g .*,-.al'r . -.- - ACT COMMERCIAL FISHERIES AND DEVELOPMENT ACT AITD DEVEIOffiET{T RESEANCE COMUERCtrAI, FISHEBIESRESEARCH REPORT PROGRESS REPORT PROCRESS I THFLUEilCEOF OF AND THE TTTEINFLUENCE CONTROLLED REARING CRAB IARVAE AND DUNGSNSSS COITTROLT,ED REARI}ICOF CNABLARVAE OT DUNGENESS ST'RVIVAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ON THEIR SURVIVAL OH THEIB ENVIROIiIMENTAL CONDX,TtrONS 1966 November 16, 1965 1965 to to June June 30, 1966 Novober 16, Prepared Prepered by: by: Bl,oLogdst H. Reed, Reed, Aquati,c Aquatic Biologist Paul H" Oregon Fish of Oregon F{sh Coemission Cosmfseton'of Approved by: Approved byr Researcb Jack H. Van Marine Research Vaa Ryning, Hynlngo Harl,ne Jsck U, Supervisor, Fish of Ftsb Coeeiission Sarpervlaoro Co{,sEton of Oregon Oregoa July 1966 1966 July Interior Department of of Interior U.S. Dqart8ent Fish end and !{{,l.dltfe Wildlife Service Segvi,ee Flsh Fisherf,ee Bureau Bureau of 0cmersial Fisheries of, Comzercia1 gu$-proJect No. Sub-project Ho. l.5.ft-1 1-5-R-1. Contract No. No. Ur-17-0007-353 1447.0007-353 Coatract - INTRODUCTION INTRODUCSTON . rearing devel.opuent of of rearing Construction of Construetloo and development larvel rearing rearlng system syst€D and of a larval ftrst of, the the first techniques were the eechnl,ques for the objectives obJectlves of for Dungenese Dtngeness crab lanrae rer€ erab larvae progrrn. year's vearrs program. l,lterature oearchl consultation coneultetlon Preliminary work work involved a literature search, Prellnlnery lavolved e ytth biologists larval culture, *ad culture, and with blologl.ete involved cnrstrcesn larval rlth aolluscan and crustacean lnvo!,ved with @llusean and norkers" conteryoraty workers0 of contemporary the deslgn of rearl.og system the design of, a rearing on the the success stlcceea of based on system based MATERIALS ND METHODS USTEODS UATERIALSAITD (Flgures 1I A requlred and csnstaucted (Figures A semi-closed wes required and constructed rearlng system sen!,-ctrosed rearing systcm was throqgh aa Ebe system Sea water from Yaquina Bay, enters the systm through Sea water Bay, Oregon, enters f,rm Yaqulua and 2). and 2). ulttaan ultrapae-systcm! filter, passes through second filter, flteers an pre.system head tank, tank, aa second fll,tern passes througb aa head velveso aeedle valves. violet unit, vi.olet untte and tbro$gh needle and eaters enters ten lucubetors through tea incubators Used Used sea ees or discarded. dlscard€d. reef.rculated or water sater drops drops into lnAo aa sunp and is la either elther recirculated euqr and S ugter The removes macroscopic matter pre-eystem filter nrtter from fro the tbe sea Eea water the prs-system ftltes rencrves Eactoacoplc (FlSure 3). 3)" pree1uding obstruction €t'lter (Figure precluding of the second filter obEtructtsa of tbe second Sea water falls fslle $ea rater gravele cosrsG gravel, contaln!,ng coarse into stages fllter stag€s containing tenk through three filter lnto the the bead bead tank tbrougb three gravel and gfrcs woos, reepetlvely. fine f,!.ne gravel woolo respectively. and glass cleaning. eteanlng, f,or rapid rapld Each rencvable for ts remcvabie Each stage ctege is per minute. ga!,lons per nlnute. The capacity ftlter ls ten ten gallons tle filter cepaclty is pertods of of, queltty during durtng periods A 750-gallon A a€,a-Fater quality 75O-gellon head head tank tank assures essur€e sea-water adverse conditions and ua!,ntalns maintains head head for for gravi,ty gravity f,lor flow to to otber other systcs systm* advease sea-water sea-water condltloas polyctbytreoe sheet. sheetc sttb aa polyethylene components. The tank is ts lined trtned with comryroBesta. Xhe tank Fli,terlte L 20 uU flt.ter Most filter equlpped equipped r€ooved by a Filterite |lleroscople matter Host microscopic natter is ls removed with L5 micron nferou orion orloa elements. e!.mentgn Ettb 55 or ou 15 bacteri,e reduee bacteria A unit Ls employed eryXoyed to 8o reduce unit is A Steritronic ul.tra-vl,olet Sterltroa{,c SWL-lO $lfL-LO ultra-violet levels by 99%. lene!.a 9!tZ, ultrathe ultraProtozoans by the f,woblllzed unleel!.uner algae atrgaa are temobilized Protogosas and asd unicellular violet v8olee light. llght. placed in bath contain coa,{tsln Five-liter polyethylene incubators tn aa temperature polyethylcne teryet ture bath tncubators placed Flvc-lleer [I: grayE and rater treated sea eea water supply of of, treated suspended reeel,ve a continuous contlnuoua supply rearlng trays and receive auspead.edrearing I trQy) IncuLor net v1ves a 0, t:3 \e l't oo .t u -l- Iuor \So (f) -! l- .t-o 2: + { 'j: ) Nd as CUH \'__ 6u, : aJ Iicubtor l!l +J +- x Nx 36comartme I 0, cGJ oJ -.rl l . 2oa b30 m screee d L -f;r o --o 3 () H. d ) 4 H o {J tt) L LTI -- >r a q0 Dust cover LI o, o H .d !) ${ d -to G, o H \ f, U g 3 a F m Fl $t ,F{ ,E :) L) o Uflt +- .g + H CD 'd I r. v .L .tr 1; .L ai; E ) a o A € d +) o (t} b0 E F{ < Figure 1. t-l. -9 f d lr- d V = Turn VO.ivt. +' d :,1 .r{ t0 to _9 o I .; fer vive I v G s rt, / ,o I Art ! .q, o_ -l- 1 tq, V /Ultrq-violet Incubor oQt(et a tu t .Fl. Fq 5 qi .o) SeQw&i L) o t{ e/i II \, o'6- I! (1 71 IL I PVC pipe- / t' r{ H 3 Sct9e rrQYstm t/| ol 6d o, {-5 o $r 'o !t) 7= 7 +- l.a, .t, / z. H q, Arrangement and Design *f the Larval Rearing System. - INCUBATOR DETAIL -.o PAUL H. REED 'TYPE SEMI-CLOSED CRAB LARVAL REARING SYSTEM, t"" pT- lj 3 d q, rn 3. 3. Figure Flgure 2. 2. The The Larval Reartng System Syst,emShowing Showlng the Pre-system Larval Rearing t,he Pre-system Ftlter, Filter, Head M i c r o n Filter, Fllter, Ultra-violet H e a d Tank, T a n k , 5 Micron Ultra-vlolet Unit, Sump. Unlt, Incubating Incubatlng Enclosure Enclosure and and Sump. F i g u r e 3. Figure 3. Pre-system Filter The The Pre-system Showlng the the Filter Showing Stages. Removable Stages. Three Removable 4o (Flgure 4), (Figure 4). eecht 25nil nI capacity capeclty each, The of 25 36 compartments eomparsm€ntsof rearlCIg trays, wtth 36 The rearing trays, with (Ftgure 5). 5). Nltex screen ltcreen (Figure bottm with 202 micron uieron Nitex are covered eovered on on the wltb 202 the bottom the system. syst€n. in the are ten co@partactrt8 in are l,ncubators and 360 individual lndtvtdual compartments een incubators There there SeaS€3- clrcul.tes needle valves valvee and and circulates regulated by needle water exchange wat,er tneubators is e:lchattge in ln the the incubators ls regulated eod. opposLte top top end. from the bottom end one incubator f,rom of ooe to the the opposite the botto erd of lucubator to 'lnto feltre into aad falls Sea water water from manifold and Lnto a coomon conllon rnaulfold Sea the incubator f,lons into from the lncubator flows a 120-gallon 120-gal1on sump. srryl. !.e acti acgl* During periods of floet switch $ttteh is recireuLatl,ono a float Durlng per!,ods of recirculation, head tank tank vated prlrtp operation watea to to the the head returnlag sea aea water vaeed and operat!.on for for returning and governs pump erltch Duringssrna8,er see-waterrep!,aeenent replacementtbc thefloat float switch bypasstng the bypassing the pre-systeo pre-systemf!,lter. filter. Dur!.ng overflm tbrough an overflow is deactlvated deactivated and sump water spilis the system systeo through ts out of of the srry rrater sptlle out ptpe, pipe0 gallon-per.ainute tmlt The pumptgis aa Vauton CC-T6OA unit rtsh with hypalon hypilon Veatoa CG-T60A ten tengallon.per-eiinute The prry poLyethylene sea-water and and polyethylene 6ca-sat€r components. coqronents. ,.poXtAll p*pe pipe end and val,ves valves are are nade made of of..poly. Al.1 (PVC). vinyl vlayl chloride chlor{,de (PVC)0 bl,oeeeayed uere bioassayed coostructtron were Samples materials used $anryles of used in {,n system of all sys8ea construction a!.1 unaterials poeslble sources rl,th of, toxicity. torl,c{ty. with mussel ellalnate possible aources of russel larvae lervae to to eliminate cry.rtnent, rearl"ag tray tray compartment. During was held he!.d in each rearing ln each Durlag operation, opersttona one lerva raE oB€ larva Frlday' tfednesdayr and and Friday. Cleaning feed!.ng was wes conducted every Monday, Uoaday, Wednesday, Gleanlng and and feeding eondueted every A calibrated pipette was was trsed used to to dlspensc dispense food food assuting assuring aa ual,fom uniform callbrated automatic autmatfc plpette amount eaeb larval Lanral container. eontatosr. aaount to to each control sas was aot not ueed, used, but but A temperature eeryrereture control, g€ryeratuf,cg and nonl,eorlng by monitoring reagonsble limits ti,utts by temperatures rlthl,n reasonable and salinittes sel!.nltlea were rere held held within tfrcn sea-water sea-reter replet ehtng the systen when the laboratory the system the leboratotlr sea-water sea-rater supply and replenishing erryply and quality was acceptable. qnratlty ras acceptsble. The were cleaned cleaned ae as regltred3 required; af,ter after sere ftltere The system systen filters passed through 750 stem fllter filter and and trtca twice a a reek week for for the the gallons passed pre-systen 750 gallons the pre-sy througb the Pilterite Fllterite filter, filter. nl rom in 250 ml A few conttol room l,n 250 A f€nr larvae uere held lanrae were hcld in *n aa temperature teryeratuae control (f,lve per per flask) 175 nil Erlenmeyer flasks nl of, of aea sea rater. water. f,laelc) containing flaoks (five contelntag 175 Erlemeyer Cleaning Gleenlag rear{Bg system sched$le' of flasks Bysten schedule. fl.asbs and feedtng larvae !,anrae followed f,ol!.owed the tbe rearing aad feeding of : 5.. 5.. / I Figure F i g u r e 4. 4. Arrangement of Arrangement of the the Incubating Incubating System System Inside Inslde the the l^Iaterbath. Covered Covered Waterbath. F i g u r e 5. Figure 5. Detail D e t a l l of I n c u b a t l n g Tray. Tray. o f an a n Incubating 6" RESIILTS SRESULTS and tnvestl,gator posltton of, delayed delayed filling of, the prlnclp€l Because of ff[fug Because of the principal investigator position and E&oe requ!,red to deaign a,ad coastnrct trere aval!,ab!,e for eryertmenaatlon provtded flrst the systen, gravld fc ?bree seParats batches ef,ter Uarcb 1,, 1966. zoee crab lanrae f,or !.alttal rearlng Dnagelre8s.,€r8b8 hagch oa Harch 9, [966, 288 zoea nene placed {.n the rearing the ftrst 8rm atGqtte. systeor btrt e very Zoes htgb bateh{,ag aoorta!.fty was evl.dent befsre the soea were co&lestedo ppti teaperature wac not not con coat'€!ryterature was 29 to 33 ppt; ra4gl,ng fron frena 29 to 33 ranging were held hetd at aE salinities salla{ttee above 56 F rere rareo elalmtngly aad after experLnent lndtcated f{rac 5 belqt 46 F to 58 F, a.lthougb fiuctuatlons aad ranged frm trotlsd Br{ne *hrlry srese used for food. eeur deyc less thac f0% rere allve $urrrlvel (Flgure that good eirrr!,vat ras poeatble vlthoue week of, lncubatton. f,aceoa, dcelnatlng factor, as the the decinating Tbereforel pooE vl,abtlf,ty 50 F and dro,pped 6-A). A lsGer feedtng durlog the of Lanvae Bas suepectQd At 65 days all tbe the larnrae larvae had had dfed died and oly only felr few daye aLL At soeal stage0 fouEtb sceal attained the fourth atag,€" attal,ned the for aa short..term abott-t€tu ras used used for [966 and end was A second Apu{l 9, 9r 1966 oeeurred on on April A hateh occurred sacmd hatch seudy of food auitabtlity" rnakeabl,fe t€ryeratuae The aoea were laeubated ln 200 nt gl'ase Jars ln a bath, but overflotr to-e e8{rertn€nt prematurely, of an adJacemt water tsn] Resulte 8$gg€st lluogenees crab zoea een suw{ve seven days wtebout, food and that barnaele netpltd f,ood for t€talosted of,fer EubgtanBial pro.iee as earty goeal ategeso 144 of of these tbeee 20r 1966; The on April Apr!,l 20, 1,966; 144 socs on grav{,d feuale fepale produced zoea flnal gravid Tbe final -sere ln flaeks in Erlemeyer flasks were incubated rearing aysS€n system and 30 30 rrere were set set ln in Erlenmeyer ln the tbe reerlng ineubsted in ro@. the control €otrtrol room, Bhe tei,erature tqreratuae naupll,i. fed barnacle barnacle nauplii. All were Led AlL zoea zoea were Temperature Teryercture pptr to 33 ppt, to 58 F and and 32 to and salinity ranges lrystem were 50 to for the raoges for reardng system tho rearing eallolty ond reepectl,vety. respectively. ln the c,otrollad the controlled !,apae incubated !,acubated in The €or larvae respect!,ve inforsation {nforsatlon for Ete respective ppt, 34 ppt. eo 34 and 31 to temperature was 60 to ro@ sag to 64 64 F and egryreraturc room goea inculnsuSurvival of, of the the zoea Sunrlval but bated in rearing syst€s system rras was ellght!.y slightly be8ter better tban than the the first first att€ry8! atteit, btrt the rear!,ag bated &n the 4 70 TO . B € fi 100 * *Bo ,!i E@ # F{ g . Traneferred Higher Scqleaturc Temperature llhnsfe*zeil to to E{.eb* 40 r{ H20 tn $0 ct B & S. ival Pwtblc Possible t&,rd.w tutrlvet nibe1iea WttJaoutemlbnf.i@ 4' 10 10 Figare F-tgtro 66" 20 20 30 fr 40 40 50 50 60 50 Age in Ihya Iys Aep f-a 70 80 80 ?o 100 90 9o1m Survival of Teaious Variowi lots Lots of, of hggucse Dungeness Csb, Crab IerlnOr 1rvass SurtuEl of iloe, Ratøhed. 288 Msreh 90 9, 3;966 1966 end end Scasoil ieared t{ttht Without 288 Zoem &t€beil !{a.roh SourtroLt Tempirature Ssfroud;&sa Control; RGerlgAUt&.nrt Hatched Aprii April 20, Without 2Oo1966 L956 end snd Reared zoes,Uotohoti ]-44 Zöem B. Be 144 Dayst 25 Duye; Rlrat 25 Temperature Cmtrol for for the thc First llle$uleuatareControl 0stnotlcd Zóa Hatched eerdt at et COatrolled No 1966 1966 end enil Reared April 20, HatobettApril C0 C " 30 n Zw Temperature0 Teu;leuraturc" A. Ao So days f,{rst ten ten days the first 40%survived About 40% surv{,ved the rdas di,seppotnctng (Figure 6-ts). sef.[!. disappointing was still {Ftgure 6-B)G bue by 25 days but days only only 3.0% 10% r@al.ned. reained tryeratuBes The zoea zoea lncubateri incubatedatathlgher 1igher teratures were h!,gh!.y sueeessf,ul--af,Ber a aonth of rearf,og 50% were al{,qta and hee!.th!'y (F{,gure 6-C), Ao ln{,tlal slrry !,n survl.val was expected due to eryosure to a uew enwi.rocaeneo ?he s!.i,gtra drop fn surv!,val between 4O and 5O days nay have been due to metenor?boeis frcm gbe f!,f,th zoea Eo the aegalops. Af,8er 50 days vtrrtuat!.1r atrI morbelf.ty was due eo eannd.bal{sreen iroa-trart fomed aoea by aegalops, Bed eb*s faeeon been e!.i.nlnaued by tsola8{on, aurvlval &evels pay hav€ eceeeded 25% through the negal.ops stage (F{,gure 6-er doteed ltne). Based os! the above suec€s$p aoea Ssoo abe reer$,ng syetsa were tre$a- feared eo hlgher rry€raeurea reduced (Fi,gure 6-9), sEr Ehe 25th day aad mortal!,ty sae lmedlately Lerva& Dungeness erab have been sueeeasfuL!,y eultuted frou ehe egg (Ftgure 7) througb flve asea1 otages (Ftguse 8), the mega!'ops shage {Stgure 9}, end fnto the selreneh {nscar or sedmtary Juvenlt e erab (F$gure trO), trecent by 11nited !,lnteed success, succcas, recent Although narked by were marked rear*ng attempts acterySa were AS.choughearly eartry rearing stageso Resulte veeEuses have resule€d ,,& good survtval ehlrcugh an1 lawal are eneouraglag ead s$s8al.a aepfrat*oas €sr tea8a of, envlromenEaL eff,eeEe oa !,arva3. grCIEEt! and sucvnva!, attendan8 s{th pero!.ssibl.e nortal!,By rates. F3.ansare bei.ag foroautated for next season€ crab batetr (Oeeobea;l{arch}. A&though ref,i.nement of, reari.ag techs,{.ques wtll be the forsnoeg const'deratlon} experlmeuts !.mrslvtng the ecrnblaed ef,fects of, SryeraLuae be*ag desigaed Eo esSf,aage Sotrerasrcetlmfts &asva3,stage. and salr,ni,ty are for theee fac8ors dur{ag eaeh 9. 9. . S F i g u r e 7. 7. Figure Eyed Egg Attachment Stalk, Egg of Cancer magister wlth Attachment Sta1k, Eyed of Cancer gster with Two Two Weeks Weeks Before Before Hatching. Hatching. ,j1 Figure F i g u r e 8. B. magtster. C a n c e r magister. First Z o e a of o f Cancer F t r s t Zoea 10. 10. S S )o F i g u r e 9. Figure 9. F l g u r e 10. Figure I0. Megalops M e g a l o p s of maglst er. o f Cancer C a n c e r magister. (flrst Seventh Instar magister a g l s t e r (first Instar of of Cancer m sedentary s e d e n t a r y stage). stage).