Fire Action The Old Lifeboat Station

The Old Lifeboat Station
Blakeney Point, Morston Harbour
On discovering a fire - Shout FIRE, FIRE,
FIRE & ring the Fire Bell. Dial ‘999’ (112)
& call the Fire Brigade - your address is:
The Old Lifeboat Station
Blakeney Point, Holt, Norfolk NR23 7AA
(Access is via Morston Village Harbour)
Only attempt to fight the fire, if it is safe
and practical to do so - using the most
appropriate fire extinguisher for the type of
fire you intend to tackle.
Do not use WATER on ELECTRICAL or
On hearing the fire alarm - leave the building
by the nearest AVAILABLE FIRE EXIT.
 CLOSE - all doors and windows as you leave.
 Do NOT - stop to collect belongings.
 Do NOT - use the lift.
 Do NOT - re enter the building until instructed to do so
by the Senior Fire Officer present.
When clear of the building - proceed to your
designated FIRE ASSEMBLY POINT at:
The Beach Area
Issued by: Fire Safety Manager, UCL Estates, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT.
The Old Lifeboat House
Fire Safety Information
Blakeney Point, (Morston Harbour)
Fire is always a very real possibility given the nature and location of these
buildings. Therefore, the importance understanding the fire actions and guidance
on Fire Precautions in the field is summarised below. Staff in charge of visiting
UCL Blakeney Point must ensure that all fire safety procedures are strictly
adhered to.
On discovering a fire, raise the alarm by shouting ‘FIRE,
FIRE, FIRE’ and operate the nearest fire alarm call point in
the Old Lifeboat House or operate the rotary alarm at the
On hearing the fire alarm (electronic sounders in old boat
house or bunkhouse and/or rotary gong) proceed to the
Fight the fire with an appropriate fire extinguisher, but
ONLY if it is SAFE & PRACTICABLE to do so.
ALWAYS read the fire extinguisher instructions before
When clear of the building proceed to the FIRE
ASSEMBLY POINT in a single group well away and upwind
from the building. Remain as a group until ROLE CALL is
taken and you receive further instructions from your party
leader / NT Wardens.
The Emergency Telephone is located in a YELLOW box
on the eastern side of the Nation Trust Building (The Old
Lifeboat Station). Dial 999, your address is:
The Old Lifeboat Station (Blakeney Point)
Via Morston Quay, The Street, Morston, Holt, Norfolk,
NR25 7AA
Dat Last Amended: Jun 15
EP: 1 of 6.
Issued by: Fire Safety Manager, UCL Estates, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT /
The Old Lifeboat House
Fire Safety Information
Blakeney Point, (Morston Harbour)
Fire Warning and Prevention Measures:
Candles, smoking and fires are strictly
prohibited in any of the buildings or outside at
Blakeney Point due to environmental and safety
UCL Old Lifeboat House (OLH)
One socket is provided for charging of
emergency mobile telephone only - the socket is
rated at 5 amps only and energy derived from
NT photovoltaic (PV) units.
Electrical Equipment
DO NOT bring laptops, tablets, mobile phones,
electronic smoking devices, audio equipment, or
musical instruments - as batteries in these items
whether being charged or not can be a fire risk.
Old Lifeboat House - ensure all local equipment
controls to the Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) appliances
are OFF, before MAIN GAS supply is turned on.
‘In use’ gas cylinders are to be secured upright &
protected against direct sunlight. Empty cylinders
MUST be removed from the ‘connection point’ & placed
upright in the segregated gas compound in the
‘empties’ compartment.
If there is a strong smell of gas, DO NOT switch on
electrical equipment or use naked flames etc. EVACUATE the building immediately and check main
gas cylinder connections, taking appropriate action as
Dat Last Amended: Jun 15
EP: 2 of 6.
Issued by: Fire Safety Manager, UCL Estates, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT /
The Old Lifeboat House
Blakeney Point, (Morston Harbour)
Fire Safety Information
Fire Warning and Prevention Measures (Cont.):
UCL Old Lifeboat House (OLH)
Automatic Fire Detection has been provided in
the OLH as an extension to the National Trust
(NT) fire alarm system. Activation of a device
will evacuate both properties and raise the
alarm via an Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) who
will contact the emergency services.
Old Lifeboat House
Battery operated (10 year life) smoke detectors
have been provided in each room which are
wireless interlinked, to operate simultaneously.
A controller as also been provide to aid testing
and reset (located in east room adjacent to the
room link door). These smoke alarms provide
local room warnings only, they do not repeat
back to any other location. If the smoke alarms
sound activated occupants should evacuate the
bunkhouse immediately. Taking appropriate
action to inform staff in Old Lifeboat House.
Emergency Lighting
Old Lifeboat House - electric lighting delivered
from NT photovoltaic (PV) units, but no
emergency lighting provided.
Bunkhouse - no lighting (including emergency)
provide in the Bunkhouse, as no power supply.
Emergency & Escape
Provision of Temporary Lighting - torches or
other temporary lighting will be required at night
for emergencies, operated by a designated
responsible person in each room.
Dat Last Amended: Jun 15
EP: 3 of 6.
Issued by: Fire Safety Manager, UCL Estates, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT /
The Old Lifeboat House
Blakeney Point, (Morston Harbour)
Fire Safety Information
Water Extinguisher
New Colour Code
(BS EN 3)
Old Colour Code (BS 5406) PRIMARILY USE
Wood, textiles,
curtains, furniture
& plastics etc.
WATER: Works by using the cooling effect of water to reduce the heat from combustion, to
below its ignition temperature.
Before using the fire extinguisher, ensure you have selected the correct extinguisher
for the class of fire that you intend to fight.
Ensure that you are positioned between the fire and a safe exit or escape route.
Pull out safety pin firmly (this will be held in by an anti-tamper seal device).
Apply the jet of water to the base of the fire, discharge in short bursts keeping out of
the smoke and steam produced. Do not touch the electrical equipment with the
If the fire is not extinguished on completion of the extinguisher's contents, then
immediately leave the building by a safe exit closing all doors behind you ensure
alarm has been raised.
Do NOT use water on Electrical Fires
Do NOT use water on flammable liquid fires
Always read the instructions before use
Dat Last Amended: Jun 15
EP: 4 of 6.
Issued by: Fire Safety Manager, UCL Estates, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT /
The Old Lifeboat House
Blakeney Point, (Morston Harbour)
Fire Safety Information
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Fire Extinguisher (2 Kg or 5 Kg Sizes)
New Colour Code
(BS EN 3)
Old Colour Code (BS 5406)
Secondary Use
Fire Involving
Small Flammable
Liquid Fires
CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2): Used on Electrical & Small ‘Class B' fires - works by starving
the fire of oxygen.
General Instructions for use:
Always read the instruction plate before using the fire extinguisher to ensure that
you have selected the correct extinguisher for the class of fire that you intend to
Ensure that you are positioned between the fire and a safe exit or escape route.
Pull out safety pin firmly (this will be held in by an anti-tamper seal device).
Apply the gas to the seat of the fire by discharging in short bursts and keeping out
of the smoke produced. Do not touch the electrical equipment with the
If the fire is not extinguished on completion of the extinguisher's contents then
immediately by a safe route from the building, closing all doors behind you.
Always read the instructions before using the fire extinguisher
Ensure you have the correct extinguisher for the fire you intend
to fight
Care should be taken when handling the extinguisher, due to
freezing dry ice on forming on the horn & base of cylinder when
operated. You should only by handles provided
Dat Last Amended: Jun 15
EP: 5 of 6.
Issued by: Fire Safety Manager, UCL Estates, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT /
The Old Lifeboat House
Blakeney Point, (Morston Harbour)
Fire Safety Information
Fire Blanket
Old Colour Code (BS 5406) & New Colour Code (BS EN 3)
Small Flammable
Liquid / Solid
Fire Blanket: Use on 'Class A, B & D' and works by smothering the fire.
It may also be used to contain fire extinguisher media to improving its effectiveness when
applied to a small fire in open conditions or extinguish clothing on fire etc.
Ensure that you are positioned between the fire and a safe exit / escape route.
Pull tapes to remove blanket from container.
Hold blanket by the tapes and cover burning material completely (using the blanket
to shield your face & hands). Leave to cool for at least 30 minutes, keeping out of
the smoke.
Turn off the electrical or gas supply off, leave the area closing all doors behind you,
and call the fire brigade.
Always read the instructions before use.
Once the fire blanket has been placed over a small fire remove the source of ignition (i.e. shut off or close down
electrical power, gas or flames).
Do NOT remove blanket for at least 30 minutes - call the
fire brigade.
Dat Last Amended: Jun 15
EP: 6 of 6.
Issued by: Fire Safety Manager, UCL Estates, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT /