Fire Safety
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
FARR Institute
University College London
222 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DA
This document will provide you with the information that you need to know in order to use your building safely whilst
complying with UCL policy and fire safety legislation. Each UCL building has been given a risk rating, and this dictates how
often fire safety reviews take place, as well as how often departmental staff and fire evacuation marshals should receive full
fire safety training.
UCL Departments must ensure that:
all staff are adequately trained on induction;
this training is refreshed periodically (depending on the fire risk rating);
fire evacuation marshals (FEM) are appointed for each floor the building;
fire evacuation marshals are suitably trained, including refresher trained periodically (depending on the fire risk
departmental areas and the risks contained therein are managed safely;
appropriate arrangements are in place to ensure the safe evacuation of disabled people;
Fire Safety Reviews - UCL Fire Safety Staff will periodically carry out fire risk assessments and fire safety reviews. The
period in which these reviews will take place will be dictated by the determined risk of the building.
Every October - a fire drill will be carried out in most UCL buildings and following the drill, fire FEMs will receive a Toolbox
Talk of relevant information to report back to their colleagues. A report will be published on line, and this process will act as
an annual training supplement to ensure that UCL people remain aware of the significant findings of our fire risk
management process.
Date Last Amended: Jun 14
EP: 1 of 7.
Issued by: Fire Safety Manager, UCL Estates, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT / / Tel: 020 7679 1240
Premises Fire Safety Handbook
Bldg Name: 222 Euston Road (150)
Part 1 - Instruction to Building Occupants:
Building Fire Risk
Fire Risk Assessment:
Normal Risk
Fire Risk Assessment in this building will be
undertaken every 3 years
(subject to building changes or alterations)
Fire Risk Assessment
Interim A (Annually) - Fire Safety Staff
Department Fire Risk
Review (iaw TN077):
Department - review -annually & keep completed copies
locally for fire brigade inspection
Staff Training (TN086):
New Staff Induction - immediate on arrival carry out full
walk of building, escape routes & Staff member to
complete ‘Basic Fire Safety’ eLearning on Moodle
Refresher - full training as per induction to be completed
by all staff on periods determined in risk rating time line
(Additional refresher training will be delivered by means of Toolbox Talks.
These will be given following fire risk assessments, reviews and fire
evacuation drills, at least annually to FEMs. This information will then be
cascaded to all staff by FEMs).
FEM Training (TN099):
Minimum number of trained FEMs per floor in this
building is: THREE (3)
New / initial FEM training - completed through eLearning
on Moodle.
Refresher - the FEM refresher period is determined in risk
rating time line above.
(Additional refresher training will be delivered by means of Toolbox Talks.
These will be given following fire risk assessments, reviews and fire
evacuation drills, at least annually, to FEMs).
Fire Drill:
Scheduled annually for start of term (October)
Persons with
Department to provide PEEPs
arrangements (see details below)
Other Information:
Date Last Amended: Jun 14
EP: 2 of 7.
Issued by: Fire Safety Manager, UCL Estates, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT / / Tel: 020 7679 1240
Premises Fire Safety Handbook
Bldg Name: 222 Euston Road (150)
Part 2 - Specific Evacuation Instructions:
Local fire
Fire Action Notices (and in some premises, additional supplementary
instructions) located throughout the premises at fire points and within
residential sleeping accommodation rooms, are the local fire
Emergency Plan and you should be aware of its contents.
Action on
discovering a
On discovery or being made aware of a fire, immediately raise the
alarm to give warning throughout the building by operating the
nearest fire alarm call point.
On hearing
the fire alarm:
On hearing the fire alarm, leave the building immediately by the
nearest available fire exit (this may not necessarily be the way you
entered the building).
The fire alarm
(1). This building is equipped with a single stage addressable fire alarm
system. Which when activated, emits a continuous warning throughout
the building.
(2). Automatic Fire Detection (AFD) – smoke & heat detecting
devices are provided for early warning of fire to aid faster escape.
(3). Manual Call Points (MCPs) - means for raising the fire alarm in
addition to fire detection is by operating MCPs that may be found on
routes leading from the building (including corridors, landings,
staircases & final exits).
Calling the
fire brigade:
Dial Ext: 222 on a UCL Internal Extension and report the fire (use the
Building Reference number to assist in identifying the premises or the
address shown on the UCL Fire Action Notices).
This building’s fire alarm system is monitored on a 24-hour basis who
will summon the Fire Brigade. However, you should always make an
Emergency Telephone call (Ext: ‘222’) to raise the alarm
and using lifts
during fire:
On hearing the alarm or being directed by a Fire Evacuation Marshal
(FEM), occupants are to evacuate the building by the nearest
available escape stair, corridor or exit route to the Final Exit from
the building. If your escape route is blocked / obstructed by fire or
smoke, you should turn your back on the fire and follow the alternative
route from the building by following the green fire escape directional
signage provided.
Lifts should not be used in the event of the fire alarm sounding.
