I COHTROLLED REARING OF DUNGENESS CRAB 47; LARVAE AND THE INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ON TBEIR SURVIVAL Pib1ic Law Law 88-309 Projeots Projects Publio ANIWAL ANNUAL REPORT July 1, 1, 1968-June 30, :50. 1969 Prepared by: Prepared by: Approved Approved by: by: Thomas P. F. Caumer, Gaumer, Project Projeot BLologist Btologist Robert E. Loeffel, Loeffel. Narine Marine Research Research Supervisor Supervisor Fish Commission of Oregon Fish U. U. S. S. Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Servioe Service Bureau of Commeroial Commercial Fisheries Commeroial Commercial Fisheries Fisheries Research Research and Development Act Subproj ect 1-5-R-4 1-5-R-4 SUbprojeot No. 14-11-0001-1901 14-17-0001-1907 Contract No. October 1969 Ootober TABLE OF COMENTS I1iROixrOTION., .... .... ........ . ...........s...... ,. ... ,,......,. ...... INTRODUCTION........................................................... 11 AND SS ANDMATERIALS.................................................. MATERIALS..... .. ... ........ ØS S SIø SS 11 ~DS NPHOD3 Efeots Erfeots of of diet diet conoentxation oonoentration on on survival and seowth............ oirth............ ~feots of ofcrab or.ablarvae larvae oonoentration on survival................ ifteots concentration on surv.va1. .. . ..... .. . . ... of diet dist concentration conoentration on on oanniba].iem.................... cannibalism.................... Effeots of Effects Effeots of light intensity on on the swiz,ing s)!inm1pB behavior behavior of of crab crab Effeota of light intensity larvae........................................................ larvae........................................................ larvae...................................................... 1 ng behavior Effeots on the 8!rlnwn behavior of of crab crab Effeota of of water water current ourmnt on y4n1rig larvae0...... ....... ........ . . .. ..... s.. sos.. s.ss.... RES~S................................................................ RE3UILPS.........,.................,...............,.................... Effeota Effeots Effeots Effeot8 Effeota Effeotd Effects Effeots of of of of of of g;rowth............ diet concentrations oonoentrations on on survival survival and. and growth.50..0.0.5. diet concentrations on on survival............... survival.00.,011.,50. crab orab larval conoentrations concentration on diet oonoentration on oannibalisin.................... oannibalism.................... li4it 3.nteneity cn the the slriDl!!!ipg swinwrdng beha'\'"ior behavior of of arab crab l:i&ht intensi:tz cn 22 22 22 33 55 7 7 77 99 U 11 11 larvae........................................................ 11 larvae....,................,......,.............,........... Effects of water current Effeots of water on the the current on ~ behavior ewiimuina behavior of of orab crab ~e........................................................ ).arvae..,,..,.......,,..,...,,,.,...,.,.,.,.,,...,,........... 16 1 SUMMARy................................................................ 16 StJNMARY... .. .... . . ....... . . . .. .. . ..... . . .. . . . .. .... ..... 17 LITEIATtRE C~....................................................... crrEn,,.......,...............,.,.,,...,...,,........,..,.,. LITERATURE 17 LIST OF TABLm PM! Table no. no. 1 22 Page no. no. Size composition of Dungeness Dungeneas crabmegalopae, crab megalopse, by diet concentration, 1969•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l969.......................................... conoentration, 99 Summary' intensity on on aw4tmwEng swimming Suimnary of of the the effects effects of of light light intensity behavior of crab zoese............................... zoeae............................s.. behavior of Durigeness Dungeness orab 13 jei1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure no. no. Figure chamber used to te8t test the effects effeots of of different different 1 Plexiglass chamber uaed to light i ties on on crab arab larval sw:hrming behavior. behavior. Top Top light intens intensities larval swimming photo shows chamberinopezation.....,......................... shows ohamber in operation............................... 2 2 Plex1glass chamber used to test effeots of of water Plexiglass chamber used to test effects water velooity velocity on crab orab larval larval swimming s~ behavior0 behavior. Top photo shows shows viewing viewing on window......................................................... window.... .. . . ... ... .... ..., .. ., . .. . . . ..... ..... . ... .......... (line) and molt of of survivors survivors Survival of Dungeness orab crab zoeae (line) 3 3 SUrvival (histograms) •••••••••••••••••••• (1iistograme)at atvarious variousfood food oonoentrations ooncentrations...,......,....,... 4 4 44 6 8 Survival of Dungeness crab larvae at two two different larval oonoentrations................................................. concentxationa....,..,..,,...,,,...,.,....,...,.,,..,.,,....... 10 5 Effect Effeot of of cannibalism cannibalism on on survival survival of of Dungenese Dungeness crab crab zoeae zcsae by 5 diet concentration...., ooncentration............................................. diet .......a..s..s......s.s..a..aa.......... 6 6 12 Average Average total totaJ. distance distanoo traveled traveled by by fifth fifth stage staGe Dungenesa Dungeness orab crab zoeae zooae at l-minute 1-minute intervals by by light intensity•••••••••••• intenaity............ Average swimming sw:fnllling speed speed of of fifth fifth stage stage Dungeness Dungeness crab orab zoeao soeae 77 Average in each each of of five five 1-minute l-m1nute periods periods by by light light intensity. intensity•••••••••••• in ........... 14 14 15 15 CONTROLLlm REARING OF DUNGENESS CRAB LARVAE AND THE INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL i;s a jj;ep II CONDITIONS ON THEIR SURVIVAL hi. INTRODUCTION Culture methods for Dungeness crab crab larvae, larvae, and aridthe theeffeots effectsof oftempera­ tempera ture, t various laboratory diets, concentrations on survival ture, salimty salinity, diets, and diet concentrations survival and and growth were covered covered in in previous progress reports reports (Reed, (Reed, 1966, 1966, 1967 1961 and 1968). Objectives during the July I, 1, 1968, 1968, to 1969, projeot project period 1968). to June 30, 30. 1969, were to to determine determine the the following: following: were 1. The effects effects of of diet diet concentration concentration on on survival survival and and growth. growth. 1. The 2. effects of of crab crab larval concentration oonoentration on on survival. survival. 2. The effects 3. The The effects effects of of diet diet concentration concentration on onoc.nnibalism, or~balism. 3. 4. 4, The The effects effects of of light light intensity intensity on on the the swimming swimming behavior behavior of of crab larvae. larvae. crab 5. effects of of water current current on on the the swlmm(ng swimming behavior behavior of of 5. The effects crab crab larvae. larvae. A change in project personnel in in September September 1968 1968 necessitated necessitated aa A change slight readjustment in the program schedule in order order that that the new project biologist could could familiarize familiarize himself himself with with the the techniques teohniques of of holding holding and and biologist rearing orab crab larvae. larvae. rearing ME'rnODS AND MATERIALS Dungeness crab c~b larvae larvae were were generally generallysubjeotel. subjeote1 to to similar similarree.ring reexing Dungeness conditions for for each eaoh experiment, experiment. conditions wi th an ultraviolet ultraviolet light. liefht. with All rearing rearing water water was filtered filtered and and treated treated Water temperatures temperatures were were maintained ma.in~ned at at 11 11 C, C, .:t,O.5 C, Ct in in aa. constant oonstant temperature temperature water water bath bath arid and salinities ±9.5 salinities were were adjusted down to to 30 30 °/ % 0 (.:t,O.5 %0 ) with distilled water. water. Rearing water was (.5 °/) with distilled ohanged and larvae la.rva.e were were fed fed three three times times aa week. week. changed every 11 11 days. Flaska were cleaned oleaned about Flasks The larvae larvae were were subjected sub~ ~cted daily daily to to 16 16 hours hours (5:00 (5: 00 a.m. a.m. to to 9:00 9:00 p.m.) p.m.) of of fluorescent fluoresoent light. light. 