Bldg Name: Ian Baker House (124) UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES DIVISION Construction Maintenance & Fire Safety UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON EMERGENCY PLAN Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 IAN BAKER HOUSE Name & Address of Building: Occupying Department(s) / School(s) / Institute(s): 1.0. University College London (Ramsay Student Halls of Residence) 20 Maple Street, London W1T 5HB Students Halls of Residence INTRODUCTION The standard premises Fire Action Notices (FAN) provides basic essential emergency information for all buildings, but in most buildings, there is often a requirement for more detailed or specific information contained in the Emergency Plan. This a generic Fire Emergency Plan and is designed as an easy guide to the emergency arrangements for all occupants, and as a tool for familiarisation briefings and staff training by Fire Evacuation Marshals (FEMs) and Department Safety Officers (DSOs) etc. It is building specific, collating relevant information extracted from various sources. Relevant Guidance Documentation – Fire Safety Guide Sleeping Accommodation (Issued by HM Government – ISBN: 13: 978 1 85112 817 4), which has been produced for all premises where the main use is to provide sleeping accommodation. Including: Hotels, Guest Houses, B&Bs, Hostels, Student Halls of Residences, Residential Training Centres, Holiday Accommodation and The Common Areas of Flats, Maisonettes, HMOs and Sheltered Housing (other than those providing care – see Residential care premises). [This document can be viewed & downloaded from the UCL Fire Safety Web Site under RRO]. 1.2. This document forms part of the Premises Fire Risk and Fire Audit Documentation and has the following parts: • • • Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Introduction, General and generic building arrangements and procedures, Site or building specific instructions or other relevant information, • Part 4: Disability provisions relating to fire safety / evacuation provided in the premises. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date Last Amended: Mar 09 EP: 1 of 7. Issued by: Fire Officer, Estates & Facilities, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT / / Tel: 020 - 7679 - 1240 Bldg Name: Ian Baker House (124) 2.0. BUILDING EMERGENCY PLAN: LOCAL FIRE INFORMATION Local fire information is provided by UCL Fire Action Notices (and in some premises, by supplementary instructions) which are provided throughout the premises at Fire Alarm Manual Call Points, Fire Equipment Points and in Residential Accommodation Rooms, as appropriate. ACTION ON DISCOVERING A FIRE On discovery or being made aware of a fire, immediately raise the alarm throughout the building by operating the nearest fire alarm call point, or as per the premises fire action notices. CALLING THE FIRE BRIGADE Dial (9)999 (or Ext: 222 on a UCL internal Extension) and call the fire brigade your address is provided on the UCL Fire Action Notices. This building’s fire alarm system is monitored on a 24-hour basis by the UCL Security Control Room who will summon the Fire Brigade. However, you should always make an Emergency Telephone call (999 or Ext: ‘222’) to raise the alarm. ON HEARING THE FIRE ALARM On hearing the fire alarm, immediately leave the building by the nearest available fire exit. THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (1). This building is equipped with a single stage addressable fire alarm system. Which when activated, emits a continuous electronic two-tone alarm throughout the building. (2). Automatic Fire Detection (AFD) – smoke & heat detecting devices are provided for early warning to Life 2 (L2) Standard. (3). Fire alarm ‘Manual Call Points’ are found on routes leading from the building (including corridors, landings, staircases & final exits). EVACUATION PROCEDURE On hearing the alarm or being directed by a Fire Evacuation Marshal (FEM), all occupants are to evacuate the building by the nearest available escape stair, corridor or exit route to the Final Exit following the green safe condition fire safety direction signage provided. If your escape route is blocked or obstructed by fire or smoke, you should turn your back on the fire and follow the alternative route from the building by following the green direction signage. FIRE ASSEMBLY POINT On leaving the building you should proceed to the Fire Assembly Point; the location of the Fire Assembly Point(s) are indicated on the local Fire Action Notices provided that may also be supplemented with additional information such as local escape route plans etc. Do not obstruct the building entrances as this may hinder access to the fire brigade crews & appliances. Warning - Beware of the road traffic and your and others safety during the evacuation. ELECTRONIC SECURITY DOOR RELEASE MECHANISMS Where fitted doors forming part of the Means of Escape (MoE) may be provided with Electromagnetic Security Locks (Cardex) which will: (1). Generally release on Activation of the Fire Alarm System, (but there are some exceptions to this arrangement). (2). Each door is provided with an independent ‘break glass’ emergency release device (green box) on the direction of escape that should be broken to release the door in an emergency (or if the fire alarm has not activate). _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date Last Amended: Mar 09 EP: 2 of 7. Issued by: Fire Officer, Estates & Facilities, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT / / Tel: 020 - 7679 - 1240 Bldg Name: Ian Baker House (124) 2.0. Building Emergency Plan (Continued): PLAN OF THE EMERGENCY ROUTES Fire safety drawings are provided with the Emergency Plan and for each building. These plans show the fire escape stairs, routes emergency door furniture and final exits with copies available to the Fire Brigade at the Entrance of the building (or through the UCL Fire Officer). EMERGENCY & ESCAPE LIGHTING Emergency escape lighting is provided in large &/or specific rooms, all corridors and stair enclosures to illuminate safely the escape routes from the premises in the event of a ‘Local Lighting Circuit’ failure (but do not activate on the fire alarm sounding). In addition, illuminated directional escape signage may also be provided. FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT Fire fighting equipment is strategically placed throughout the building in accordance with the hazards identified. Only use fire-fighting equipment if it is safe for you to do so; and you are confident that you are using the most appropriate fire extinguisher on the correct type fire. Do not use water on electrical or flammable liquid fires! The Director of Residences shall designate sufficient staff to act as Fire Evacuation Marshals (FEMs) at relevant Halls of Residences where necessary who, in the event of a fire or incident will check their areas of responsibility to ensure that staff, students (where practicable) and visitors are accounted for by: During Normal Working Hours (a). Ensuring that all staff such as Housekeeping, Cleaning & Maintenance and other staff & students (where practicable) located in residence offices, refectories, kitchens and reception areas or residential accommodation are evacuated and directed to an appropriate Fire Assembly Point. (b). Appointed Persons (when available) will also act as Fire Evacuation Marshals during normal working hours at those Residences in addition to their principal duties set out below. UCL FEMs Provision of ‘Appointed Persons’ – The Dean of Students has designated as ‘Appointed Persons’ all Wardens, Vice Wardens, Residential and Managerial Staff for each Hall of Residence. The principal duties of an ‘Appointed Person’ are: Out of Normal Working Hours APPOINTED PERSONS HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES (a). Raising the local fire alarm where necessary and ensuring that the Emergency Services are called by dialling ‘999’/ ‘Ext 222’ on a suitable landline or mobile telephone; (b). Marshalling students (& guests) to the appropriate Fire Assembly Point; (c). Liaising with the local Authority Senior Fire Officer in attendance in respect of details: of the location of the fire or incident, any trapped or injured occupants (if known); providing Keys / Codes for access; local information and general assistance as necessary, to deal with the incident. Hazardous substances are not used in significant quantities on the premises; or where they are used, it is generally in very small quantities in individually marked rooms or locations. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date Last Amended: Mar 09 EP: 3 of 7. Issued by: Fire Officer, Estates & Facilities, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT / / Tel: 020 - 7679 - 1240 Bldg Name: Ian Baker House (124) 2.0. Building Emergency Plan (Continued): TRAINING MEETING THE FIRE BRIGADE & HAZARD INFORMATION Normal Working Hours - the fire brigade will be met by the Hall Manger / Appointed Person / FEMs. Out of Hours – the ‘Appointed Person’ will meet and assist the Fire Brigade and others, as required. Fire Brigade Contingency Plans & Hazard Information – Fire brigade contingency plans & hazard information is provided in a Red A4 Folder placed in the FB Premises Box provided close to the master fire alarm panel. EMERGENCY STOP OF COOKING EQUIPMENT KITCHENS Students using Kitchens should ensure that when the fire alarm has activated that all cooking facilities are shut down safely and quickly before leaving the area. If this is not possible, a responsible person must inform the Appointed Person or a Fire Brigade Officer of Cooking if left unattended on leaving the building. Cooking should NEVER be left unattended! INDUCTION FAMILIARISATION (Visitors & Contractors) The Director of Residences must have arrangements in place so that all temporary and permanent staff (including Maintenance / Cleaning / Catering Contractors) working for more than 3 days at a Residence, receive Local Fire Safety Induction familiarisation and an approved record kept of the familiarisation. TRAINING (Staff) The Director of Residences must have arrangements in place undertake local fire safety familiarisation of the building(s) where Residence Staff (including Maintenance / Cleaning / Catering Contractors) work or visit regularly Annually, and an approved record kept. Additionally, where there is a change of work activities or working environment for Staff Contractors or visitors they also receive a separate Familiarisation Briefing and a new record raised and kept. TRAINING (Students) The Dean of Students shall provide at the start of each academic session, as ‘good practice’ fire safety information to students and visitors. It is recommended that this information includes 'action in the event of fire and emergency evacuation procedures’ relevant to the student accommodation. This will generally take the form of the Fire Action Notices displayed in each residential bedrooms and any addition relevant information. FIRE EVACUATION DRILLS The Dean of Students shall carry out at the start of the Autumn Term (October) and at each academic session and adequate number of fire drills (preferably at least 1 per day and 1 during darkness). A record of each fire drill should be kept. Note: Unwanted alarm activations are treated as supplementary fire drills throughout the year. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: (Residence Emergency Business Contingency Plans) RESIDENCES EMERGENCY BUSINESS & CONTINGENCY PLANS (1). Each Hall of residence is provided with ‘Emergency Business Contingency Plan’ which details: Essential Staff Cascade, Callout Procedures and Contact Information, Occupant’s Temporary & Immediate Protection, Emergency Sleeping Accommodation and other specific Details. (2). All ‘Appointed Persons’ are provided with a copy of the Emergency Business Plans and Essential Staff Contact Details to initiate emergency business plan, if required. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date Last Amended: Mar 09 EP: 4 of 7. Issued by: Fire Officer, Estates & Facilities, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT / / Tel: 020 - 7679 - 1240 Bldg Name: Ian Baker House (124) 3.0. SITE OR BUILDING INFORMATION ITEMS SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS OR OTHER RELEVANT SPECIFIC INFORMATION OF INSTRUCTION ESCAPE FROM UPPER FLOORS: th Escape - 7 to nd 2 Floors Each accommodation floor has in addition to the Main Stair (Stair A) there is an alternative stair (Stair B) at the west end of the building. The main stair discharges at the ground floor via the Fire Fighting Lobby and into the internal courtyard. The alternative escape discharges at a mezzanine level onto the patio forming part of London Block (Ramsay Hall), where there is a choice of escape either by Ramsay Hall main entrance or out of the courtyard into Whitfield Street. ESCAPE FROM FIRST FLOOR: Escape - 1 Floor st Each accommodation floor has in addition to the Main Stair (Stair A) there is an alternative stair (Stair C) off the corridor to the south. The main stair discharges at the ground floor via the Fire Fighting lobby and into internal courtyard. The alternative escape discharges at ground level onto a patio forming part of Ian Baker House with escape out of courtyard into Whitfield Street. ALTERNATIVE ESCAPE FROM GROUND FLOORS: (1). Ground Floor - the accommodation is in a short ‘single escape’ condition which discharges into the main entrance lobby and out into the internal courtyard. Escape Routes Ground Floors (2). Lower Ground Floor - is generally accessed via the main stair (Stair A) from Ground Floor fire fighting lobby, but has an alternative exit into link passage between Ian Baker House & Ramsay Hall with access to alternative fire escapes. ESCAPE FROM GROUND LEVEL TO A PLACE OF SAFETY: Final Exits Final Exits from Stair A, B & C discharge into the Central Courtyard from this area occupants should proceed through final exit gate under New York Block arch onto the ‘Fire Assembly Points’ on Whitfield or Maple Streets, reporting any ‘trapped persons’, ‘location the fire’ or any other relevant information to the Appointed Person(s) or the FEMs. FINAL EXITS FROM COURTYARD: (a). Final Exits from Courtyard to Maple Street – occupants will need to use the Pass Gates adjacent to the Entrance Turnstiles which are fitted with Electromagnetic Locking Mechanisms that release on activation of the fire alarm, and that are provided with Green Box local release overrides (see page 2 above). Escape Route To Street (b). Final Exits from Courtyard to Whitfield Street – occupants will need to pass through the right hand Pedestrian Gate that are fitted with Electromagnetic Locking Mechanisms that release on activation of the fire alarm and which are provided with Green Box local release overrides (see page 2 above). _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date Last Amended: Mar 09 EP: 5 of 7. Issued by: Fire Officer, Estates & Facilities, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT / / Tel: 020 - 7679 - 1240 Bldg Name: Ian Baker House (124) 3.0. Site or Building Specific Instructions or Other Relevant Information (Cont): ITEMS SPECIFIC INFORMATION OF INSTRUCTION FIRE ASSEMBLY POINT(S) Fire Assembly Points are located on the pavements of: Whitfield & Maple Streets Fire Assembly Points Extreme Care is required by all occupants in respect road traffic passing along the streets. On Evacuation, occupants are requested to keep noise to a minimum (particularly during night time). OPERATING AS A HOTEL (a). Additional trained staff may be required to be on duty to supplement the ‘Appointed Persons’ role when operating in Hotel mode. Mandatory! Hotel Operations (b). It is recommended that staff employed when operating as a Hotel are trained at regular interval (suggested 3 monthly for Night Staff & 6 monthly for Day Staff) as Fire Evacuation Marshals (FEMS) and have local familiarisation training including the Emergency Plan and recorded on the UCL Fire Safety Technical Note (TN) 086 - Training Record. (c). Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 – Fire Safety Guide Sleeping Accommodation (Issued by HM Government) Section 7 provides further guidance staff training and procedures. SECURITY STAFF Mandatory! Security Staff (a). Reception / Security Staff employed in the building must be familiar with the Fire Action, Emergency Plan and Escape Routes’ for the premises, which should be recorded on the UCL Fire Safety Technical Note (TN) 086 - Training Record. (b). These staff should be trained as Fire Evacuation Marshals (FEMS) and undergo local familiarisation at more frequent intervals. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: (1). Fire Alarm (Ian Baker House) - The fire alarm in Ian Baker House is independent from Ramsay Hall and will only sound in Ian Bake House to give warning to occupants. Ramsay Hall will not evacuate, but the Warden and others (including the Fire Brigade) will be alerted to the activation of the Ian Baker fire alarm system. Other Relevant Information (2). Fire Alarm (Ramsay Hall) - Should the fire alarm sound in Ramsay Hall there is no need to evacuate Ian Baker House unless told to do so by the fire brigade. However, you should enter any part of Ramsay Hall whilst the fire alarm is activated in this building. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date Last Amended: Mar 09 EP: 6 of 7. Issued by: Fire Officer, Estates & Facilities, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT / / Tel: 020 - 7679 - 1240 Bldg Name: Ian Baker House (124) 7.0. THE FOLLOWING DISABILITY PROVISIONS RELATING TO EMERGENCY DISABLED EVACUATION ARE PROVIDED WITHIN THIS BUILDING: ITEMS DISABLED PROVISION WITHIN THE BUILDING DISABLED SIGNAGE: Fire safety and directional signage provided within the premises: YES * Remarks: Disabled Facilities Identified by appropriate signage DISABLED EVACUATION LIFTS: Complying with BS 5588 Part 8 are provided in this building: YES * Remarks: A ‘fire fighting’ (Stair A - East) lift may be used as an evacuation lift with assistance from the fire brigade DEAF PEOPLE FIRE ALARM ALERTING FACILITIES: Vibrating Pager equipment has been provided and is connected to the fire alarm system: NO * Remarks: No Deaf Aid Transmitter is fitted VISUAL SIGNALS – equipment, tactile signage, colour coding or other faculties have been provided as part of the fire evacuation strategy for this building: NO * Remarks: No Disabled Facilities provided or identified as being required at present DISABLED REFUGE COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES: Communication facilities for Disabled Refuges / Safe Havens have Telephone (BT Big Button / Communications system complying BS 5839 Part 9) in the premises: YES * Remarks: Disabled Communication provided at each Disabled Refuge with the Main Communication Control Point in the Fire Fighting Entrance Lobby at Ground Floor DISABLED REFUGE FACILITIES: Generally, only provided on individual Risk Assessment or as part of a PEEP initiated by the Department YES * Remarks: (1). At each Fire Fighting Lift lobby (Stair A) Landing 7th to 1st Floors (2). On each floor (7th to 2nd) landing in alternative escape stair (Stair B) Location: (1). All Floors (7th to 1st) Wheelchair users and people with sever mobility issues should proceed to Main Stair (Stair A) Lift Lobby (If at all practicable and safe to do so) and make sure that you location is known through activating Refuge Communication Systems or by occupants to raise the alarm with the Fire Brigade or Appointed Person. (2). Await assistance from the fire brigade to use the lift (Note this refuge is protected from any room fire by 90 minutes fire resistance the lobbies are also vented via windows). NOTE: A4 size PDF Fire Safety Plans are provide for the premises below starting at the highest to lowest floor levels. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date Last Amended: Mar 09 EP: 7 of 7. Issued by: Fire Officer, Estates & Facilities, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT / / Tel: 020 - 7679 - 1240