On leaving the building you should proceed to the Fire Assembly
Point; the location of the Fire Assembly Point(s) is indicated on the
local Fire Action Notices provided, which may also be supplemented
with additional information such as local escape route plans etc. Do
not obstruct the building entrances as this may hinder access to the
fire brigade crews & appliances. Beware of the road traffic and your
and others safety during the evacuation!
security door
see TN002
and TN004:
Where fitted doors forming part of the Means of Escape (MoE) may be
provided with Electromagnetic Security Locks (Gallagher):
(1). Generally, locks release on activation of the fire alarm system (but
there are some specialist exceptions to this requirement);
(2). Each door is provided with an independent ‘break glass’
emergency release device (green box) in the direction of escape that
may be activated to release the door in an emergency.
Date Last Amended: Jun 14
EP: 3 of 7.
Issued by: Fire Safety Manager, UCL Estates, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT / / Tel: 020 7679 1240
Premises Fire Safety Handbook
Bldg Name: 222 Euston Road (150)
Part 3 - Emergency Disabled Evacuation Provisions:
Mobility Impaired
Persons (MIP) or
Persons with
Department’s local management arrangements and fire
evacuation strategy for MIP and disabled persons should not
rely solely on the Fire & Rescue Service, rescuing people
waiting in refuges but for the Department to have satisfactory
arrangements in place to assist person from the building.
Personal Emergency
Evacuation Plan
Managers should review & use the ‘Disable Information
Emergency Egress Assessment & personal Emergency
from under ‘Disabled’
(Generally, only provided on
individual Risk Assessment or
as part of a PEEP initiated by
the Department):
Where refuges are provided, they will be located in fireresisting structure, which creates a protected area so the
refuge can be used as a safe resting place as well as a
place to wait in a phased evacuation while the go-ahead for
a full escape is established. Where provided the refuge will
be equipped with a suitable means of communication and
clearly identified.
People should never be left in a refuge point to wait for the
Fire and Rescue Service.
Refuges should only be used in conjunction with effective
management rescue arrangements.
Disabled Refuge
(Communication facilities for
disabled refuges have BT big
button telephone or system
complying BS5839-9):
Disabled Evacuation
Deaf Persons Fire
Alarm Alerting
General Emergency
Evacuation Plan
(1). Local coms by phone or talk box with local instructions
and numbers to call;
(2). Mobile Users should call the UCL Security Control Room
(available 24/7) who can arrange help and assistance on:
020 7679 3333 (Ext: 33333)
Alternative Number (24/7) - 020 7387 5256
UCL Security Ops (24/7) - 020 7679 2108 (Ext: 32108)
Deaf Messaging System (DMS) provide and connected to
the fire alarm system:
Not provided
The building is provided with fire safe lobbies to the main
stair only - which will provide time for arrangements to be
made by others to assist you.
The person you are visiting will take you to the refuge, which
is within the evacuation stairway at each level of the building.
If you are able, make you own way down the stairs in your
own time, once all other occupants have passed you.
Other Information:
Generally upper floors are inaccessible to wheel chair
uses due to size of lifts and the narrowness of stair
landing for refuges
Date Last Amended: Jun 14
EP: 4 of 7.
Issued by: Fire Safety Manager, UCL Estates, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT / / Tel: 020 7679 1240
Premises Fire Safety Handbook
Bldg Name: 222 Euston Road (150)
Part 3 - Centrally Timetabled Space Disability Provisions (Cont.):
Centrally Timetabled Lecture Theatres & Seminar Rooms - Disable
(Wheelchair) Emergency Egress Facilities / Arrangements
Lecture Theatre
/ Seminar Room
Evacuation Arrangements
Access via ground floor main entrance - emergency
egress out though lower ground car park and to
Stephenson way
Access via ground floor main entrance - emergency
egress out though lower ground car park and to
Stephenson way
Access via ground floor main entrance - emergency
egress out though lower ground car park and to
Stephenson way
Accessible /
Accessible - Access and egress available without general assistance as generally facility where practical to self-escape;
Date Last Amended: Jun 14
EP: 5 of 7.
Issued by: Fire Safety Manager, UCL Estates, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT / / Tel: 020 7679 1240
Premises Fire Safety Handbook
Bldg Name: 222 Euston Road (150)
Part 4 - Background Information & Arrangements:
Fire Fighting
Fire fighting equipment is strategically placed throughout the building
in accordance with the hazards identified. Only use fire-fighting
equipment if you have been specifically trained and it is safe for you
to do so; and you are confident that you are using the most
appropriate fire extinguisher on the correct type fire.
Emergency &
Emergency escape lighting is provided in large &/or specific rooms,
all corridors and stair enclosures to illuminate safely the escape
routes from the premises in the event of a ‘Local Lighting Circuit’
failure (they do not illuminate on the fire alarm sounding). In
addition, illuminated directional escape signage may also be
stop of
machines /
processes /
high risk areas:
Designate Staff or FEMs should ensure that where hazardous
processes are being used, they are shut down safely and quickly
before leaving the area. If this is not possible, a responsible person
must inform the Senior FEM or a Fire Brigade Officer of the
hazard and possible affect if left unattended etc immediately on
leaving the building!
Meeting the Fire
Brigade &
Normal Working Hours - the fire brigade will be met by the Senior
Fire Marshal on behalf of Departments / Institutes with local security
or maintenance staff in attendance.
Out of Hours - generally UCL or local Security will meet and assist
the Fire Brigade with maintenance staff attending if required.
Fire Brigade
Building Plans:
Fire Plans are provided for each building to assist in the
management of fire safety in the premises and are updated as part of
the fire risk assessment process. These plans show the fire escape
stairs, routes emergency door furniture, final exits and other relevant
information for use by Fire Brigade & others - Departments may
obtain copies through the UCL Fire Safety Manager.
Boxes (PIB):
Fire Brigade Contingency Plans & Hazard Information - fire
brigade building plans and general / hazard information is provided in
a Red A4 Folder placed in the fire brigade Premises Information Box which is generally located close to main entrance and the master fire
alarm panel.
Date Last Amended: Jun 14
EP: 6 of 7.
Issued by: Fire Safety Manager, UCL Estates, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT / / Tel: 020 7679 1240
Premises Fire Safety Handbook
Bldg Name: 222 Euston Road (150)
Part 5 - Staff Training & Fire Evacuation Marshal Arrangements:
Senior Fire
The Senior FEM
meets the fire
brigade & assists
them with building
information and
notifying them of
hazards within
The Head of Department / Institutes must appoint a suitable
member(s) of staff in each building that the Department occupies,
to become a Senior Fire Evacuation Marshal (SFEM) to:
(1). Liaise with other SFEMs (if a multi-occupied building) and fire
brigade, local security and maintenance staff during normal
working hours etc.;
(2). Co-ordinate the Departmental FEMs with others (such as the
Landlord’s agents) and with other occupiers, as necessary;
(3). Provide local information to the fire brigade on any specific
hazards related to the premises areas occupied; particularly,
where there are laboratories or hazardous substances or
processes used etc.;
Fire Evacuation
Marshals (FEMS):
Due to the size and complexity of UCL, it is neither practical nor
feasible to maintain a meaningful register of building occupants to
account for those persons using premises during normal working
hours. It is UCL policy that all Heads of Departments shall
designate sufficient staff to act as Fire Evacuation Marshals
(FEMs), who in the event of a fire or incident will check their
areas of responsibility. FEMs will request politely but firmly that
all staff, students and visitors evacuate the building immediately
by the nearest available fire exit route, they may assist Persons
with Disabilities and liaise with the fire brigade, as necessary.
Staff Working
Outside of Normal
Heads of Departments must have arrangements in place to
insure that staff or students are employed out of normal working
ours that there is suitable ‘Lone Working’ policy and
arrangements in place to ensure that all occupants can be
accounted for in case of fire and evacuation by the fire brigade.
Fire Evacuation
Fire Drills - annual fire drills are carried out at beginning of the
Autumn Term (October) of each year by the UCL Fire Safety
Manager or the Landlord if your are Tenants in a non-owned UCL
or managed premises.
Note: Unwanted alarm activations are treated as supplementary
fire drills throughout the year.
Staff &
(Staff, Visitors &
The Heads of Departments must have arrangements in place
so that all Temporary & Permanent Staff, Postgraduate Research
Students and others working for more than 3 days in the
familiarisation and an approved training record raised and
The Heads of Departments shall provide at the start of each
academic session, fire safety information for all undergraduates
/ postgraduates studying in their Department.
Periodical (Staff)
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order requires that all
temporary and permanent staff receive local fire safety
familiarisation of the building(s) that staff, work or visit periodically
or when there has been a change of work activities or working
environment for employees, postgraduate students or visitors;
and that a record is kept. Based on the building layout,
evacuation procedures and risk based approach the frequency
for under taking staff fire evacuation familiarisation in this building
Date Last Amended: Jun 14
EP: 7 of 7.
Issued by: Fire Safety Manager, UCL Estates, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT / / Tel: 020 7679 1240
FARR Institute
222 Euston Road
London NW1
On discovering a fire - operate the nearest
fire alarm call point.
Dial extension '222' on a UCL internal
telephone giving the building name and
this FIRE ZONE Number – 150
Only attempt to fight the fire, if it is safe
and practical to do so - using the most
appropriate fire extinguisher for the type of
fire you intend to tackle.
Do not use WATER on ELECTRICAL or
On hearing the fire alarm - leave the building
by the nearest AVAILABLE FIRE EXIT.
• CLOSE - all doors and windows as you leave.
• Do NOT - stop to collect belongings.
• Do NOT - use the lift.
• Do NOT - re enter the building until instructed to do so
by the Senior Fire Officer present.
When clear of the building - proceed to your
designated FIRE ASSEMBLY POINT at:
Euston Road or
Stephenson Way
Issued by: Fire Safety Manager, UCL Estates, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT.