingProgram, Program,1971-i 1974 Brood. Hatchery personnel personnel took took 360,831 360,831 Hatchery Rearing groups were marked fall chinook eggs for projects in in Elk Elk River River (Table (Table 9). 9). Two groups fall with coded coded wire wire tags. tags. One group (36,971 (36,971 smolts) smolts) served as a control control to to comcompare with the ocean contribution and and distribution distribution of of Elk Elk River River fall fall chinook chinook reared and and released at Alsea The second second tagged reared Alsea River River Salmon Salmon Hatchery. Hatchery. The tagged group (31,065 smolts) smolts reared reared from wild parents trapped trapped in in Anvil Anvil (31,065 smolts) identified smolts Creek, Elk River. River. The remaining remaining smolts smolts were divided divided between between those those originating originating Creek, Elk from (31,601 and and 171,339 171,339 smolts, smolts, respectively) respectively) and and from age-5 age-S and and age-3 parents (31,601 fin clips. clips. The total total number number of smolts released released was 270,976 270,976 marked with single fin 1975. The total total mortality mortality was was 24.9°/ 24.9% from to smolt smolt stage stage in in in October 1975. from egg to in October. October. Chetco River River Jack Creek Creek Trap. Trap. Curry County officials officials and Department of Fish and Wildlife personnel personnel jointly operated a trap on operated a trap on Jack Jack Creek, Creek, Chetco Chetco River River to to eggs were were incubated take fall fall chinook chinook eggs. eggs. The eggs incubated at at Elk River River Hatchery and the the take Some were were also released resulting smolts smolts mainly mainly returned re t urned to to the the Chetco Chetco River. River . Some released resulting into system. The program program has has significantly significantly enhanced the the into the the Coos Coos River system. river•s chinook population population and and recreational recreational fishery fishery since since its its inception inception in in river's 1968. 1968. Hatchery Rearing Rearing Program, Program, 1974 1974 Brood. Brood. Elk River Hatchery personnel personnel colcollected 546,198 the Jack Creek Creek trap trap in in 1974. 1974. Total lected 546,198 fall fall chinook salmon eggs at the mortality during during incubation incubation and and rearing rearing at at the the hatchery hatchery was was 22.39 22.3% (Table (Table 10), 10), compared to to 28.3 28.3% the previous year. year . Total Total chinook chinook production production was 424,348 424,348 the previous during 1975. 1975. Chetco River River was restocked with from from Chetco River during was restocked with 318,908 smolts (Table remainder (105,440 (105,440 fish) liberated into into Coos Coos and and (Table 11) 11) and and the the remainder fish) were liberated Millicoma Bay. Mill icoma rivers, rivers, Coos Bay. Sport Fishery Fishery Survey. Survey. A conducted in in the the Chetco A creel creel census census survey was was conducted Sport the total total angler angler effort, effort, catch catch of of fall fall chinook, chinook, and and proproRiver to estimate the portion of hatchery-reared fish fish contributing contributing to to the the catch catch in in 1975. 1975. Both the the portion October-November and extended extended season season in in December December were were censused, censused, duplicating duplicating a similar study at Elk Elk River. River. The total total angling effort effort was was about about 52,747 52,747 hours hours (preliminary) (preliminary) in 1975. in 1975. the effort effort came came from from shore shore anglers anglers and and 252 25%from from boat boat Seventy-five percent of the anglers. Anglers Anglers fished fished 11,595 11,595 hours %) compared compared to to 41,152 41,152 hours in in tidewater tidewater (22 (22) anglers. hours in in freshwater freshwater (78°i). (78%). Twenty-seven the total total effort occurred Twenty-seven percent of the hours estimated seasonal was 3,072 fall in season. The estimated seasonal catch was fall chinook in the the extended season. 11 Tahl e 9. 9. Thble Fa Fall 11 chi chinook nook sa salmon 1mon f1974 'l974 brood) brood) reared rea red and and released r.e 1eased into River into Elk River Spawning period period (December 1974-January 24, 24, 1975) 1975) (December 3, 3, 1974-January Females Females spawned Eggs taken taken Eggs Mortality of eggs Mortality of alevins Ponding Pending period 100 100 360,831 360,831 28,481 (7.90/0) (7.9%) 6,437 (1.90/a) 6,437 (1.9%) (March 18-April 18-April 25, 25, 1975) 1975) Number of fish ponded ponded of fish fish ponded ponded Average size of Total weight of of fish fish ponded ponded Total Mortality of fingerlings fingerlings in in ponds ponds (including marking) marking) Unaccounted mortality mortality OTC OTC marked 325,913 1,001/lb 1,001/lb 326 lbs 326 lbs 44,626 (l3.7?) (13.7%) 10,311 10,311 (3.2%) (3.20/a) A11 All Marking periods periods Fin marking (May Fin (May 27-June 9, 1975) 9, 1975) Coded (June 18-20 1975) Coded wire tagging (June 18-20 and and September September 22-26, 22-26, 1975) Release groups Date Date 10/20/75 10/20/75 10/20/75 Mark Number released released Ad+CWT Ad+CWT 36,971 31,065 31 '065 11.2/lb 11.2/lb 10.9/lb 10.9/lb 31,601 31 , 601 171,339 11.1/1b 11.1/lb 10.6/1b 10.6/lb 10/20/75 'RV RV 10/20-21/75 LV LV Total Total number of fish fish released released Total Total mortality, mortality, 1974 1974 brood brood Size at at release release Size 270,976 89,855 (24.9°/0) 89,855 (24.9%) 12 Treatment Treatment · Alsea R. R. control control Anvi 1 Cr. Cr. wild wild Anvil stock stock Age-5 Age-S parents parents Age-3 parents parents Age-3 Table 10. 10. Spawning period Spawning Fall at Fall chinook chinook salmon salmon (1974 (l97i brood, brood, Chetco Chetco stock) stock) rea:ed reaed at Elk released into into the the Chetco, Chetco, Coos, C0os, and and Elk River River Hatchery Hatchery and and released Mi 11 icoma rIvers Millicoma rivers (December 4, 197)4-January 1974-January 15, 15, 1975) 1975) (December 4, Females spawned Females spawned Eggs taken Eggs Mortality of eggs Mortality of alevins Ponding Pond i ng period 1514 154 546,198 546' 198 62,964 62 '964 12,306 ( l 1 . 5%) (2.5%) (11.5°/a) (2.5°/a) (March 19, 1975) 1975) (March 18, 18, 1975-May 19, Number of fish fish ponded size of fish fish ponded ponded Average size Total fish ponded Total weight of fish Unaccounted mortality 470,928 831/lb 567 lbs lbs 46,580 (9.9%) 46,580 (9.9) Release groups groups Date 6/10/75 9/16-17/75 10/21/75 10/21-22/75 10/21-31/75 10/21-31/75 11/18-20/75 11 I 18-20/75 Area Number released Number released MilIicoma R. Mi 11 icoma R. Chetco R. R. Millicoma R. R. S. Fork Coos Coos R. R. S. Fork Chetco Chetco R. R. Chetco Chetco R. R. 2,684 2,684 35,890 41 ,250 41,250 61 ,506 61,506 242,616 242,616 40,402 40,402 Total number of fish Total released fish released 424,348 424,348 Total mortality, 1974 brood Total brood 121,850 (22.3?) (22.3%) Table 11. 11. Location Chetco R. R. Chetco Chetco R. R. Hamilton Ham i I ton Cr. Cr. Jack Jack Cr. Cr. Chetco Chetco R. R. Size at at release release Size 244/lb 244/lb 17.9/lb 17.9/lb ll.0/1 b 11.0/lb 11.3/lb 11.3/lb 11.2/1 11.2/lbb 9.9/lb 9.9/lb Distribution of of 1974-brood 1974-brood fall fall chinook chinook salmon salmon released released Distribution into the Chetco River, into the River, September-November September-November 1975 1975 Date Date Sept. Sept. 16-17, . 1975 1975 Oct. Oct. 22-23, 1975 1975 Oct. 28-31, 1975 1975 Oct. 28-31' Oct. Oct. 28, 28, 1975 1975 Nov. Nov. 18-20, 1975 1975 Total Num ber Number Size Size (fish/lb) (flsh/lb) 35,890 82,109 130,257 30,250 40,402 40,402 17.9/lb 17.9/lb 11.6/1 11.6/lbb 11.1/lb 11.1/lb 11.0/lb 11.0/lb 9.9/lb 9.9/lb 318,908 13 13 fish) taken in (preliminary) with with only only 2° 2% (65 (65 fish) in December. December. Anglers harvested (preliminary) 1,097 from tidewater tidewater and and 1,975 1,975 (6Li) (64%) from from freshwater freshwater in in 1,097 fall fall chinook chinook (36%) (36) from 1975. The overall overall catch catch rate rate was was 17.1 17.1 hours hours per per salmon. salmon. The 1975. (14i°) and catch of of fall fall chinook chinook was was divided divided between between 1,267 1,267 jacks jacks (41%) The catch Hatchery-reared chinook chinook comprised comprised 39% 39 of 1,805 adults adults (59°). (59%). Hatchery-reared of the the jack catch catch and 72 72% of of the the adult adult landings landings (ages (ages 33 through through 5). 5). About 59 59% of the the total total sport catch was composed of hatchery-reared hatchery-reared fish fish released released into into the the Chetco Chetco sport River. River. Coastal Fall Chinook Stock Assessment Project Project Coastal Fall Several fisheries agencies recently begun begun evaluating Several Pacific Pacific Coast Coast fisheries agencies have have recently to enhance provincial provincial sport sport and commercial commercial fisheries. fisheries. selected stocks of salmon to Prior fin-marking fin-marking experiments have demonstrated demonstrated that that some some stocks stocks remain remain offtheir natal natal streams or primarily primarily disperse along nearby coastlines, coastlines, shore near their favoring provincial provincial fisheries, fisheries, while others migrate long long distances and confavoring few if if any any fish fish to to these these fisheries fisheries at at sea. sea. tribute few The Oregon Department of Fish Fish and Wildlife currently propagates three three stocks of of fall fall chinook chinook salmon salmon at at coastal coastal hatcheries. hatcheries. Elk River Hatchery rears rears stocks River and and Chetco Chetco River River stocks. stocks. The Chetco River stock is is reared reared both Elk River separately and and the the sniolts smelts transplanted into the the Chetco Chetco River River each each fall. fall . Trask separately transplanted into fall chinook are reared reared and released released at Trask Hatchery under similar similar River fall rearing regimes practiced practiced at at Elk Elk River River Hatchery. Hatchery. rearing regimes Some recent fin-marking have given insight into into the the Some recent fin-marking experiments experiments have given us us an an insight offshore distribution and contribution of Elk, Elk, Chetco, Chetco, and Trask stocks. stocks. Preliminary evidence evidence indicates indicates the the Elk Elk and and Chetco Chetco stocks stocks primarily primarily contribute contribute to fisheries between northern northern California California and and Newport, Newport, Oregon. Oregon. In In conconto ocean ocean fisheries trast, Trask River fall fall chinook apparently migrate north of Oregon and exclutrast, Washington, British Columbia, Columbia, and southern Alaskan commercial commercial sively enter Washington, and sport sport fisheries. fisheries. Therefore, benefits are derived from the the Therefore, no direct benefits Trask River stock by Oregon fishermen fishermen until until the the salmon enter recreational recreational fisheries inside inside Tillamook Tillamook Bay. Bay. fisheries In study to to determine determine if if the the offshore offshore In FY FY 1975, 1975, we we began began a comprehensive study distribution of coastal coastal fall fall chinook stocks stocks can be manipulated by altering release broad geographical geographical range. range. During the first year, release sites sites within a broad four experimental experimental groups groups tagged tagged with with coded coded wire wire were were released released at at Alsea, Alsea, Elk, Elk, four and hatcheries and two groups with paired fin fin marks were liberated liberated into into and Trask hatcheries Coos Bay. Bay. FY 1976 1976 Smolts Released Released in in FY Tagged Smolts In FY tagged smolts smelts were released released at at In FY 1976, 1976, the the study study was was expanded when tagged Klaskanine Hatchery located l ocated on the the lower lower Columbia River (Trask (Trask and and Chetco stocks) addit ional to t o replicate rep l icate releases releases at Alsea Salmon Hatchery (Trask (Trask and and stocks) additional stocks) and and in in the the Coos Coos Bay Bay estuary estua ry (Elk (Elk and and Chetco Chetco stocks). stocks). Appropriate Elk stocks) controls of tagged tagged smolts sme l ts were liberated 1 i berated from from each donor stock in in their native rivers. A total of of 286,1fl7 286,417 tagged released in in 1975 1975 A total tagged fall fall chinook chinook smelts smolts was released 14 ILt (Table 12). 12). Although we planned planned to to release release about about 38,000 38,000 tagged tagged fish fish in in each each group, the actual liberated ranged from from 23,616 23,616 to to 39,150 39,150 due d~e to to poor poor group, the actual number liberated tag retention among certain certain groups. groups. Percentage from tag Percentage tag tag retention retention ran~ed raned from 67.6% to to 96.6 96.6% with an an overall overall average average of of 85.l9. 85. 1%. 67.6? Recoveries, 1973 1973 Brood Brood Coded Wire Tag Recoveries, Pacific Coast Coast Fisheries. Fisheries. Pacific agencies reported reported a Pacific Coast Coast fisheries' fisheries' agencies total total of of 46 46 coded coded wire tag recoveries recoveries in in 1975 1975 from from 1973-brood 1973-brood fall fall chinook chinook released released at at Trask, Trask, Alsea, Alsea, and Elk River hatcheries (Table (Table 13). 13). The recoveries recoveries biased towards towards the the Washington Washington sport sport and and Canadian Canadian commercial commercial fisheries fisheries were biased the 2-year-old chinook chinook were too too small small to to enter enter most most remaining remaining commercial commercial since the offshore fisheries fisheries in in 1975. 1975. Tag recoveries recoveries from from Canadian sources sources were primarprimarily Fuca commercial commercial seine seine ily from from Johnston Johnston Strait, Strait, Central Central Coast, Coast, and and Juan Juan de de Fuca fisheries. Reports of fin fin mark recoveries recoveries from smolt releases releases in in the the Coos Coos fisheries. remain incomplete. incomplete. Bay estuary remain Oregon Hatcheries. Hatcheries. Eight Eight tagged tagged fall fall chinook salmon jacks jacks were tallied tallied Oregon at between October October 19 19 and and December December 19, 19, 1975. 1975. The tagged tagged at Alsea Salmon Hatchery between jacks jacks were composed of six six fish fish from from Elk Elk River River stock stock and and two two from from Trask Trask River River stock released released at at the the hatchery. hatchery. Fourteen Fourteen jacks with adipose fin fin clips were recovered the adult holding pond pond between between November 19 19 and December December 6, 6, 1975, 1975, recovered from from the adult holding at Hatchery. All adipose-marked jacks contained tags tags except one fish fish at Elk River Hatchery. All adipose-marked that sustained a severely lacerated lacerated snout snout which may may have have dislodged dislodged the the tag. tag. that All tagged tagged jacks jacks examined examined at at Elk Elk River River Hatchery Hatchery originated originated from from smolts smolts rereAll leased into Elk for experimental releases at at Alsea Alsea Salmon Salmon leased into Elk River River as as controls controls for experimental releases Hatchery. No tagged jacks recovered at in 1975. 1975. No tagged jacks were were recovered at Trask River Hatchery in Salmon River Project Salmon A detailed project project proposal proposal outlining outlining the the long-term long-term goals goals of of the the Salmon Salmon A River intensive field work began began in in FY FY 1976. 1976. SpeRiver project was was prepared and intensive goals and and related related objectives objectives spanning spanning each each recognized recognized phase phase of ofthe theproprocific goals included in in the the proposal proposal along along with with major major experimental experimental approaches approaches ject were included necessary to to accomplish accomplish the the work. work. Three Three broad broad goals goals were were recognized: recognized: necessary (1) to (I) to to optimize optimize the the contribution contribution of of salmon salmon from Salmon River Hatchery to and commercial commercial fisheries; fisheries; (2) impacts of Oregon's sport and to minimize adverse impacts (2) to fish on native native fish fish species; species; and and (3) (3) to hatchery fish to develop develop management alternatives that are complementary to to the the goals of the the Cascade Cascade Head Head Scenic Scenic Research Research tives that Area established in in the the lower lower Salmon Salmon River River watershed watershed by by congressional congressional action action in 1974. 1974. in Four phases phases of the the project were identified identified to to simplify simplify discussion discussion and and of the the project project goals. goals. These These phases phases are: are: (1) .evaluexecution of (1) aa pre-hatchery pre-hatchery.evaluation of of existing existing fish fish populations populations within within the the Salmon Salmon River River watershed; watershed; ation (2) rearing schedule and documentation of the stocks stocks (2) development development of of aa hatchery hatchery rearing and documentation selected for enhancement; (3) (3) impact impact and the hatchery hatchery stocks stocks and evaluation of the based on on adult adult population population size size and and contributions contributions to to recreational recreational and and commercial commercial based (1+) fisheries; final and recommendations. recommendations. fisheries; and (4) final analyses and 15 15 Table 12. 12. Table Number of of fall fall chinook salmon salmon smolts smelts (1974 (1974 b.rood) brood) marked tags marked with with coded coded wire wire tags and released in in 1975 1975 and released Tag codes 1/ Tag codes 1/ Data Data 0' 1 Data Data 22 I Hatchery Hatchery Stock Stock Date Date released released Size at at Size release release (no/1 b) (no/lb) Number Number tagged tagged Number released r.e 1eased Number Ad+CWT Ad-only Total Total % tag tag retention retention Area released ? 