2. ovth Effects o± of diet diet concentration concentration on on survival survival and. and S%owth A diet A diet concentration concentration stu&y, study, using San Francisco Francisco brine brine shrimp shrimp (Artemia (Artemia salina.) determine optimum optimum conoentrationa concentrationsofoffood. food saline.) for for food, food, was was conducted conducted to to determine orc::"anisms to organ.thxna to feed feed.ntngeness 1.ingeness crab crab larvae. larvae. This This work work was was an an elaboration elaboration of of efforts initiated initiated by by Paul Paul Reed. Reed in in 1968 1968 which which terminated terminated prematurely prematurely after after ;a 38 days days of of rearing rearing when when the the ectooommensal ectocommensal protozoan protozoan Vorticella Vorticella sp. ap. infested infested the zoeae. zoeae. Ovigerous Dungenese crabs were provided by commercial commercial fishermen fishermen on on Dungenose crabs January 21, 21, 1969. 1969. Females, with with eggs eggs near near hatching hatching were were isolated isolated into into Females, 117.8 liter (31 gallon) ta.nk:s tanks containing individual 111.8 (31 gallon) containing running sea water of of approximately 10 10 C. C. approximately On January 22, 22, 180 newly hatched zoeae from from one one female were oollected, 36 250 250 ml Erlenmeyer collected, divided into groups groups of five, five, and placed into 36 flasks oontaining oonta.ining 200 200 ml ml of of rearing rearing water. water. flasks The zoeae zoeae were separated separated into into units units of of 30 30 and and fed fed aa specific specific diet diet concentration of 1, 1, 5, 5, 10, 10, 15 15 or or 20 20 brine brineshrimp shrimpper perin]. ml of concentration of of rdaring rearing water. An unfed unfed group group was was reared reared as as aa control. control. An Effects of crab la~e of crab 1axv.e concentration on survival The ef± ef1ect by The eat of ci'arab crabl~~l larvalconcentration concentration on on survival survival was was tested tested by rearing two two groups groups of of five five or& crahzoeae moeaevs. vs.eleven eleven zoeae per ml of of water. water. rearing zoeae per 200200 in]. Larvaewere werefed. fed at at aa diet diet concentration concentrationofoffive fivebrine brineshrimp shrimpper per ml. Irvae in].. Effects of of diet concentration concentration on on Gannibalism cannibalism The problem of of cannibalism canniba.lism by by crab crab mega.lopae megalopae on on YDUnber younger crab crab zoeae zoeae was reported W9S reported by by Reed, 1967. 1961. To determine the the effects effects of' of diet To determine diet conoentration concentration on this this cannibalism, cannibalism,crab crabzoeae zoeae reared flasks,containing containing ml on rcared in in 250 250 in].mlflasks, 20C)200 in]. of water were fed brine brine shrimp shrimp at a diet diet concentration conoentration of of 1, 5, 5, 10, 15 or of 15 or 3. 3. 20 per ml of of rearing rearing water water through through the the fifth fifth zoeal zoeal stage. stage. 20 '!'he flasks flasks were The were divided into into two two groups groups just justbefore beforethe thezoeae zoeaeniolted. molted into then divided then into the the megalops megalops stage. stage. One group contained contained 33 to to 55 zoeae zoeae per per flask while the the other other flasks flasks One held single single zoeae. zoeae. held The crab crab larvae larvae were were fed fed at at the the same same diet diet concentrations concentrations The through the the megalops megaJ.ops stage. stase. through Effects on the behavior of crab larvae Effects of of light light intensity inte~.on thesw(lTmvtng swimming behavior larvae To test test the the effects effects of of water current aurrent on on crab orab larvae, larvae, aa stimulus stimulus To available that that the the larvae larvae will respond respond to. to. must be be available Since crab crab larvae were alreaay to be be positive phototropic, tests tests were were designed designed to to subject subject already known to crab larvae to to light. light. Orlgina.l.ly, the effects effects of of light intensity Originally, plans plans wera wero made made to to observe observe the light intensity on all larval larval stages stages of of the the Dungeness crab, crab, but but due due to to delays del8¥s in in receiving reoeiving on test equipment, equipment, the the larvae larvae had. had alreaay molted to stage test already molted. to the the fifth fifth zoeal zoeal stage before our experiments experiments could could be be atarted. started. The small numbers of zoea.e before our The small numbers of zoeae remaining after these these tests tests precluded extending extending the the experiments experiments into into the the megalops stage. megalops stage. A plexiglass cind.er, A oy:}.inder, 154 154cmomlong longand and15 15Oni om in in diameter diameter was was conoon­ struoted to test test the the effeots intensity on on crab orab larvae larvae behavior behavior atructed to effects of light intensity (Figure 1). 1). (Figure It equipped at at one one end. end with It was was equipped with an an adjustable adjustable incandescent incandescent mioroscope light 8,100 foot foot candles candles (ft-c) (ft-o) microscope light capable capable of of produoing producingappro::rlmately approTitely 8,100 of light. of light. The chamber ahamber was filled filled with with filtered filtered and ultraviolet ultraviolet treated treated sea of approximately approximately 11 11 0Cthrough through aa half-inch half-inohfill fillhole holeatatone oneend.. end. sea water water of Water in in the the chamber Chamber was ohanged after approximately 1 hour of use Water was changed use to minimize a temperature temperature increase. inorease. mir{m4ze a The chamber chamber was was placed plaoed in in aa darkened, darkened, The unheated aquaria aquaria room of of approximately 16 16 CC to to eliminate eliminate incidental inoidental light. light. A the side side of of the the chamber, chamber, reduced reduoed the the problem problem A portable fan, fan, direoted directed at the of condensation condensation collecting oollecti.~ on on the the tube. tube. of 4. Pigure 1. Plexiglass chamber used to test the effects of different light intensities on crab larval Top photo shows chamber swimming behavior. in operation 5. 5' zoeae were were introduoed introduced at the the opposite end of the ohamber chamber from Crab zoee.e the light source and subjected to one of three light intensities (25, (25, 340 aM 990 and 990 ft-c). ft-o). The time time the zoese zoea.e require to reach reach the the bottom, bottom" positive positiva or negative movement movement (in (in cm) em) during during this this period, period, and. and location location after after 1, 1, 2, 2, or 3, 44 and. and 55 minutes 3, minutes were were reoorded. recorded. Zoeae were placed plaoed in in the chamber ohamber one one Zoese at aa time time for for observation. observatio~ at ljlffeots of water ourrent on_the on the sw{mririg swimmjp! behavior crab larvae larvae Effects of water current behavior of crab A chamber, chamber, 257 cm am long, long. 10 cm em wide, 14 14 cm em high high and and made of of 6.35 mm !DID. A thick tests on on the the effect effeot thick plextglass plexiglass was was oonstruoted constructedto tomake makeprellminar,y pre1inthy tests of water current ourrent on on crab crab larvae larvae (Figure (Figure 2). 2). It vas was equipped at the inflow .end end.with withan anadjustable a&justable incandesoent incandescent microscope microscope light light capable capable of of produoing producing approximately 3,700 3,700 ft-c. ft-c. was painted black vi with The chamber ohamber wo.s th a 133 x 14 am window window left left unpainted unpainted on on one one side, side, 92 92 cmamback backfrom fromthe theinflow inflowend.. end. on Ten em seotions the viewing chamber to to measure cm sections were were marked on the back side aide of the movement, larval movement. The chamber chamber was was equipped equipped with with aa pump pump capable capable of of discharging discharg:lJlg The Lowa were were measured measured by a cali38 at maximum mexjmwn capacity. capaoity. Flows cali­ 38 liters per minute at brated flow flow meter and regulated regulated by either either aa rheostat rheostat or or aa valve, valve. brated temperature 0, ±2 ;t2 C. O. temperature was was maintained maintained at atapproximately approvmate1y II U C, Water A A fan circulated viewing window to to reduce condensation. condensation. air across the face of the viewing The apparatus was originally c!tnatruoted as as an an open open tr'ugh ~ but but origira11y constructed problems with oontrolling controlling water water velooities velocities and and air air ~bble8 bbblee ueee.sltated meeoeaitated ~ the system system to to aa closed closed one, one. changing the Testa were originally desi8ned 'fio subj eo'1 all 5MBe8 of crab larvae to water velooities 2.10, 4.21 and 6.32 cm am per per second at)ight at~t velocities of 2,10, intensities of 155.0 ft-c ft-o of of light, light. intensities of 0.75. 0,75, 66.0 66,0 and aM 155.0 lack of test animals Lack and problems and. problems of of design.ing designing the the swimming swimming oha.mber chamber reduced reduced thi8 this experiment experiment I' Figure 2. of Plexiglass chamber used to test effects water velocity on crab larval swimming behavior. Top photo shows viewing window 1. 7. to stage zoeae. zoeae. These experiments experiment8 to making pre11minar,y preliminary observations observations on on fourth fourth stage high mortality. were terminated prematurely due to high RmULTS Effects of diet concentrations concentrations on survival and growth All zoeae zoeae in in the the unfed. unfed control All control group group were were dead dead by by the the fourteenth fourteenth day day (Figure 3). 3). The best survival survival (46.7%) (46.7%) occurred occurred when zoeae zoea.e were were fed fed at at a concentration of of 10 brine shrimp shrimp per per ml. ml. The The poorest poorest survival survival (13.3%) (13.-,to) occurred when zoeae were concentration of of 20 20 brine brine shrimp shrimp per per occurred when zoeae were fed fed at at a a concentration ml. 16.7, 33.3 and and 33.3% were experienced at diet concentra­ concentraSurvivals of 16.1, tions of 1, 5 and and 15 15 per per ml, ml, respectively. respeotive1y. tions of 1, 5 This 8ubstantiated substantiated the results of of previous work (Reed, (Reed, 1968). 1968). In contrast contrast to to observations observation8 made made by by other investigators, investigators, no signifi­ significant cant inorease increase in mortality was observed during the the molting of of the the zoeae. zoeae. sharp increase increase in in mortality was observed observed at at all all diet diet concentrations concentrations A sharp A mortality was immediately following following molting molting of of fifth fifth zoeae zoeae to to mega].opae megalopae due immediately due partially partially to to cannibalism. cannibalism. Growth or or time time of of molting was affected affected at at each each of of the the diet diet conoenconcen­ trations. trations. The time time taken taken for all all zoeae zoeae in in aa test test group group to to complete complete each each shortest for for zoeae zoeae reared reared on on aa diet diet concentration concentration of of five five brine brine molt was shortest molt shrimp per m1 on a single day especially especially through through ml and occurred predominantly on the first three three zoeal molts. molts. Time of molting of zoeae zoeae was was delayed delayed most' most" Time of molting of significantly at at diet concentrations of 1 and 15 brine shrimp per ~. ml. The first observed observed molting of of zoeac zoeac from from the 1st, 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, 4th 4th and and zoeal stages the megalopae megalopae occurred occurred on the 5th zoea.1 stages and. and the the 14th, 26th, 26th, 37th, 37th, 51st, 51st, 12nd 72nd and and.109th 109th day, day, 't'espe';tive1y. respetive1y. Molting of of zoeae into into the the mega.lops stage megalops stage was first first observed observed at at diet diet concentrat concentratjone onsofof1010and and1515brine brineshrimp shrimp per m1 was per in]. " 100 -­ ". Unfe\l Unfe. 80.­ 80 S.F. sl:.rimp 10/mi 10/ml S.F. Brine Sine ehrimp ~ Legend Moltir~ of zoeae zoeae Moltirg of 60 60·­ O§I~~ 112345 2 345 40 ~, 46.7% 20 oI I " 100 S.F. Brine shrimp ~ Ii0 o '-'-"-~in. Bhrimp 15/mi 15/ml S.F. Brine Bhrimp 11m2 80 ~PI 60 'I ~ ~ 40 0 H 1 200 33.3% 33.3% 1% 0S lC'O0 S.F. Brine sbriI!.Ji '--\ -"--­ 80 .5 60 '-, 4, 40 - .....'..,-----_. 51m2 S.F. Brine -thrimp sbricp 20 1mJ. 20/mi '~\ t,­ ­ -- \ 33.3% 3% 20I u'.2 0 10 20 )0 *r-- I 40 50 60 10 80 90 100 10 20 4TFl:!2 ABe in d.a\rs Figure 3. 3.3% .3% .flfU15 1 Wi 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Survival vf :>ungeness orab zoeo.e (line) and molt of survivors (histog.ram) at va.rious food oonoentrations CD • . 72) whereas whereas a diet of 1 per (day 72) per ml delayed delayed molting molting until until day day 84. 84. On day the first of of two two megalopae, fed at a diet diet concentration concentration of of 55 per 109, 109, the megalopae, both fed ml, ml, moited molted into into post post larval larval crabs. crabs. Average size size and and range in in size size of of the the megalopae meeslopae measured measured from from tip tip Average of rostral spine to to tip of telson when fully extended are shown shown in Table 1 ~y y diet concentration. concentration. The average average size size of of the the megalopae megalopae fed fed at at diet diet The concentrations of 1, 1, 5, 10, 15 15 or or 20 20 brine brine shrimp shrimp per per ml ml were were 7.32, 7.32, 8.25, 8.25, 8.46, ima in in length, length, respectively. respectively. 8.46, 8,45 8.45 arid and 7.82 mIll Megalopae from Meea.lopae colleoted. oolleoted from Bay were were about about 11 11 mm mIll long. long. Yaquina Bay Yaquina Effects of of crab crab larva], larval concentrations Effects concentrations on survival Survival of crab larvae, concentration of of larvae, reared at the same diet concentration five brine brine shrimp shrimp per ml cf cf rearing rearing water but but at at two two larval larval densities densities (5 after 77 77 days days of of rearing, rearing, was was 80.0 80.0 and and 9.6%, 9.6%, (5 and 11 zoeae zooae per flask) flask) after respectively (Pigure (Figure 4). 4). Crab zoeae raised at a concentration concentration of of 11 per flask experienced experienced a gradual but steady Btea~ mortality through thr~h the the second second molt (day 26) 26) followed followed by by aa signi.ficant significant increase increase in in mortality mortality through the the next two two molts. molts. next No zoeae zoeae in in this this group group molted. molted into stage. No into t~e the megalops megalops stage. Survival of zoeae reared at characterized by irregular irregular at 5 per flask was characterized periods of of light light mortality mortality throughout throughout the the zoea]. zoeal period period wj.th with saveral several coinoidental time of of molting. molting. coincidental with time An accelerated aooelerated mortality, mortality, attributed to cannibalism, cannibalism, oocurred occurred for for this this group several days after the first first ocourrence the megalopae. occurrence of the Table 1. Table 1. Size Size composition oomposition of of Dungeness Dungenesscrab orabmega],opae, megalopae, oonoentration, 1969 by diet concentration, Size range range Size Diet concentration oonoentration 1/mi l/ml 5/wi 5/ml 10/mi. 10/.ml 15/mi 15Zml 20/mi 2O/ml (mm) {mm2 6.65-8,25 6.65-8.25 7.85-8.65 8.25-8.91 7.98-9.04 7,45-8.25 7.45-8.25 Average size size (mm} (mm) 7.32 7.32 8.25 8,46 8.46 8.45 7,82 7.. 82 10. 100 100 l- '\'-""~ 90 90 ...,.. . . , - , - - - - .\" N N • ;0 (5 zoeae zoeae per flask) 30 (5 per flask) '\ 80 \ \ 70 10 11o a, 0 , \ , 60 60 \ F-t '\ Pf \ !I 50 I flask) \ IJ) 'i = \~N = 264 264 (11 zoeae zoeae pe per \ \ \ 40 \ \ }O 20_ s1 \ '­ -"" \ \ \ I pie' 1: 10 20 30 }O 40 50 50 18y Iy 60 60 70 10 80 90 90 100 1OC) Figure 4. Survival of Dungenes8 crab larvae at two two eitferent ~1tferent larval Dungeneas crab Figure 4. concentraticns oonoentraticna 11. ii. Etfects of diet concentration oonoentration on on cannibalism cannibalism Effects of A decrease in in survival survival of of crab crab larvae larvae following following the the appearance appearance of of A decrease the megalops to cannibalism. cannibalism. To determine the megalopa is partially attributed to significance of cannibalism, cannibalism, survival survival of of crab crab larvae larvae reared reared ind.ividually individually 8ignificance of at densities densities of of 33 to to 55 per per flask flask and and fed fed the the same same diet diet concentration ooncentration and at of 1, 5, 10, 15 or or 20 20 brine brine shrimp shrimp per per ml ml was was compared. compared. 1, 5, 10, 15 All mortalities observed were classified as results of cannibalism cannibalism although natural mortality and cannibalism differentiated. mortality and. cannibalism could could not not always always be differentiated. Survival of crab crab megalopae, 32 days days of of observation, observation, was Survival megalopae, after 32 higher at each each diet diet concentration concentration for for larvae larvae held held singularly singularly than for those reared reared together together (Figure (Figure 5). 5). those Highest and and lowest lowest survival survival rates rates Highest recorded for for megelopae megelopae held held individually individually was was 78% 7&% (fed. (fed 55 brine brine shrimp shrimp per per ml) and and 50 5Oj~ (fed 1 and. and 20 ml) 20 brine brine shrimp shrimp per ml). Survivals of 42 and and 02 01~ (fed 10 10 and and 20 20 brine brine shrimp shrimp per per ml, ml, respectively) respectively) were demonstrated for megalopae reared reared in in aa group. group. megalopae The poorest poorest survival survival at at the the highest highest diet diet The concentration indicates that the crab larvae were receiving a sufficient sufficient diet but were possibly overcrowded. overcrowded. This was partially substantiated substantiated by the low survival survival experienced experienced with with crab crab larvae larvae fed. fed 20 20 brine brine shrimp shrimp per per ml in in the the diet diet concentration concentration study study (Figure (Figure 3). 3). Effects of of light intensity intensity on on the the swimming swimmi;ng behavior behavior of of crab crab larvae larvae Effects Results of of the the tests tosts showed showed that that fifth fifth stage stage zoeae zoeae exhibited exhibited aa in sensitivity sensitivity to to the the three three light light intensities intensities tested. tested. wide range range in wide A A general inverse inverse relationship relationship occurred occurred between between light light intensity, intensity, and and time time general the distance distance swam swam before before the the zoeae zoeae reached reaohed the the bottom bottom of of the the light light and the and chamber. chamber. At aa light light intensity intensity of of 25 25 ft-c, ft-c, the the zoeae zoeae required required an an average average At of 21,0 21.0 seconds and swam towards (positive movement) towards the light (positive movement) aa distance 12. - -- - -r- --,-' 100 ____ 80 - '+\\\\ N -~ 1/mi l/ml \ ' 60 Brine shrimp S.F. Brine shrimp 100 -k-k 4040 - '---, 80 80­ fR . . zoeae 4 zoea.e \4-N \\ ~8 20 20- \ei\ = 9 zoeae N \ 6o 60 Q) PI .s 40 - 4-N )' 60 16 zoeae = 16 _____i- 60 40 \ 20. 20 _ I \N \ \ -<.--- N \ \N -"""'i-I- ­ \--'')..i o 5 10 15 20 25 30 Legend. Legend 9 zoeae Fisak contained Flask oontained 3-5 3-5 zoeae zoeae zoeae F].ask oontained contained 11 zoeae - - Flask -. ---l-- First oocurrenoe of First occurrence megalopae megaiopae 20 20- o0 - I 5 10 Figure 5. Piire 5. 15 n:a.y ]hy 20 35 1y 19 zoeae = 8 zoeae zoeae lay j - - S.F. Brine Brine shrimp shrimp 20/mi 2O/ml '-h S.F. Brine shrimp 10/mi 80 4 '­ 1:'- - ----l---L...-I...--~___:.""___"_, $ "008&-­ 40 40 - i-N -N _ 16 16 zoeae .. -,---­ 0 - 16 \ 80 .. 'N 20. ~~: .0.... ___________ ~ 0 100 S.F. S.F. Brine Brineshrimp shrimp5/rn]. 5/ml. 100 8 k 40_ 40 - N 7 20 - \+"- '--------, -;:; 90 80 ... \ +-N 1 100 - -\- - '<-N - 7 zoeae 60 - \ \ 'N; : 18 zoese zeae 0 S.F. Brine Brineshrimp shrimp15/rn]. 15/ml \ 25 30 35 Effect of Effeot of cannibalism cannibalism on survival survival of ofDtmgeness Dungeness crab orab zoeae zoeae by by diet diet oonoentration concentration 13. of bottom (Table (Table 2). 2). reached the bottom cm before before they they reached of 7.3 om subjected. to to Zoeae subjeoted ft-c sw-IYnmlg of 2.8 cm secends aM and had. had aa positive positive BW1mming movement movement of am 990 ft-o took 19.6 seocnd.s reaohing the the bottom. bottom. before reaching of of thethe effeots on SunEnary effectsofoflight light intensity intensity on Table Table 2. Summar,y swimming swizrmiingbehavior behaviorof of Du.ngeness Dungeness crab zoeae Light intensity :1Diinaib!; (ft-cancties') (ft-oa.ndles l 25 340 990 Distance Distance travtravTime Time to reaoh reach bottom bottom eled eled to reach reach (sea.) bottom (cm) bQjclsm! (!ail (lIio.l Ra.r.lge Ra.nge Ave! Range Ave. Range Ave. 5-105 5-88 5-40 21.0 20.1 19.6 -3-100 -3-+100 +7.3 -3-+65 -2-+10 +7,2 +7.2 2,8 +2.8 Mean distance tr&veled traveled Nean distanoe time (cm) :exMinutes 'am) b Minutes 1 4~ 25 1t 'lbtal 14.2 4.3 10.5 8.2 6.3 43.5 6.6 8.2 9.5 9.5 7,5 7.5 41.3 5.1 8.8 4.5 10.0 6.6 35.0 The mean distanoe