I 3*L7 4. <a / , . NEHALEM BAY DUNGENESS CRAB SURVEY May 17...18, July 19-21, and August 8-10, 3.966 Introduction Letters and newspaper articles concerning the low quantity and poor quality of Dungeness crabs in Nehalezn Bay have been frequently received by Popular opinion usually places the blame for the Oregon Fish Commission. the lack of legal-sized bay crabsi!' in the Nehalem estuary upon the adjacent comiercial crab fisheries, A sampling program was initiated by Oregon Fish Conmission persornel This report susiarizes the in.formation obtained to evaluate crab abundance. in Nehalein Bay (Figure 1) during three sampling periods, Nay 17-18, July 19-21, and August 8-10, 1966. Data from Yaquina and Wotarts bays are in- eluded for comparative purposes. Methods Crab pots, baited with fish carcasses, were placed in the Nehalem estuary from Crab Rock, near the mouth, to Brighton, approximately one mile upstream. The pots were checked twice daily. AU medium and large crabs captured were measured, checked for shell hardness, and released. The crab pots were allowed to fish through two incoming tides during each of the sampling periods0 Crab pots and rings were fished simultaneously on August 10 to obtain comparative catch data :ror the two types of trapping equipTient. On August 10, l966 seven crab pots were fished in Netarts Bay, 13 miles south of Nehalem Bay. These .ots were allowed to fish only four hours while the tide was flooding. stral6ht is 54fi+inches inchesstraight ial-usd commercial bay crab legal sizesize is 5-.3/4 bay crab legaL trersonel-ilse and cormerclal of spines. spiries' line baek exclusive e:<c}rsive of neazurement across across back llne measurement legal is 6-tltr 6l/4 inches. lnches. iegei size slze is crab Commercial ocean crab CcmnerclsL ocean . ,.g c.l 0t o m +t o o E: a rurrn.r.rI N Brighfoon D4 P4.. flnnnn g 6 o (, n o (t {.1 ${ v{ t, - d se) 0$ d o ca E 0) r{ dt s€) 2 **/rtlrab t/e u:le 0 '-I. 0 Ca to c. Flgure 1." $outhwest aectlan of Nehal-emBay" Cl) . . r (t. - Rock , 33." . ftshlng was AprLL 19-21 and bay crab test fishing wao crab test During April October 19-20, ]|966, bay During and October 19-20, 1966, conducted conducted by Flsh Fish Connisslon Commission personnel personnel on Yaquina Bay. Bay. effort arid and slse effort size frequency frequency deta data were were obtained. obtained. Catch por per unlt unit of of teet fishing flshing was waeriot not ThLs test This conJunction with Nehalem Bay done Bay study, study, however however the the data data obtatned obtained ln conjunction u!.th the the Nehalein done in besisi are usable usabLe on on a comparative are comperative basis. the sampling sampllng area arca on on rnonitored in in the Salinlty was monitored Salinity of of the !{ehalem estuary the Nehalem estuary was of crabs upon entry entry of crabg into lnto to determine nmoff upon Iay Vray 17-18 effect of of spring 1?-L8 to deternlne the the effect spring runoff the estuary. estna4r. the bottor,, mid-depth, nrid-depthr and and surface, anrface, Sallnities Salinities were taken taken at the bottom, at the the botton. at the occur only only at of 5-nportance importance to to the the crab bottom. crab occur however salinities salintties of Resort llehalem Bay Bay u,ere were contaeted contacted 3'or for conrmente comments on peraon&lpersonalResort operators operators on on Nehalein perlod. each sampling crab fi8hing f,iehlng during durlng each use crab sarrpling period. Results Results period in Neh*len, Netarts, Netarts, in Nehalem, A summary A erab catch for sampling sanpling period anrmarly of sf the the crab catch for glven in TabLe 1. and Yaqui.na Yaquina bays bays is is given in Table L. ond Fishing varled in ln terms terms of of Flshlng effort effort varied pots used numbers of of tl-ne time they they were were alloned allowed to to fLsh. fish. of crab crab pots the ].eigth leagth of nunbers used and and the pots was mrltiplled by the the hours hotrr"s ues multiplied the resul';s, resuls, the by numberof of pots To standardize the number standardise the npot hours." the number nunrberofof legs].LEgalinto the divided into fished to obtain Thls number nr:nrberdivided hours.n This ftshed to obteln "pot rslegal nales hour.r sized naLe male crsbs crabs captured yields the the number number of of "legal males per per pot pot hour." capiured yietds slzed perlods was tttan t'ee lower lor*er than The Nehalem crab catch three sample sample periods ca'bcli for the three The NeheLem for the B4y catches. catehes. either the Yaquina Bay the Netarts Netarts or or the elther the ltrehaLemcatch catch was The The Nehalem was relarele- peraonal.periodso decreasing slightly as as persona].decreasing slightly tively the sampling ti.vely constant conetant over over the ea.naplingperiods, progreseed through through the the sumner. sultf,tieFr use fishing flshing progressed the Nehalem Nehalqr within the not occur occur within Although dld not Although Yaquina Bay test fishing did Iaquina Bay test fishing percentageofofsoftshe].].s sofbshells perlods, the nales and andlow lolrpercentage sampling of legal catch of legal males the catch se,trpllng periods, fishermen. indicate sa more more desirabJ-e desirable erab crab J:opulation -opulation for for the tle personal--use personaluse fisherman. l$dtcate Bay the the catch catch indicated indicated period in During Netarts Bay in Netarts fishing period During the the four-hour four-hour fishing population of crabs" nale crabs. a of legal. Legal male a sizeable si.zeable population than one-half of However, more than one-hal,f of Hmrever, more eonditLon. the legal takenwere were inin the the softsheal softshell condition. reJ-es tekea the legal Irtales - l+, e 148 287 18 28 24 37 4]. 6 4 0.08 0,10 36 8 7 7 &"{ .|)+J o o a o(\tc n crno r 8t oo -if cf\ 7 fr\ 58 .H 3 rings Fr d .0 ql 5.1 r{ {Jo Orl 33 @ ()\O-tl*'Sc-to 40 1t & oo 6g 4 * (n ${ 58 .rl S. .t{ 6 +t r$ q d e) -c o 20 o .€ 0.27 0,16 144 60 Fl oooocol C>ooo(}oo 10 6 O\OOf,I\\Orf FliOorltoN 0 ct \o \o e .c! No, of pots fished tu ul Per cent soft Crab catch data from Nehalem, Netarts, and Taquina bays during the 1966 survey, !is t{ c) 288 0.07 600. O.itC*Fl\O.if\O ('\ -'t \O $l $ Flcl 0.19 s*3R3RR Fl o Fr o o Pot hours og o Hours fished . Legal males per pot hour +t rJ\ 6 14 1 q;cr.1t*{o.A*t\o 8 td oFl *s oo 7 o G' 3 6 Fl F{ 0 . 6 legs]. { No, of softehell q, F FN UlFI *J t{ (y\ \r- o r{ & 'l r-l b0 o0 +) 6 '-l8S F{ a E g E F.9 6(|){D(D(D-o-3s r.l rt g Yaquina E FlI6 .ti Nehalem Nehaleni Nay 17-L8 o .o qt Iaquina Bay Table 1. a Fl Apr. 19-21 g 78 78 Netarbe o Fi ! (J 117 3 18 Nehalern 39 111 24 20 52 12 15 119 tsrAZAAz'Pl 0ol-l 66ltrl!Of (r|Hfi\rrtF{c-r'l Ftr{d 66,6 (v\ 307 \O Nehalem cr\ f- Aug. 8l0 F4 € July 19-21 O\ -t 16.6 C* 37.4 30.7 13.5 92.9 r.(\ acoaoat (tr4()t\\o().A 128 o o ."rC OE No. of c, O\ it$ sss&msP € C' *t 6 males of regal males Orl males d {t 6 Fl t$ oo No, C. $t Per cent q E ct r-l st .E: o a € 6 legs]. a, z al e r-.1 C- ,{ Cbraall t{ >' 8E-E Fl J @ Ol} Oct. 19-20 d.oSo ,di A{ Aug. 10 Date S E{ Aug. 10 F{ € € € 6 5.. 5 No salin rneasurementstaken sallnJ-ty No ty measurement,s taken during during the the spring soring $rrey survey were were bdlo{ below th€ the toLerance level tolerance crab. of Dungeness Dungen€BS l-eveL of cr&br botton ranged bottom rangod from f,ron 19 L9 °/. "/o" Lorr tide tlde salinity measurencnteat Low saltnity measurements thc et the at at Brlghton Brighton to to 29 29 "/oo /,o at et Crab Crab Rock. Bo€k. The crab crab ring, used extensively personal-use fishermen, exlenslvel"y by The by personal-use flshernrcnl was lrofe r8a more tlnge used efflclent at catchlng legal pots over at catching leeal- crabs efficient crabs than itran the the crab crab pots over short short fishing ftahlng perLods" periods. This seems seens reasonable reasonable as This as there there is is no no obstruction obstnretlon in in aa ring rtng comparcoqpar- able abLe to to the the pot" eme3-l I entrance turmelE in crab pot. entrsace tunnels in aa crab pot with The pot The rd.th adequate adequate esqepe porte per,iods of sf,.lons the ho.Ldslarge escape ports holds large crabs erabs over over long Locrgperiods of time tLme and and allows juvenile crabs to to escape. escape. Juvenlle crabs During During the periods in in l$ehalem Nehalem Bay Bay nany many the sample sanpl.e periods crabE were juvenile trere captured. eapttrred. Juvenlle crabs wlthout injury. without inJuqy. srqpll and Tbese crabs crabs were These and dlffLcult difficult to to handle were smal]. hardl.e Frosr inJury to From tlce the standpoint standpoint of of reduced reduced injury to juvenile cnebs the tbe Juvent'le crabs pot is preferred type the preferred pot ls the ttrrye of of trapping traprpilg equipment. equlpuent, The high hlgh incidence l.neidence of of softehelled The male crabs crabe is eoflshelled male Ls aa usual uzual occurrence ocgurFdrec in ln the estuaries est'uarles of of Oregon Oregonduring the months. durtne the the sulmaer $@er sonths. Althouglr Although softshelled sofbshclled crabs" can be'f,ormd crabi can be found yeer year arornd, around, there there are significant migrations of male significant nrigratlcrs of lelo crebs Lnto bays. process. crabs into for the the nol"tLng molting process. ba5rs.fon guch as migration. of of such ltlgratlon. d'rrftple Yequlne Yaquina Bay Baylsisa apr{re prbue ''1e Durlng Jrily Dur:ing July and and Auguste August, certai.n certain portlcre portions of of tbe the bay bay preurolttng or aboundwith ulth male nsL-ecrabs crebs in ln either abound or postrcLtlng postmolting condition. theprenio].ting either the oodltlo. ThLe occurrence beea reported oecur:r€nee baa has been by SCUBA SCTIBA This divers repor*;ed by dtvers and been observed by and has has been obeencd by personnel on Flsh Commission Cmlesion personnel Fish on several severaL occasions. oecasions. The nolting molting of Dungenees The of lhmgeoeoa procesE, and bl.ologtcsl process, cnsbs is crabs or ls ae biological either coninercie3. ccnmercral or endis lE not not affected affected bybyeither rnanyof personal-use orab fishing. Afbermolting, pérsonaluse crab fl.shlng. After nolting, many of the thc the crabs crabs remain renaln in ln the porsonal,-use fishennen. bay bay whene where they fishermen. tJrey are are caught caught by by personal..use The tfulng of of molt nolt in tn The timing Nehalen, Neha].em, $etarbso Netarts, and and laqui-na Taquina baya bays appears appears to to coincide. colnclde. poof Resort operators Bayexpressed Resort on Nehalem l{ehale,mBay their concern operators on e<pressedtheir concem over over the tbe poor' S qualtty and personal-use fishery. guantity of fishery. quality aad quantity of crabs crebe entering enterlng the the personal-use thoy They comercLaL ocean seemed cowl-aced the tbe commercial fishery operating Nehalor seened convinced crab fishery operating off off Nahalem ocean crab Bay was Bay uae responsible responslble for bay. for the tbe lack erabs entering entering the lack of of crabs the bay. U During t'he Ilurtng the 6. 6. tleoott perlod, after termlna'ied, resort fisherly had had terminated, crab fishery August sampling August the ocean ocean crab afLer the se@Ltng period, operators agreed agreed thai; that persoral-us€ personal-use fishing fishing succesa success had had lncressed increasedalgdftsiiifioperators cantl-y. cantly. data. fron the the san].ing saryllng data. evldent from This increase, not evident increa$e, however, was not howeverowas partdt asking the person betweenthe E*tnt ti-nes, to be aa relationship relationship between to be There There seemed, seened, at et times, questions and given. bhe answers ansbters given. questions and the per{.odeone ds bi-. bl,!{ay sampling During the Nay During the oanpltag period, Courrisslon, wae the Oregon Flsh Coiimdssion, ologist, was told told the the bay bay oIrrb crab ologist, representing representing the OregonFish pots relc good until" movsd from fFru of crab crab pots be no thoussnds of fishing no good until the were removed the thousands flshlng would be tnLd by by posing as nee told tourd.at, was as aa tourist, Another biologist, bay. Another blol,ogtet, posing of, the Nhe bay. mouth of the nouth rrrSsexcellent. excglJent. crabblng was that the the crabbing resort operator operator that the same sanreresort Discussion Discussion been one one of of Oregonhas hae been crab fishery fishery in ln Oregon The the Dungeness The history hlstoqy of the Dungenesscrab personal-trse demands. d@a,nda. populations and corunerci"aLand and personal-use fluctuating Lncreaging commercial and increasing fluctueting populations yeErg has past ten has ranged t€n years nngpd for the the past The crab catch cateh in Oregon for connercial crab in Oregon The annual anrnral commercial tbe abundance atnnrdanceof of, pounds. The The catch fluctuates with the nrlllion pounds. f,Luctuatos wtth to 13.0 13,0 million fbom from 3. 3.5 to year eless class entering entering the the fishery. fishery. the year I.ariyfactors factorsha're havecontributed contributedtotothe theever ever lncreasing increasing rCIcfoatJ.s8l recreational dede!(any Oregon estuaries estuerLes. mand on ngnd on Oregon bettor transtrarrscoast, better New to the the coast, Newaccess access routes to of the the utltlzatL*r to greater portation, more leisure of portatione and letsure time tLrne have have led led to and nore Sreater utilization natural r€gources of of these theee areas. sf,oilso naturaL resources populous}iultnoniah Nehalem Bay, County, lc is u*d used by by Bay, situated $lultnodrahCounty, to populous Nehs.lern si'Luated,close ,close to clemring. many for fIshing, .f{ shj:rgr crabbing, crabblng, and and clamming. rnanysportsmen oportsmen for cnab The personal-use crab The perao*ldrse fishery has has feLt felt the the preasure pressure of demands. of these dengnds. fishery pereonal-use crab crgb eoenerclal and and personal-use Direct competition between commercial coru-netltion arises arisee between Direct fishermen. flshernren. coacoptof tro die-. baeedon of two dlaEarly the concept on the F.arly crab crab regulations were based reguJttione were crabg: tinct of crabs: races of tlnct races crabe" bay crabs crabs and and ocean ocean crabs. bay Size limits stsd and GotmolrcmuerSfue ltrlta taggtng operations operatlonr Subsequent Subsequenttagging cia]. seasons seasons were were founded founded on on thls this concepto concept clal b{y' betweenocean And bay. crabs between oeeanend revealed of crabs interchange of sigriflcant interchange revealed aa significant F rr I tr ") ' i :, i ?. Con'mercial ocean Commercial oceancreb crabfishlng fishing occurs occurs na5rrly mainly during during the winter rlnter and and The bulk of, of the ?he bnrlk srin take advantage teke sorditioir" s'.rjngto to of the the hard hanl shell ehell. condition. adventaEeof oceaflfi"shery fishery terminates by June. Jiue. ocean ber:nlnates by of, the By this time By thle ttne approximately s.pproxinately 90% 9OFof. comerclally commerciallytegpL legal naLe male crsbs crabs ln in tha have been been caught. caught. the ocean oceanhave Commercialbay baycrab crabfi,ehing fishingisis a.llowed allc.zed tirroughout throughoutthe the }€oro year. Corosrc{al Ttre bulk The bulk of coinciderrlth withthe thetanrLet tourist of the the catch itlovembertotocoinclde cateh isletaken takenfrom fromJuly JuI;ythrough througb November uch of of the baycatch catchlsis rear* mar eomlercial bay season and c].osed closed ocean ocean season. the commercial segso[r $€asonr l4retr ketede tlu'ough keted, fresh f,loh £ih stands, travelers. ttrrough .fr6sh stands, totosummer $mnierbraveLersn Tttlanook Bay of the the Tillamook Bay is ni-Les south south of is located l.ocated six sifi miles Neha].em River. The lfehaleu Rlver. The pourds lsin the Bay totaled totaled 1,253,375 the comretclsl conmtercia1.crab crab Landfures landings at Tillamook TlLlalrook Bay Ld253r3?5 pounds yesrs, 47,633 pornds were years. During bay as bay these years, pOunds three years. Durlsg these t+?8r633 r,rerelanded lanrdedas last l"ast three to ocean oeean ratl"o of bay crabs cra,beto Accordingtotocatch catchstatLsttca, statistics, the ratio craba. Acoorltlug of bay crabs. port ininOregon. Orogon. enyport. crabs landed in Tiflamáók Til-lanook lsis the largest landsd ln largest ofofany 1egal.sised male rnaLecrabs, anotber noticedaotlseAlong uith crabso another Along with tho the 10 lor',' abundance abrrndsnce ofof legal-e3.aed gooCcrab Bqy was uas the able deterrent ininNehalem t{ehaLe,n Bay the abLe crabfishing sportemes deterrent totogood fishing forforsportsmen pots and i.mredletely after and rings rlngs immediately hundreds juvenile cr"sbe crabs enterlng entering the pots after hundreds ofof Jurrenlte gear was small, crabs crabs aonzuqred consumedbait baitrapidly rapidly and uei'c were taJured injured TheEe ses1L the set. These the gear xag get. the traps. easily whsn when removed frcrm the traps. eastly renoved from to the the sports.. It is nost discouraging i.s most disccuraglng to It, sports- quickly eaten by bait quickly eaten by heve the man buybalfl bait.and endrent rent crrab crab r$ngs rings on3.y only to to have the bait nau toto buy small crabE crabsthat that are are difflctd.t difficult to to handle. handLe. snrll Sg!6,au:f oCean Resort Bayfeel feelthe the adJacent adjacent ocean t{ehalen Batr andsportsmen on Nehalem sportsmen on Resor* operators operetors snd t&e low low TillamookBay BayeomnercLsL commercial crab fisheriessre are r'esponsible responsible fon for the crrab fLEherLes and Ttlranook gurmer. qusntLty of thesummer. bagduring quantity crabeentering durtngthe eniierlng the tbebay of crabs sulrler ofof 1966 A Dingeness erab crab sutnrey survey uas was conducted conducted drrtng during the the summer 1966 inIn tho the A l&lngenoss ftock to Brlgftor Crab Rock fLshedfrom fron Crab pots and to Brighton Crab pots Nehelm eabuqrSro rlngs were $ere fished Nehaleni estuary. Crab aad rings I t 8.. 8 I eri ods in in }!ay, 'ay, Jul1 July, and and August. August. during saq:llng periods drrning sarç'ling Test flehing fishing jn in laquina Yaquina Test unit of of effort. effortr rovided com arative data on per unit catch.per Netarts bays bays :;rovided corn':arative on catch and and Netarts the wer€ within wlthln the Salinity Nehalenrsampling area were Salinity measurements the Nehalem s.qrFliag area nreasure;nen'bstaken taken in in the crabs. tolerance levels of crabs. tolerance Levela of population in uac the Nehalem NehaLemestuary Catch in the estuar;r was Oateh data indicated the the crab cz'ab population d.ata indicated conelderabl,y lower loler but was was considerably relatively constant months, but during the bhe summer surnner months, relatively constanb during lietarts bays. bays. than in Yaquina and than in laqulna and Netarta rnele percentage of The high hgh percentage softsheUed male of eoftgtrelld grabs in tho nlth the coinclded with crabs Nehalem and Sletarts bays during the summer sumrer coincided anrd Netarts durlng the ln Nehal"em Yaquina say. molt nigration of of crabs srabs into into Yaquina Bay. nolt migration holdLng pot is 13 *!re the preferred preferred type of trappiag trapping equipnent equlpnont for for holding The tlpe of The crab po craba to to escape. eacalr. perlode while large while allowing crabe over exbelded exLerided periods aLLowing juvenile large crabs Jrrvenl3.e crabs harveat approxiappmtrts bay bay crabbers, crabbers, harvest "ruoo*""Ls ceemately 90% of of the the legel lgl male during the the soeQrclal oosmrcia1 seaniale crabs the ocean erabs in i-n the ocean during nately 9OS crabbers, using usiirg the the sane Ocean oceen crabbers, eel:reresource in the landed pr"ior. prior to to June in the nrJol major porte. ports. bulk of cateit is The bulk of th' thl-s catci Ls Lended son. Booo The S Commercial coincides with with pereoaal-use personal-use fighlng fishing durtng during tfil the Comrerclel bay bay crab erab f.Lshlng f,l-shing coineLdes suzmier and and fal1" fal1 su@er resource. f€AOUfC@r groups uoe ths same sane Competition these two groups use the Competition exists exlsts because theee o t '1 Jack Nells€n Neilsen Jaek Oregon Cmtrelon 0regouFish FtahCounflission Shellfish gtologlst Biologist SheLLftsh Newport, Oregon Itervport, 0rEgcr Narch l{arch 29, 29, 1967 L967 Dietrbution Dislribpiioq Newport Newport, -- I3 Astorle -- L Astoria 1 - 6 Porbland Portland-6 Library Library -- IL KrusE * I Hyning -- 1I Van Va,nHyning * L Fil.e File 1