. o a t/t+'(,ra" /TY * A{ /' uP tiri .SheUfish ..Ground fish rt 1 4 15ii COASTAL RIVERSINVESTIGATION @A,STA[RIVERS INVESTIGATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT 72-1 INK}RMATION 72.1 JeIagiC fish Spawning Fish Flslr Surveys Surveys in Spawning ln Coastal Coastal W a t e r s h e d s ,1971 1971 Watersheds, o o Delbert G. Skeesick Delbert Skeesick o o o Fish Commission Fish Comission of of Oregon Oregon Managenentand Management ResearchDivision and Research Division o August August 1972 1972 ) o TABTE OF TABLE OP COIflE1'flS CONTENTS o Page No. lb. Page CENER'A'L INFORMATI0N . . . I t . . . o ' ! . . . . . . r . o . . . . . r . . . ! . | . . . . . . r . . , . r r r r GENERALINFORMATION..............S.................................. ri of Weather Weatheron on the the 1971-72 Lv9üence Fish Survys. . ... . lgTl-72 Spawning Fish !::-flucnce of uence of Influence of nmlan Human Activlties Activitieson on 197r-72 S$wning Fish Sürvys . 3 a o R E S U L t Sa, . r . . t,r o J r o . .It .t r.. .*t .o .. r .. ..i . r . n.ouaa, . . . . . . . . . + . ..' ... .. t.t ... .. . .. ... ..r . . . .. . . . . . . . . i.. .t t *s .r r.r f. * . . .. . .. t.. .. . r . o . ....... .. f .. o.... r.,.-... -.. r.r. r.,,r,o, f-Fall q l ! _ CChinook l i a g o ! ' - q gSalmon...... lpo]l.. or i. | U O n O SaImon.......,.........,,......a......,..........-........ DaInOn.. Coho f.. t o.... t r I o.. r l. r o+i r..... r I r.. ?...t.ri..r..... r Chum @ . } . . . . . tSalmon............,.....,................................. o|.o|...*...}......l.......t.'c!....i...t.+..15 lgflE?r$ sexCouqosition conpgsiliq_ot ge, Size, and Sex of 1971 Salrnon............. r.giiChum ihn,!p!Up+. ......,,.... S [ n 4 [ A R Y t . ,. . ., ,DI t . . . . ., . t ,. ,. . r . ., . . . t . |, . . r a . . . .* o o o o a o o 5 3 3 6 6 6 6 15 15 15 . .. ,. . . . . . .. *r -. ] . ,. . . . . .. ... ] a* r a.r ] . . 18 18 r . . . ,r . . , . . . ,. ' . r t . . . . . . . . . . . ...... t r . ,...,.,. ..*.. or..... 22 22 SUMMARY. I I T E R A T I ' R E C I T E D . . s...a. LITERATURECITED. t '..... . I 1 '......1.. APPENDIX TABLES"a APPENDIXTABLES. . ' ....,...., . t . . o . r .. . j. r..t t . . . t . . .. . . t r ... .,.... rr....i...... r......r.. 23 23 a<' I. FI6,IRES LIST OF FIGURES IIST OF I i. Per Mile Standard Numbersof FaLl. Chinook Chinook Per Mile in ln Standard Average Average Numbers of Fall i v e r s , 119S2-71.............. r e a s oof 952-71..r.......,.... $ Survey rnrey A Areas f S Six ix C Coastal o a s t a l RRivers, 8 8 2 2 Survey in Standard Standard Survey Per Mile Mile in Average Nunber of Average Number of Coho Coho Per ight G oastalR i v e r s , 11950-71,.................. A r e a s of 950-71.....r.tr..rr.....r' Areas Eight Coastal Rivers, of E L0 10 3 5 1955-71.... CaLcul.ated CohoEscapement into Teninile Tennile Lakes, 1955-71.... Calculated Coho Escapenentinto 13 13 4 4 and in Standard and Mile in Ntmrbers of of Chum ChumPer Mile Average Numbers Three Coastal Dralnages, Auxiliary Coastal Drainages, Survey Areas of Three Auxiliary Survey Areas of I1 o o 1 9 5 3 - 7 1 r. .. .. . .. ... ... .. 1953-71 S o o o e a o o Page No. Page No. Pigur,eNo. Figure N9. . . .. ... ... .. . . . .I o . . . . . I .r ... .. . .. . .. ... '* . . .r .. .. .. ... .. . *t .t ... ... . . .. .o .t ... .. . . . -. Chun Salmon, Sal.mn' 1959-71...... 1959-71..'... Bay Chum Age Age Composition Conposition of of Tillamook Tillamook Bay 17 17 2l 23. o TABTES LIST LIST OF OF TABLES o Page No. Page No. Table Table No. llo. I1 Sunreyed Distances Surveyed Number of l.liraber Fish Surveys Suweys and and Distances Spawning Fish of Spawning the 1971-72 Spawning by Coastal River Staff Coastal River Staff During During the l97l-72 Spawning . .r .r ... ... . . . .. ... ... .. . . . . . .r .4 .. . .. ... ... .. e.. .. . . . . . . .O.. ... . .I .t ... ... .. . . . . *l .. .t .' . .. ... . . .t ., 4 4 in Peak Fish-Per-Mile of Fall Fall Chinook in Summary of Peak Counts of Stmrary of Fish-Per-Mile Cormts Rivers of Coastal Standard Auxiliary Survey Coastal Rivers Standard and and Auxiliary Suwey Areas of o. i.... ' r. 1 , 9 5 0 . . r . r . . . r . . . . ...... aa....................,...*.... . r................. Since ..... S l n c e l950....,...... 7 3 3 Standard Summary of Peak Counts of Cohoin in Standard of Coho Peak Fish-Per-Mile Sumary of Fish-Per-l-{i1e Cormts 1950,.......,.. r . ' ' .. Survey Areas off C Coastal River s Since Since 1950................. oastalRivers re a so S u rve yA 9 9 4 4 Standard Cohoin of Coho Summary Counts of Peak Fish-Per-Mile ln Standard Fish-Per-Mlle Cormts Srnmaryof of Peak Tributaries Lakes Tennrlle and Auxiliary Survey Areas of Tenmile Lakes Tributaries and Auxiliary Strney Areas of r......1r.... Since S i n c e 1950...............,................................ L950'..... r.. c... r I or r. r r. r.. r. r. r...... 12 1 2 of Coho Coho in in Calculated Escapement Egg Deposition Escepenent and Calculated and Egg Deposition of a k e S , 11955-71...........,........................ Teinnile T g n m i l e LLakes, 955'71..... o.r......... r..... r. r.......... 14 14 Summary Chun in in Standard Peak Fish-Per-Mile of Chum $rmrary of of Peak Fish-Per-Mile Counts of 1948... Rivers Since 1948... Coastal Rivers and of Coastal and Auxiliary Auxiliery Survey Suwey Areas of 16 16 Season. Season.. a n o o 2 2 S 5 6 o 7 7 8 8 O o flo o o Composition of Size, Sex, and and Bay Chum of Tillamook Tillamook Bay Conposition Chrrn by Size, Age, ........ A g e , 1947-71.... 1947-71...o . . . . . 3 . i . . .. r . . !.. . ... . . r .. r . o o. . ..... . . . o . o.. . . .... t . . . . .. . . ....... .. ... .. 19 19 Runsr.r... Tillarnook Bay Estimated Bay Chum Chum Runs...... Estinated Age Age Composition of Tillarnook Conposition of 20 20 o TABTES IIST OF LIST OF APPENDIX APPENDIX TABLES o 1 2 o U 3 o 4 5 o 6 Sunreys Peak Spawning Fish Fish Surveys Peak Cormts Counts on Nehalern Nehalem River River Spawning ..'....... fforFall o r F a l l Chinook C h i n o oSince kS i n c 1950..... e 1 9 5 0 . . , . ................. ...,a. .......... Peak Counts on on Ti].lamook Peak Bay Spawning Spawning Fish Fish Sunreys Surveys Tillamook Bay 8 9 25 25 Peak Counts on Nestucce Fish Surveys Sunteys Peak Nestucca River River Spawning Spawning Fish fforPallChinookSjncel9SO....... o r F a l L C h i n o o kS i n c e 1 9 5 0 . . . , . . ...... . .................... .+,,..r....r..... 26 26 Sunteys Peak Counts on Siletz Spawning Fish Fish Surveys Slletz River River Spawning Peak o.. r........ r f o r F a l l , C h i n o o kS i n c g 1 9 5 2 . . . . . . . r . o . . . . . . , . forFallChinookSincel9S2...........,................... 27 27 Suweys Peak Counts on Yaquina River Fish Surveys Spawning Fish Peak River Spawning Fall C S 1950............. o....rr..re.'..... f O t Fall h i n O O Since k i n C e1950..................,............ for Chinook 28 28 Suweys Peak Counts River Spawning SpawnlngFish Fish Surveys Counts on on Alsea River Peak Fish Surveys $pawning Fish Suweys Cormts on Siuslaw Siuslaw River River Spawning Peak Counts Peak o 30 30 Suweys Fish Surveys Peak Counts Spawning Fish River Spawning on Coqullle Peak Coquille River Cor.rntson F a l l Chinook C h i n o o kSince LgSz';..........'r............'.... f o r Fall S i n c e1952............................... for 31 31 Peak Peak Counts on Nehalen Nehalem River River Spawning Spawning Fish Fish Surveys Surveys . . . .ar .a. 1. . . . . . . ........... Sunteys $parvningFish Fish Surveys Peak Counts River Spawning Peak on Wilson Wilson River Counts on .. ..... I i n c g 1950..,.................................... Coho Since oho S ffor or C 1 , 9 5 0 . . . . . i o' . r . . . . r . . r r . r . . . i ' 33 33 l1 11 $unreys Fish Surveys River Spawning Spawning Fish Peak Counts Peak on Nestucca River Cormts on . r..... . ' ' . . ' . r . . . ' ..a..... C o h oSince . . . . r . ............. for S i n c e 1950... 1 9 5 0 . . . . ...... . . ' . ' r . ....... f o r Coho 34 34 L2 12 Sunreys Spawning Fish Peak River Spawning Peak Cowrts Counts on Yaquina River Fish Surveys . . . ' . r . .. ' .. . ' . for . ..t r . . .. ... ... ... ... . . ....... n c g *11-e f o r Coho C oSince h oS i1950. 950 . . .. r.. ... ... ... ...... .. 35 35 . * . -. . Surreys Fish Surveys River Spawning Peak Alsea River Spawting Fish Peak Counts on Alsea r. r. 36 36 . . . . .. . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . r .. ' 37 37 1 155 Fish Spawning Fish Standard Spawning Peak Tenmile Lakes Standard Peak Counts on Tennile 1950"........,..'....r.r.......rr.. S i n e el950............................... f o r Coho Surveys S u r v e y sfor C o h oSince 38 38 16 16 Spawning Fish Lakes Auxllialy Flsh Peak Counts on Tennile Temnile Lakes Auxiliary Spawning Peak Cormts . . .. . ... ..r ... .. ... ... .. for C OSince h O S1950. . 9.5.0 ... . o.. ... .*. .* . o . r.r ... ... . *. . . i n C e. 1 f O f Coho o o 32 32 10 10 l5 13 o . 29 29 . . . . . . t ........................ ,tr...r..'....o....o f o r F a l l C h l n o o kS i n c e 1 9 5 2 . . ...... forFallChinookSincel952... C o h o Since S i n c e 1950. f o t Coho 1 9 5 0 . ... *. ... o. ... '.. ... .. ... .., ..o.r .. ..r ... . for o fl 24 24 .......... f o r F a l l C h i n o o kS i n e e 1 9 5 0 . r . , . . . . . r . . . . . . forFallChjnookSjncelg5O............................... f o r F a l l C h i n o o kS i n c e 1 9 5 2 . . . r . r . . . . . , r . o . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . forFaljChinookSincel952............................... 7 o Page Page No. Table No. Table No. T4 14 * . . . . . . . . . . . . $lrveys Spawning Fish Fish Surveys Peak Counts on Beaver Creek Spawning Peak Cotrnts S l n c g 1950. C o h o Since f o r Coho 1 9 5 0 .. . ' . .r t*. .. ... .. for '... r.. ' r......... i...... S u w e y s f o r C o h oS i n c g L 9 5 5 . . o . . . . . ' r ' . . . . | , . . . . . . , . r . . . ' r SurveysforCohoSincel9s5...............,............... 39 39 o tISr OF OFAPPENDIX (Cont.) APPINDIX TABIES LIST TABLES (Cont..) o Tqlle No. Tpble Nq. L7 11 r8 18 o 19 19 Ppge-Io. Page No. Peak Counts on Coos Coos River Corsrts on River Spawning SpawningFish Fish Surveys Suweys Peak C O h OSince f o r Coho S i n c g 1950. 1 9 5 0 ... .. .. ..... .. --.. . ... .. ... .. ... r. r.. .. ... .. ....a... r... . .r r. . . a. ... . fox .. . . . . . Peak Peak Counts Counts on on CoQuille Coquille Rlver River Sparrning Spawning Fish Fish Suweys Surveys f o r Coho C o h o Since S l n c e 1950. 1 9 5 0 . ...... Lox r . . . t . . i .... . . r . ... ......... . . . . . . . .... + r . . ........ a . o . . . . .. r.... r r.. o 2L 21 a o j o o o o o 42 42 Peak Cormts on Tillamook Tillamook Bay Bay Auxiliary Spanning Fish Flsh Peak Counts on Auxiliary Spawning S u n e ys fo r C h rn Since 1960.. ....,. . .. . . . . I r . ... .. r r . . . ., . SurveysforChumSincel960............................... 43 43 Peak Cotmts on ilestucca Peak Counts o SpawningFish !estucca Liver Flsh iver Spawning S u n e y sLox C h u rSince n i n c e1950. f o r Chum S 1 9 5 0.. .. .. ..... .. .. . . . . . .a, .. ... ... . , . .. ..,. . a. r . i r rata . Surveys 44 44 . . 22 22 4L 4]. Peak on Tillaxnook Tillanook Bay Peak Cormts Counts on Bay $tandard Standard Spawning Spawning Fish Iish & r v e y s fox C t r u uSince f o r Chum S i n c g 19SO...............................e Surveys 1950".o.,.rrrir........qr.i......r. 2CI 20 40 40 a. . Peak Peak Count,s Counts on on ttretarts 8ay Spawning Spaming Fish Surveys Fish Surveys etarts Bay ffor or C h u n Since Chum $ i n c e 1953. 1 9 5 3 . t. . .o .. r r ... . .. .. . . . ) . . ... . . . . ? r r . r ... 'I. .*1r . r r . . I. .a a . . a a . a 45 45 o SPANNING FISH SURVEYS SURVEYS SPAWNING FISH IN WATERSHEDS, t97L WATERSHEDS, i971 COASTAL @ASTAL y2/ o GBNERAI INFONMATION GENERAL INFORMATION Sparmingfish fish surveys sunreys on Spawning on index areas aroa:r of of Oregon Oregon coastal coastal rivers rivers and and o tributaries are are made nade annually annuaLly by tributaries personnel of Coastal by personnol Coastal Rivers Fiivers Investigation, Investigation, Flsh Comission of Fish Commission of Oregon. oregon Annual Anrnral peak peak counts cornts of of spawning sparning salmon salnon in ln the the survey suruey afeas provide deta for areas provide data fof, computing conputing an an index index of of the ths escapement escqpenent into into aa coastcoast- o wide "fish-per-mile" wide figure for "fish-per-nileft figure each species. for each species, Trends in abudance of in abundance Trends spanning salmon salrcn are spawning by comparing are noted by coryaring these these data clata over over aa period perlod of years. of years. Ttris report repolt presents This Presents o peak counts peak courts for for 1971-72 l97l-72 and rrrrdmakes nakes comparisons conparisons with with sinilar1 ardata simi data fron from previous previous years years. fire spawningfish The earliest earliest spawning fish surv€ys were ostabllshed surveys were 25 years ago, and and established 25 years ago, others were wore added addsd as as needed others neededto form a8 coastwide'sampling to form corxitr{i6"'srrryling program. progran. o year the the survey survey project year project was was substantially substantiat.ly modified. nodified. This This Surveys that Surveys wore that were not representative representative because becauseof not of lack lack of of suitable srritable habitat, habitat, becane became inaccessible inaccessible because of of changing because changing road mad use, use, or or could could not not be be adequately adequatel.ysurveyed suryeyed for for o physical reasons reasons were physical rere eliminated. elininated. Those surveys suryeys that that remain Those renain represent roprcsent our our current concept concept of good spar'rning current of good spawning streams. streams. Ttre net not result result of The of eliminating elininating the surveys surveys with the with poor poor spawning spa$ning gravel gravel was was to to slightly slightly raise raise o the fish-perfish*per- nile mile counts. counts. Statistical Statistical analysis analysis using using the the t-test t-test for for paired paired observations obsenrations (Dixon and (Dixon and Massey, Massey, 1957) 1957) indicated indicated that that in in the the cases cases of of fall fall chinook, chinook, coho coho and auxiliary auxiltary chum and chun counts, cornts, the the mean meanfish-per-mile fish-per-nile counts counts were were raised raised signifsignif- o tcantly the 99% icantly at at the 998 level level of g.g5, 5.82, of confidence (t values confidence(t values were were 8.83, 5.g2, and and6.51, 6.51, respectively). respectively). o U 2/ O Efuieanrk pL 89-304 gg-A04funds. 2lzis war/cuna waspttatt4 partially etryported supported bg by PL frmds, o 2. 2. Since the valuo of the value of these these surveys surveys is is to to determine detEruine trends, Since the next trends, tho o statistical statistical test test was was to to detemine determine if if drcprping dropping certain certain of of the the sunrc)'e surveys caused caused any change changein in the the trends. trends. any Linear regressions regfessions of of the ths nor flsh-per-nile Linear new fish-per-mile cotmts counts lrere were run run against against the initial initial comts counts aad and the the squara square of of the the correlation correlation o judge any coefficient (Li, 1957). coefficient was used to to judge any changes was used changes(Li, f957). For chinook 94t of of chinook 94% For the variatj.ons average could in the the new could be accounted for the variations in new average be accounted variations f,or by the varl.ations in cormts, while coho 99% in the the previous previous counts, while for for coho ard for rari99t and for chtn 96t of of the the vanchum 96% o ability is ls explainable e:Elainable in ln the the same sane manner. nanner. ability with this this result, result, it With it appears rypears that dropping dtopping some sore of of the the surveys surveys had had no appreclable impact no appreciable that the trends. trends. lryact on sr the Prosent annual are 27.5 27.5 niles for fall, Present annual survey survey 4lstances distances are miles for fall chinook, 7.5 7.5 o niles for for chuniand dtrnrand 39.0 59.0 miles nites for for coho. coho. miles An addittonal 17.1 An additional l?.1 miles of strem d.les of stream are are surueyed surveyed in in the the Tennile Tenmije Lakes lakes systen system to to provide provide the the data base base for for an an annual estimate population and estimate of of the the population and egg annual egg deposition. deposition. O lhe spring chinook spring chinook The surveys were suspendedbecarrse the counts cormts were surveys were suspended because the were so meaningful trends so low lor no neaningfirl tlends were were evident. evident. Index Index areas areas were were often often surnreyed surveyed nore more than than mce once to to ensure €nsune that counts that counts o were made nade near near the peak of the peak were rtm. of the the run. tinlng of the timing the variabitity in the in the Variability spawning migrations nigrations between between streams, spawning volume and streans, voltrne and duration dtrration flors of flood flood flows of and and silt silt load load frequently frequently caused caused aborted surveys suflfeys that had to be rescheduled that had to be rescheduled o and occasionally occasionally resulted resulted in and in inadequate inadequate surveys surveys on on sone some standard standard index index areas areas. lhe fall fal.l Creek (Alsea River) Creek (Alsea The River) fall fall chinook chinook survey survey was $as the tho only onty survey survey I that was was retained retained but but not counted that year. cormted this this year. plolonged hisn and Prolonged high water and heavy silt loads loads nade it'inposslble heavy silt made it impossible to to identify identify the awng the the chinook chinook among the trenendorrs nu&er coho that that traverse traverse this tremendous number of of coho section of this sectiol of stream stream to to the the Fish Fish a o Cormissiontsa Fall Commissiont Fall Creek Creek Hatctrery. Hatchery. o 3. 3. Coastal 203 sunreys Coastal Rivers Rivers personnel personnel nade made 203 surveys enconpassing encompassing 175 175 niles miles o during (Table 1). the 1971-72 1971-72spawning spawningseason during the 1). season(Table The surveys relrresent about about The surveys represent a 40% 40%decrease decrease over over the year. the effort effort of previous year. a of the the previous Suweys started started on Surveys on October 29, 29, 1971, I97L, and and continued continued through through January October Jaruary 3, S, 1972. !972. o Si.nce 1958, survey Since 1958, survey data data have have been been exchqrged exchanged with with the Oregon Oregon Gane Game Comnissionto Commission to avoid avoid duptication duplication of of sone some surleys. sureys. Tlre Game GaseCommission The Conmission biologists data from fron two two standard biologists provided provided data standard surveys suryeys on Nehalem River River tribtribon Neha!.en a utaries' a Coos River tributary Coos River and two utaries, one one on on a tributary and two on on tributaries tributaries of of the Coquille Coquille River. River. o of Weather Weatlrgron on the the 1971-72 Influence Fish 1g71-72Spawning Fish Surveys Surveys Ipfltrenqe of .Sp_$mi.ng Weather was fairly fairly typical tyryical during during the Weather was the fall falt of of 1971. 1971. Freshets Freshets were were spaced such such that that most nost surveys surveys were were completed spaced corryleted between betweenstorms. storrs. r I However, However, beginning in December Decenberand and continuing beginning in continuing through .lanuary, January, above above normal rainfalt rainfall kept the the streams streamshigh kept high and andturbid. turbid. Consequently, sone of of the Consequently, some coho surveys sunreys the cobo were accomplished accotuplished under rnder less less than wore normal than ideal ideal conditions, conditions, and and fewer fewer than than nornal o resurveys were were possible. resurveys Possible, The intense intense storm stom of of early The January made early January nade further further surveying impractical. surveying inpractical, of Human HrmanActivities Activities on Influence on 1971-72 l97l-72 Spawning sparsningFish Fish Surveys sunreys Etfluence of o Activities of the Fish of the Fish Commission Conrnissionand and Oregon Activities OregonState University llniversity have have affected the validity validity of affected the of the the counts counts on on some sotre of of our our standard standard survey areas. sunrey areas. The fall fall chinook chinook counts cormts on The Alsea rivers on the Siletz Siletz and and Alsea rivors have have been been o affected by by the the activities activities of affected of the Fish Commission. the Fish Corurission. Ladders and large Laddersand large returns of coho to returns of coho to the the hatcheries have have made made it it iurpossible impossible to nake usable to make usa,ble index counts cornrts in in three index three of of the survey suruey areas. are:is. o A ladder ladder constructed constructed at at the A the upper upper end end of of the fall fall chinook chinook survey suryey area area on Surshine Creek Creek of of the the Siletz Siletz River River in on Sunshine in 1963 1963has has allowed a!.lowedfish, whic-h fish, which normally would would have normally have spawned spawnedin in the the suryey &rea, to survey area, to spawn spawnfarther farther upstream. r4)stre.ur. O o o o ({ +t 6 GI o (-, x sd o }l Total F. oi qt \ost trt CD!.|d, F:r,ii €tf)N N t t . t t ' | | J 1C ) {rn€l '-t !.{ rn *l a l* I ]i. R rA I rrmsfl Fl .9 l- t*l I \Ol rl tfl r-{ t-a crl l') "!o; d i l*l (\l ln =u, rnu) €t) gs . Fl I du t,) t 11tlq ; l i \f € 6t rr 34 mtn !4-l o:919 ?": q \":t1t q;rFr$ Ft!+ e! rf €O F{(\tr-rF,{ \ct -!N Fr!4 o :(\q o f r-t Fl gr €Orif OC)rn a O|NO F{OrO 8"3 o; € \o \o D\ (\l r\ fr € rg S $ a I +) s s) H E re *s e FI F} t, o o s € tta (0 $ / Concurrent vith fail chinook survey. \ EEEEf;i$f;I+flHEHsE E 8 Eg''zSFFE g3 EEE#'e88 E+roNtr}r 174.8 99.5 5 t tO .a O\O !f r -Oj Orrf € (l) F{ 5.3 14.4 5 11 >. 'F{ \O €\ . .r\|l ctr') Ol€rA ()o(tti a ra$l!-lM) 5 tt!; 35.1 52 o i I (a E Ulo ot,| o(rl cq) El $!D +J (,rbo .rl E: 'og sE r6 \ v) o >,f{ oF >l ;{ ,-{ 5t\ ra cD (3 Ctr aQ$dct xt r! JCE 52 5 18 6.4 118 13 7.8 2.3 7.7 9 3 8 8.0 3.8 I t o rao .r{ g tl. +, u0 b0 CF: E! 1'l F8 C .fJ Ia, )- H ll{ o 7 tn t{ otl €o E >.r1 g na dtr 0 6 6.9 4.2 11.0 16.6 27 58.7 58 Total 2e -; o 5 ct td E o 2 o a t I o 1 9.4 7 1. 3.0 2.0 1.0 3.4 3 4 11 5 5 8 3 0 26 4 17 3 9 4 8 6.6 5 3 0.8 0.0 5.4 1 9 11 12 4.6 5.8 9 2U3 19.9 4.6 8.8 8.6 1.0 4.2 0.0 21.7 4.2 18.8 2.3 15.7 3.8 35.1 5.3 20.8 24 10.9 14 9.0 10 Nehalem Miami Kilchis Wilson Trask Tillamook Netarts Bay Nestucca Siletz Yaquina Beaver Creek Alsea Siuslaw Tenmile Coos Coquille Miles No. Coho Miles No. Chum Miles No. Fall Chinook No. Miles River System Number of Spawning Fish Surveys and Distances Surveyed by Coastal River Staff During the 1971-72 Spawning Season Table 1. .5 S S S 4. a . 5. 5. 70t of Since installation of only 70% of the the the counts colurts have averaged only ladder, the of the the ladder, installation a yeOrs. previous 99 years. the previous counts were made nade in in the that were counts that ar.ea Since this suryoy area this survey caused River, the chargo has represents the change has caused Siletz River, the Siletz for the represents 40% 4A%of the index index area for of the 8eo. approxinrately 8%. systen of of approximately river system a false the whole river for the false decline trend for decline in in the the trend o the Rock Rock Creek Hatchery The Hatchery has has to the of coho to The recent increase in returns of recent increase in returns chinook sunrey coho utilizing resulted in large numbers of of stray stray coho utilizing the the chinook survey area area resulted in large nrmbers on North North Rock Rock Creek for spawning. Creek for spawning. o area was was first first noted in 1965. noted in 1965. suntey the survey An in the of coho coho in An overabundance overabwrdance of Large rnasses masses of pool have have nade made of fish fish in in each pool present. it impossible to it inpossible live chinook chinook present. count all al.l the the live to count The chinook of chinook The count cotmt of the of the digging of carcasses is undoubtedly low because because some buried by the the digging sone are buried is r.urdoubtedly a drea has The superimposition that is is occurring the sunrey survey area has mdoubtedly undoubtedly Ttre occurring in in the superimposition that coho. coho. been been detrimental detrinental to to the the chinook. chinook. this is is a regular occurrence, the the Since this regular occurrence' the Sil.etz abrndance in survey indicative of of the in the Siletz the chinook abundance suiley area is is no longer longer indicative o River. River. Fall Creek on Similar on Alsea Alsea Sinitar conditions sun/ey on Fall conditions occur the standard standard survey in the occur in River. Fliver. o traverse to the A number of returning to hatchery now now traverse A tremendous the hatchery trenendous nunber coho returning of coho period. the the survey area during snrvey area during the fall chinook chinook spawning spawning period. the fall Considerable Considerable on numbers On nurnbers of survey area area causing causing superimposition superinposition of these these coho coho spawn the survey in the spawn in gravel, as fenale chinook chinook eggs well as competing with female eggs already already in 8s well conpeting with in the the gravel, o for for the more sites. more favorable favorable redd redd sites. This has resulted in the the survey survey resul.ted in cormts in This ln counts watershed. general conditions the watershed. area being no conditions in in the longer indicative no longer indicative of the general of the of The chum of The are no longer churinsalmon salnon counts counts on Whiskey Mriskey Creek are longer indicative indicative o the run nnr into into that that system. systen. trap Oregon Llniversity has constructed aa trap Oregon State State University has constructed and takes in our survey in our area and eggs for for their their hatchery. hatchery. takes eggs suryey area distribution, Thus, the distribution, abundance, and Sepresentative. abundance, and age age data are no no longer lo'nger representative. anrdsex and data are o o a 6. 6. RESULTS RESUTTS ; Fall Chinook Salmon Safunon Fall The count of six coastal rivers was was 29 fish per nile mile fish per The in six coastal rivers fal.L chinook in of fall (1952-70) (Table which was average (1952-70) was 88 fish mile below 2). fish per mile below the the 19-year l9-year average ffable 2). o fire nunber river systems The number of per rnile mile between river the of fish fron 26 on the fish per systens ranged from Yaquina and River. Yaquina and Alsea rivers rivers to on the Nestucca River. to 55 55 on the Nestucca All rivers except A11 the rivers averages. the the Alsea had had fish-per-mile counts Long-tera averages. fish-per-nile cotnts lower Lower than their their long-term o The trend The after cessation of rise in escapement level trend counts show sholr a rise in escapenent level after cessation of commercial connercial fishing the rivers l0-year period period fishing in rivers in 1956 followed in the in 1956 followed by about a 10-year (Figure 1). of stability of stability (Figure l). t 1968, 1969, 1969, Although the counts cornts dropped dropped somewhat in 1968, sonswhat in and 1971, 1971, the fluctuations and within expected ranges. fluctuations are are within expected ranges. and Coquille The counts areas on Coquille The cotrnts in the auxiliary auciliary survey on the the Siuslaw Siuslaw and in the survey areas rivers paralleled rivers paralleled those of the standard areas by showing a decline decline from fron those of the standard o yearrs record the previous the previous year's record high average. slightly less thar average. high to level slightly Less than to aa level Peak counts are tabulated 1-8. Peak counts for for each survey area Appendix tables tables 1-8. each survey area are tabulated in in Appendix a Cnhes Cal n.an Coho Salmon peak count The peak The was 32 of coho 32 fish fish count of coho salmon salnon in in eight eight coastal coastal drainages drainages was per mile, nile, which which equalled per equal.led the 2l-year average. average. the 21-year o ranged from 13 fish fish Counts Cor.srtsranged fron 13 per mile nile on on the the Nestucca Nestucca River River per per mile River to nile on to 58 58 fish fish per on the the Yaquina Yaquina River (Table 3). (Table 3). The The counts ranged from counts for each stream system of for each systen ranged frour 49 49 to to 171% 171%of their 1950-70 their 1950-70 averages. averag€s. o The coastwide coastwide average average of The counts represent of the the peak fish-per-mile fish-per-mile represent the the year of second year of improvement (Figure 2). iqprovenent from fron the very low second the very low count cornrt of of 1969 1969(Figure 2). It It also represents represents a 45% 4S%improvement also year which produced it inprovenent over over the the brood year it o which is is encouraging since was severely since the the 1968 affected 1968 spawning severely affected spawning season season wff; long periods periods of ice and areas available available for by long of ice snorr'which whictr minimized urininized areas and snow for spawning. spawning. jack coho The The count of of jack was two fish per nile mile which equalled equalled that of the coho was fish per that of the 2 previous years years but was only previous half the average. but was only half long-tern average. the long-term o o o o ) 'tt tt (s c ao #\ tro .d rn ch .l< Fr o oQ) tro .'{ g .r; .F{ (J (,' r{o Fl'.| clo t&> t+{ Ei o (/r(' +J +r cp d. n oo ()(J o q.{ FIO Xul tCo t{O (D$r I tr< sx u, lt, .t{ > tI.$r 5 &(Bv ) ox o.k (ll o +, .r{ ..-l x € F .n a o .r{ O'E o0 dh o (t {) c* ) <.c tl. .t{ d o .n ql u N +, o (/J d o c.) ) s, u zo q o .t{ I t | | | | Ar-r^FrFrd \,/ FirarF\ \o\oN F{NFI \.r, 8\r{Ft \J lAr aa6 ar C\l tf Fl <' L/\J\,rv, oC\r!aul '{ r{ \O $l AFT , | I I \-. \J i!, ib., \J raoo n N€ \J t4 \,, \l FaFlF{cOsttQd\OGl \./ Fr /ar A-rr-\rf c..l a $lr-llllnoFator{tf V | \o\o\oNrnG|raaooo\o ,^FrAA.^r (\l Frr,^rt aO \O F F{ @ Gl (\l t\ i{ r-'l Ff \J\J\J\J\-r\J\Jril!/\-./\-r' Fl \D C) ,n $l r+ \O F{ I rnor€dGrNorro\oFla $l t4 NM) bO 6 \O r+ ('t \O 14 -rr+t/lAr^rFrFr I r-r J\ A F{ rrl rrJ iy, L, (tt!4 c) oo€ct}F{ sttf $$tf r-rr-Fr.Air-r-r-r-rAAtnO ar) ,-\ r-l \O \J \J \J st l*, Fi rltll$ \J \,, Fl t\o \OF\ A tf -r ttlUl \r, \-, i-r @ \dt rar-r^A ooln Fr F \F$l ot <f (\lNl.tl(\l $F{st / cn arJ t\ }O ,t{) r{ \J ol an F \J Ft') r"':t N tt}rf \o N !a$ (\ \o A \O \.,, € (\l rA\ \O t\ !lQ r*, r^/-r tj) ltl r-, \J u) |{N \J rrAr-F\ t{) sf F F{ r.'| \., |Jf 6t V O Fl !4 .if € Fl Fl \-, r{ !t) r-i \-r, d /-t tf r!, t-{ Fr N \./ \J t\€t'1Ch Fr (\ rv, -r-r Fi$l \-, !v, !a (\l\o \ o o r U | ' )0 r r \ $ !+ rn rn rn r(i !4 $l Frl{l Fr lf l\Fl \.., \.1 rq, \o o \o ra € r{ \o (\l }- (\t sf r\./ \-/ \-/ Ar^a Fl rf H d rO fA \o ot c) Gt \oor \O \J F{ 0O !O 6t t'1 t4 \-, \./ -t ^ F e tn€ (\I (\l F\ Fl \., !O !O !O lO r-, rr, nrr rn l'l oOqf Or t'IQ N -trD \O \O\OOl\O Fl Fl c\l F4 CY (\ (\ }O Gl Fl (\l lr1 (\ rFa O fn F{ !b, \./ (\ \., F ri \.., \/ n Frl^r^ ar.ar+ \O \D r-!O st O rO Ft F{ € F{ \,, t*, F{ t{ fO F{ \-, ur 4rr'lFa (\l rn t'ls} t7) ,a F{.{ \J \,, a(\ al{il o}.lutFrooF{rsoroNF$€ Frr\|Jl rO()€Otrno)NeroN\OaA r*l \, tl ,F\ -a !4, ,^r ltl Ft N Ft tu, \., \/ !o\ost \o N\o\rt-{ot ${'-t(\t $t !o(\tGt!ad O Ft \O g, Lr\-rr!r\.rgrV\-J\-/V\Jgr\J\J | F{OaOt/lt\or-ur\or/.tf y) vllGlFr 6tfrn$t rt'lFtFlOlrd$tai4tQ<f \r/ri/\Jrr/\,J\-'r\J\-r\J9\J\-/\-r\.rrly.r\..rL.r\.J\J!r, t €Gl(\lor.lfFt\oNF{\ool€@gr€t\rosf | Ct s| \J ^r I u) | AFr N F{ \-, \J N F\ o A (\ \-, F.t r-t \-J rr, rn Ftrf \o r.rr,arrrl{) (\ (\ ltt F{ N A O .-t \, tt) F ch (3rtl tlf\tdo14\oo $trf \od$tr.)r-t Ft,-rFr Fr -r r^ \O FrAA r-,-rr-r F{ FlGlOl \O I\ ra Fl rOGl Of \O in rlr\l,U\rrrvrVr!,rL.rtrrLr\.rLrVrlr\-/\JVr\-r\Jr!, (1rC)<)\O F{ .-t r-t +{ tgvtirL,r /-r/-r-A | !QFt$lo|r I | ! | | | | $\o\to(tttF{ NFrO)d(\t14Ft | | \o \o \o rnF Fr,Frt \-, \., AAArFr Fr A,^ t4 nr-rr{ d -rd t\t F € r+arr*rarN Ft<f tf (\l$$lFtrD6ldOlAOF{d'-lr<Fr$r{\g \.rr-r!r\.r\.rrtrr\-.r\Jryr\y'\-rl*,abr\J\-rrvr\J\J\-/\J gr\O()OOt\O.(f !4oO$tt @F:$\O() \o d Fr n n iO N 1..., \-, Ff 7. F{ lr{ F{. | \o (\ @ I srF + Gt t. OrO t. \o rf (\l F rr) t\ ra t{) tD FT so *! ar .e s $ 'd \3 Es s () F.S a t) rSC IJ 'c> o s.. t0 s tr a) € OfH g cj tr 5 t{'lt rn \ H s o p 'iJ tt s.. s *s s a) & tQ a o R 'sJ 8 .s a) +! s 'ts \o f\I tC\l lt) $ A OO l!, $f F{ | t{t A Fl Fa t!, \O H s} O H3 a" o'q{ R & ERE < .s fr t,| {) or > r.f E Fl .F{ N GI I 0) u . -11 |]i} ctr (\ ,ar lQ \., Fl QF{(\!A$rn\Ot\€O)Od(\!.ltrf rn\0r\oOof €)Fr taulrDrnuf ul|J)rnt,t|'l\o\o\o\o\o\o\o\o\o\oFt\ or ('| or or or cl't ot cD ot o) or cD ot or ol or cn or €tr ch ctr or Flr{FlF{t-{F{ddFlF{r-{dF{FlF{Flr-{r{+{Ff ur\o \0 t\\o\o r{ Ft tO$t d$l 37(9) 2.3 T+ .r{ Or{ h5 E! d< Eu :'g C'I (o (\ o s cl F t'l hd rc +, €F 3 .rl F. ti F o d € o z h tlt q) 1/ Figures in parenthesis indicate numbers of jacks included in the totals. 1.6 2.4 7.7 7.5 3.0 6(2) 16(1) 16(5) 112(34) 85(12) 42(3) 33(13) 18(4) 68(28) 26(8) 25(12) 39(8) 28(2) 131(21) 32(7) 82(10) 69(16) 45(17) 96(26) 167(40) 33(6) 16(1) 16(8) 22(3) 16(5) 28(6) 24(7) 29(5) 35(6) 20(5) 12(4) 24(4) 55(10) 26(4) -26 -8 -- 17(6) 21(6) 11(2) -- 20(5) -- 59(13) 37(7) 22(5) 28(6) 36(6) +4 -2 -9 -26 a a t a o o Til].amook 10(2) 12(4) 63(18) 25(4) 58(8) 14(2) 15(2) 22(9) 15(4) 43(11) 52(6) 31(2) 39(15) 43(6) 40(9) 48(8) 40(8) 48(9) 49(8) 41(7) 27(5) 24(4) 52(8) 29(5) 19(3) 10(1) 10(2) 16(9) -- 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 3.5 Miles Surveyed 3.5 --- 16(2) 36(3) 27(7) 16(4) 26(13) 25(1) 58(16) 35(3) 41(4) 67(34) 70(5) 46(7) 59(14) 55(6) 59(15) 47(4) 34(2) 23(2) 12(1) 36(2) 29(3) -27 Departure of 1971 from Av. -12 ----15 81(10) 56(11) 41(8) Yaquina 24 16 63(16) 12(1) 21(2) 30(9) 13(6) 26(7) 40(3) 23(1) 65(2) 11(2) 14(1) 27(17) 20(5) 43(5) 77(10) 29(1) 30(13) 35(6) 66(13) 49(7) 50(15) 32(5) 36(3) 29(3) 15(3) 11(3) 42(5) 27(3) 194(10) 10(2) 20(2) 35(5) 11(1) 118(33) 73(4) 55(0) 131(34) 100(16) 80(16) 91(8) 57(10) 190(11) 125(14) 102(18) 57(3) 24(4) 68(7) 55(5) 63(18) 18(4) 12(4) 4(2) 9(4) 66(22) 60(11) 60(5) 59(21) 76(13) 64(9) 88(8) 67(11) 54(12) 86(17) 110(14) 67(12) 28(4) 75(13) 29(6) Alsea Siletz Nestucca Nehalem 16(6) 24(2) 26(9) 32(6) 26(5) 24(10) 31(5) 19(5) 22(5) 33(6j 44(8) 26(6) 1952-70 Average -- --- Auxiliary Siuslaw Coauille Weighted Average Fish Per Mile Bay Tributaries Year Summary of Peak Fish-Per-Mile Counts of Fall Chinook in Standard and Auxiliary Survey Areas of Coastal Rivers Since 1950 1/ Table 2. a e - Standard I ] I o t vt & o d F" q) h0 rd h c, h nl o I Ol .g\ H\ F"r Jacks \) I \ I I I I I ,1 I I I I t II I I 1 I ,I ,I I €)vt t\ 900 \o \o \O r+tr \O O 6t rr? 3 ln \o rn rno otr '@ ({ $. \OCl C) Year (!{ v) .!.1 x ql 'Jo +r d d Six ioastal rd h ql d a a Fl \ o S'l c o an Survey Areas of 72 70 68 66 64 62 60 t 3 qt c tl UI }) 5 tt (\l \_ / g *, (n !6 Standard U .d .d o o *1 (l) A .r.l = Fl q) .d Chinook Per Mile in tlr cl Fl F4 Fall <e bro ltl .il F{ F{ g) Q}P >€l (). 3ot zFl €s ulFl t{F ol 3l{ Average Numbers of Rivers, 1952-71 l& .d b0 ) O h Ft Figure 1. o Adults and Jacks J oo !+ 19-Year Average 20 elTlt rad qsTc 1" I I I I L I / / / 58 56 54 52 t t o 60 / 8. a t t.| ql t H (! .p (a tr .rl o\ r-tl o d O F{ (JO rtt r+i oi |^o +)() 5.5 0) Fl o rrl OE o,0 td tsl l{o OA ao o .rl <J: Fl o o o (J oJa >c) .rl 0) oT.| oL) t4.la rf -'\-r \J \J Fr lt/ Fr \r.., Fr \J F\ \J A \*' r- \./ A rr' F\ \./ A L/ /-r \-' A \-/ A */ ^ \/ Fr \-/ /-r U/ ^r \.' t^ \J ^ AA $t_ (\t r-a l-. oit r{ F{ rn oO u.l sl rn =} <f l(l $r (\l N st V lqF{Orc)rOdOrd+-toO€t!$l.'1oO\O6tsfN\O\O(\t OIF \() (\l (\l (\l !O tf F{ Gl Ft .l !O Gl r+ !O t4 N Gf F{ N tt) \.-/\-., FtAFrn Or\O Ol g' \J\,' Fl \O L' -r/-tO Fl Fl rv' \J ttlu|l qi f\ \O $ rf \o \o l.o ro (\ l-t l:(\l -$ Fr$l r-r r-.< -r lq) A F{ v anarFiFl \|> }a r-'l \./ \r, \J ltl \4, r{ \-, O \O Ft Mt ti 6 \o \o $l rn Fr t{ A OJ A-\r^\(\l t{) N r-, n ln \r, -rAr-/-AAr-^lif t"f| tf t S rr.' \-' r!r' \,r \r' Fl r!,, O N O) Sf \O Cl (\ u! F{ rn l.ft N c\t r{ ty, Ft \.., /^ f\|.lf \-, r-rrO c't \,., \/ (\t ltlr{ \J F{ \rl Fa Fl \J (\l r-, \/ \-,, t4F{ |{ \., (\t\o \J \J N \J \-, c>N L, \-/ \./ $l \-, (\l \r/ st (\l }Q \,' t/) O (\ \./ \J \J \-.J (\r !./ Ol Fll 5'' v) \./ F{ v) ,Ar m \-, .qt d \O d Gl \-, ir \-, \., ctr tar \r, \J F{ l-rFrr-\Fra-,^ \l $t !o r+l c\l \, N \-/ \., Fa (\ !*, r4 \.,/ $ L/ Ft V \d, rtl 9., ,^r-/t^Frr^rar^F\ V lyt \o \oC\t \o€rf F- sf $r t{ No tr/ \r/ ly, !J l-., \/ \-', \./ \./ \J \J V a4 00(\t orf Fr (\t ot\o ol (\t(\l r{ l.) c\r td. c.l \t \o to rf N (\l \-, + rn \C, d 6t F{ (\r F{ \r, $r N F{ t./ !t (\l \-., b4 ro N Fr \, \-/ (\l (\taOM}Gl r!, ltt V (\l $fOsf \O Or st r/, Or F a{, \J t/l (\ /^FrrarA^AFrr-rFt V, Ft F (\l r*, t ^^^^3r-A-^^^an tlQFrOC{!Stq)Firf la \-, oO M) Or rn 1') \Ot\ U !Q Gt Gt Fr !f O \-, (\t rf Fr Cr r') r{ $ y':)O \., N (.', \-, \tB \-,, 1nd ry/ 6l \-rLl \r, Fl ^rF\rFr^A IOOOcf Nra lr.rtvf Fl (\(\ ,-r^A \0 !a o \o o cD r{) F{ ot t,) \o F rf ltl ctr !f or gt o o <f \g lt)t{) A^-rr-a d \J\r, rr., ctl o) tn Al-r-rAa-!A \J Froo !4 tt) I\ $ \o o (\t€ F,l Lrl rf Fr !o !o ll tf) Fr N Fa Fit{ ,^r rn!d. r^,Fr r- r-\ A A .- A Fro r{ o N oFr(\l t J r ,a o O t s f ( ) ! a o | t F r Ft d .^r Fr Gr Nd A Fl Or OtGt Fl A r- -r (\tt+Ctr (\t t\ r-t !O Fa /a F,l A A FINN Fl F\ rr-\ /-r A A F\ r^ A ()() (\l tt{:l Fl er-{O CllFl N t*rri,r\,\Jlr\.r\-r!t/LrVVr!rUr\-r\J\-,r\rr\-r\J\J\r, |.tN \O o ot t\ Ft \o \o In \o -r \ot4 Itl \/\,JU\J\J\Jr*rS/\J\J\-r\.r\lt!./\.J\'r\r\J\J\Jr.J\J F{ F{ A A C{ Or.-tO (\l r^ (\ tf tor.n st (\l$lo !Q 6l d F{ r{ r{ r{ Fl N (\l \r, a1l sf rO \_, i+ if \_, t{l Fr b Fl (\l \J Ft Fa O Ft \J * F\ A tOFa (\ sf (\l \-, N oO a I F{ r-{ r-l Fl F{ F{ r-t F{ t-l Fl r{ Fl r{ Fr F\ !ar{ -r Fi t!, (\l !A $l rar r-a /-r fQ$l(\l ,-{ 6t Ft \/ lO A Gl rr.r' 6l \o l/t F{ \-/ F{ ArArA a-t Fl \J \.r' f\ 6l F{ r-l Ff < | Ol + rd Fa + trr> C} O {< bo {Jl.< g g 3 E p {3- o |./| o or > Q $ { hq.{ oo I\ rOO t{(rlt) F \t rr? !a ot rnu, f.l L., €Gl Or \OFr Ft OOCtrmt+ Fa*rn NNr+lOFl!f,!t)N+{ Fl Fl (\l + \J 14 (rt N Fr oo lo t':) ln to oo ro lJ) .rf tQ t\t $r 7.6 !i Ml \J 3.3 r\orfu)oN6\osrr\oF\ottrrr$rsl-rn\otf)ao (\l Fr 6t $ r-rN st \o la Mlm ra la N 1.) r-{ \r Lo F{6 (\l \-, 2.3 0O \J ro F{ r-a Fr o riJ rv, 5.1 \./ \J 5.6 a o o t vl our L' oh |{O .r{ > Fg t{ o"al t+) Eq U| rll O r&(J .F{ }4IH (l'o o AO GI IHO Ot{ -22 5.0 x H>' 3d O O .rJ tn 0) z -16 3.4 sa Q>) Etl 35 aa "; -2 3 Fr rFr +1 6.7 a o ) O p atl F o gl o t{ 0 +24 -8 9 Departure of 1971 from Ày. d(tl Ft Fl 17(1) 23(1) 38(1) 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 B 32(4) 26(1) 27(2) Average Fr/^AArAtrFtr-lr-r-/Frr-rr^A-r/FrrFrraA (\l F{ lrl t{ Fl Fl F{ |{ t\ O \rJ \., v \-,, i-, \-/ \-, \_, \., L, f-rrlulglCtt Flqf lrfF{ rr{ 1963 -- r'a\Or\AOr() FrNl.}strn\OF\OO}C3Fl OF{GlrOsl u r r n | ' , )r t r r J ) r n r n r n r n r n \ o \ o \ o \ o \ o \ o \o\o\o\oFr9toro)01 (''rororororor('tor0totgr olC'rotorororol 1961 1962 F o 1950-70 21(1) 1958 1959 1960 16 c) z Fl GI c) E H tD 3 s s) 'd s t\ E a) s +r ,s a) o !0 .d I 's s a) +s ss o (o & a) ra $" .g sc c) a0 s .d r.l $ s '8 \J .d s AD rs *s .8 tJ +! FS o Figuree in parent hesee indicate numbers of jacks included in the totals. \ / 81(28) 24(3) 8(2) 23(2) 19(12) 75(40) 55(19) 26(7) 37(5) 16(2) 19(3) 24(5) 15(2) 19(4) 17(2) 23(2) 30(4) 46(3) 10(1) 19(0) 13(2) 21(4) 29(3) 25(11) 36(4) 27(4) 44(5) 13(4) 29(2) 14(3) 29(3) 29(2) 39(9) 31(3) 31(3) 34(3) 35 80(3) 24(1) 5(1) 20(1) 12(0) 28(3) 46(2) 14(2) 27(1) 20(8) 67(3) 36(5) 34(5) 55(5) 52(8) 58(5) 27(5) 35(4) 16(3) 43(2) 58(2) 39(2) 28(2) 19(1) 7(1) 11(0) 6(1) 16(0) 5(0) 26(0) 31(2) 46(4) 43(3) 33(1) 42(2) 17(2) 14(0) 45(3) 23(1) 19(3) 55(2) 35(2) 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 +11 Miles Surveyed 12 43(5) 23(3 71(5 69(4) 20(2) 23(2) 21(1) 39(7) 41(2) 11(1) 28(1) 18(5) 44(8) 34(5) 25(4) 48(5) 36(4) 32(4) 24(3) 22(2) 16(2) 26(2) 32(2) 43(9) 65(6) 164(9) 37(6) 36(1) 24(1) 60(16) 66(4) 21(3) 53(1) 14(5) 38(11) 50(5) 12(4) 59(4) 54(5) 26(4) 22(4) 12(1) 25(4) 16(2) 21(2) 54(7) 118(24) 104(13) 31(7) 29(12) 15(3) 163(8) 40(4) 10(2) 16(3) 23 11(2) 58(2) 43(3) 13(1) 37(1) 34(2) 46(6) 30(2) 12(0) 28(2) 23(6) 48(6) 22(2) 40(6) 64(8) 31(4) 42(7) 29(4) 26(2) 9(1) 12(2) 32(0) Coguille Coos Alsea Yaguina Nestucca Wilson Nehalem 15(1) 64(1) 55(1) 18(0) 19(2) 14(0) 10(1) 13(2) 9(1) 11(0) 9(2) 19(2) 12(1) 22(4) 34(5) 29(5) 29(4) 21(2) 20(2) 3(0) 22(3) 13(1) 11 17(1) 45(3) 45(2) 19(1) 9(1) 18(1) 42(1) 59(2) 6(0) 21(1) 21(6) 40(2) 30(4) 19'1) 43(3) 34(2) 22(2) 18(1) 1950 3 a e River Weighted Average Fish Per Mile Beaver Creek Year Summary of Peak Fish-Per-Mile Counts of Coho in Standard Survey Areas of Coastal Rivers Since 1950 1/ Table 3. .5 S S - () rI c) I h al o t{ o b0 (d (} rn (') 21-Year Average (1950-70) ^\i I T of I I t I I I \ j a \.i tr *l ( \ \ i t a a o t o o j( l" o tr 16 T 1- -;, t t I I I {I 1 t OO rrn a \o \o \O lro \o C{ \Oh 'o (3h \O ql {f 6 tn= \o rtl $5 roz (\l UI C) rr1 Fl a tat .0 o o o b0 (6 t{ o l' a o t{ {) l+t o (J ts o. o h q) .r{ FI c) ${ g E! ql *t rt h rd € 3 U, .x tq T{ .d a0 +, € L) o +, cl U' cd Ft x, .d ID vt Ft Fa ol I ,{ F Average Number of Coho Per Mile in Standard Survey Areas of Eight Coastal Rivers, 1950-71 b0 ..t t& = h GI Figure 2. o 4 70 68 66 64 62 60 Year 58 56 54 52 50 - -i- - -f-i Jacks I - / --- P a 40 - -p--- - '- - T- -/ I (, ct Adults and Jacks rd 60 o o o 80 10. 0 a 11. 1 1. and auxiliary auxiliary The peak counts cormts of areas in The survey the standard in of coho coho in in the standard and survey areas o tributaries of were 71 per nile, mile, respectively tributaries of Tenmile Terunile Lake 7l and and 287 287 fish fish per respectively Lake were (Ta,ble 4). (Table 4). and 113% average of These of the These counts were were 27 the average standard 113%of of the the standard 27 and and auxiliary auxiliary counts, and courts, respectively. respectively. o These used to lhese data can can be used to estimate estinate total 1955-56 total escapen€nt, escapement, based based qron upon a population population estinate estimate study study completed in in 1955-56 (Morgan and (Morgan and Henry, 1959). 1959). The static T?reresulting resulting estimates estinates indicate indicate a fairly fairly static escapenent escapement level between tr960 1960 and 1967 1967 with with a sharp sharp decline decline in in 1968 1968 which which level between I (Figure 3). equaled the record equaled record low Low of of 1959 1959 (Figure 3). Since the was chemically the lake lake was chenically treated by the Game treated populations of warm-water Gans Commission in 1968 1968 to to remove renove populations of wam-water Connission in drastic changes fish, drastic popul.ation. fish, changes have have occurred in the the coho coho population. occurred in o returns The The returns jacks in of in 1969 1969 and and adults lakes of jacks the result result of of rearing rearing Tennile Tenmile lakes adults in in 1970 1970 were the coho in stock coho stock ln aa hatchery hatchery and and releasing releasing them the system snolts. then into systenasassntolts. into the jacks that The 57,000 571000 jacks The returned in that xetrfired in 1970 1970 and and the the 33,500 adults adults that that t returned in returned in 1971 1971 were were the progeny of the progeny of natural natural. spawning spavrning1968-brood stock. 1968-brood stock. juveniles, they As juveniles, they had As with had the advantage of tiving in the advantage of living in a lake lalce environment with substantially reduced predation predation and substantially reduced and competition. competition. o The The estinate estimate of of 57,000 jacks is is the the highest highest since jacks have been been calculated, the since the the escapements escapements have calculated, and and the 33,500 adults adults represented represented the 33,500 highest estimate began 17 the second second highest estinate since since they they began L7 years years ago ago. o The adult adult escapement escapenent produced an The an estimated estimatod deposition deposition of of 61.2 million urillion eggs which which was was 185% (Table 5) 185%of eggs of the 1955-70 average average (Table the 1955-70 5) and and highest highest since 1955. since 1955. jack run The 1971 l97l jack run estimated estinated at at 10,500 $as the result ofof a alow The 10,500was the result nrmber lowntnnber o fenales in of females in the 1969 of possible adverse environmental L969 spawning spawning escapement escapenent and and possible envi.ronmental. factors factors in in the streams. the tributary tributafy stre{uns. Peak counts for for each Peak counts are tabulated each survey sunrey area area are tabulated in in Appendix Appendix tables tables 9-18. 9-f8. o o r t2. 12. Table 4. 4. Table , _ __ Year Year o o o a o 1950 1950 1951 1951 1952 1952 1955 1953 1954 1954 1955 1955 1956 1956 1957 1957 1 958 1958 1959 1959 1960 1960 1961 1961 L962 1962 1963 1963 1964 1964 1965 1965 1966 1966 L967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1969 1970 1970 l97L 1971 1950-70 1950-70 Average Departure Departure from Average fron o Mil,es Miles Suweyed Surveyed of Coho Corurtsof Cohoin in Summary of of Peak Peak Fish-Per-Mile Fish-Per-lulile Counts Sunnaqy Areas of of Tenmile Tennile $rrrvey Areas Standard Auxiliary Survey and Auxiliary Standard and rsour"T"'=tt': ,tnto 1 :T"' Lakes Tributaries Since 1950 1/ Tennile Tenmile Lakes Lakes 14s(4s) 43s 435 4e3(ee) 493(99) 170(7s) 170(79) 260(rrr) 260(111) sr9(2ls) 519 (215) Tennil.e Tenniile Lakes 145 (45) s70(236) 570(236) 388(121) 388(121) r170(95) 70(ss) 114(48) 114(48) (1r8) r68 168(118) 224(94) 224(94) 2le( e6) 219(96) 236(leo) 236(190) 268(t43) 268(143) lge 199 (106) (106) 180(7s) 180(75) r06 (63) 106(63) s7( 30) 57(30) 526(171) 526 (171) s03( 244) 503(244) 409(138) 409(138) r84(76) 184(76) 88(21) 88(21) (L28) t77 177(128) 22e(92' 229(92) zss(e7) 255(97) zse(r44) 239(144) 28s(117) 285(117) r64 164 (s6) (56) (67) r81(67) 181 r32(8r) 132(81) 383(134) 383(134) 7r (10) 71(10) 20r(101) 201(101) 88(23) 88(23) 134(80) 134(80) 4a8Q7o) 408(270) 287(4e) 287(49) 2se(1oe) 259(109) (r14) 254(114) 2s4 -188 -188 0 .8 0.8 +33 +33 17.1 17.L peentl@aee indicate ?ignee in in parentheses i.nehded in i.n the the indd.ate numbers wnfure of of jacks iacl<s included U/ Figures totale. totals. o o o < *'.-- fl ral 3l I $l t gI H / / 4.F ( t I t I \ \ t\ \ ) J4 (J al F) I {. @ \o ro \o rtr \o (\I \o c) \o € ra f't de oo Year o o o o a a vl A4 cf cB Fl 't e ./ V 70 68 66 64 60 58 \ /1 Gl d L) O t c) +, cl ) (-) so o Pt ct o a f.ll o) .tr .t{ tr P to |l, tr rt d -I (l) ru & UI Ol ln an I r\ Calculated Coho Escapement into Tenmile Lakes, 1955-71 r& {D l{ I d0 .A lf, Figure 3. d o P l-/ I I !r 0 56 I I / \ i 1 1 V 2 \V'/Jacks ,li / \ \ Ii \ / .1 p I 5 t I c)oo \C) 0 o O o 60 II\ sPu€snoql uT lueuedBf,sg pslslnel"S ' o o 4, \ \ 020 II \ _ \\ 4, \ /\ U f \ /1 l6-Year Average (1955-70) _____ -_______ 40 II A 0 Adults and Jacks ( S 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 14. 1 4. Table 5. 5. in Coho in Calculated Egg Deposition Deposition of of Coho and Egg Escapenent and Calculated Escapement 1955-71 Tennile Lakes, Lakes, 1955-71 Tenmile o O o o a o o I. o Calculated Escapement Percentage Percentage Jacks Females Fenales Potential Egg Potential Egg Deposition Deposition Total in Millions / in lvlil.lions 36,000 36,000 77,500 77,504 82.8 8 2,8 66.5 !i/ 66.5 1/ 51,500 5l,5oo 82,000 82,000 60.9 60.9 31,500 3l ,500 65.2 6 5.2 29,000 29,000 60,500 60r500 61.5 61.5 1958 1958 1 12,500 2,500 62.9 62.9 16,000 16,000 28,500 2Br50o 23.7 23.7 1959 1959 8,000 8,000 66.sy1/ 66.5 4,500 4 ,500 12,500 12,500 15.9 l5 .9 1960 1960 5,500 5,500 66.8 66.8 27,000 27,440 32,500 32,500 11.1 1r.1 1961 1961 16,000 1 6,000 66.2 66.2 19,500 19r 500 35,500 35,500 31.8 3 1 .8 1962 t967, 18,500 19,500 67.0 67.0 20,500 20,500 39,000 39,000 37.2 37.2 1963 1963 I11,000 I ,000 71.6 7 t.6 30,500 30,500 41,500 41,500 38.7 38.7 1964 1964 19,500 19,500 66.1 66.r 24,500 24 1500 44,000 44,000 38.7 38.7 1965 1965 12,500 12,500 71.3 7t.3 12,000 12,000 24,500 24,500 26.7 26.7 1966 1966 13,500 13,500 56.8 56.8 14,000 14,000 27,500 27,500 23.1 2s.L 1967 1967 11,500 1 1, 5 0 0 60.9 60.9 21,000 21,000 32,500 32,500 21.6 2r.6 1968 1968 7,500 7r 500 66.9 66.9 5,000 5r000 12,500 1 2,500 15.0 1 5,0 1969 1969 6,500 6,500 61.8 61.8 17,000 17,000 23,500 23,500 t12.0 2.0 Year Adults 1955 1955 41,500 41,500 66.sy2/ 66.5 1956 1956 30,500 50,500 1957 r957 1970 1970 14,900 y3/ 14,900 65.4 6 5.4 57,000 57,000 71,900 7t,900 29.1 29.L 1971 t97l 35,500 33,500 60.8 60.8 10,500 10,500 44,000 44,O00 61.2 61.2 1955-70 195570 Average 16,300 16,300 24,100 24,l0a 40,400 4 0,400 33.1 33.1 nabio of 1/ Eatitrnted from the average avevqgefemale-to-male of 1957-64. 7957-64. from the fenale-to-ma7,eratio U Eetiniated o U/ per female. Based on Baeed of 3,000 31000eggs onfecundity eggsper feemdifu of fenwLe, (g5%)were 3/ Confidence NN == 11,800 and Limits (95%) utene etdfrN == 18,400. 78"400. Confidennelimits 1.1t500 U o 15. 15. Chun Chum Salmon Salrnon o fire peak peak count cotrnt of of chum The chun salmon in three drainage basins three drainage basins was r.cas96 per salnon in 96 fish fish per (Tabte 6). nile mile (Table 6). lltis was was 64 This 64 fish-per-mile fish-per-miLe lower lorer than the the 18-year l8-year average average and was intermediate between for 1967 and was intermediate between the the counts and 1968, the years years in in counts for 1.967and 1g68, the o which they (Figure 4). which they were produced (Figure were produced 4). systems. systens. the runs nrns were The were down down in all three in all three river river OSUwas was only only able abl.e to OSU to take about about 280,000 2801000eggs eggs of of the 750,000 750,000 they had scheduled from had scheduled frorn Whiskey Whiskey Creek. Creek. t The auxiliary auxiliary fish-per-mile The fish-per-mile count on was Tillaraook Bay on Tillamook Bay tributaries was tributaries fish which 390 fish 43 fish-per-mile fish-per-nile higher higher than 390 which was was 43 than the average. the 11-year ll-year average. The The 1971 fish-per-nile was distinctly years 1971 fish-per-mile count higher cormt was distinctly either of the brood brood years than either of the higher than o that that Praduced produced it. it. A strong strong trend trend on A on aa 4-year 4-year cycle cycle can be noted noted in the standard in the standard survey sunrey counts. counts. o Ttris trend is is also This trend also reflected reflected by the the auxiliary auxiliary fish-per-mile fish-per-nite cormts in 1963 1963 and counts in and 1967. L967. I'he relative relative low Lon counts in The in the standard areas in in : 1971 follow foll.ow the the relative rel.ative low 1971 counts of low counts of 1955, 1955, 1959, lgsg, 1963, 1962. 196g, and and 1967. o Although widely widely fluctuating, fluctuating, Although the the counts show show evidence of of stabilizing stabilizing at aa low Low level level during during the the 1960's l960ts after at after the the decline decl.ine of of the l950rs. the 1950's. Peak counts for Peak survey area are are tabulated tabulated in in the the Alryendix Appendix tables tables for each survey o 19-22. Lg-22. A'e,_Size, Con!position of rg?t 1971 c]un_ Chum s?tno{t Salmon Run se5_[o_gp9tfj!e!__9f R a15lSex $99!-_q14,*and o years, attempts previous years, made to As As in in previous atte$pts were were made sarnple dead for dead chum chum salmon salnon for to sample age, and sex by by collecting collecting data data fron from the the first first 50 SO dead dead fish fish encormtered encountered a;ga, length, length, and each river in in each river system. systen" o Because Because of of the the poor poor escapenent escapement and fl.ood flood conditions conditions in in the najor major rivers, rivers, we we rdere were only only able able to to collect collect 304 304 samples, nainly mainly fron from Coal the Creek the Kilchis Kilchis River. River. of the Creek of a 16 L6. Table 6, 6, Sunmary of Peak Fish-Per-Mile Counts of Chun in Standard Summary Fish-Per-Mile Counts of Chum in Standard of Peak Since and Survey of Rivers Since 1948 and Auxiliary Areas Coastal 1948 Auxiliary Survey of o Year Year o a o a o o o o o Tillanook Tillamook Bay Bay Tributaries Tributaries 1948 1948 r949 1949 1950 1950 1 951 1951 r.952 1952 1953 1953 1954 19s4 1955 195s 1956 1956 1957 1957 1958 1958 1959 1959 1960 1960 1961 1961. 1962 L962 1965 1963 1964 1964 1965 1965 1966 1966 1967 L967 1968 1968 1969 1969 1970 1970 1971 1971 484 484 925 925 356 356 698 698 304 304 530 530 591 5 91 136 136 r33 133 251 zsL 225 225 107 r07 Standard Netarts Bay I{etarts Bay Whiskey Whiskey Nestucca Nestucca Creek Creek 21 2L 277 2 65 65 26 26 50 50 24 24 rL7 117 74 74 54 54 71 7l 32 32 27 27 154 154 39 39 13 13 117 tL7 r58 158 71 7L 11 1l 51t 5 136 136 146 L46 33 33 29 29 100 100 58 58 65 65 31 31 45 45 36 36 1953-70 1953-70 Average 136 136 71 7L Departure Departure from Average fron -62 -62 -3s -35 -200 -200 Miles Surveyed Sunreyed 2.3 2.3 1 ..8 1.8 0.4 0 .4 10 1.0 20 2A 511 5 66 66 Auxiliary Auxiliary Weighted Weighted Average Per Mile MiLe Fish Per Tillamook TiTiffi66r Bay Bay Tributaries Tributaries 343 343 1,255 1r255 240 24A 328 328 1,680 1,680 843 843 368 368 398 398 875 875 1,100 1,100 552 552 753 753 353 3s3 793 793 913 913 197 t97 400 400 1,200 L,240 500 500 311 311 476 476 106 106 102 t02 324 324 253 253 116 116 44 44 108 108 178 178 141 141 911 9 57 s7 144 L44 117 LL7 69 59 60 60 185 185 96 96 700 700 160 160 347 347 -64 -64 +43 " 977 9 136 136 665 66s 445 445 484 484 r86 186 445 445 226 226 218 21.8 358 358 554 554 390 390 3.0 3.0 \ 400 \. "F \. ? / \r: ? I t I eIT!{ red IIsTd I / o f U. (} c) ro 300 \ r4 f.L. eTTlt red qsTd a t\ I rr) t) pl h cl I ru o o0 rd F c) ,\\.18YearAverae_(1953-70) € I t o FU? 6tr \ox r+h fJl \O Ln (l) ool.. lrl (> \o C.l k \g ql sth \o(6 \O \o, 70 68 o o vl xo h a v) x Ft GI x ) .r{ \ \ Ut >r o t a € t{ cl € tr (l +, (n 200 V V V ' / Standard Surveys a o a o - 1\ t7, '-3 e a ql tr >s <E- o0 cl c) lr0 Ot{ Z(s o oq) 5(^ g+) O Fl 5cl F Ul(l od l+t .r{ C., Eln 5(D ga0 o. OFI E!O t'l i'l ot Ftf\ (l)t{ tr +) tt) d tr 'o 'o r0 g rd , .-t 'rl .d CI r| >\ v) xg, 6 tt) h g{ (t Average Numbers of Chum Per Mile in Standard and Auxiliary Survey Areas of Three Coastal Drainages, 1953-71 t& g o0 0) tir Figure 4. .Auxiliary Surveys I 66 64 62 Year 60 58 56 54 O a o o A 500 S S 1\ I I 0 200 100 0 ' o 18. 1 8. The length length of fish by age of fish age and The was within within the preand sex was the limits fomd in limits found in pre- a vious inventories inventori€s except year females except that vious that 4th fenales averaged averaged slightly 4th year slightly shorter shorter (Tabte 7). in in length length (Table 7). Fenales ranged Females ranged in to 30.5 inches, while in size size from 23 inches, r+hile 23 to nales were were from fron 25 males 25 to to 32.5 inches. 32;5 inches. o The sample year classes. predoninantly females was predominantly saryle was fenales this The this year in in both year classes. This may nay have have been been due This die-off due to tine. to differential ilifferential die-off time. fire run was was nearly equally split (Table The nearly equally between 3rdsplit between Srd- and and 4th-year 4th-year fish fish (Table o 8, I, Figure 5). 5), fn tn generaln general, the the fish fish were were smaller, smaller, substantiating substantiating the the hypothesis that hypothesis 1966-68 brood chum that 1966-68 chun have have experienced poor growing conditions conditions in ocean, in the ocean, o SUMMARY StI-MARY The surveys surveys of of spawning 1971 indicate indicate that The fish in rivers in in 1971 spawning fish in coastal coastal rivers that stocks of of chum chua salmon stocks salnon remain at at a low, low, although although apparently stabllized level. leveL. apparently stabilized a Fluctuations the result Fluctuations are are probably probably the result of of year-class year-class survival and age age at at survival and naturity, rather than than continued maturity, rather continued decline decli.ne of of the species. species. The fall chinook index index of The fall of abundance abundance was was only of the the long-term only 78% long-tern 78t of o average. average. The counts were low counts were lor.r in in all al.I but The but one one of of the the standard waterstandard survey srrwey water- sheds and and in in both sheds both auxiliary auxiliary survey river systems presumed suryey river systerns so it it can be presr.rmed sufveys accurately that the that the surveys accurately reflected reflected a decreased decreased escapement. escapenent. o The coho index index of of abundance The coho abundance equaled its its long-term long-tem average average indicating indicating generally adequate a generally a adequate spawning spawning density. density. o The Tenmile Lakes particuTtre Lakes run looks looks particu- Larly pronising larly promising because because a near record record ntmber number of were deposited the eggs were deposited by the of eggs escaPement year. escapement this this year. jacks returning year Howevor, the However, nunber of this year the low low number returning this of jacks the number number of of adults suggests the adults returning r€turning next next year will will be be considerably considerably reduced. t S o o o o o o o F F I <t Ol o bo .o tr ql ,1 o v) q) N x & 3 5 () >. GI !A o o JA o!$ t\O (\trQ Mrt) .f rOoO (\Gt | I Ft v) | tnt4 ll | | | 60 | | D-C) (rl fA t\c' N t{) t{-1 € c'cC' 6t tl :ir I G|l.') ola glo u.|€ 6rn (to q1ol o I I rJ) to Fa€ \O rO . .l OSI I . !tr O t r oo . I o cl() ao (\ \O aa ....l 6t\ \O.qt llF{l t | | t | ()OI | I I .l I oc>i | o I I I I o . I cO ,' I r-{ .l Ot ct o I ro r . \O lr-rl o l\ ({ . I I I o I I I t O o oo N t) rf rt, eto €N \g t4 c)o !-{ \O Ol !O o o {\l t/) @ :l ,o o t o € t, \f o qf o ro sf Ol I <t c) I I I O! Fl I ()o oc oo rA rn rf La . N Or r !+\O tf ul) | g | o() | o(} ta \O (D F{ I I I I O ,{ o . Fl € .+ O | I I I I I t\ I cO C-t I o' . ttl \O Bt t' Eqt CD F{ lfrn ('c) f\ !,) rn 3f E'{ dc) FIU! Oct r&= 19, '.0 | I ool I Ottt oo . Frgr .l16t c)al oo ll -t cra) . . $$ q.r;; oo ()Ol t,-{l-, Oc)I | oo OOr+ r-r; I ool t,(\ t+Gt <>o | . .l c)NI \ocr ()Ot N$t ool OOi .-l OOI ()ol l(\ll I .l l,_rr . .l er Ol | col . ool ('ol o . .t . I\ O Frl O I l*, oel r oo . . t{frt .l c)o I | I I t\ @ NF{ F. o eQ ro-t ttrn ool Gt I ra I l,_tl o I \O I r') c)o sf t/l F{ (f o @(\r €\O lJ! F{ @oO oo oo oo F\t | | | OC)I . .l t{ol I I c)()l .l . F{ OI | I () . .l tr, oFll C{ I lF{l . .l OFrl I I ool (\to) F{'-t cc) . . t\O !O(\l ool oot .l c)a <)c) . oo tsO rn() Clo F{3\ tj)tn F-f lOnA '-t r-t OO VrN rqtFl Fl f\l . Fr^tl oo .l sg) GlFa Oo st€ rt(\ ! :r,^l ,RlN l A ol t5l '81 oEl l I\e o o c ; i r' E v l lnt'l !o 6ltl ($l s f o ,dl | I | I | ta€o |',l-f xl tol o(,ll oo i.) c)l t. lF{ M) (> I . . .l Frlftl I CnFl Ftr lr-lllal I rl . | | | <> !O | ()$t | r tl | . oO \g€ ,ldl tqt t o | sl'Or sl (rl \O O cLO Ci14 | Frrf r F'tFr . . r7)!! N!.1 | 991 N$l . .c.ot f}-tr-{ (\rQ trl€ NN C;\O . o{o | (\ r4s t | !]r-{ (\Mt FCtr N(\l rnr\ FO 6r.Q !4\O Or (rl Or Vil g)t\ \O CD N (\l \o rt) c)$ r.n aa C)Fl a. rno | I r ' ' s lo o | \OOr (\I GI < | (\l$ O:N (\t a.) ul SGI (\ IQ r-Q) Gt !Q gl C) t\!Q rf (\r \Oln .l \O O! NN . . F('r 6lt) otn ra @€ N(\I :f rn €(\l (\trq !46 | IN rf F{ @'< 6lf4 . . OrFt r\ttQ \Otll €Ot $l$a Oe Gtr.) () Oc) . . rac\t rl oo O r:l (\IN oc) . . \O rA F{ nlo dul Er-f OC rt > l'| 50.0 50.0 c2 nl F. l+.1 FA $thr Or!4 | I I I I ulvtultU) oooo t{Ul 16c' Glo +{ul EFI * 310.0 o tr o +, v| o A E o () t,lor .l | dQ) oql t&E EFI ocl tr E .o 61,5 38.5 68.0 32.0 47.0 53.0 68.) 32.0 61.0 39.0 52.0 48.0 Sex Ratios (Percentae) 550 57.0 52.0 .0 49.0 48.0 45.0 43.0 49.0 51,0 204.0 92.0 123.0 207.0 00 1.0 2.0 1.0 5.0 0.0 o O N o Q ar FO Gr n4 IAD\ $t c\ C) !a tnor'/rt o(D(t} (r'o do t-tUlF{ttlFf|al I I I I I 304.0 136.0 152.0 127.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1,0 55.0 54.0 44.0 28.0 14.0 5.0 88.0 62.0 22.0 18.0 7.0 14.0 12.0 19.0 57.0 100.0 10 44.0 56.0 39.0 61.0 49.0 51.0 37.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 114.0 85.0 58.0 680 31.0 29.0 18.0 14.0 60.0 29.0 99.0 158.0 136.0 102.0 55.0 6.0 3.0 53.0 48.0 34.0 26.0 51.0 57.0 1.0 0.0 p rc F €rf ...11 €Fl 6t to E-t 0)ql t&E O F('r (\ (\t FF{ O60 &E tf\O EFr (uql IrE | M)qrn -- 481.0 - 44.0 54.0 Females Wt1es 287.0 65.0 Total 57,0 43.0 Females Males 30.0 13.0 3.0 12.D 16.0 5.0 3 -- -- 28.8 31.4 232.0 32.0 31.0 30.0 -- 32.5 45.0 22.0 5 -- 28.0 32.5 29.0 31.2 28.0 29.' 29.0 30.1 Females Males Females Males 137.0 134.0 32.0 28.6 30.5 27.5 39.0 23.0 22.0 20.0 23.0 --- 27.2 30.4 4 79.0 71.0 Females Males ----- 2.l 26.6 29.4 27.4 29.6 S Females Males 4 -------- 30.0 --- 32.1 307 30.8 326 26.4 28.2 28.4 31.5 24.0 19.0 27.3 30.3 31.8 31.9 2.2 2A 23.0 2C..3 79.0 28.6 32.3 26.4 29.1 27.9 30,3 Sex Ratios (Numbers) 85.0 26.0 24.0 57.0 81.0 30.0 50.0 38.0 314 27.5 30.3 26.1 29.4 25.6 28.8 - 25.9 28.4 24.8 29.0 27,3 29.8 27.5 30.2 27.0 30.4 29.5 26,3 29.6 265 27.3 28,8 25,5 27.9 Females Males 3 o a Sex Mean Fork Length (Inches) Age Composition of Tillamook Bay Chum by Size, Sex, and Age, 1947-71 Table 7. I I I I o 20. 20. Table 8. Table 8. o o Bay Chunr Estimated Age Couposition Composition of of Tillanook Tillamook Bay Chum Runs Runs Estimated Age t'ercentge Year Source of Data 1947 t947 Gill Net Gill Net ft 1949 1949 tI 1950 1950 rf " 1959 1959 Ittl 32.3 32.3 66.2 66.2 1.5 1.5 tl 4.6 4,6 954 9 5.4 0.3 0 .3 tl " 77.5 77.3 21.1 2l,L 1.5 1 .5 51.2 5L.2 48.0 49.0 0.8 0.8 69.2 68.2 30.8 30.9 1.0 1.0 83.4 83.4 16.0 16.0 0.6 0.6 't 1960 1960 o 1961 1961 " 3 " ------------------------------------o S o S o S O o a r L o 1962 t962 SpawningGrormds Spawning Grounds g2.l 82.1 17.6 17.6 0.3 0.3 1963 1963 ll tl 28.0 29,0 72.0 72.A 0.0 0.0 1964 1964 It ft 85.5 85.5 1 3.8 13.8 0.6 0.6 1965 r965 It tl 47.1 47,1 52.9 52.9 0.0 0.0 1966 1966 tf tl 28.3 28.3 71.7 7r,7 0.0 0 .0 1967 1967 tf tl 33.1 3 3 .I 65.4 6 5.4 1.5 1.5 1968 1968 It ll 67.7 67.7 32.3 32.3 0.0 0 .0 1969 1969 tl tl 62.0 38.0 38,0 0.0 0 .0 1970 1970 tl tl 7.9 7.9 92.1 92.L 0.0 0 .0 1971 1971 tl It 51.6 51.6 47.0 47.0 1.3 1 .3 c o o o O o o . o o 0 I-I o 0 - 0 0 0 3R383s C' 0 0 0 (e8eluaceed) uoTlTsodurogAge e6y (Percentage) Composition 0 0 - 0 -4 0 o -4 t\ to c[F \ol 0' 00F I A \0 0' D -4\ ; a' \o \OE a' \o5 a' lt) 01 CD b0 q) CD '1 k Ui rr.) CD o) crq bo (J 0 o & E! o 0 P .Fl .F{ .J. 0 o g o F" tH I-I. at F{ F{ .rt o o E . e x (s & qJ C/) u) !d 0 o ET tr a Ol Irl Cs) Ol to * -4 F{ Tz 2L. .oo < \o tr )r r l & sf \g 0' rQo 0' \o (\l \oo a' Ft \o 0 O \o. C' o tor u ,n tr" .t{ I-i. 'Ti o 2?. 22. LITERATURE CITED CItED LITERATURE o to Statistical Statistical Dixon, W. W. J. Jr. J. and F. J. Ji Massey, Massey, Jr. Introduction to Dixon, and F. 1957. Introduction 1957. p. York. 488 Ana1ysis, BookCo., Ltd., Ltd., New NewYork. 488 p. McGraw-Hill Book Analysis. McGraw-Hil1 Inference. C. R., R., 1957. Li, J. J. C. Introduction to Statlstical Inference. Li, 1.957. Introduction to Statistical p. Inc., Ann Ann Arbor, Arbor, Mich. 568 568 p. Brothers Inc., o I o G o a n o o o Edwards Edwards into nrn into The salnon run Morgan, K. A. Henry. Morgan, A. R. and and K. Henry, 1959. The 1955-56 1955-56 silver silver salmon 1959. Tenrnile takes oreg, Res. Briefs, 7(1):57-77. 7(L):57-77. the Tenniile Conur.Oreg. Res. Briefs, takes system. system. Fish Comm. S S APPENDIX TABLES APPE}IDIXTABTES n S r t 23. 23. Appendix Appendix Tables a the tables tables in in this this appeüdix appendix are presented presented first first by species The within species and and within species fron north north to species by by watershed watershed from south. to south. The peak and fish fish per The peak counts and per nrile mile figures may not agree agree precisely fron years figures may not precisely with with reports reports from years prior prior to to 1971 l97t o because of of aa reduction reduction in in the the number because nunber of of sunreys, and deletion spring surveys, and deletion of of spring chinook surveys entirely. chinook surveys entirely. Within jack salmon Within the the tables, tables, the the figures in parentheses parentheses are the figures in the jack salnon o counts and and these these figures figures are are included included in counts the totals. in the totals, standard survey the standard survey could could not not be the be made. nade. fish estinated. fish were were estimated. a In some sone instances, instances, In In In these these cases the the numbers numbers of of This detennining the the ratio ratio of of total total This was was done done by by determining fish which seen in fish which were were seen that particular particular survey in that survey during the preceding ? during the preceding 2 years to to the the total total. fish fish seen seen in in all all the other other streams in years in that that system systen during the the same period. sane period. during o That ratio was applied to total of That ratio was applied to the of the the total other surveys surveys in in the the drainage drainage for other question and for the the year in question the resulting and the year in resulting figure was assumed as the number fish which figure was assumed as the number of of fish which should should have been seen seen in the the survey area. in area. a That figure was entered into the calculations That figure was then then entered into the calculations if the the survey as if suwey was as was done. done. The supplenental surveys are included The supplemental incl.uded for for reference. reference. Data from fron these Data surueys are are not in computing conputing fish-per-mile fish-per-mile surveys not used used in values because, in most values in nost o cases, the supplemental srrppl,enental surveys sunreys were hrere started cases, the started at at aa later Later date. date. The Teninhle The Tennile take survey provides provides the the data data for population estimate. Lake auxi.liary auxiliary survey for the the actual actual population estimate. o o So o I. 24. 24, Table 1. l. Peak Peak Counts River Spawning Spawning Fish Fish Surveys Counts on on Nehalein Nehalem River Sunreys for for Fall Chinook Chinook Since 1950 FaLl 1.950 o Year Year o a . a O Buchanan Buchanan Creek Creek 6 6 2 2 1950 1950 1951 1951 1952 1952 1953 1953 1954 1954 1955 1955 1956 r956 1957 1957 1958 1958 1959 1959 r960 1960 1961 1961 1962 t962 1963 I963 1964 1964 1965 1965 1966 1966 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1969 1970 t970 1971 1971 22(4) 22(4) 36(9) 36(e) 73(5) 73(s) 24(9) 24(e) 20(2) 2ac2) 39(5) 5e(s) 40(8) 40(8) 23 26(1) 26(r) 12(1) 1 2( 1 ) 8(1) 8( 1 ) 25(1) 30(0) 30(0) Miles 0.5 0 .5 20(4) 20(4) (2) s5(2) 0 0 16(s) 16(5) 4 4 39(9) 3e(e) 9 9 2s 2s(r) Cronin Creak 7/ Creek / 8 I 5 5 55(4) ss(4) 8(4) I (4) 8 I 12(4) 12(4) 16 t6 34(8) 34(8) 21 2L (5) 44(3) 44 20(1) 2 0( 1 ) 32(3) 16(1) 16(r) 18 18 10 10 1 0( 1 ) 10(1) 31(6) 31(6) 10(2) 10(2) 12(3) 12(3) 3(0) 3(0) rs(z)u 13(2) 2/ 6 (0) 6(0) Standard Surveys cast lh:nbug Humbug lhrnbug flunbug Creek Creek Creek Creek 27(1) 2 7( 1 ) r4 14 29 29 14(3) 14(3) 7 7 33(18) 33(18) 25 7,5 57(16) s7( 16) 24 24 10 10 46(50) 46(30) 35(3) 5s(3) 44(7) 44(7) (e) 36 36(9) 17(3) 17(5) 13(2) 13( 2) 6 6 16(1) 16( r ) 10 10 0 0 32(1) 3 2(r) (2) 27(2) 27 t3 13 34(8) 34(8) 23(2) 2s(2) (15) 66(15) 66, (ls) 4r 41(15) 29(18) 2e(18) 42(3) 42(3) 74(24) 74(24'-] 69(11) 6e(11) (6) 68(6) 68 134(80) r34(80) 104(8) 104(8) 78(9) 78(e) 133(37) r33(37) 126(14) 126(14) 143(43) 145(43) 103(8) 103(8) 66(2) 66(2) 46(2) 46(2) 31(2) st(2) (3) 57(3) s7 39(7) 3e(7) Total Total (1) s4 54(1) ss(8) 55(8) 127(10) 127(10) 93(24) es(24) 56(15) s6(r5) 90(45) eo(4s) 87(3) 87( 3) 204(57) 204(57) ( 1r ) 123(11) 123 144(13) 144(13) 236(120) 2s6(r2o) 244(19) 244(Le) 162(26) 207(48) 207(48j 192(22) rez(22) 206(54) 206(s4) 163(14) 163( r 4) 118(6) rr8(6) 80(6) 80(6) 42(3) 42(3) 127(7) r27 (7) 102(9) 102(e) 0 I o c o 1.0 1.0 1.0 L.0 y1/ Surveys twdp by bVOregon oregon Came Cowrieeion since Stnwys made GaneCommission einee 1968. 7968. Estitated--strveye not not done. 2/ Estimated--surveys dpfte. A o 1.0 1.0 3.5 5.5 Fish per per Mile 15.4 15.4 15.7 15.7 36.3 36.3 26.6 26,6 160 15.0 25.7 25.7 24.9 58.3 58.3 35.1 55.1 41.1 4 1.1. 67.4 67.4 69.7 69.7 46.3 46.3 59.1 59.1 54.9 54.9 58.9 5 9.9 46.6 4 6.6 33.7 33.7 22.9 22.9 12.0 12.0 36.3 36.3 29.1 29.l 25. 2 5. a Table 2. Table 2. t Standard Survys $rrrreys Year o a o HS o Peak Counts on Tillafiook Bay Spawning Spaming Fish Surveys Peak Tillamook Bay $rweys for for Fall Fall Chinook Chinook Since 1950 1950 1950 1 9 s0 1951 1951 1952 1952 1953 1953 1954 1954 1955 1955 r956 1956 1957 l9s7 1958 1958 1959 r959 1960 1960 1.961 1961 1962 ts62 1963 1963 L964 1964 1965 1965 1966 1966 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1969 1970 1970 1971 1971 Kilchis River Kilchis River Sam Donn Down Creek Creek San Tillamook Tillanook River River 168(2e) 168 (29) 52(1) s2(1) 25(1) 2s(1) ee(24) 99(24) 30(2) 30(2) (1) 17(1) 17 7(2) 7 (2) 15(5) ls (s) 157(48) 1s7(48) 62(6) 62t6' 43(1) 43(1) 43(3) 43(3) 29(4) 2e(4) 52(4) s2(4), 87(2) 87(2) 17 t7 4s(2r) 43(21) 87(15) 87(rs) 133(7) 153(7) s7(6) 57(6) 37(1) 37(L) 64(13) 64(13) 39(4) 3e(4) 4 3 ,( 1 5 ) 43.(15) - - :- : - 7(2) 7 (2) 0 0 4(3) 4 (5) 0 0 (1) 3(1) 5 (rs) 37(15) 57 64(22) 64(22) 62(3) 6 ? (3 ) 65(24) 6s (24) 71(7) 7L(7) 54(4) s4(4) 70(3) 70(3) 55(8) ss(8) (2) 36(2) 36 (20) 104 104(20) 93(2) e3(2) 66(6) 66(6) 6(0) 6 (0) 32(5) s2(s) re(3) 19(3) Lower N. Fk. LowerN. Fk. River Wilson ltlilson River 115 115 (r3) 34(13) 54 22(9) 22(s) 7(4) 7 (4) 12(7) L2(7) 36(13) 56(13) 85G2) 83(12) 104(14) 104( r 4) 100(47) 100(47) 166(36) 166(36) 117(22) rr7 (22) 150(22) lso (22) 163(29) 163(2e) 111(18) 1 1 1( 1 8 ) 110(25) 158(41) 1s8(4r) (2e) 110(29) 11.0 54(13) s4(r3) uo(2s) Total Total 52(1) s2(1) 2s(r) 25(1) 22L(26) 221 {26) 64(15) 64(1s) (r5) 43(13) 45 14(6) 14(6) ( 13) 30(13) 30 230(76) 230Q6) 209(40) zoe(40) 209(18) 20e(18) 208(74) 208(74) 266(47) 223(30) 223(sol 307(27) 307(27) 235(37) zss(37) 190(41) 1e0(41) (60) 301(60) 301 (so) 384(50) 384 (41) 233(41) 253 97(14) e7(r4) 264 (47) 264(47) 101(22) rol(22) O a o o Miles 1.3 1.3 1,7 1.7 0.5 0.5 Fish per per Mile Mile 3.5 3.5 63.1 6 3.1 19.3 18.3 12.3 12.3 4.0 4,9 8.6 8.6 65.7 65.7 59.7 59,7 59.7 5 9,7 59.4 5 9.4 76.0 7 6.A 63.7 63.7 87.7 87,7 67.1 67J 54.3 54.3 86.0 86.0 109.7 109.7 66.6 27.7 27,7 75.4 75,4 28.9 2 8.9 o 26. 26. Spaming Fish Surveys $rweys Nestucea River Spawning PeakCounts Counts on Nestucca Table Table g. Peak , o . Standard Surveys Year o o o o 1950 Sinee 1950 Fall Chinook ChinookSince for Fall for 1950 1950 1 951 1951 1952 1952 1953 1953 1954 1954 1955 1955 1956 1956 1957 1957 1958 1958 t1959 959 1960 1960 1961 1961 L962 1962 r963 1963 1964 1964 1965 1965 1966 1966 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1969 L970 1970 1971 l97L East Beaver Creek Creek t7 17 ls (1) 15(1) 130(9) 130(s) 77 (2) le 19(2) L7(2) 17(2) Moon Creek Creek 33(3) 33(3) 31) TA Niagara Creek Creek s(1) 5(1) 11 11 r37(2) 137(2) 30(s) 30(5) se(3) 59(3) 63G) 63(1) 60(7) 60(7) 34(6) 34(6) 6e(1r) 69(11) s3(s) 53(5) 42(7) 68 (6) 68(6) 48(7) 48(7) 64(2) 32(1) 32 (1) 16(1) 1 6( 1 ) (s) 47(3) 47 27(2) 27(2) 178(12) 178( 12) 10(3) 10(3) 11( 3) 11(3) 21(2) 2t (2) 10( 2) 10(2) L37{s2) 137(52) s7(s) 57(5) 27 27 14s(42) 145(42) t26(27) 126(27) (18) 68 68(18) 66(t2) 66(12) 3s(8) 35(8) 244(17) 244(17) 1se(1e) 159(19) 10e(35) 109(33) (4) 57(4) s7 (0) 4 4(0) 63(4) 63(4) 64(9) 64(s) 1.5 1.S 0.4 0 .4 0.4 0,4 4 7 155 1 42(7) tt 11 104(1s) 104(19) 51(2) sl (2) 36 36 (2s) s7 97(29) 6e(4) 69(4) 47 (8) 47(8) e0(2) 90(2) (8) s3 53(8) 125(2) Lzs(2) 80(7) 80(7) 61(6) 61(6) 43(2) 4s(2) 36(8) 36(8) (8) 47 47(8) 36(1) 3 6( 1 ) Fish per Total Total Mile Mile ss(4) 55(4) 36(1) 36( t) 44s(23) 445(23) 23.9 15.7 1 5 ,? 193.5 193.5 24(31 24(3) 10.4 10.4 4s(s) 45(5) (11) 80(11) 80 2s(2' 25(2) 27t(76) 271(76) (10) 167(10) r67 (1) 126 126(1) 302(78) s02(78) 229(37) ?29(s7) L84(57) 184(37) 20e(1e) 209(19) 130(23) r50(25) 457(2s) 437(25) 287(33) 287(3s) 234(41) 234(4t) 132(7) tsz(7) s6(s) 56(9) 157(15) 1s7(1s) 127(12) r27(r2) o a t r o MiLes Miles 2.3 2"s 19.6 19.6 34.8 54.8 10.9 1 0 ,I 117.8. 117.8. 72,6 72.6 54,8 54.8 131.3 131.3 99.6 99.6 80.0 80.0 90.9 90.9 56.5 s6.5 190.0 190.0 124.8 124.8 L01.7 101.7 57.4 57.4 243 24,3 68.3 68,3 55.2 55.2 o j 27. 27. Table Table 4. Peak Counts Peak Fish Surveys River Spawning Counts on Siletz River Sunreys on Siletz Spawning Fish Chinook Since for Fall Chinook 1952 for Fall Since 1952 o o o o o Standard Surrreys Standard Surveys Year Euchre Creek Creek 1952 r952 1953 1.953 1954 1954 1955 1 955 1956 1956 r1957 957 1958 1 958 1959 1959 1960 1960 1961 1961 1962 L962 1963 1963 1964 1964 1965 1965 1966 1966 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1969 1970 1970 1971 1971 (7) 35(7) 3s 3 3 (r) 4 4(1) 2 2 18(8) 18(8) (7) 37(7) s7 40(12) 40(r2) (1) 23(1) 23 1 6( 1 ) 16(1) 11(1) r1(1.r 20(1) 2 0( 1 ) 28(3) 28(3) 34(13) 34 (15) 29(1) 2e(r) 32(3) 32 (3) 31(6) 31(6) 14(4) 14(4) 16(2) 16(2) 18(2) 18(2) 28(s) 28(5) Miles MiLes 1.0 1 .0 N.Fk. Rock Rock Creek Creek 108 108 13(4) r3 (4) (r) 27(1) 27 (5r) 78(51) 78 33(7) s3(7) 42(6) 42(6) (s) 59(5) se 28 28 (16) 33(16) 53 31(5) 31(s) 18(8) 18( 8) 47(11) 47(tt) 92(26) e2(26) 26(6) 26(6) 33(1) 33( 1) 15(1) 1 s( 1 ) 8(2) 8 (2) (3) 6(3) 6 49(5) 4e(s) e(0) 9(0) Fish Sunshine Sunshine Creek Creek 511 5 17(2) L7(2) 12 t? 1I I8 (2) 51(2) sr 131(12) 13r(12) 37(1) 3 7( L ) 46(21) 46(2r) 63(11) 6 3( 1 1 ) 160(29) r60(2e) 71(8) 71(8) 25(7) 2s(7) 40(8) 40 (8) 42(6) 42(6) 42(3) 42(3) 23(4) 23(4) 10(3) 1o(3) (e) 60(9) 60 (s) 45(5) 45 Per Per Total Total 194(7) re4(7) 33(6) 33(6) 43(2) 43(2) 81(51) 81(s1) (ls) 59(15) se 130(15) 130( 1s) 230(29) 230(2e) (2) 88(2) 88 89(38) 8e(38) 105(17) 10s( r 7) (38) 198(38) 1e8 146(22) 146(22) l151(46) s1(46) 95(15) es(ls) 107(10) 1 0 7( 1 0 ) 88(10) 88 (10) (10) 45(10) 4s 32(8) 32 (8) 127(16) 127(L6) 82(10) 8 2( 1 0 ) S o o o o 0.8 0.8 1.2 1 .2 3.0 3.0 Mile MiLe 64.6 64.6 11.0 11,0 14.3 L4.3 27.0 27.0 19.6 19.6 43.3 43.3 76.6 76,6 29.3 29.3 29.6 29.6 35.0 3 5.0 65.9 65.9 48.6 48.6 50.3 50.3 31.6 31.6 35.6 55,6 29.3 29.3 15.0 15.0 10.7 10.7 42.3 42.3 27.3 27,3 o 28 , 28. Tabl.e 5. Table 5. Fish Surveys fot Peak Counts on Yaquina SpawningFish Sureys for Yaquina River Peak Counts on River Spawning Since 1950 Fall Chinook ChirtookSince 1950 Fall o fr.sn Year Year o a o o r950 1950 1951 1951 1952 1952 1953 1953 1954 1954 1955 1955 1956 1956 1957 1957 1958 1958 1959 1959 1960 1960 1961 1961 1962 1962 1963 1963 1964 1964 r965 1965 1966 1966 L967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1969 1970 1970 1971 r97l Feagles Feagles Creek Creek Grant Grant Creek Creek 32 32 8 e( 1 8 ) 89(18) eI (23) 91(23) 105 105 226(46) 5 5 41(4) 41(4) 24(L) 24(1) 34 34 (1) s6 56(1) 112(46) rr2(46) 15 15 e(s) 9(5) 76(18) 76 (18) 87 (14) 87(14) 4 3(3) 43C3) 27 (L4) 27(14) (3) 34 34(3) 38(10) 38(10) 40(4) 40 (4) (7) 3e 39(7) (e) 35(9) 35 (4) 34(4) 34 34(7) s4(7) 29(9) 38(13) 38(r3) 60 (4) 60(4) 44(11) 4 4( r 1 ) 2s(e) (36) 6e 69(36) (27) e7 97(27) 88(6) 88(6) 74(4) 7 4 (4 ) 31(9) 31(e) s52(1) 2( 1 ) 4 7(1 s) 47(15) 80(13) 80(13) 2s(3) 25(3) 78(34) 78(34) 8 2(l s) 82(15) 4 8(1 3 ) 48(13) 4 1(e) 41(9) 88(20) 88(20) 1 1 s(1 0 ) 115(10) 95(17) es(17) Sinpsoh Simpson Creek 11(1) 1 1( r ) 26 26 71(39) 71(3e) le (r) 19(1) 3 ( 1) 3(1) 36(e) 36(9) 1 1(2) 11(2) 5(2) s(2) 2s(1) 25(1) 1 155 2 1( r 1 ) 21(11) (e) 47 47(9) 63( 34) 63(34) 40(10) 40(10) s0(r3) 50(13) 46(23) 46(23) s6(10) 56(10) ( ls) 41(15) 41 ( e) 47 47(9) 80(8) 80(8) 113(40) rr3(40) 35(9) 3s(e) SaLrnon Salmon Creek Creek Yaquina Yaquina River River : 0 0 3 3 6 6 2s(3) 25(3) 4 4 3(2) 3(2) 2e(2) 29(2) 24 (4) 24(4) e(6) 9(6) 8 8 (8) 16 16(8) 3 3 33(10) 35 (10) 3(2) 3(2) 16(7) 16(7) le (3) 19(3) (5) 16 16(5) 1e(4) 19(4) 12(1) 1 2( 1 ) 10(0) 10(0) 84(22) 84{?2) 28 (5) 28(3) s2(7) 52(7) 31(9) 3r(e) 3(3) 3(3) l4 (3) 14(3) 6 7( 2 ) 67(2) Per Per Total : 4?o(i25) 410(125) 89( 4) 89(4) 158(r3) 158(13) (68) 228(68) 228 36(6) 36(6) 25(0) 2s(o) 26(4) 26(4) (6) 13(6) 13 96( 46) 96(46) r 95( s2) 195(52) 296(25) 296(25) 17f (1r) 171(11) 1r8(48) 118(48) 176(14) 176(14) 193(69) 193(69) 2s7( 46) 237(46) r94(37) 194(37) 176(75) 176(73) 232(4!) 232(41) 144(38) 144(38) (38) 169(38) 169 250( 45) 250(45) 326(59) 326( 59) 197(43) L97(43\ 2.0 2,0 7.5 7,5 l15 5 30(8) 30(8) (r) 35(1) 3s 2e(2) 29(2) 74(re) 74(19) 47(4) 47(4) 14(5) 14(5) 44(s) 44(5) 2 2 o o I Miles fl o o U 2-0 2.0 1.5 1 .5 1.5 1 .5 0.5 0.5 Mi Le Mile 62.7 62.7 11.9 11.9 21.1 21.1 30.4 3Q4 l Z .B 12.8 A6.0 26.0 39.5 39.5 22.e 22.8 15.7 15.7 23.5 23.5 ZS,7 25.7 31.6 St,6 25,9 259 ZS,S 23.5 S0.9 3.9 L9.2 19.2 22,5 22.5 333 35.g 43.5 4 3.5 26.3 26.s o 29. 29. Table 6. 6. Table Peak Peak Counts on Alsea Alsea River River Spauning Spawning Fish Fish Surveys Surveys Since 1952 for for Fall Fall Chinook Chinook Since 1952 o Yeat Year o o o o 1952 1952 1 953 1953 1954 1954 L955 1955 r956 1956 19 5 7 1957 1958 1958 1959 1959 1960 1960 1961 1961 L962 1962 1963 1963 1.964 1964 1965 1965 1966 1966 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1969 1970 1970 1971 L97L Miles [liLes Bwk. Buck. Creek Creek (20) 5e 69(20) 1 1 6 6 24(1e) 24(19) 1 1 33(e) 33(9) Drift Creek. Creek Upper 6ffi 53 53 (2) 38 38(2) (4) 16 16(4) 44(s7) 44(37) Standard Suiè3rs Surveys N.Fk. Lobster Fall Alsea Pall Creek River Creek Creek River Creek Total. Total Fish Per Per Mil,e Mile 18(s) 18(5) 9(5) 20( 7) 20(7) 15(e) 13(9) r48(26) 148(26) 7 6( 1 0 ) 76(10) 74(19) 74(19) L2L(7s) 121(73) le.2 19.2 9.9 9.9 9.6 9.6 ts.7 15.7 5 5 3(2) 3(2) 21(6) 21(6) 15(8) rs(8) e(s) 3(1) 3(1) (1) 2s 25(1) 1r(2) 11(2) 25 25 46 (8) 46(8) 1 3( s ) 13(5) s51(12) 1( 1 2 ) 2s(7) 29(7) (14) 4s 45(14) 62Qa) 62(20) 26(t4) 26(14) 30(12) 30(r2) ls (2) 15(2) (34) 77 77(34) 46 (8) 46(8) 34(17) 34(17) 5 6( 1 7 ) 66(17) 67 (6) 67(6) 7 c{ ? ) 7°(2) 7 3( 3 8 ) 73(38) 71(8) 7 1(B) (13) 4e 49(13) 6 0( 1 2 ) 60(12) 86 (31) 86(31) 58 (4) 38(4) 64(7) 64(7) 4 6( I s ) 46(15) (10) 34 34(10) 71(6) 7r(6) (10) 78 78(10) 41(2) 4t(?) 73(9) 73 (e) 24(1) 24(L) T4 14 2(1) 0. 2s(4) 29(4) 33(10) 33(10) 64(s) 64(5) L23(2s) 123(23) 30(3) LI 42(14) 42(t4) L,)l.t) 1t(Z) 4 4 L2 12 11(3) 11(3) 5 5 (3) 14 14(3) 20(4) 20(4) 22(4) 22(4) 36 (4) 36(4) 8s (11) 85(11) (4) s2 52(4) 23(s) 23(5) 35(5) 5s(s) 84 (4) 84(4) 39(6) 3e(6) 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 - (2) s5(2) ls (8) 19(8) (s) 3s 35(5) 2 t(s) 21(3) 14(1) 1 4( 1 ) (3) 14 14(3) 31 31 22(7) 22(7) 36 (4) 36(4) 2s(s) 29(5) 2(r) - 11(3) 11(3) 2 2 11 11 (6) 10 10(6) 18(s) 18(5) 2e( 13) 29(13) (L2) 4s 45(12) 18( 8) 18(8) 33(5) 35( 5) s2( 8) 32(8) 18( 3) 18(3) o so(J)a ,1 .-. - rss (37) 155(37) - 12r( 5) 121(5) 127(s8) 127(58) I7t (21) 171(21) t27( 4t) 127(41) zt2( 44J 212(44) 184(ss) 184(55) 225(s6) 225(36) 267t47) 267(47) 1s6(36) 156(36) 8e(28) 89(28) 183(27) 183(27) 426(76) 426(76) le8 (53) 198(33) o o o o o Estimated 1/ Estimated A 2.5 2.5 7.7 7.7 - 20.L 20.1 - LS,7 15.7 16.5 16.s 22.2 22.2 l 6.s 16.5 27.6 27.6 23.e 23.9 29.2 29.2 34.7 34.7 20.3 20.3 11.6 1r.6 2s.8 23.8 55.3 ss. s 25.7 zs.7 o 30. 30. Table 7. Table 7. Peak Counts Siuslaw River SpawnlngFish Peak Counts on on Siuslaw River Spawning Surveys for FalL Chinook ChinookSince Since 1952 1952 Surveys for Fall o Year Year o O o o 1952 1952 r953 1953 D]'US Nj.. siusiaw River River B B 15(1) 13(1) Fish Esnond Esmond Creek Creek - - - - :- 1954 1954 1955 1955 1956 1956 19s7 1957 1958 1958 1959 1959 1960 1960 l96L 1961 1962 1962 1963 1963 1964 1964 1965 1965 r966 1966 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1969 1970 1970 1971 1971 4(2) 4(2) 72(r4) 72(14) 7( 1 ) 7(1) (r3) 44 44(13) e(t) 9(1) (r3) 3s 35(13) 14(4) 14(4) (2) 7 7(2) 7 (0) 7(0) 2e(r2) 29(12) 3 (0) 3(0) 7(s) 7(5) s (0) 5(0) 32(1) 32(1) 25(3) 23(3) 28( s) 28(5) ( 1) 41 41(1) 11(3) L7(7) 17(7) ( 10) 31 31(10) (e) 5e 39(9) u(4) 17(4) Miles Miles 0.7 0.7 1.0 1.0 (6) 16 16(6) 13(3) 13(3) 0 0 3s(e) 35(9) 4 4 - - 8 8 4 (?j 4(2) s8(17) 58(17) 17(5) u (s) - u (3) Lake Lake Creek Creek - 2e(10) 29(10) Total Total - - - : - - : - - - - - 2(t) 2(1) 2s(8) 25(8) s8(16) 58(16) 40(s) 40(5) - 48(22) 48(22) 16(4) 16(4) 2e(2) 29(2) 247(ss) 247(35) 39(11) 3s(11) 1 2 2( 1 1 ) 122(11) 141( 3r ) 141(31) 84(32) 84(32) 1e2(s3) 192(53) ssz(16) 332(76) se(10) 59(10) ?3( 4) 23(4) 2e(to) 29(10) ls1 (42) 151(42) 61(10) 61(10) - se(2e) 59(29) s3(18) 93(18) 68(4) 68(4) 3r 4( s1) 314(51) 76(t7) 76(17) 1e8(2s) 198(25) 166(38) 166(38) (4r) ro8 108(41) 230(63) 230(63) 400(e7) 400(97) 7e(14) 79(14) o o o I. o U o Per l.{ile Mile 4,7 0.7 2.4 2.4 9.6 9.6 1 2 ;I 12.1 62.9 62.9 25,4 25.4 - 24.6 24.6 38,7 38.7 28.3 28.3 130.8 130.8 3r.7 31.7 9 2.5 82.5 69.2 69,2 45.0 45.0 95.8 95.8 166.6 166.6 32.9 32.9 o 31. 31. Spawning Fish Peak Counts on Coquille Peak Coquille River River Spawning Fish Since 1952 Chinook Since 1952 Fall Chinook Surveys Surveys for for Fall Tabl.e 8. 8. Table o LN.rK. Year Year o a o a 1952 1952 1.953 1953 1954 1954 1955 1955 t 956 1956 1957 1957 19s8 1958 l9s9 1959 1960 1960 1961 1961 1962 1962 1965 1963 t 964 1964 t1965 965 1966 1966 1967 1967 r.968 1968 1969 1969 L970 1970 1971 1971 Coquille Coquille River River - :- ,.z-a. Sal.mon Salmon Creek - rstrl 14(1) 2 t2(7) 12(7) 1 1(2 ) 11(2) 10(4) 10(4) 0 0 0 0 7 (2) 7(2) 1 3( 1 ) 13(1) 13(6) 13(6) le (s) 19(5) 1 0( 1 ) 10(1) 9(1) e(t) 27(L7) 27(17) 16(s) 16(5) 3e(20) 39(20) 1s(7) 15(7) r0(r) ':t" 10(1) 14(1) - : - cguilre IR. Coguille c C Total Total - - - - - - : t3(2) 13(2) 16(7) 16(7) 7 7 - 24(t4\ 24(14) 1 1 5 3 1 1(2) 11(2) (4e) I40 140(49) 74( le) 74(19) t7 17 20(4) 20(4) 7 (0) 7(0) se(23) 59(23) 22(s) 22(5) 2 2 6 6 0 0 - 0 0 2(1) 2(1) IO 10 1 1 20 20 52 52 4r (4) 41(4) 5 5 .5(1) 5(1) (21 10 10(2) s(0) 5(0) 27(e) 27(9) 33(e) 33(9) (4) L7 17(4) - 10(3) 10(3) 26(L) 26(1) 2s(8) 25(8) 17e(s4) 179(54) 136(20) 136(20) 67(s) 67(5) s2(21) 52(21) 28(6) 28(6) (45) ro8 108(45) 42(t2) 42(12) I o o o fl 0.5 0.3 : - - flo Miles Per Per Mil.e Mile 0 .8 0.8 0 ,5 05 1 .6 1.6 16i9 16.9 20.6 20.6 r:.u 106 - 6.2 6.2 L6,2 16.2 15.6 15.6 11.1. .9 111.9 95.0 85.0 41.9 41.9 32.5 32.5 u.5 17.5 67.5 67.5 26.2 26.2 o o a o o ) a I k o xo Fl 5 {t ,d .q ul fr{ b8 c 3 6 A u) F{ o a 0) (d # o (> trul z OOI o +J(t) co ttr (OJ.ur t) J4O dlE oo ACJ (tl o p cl F ao .r{ Ul ta,-r (l) q{ aaataJaaaa..a \-/ O Flt, \:r\-r $ a\ GlFl ,-\aF\ ttlt l,) rg \-, F{ FtO FtF{ Fl F{ \.J |fl tnf\ el \rJ Gl \./ d\OO € .rf, \J F{ $l (\l t\ $ /^ \-, A t{t tO rn F iv, (\l Fl$l(\l l-r Fl \-, F{ € Fl t{ r{ Fl Fl Ft r-l r-{ t!, Frr^ FlFl c) t\ lr, r\ (\l l\ Fr$lMt O r-,Fl f\ \./ \-/ !+ N Fl lr) dt-l$l \O V Fl l4 ArC)Fl Fl r-a r-t r^,AAr^ rr? !q \-, \'J (\f \., 0Omt F{ \J FlN(\tFl tr.r\-r\-r\r, (\l Fl r|. F{ r.l F-l Fl \-., F,l 6l Fl t{ V Ft l.ll Fltq r*, \,/ Fl r.,,,H r\ \g rn :f Gl O tOFrF $O(3 \-r'\-rrJ iA\gf\ : r'{ F{ Fr rn Fl O Fl l*, O € Fl$l tr, Fl O \r, rnl { fn \./ ,^ArrneFa rv, v v af F \O Ntd6l $) L./ A F \-, <l \r/ \D F \o \o \o $l l\l r{ F,l V, F \O Gl if lndrtf \r, A $ \r' 14 Inl Or I.f' Fl Ar^/F\r-A V)Fr€$lf\ r-./ \r/ lQ,ar^' Fr $ rvt \r/ !,) F{ @ oO'-. I O t4 Or Gl F /r-r FrN L-, \J !n O f\ F € !O € r-{ :f r-i Fr }Q \l AF\ArAr A^n r-rN$F{$lGti+ L/\-r\.J\rrv\J\J +-{ O O € ,^ra t-\ FlGl(rl \r, \-, \,, r-l $l 6 ,^J-F\r-aAra lAt{r}QFrY)Gl \r/\..r\.r\r\J\.r/ FIG|FIF{FlFl Fr C) cf (\t Gl F,l ON ,-! Fl \J Fl v () stsf Fl \-t <ll,ilFGlN)f € l'n \o r\ u't Gt c, \o \o tf @ C) \o N r':l \o to rnt /i r^r tnFt \-J\J $ Fr v rD Gi t !O \r,/ /^Alo.^r- rA \o o F{ \., N$l 9\-/ F{ \t \O \g Ml tn CD c.r r\ Ft t\ v) V) ('t !+ r-. Gl I\ $l O(\l r^ A r-a-i !At')NGlFtta \--, rr/ \./ Lr, t\l Nlq) Er\r, st <) hO (\l(\l tO v N Fr g! F F{ S Fl o ,-rr\O a4 \-, \-, Fl(\l \.Jv CD F d F t\F{ \O l.o (D @ €t{ rO€ NFlsf /^Ar-rl^A^ at)Ff Fr{FlF{ rrr\Jr\-r\./\J\-, Or $l F \O () l')$llQ t\ t-{ iA Fl t\ V\J r\$l <f,(\1 1 '-l Ol \o 6rC.t Fr cprn t{t € Fr 0oot F F* o \0 t) or N Ol O e{if Frrn M)bO gJa a4U() ddo o t l r h (J &. {, I r-^ra /ar^rf F aO ,^A A-id ,-rr-\ts Fl !')r-{ t\l @ N Fl S OOtf \O Fl lO!+ r../ru, UVL, VVvVL/VVV !.l!+ Froto\oo)r\ ln() ogtt\ ($ @ l.) (\llnFr @ O'l tt.)\t\O€'l r-lfa6ldr-at\NF{Fl FrGlMl \O $|.n G| O \O () O Or Or Ot (\l rf Ot Or\ Fatf !+Fl FlSf ta $f $l!QNdgr-Nr-l ,-r^ .arO Ul r+ f,| -{ lLr'\rrV F{ Fltt) Fr C)C) Flt')t)F{ rlo.E \./ 3 J. rr+ro tru,q) o0' z9 & J4 r+.1 o) Fl tI{ .o 2= @ +r5 o3 Olt.)tQ CDC)f\\OOdlt)ttlOOrtA\Oqf€l \gFa(\F{ lr1€FiN Nlifn')r+r')c\lr-l OE E # . trJ4 EOO dl +, c) :trFlk .d c, *4 c'l 'r4(l} 3(D. 3ll ${ O E,QZ .r.{ J( tro oq) F|tr u(J l.t TJ J< 3o) o() (J r-l OO ig \J r-l (3 Fl C) !o c) F C)r-{ !.J\r' lf N Ol t-t Fr }Q \ N-l t\ r-, A N ,n r^ FIFI() \./ \,, € N v) IAA OO v \l tf () Fl Ol t\ F{ Ft c'l c) \0 r\ ('r gl Ft Fl in () (} In v, o E .r.l 32. d Fl ro (}r s) q) R 'ts o a o s 'ns E r0 .$ F I P B (5 Sr s o tD p d Q Ft 's {s E- \aJ) t0 +! )r hr .i8 $F 3.ts S, i" Estimated, 6.7 1.0 0.5 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 Miles 5 o i-'r Gl !o t{. ul \o F 6 ot c' Ft Gt t{l qt |tt \o t\oo Itt rn ra rrl m rn ln rn rn rn \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \ao gr Or Or Or Ctr Or Or O| gr Or Or gr O) Or Or Ol gl OrOt F{ 1/ Surveys made by Oregon Game Commission since 2958. 10(0) 28(1) 7(0) 17(4) 65(6) 71(3) 10(0) 7(0) 12(0) 39(1) 22(1) 2/ 4(0) 3(0) 28 49(7) 34 16 17.0 22.7 37.5 24(5) 17(0) 26(1) 5 18(1) 5 34(13) 30 5(4) 12(1) 17 7(1) 13(3) 1 34(4) 12(0) 70(0) 1971 14 48(1) 56(2) 24(2) 18(1) 4 56 80 7 20 24 2(1) 6 26 16 2 4(1) 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 o o o 11 8(1) 15(2) 48(4) 17(1) 17(2) 38(2) 43(4) 10(1) 10(2) 8(2) 10 3(1) 19(2) 11(3) 28(3) 12(3) 12(1) 18(3) 18(2) 11 2 29 10 8 114(10) 152(7) 251(6) 21.9 18.2 18(3) 41(1) 57(8) 16(2) 52(7) 4 54(1) 5(1) 8 23(1) 2 9 1 42.3 58.8 6.1 20.8 20.9 39.7 29.7 19.0 42.6 36 45(4) 0 28 60(2) 106 6(1) 44 38(13) 70(4) 26(3) 32 75(5) 86(3) 33(2) 45(1) 1 5 39(3) 22(1) 37(7) 6(1) 20(1) 9(1) 27 11(1) 7(2) 9 7 8 27 24 0 4 12 27 71 63(5) 15(1) 45(3) 36(2) 93(2) 45 9(1) 29(3) 27(3) 20(2) 12(2) 23(1) 35(3) 24(3) 20 7(2) 8(3) 1951 Creek Creek 3 191 8 55(3) 76(3) Ham- Cronin 6(1) 30 36 11 8 1950 14 8.8 17,5 10 5(1) 12 24(1) 27(3) 29(3) 40(3) Creek 4 Creek Creek No. 2 2/ Creek Year 8(1) 0 1969 1970 16,6 44.9 45.2 Total Creek U 1 Mile Creek 111(4) 301(20) 303(15) 128(4) 59(8) 117(4) 283(6) 394(11) 41(3) 139(4) 140(37) 266(14) 199(27) 127(8) 285(20) 230(11) 147(11) 122(7) 7 North- 0 Fish Per Oak Ranch west Wolf Cow Surveys Standard N.Fk. West Humbug ilton Fishhawk N.Pk. Surveys for Spawning Fish Peak Counts on Nehaleui River Coho Since 1950 Table 9 o 35. 33" Table Table 10. 10, Peak Counts Wilson River River Spawning Flsh Surveys on Wilson $rnreys Peak Counts on SpawningFish for Coho Coho Since Since 1950 for 1950 o Standard Surveys Cedar Cedar Year I o . o a 1950 1950 1 95t 1951 1952 1952 1 955 1953 1954 1954 1955 1955 1956 1956 1 957 1957 1958 1958 1959 1959 1960 1960 l196]. 96l 1 962 1962 1963 1963 1964 1964 1965 1965 1966 1966 19167 1967 1968 1968 1969 1969 r.970 1970 1 971 1971 Cieek Ceek 27 27 1 1 8(8 ) 118(8) 7s(3) 75(3) (3) 4e 49(3) (3) 14 14(3) 27 27 18(1) 1 8(r) 9 9 8 8 26 26 38(4) 38(4) 7 7(7 ) 77(7) (4) 88 88(4) 45(4) 4s (4) 47 47(1) fr) s l(7) 51(7) 1 1( 1 ) 11(1) t22(8) 122(8) (4) 54(4) s4 42(7) 42(7) 116(8) 1 1 6(8 ) 71(2) 7 L(2) ueviis haKe orx l{ilson River Wilson River Lower Upper Upper 4 4 8 8 le (4) 19(4) 16(2) 16(2) 7 7 I 9 3 (1) 3(1) 47 47 l0 10 6 622 (3) 63 63(3) (4) 66 66(4) 44(6) 44(6) 49 49 (2) s6 56(2) 2 2 r5 15 12(1) 1 2( 1 ) 10 10 20(4) 20(4) 60 60 26(2) 26(2) 5 5 6 6 I 0 0 1 2(r) 2(1) 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4(1) 4(t) 14(2) 14(2) 13(1) r3(r) L7 17 3e(s) 39(5) 6 20 70 1 8( 1 ) 18(1) l14 4 22 l1]. 1 22(s) 22(3) 1'.LU Total Total 36 36 r32(8) 132(8) es(7) 95(7) (s) 6s 65(5) 23(4J 23(4) 38(o) 38(0) 21(2) 2L(2) s6(0) 56(0) r8 (0) 18(0) 88(0) 88(o) 10s(8) 105(8) 157(13) rs7(15) 145(11) 14s(rr) 111( 4) 111(4) t42(8' 142(8) se(7) 59(7) 46(1) 4 6( 1 ) rs2(10) 152(10) 78(4) 7B(4) 64(11) 6 4( 1 1 ) 1 8 7( 8 ) 187(8) 119(7) 1 1 e( 7 ) c t t Itliles Miles o O 2,9 2.9 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 3.4 3 .4 Per Mile Mile 10.6 10.6 38.8 38.8 27,9 27.9 1 9.1 19.1 6.8 6.8 Il.2 11.2 6.2 6.2 16.5 16.5 5.5 5.3 25.9 25.9 30.9 30.9 46,2 46,2 42,6 42.6 32,6 32.6 4 1. 8 41.8 17.4 17.4 13.5 13.5 44.7 44.7 22.9 22.9 18.8 18.8 55.0 55.0 35.0 35.0 a o o o o o U| x o t{ 5 U) u, B. b,0 tr g F ql (}l t1 U) o & d o (, +Jo |a rt) ool 2Fr oo HO) V).d tr +t u, 5C) o .li ()O IJ oo cd t{ rl4 Aqi a; '(t 'i ($ .If g GI +J (,J Lc lUl ol $.t '-ll st \O O @ N \O \O O (\t e O c) \O e oO @ \O C) c! GtoOGl aaaa.t rJ) !? rn F\ 9t bO Ot t4 O! F{ Or O} Ft 6t !r} CO € Fr O }aF{!4 Fl \O rt'l r-a Ft .-{ F{ Ft Fl d (\l Vi Of C.t Of trf 6i; -l ['*l 'l F\ F\ /-r /-a,-rA A F\ ^ -. ^ 3 ^ e fr' A a e fr ,-.R^, ,-A drl \./ !, ,^a$lr-{ tEr' i*, F{ r{ Fr Fl lr/ Fl Ft dGl \., iJ Fl Fl F{ t* tr} f{ t.-, (\l Fl \O .a rr? ('r Ot \O OlGl ,-\rr{Gl \J \,, dH;FlFtFt n r^ Fl, F,t \_rv \O tO rS sf () Fr Fr \O t4 Fr$ fi !.1 (\l C$ sf 6^^^ Ft t t sf ,{ v\JvvrJr.;s..r vl \O rn Fr (\t \O Fr ; ,q,r^-!Arr+ Fl F{ v v v r-l fn \O \J:/\Jr./iJ i-f fn t-l (\l !4Ot (\lFl t!€!/) t\l F{ $ ,-ArFt r{O n!.f,/ !n l! ra q_\ Or c) +-{ !A \O O ttr 6 oO F G! \O tO |J1 C) !e ro,-l C\ lQ St !q t+ € F. Fr .-{ (\| d rO e.t }4 <f 6 rO -irn r-r-,a' F{ *f rr./\./V .--l_ r-a- p.!O.f-.$-.€.-r.ur.Ot,-r\_n-.Ot-F_V.l -t c\i N c{t-r ii c.ris' rJ V V \-, V 9, \./tg iv, V V \-/ ru, V grUAj V Vt f-r r_r V \O e @ t', 9 rn |J) qr (D O Or sf !A rO Ft \gor\!) F O rn O) gr F- i l_- cO \O rf \D \t rn -t Or rn -r rO + + 6 O ;56 tAN s-l dol E0 (l)l ,- {\-, q! n \O f-t O \C, tQ Fr N ^ !'{ \J Fl 6 l! \ rQ Or Or \O u) O |ar+ N:, lil. r{ r-l sEl O Ft ss|d I ,rl ttlol hl -Fl_ (\ (\l 4 t\l Ff tt d ,-aaar-\ -l N \J\-r\-/ !-{. r-r e{ ta nt r-l H Ft () Ft r-{ !-tr!/ rn $ J^/-r,^n _tq }O C-l ln rJr..rizvi.a.: tq \O sl t\ d Ft r.l,{ FrA^^Afr^^rFl r').rf_ F !A - t\ F.rt .€.\O !-1 iy \J \-/ \\r, \,/ !r' r.y vg i; iJ !O Fr \O S t{) f- () -! Ot !+ F{O!Gl Ft Ft Gl Gl tf, (\f rr -r \O rn il r{ A.-.^^,A^^Ar1 y'l.lJ.!.'tr F l4 -l rr/ \./ \J \-, \-, \J Or \9 O F Ff i+ |J) A/-Fr !-1. Fvr*r\J irl rn $ il Ft Ft .-f ,-f r-rA (\t !e l Ot\OFt rf ; Ar-J-{ F\-O vw tr) <f fO <rf *{ ;;i F{('tO lrle.l \O; g/L/ 39(6) 20(1) d 3.2 21.8 13.2 12 3 1 ool ::l ""1 39(2) 13(3) 16(3) 14(2) 17(5) 19(2) 6(3) o 116 3 4 o o p rd E{ t{ rDl ql ol Okl F{ 5(1) 1'lSfl -"1 ,-i 2 0 q { !! }?:t r,) \o }- oo or Q-r Gt r{) st tn \o t\a orc),_{ Ln rn tJ) 14 rn l.f) rn u'r u? gt \O \O \O g rO G \O b \O 6 F r* or or g) or gr ot cl or cD or <tr trr q, 6 6 d 6 dro, 6b,b, Fl Fa Fl .{ Fa Fl F{ $l 11(1) 11(2) 5(1) e rn rq. 5,0 € o 0.4 22,0 33,8 28.8 28.6 21.0 20,2 15(1) 19(2) 9 16 13 1 v, 0.8 4(1) 16(2) 18(8) 23(6) 7(1) 20(7) 31(3) 29(15) 14(7) 11(1) 9(4) 5(1) 24(7) 13(0) 14 a e 1.5 3 25 132 21 rJ.l 0.8 10 28(1) 13(2) 19(1) 16(2) 15(1) 10 13 20 4 13(2) 9 9 21(4) 0 6 11(1) 13(1) 16(1) 131 16 25(1) 32 49(1) 40 4(1) 14(1) 10 13(1) 16(3) 25(4) 61(16) 36(4) 33(2) 21(4) 24 38(1) 28(1) 37(4) 42(1) 56(5) 63(6) 15(1) 50(5) 3(1) 5(1) 1(0) 18 33 62 19(5) 46(5) 50(4) 7(1) 16(3) 5(1) 4(1) 23(5) 11(4) 6 5(1) 45(1) 22(1) 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 gt 1.5 E .r{ () Miles 15.4 63.6 55.0 17.8 19.2 13.6 9.6 13.0 9,2 11.0 9.0 19.0 77(6) 318(6) 275(7) 89(2) 96(8) 68(1) 48(5) 65(9) 46(7) 55(1) 45(9) 95(11) 58(5) 110(19) 169(25) 144(26) 143(20) 105(10) 101(12) 16(2) 109(17) 66(4) 47(1) 13(1) Per Mile Total Year o o o St Niagara Creek Moon Creek Upper East Creek Clear Creek Bear Creek Peak Counts on Nestucca River Spawning Fish Surveys for Coho Since 1950 Table 1]. 0 34, o o c t4 t o t{ 5 v) t tr r& b0 g 7 cd g a tl o &, d tr 50 cf ul .r{ (tlOl >i Ff trc) oo in.d +, (a tr 50 os \l Leo lt,l t{F{ l.r{ O ,F{ Ir!oE I I lr l* lo I I | | I trtr .'{O 5> g.F{ g I s* "l il I tl nt gl hl OJl Ul q) p{() $t t.5 I n cl xl I | I I I I I ,* Eo F{ Ft N el Gl ^ r-t r+ r*, \r, F Ol ,^r-r-A, 11) O O F{ <f, Ft ttl t{) 19/ v, \-r\-r C;r 1p rl r-l c.) r\ ocl Fl a^ !O (\l Ft F () r+ io \-r\., cl\O o ol(\l O !.) r!, \O aq} (\t lQ S (rl rr) <6 <t rn /AFrA,-rA Fl €tl C> It (\l (\l Fl Fl ri/ vL, \, () f\F tl F{ rD gre F{ jFr \|) F \O -t!O -r(3 ,6 1-rr4ar{ Frsl(\lFrF{F{\trr{<'Fl Fr{Gl=f vv\JvvvvrurvurvL/vv (\il !AOl tOt\| \O F- (\t Or € (\l'-a ooFlrn f* I')Fl :f 6 \O \O N F Fl Fl r-l (\l $l Ft ,Ar F\/Ar^-rAA/-N r.a \C N r-t Fl ltl r-t d \T\/VU\/VV\J\Jgrgr\-rv or @ 6 (\l !o gt r{ t\t (\t r-,1 tl Ft ,^ /t !a rO g\./ t, r') Orf\ .<f lct FF{ F{ \f F * \O NCD il oO F{ Orn € \g rn N Ol F{ N CO (\C? $tl') t' |n Ot Gl aot') !,) \O Or F* rD + .<r d 6\3.'ltEln Fl Fl (rl sl Fa C-,1Fr \g !A rtf tn ra rt? (rl lfifFr r-{ ,-l^A nnar^6r l{, Li !q € Gl F,l F{ g \drv \-, vv \f Or r-r € |\rn F{ ()bA F{ oo 6l r+ la Ot F{ r.J |J? Or \o sf ia(\t Fr \o rnrn [n |r) t ./ ^ er .-t V |J) C) tn r-t Gl\lFr urtr/v \O Ou.) rA O)i+ Fl Frrll tO i \JVV t\ I r-{ tn (\t \,-, tt} \:' AAA F \f {/ \./ !4 9 ,-\r-(\l O, tt) t} t*, '-l \.J N <f o s Ul) F{ AOI ^FaA Gt Ft f\ -f \o N /Arr-rrA lt) F{ rf \-, \-,, \i ltl olrn Fl Fl Ft r-{ Fl Fl r-{ t{ ,aC) Gf F{ !/ \J Fl r-rAAAr-{^AF\ Gl rtf Or (\l r*' \r' \./ \'' ,tA/^r^!^/Ar_1 F{ t-l C-t $l t*, r!, \.,/ \-t Fl t{ Fl Fl U.l t*/ Fl !O Mt \-t\r' }A rtf V\-, Fl F{ .-rA lO trr' tO v, F{ \-, t,f !, lFrr^Ar^Fr Wf ts t\l \U, \.J Fl F{ t-l (\ d r!, \O }r1 cf, (\l el \o r,o () i+ r-. L1 !f, Fl ${ lrt N -rC ,^4 vlAv 9Gl !o rS Fl F{ t-l ta v, \O ./l sf <f rrf Ol (> 6 (\t f\ () O rn oO \O Or O) (\l O r+ F Fl 14 ttt '-a $l (\l tf Gl F{ N $l :l Fr FIO td'h Ft \J ,i-\ (3 \-, l^Ar^A t'{ Fl g, \J -1 Fl \./ fQ \J Fl AA r-1. e i../ \./ Fl \-, tl Ft V Fl rn o 1,5 o a t o (Jo L' J4 ctl s{ oo A+l 58.2 Gr u).-,t rO (\f e !t Ot Fr N Or lr? () \p t\ rn N rn O oO oO \O ^l (\| !4rr?.{ Mt !f) t"/? rn !4(\l N (\| M} F{ (\l r+ Fa r{Ff F : o(l) al t{ l'{ l,* I I I I" I Fl 5.6 2.0 434 28(1) 26(0) 9 r.- Ot r/l \O Qi Lt, !4 c| r-{ tJ|l rt a\ tt) \O F.l :f F.l {> t-r c{ !n qf lAC{(\ttQFlFr(\l FlFa t4 Fl N AA Ft !4 tu, \, 8 12(3) 8(1) 4 7(0) 11(1) 12(2) 19(10) 35(2) 30(5) 56(9) 57(2) 35(3) 27(3) 25(3) 20(3) 5(2) 15(2) 7(1) 3(1) 46(5) 31(5) 24(3) 21(3) 37(7) 11(2) 12(1) 25(1) € o} o Fl o F{ (\ M| !f in \o r- o ('t c) d (\l !a -f r') \or\ rn rn ro u) u.l u1 lD to rn lo \o \0 \o \o \o \o \El \o \o \0 r\ F ('r o 0! c't or o) 01 ('t ctt gr or ctr or or or o) ol or or o o: o) !t 11 3 0 11 "; c) s d t. bo.d ctlt I I gt I I 2 Fish oF" I lr& h o 10(1) 15(3) o o o 5 6 135(3) 51 15(1) 32(1) 10(1) 24(3) 49 ra 0.5 5.2 15.5 Creek 4 27 9 1.5 263 376(18) 201(30) 151(31) 306(30) 290(47) 326(30) 150(29) 197(20) 87(15) 243(11) 326(12) Creek 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 rn tt) () r{ 0.1 lO(43) 79(6) 117 46(7) 87(1) 62(2fl 269(4) 128(11) 72(4) 171(20) 153(16) 212(17) 82(16) 113(4) 59(13) 154(4) 251(10) Trib. 42(5) 13(0) E ,d Miles 35 4 9 9(3) 28(6) 8(2) 12(1) 3(1) 9(5) 11(1) 42(12) 26(2) 42(19) 54(7) 10(4) 19(5) 30(4) 58(7) 12(3) 27 20(9) 48(5) 25(12) 18(5) 6(1) 29(4) Grant S 43(3) 5(1) 5 0 65 11.6 80.2 23.9 5.2 19,8 12.1 28.0 45.5 13.8 26.6 19,5 67.2 35.9 34.1 54.7 51.8 58.2 449(19) 134(5) 29(3) 111(8) 68(2) 157(19) 255(13) 77(12) 149(4) 14(3) 4(2) 25(3) Total River Creek 36(2) 190(4) 45(1) 6 17(3) 54(14) 15(1) 43 Per Mile Yaquina Simpson Salmon Feagles Year Peak Counts on Yaquina River Spawning Fish Surveys for Coho Since 1950 Table 12. S S S S S S S S 55. U, a o t{ c) o. tr o v, o o Fr , a ,c u, o0 ll tr .r{ 3 d 3 h *l c) .|.t n € o rt :t Ot t\ ..! 09 q.lGt F{ rO $Ff 14 F{ F $l C) () €OlO O O F{ CD rt) Ft (\ (\f tA\A !.r!+ \O F-\O \' tf t.r) C) e.t oo trt F ta }.)$ aQ F{ Gt $t \t AAA -FrO Fr FA-r.AO r^AF,t O tt} n rn .J2 O) !Q Or Fr d vF_!{ vvv vv\jrv urv\,r\_, Gl af Fl A tn v iFrt^A OlNqf \JEr\J FlFi(\d Ft \r' Fl Gl A \ON \.rv O r< rf, O st Or \O Ot - N Gl (\ N ,-{ !4 ,^n A tO C) t\t Ft O \O N a.t Ft tO \F N !6 (\t v\-/\J v\J\J\J t') F{ FlF{GlFr(rl}r)F{(\tr{F{ -\r-\aAr t\lt\€ \JvV rq ri 6^^^ dOr0O\Ot4 VV\rrV \O tJrf fO S -. v n € C.l Sl t\ € (\l r.r'rJ\./ -!r-rA (\l}OO VrV\l r.1 lO $ F Ft rf ,-t (\t c) rar^r \-rg/ F{ 0O \f, rJ) (\t (tl $t o t\ ttl rn !4 =t \o F{ AF\-r-r^ l- l-/-rAr $F{F vvt|.J F{ \o \o F o or o oi \o \o <. rn \0 \o or -ar-l .c Ft rn d At\ tur\rv\Jv\./lr-/\.J\-, (\t (\t sf f4 \D r\ o f\ FlGl qo @ ot t\t \o rt € !+ o ot F Ft Fa 6 rt $ 14 € (\ ltl S Fl Lf, i.) Fl Ft Fl Fr \O (\ tc) !4 !O aO -t r^,-r*rr-r-t drQsf \J\/igrE/v rn rn cD ut r'l u'l o (\l \-/ \O OO GO ba F \JlJ Fr !.) }O !O \O Sf Ft <l r.J <r \o sf tn o F{ € 99 ('r l,') I :+ {f .S m r'} 14 c) t4 :f oO !+ @ rO 6 F{ rn rn q T! \O Or f\ rO tl ".r \O af r-t $ Ft O (\| rO Fr ll !4 rf \O - ; \O (\l ,-FiAA a'l$qf.-{ vvvv sf o \o I Fl -a-r,^r S \o sr $ tt I') n. !4_ F \/UV t ,^r-r-/-A lt-tf_sf_!4F{ vvvvv 19 Fl Fl \.r' Ft Fl \-, r-{ Fl (\ /-r !a \,, r-a Fl F{ \., A,^AAAC^Gr-,-,arr^A r<rn\O!f!tFtsf Ftt{f v\-r\./v\.r'\-rrrJ\-/\J\./Lr\r'\_/ Fl L, \J Ft \_' t\l Fl V t\l v .az,\raSrr,^.F i-r!., lOFrt+tOd t{ r-l r{ Fl r{ r-l !l' i*' F{ t\l d ,l,t 6tF{ vv c) t\ Ft Gt !4r.lF{O \r.J [n \J N \,' (\t -r^r-!r^Aa F@tOC\f F{ Fl Fl \./ i-a rtl ba (3 (} F{ o o O \.J OFa \-r' r-l Fl Ul rn \o l\t\ o t4 F{ 14 0r <f <, \t rq o ut ln e \r. t\ F $l$l FaFrJ)Hrf$lrf Frrn6QFrF(\tsfGlta,{Ftt) t-l .r{ t*, ar^rn MtF{Gl 5.1 o Fr (\l M) s rn \c) D- co ol o Fr c! to i+ rn \o F 6 cD c|+-,1 r.tf rJ) rJ) 1', ut !? Ln ut |', r,) \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o t\ ti 0r or or ol or or or or or (}| ol gr or or ot clr c') clt ot or ctror tt rf, \o 6t lt) € rf oo () N Fr or F \o fa 6r c) \o ur rrf rr? r\ s I,) (\l \O 14 a o R a h o 'lEI o ttt o k x *{ c) h 0) g 6(2) 16(3) 9(0) 15(2) 82(0) 10(2) 27(1) c, d (l)0 l^ rtl dOt <r{ trq) oo Ul..{ .P tn o.q tr po CJO LJ )4 d*{ (l)o tr l+{ tt) (D 25 17 1.3 42.0 29.0 26.1 9.4 12.0 32.4 4 1.0 310 60(18) 59(9) 36(8) 46(6) 24(3) 19(1) 17(5) 26(6) 13(4) 22(4) 40(12) 26(4) 55(16) 24(3) 25(3) 7(3) 8(1) 15(0) t o o GI t- 6 35 1 9(1) 4(3) 14(3) 54(10) 33(4) 10(3) 75(17) 25 40(7) 24(8) 37(5) 17(2) 12(0) 32(1) € h c) E Ei cl 8 1,0 E c) Miles o o t{ r! c, F 23(5) Total a 6 1.0 36(2) 17(7) 30(8) 75(4) 50(12) 72(5) 24(1) 73(5) 116(3) 37(4) 40(6) 30(1) 34(4) 33(1) 46(7) 29 44(1) 65 89(12) 85(3) 14(1) 18 20(6) 12(2) 3 0,8 11.4 58.4 42.9 12.7 37.3 34.1 45.7 30.2 12,0 28.0 22.6 47,7 21.6 39.8 63.5 58(10) 298(11) 219(17) 65(5) 190(5) 174(9) 233(30) 154(9) 61(1) 143(11) 115(30) 243(33) 110(10) 203(32) 324(41) 158(20) 214(36) 148(22) 133(8) 48(7) 61(8) 165(2) 62 \ o Standard Surveys Fish Per Mile Wilson Creek Lobster Creek 10(1) 46(4) 46(4) 14(1) 36 34(9) 65(7) 40(4) 4(1) 56(3) 44(1) 14 23(5) 58(4) 49(4) 12(3) 56(1) 34 18(2) 14 10 9(1) 17(3) 61(4) 21(1) 38(2) 34 57(3) 17(1) 40(2) 23 41(3) Peak Counts on Alsea River Spawning Fish Surveys for Coho Since 1950 Table 13. Horse Creek Cherry Creek Bummer Creek Year 15(3) 76 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 S S S I- 36. 0' o 37. 37. Table 14. Table t+. o . o o o C o SPaming Creek Spawning Beavet Creek on Beaver Peak Counts Counts on Peak 1950 Since 1950 CohoSince for Coho Fish Surveys $rweys for Fish Standard Surveys Year Year N. F-k. N. Plc. Beaver Beaver Creek 1950 1950 1951 1951 19s2 1952 1953 1953 1954 1954 1955 1955 1956 1956 1957 1957 t1958 958 1959 1959 1960 1960 1961 1961 1962 1962 1963 1963 1964 1964 1965 1965 1966 1966 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1969 1970 1970 1971 1971 t2(2) 12(2) 179 179 47 (4) 47(4) 1 1( 2 ) 11(2) Miles 11 11 24 24 24(4) 24(4) s2(2) 52(2) (2) ls 15(2) 32(t) 32(1) 2s(4) 29(4) 23(s) 23(5) (3) 37 37(3) N. Fk. S. Plc. of of of of FK. N . Fk. N. Beaver Beaver Creekk FK. N.. Pk. N Beaver Creek s (2) 5(2) 80 (8) 80(8) 2s(4) 25(4) 2 2 (3) 13 13(3) (3) 20 20(3) 18(4) 18(4) 22(3) 22(3) 0 0 J 5 0 0 s (1) 5(1) (1) e 9(1) L7(4) 17(4) 1 l s( r 1 J 115(11) 20(1) 20(1) e (2) 9(2) 13(3) 13(3) 8(2) 8(2) 27(t) 27(1) 32(2) 32(2) e (1) 9(1) 6 6 1 1 2t(4) 21(4) 20 (5) 20(3) ls (4) 15(4) 2s(10) 25(10) 20(o) 20(0) 26(s) 26(5) 40 (1) 40(1) ls (s) 15(5) (3) 39(3) 3e 17(3) 17(3) 46(s) 46(5) 1 8( 1 1 ) 18(11) 17(s) 17(5) 25(5) 42(tr) 42(11) 14(s) 14(5) 2L(r) 21(1) 6(2) 6(2) 15(2) 4s (5) 45(3) t2 12 rs(2) 6 6 e (5) 9(3) s (0) 5(0) s2(3) 52(3) t12(1) 2(r) 3(0) 3 (0) 1.0 1.0 0 .5 0.5 2s(s) 18 18 2 2 Fish Fish TotaL Total 14.8 14.8 34( 8) 34(8) L62.6 374(19) 162.6 374(19) 40.0 40.0 92(9) 92(9) 9.6 9.6 22( 4' 22(4) 16.1 16.1 37( 6) 37(6) 22.6 22.6 5 2( 5 ) 52(5) 30.0 30.0 69(9) 69(9) 46.1 46.1 1 06(7) 106(7) 10.4 10.4 24( 3) 24(3) t8.7 18.7 43(1) 43(1) l3.o 13.0 30(4) 30(4) 21.3 21.3 49( 10) 49(10) (7) 28.7 287 66 66(7) 25,2 25.2 58( 25) 58(25) (8) 3s.7 35.7 82 82(8) 27.4 27.4 63( 10) 63(10) 43.s 1 0 0 ( 1 2 ) 43.5 100(12) 13.5 1 3.5 31(10) 5 1( 1 0 ) (4) 28.7 28.7 66 66(4) 13.9 13.9 32(8) 32( 8) 28.7 28.7 66(7) 66(7) 67(4) 67(4) o o L4 o c 0.8 0.8 per per Mil Mile 2.3 2.3 ze.L 29.1 o 38. 38. Tab1e Table 15. 15. Standard takes Standard on Tenmile Tennile Lakes Peak Counts on Peak Cormts I'950 for Coho Coho Sinee Since 1950 Sunreys for Fish Surveys Spawning Spawning Fish o Fish Year Year o o o ) 1950 1950 1951. 1951 1952 1952 1953 1953 1954 1954 1955 1955 19S6 1956 1957 1957 1958 1958 1959 1959 1960 1960 1961 1961 1962 1962 1963 1963 1964 1964 1965 1965 1966 1966 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1969 1970 1970 1971 t97L Creek Hatchery Hatchery Creek left Left Fork Fotk 7e(2s) 79(25) 279 279 315(52) 31s(52) 126(61) 1 2 6(6 1 ) (71) 166 166(71) 341(144) 341(144) 3 8 4 (1 76) 384(176) 248(77) 248 (77) 110(58) 1 1 0(s8 ) 81(32) 8t ts2) r21(83) 121(83) 173(72) r73(72) 162(73) r62(73) r8s(1s1) 185(151) 87(47) 87(47) (48) 7e 79(48) es(3e) 95(39) s3(27) 53(27) s2(22) 32(22) 83(s4) 83(54) 241(111) 2 4 r$ 1 r ) 46(6) 46 (6) Right Fork Fork Right Creek Hatchery Hatcher Creek Total 37(11) 3 7( 1 r ) 6e(38) 69(38) 79(27) 7e(27) 10(2) 1o(2) 42(18) 42(18) 74(28) 74(28) 72(13) 72(t3) 62(20) 62(20) 26(18) 26(18) (6) 10(6) 10 1 3( 1 1 ) 13(11) 6 (5) 6(3) 13( 4) 13(4) 4(1) 4(l) r27 (67) 127(67) 80(37) 80(37) 49(21) 4s(21) 32(23) 32(23) 14(6) 14(6) 23(11) 23(11) 65(23) 6s(23) 116(36) 116(36) 348 348 394(79) 3e4(7e) (63) 136 136(63) 208(89) 208(89) 415(172) 4Ls(L72) 456(189) 4s6(r8e) 11(2) 1 r( 2 ) s7(8) 57(8) (e7) 310 310(97) 136(76) 136(76) 91(38) el (58) r54 (e4) 134(94) 17e(7s) 179(75) r7s(77) 175(77) 189(152) 189(1.s2) 214(114) 214( 114) (8s) 1s9 159(85) 144(60) 144(60) 85(50) 8s(s0) 46(28) 46(28) 106(65) 106(6s) 306(134) 306{134) o o a Miles o IE O 0.7 0 .7 0.1 0.I 0.8 0.8 per per Mile Mile 145.0 145.0 455.0 435.0 492,5 492.5 170.0 170.0 2 60.0 260.0 513.7 5 70.0 S70.0 387.5 587.5 170.0 1 70.0 t13.7 113.7 t67.5 167.5 22' .7 2 ?.3,.7 218.7 218.7 236.2 236.2 267,5 267.5 1P.7 193.7 180.0 180.0 1fl6.2 7.o6.2 57.5 57.5 132.5 132,5 382.5 382,5 71.2 7t.2 o o bl c c 3 r0 g u1u,bt1dS EO 14 FrFr .r{ O.rl E" AE [88 S1 9S5Z 06ZZ 1LL1 LS8 910Z L181 S'91 088 i.ti ov q 698Z I rgp (1'sI'I)LoI' (L'1)3V' ^3' ]G F{9 !Oa.f t/lrrprO\O\Of\rnF Fia^l^Fr r FaNNGI^lFlFr'- rrt\O6 d .\51 Eg!iei I (\ XotlI raulsl (\|Oc) i (st')L9 Gl (O2I'I)1I9'8 (sz6'z)666's (99c)166'9 (s'i)i' (s6i'z)60' (sLs'T)916' (11)1.s i., (9t'z)oso'P (P99'1)1L'P (soo'z)588'1' (s56)96L'Z (o)sos'i (o9t)&1Z I (ss)9L (ci)zi t) (s)ts $ F a CtLt)zr (519't)P86'9 \c' Or g$g !A Ft vvvv A!i' F,t rr,' 1/)(\l C\f !a (sI')oL (iz)9 (oz)9 (t)zot tf VVV f\ s'^ln Fl e'ri Gl 61 c\l l.) F. St,r{- Fr-\A^- rf O Ol |4 O € r.{ !t) U\-r\./ (9)Zc \O rt /-itA !4 ^rn <. tf, \O tt} tt € !' (Ip)191 (LI)o (86)I8z (oL)vsz (Lz)1'9 (L)ss (s)1s \-, \i \r, - CE)ts (6)s v A t\l F,^t4 t\ N \f O) N ru, v (zz)91' (o)Pt' (L1')sz. (iicz !l@ t O s ,^ ra Sf E I qf o) r\ GI !o \o (st)osi A ltr Fl \r-J v r+ (Lz)ssl Fl (179)fr8 9 I. (' € Or oO (81)91' !\I-Fr- \-/ !Cr- v-(\l. rr-\-, (Z)L (o;8)696' (L)Lss (iz)oci' (6'I)8vs'c S S Aqdxn )(GG.t uosuqo (9z)Li (66)I'ff (zo'I)t'1z'1' (zz)161 (st)s91 (ts9)zoI'E (ii)iit (oI')91'I (z81)09s tZOL)rI1"1 (Ss1)fl (1sI)6c'1 (soi)osz (sLcisio'I (zl')frsz (Lts)Loo'z (88I)i'1' (Lzz)oL (88O1)8L8h1 (69)96s't (sLz)vz9 (6sz)o6P (i'a)st'c'i (81z)959 (61')z'1 (I38)6'1 S SS6I G3Ug OqO .tO SAQAZnS qsj AJ.T1TXUV S'I 91PUU9L U S3UflOD (Z9P)996 (6)so6 (98L)ow't (Lz9)sLs'I (s9)u1I (tc)z'z (tLs)sw'3 (6s9)965'1 Fl C6oL)091'1 Fl (zos)oCt v (Pn)61 CZ6I"1)6LS'(62Z'1)8ZL'1 r-{ ,a Gl O. tl i \-/ Or f u) F{ N \J \J sf--F.!a^^Fr u, (9)0s (Lt)LI9 (fs)8s v F{ a \o t{ C.l v t{) \O ln i-l (81)6c1 .