11 11 09 09 Elk Elk Elk Elk 10/20-21 10/20-21 11.2 11.2 38,193 38' 193 26,307 26,307 7,2148 7,248 33,555 33,555 78.4 Coos Bay Bay 11 11 10 10 Elk Elk Chetco Chetco 10/21 10/21 10.9 10.9 37,130 23,616 23,616 8,212 8,212 31 ,828 31,828 74.2 Coos Bay Bay 11 Il 11 11 Klaskanine Kiaskanine Trask Trask 11/21 11/21 9.5 9.5 41,313 30,550 8,818 8,818 39,368 77.6 Klask 1Il1 12 12 Klaskanine Klaskanine Chetco Chetco 11/21 11/21 9.4 9.4 39,553 39,553 34,620 314,620 4,279 4,279 38,899 89.0 Kiask. Klask. R. R. 11 11 13 13 Trask Trask Trask Trask 10/22 10/22 10. 10.11 40,014 40,0114 38,233 1,428 1 ,428 39,661 39,661 96.4 Trásk Trask R. R. 11 11 14 14 Alsea Alsea Trask 10/21 10/21 9.8 38,663 25,578 25,578 12,240 37,818 67.6 R. Alsea R. 11 11 15 15 Alsea Alsea Elk Elk 10/21 10/21 10. 10.11 38,768 32,538 32,538 5,656 38,194 38,194 85.2 Alsea A 1sea R. R. 12 12 09 09 Elk Elk Elk Elk 10/20 10/20 11.2 11.2 39,91+2 39,942 35,825 35,825 11,146 '146 36,971 36,971 96.9 Elk R. R. 12 12 10 10 Elk Elk Chetco Chetco 11/18-20 11/18-20 9.9 9.9 41,704 41 '704 39,150 39' 150 11,252 ,252 40,402 96.9 Chetco R. R. R. R. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------50,279 336,696 85.11 as. Total 355,280 286,417 50,279 Total y1/ Agency Code Code 07. 0?. Agency ..... % I Table 13. 13. Coded salmon Coded wire wire tag tag recoveries recoveries from from 1973-brood 1973-brood fall fall chinoJk chinok salmon sampled in in coastal coastal fisheries fisheries in in 1975 1975 Ore. Ore. sport seort recoveries Tag Ta9 recoveries Wash. Canadian Comm. Comm. Sport sport Seort seo rt Stock Site site Number re 1eased released Trask Trask R. R. 36,519 00 12 12 Trask AI sea R. R. Alsea 38,883 00 22 Elk R. Alsea Alsea R. 38,030 1 Elk Elk R. R. 39,660 0 0 ReJease Release Total Total 00 6 6 18 18 1 5 5 88 1 0 0 2 2 44 55 0 0 11 11 16 16 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------24 46 24 46 Total 20 20 153,092 1 1 Field Studies FieJd studies in in FY FY 1976 1976 were primarily primarily confined confined to to four f our main ma in approaches approac he s Field within the the framework framework of of Phase Phase I: 1: {1) (2) tagging tagg ing (1) juvenile juvenile salmonid studies; (2) and salmonids; (3) (3) spawning (4) fish fish species s pec ies and sampling adult salmonids; spawning fish Fish surveys; surveys; and (4) composition within the the watershed. watershed. Juvenile Studies. Studies. Seining, Seining, gillnetting, and electroshocking electroshocking were were used used gHlnetting, and to collect juvenile juvenile salmonids. salmonids. Samples seining to Samples were were collected collected semimonthly by seining in the high and and low low tides, tides, except except in in the the winter when sampling sampling in the estuary estuary at at both both high ·was reduced to to monthly monthly intervals. intervals. Monthly fish fish samples samples were also collected was reduced from for growth rates, rates, length-weight length-weight relationships, relationships, and and to to from key key tributaries for collect scales for comparison with adult adult scale scale patterns. patterns. Samples taken taken in in collect scales spring documented the the upstream upstream distributions distributions of of salsalspring and and early summer months documented monid species. species. Juvenile salmon were marked by cold branding branding monid Juvenile coho and and chinook salmon fin excision to to study study migration migration patterns. patterns. and fin Adult Tagging. Tagging. Estuarine seining and and gilinetting gillnetting resulted resulted in in 89 chinook salmon, 15 15 coho coho salmon, salmon, and and 77 steelhead steelhead trout trout being being tagged tagged between between August August 1975 1975 salmon, and January January 1976. 1976. The numbers of fish fish tagged tagged were too too few few to to permit permit accurate accurate and population estimates. estimates. However, the timing timing of the the runs runs However, preliminary estimates estimates on on the biological characteristics characteristics (sex (sex ratios, ratios, mean mean lengths, lengths, age age distribution, distribution, and biological etc.) of the the salmon salmon populations populations were were obtained obtained during during the the tagging tagging work. work. etc.) Spawning Fish Surveys. Seawning Surveys. Approximately 30 30 miles of the the main river river and and tributaries identified as primary primary spawning spawning sites sites for for chinook chinook and and coho coho tributaries were identified salmon juveniles, gravel gravel composition, composition, prior prior salmon based based on the distribution of juveniles, surveys, and preliminary surveys, preliminary surveys surveys completed completed in in 1975. 1975. The survey areas were examined during during the the salmon salmon spawning spawning season season to to recover recover tagged tagged systematically examined fish, to collect biological biological samples from from spawning spawning fish, fish, and to to determine determine the the fish, to timing of fish fish in in Salmon Salmon River. River. Scale samples were collected collected timing and distribution of from salmon encountered encountered during during the the surveys. surveys. The The from all all carcasses of spawned-out salmon scales will will be analyzed to scales to determine determine life life histories. histories. 17 17 Species Composition. Composition. Records Records were maintained of all all fish fish species species enenSpecies countered during routine routine sampling sampling work. work. So far, far, 30 species species have have been been identiidenticountered during fied within the Salmon Salmon River River estuary. estuary. These records records should should provide provide a means fied within the possible interactions interactions of of salmon salmon released released from from the the hatchery hatchery and and of anticipating possible fish species species residing residing in -in the the estuary. estuary. fish Data Analysis Analysis Data Virtually all all field field data data were were directly directly recorded recorded onto onto field field forms forms dedeVirtually Coded data data were double checked prior signed for for transfer transfer onto onto punch punch cards. cards. Coded signed to punching and and rechecked rechecked once once more more after after punching. punching. Computer programs programs to key key punching will be be developed developed to to summarize summarize and and analyze analyze these these data. data. will Shad Striped Bass Bass Shad and Striped (Atosa scipidissirna) sapidissima) and bass (Morone (Marone saxatil_is) saxatitis) American shad shad (Alasa American and striped striped bass were landed l anded in in commercial commercial gill-net gill-net fisheries fis heries in in the the Siuslaw, Siuslaw, Smith, Smith, Umpqua, Umpqua, were Coos, and Coquille Coqui l le rivers rivers in in 1975. 1975. The commercial commercial season season began began May May 10 10 and and Coos, and July 1, 1, except except in in Coos Coos Bay. Bay. The Coos Bay season opened opened April April 20 20 and and ended July closed June June 21. 21. closed Set nets nets were were fished fished on on all all rivers rivers except except the the timpqua Umpqua where where only only drift drift gill allowed. gill nets nets were allowed. Commercial fishermen landed landed 63,184 shad shad weighing 231,483 lbs lbs from coastal coastal Commercial fishermen was slightly higher than streams in in 1975 1975 (Table (Table114). 14). The poundage was than in in 1974 1974 (11%), 46% below the the previous previous 10-year average of of 426,111 426,111 lbs lbs (i1?), but but remained 46 Of the taken from coastal taken coastal rivers. rivers. Of the total total poundage landed landed 71? 71% came came from from the the Umpqua River. River. Female (roe) (roe) shad comprised 66 66% of the total total coastal coastal catch. catch. Table 14. 14. Commercial Commercial landings of shad and striped landings of shad and striped bass, bass, 1975 1975 Shad Shad landings landings Number Number Female Total pou nds pounds Striped bass bass ( lbs ) landings (ibs) landings River Male Siuslaw 11,163 '163 2,746 14,473 133 133 Smith I1,185 , 185 3,599 3,599 17,951 574 Umpqua 15,799 29,26O .,.29,260 164,437 12,806 Coos 1,797 3,707 . 20,219 4,025 Coquille l1,309 '309 2,619 2,619 14,403 14,403 397 21,253 21 ,253 41,931 41 '931 231,483 17,935 Total 18 it;] The commercial commercial landings landings of striped striped bass bass continued continued their their downqard downvard trend trend in 49% decrease from from 19714 1~74 landings 59% decrease from from the the in 1975 1975 with with aa 49 landings and a 59 previous average. Only 17,935 lbs lbs of striped bass bass were landed landed in in previous 10-year average. (Table iL'). 14). The Umpqua River River produced produced 7l 71% of total coasta coastal catch, 1975 of the total 1975 (Table followed by Coos Bay with 22?. followed 22%. The Oregon State Legislature Legislature passed passed aa law law during during the the 1975 1975 session session proprohibiting the commercial commercial harvest harvest of striped striped bass bass beginning beginning with with the the 1976 1976 hibiting the season. commercial commercial shad season. SECTION II. I I. COMPLETION REPORT COMPLETION REPORT- JULY JULY 1, 1, 1973, 30, 1976 1976 1973, TO TO JUNE JUNE 30, the past past 33 fiscal fiscal years years has has included included the the major major projects projects Work accomplished the described in the previous section for for fiscal fiscal year 1976. 1976. However, to described in However, prior to FY Rivers Investigation Investigation was responsible responsible for for both both management management and and FY 1976 Coastal Coastal Rivers on Oregon's Oregon's coastal coastal stocks stocks of of anadromous anadromous fish. fish. Following research functions on merger of the the Fish Fish Commission Commission of of Oregon Oregon and and the the Oregon Oregon Wildlife Wildlife Commission Commission into July 1, 1, 1975, Investigation's mission was into aa unified unified agency effective July 1975, the the Investigation's to fisheries fisheries research research in in the the coastal coastal area. area. Former changed to Former management management functions were delegated to to district management management personnel personnel in new agency. agency. These These ininin the the new such as spawning spawning fish fish surveys surveys to to chart chart trends trends in in the the escapeescapecluded activities such ment of wild salmon stocks, stocks, private private salmon salmon hatchery hatchery operations, operations, excess excess adult adult and fingerling salmon salmon transplants, transplants, management management of of coastal coastal commercial commercial shad shad and and and fingerling fisheries, environmental environmental protection, protection, and and habitat habitat management management striped bass fisheries, functions reported reported upon upon during during the the first first 22 fiscal fiscal years years of of the the program. program. These functions projects generally formed a portion portion of the state's contribution within the the joint state-federal state-federal program program under under the the Anadromous AnadromousFish FishAct Act(PL (PL89-3014) 89-304) in in force force during the the 3-year 3-year interim. interim. Specific details details on the the management projects projects can can be be obtained obtained by by consulting consulting the appropriate annual the annual reports reports prepared prepared for for FYFY19714 1974 and and FY FY 1975. 1975. In In addition to the annual reports, to the annual reports, program personnel personnel prepared prepared 23 23 serially serially numbered numbered "Information Reports" on specific research and management topics during the the "Information research management topics during current completion completion report report period. period. The mimeographed reports reports were distributed to Oregon Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to Wild! ife personnel, personnel, selected selected universities, universities, and and other governmental governmental agencies agencies upon upon request. request. The following narrative narrative briefly briefly summarizes summarizes the the results results of of major major projects projects undertaken during the 3-year period beginning July 1, the 3-year period beginning July I, 1973, 1973, and ending ending June 30, 30, 1976, 1976, partially partially supported supported under under Anadromous Anadromous Fish Fish Act Act funding. funding. Tenmile Lakes Lakes The Tenmile Tenmile Lakes' Lakes' project project began began in in 1968 1968 when when the the Fish Fish and and Game Game commiscommissions sions undertook a joint joint program program to to eradicate eradicate competing competing warmwater warmwater fish fish coho salmon salmon and and trout trout populations. populations. The The lake lake populations and enhance existing coho rotenone in in September September 1968, 1968, primarily primarily to to remove remove stunted stunted system was treated with rotenone yellow perch, perch, brown brown bullheads, bullheads, and and bluegills. bluegills. Prior Prior to to treatment, treatment, native native coho coho salvaged, reared reared in in Fish Fish Commission Commission hatcheries, hatcheries, and and restocked restocked as as srnolts smolts were salvaged, the the following spring. spring. 19 IIj Since 1968, we have monitored the fish fish populations populations in in the the lakes lakes and Since 1968, monitored the collected the status status of coho coho spawning spawning in in tributary tributary streams streams and and their their collected data data on on the progeny rearing in in the the lakes. lakes. Rotenone treatment was only partially partially successful. successful. progeny rearing Yellow perch were eliminated, but but both both bluegill bluegill and and brown brown bullhead bullhead populations populations reestablished. A floating trap trap placed placed at at aa fixed fixed site site in in South South Tenmile Tenmile Lake Lake and and fished fished A floating 11 each year between July July and and January January has has provided provided insight insight on 'trend-throughtrend-throughtime•• that have have occurred occurred among among surviving surviving fish fish populations. populations. Data time" changes that from the the trap trap indicate indicate that that populations populations of of bluegilis, bluegills, brown brown bullbullcollected from heads, sculpins peaked peaked 1+ 4 years heads, and prickly sculpins years after after the the lakes lakes were were treated, treated, and and dec! ined since 1972 1972 (Table (Table 3). 3). The catch of bluegills bluegills reached reached have generally deci med since 205.3 fish/net day day in in 1972 1972 and and declined declined to to 46.3 46.3 fish/net fish/net day day by by 1975. 1975. The The catch per unit of effort for for brown brown bullheads bullheads rose rose to to 170.7 170.7 fish/net fish/net day day by by 1972 subsided to to 114.3 14.3 fish/net day in in 1975. 1975. The catch catch rate rate of of brown brown bullbull1972 and subsided heads in 1975 1975 was similar to to the the catch catch in in 1969 1969 (14.2 (14.2 fish/net fish/net day), day), 1 year heads in after the the lakes lakes were were treated. treated. The Oregon Oregon Game Game Commission Commission released released largemouth largemouth bass into Tenmile Lake Lake in in 1971 1971 to to stem stem the t he increase increase of of bluegills bluegllls and and provide provide bass into a sport sport fishery. fishery. The bass reached reached aa peak peak catch catch of of 8.8 8.8 fish/net fish/net day day in in 1974, 1974, but declined declined to to only only 0.14 0.4 bass/net day day in in 1975. 1975. The largemouth largemouth bass bass catch catch primarily reflects reflects the the status status of recruitment recruitment since since only only age age 22 and and younger younger bass bass vulnerable to to trapping trapping gear. gear. The peak peak catch catch of of juvenile juvenile coho coho salmon salmon were vulnerable (21.7 fish/net day). occurred in in 1971 1971 (21.7 day). However, However, since since 1971, 1971, the the catch catch rate rate has has progressively declined. declined. From 1973 t9 rate of coho coho was 0.9, 0.9, 0.8, 0.8, From 1973 to 1975 the catch rate and fish/net day day each each respective respective year. year. The low low CPUE CPUE obtained for for juvenile and 0.5 fish/net coho in in 1974 1974 and 1975 1975 indicates indicates few few adults will will return return to to spawn in in 1976 1976 and the bulk bulk of of the the coho coho captured captured in in the the trap trap consisted consisted 1977. In In recent recent years, years, the of recent emigrants entering the the lakes lakes from from tributary tributary streams streams during autumn of recent freshets. The absence of juvenile coho coho in in the the trap trap during during summer indicates indicates nomad fry nomad fry failed failed to to survive after entering the the lakes lakes in in the the spring. spring. Lakereared the dominant type of freshwater freshwater life life reared juveniles juveniles formerly formerly comprised comprised the dominant type history among jack jack and and adult adult coho coho salmon salmon returning returning to to the the system. system. These These the trap trap data data indicate indicate the the coho coho population population may may not not regain regain observations and the former former levels levels of abundance abundance in in the the lake lake system. system. 1 Data from a trap trap placed at the the outlet of Tenmile Lake revealed revealed Data collected from that that coho smolt smelt migration peaked between May 28 and June 3 in in 1975, 1975, about about 22 weeks later later than than in in previous previous years. years. The The average average fork fork length length of of the the migrants migrants was 164 was 164 mm compared to to 139 139 to to 170 170 mm mm in in 44 previous previous years. years. Annual population estimates estimates of of spawning spawning coho coho salmon salmon were were derived derived from from Annual population standard stream surveys surveys in in the the Tenmile Tenmile Lakes Lakes watershed. watershed. An estimated 8,000 jacks and 13,000 13,000 adults spawned spawned in in 1973, 1973, 3,000 3,000 jacks jacks and and 4,500 4,500 adults adults returned returned jn 1974, 1974, and and the in the 1975 run run was composed composed of of 3,500 3,500 jacks jacks and and only only 2,500 2,500 adults. adults. Production by brood years was 16,500, 16,500, 12,500, 12,500, and and 5,500 5,500 coho coho for for the the 1970, 1970, 1971, and and 1972 broods, respectively. 1971, respectively. These These runs runs were were low low compared compared to to the the average return return of of 36,500 36,500 during during the the past past 26 26 brood brood years. years. The The recent recentdeci decline irie in ref,ects the the related related failure coho in the the spawning spawning populations populations reflects failure of of juvenile juvenile coho obtained from from standard index index trapping trapping in in the the lake lake system. system. Average Average fork fork lengths lengths of of jacks jacks ranged ranged from from145.9 45.9 to to 46.5 46.5 cm em and and adults adults ranged from 70.0 to ranged to 72.2 72.2 cm em during during the the 3-year 3-year interval. interval. 20 20 Floras Lake experimental releases releases of of juvenile juvenile coho coho salmon salmon into into Floras Floras Lake Lake Prior experimental proved unsuccessful. unsuccessful. However, However, physical physical and limnological 1 imnological data data collected colle<·ted during during proved initial phases in 1972-73 1972-73 indicated indicated fall fall chinook chinook might )ee initial phases of the study in adaptable to to Floras Floras Lake. Lake. To test the the hypothesis, hypothesis, Floras Floras Lake Lake was stocked ~tocked with 100,0)45 fingerling fall fall chinook chinook from from Elk Elk River River stock on June 100,045 fingerling June 11, 11, 1973. 1973. 19714. following year, year, 102,696 102,696 fingerling finger] ing chinook chinook were were released released on on June June 13, 13, 1974. The following marked with with single single fin fin clips clips prior prior to to liberation. 1 iberation. The The pripriThe chinook were marked purpose was to to determine determine if if significant significant numbers numbers of of fall fall chinook chinook would would mary purpose survive, to smolt size size during during the the summer, summer, and and migrate migrate in in the the fall fall similar similar survive, grow to to natural in south south coastal coastal rivers. rivers. to natural populations in The first first group of fall fall chinook chinook stocked stocked into into Floras Floras Lake Lake grew grew from from 69 69 mm mm 19714, the the fall fall chinook chinook grew from in June late October October 1973. 1973. In In 1974, from in June to 115 mm by late to 108 108 mm mm in in the the same same interval. interval. The growth rate rate of fall fall chinook chinook in in 76 76 mm to 1974 rhat 19714may mayhave have been been affected affected by by an an influx influx of of wild wild chinook chinook in in mid-summer mid-summer that were absent the the previous previous year. year. Wild chinook chinook entered entered the the lake lake from from downstream downstream populations landowners altered streamflow streamflow patterns patterns in in New New River River below below populations after landowners the lake lake outlet. Wild chinook comprised approximately approximately one-third one-third of of the the total total chinook population population in in Floras Floras Lake Lakeinin19714. 1974. Insects were the most frequent food food item item found found in in stomach samples of Insects were the most frequent chinook salmon salmon collected collected in in summer summer 1973, 1973, occurring occurring in in 789 78% of of the the juvenile chinook stomachs examined. Opossum shrimp, shrimp, Neomysis Neomysis mercedis, mercedis, and and amphipods, amphipods, Corophium sp., sp., were identified identified in in 42° 42% and and 36% of the the stomachs, respectively. respectively. Cladocerans, water water mites mites (Flydracarina (Hydracarina sp.), sp.), arid and isopods isopods were also also ingested. ingested. Cladocerans, Copepods were taken taken in in plankton plankton tows tows in in Floras Floras Lake Lake but but none none were were found found in in fall samples. fall chinook stomach samples. 36°/a Each to estimate the the number of fall fall chinook chinook migrants migrants Each year year we attempted to and survival rate rate of planted planted fingerlings finger] ings by by trapping trapping marked marked smolts smolts at at the the and survival outlet of Floras Floras Lake. Lake. Persistant vandalism to to the the trap trap and erratic currents currents in the lake outlet precluded precluded obtaining obtaining valid valid estimates. estimates. However, However, lack lack of of in the lake chinook in in seine seine hauls hauls in in late late autumn autumn suggested suggested the the fish fish migrated migrated by by November November each year. Creel surveys were were conducted conducted in in New New River River in in 1973 1973 and and 19714 1974 to to estimate Creel surveys the sport sport catch of 1971-brood 1971-brood coho coho and and 1972-brood 1972-brood chinook chinook salmon salmon reared reared in in the Floras Lake. Lake. In In 1973, fished 5,317 5,317 hours hours and and landed landed 358 358 coho coho and and 335 335 1973, anglers anglers fished fall chinook salmon. fall salmon. Only 1% of the coho jacks harvested in in 1973 1973 were wild fish, the remainder remainder originated ing plants or smolt smolt fish, the originated from from either either finger! fingerling plants (14%) (l4) or releases (85?) (85%) in in Floras Lake. Lake. In to In 1974, 1974, aa creel creel census census was was conducted to estimate the the catch catch of of coho coho salmon salmon adults adults (1971 (1971 brood) brood) and and jack jack chinook chinook (1972 from previous previous liberations liberations in in Floras Floras Lake. Lake. Sportsmen (1972 brood) brood) returning from harvested 51 51 adult chinook salmon salmon with 2,716 2,716 angler angler hours hours of of effort. effort. The foredune the mouth of New New River River opened late late in in the the fall fall and and many many foredune blocking the of the the marked coho coho adults adults destined destined for for Floras Floras Lake Lake entered entered Elk Elk River River in in 1974. 1974. We were unable unable to to determine determine the the fate fate of of jack jack chinook chinook that that were were expected expected to to return to to Floras Floras Lake. Lake. return l 21 21 terminated at at Floras Floras Lake Lake in in 1975 1975 because of reduction reduction in in Field work terminated further releases of juvenile fall chinook funds personnel transfers. transfers . No further releases of fall chinook funds and personnel are long as to enter the the lake lake in in the the are planned so long as wild juveniles continue to summer months. months. Fall C~inook Chinook Ecology Fall ecology and and life life history history of of fall fall chinook chinook salmon salmon in in Elk Elk and and Chetco Chetco The ecology rivers the past past 33 years. years. Major emphasis was placed placed rivers have been examined during the chinook reared reared at Elk Elk River River Hatchery Hatchery and and released released into into Elk Elk and and on evaluating chinook Chetco rivers rivers during years (Table (Table 15) 15) and the the effects of the the during the past 7 years hatchery programs programs on on wild wild stocks stocks in in these these ·rivers. rivers. Rearing and release release proprograms designed to to improve improve the the survival survival of hatchery hatchery fish fish while minimizing minimizing grams were designed possible adverse impacts impacts on on wild wild salmon salmon populations. populations. Most detailed studies studies were confined to to Elk Elk River, River, although several several important important aspects aspects of the the Chetco Chetco River investigated and compared with data collected from Elk River program were investigated River. Table 15. 15. Table Numbers of fall fall chinook chinook released released into into Elk Elk and and Chetco Chetco rivers, rivers, brood year year by brood Brood year year Elk River Size range range Number (fish /lb) (fish/ib) Chetco River Size range range (fish/lb)) (fish/lb Number 1968 321,032 333,02L, 333,024 15.3-19.7 1969 1969 107,808 8.0 8.0 225,520 7.0-12.5 1970 678,1417 678,417 12.7-147.0 12.7-47.0 68,330 14 .6 14.6 1971 5514,9614 554,964 6.6-12.5 6.6-12.5 1314,782 134,782 7.6 7.6 1972 436,166 5.0-37.4 354,004 354,004 9.1 9.1 1973 302,881 10.0-32.0 339,696 8.9-12.0 " 19714 1974 270,976 110.6-11.2 0. 6-11 . 2 318,908 9.9-17.9 6.8-15.7 Population estimates of fall fall chinook salmon were derived from tagging tagging studies in in Elk Elk River River during during the the 3-year 3-year interim. interim. The estimates included included both both the the total total run. run. The total total hatchery hatchery run run was was the wild wild and and hatchery segments of the subdivided into into individual individual groups comprising former experimental experimental releases releases from the the hatchery. hatchery. In groups returned returned compared to to 12 12 In 1973, 1973, 10 10 different different groups in 1974 and 15 in 15 in in 1975. 1975. The estimated populations populations were 12,638 12,638 in in 1973, 1973, 9,488 in 72.6, and in 1974, 1974, and 13,150 13,150 in in 1975. 1975. Hatchery fish comprised 81.l0', 81. 1%, 72.6%, and 73.l? 73 . 1% of the total total fall fall chinook chinook run run each each successive successive year. year. Survival rates for for 1968, 1968, Survival rates 1969, and and 1970 broods for fingerlings fingerlings released 1969, broods ranged ranged from from 0.31 0.31% for released in in June at 47.0 fish/lb 8.0 fish/lb. fish/lb. Since 147.0 fish/lb to to 5.75% 5.75°/bfor forsmelts smoltsreleased released in in October October at at 8.0 Since 1974, there has 1974, has been a severe decrease decrease in in the the number number of of hatchery-reared hatchery-reared jacks jacks 22 22 Elk River River while there there has has been been no no apparent apparent reduction reduction in in the the returning to Elk number of wild jacks jacks entering entering the the river. river. The reasons reasons for for the the loss loss of of hatchery hatchery remains obscure, obscure, but but the the hatchery hatchery program may possibly be the jacks remains may possibly be altering altering the schedule of of propagated propagated chinook chinook as as second second and and third third generation generati0n hatchhatchmaturity schedule The jacks jacks have have be~n ben become incorporated incorporated into into the the egg egg take. take. The ery adults become in the the hatchery hatchery program program since since egg egg takes takes began began in in 1968, 1968, routinely discarded in they may play play an an important important role role by by contributing contributing to to the the gene gene pool pool of of but they natural spawning spawning chinook. chinook. natural Several experimental projects projects were undertaken undertaken during during the the 3-year 3-year Several different experimental interim and completed. On three three occasions, occasions, we liberated 1 iberated fingerling fingerling and others were completed. chinook salmon salmon in in June June of of their their first first year year to to study study the the effects effects of of an an early early release from the the hatchery. hatchery. To be successful, successful, the the chinook needed needed to to attain attain size to to immediately immediately migrate migrate out out of of Elk Elk River River and and avoid avoid competition competition sufficient size with wild wild chinook. chinook. The first first group was from the the largest largest fingerlings finger! ings was selected from with among the hatchery population population and and liberated 1 iberated on 1971, at on June June 25, 25, 1971, at an an average average 47 fish/lb. fish/lb. The fingerlings finger! ings remained remained in in Elk River River longer longer than than size of 17 anticipated and migrated migrated with with wild wild fish fish in in autumn. autumn. Total Total survival survival through through age 55 amounted amounted to to only only O.31°/. 0.31%. Analysis Analysis of scales scales taken taken from from returning returning adults adults indicated survival survival was highest among among the the largest largest fingerlings finger] ings released. released. In In indicated two experiments, the the development development of eggs eggs and and alevins alevins was acceleraccelertwo subsequent experiments, ated in heated water incubators. incubators. The initial initial results results appeared promising ated in since both groups attained attained larger larger sizes sizes than than fingerlings fingerlings in in the the initial initial In experiment and apparently migrated migrated into into the the ocean ocean soon soon after after release. release. In June 1973, 1973, 102,785 102,785 were released released at at 37.4 37.4 fish/lb fish/lb and and the the following following year, year, 38,502 were liberated liberated at at 32 32 fish/lb. fish/lb. The final final results results of the latter latter two two experiments should should be be known known in in 1977 1977 and and 1978. 1978. In different feeding feeding regimes regimes In 1973, 1973, two two groups groups of of juveniles juveniles were were placed placed on on different to investigate the the effects effects of of smolt smelt size size on on their their survival survival and and age age at at return return to to Elk River. River. One group (114,311 (114,311 fish) fish) was reared to to 15.7 15.7 fish/lb, fish/lb, marked marked was reared RP, released in in November November 1973. 1973. The second group (121,642 (121,642 fish) fish) was reared reared RP, and and released to fish/lb and marked LP LP prior prior to to release release with with the the first first group. group. AA third third to 8.0 fish/lb (97,428 fish) fish) was was reared reared for for an an extended extended period, period, marked marked D-Ad-RP, 0-Ad-RP, and and group (97,428 released as as yearlings in in March 1974 1974 at at an an average average size size of of 5.0 5.0 fish/lb. fish/lb. The released yearlings will will provide provide data data on on survival, survival, changes changes in in age age at at maturity, maturity, distribudistribution, tion, and contribution in in offshore fisheries fisheries when smolts smelts are are held held beyond beyond their their normal normal time time of of release. release. In In 1974, 1974, we we released released 102,935 102,935 smelts smolts marked marked RV RV from from early run run parents and 121,784 121,784 smolts smelts marked LV from from late late run run parents marked LV parents at at Elk Elk to determine determine if if any any differences differences result result in in the the time time of of entry entry River Hatchery to and survival survival of their their offspring. offspring. Eggs taken from from age-3 and and age-5 age-5 parents, parents, Eggs were were taken reared separately in in the the hatchery, hatchery, and and given given reciprocal reciprocal fin fin marks marks (LV (LV and and RV) RV) reared before they they were liberated 1 iberated into into Elk Elk River River in in October October 1975. 1975. Age at maturity and survival survival will will be be obtained obtained from from the the two two groups groups to to learn learn if if any any advantages advantages might exist by by selectively selectively spawning spawning either either age age group group of of parents. parents. The survivors known age age parents parents may may also also provide provide the the initial initial nucleus nucleus for for selective selective breedbreedof known ing Elk River. River. ing experiments experiments at Elk Beginning with the the 1969 1969 brood, brood, we released released three three successive successive broods broods marked marked undupl icated double double fin fin marks marks to to determine determine the thecontribution contributionand anddistribudistribuwith unduplicated tion of Elk and Chetco Chetco River River stocks stocks in in offshore offshore fisheries. fisheries. The results results from from tion marked 1969-brood 1969-brood chinook chinook released released at at Elk Elk River River Hatchery Hatchery were were compiled compiled after after 6-year-old adults returned returned in in 1975. 1975. The experiment involved involved 107,808 107,808 smolts smelts 23 23 released ~n fish/lb. The total total .on October October 21, 21, 1970, 1970, at at an an average average size size of 8.0 fish/lb. catch was 4,854 fish fish spread spread from from Alaska Alaska to to San San Francisco, Francisco, California. Califdrnia. Oregon sport fisheries fisheries landed landed 2,771 2,771 chinook chinook or or 72.8°' 72.8% of commercial commercial and ocean sport of the the total recreational fishermen total known known ocean ocean catch catch of of Ad-LH-marked Ad-LM-marked fish fish and and recreational fishermen harvested 1,048 1,048 chinook chinook in in Elk Elk River. River. The total total escapement in in Elk River was 5,157 fish fish and and catch plus escapement totalled totalled 10,011 10,011 chinook or 9.3? 9.3% of the the 107,808 smolts released from Elk River Hatchery. smolts from Elk River Hatchery. Hatchery-reared fall fall chinook released released into into Elk and Chetco rivers rivers have attracted aa growing growing number number of of anglers anglers to to both both rivers. rivers. Creel Creel census surveys surveys In 1973, the were conducted in in both both rivers rivers in in 1973, 1973, 1974, 1974, and and 1975. 1975. In 1973, the fishing seasons 30; however, however, in in 1974 and 1975 1975 the seasons seasons were seasons terminated November 30; through December December to to increase increase the the harvest harvest of late late run ru~ hatchery hatchery adults. adults. extended through Anglers harvested an an estimated 2,435 2,435 fall fall chinook chinook in in Elk Elk River Riv~r during d~ring the the 1973 1973 season, expending 14,075 14,075 angler angler hours hours of of effort. effort. The adult catch was 365 365 season, expending fall chinook. lrt taken by anglers and and the the effort effort fall chinook. In 1974, 1974, 2,479 2,479 fall fall chinook were taken increased to to 39,844 39,844 angler angler hours. hours. Nearly Nearly 56 56% of the the total total effort occurred during the the extended extended season season in in December. December. The adult catch dramatically increased increased during to 2,149 fish fish with with 37.7 37.7% taken in in December. December. Sports Sports fishermen fishermen caught caught 3,601 3,601 to fall chinook in fall in 1975 1975 and and 23.4? 23.4% of of the the total total catch catch occurred occurred in in December. December. The adult catch catch was was again again impressive, impressive, totalling totalling 2,760 2,760 fish. fish. Angling effort. rose adult effort rose to 52,365 hours in in 1975, 1975, the the highest highest yet yet attained attained in in Elk Elk River. River. Hatcheryto reared reared fall fall chinook comprised about about 81% 8l0 of the the total total angler catch during during the 3-year period. period. In 1973, an an estimated 1,739 In 1973, 1,739 fall fall chinook were harvested harvested from from the the Chetco Chetco by sports sports fishermen. fishermen. The total total effort effort was was 20,,750 20,,750 angler hours. hours. Hatchery Hatchery River by fish for 57 57% of the the total total catch. catch. Chetco River fishermen fishermen landed landed fish accounted accounted for fall chinook chinook in in 1974 1974 with with 50,403 50,403 angler angler hours hours of of effort. effort. Only l2? 12% of 2,789 fall the (346 fish) fish) were caught the total total effort during the exthe chinook (346 caught with with 30% 3O2 of the during the extended in December, December, primarily primarily because most the fishing fishing effort was tended season season in most of the was directed toward toward steelhead steelhead trout. trout. In increased to In 1975, 1975, effort effort increased to 52,747 angler hours and the the total total catch reached reached 3,072 fall fall chinook from from the the Chetco Chetco River. River. hours However, However, contrary to to the the results results from Elk Elk River, River, only 22% of the total total catch occurred during December December even though though 27? 27% of the the effort was expended during the the month. About About 59 59% of the the total total catch hatchery chinook released released catch was was composed composed of hatchery into the Chetco River. into River. The The creel creel census showed that that hatchery-reared hatchery-reared fall fall chinook have played a significant significant role role in in supporting sport sport fisheries fisheries in in both both Chetco rivers. rivers. Elk and and Chetco Elk Besides extending extending the the sport sport fishing fishing season season to to harvest harvest more more hatchery hatchery adult adult Besides fall chinook salmon, salmon, the the troll troll salmon season was also extended 2 months fall and December December to to accomplish accomplish the the same same goal. goal. The The troll troll season season through November and was first first extended extended in in 1974 1974 in in narrowly narrowly defined defined fishing fishing zones zones off off the the mouths mouths of of Elk and Chetco rivers. rivers. In In 1974, 1974, commercial commercial landings landings during during the season extension lbs or about 1,896 1,896 fall fall chinook with a dockside value sion totalled 34,856 lbs of $35,000. $35,000. A high incidence incidence of of fin fin marks marks in in the the landings landings indicated indicated the the catch catch of A high was almost almost entirely entirely composed composed of of Elk Elk and and Chetco Chetco River River chinook chinook stocks. stocks. ApproxApproximately 16,000 lbs lbs were landed landed from from both both zones zones in in 1975. 1975. However, final final imately estimates the poundage, poundage, numbers, numbers, and and proportion proportion of of hatchery hatchery fall fall chinook chinook estimates of the will not not be be available available until until early early in in FY FY 1977. 1977. in the in the commercial commercial catch will 24 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ---- - - - Coastal Project Coastal Fall Fall Chinook Stock Assessment Assessment Project The Coastal Coastal Fall Fall Chinook Chinook Stock Stock Assessment Assessment Project Project began began in in 1974 1974 when when a series of experiments was designed designed to to determine determine if if the the offshore offshore distribution distribution of Elk, Elk, Chetco, Chetco, and Trask River River fall fall chinook chinook stocks stocks changes changes if if reareJ rearej and and rereleased their natal natal rivers. rivers. Prior that Elk Elk leased outside of their Prior studies studies demonstrated demonstrated that contributed aa high high proportion proportion of of the the total total offshore offshore catch catch and and Chetco stocks contributed coastal ports ports éompared compared to to Trask River River fall fall chinook chinook released released at at to Oregon's coastal Tillamook Bay. Bay. Trask Trask River River fall fall chinook chinook apparently apparently migrate migrate north north of of Oregon Oregon and southern Alaskan, Alaskan, British British Columbia, Columbia, and and Washington fishfishand primarily enter southern eries. eries. Alsea River River Salmon Salmon Hatchery Hatchery and and Coos Coos Bay Bay were were chosen chosen for for the the initial initial Alsea experiment using 1973-brood 1973-brood fall fall chinook. chinook. Alsea Hatchery lies lies midway between between Alsea Hatchery Elk the southern southern Oregon Oregon coast coast and and Trask Trask Hatchery Hatchery on on the the north north coast. coast. Elk River on the In Elk River River were were reared reared at at In 1974, l971i,38,883 38,883 Trask Trask River River chinook chinook and and 38,030 38,030 from Elk Alsea Hatchery, Hatchery, differentially differentially tagged tagged with with coded coded wire, wire, and and released. released. Tagged Tagged controls (36,519 Trask and 39,660 Elk stock) stock) were released released at each donor controls (36,519 hatchery. We released 153,092 fall fall chinook smolts smelts implanted implanted with coded wire (1973 brood). tags in in 19711 1974 (1973 Elk and Chetco stocks of and Chetco stocks of fall fall chinook were were selected for experiments at Coos Bay. Smelts were given reciprocal paired fin marks marks for Coos Bay. Smolts reciprocal paired fin (Elk prior to to liberation. 1 iberation. In In October 1974, 1974, (Elk stock stock Ad-RV, Ad-RV, Chetco stock Ad-LV) prior smelts and 99,609 Chetco River smolts smelts were released released into into 109,985 109,985 Elk River River smolts the Bay estuary above above the the confluence confluence of of Coos Coos and and Millicoma rivers. rivers. the upper upper Coos Coos Bay In released at In 1975, 1975, replicate replicate tagged tagged fall fall chinook chinook smelts smolts were were released at Alsea Alsea Hatchery (Trask (Trask vs. vs. Elk Elk stock) stock) and and into into Coos Coos Bay Bay (Elk (Elk vs. vs. Chetco Chetco stock). stock). controls were were simultaneously simultaneously liberated 1 iberated at at each each donor donor hatchery. hatchery. Appropriate controls However, initial experiment was expanded expanded to to test test Trask vs. vs. Chetco Chetco stocks stocks However, the initial of fall fall chinook chinook at at Kiaskanine Klaskanine Hatchery Hatchery situated situated on on the the lower lower Columbia Columbia River. River. tests at Klaskanine Klaskanine Hatchery Hatchery will will provide provide additional additional comparison comparison of of ocean ocean The tests distribution from stocks released released at two two geographically diverse localities localities since lots of tagged tagged smolts smelts were also liberated 1 iberated in in Chetco River River on the the since control control lots extreme southern Oregon Oregon coast coast and and at at Trask Trask Hatchery. Hatchery. In In recent recent years, the years, the Oregon Department of of Fish Fish and and Wildlife Wildlife has has authorized authorized aa special special gill-net gill-net fishery in Voungs Youngs Bay to harvest surplus surplus hatchery-reared coho salmon returning returning fishery in to Klaskanine Hatchery. to Hatchery. One both stocks fall chinook may One or or both stocks of fall may significantly enhance the the commercial commercial catch catch in in Youngs Youngs Bay. Bay. We released released 286,1117 286,417 fall in 1975 fall chinook chinook smelts smolts tagged tagged with with coded coded wire wire in (19711-brood year). (1974-brood tagged groups were distributed between between Nine distinctively tagged Klaskanine, Trask, Alsea, Klaskanine, Alsea, Coos, Coos, Elk, Elk, and and Chetco Chetco rivers. rivers. The number of of tagged tagged chinook in in each each group group ranged ranged from from 23,616 23,616 to to 39,150. 39,150. Tag loss loss priOr prior to to liber1 iberation ranged ranged from from 3.1 3.1 to to 32.k? 32.4% and and averaged averaged]4.9°i 14.9% among among the the nine nine experimental experimental groups. The smelts liberated in in October ranging ranging in in size from 9.4 to to smolts were liberated 11.2 at Klaskanine Klaskanine Hatchery Hatchery and and Chetco Chetco River River where the the smolt smelt 11.2 fish/lb, fish/Ib, except at release was delayed until until mid-November mid-November 1975. 1975. The The smolt smelt release release at at Klaskanine Klaskanine until water temperatures temperatures in in the the Columbia Columbia River River subsided subsided Hatchery was delayed until below 50 FF to to avoid avoid major major losses losses from from Ceratornyxa C,eratomyxa prevalent prevalent in in lower lower Columbia River water. 25 25 Forty-six tag recoveries recoveries from 1973-brood fall fall chinook were reported reported by Pacific Coast fishery fishery agencies agencies in in 1975. 1975. Tag recoveries recoveries were reported reported from smolts released released at at Trask, Trask, Alsea, Alsea, and and Elk Elk River River hatcheries. hatcheries. Tagged chinook smolts were primarily recovered recovered in in Washington sport sport and and Canadian Canadian commercial commercial seine seine fisheries during during the the first first year. year. More extensive tag recoveries recoveries are expected fisheries in the chinook in the the summer summer of of 1976 when when the chinook attain attain sufficient sufficient size size to to enter enter aa greater array of Pacific Pacific Coast Coast fisheries. fisheries. Salmon Salmon River Project Construction of the Salmon River Hatchery is is scheduled for for completion Late in FY 1975, project was was designed designed to to develop develop in 1976. Late in FY 1975, aa new research research project in July 1976. Primary emphasis was and salmon rearing rearing program program for for the the hatchery. hatchery. Primary and evaluate a salmon placed field studies associated with juvenile salmonid ecology and life life placed on on field history in in FY FY 1975. 1975. Seining at river, and and tributary tributary stations stations proproat estuarine, estuarine, river, vided relative abundance of salmonids and vided data data on On the distribution and relative Environmental measureassociated species within the the Salmon Salmon River River watershed. watershed. Environmental the estuary estuary and and selected selected freshwater freshwater sites. sites. ments began in in the ments During FY 1976, 1976, the long-term long-term goals and objectives of the project were rigorously outlined. outlined. Field to include include tagging tagging and and more rigorously Field work was was expanded to sampling of adult salmon salmon populations populations entering entering Salmon Salmon River. River. Surveys were initiated to to delineate the the timing timing and distribution distribution of of spawning spawning adults. adults. initiated Juvenile salmonids continued to be sampled on a regular regular basis during the year. year. Considerable progress was made in in the design and adoption of field field data forms forms for recording, summarizing, summarizing, sorting, sorting, and retrieval retrieval of information information for efficient recording, collected during the the course course of of the the project. project. Shad Bass Shad and Striped Bass bass were landed landed by commercial commercial shad fisherfisherBoth American shad and striped bass men from from 1973 1973 to to 1975. 1975. The fish were netted netted from from the the Siuslaw, Siuslaw, Smith, Smith, Umpqua, Umpqua, Coos, and Coquille rivers. Coos, rivers. The 1973 1973 Oregon Legislature designated striped bass bass aa game the Fish Commission to reduce reduce the incidental incidental catch game fish fish and directed the in nets. Subsequently, regulations prohibiting in shad nets. Subsequently, the the commission commission enacted enacted regulations prohibiting nets nets in in Coos Coos Bay (Coos (Coos and Millicoma rivers rivers remained remained open open to commercial commercial fishfishing) the season by by setting setting April April 20 20 to to June June 21 21 fishing fishing dates dates ing) and and shortened the rather than April 1 to rather to July July 1 in prior to to 1974. 1974. The season remained remained in effect effect prior unchanged in the other four four rivers, rivers, opening May 10 10 and closing July 1 each unchanged in year. year. AA maximum mesh mesh breaking breaking strength strength of 30 30 lbs lbs went into into effect in in 1975, 1975, followed by by aa 21 21 lb lb maximum in in 1976. 1976. The 1975 1975 Oregon Oregon Legislature Legislature eliminated eliminated striped bass bass by by enacting legislation legisla~ion prohibiting prohibiting their their any further harvest of striped commercial in 1976. 1976. commercial harvest during shad netting seasons effective in 1 1 1 107 to to 150 150 set set nets nets were registered registered to to fish fish shad shad in in coastal coastal Approximately 107 rivers since 1973. rivers 1973. Forty-eight licensed in in 1973, 1973, but Forty-eight drift drift nets nets were were licensed but beginnirig beginning longer required required to to license license or or register register drift drift nets. nets. in in 1974, 1974, fishermen fishermen were no longer Fishermen were were restricted restricted to to fishing fishing drif't drirt nets in in the the Umpqua Umpqua River; River; whereas, whereas, most shad shad fishermen fishermen employed employed set set nets nets on on the the remaining remaining rivers rivers open open to to commercommermost cial fishing. cial 26 26 Commercial landings totalled totalled 270,493 270,493 lbs lbs of of shad shad and and 39,517 39,517 lbs lbs of of striped striped Commercial landings bass in bass in 1973. 1973. In lbs In 1974, 1974, landings landings declined declined to to 208,367 208,367 lbs lbs of of shad shad and end 35,151 35,151 lbs of striped bass. bass. Commercial landed 231,483 231,483 lbs lbs of of shad shad and and only only Commercial fishermen fishermen landed 17,935 lbs lbs of of striped bass in 17,935 in 1975. 1975. In 10-year average aver3ge landlandIn comparison, comparison, the the 10-year ings {1966-75) (1966-75) were 397,458 lbs Ings lbs of shad shad (range: (range: 208,367-550,083 ibs) lbs) and and 40,9148 lbs lbs of of striped striped bass (range: 40,948 (range: 17,935-67,084 ibs) lbs) from from coastal coastal rivers. rivers. The decrease in in striped bass bass landings landings reflect reflect the the recent recent changes changes in in regulations ·regulations and the downward downward trend trend of of the the dominant dominant 1966-brood 1966-brood year year in in the the Umpqua Umpqua River River and and and the lack dominant brood brood since since 1958 1958 in in Coos Coos Bay. Bay. lack of of aa significant dominant Biological taken· from from the the commercial commercial landings landings in in 1973 1973 and and Biological samples were taken 19714. Age composition, composition, age age at at first first spawning, spawning, and and number number of of spawning spawning migramigra1974. tions determined from from shad shad scale scale samples samples collected collected from from each each river. river. The tions were were determined composition, relative relative strengths strengths of of individual individual brood brood years, years, and and average average age composition, weight compiled from from striped landed in in the weight data were compiled striped bass bass landed the Umpqua Umpqua and and Coos Coos River River fisheries. Basic statistics statistics on on the the biological biological structure structure of of shad shad and and striped striped bass landing trends, trends, and and fishing fishing effort effort provided provided necessary necessary bass populations, landing perspectives in in managing managing the the fisheries fisheries and and judging judging the the probable probable effects effects of of altering commercial fishing fishing regulations. regulations. 27 j ·~ OREGON Fish I Wild lift Post OfficeBox Box 3503 3503 Post Office Portland, Portland,Oregon Oregon 97208 97208 1- . r~ 0 2