- (6sT)6z 4 Fi e v) F v (I'8p)oC1 Ml ,.r,^\Ol r{ \o sf ts € €t €) Fr $l Ol tf \O r (6i3t91' S )L9913 uosuo )LG3J.3 (Lz)L1s (861)11.1' (sz)LoT (9o1)68z Cti9)9f (i)ii (L9)6z1 (9)88 (c01)8P1 (99)191 (6P)L11 (Iss)z1L'i (08)6L1d1 (zI)6z (o91)ooz ()ot (0O1)9Z (Si'i) (Ls)ELt € \-, Mr ^ FlFlFl \O $F Fa \,, t\ (9v1)Lu i'961 Ft Fi F{ \J, € tr F{ (\l \-, () q! (t's)9oz Ff lr? v € oo t{ v qt }4 $lFl Ft v {) Ol t\ O ^ .\O Fl tn \.tv (\t !.) F (9s)oo" (uo'i)zsc'1 (st)vzz d r-l Ff ,i{ \ge C\a€9 Ri'Gl t\t toO -\-r^r\g iF\ mstra nlln Fr vLJ t-/ F{€r <. (SZ)19 r-a 1L6[ 0L61 6961 8961 ; r\ () u7 (\ o \o c) tf, Or o \o nr 9Z F{ Oi rt Fr t\ ]o €' t4) -l (6Lz)s6c (19)ost |.{ £961 Z961 1961 0961 6S61 9S61 LS6I 9S61 SS6T t-l 60 (izz)io't Fl oc (si')i (iI)89I Fl Fl Ft (91z)9s't S Fl 09 (sot')s9o'1 (L6z)61'6 Fl Fl 1.1 rf, r-l Fl Ft Fl $t Ft Fl Fl 0.1 i-, € ra Fl y, p\O n- O rn N r\S (LZ)9c1 i-, $ I € * o o t\ r-t,! t4 N 6) Ft t\ ru, Fl \f rod o rO mrn A^ (vs)906'I' (oi)sz S.Z9nqS .if (\l|r1 F, r.li a A cot :f o . rtrr Or Go rO €, O) 69 rO sf or m -r \O v r+ \0 Ol !A /-rO (\l .$ Gl ^F .@ <r <f v) trr * -lriia-aaaa'nii !q,pr vi.ir.z qf, oo ,-r -'. Glrn N iltaaaiaiaa a-r ltl ,-i,-\,-r,A|/\..\ F{r-ldFa Fa F{ € $ @ (\l <l \-/ \r!, v\-, v\J \O m} G| Fr Ot € F F \o N t.) $l € Fr oo N !tr oo Ft t\ \o ot \o o €t tQ t,) oo fO r-\n 6 Ft F{ Ar-tl-rr-r rnFrr^\a-\,-rr-rrFlA '+.* clt 14 fr\o r\ o ctr N t\ @ ( (\loooro\oal$ t : r n o r $ @ $ l \o (\t g, \o t\ g, \o \c, F o t\r to sr.@ g/ v9,, v \-, \J, \; v L., :v cl rn \o |') \o o |J) !,) o o o) t.'' cl !., olr o !o trl ts F \0 sl t \o e'lO rn Or rO O u) F F{ F Ctl O c-l qror ^Fr-r t- O rl{+Nt{ (\| Glet uaJ\i et v FFt Ot t\ .{t\ €o o F o'r \O 6 ri 'l - c.t - N (\i - A,a\r-r ,-,'\.4 /-t '-l Fi O Ml /-\O r') O FrCtl $lU?ooNoo\OOF{t\ \f ol co to Fl !O Fl F{ g \O t\ Fl s\-/'i.i' \., \r, \i \-/ \r' \i !+St Ctt Gt O O \O () rn y) a-t aailta rrrr eF\ -l Fl 9961 5961 1.961 u.t \0 r\ 6 or ct F{ N !4 sf r') \o F o9 Gtt o er r.n In r't u: rJl, \o \a \o € \o \o \o I I I F F* cD ot cn cD ot or Crr cD ctr or crt ctr cD (,l o) cn 66 Ft 1L1 (9i)zi €o OO \O CFt F{\t I\.AAA Lcc -r l: U\./ (}(f .cm mOltl Frn^-rl- v lJ) Ar^ Q ^ rn () F{ \f, f\ F{ t t F{- (rr v\r' Lr\J \-, \J \r' v \-r\J !O lrf \J \Q m rr ,--rln ctr ra F € Fr o lerr Ol Ctt N (\t ln F e.t @ (\t O ry-N trt or or rr (rt trt Gl F{ rf d \O r-{ Sf 14 Ft F{ N Fr N ui'f !4 lf |'l 36 OO /-/^Ja o t\ @ rrl F Ft O rq L/ rr./ rr/ I.ft t\ € f\ O Ft € () () ffila qlN AO ol Gt \O \-, \E CD ra -f.'.!-{--\O-F vv u st O $l Fl \O O tfln Fl ot t) !f \i rr) (\t !f) tf fn $ \J O't !t) !O AAAA coF. Fl Grt sr O iJtT re CI.t tJ.t tO \O t{f rn Flrtro-f ot\tsov)\or-{!a hostf rtlr) ra l4 or ro or trt F $ a € Fr tf Fl ot l, viJ\-/ \., rnF. t{) F $l \O \O Fl e N t,) s4 ttf to f> (\l \o!-i FC>\O\OF L1\o(\lcnr-Nul t l (\l +-l r-a r-l r{ V\/\-, \,r\.JrJ Cfr^AA aain^a6aaiaan'-a^ Or rO Or J'-. E*SI;ER5ilEgE5g3E$ e9$$ ss$c,g,s,ggsci r .<fix -QUl rntnrf Noo raO\O a) (\t € \O L\ {-.Ctf f\ \O \O C) ,^.t') : -\g d }rl \O nr N -i ra ro € ct ra r{ t: C_.1 Or;t4 -i r a i 'ded {dr"d*dddi a?€FFtVt!r?!O\Oco O'601 SUG(1TM FIO v) tr tuJ J{O gE al tt oJ4 +ro +ro 5F. s(J a x o"(u '4 .\4 f.o gE c oJa ul (D co & l.t o(J f-) & b0(l) .rt C) lll il o |nJa Eio at(l) "<U( .t) 9OS £9S S {.1 130J. vt h h d .r{ .r{ x lt) 5rn <or o(u vl FI dtr J(O vt (l) F{O .Fl S EO trL' o o 14l't o C t+'t o vtx +, a) tr> 5t{ 88 J4S st uf O .Fl A" F. \o r-{ 91 Gjq o s a, E 11W o a o a o o o o h cl O SQITW o t Fl sl g 3{1. S list d swpv 19A o 40. 40. Surveys Fish $trtreys Spawning Fish Rivet Spawning 17. Peak Peak Counts on Coos Coos River Count$ on Table 17. 1950 Coho Since Since for fot Coho 1950 o Standard Surveys Year o o o a 1950 1,950 1951 1951 1952 1952 1955 1953 1954 1954 1955 1955 1956 1956 r1957 957 1958 1958 1959 1959 1960 1960 1961 1961 r.962 1962 1963 1963 1964 1964 1965 1965 1966 1966 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1969 1970 t970 1 971 1971 Larson Creek Morgan Morgan Creek Marlow Marlow Creek Total r58(21) 158(21) 327(77) sz7(77) 254(26) 254(26) 65(19) 6s(re) (33) 67(33) 67 96(18) e6(18) (72) 195(72) 1e5 49(6) 4e(6) 24(6) 24(6) 63(7) 65(7) (so) 47(30) 47 (1 192(116) 1 s2 r6 ) 129(31) 12e(31) 53(17) s3(17) 52(11) s 2( 1 r ) 28(2) 28(2) 50(10) 5 0(1 0 ) 53(11) s 3( 1 1 ) 26(3) 26(3) 45(7) 4s(7) 35(5) 5s(s) 6(1) 6 ( 1) (3) 28(3) 28 68(12) 68( 12) 18(2) 18( 2) 15 15 33 53 20(6) 20(6) 18(3) 18(3) 15(6) ls (6) 179(22) t7e(2zl 388(80) 388(80) 342(44) s42(44) 101(24) 10r(24) (3e) 97(39) e7 l15s 17 17 40(19) 40(1e) ( 2) 11(2) 11 2 2 10 10 10(3) 10( 3) (4) 8(4) 8 25(12) 2s(1,2) 26(4) 26(4) 26(3) 26(3) 7 7 7 7 (s) 21(5) 2r 16(2) 16(2) (s) 16(5) 16 16(2) t6(2) 1 8( 2 ) 18C2) (s) 25(5) 2s 1.3 1 .3 1.0 1.0 1 1 32(2) s2(2) 19(2) re(2) 0 0 3 3 (7) 7(7) 7 46(12) 46ttz) (Le) 27(19) 27 7(1) 7(r) 43(3) 45 (3) 16(4) 16(4) 6 6 6(1) 6 (1) 6 6 3(1) 5(1) (1) 4(1) 4 33(1) 3 3( r ) 114(18) 1 1 4( r 8 ) 267(93) 267(e3) 79(10) 7s(10) 26(6) 26(6) 76(7) 76(7) (40) 64(40) 64 246(132) 246(t32) 181(62) 181( 62) 86(22) 86(22) 121(17) rzt(t7) 51(6) sl(6) (r0) 63(10) 63 80(17) 80(17) (s) 48 48(5) (13) 64(13) 64 (8) 55(8) 5s 76(8) 76 (8) o o o MiLes Miles o o 1.0 1.0 3.3 5.3 Fish per Mile 54.2 54,2 117.6 1L7,6 103.6 103.6 306 3 0.6 294 29.4 34.5 34.5 80.9 8 0.9 23.9 7.9 7,9 23.0 23,0 19.4 1.9.4 74.5 7 4.5 54.8 5 4 .B 26.1 26.1 36.7 36.7 15.5 1 5.5 19.1 1 9 ,L 24.2 24.2 14.5 14.5 19.4 19.4 16.7 t6.7 23.0 2 3.0 o Or F N aa.aaaaa.aaa O tn Fl !F. v, F{ rn rf nrrr-rF\r-/-r^-rr-\-ar.\ -.AtrF\ \O.$_t-t.N tr)ranOO (\ rl' !-a !r, t-/ \,/ !+ v)Fr tfM,oO r-l .4 $t \O \C} f\ \JL/V b r4 to lqr tn |\ () €O cO Ol - !$ O Ft N }.) +.+ V N rg Ut f\ V M} (\l N ; .-r^r- \, \, $i i, rn rn ro oo <+ e. e \p O, cO (rt \O -| *r Fr Fr ; r-{ r-rr-\AF A.hA.^rF{ r{ Fr \O Ft r{ + C't4 \J\-rVrvr\-r\t\i{/iia; Gl N O,{ \O rO m (\t !o F t\ ,rar-! e o V\:/ij (') N tO -{ F N f\ \O \O rO rn !+ rn O -;& \O Ni16vt-- Fl F{ $l ^(\rana Fl rf Ft tQ sf Ft V V \J \.,V \J Gt Gt to }Qrn 6t r,)\O \f \gON Ft Fr ti O I' (\ 6l r.f \g -r * !-1-\r-\ rJ)-f O \J\.,9, C ro t\ rf ;F{ Ar^r,n. 6t (} rr) t-/ \J \-i Gr Fr oo -rOr F; lrFlr-tFlFt(\lr-{FtNir*r* rr, \.,/ \J tJ V\J ig \J r.: v ln ('r t4 O t A <} c) \O S !+Frd\f€|'n$\oNth Ft:f Ar-r Ft V o) N ,-A ,\/^r^A tCFrF{tq VV\r'rL/ !.r\g rn Fl t/) !a.') t-{ Gt \./ /^A,cb rn \./ \, -,-,6'&t,^,C'fr'4fi^Gtr-^ N \., O!rJl F{ to V \9 !A rn C't \O N r^,A v ^Gt -t \9 F{ Fr !o Ft @ b4 rn nr ol ^cf \o rr') lJ) Fl !4 Gl F{ sl AO ql N !A t.) !4 6t aO tO - ; g, tU, vv, \g, u g qt F $ oo m !? C) rn O r-{ t lJ'}Ft $ t^ r--.tt: -N fO l-.(\l -nQ--l. \-/VSrvVVrlr\rrLl rn ,-Ar-A-rrr-^ r{ o) Cf rr.) ltr \J\-rr-r\-ru\../\i\./ rri Fl e tO +{ tn l,t) Ft t{) F- F{ gt q <f f- rf! r+ !4 Ot'-{ 90 !D,-{ t)ulFl\Otf c!\osnyit-r A tl r- t\ t-l 9, \-, F rn!! .A N !a Q -{ $l \r, \-/ F{ tJ) F O1 !4f\ Fl€ V ri, -{ $!i t-tt{lFl !? Ctl l.') --4f\ $l r{. Fr cD Gt (\ \/Vl-/\-r'\.r'r*r\-, O-, \O -t il Or rA Ul Fl F N a4 t/) Ft tn rn \9 e |4 sf r\ O c{ 6 !e ur F{ c{ sr \O F{ (\! (rt,-t \O N Ft Gl (\| t+ l,r |\ Fr C) \f \r' €{) -4:]f-r-A 09 € r\ Ln Ft $ F{ !O.S-.\O v v vv v 9 I? g 9| !n I? ql lf F F M, rf (\l $l(\l !? \O 9 \O l? !Q I A a rif rf t') (\l € VlhF{ .d C) .il d F{ +, o t&4. E tr oJ4 FO |-{0) cg t{ aa J( t| /-\aFi lrf-t-{_ $ \/ \J ar \0 !! \0 \O €v)14 f\l iFr f\ Fl FrAr^A^^ Gl to ot ltl Gt H \.,., L' rr, \J\r' V AO N O € r-r^^(\ t.) ra Fl(\(\l\O ,-rrn\O!OF{GtF \JrurrJ\J VVVV\/IE/V !O \O r,n rn C) () \O \O rtt () oO O I Oltf !:rQtnrnF{OrNt'Nf\() r{ a{t Fl r-{ F{ Fl Fl F{ l{ Ft Fl Fl Fl t-l F{ Fl d F{ r{ F{ Fl |-| Fl I-.. 41. \o ta t\ 7.6 ua 1.3 g| x o t{ u) .d g o E b0 3 c .d tr d A a Fl o c, o I |{l old > l o (c) ) .r{lO dlx r" tc I+, J< Ih|{ too bF* >l .?t I dl ol() 67(11) o o o o a 50 (t ra O6l (.l, Fr co oqt tr (/).tl +r (/1 50 os (JO (J & 6 I'r 0)0 a r}.1 00 6) s GI t{ Tr Ff ftr.{ ,f l t.: dftt .F{ lt o' tl.'{ glE t qal ri{ A tf, Ar^ArF\Fl $l t\ o,t to Ft \*' \-./ \,' \-' \.' 1 Ul o F.l co o e () 1.5 1.0 1 t> |> !? q! !t O I -t 09Or Fr t\ oo <) t.lrr? s cD \O - rn \O 6 l,a ln 99C{ (\l rn |\ (\| rOF t\l \O lQ GlFr !4 Gt Ft rn + C{ r{ F{ fO \O !4 fn r-{ Fr r{ (\l \., v \iJ \J 1 33(3) 36(1) 5(1) 11(3) o o o tl* 11 | 14(1) 31(8) 55 5 Per Zltl x lF{ A) Ioo lg t{ IL' (J 5 (3 Ft N !O.rf !n \o F oo c't o Fr 9 r{ N rA $ rrl \O F €Ol L4 lt, |,1 lr'l |tl tn ]n rn rn |/f \O \O \O \O \O \O \o \O \O \O F f\ gr ql gl Or O Ot 9t O) Ot O: O) Ot Ot Ot gr Ot Or Or CD Oi Ctt g) Fl \ B s ;s t0 'lJ E 's F I q) s s B s E 'd OJ q a F o 'tJ s t) q) q Fn a to Counte made by Oregon Game Commission since 1958. 1/ 9(2) Fish River 1/ 12.5 24.7 16.3 21.2 12(2) 21(0) 18(3) 40(5) 15(4) 17(0) 55(9) 46(5) 28(4) 32(7) 2(1) 27(4) 16(1) 36(17) 33(6) 5(1) 4(0) 15(3) 20(3) 7 7(1) 11(1) 38(9) 73(4) 11(5) 95(5) 77(2) 60(2) 51(3) 32 5 5 232(14) 36(4) 91(2) 33 77(18) 143(13) 31(2) 184(4) 29(18) 52(12) 62(4) 43(12) 63(3) 95(4) 22(1) 55 50 110(18) 96(5) 26(6) 45(3) 20(12) 78(23) 100(7) 2 86 9(0) 7(0) 22(1) 117(3) 65(17) 44(7) 23(2) 69(35) 71(6) 28(4) 35(1) 11(2) 15(7) 49(18) 43(12) 10(1) 114(13) 148(25) 44(10) 50(15) 46(7) 68(14) 20(4) 56(4) 6 1.0 1.0 Miles 43.4 64.9 163.7 36.7 36.2 24.2 60.4 66.5 20.7 53.0 14.1 37.5 50.4 12.2 58.6 53.6 25.7 21.7 330(68) 493(48) 1,244(67) 279(45) 275(11) 184(5) 459(120) 505(31) 157(26) 403(11) 107(41) 285(83) 383(41) 93(28) 445(33) 407(35) 1)5(32) 165(29) 95(8) 188(30) 124(16) 161(15) 39(11) 54 77(23) 145(12) 191(15) 59(9) 56(2) 14(2) 96(17) 63 25(3) 11 Mile Total Salmon Creek N.Fk.Coguille River Nortli Middle Cherry Creek Fork Crk 61 94(18) 144(22) 316(20) 65(6) 57(16) 57(13) 383(15) 22(2) 24 50 76(24) 121(7) 38(9) 79(3) 21(1) 67(21) 38(3) 20(9) 113(5) 35(2) 28(1) 19(2) 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 S.Fk .Coquillo Standard Surveys E.Fk.Coquille M.Fk.Coquille River River 1/ Steel Big Creek Creek Year Peak Counts on Coquille River Spawning Fish Surveys for Coho Since 1950 Table 18. I . I S o - 42. 42 . Table 1'. lf . Spawnin Fish .Stanclard Spat*ning ay Standard Peak Counts on Tillaroo1 Tillarnoolr lay Peak Counts on Chum Since 1950 Srnteys for for Chum Surveys 1950 o Year o o o o 1950 1950 1951 1951 1952 1952 1953 1953 1954 1954 1955 1955 1956 1956 1957 1957 1958 1958 1959 1959 1960 1960 1961 1961 1962 1962 1965 1963 1964 1964 1965 l96s 1966 1966 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1969 1970 1970 1971 1971 Kilchis ldris RiVer River Clear Clear Creek Creek 420 420 699 699 487 487 780 780 906 906 201 20L 102 n2 351 351 331 331 87 87 2 2 13 13 6 6 5 5 18 l8 0 0 12 T2 q 3 0 0 1 T 23 23 2 2 Standard Surveys Miami Wilson lson River River River Rlver Browns Browns Lower Lower CrEek N. Fk, Creek N. Fk. 256 256 r93 193 29 29 330 330 73 73 14 14 100 1 54 54 34 34 7 7 0 0 6 6 86 86 39 39 l18 8 0 0 50 50 31 31 9 9 4 4 142 L42 712 7L2 182 182 104 104 381 381 183 185 733 7 97 97 194 194 172 172 153 1s3 152 152 20 2A 27 27 25 25 109 109 13 13 61 61 87 87 25 25 107 LA7 50 50 64 64 94 94 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 Total Total 818 818 1,604 1r604 698 698 1,214 l r2l4 1,360 1r360 312 3L2 306 306 577 s77 518 518 246 246 22 22 46 46 117 l17 153 153 49 49 61l 6 149 149 59 59 116 116 55 55 270 274 t69 169 o o t o o Mil.es Miles 0,8 0 .8 2.3 2.3 Figh Fish pet per Mile l'lile 355.7 555.7 697.4 697.4 303.5 303.5 527.8 s27.8 591.3 591.3 135.7 135.7 135.0 133.0 250.9 250.9 225.2 225.2 107.0 1 07.0 9.6 9.6 20.0 20.0 50.9 50.9 66.5 66.5 21.3 zl.3 26.5 26.S 64.8 6 4.8 25.7 25,7 50.4 50,4 23.9 23,9 1I7,4 117.4 73,5 73.5 F. 43' 43. Table 20. 20. Miami Peak Counts on Tillanook Tillamook Bay Bay Auxiliary Auxiliary Spawning Spawning Fish Fish Peak 1960 Surveys for Chum Since 1960 Sunreys for Chun iver Proutv Prouty Year C 1960 1960 1961 1961 1962 1962 1963 1963 1964 1964 1965 1965 r.966 1966 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1969 1970 1970 1971 L97T 102 102 136 136 571 571 302 302 323 323 104 104 194 194 173 t7s 151 151 214 2t4 135 155 102 L02 l4iles Miles 0.8 0.8 Creek 17 t7 4 4 0 0 3 3 178 u8 2 2 3 3 iS 15 42 42 0 0 33 33 62 67, K Kilehis R. ! Coal Creek Creek 104 104 154 154 I,142 1,142 802 802 870 870 404 444 1r 0 0 2 1,002 430 430 413 413 812 812 I ,393 1,383 889 889 . A A 65 65 76 76 220 22A 165 165 65 65 30 30 61l 6 t8 18 37 37 34 34 85 85 105 105 Tillamook River River --T-A 4 4 k'lSfl Total 13 13 292 292 409 409 I1,994 ,gg4 1r334 1,334 l r4s2 1,452 558 s58 1,334 1r334 677 677 654 654 1,075 1 ,075 1,663 1 r665 1,171 l,l7l 0.8 0 .9 3.0 3.0 39 59 61 6l 62 62 16 l6 18 l8 74 74 41 4l ii I1 15 15 2 7 1/ 4 27 . 1/ 1/ 0.2 0 ,2 0.8 0.8 (rn eui'vey). eunsey). Estimated count colnt (no 0.4 0.4 Per Mile l{i le 97.3 97,3 1 36,3 136.3 664.6 664.6 444.6 444.6 4 84,0 484.0 1860 186.0 444.6 444.6 225.6 22s.6 218.0 218.0 358,3 358.3 s54.5 554.3 390.3 390.3 o -S 44. 44. Spawning Nestucca River Spawning Poak Counts on Nestucca Table 21. Counts on Table 21. Peak Since 1950 Fish Surveys Chum Since Sunreys for for Chuttr 1950 o Standard Sunreys Fish Year Year o o o a Clear Creek Cteek 56 56 73 73 43 43 1950 1950 1951 1951 r.952 1952 19S3 1953 1954 1954 1955 1955 1956 1956 1957 1957 1958 1958 1959 1959 1960 1960 1961 1961 196: 196: 178 t78 35 35 13 l5 88 88 165 165 36 56 6 6 57 156 156 19o3 1963 1964 1964 196 196 40 40 1965 1965 1966 1966 1967 t967 1968 1968 1969 1969 L970 1970 t97L 1971 35 3s 89 89 72 72 80 80 35 35 53 55 45 45 Miles 0.8 0.8 5' S. s7 Creek Creek No. 1I No. 40 40 55 5s 15 15 44 44 100 100 35 5s 11 11 122 t22 120 r20 91 91 13 15 34 34 88 88 66 66 19 19 18 18 91 91 32 32 37 s7 20 20 28 28 20 20 Tota.l Total 96 96 128 128 58 58 49 49 278 278 70 70 24 24 210 210 285 285 127 L27 19 19 91 91 244 244 262 262 599 5 53 55 180 180 104 t04 117 Lt7 55 55 81 81 65 65 o o o o 1.0 1 .0 l.g 1.8 per per Mile Mile 53.3 53.3 71.1 7 1 .1 32.2 32.2 27.2 27.2 154.4 154.4 38.9 38.9 13,3 13,3 116.7 116.7 158.3 158.3 7(5 7q,5 10.6 10.6 50.6 5 0.6 135.5 13s.5 145.5 1 4 5. 5 32.8 32.8 29.4 29,4 100.0 100.0 57.8 57.8 65.0 65.0 30.6 30.6 4 5.0 45.0 36.1 5 6 r. o ir 0 A 45. 4 5. Table 22. 22. Bay Spawning Peak Counts on Netarts Peak Counts Netarts Bay Spawning Fish Fish Surveys Sunreys for Since 1953 for Chum 1953 Chun Since o Standard Survey Fish Year o a I o Whiskey Whiskey Creek Creek 1953 t 953 1954 1954 1955 1955 1956 1.956 19s7 1957 1958 1958 1959 1959 1960 1960 137 t37 502 502 96 96 131 131 672 672 337 337 147 t47 159 159 1961 196]. 350 3s0 440 440 1962 t962 1963 1963 t1964 96'f 1965 196s 1965 1966 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1969 1970 1970 1971 1 971 317 317 365 365 79 79 160 160 480 480 200 200 Miles 0.4 0 .4 221 22r. 301 301 141 1 4L per Per Mile Mile 342.5 34?,.5 1,255.',' 240.0 240.o 327.5 327.5 1,680.0 1,680,0 842.5 842.5 367.5 367.5 397.5 397.5 875.0 875.0 1,100.0 l.r1o0.o 552.0 552,n 752.5 7 5 2 s. 352.5 352.5 792.5 792.5 912.5 9t2.s 197.5 197.5 400.0 400.0 1// 1,200.0 1/ I , 2 0 0 . 0 7/ 5 0 0 . 0a/ 500.0 7/ S a i , o a y/ Eetinwted total Eati,nated totuL run npt to Wfui,skey Creekmade nadeby ziskey Creek 0&r. W OSli. Run in in excess e&cess of of 0511 O&l needa needs une wasallowe.d allowed to spawn ryaun afuue fury'rodnately 750, above naak rack (approximately 000 egge eggs taken in ?6020A0 4n 7969and. 1969 and 1970; qprorinately approximately ZB0r000 280,000 egge eggs taken 7 9 7 7 ), in i n 1971).