traveled The maximum maximum mean distance traveledby bythe the zoeae zoeae during the during thefirst first ~3 2 occuxred om) oocurred (14.2 cm) intensity of ft-c minute (.If obeervation of 25 25 ft-o minute c,f observation at at aa light light intensity (Table 2). The The minimum distanoe om) was was recorded (Table minimummean mean distancetraveled traveled (4.3 cm) during second minute during the the second minuteofofobservation observationatatthe the same samelight light intensity. intensity. The zoeal movement forforeaoh zoeai. movement eachminute minuteofofobservation ubservationwas wasgenerally generallysporadic sporadic at at each light each light intensity. Figure oocurred between light Lgure66shows· showsthat thatan aninverse inverse relationship relationship occurred intensity and. and cumulative oumula.tive average zoea.e. The intensity averagedistanoe distance traveled traveled by the zoeae. imil* at light by by the thezoeae zoeae was was generally generally similar all cumula.tive reaction cumulative reaction to to light at all light intensities. three light intensities. ft-c At the end. end of 5S minutes m1nutes zoeae zoeae subjeoted 25 At subjected to 25 of light of light had a positive movement of 43.5 43.5 cm am while whilethose thoseat at 990 990 ft-c ft-c had. swum swum 35.0 am cm towards towardsthe the light. light. had Swimming speedofofthe thezoeae zoeaeat at each Swimming speed each light light intensity was generally intensity was sporadic observation (Pigure (Figure 7). sporadic during during each eachof of the the periods periods of observation the first with2525ft-o ft-c of of light light firstminute, minute, zooae zooae confronted confronted with During exhibited exhibited the the strongest attraction at an average attraotionand andswam swam at average speed speed of of 2.37 2.37 mm mmper per second 14, 14. 5°·-------------------------------------------------; 50 foot candles 25 foot -. - ..- 340 foct candles 40 990 foot candles 81' '-" 0 /,// 4) '20 / 10 / /' /X' / O~ ri -, _______ L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L __ _ _ _ _ __ L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L __ _ _ _ _ _ 1 2 2 33 4 4 ~ __ 55 (minutes) Time (minutes) Figure 6. Average total distance traveled by by fifth stage stage Duagenees Dungeness Figure 6. crab zoeae at l-minute 1-minute interva.ls intervals by light intensity ~ '5. foot candles candles 340 candles 340 foot candles 990 foot foot candles 990 candles 25 25 -3.50 3.00 0 12*50 2,00 ' *1 P 1.50 1 0.50 o.oo~ ______ __________ ______ ~ 1 1 ~ 2 ~~ 3 3 Time (minutes) (minutes) ______ ________ __ ~ 4 4 ~ ~ 55 Figure 7. Average swiDmdng awinnning speed speed ofoffifth fifth stage stage Dungeness Dunseness crab crab zoeae 7. Average in each of five 1-minute l-minute periods in each periodaby' bylight light intensity intensity 16. while those were attracted least (0.85 (0.85 while those subjected subjected to to 990 990 ft-c ft-c were attracted. the the leaat seoond) second).• mm per Swimming Sw{''(ng behavior behavior progressively progressively approached approacied uniform!ty uniformity tbrougilout throutiout the observation period the end end of of 55 minutes minutes a a reduction reduotion in the observation perioduntil until at at the in swirmning speed8peed was observed at allatthree light1iit intensities Bw:Lmrning was observed al]. three inten8itie8and aMthe thediffer­ differ- ence in in speed per second. enoe speed was was only only 0.20 0.20 imn mm per seoond. w(iiwn(rg behavior Effects of water water ouxrent aurrent on an the the swimmiJyr crab larvae Effect8 behavior ot oi crab Crab and aa water water ft-ø and Crabzoeae, zoeae,subjeoted 8ubjeoted.totoa alight light intensity intenaity of 66 ft-o ve100ity of of 2.1 2.1cm em per per second, seoond, generally generally exhibited exhibited no no poBitive positive reporise response velocity after release into intothe theawinning mnrning chamber chamber but after release butinstead instead drifted drifted with with the the current they settled settled to tothe thebottom. bottom. cwrent until until they than 1 minute. minute. This less Thie generally generally required les8 After to the the bottn, bottom,most mostofofthe thezoeae zoeaermp{ned remained After settling 8ettling to in in po8itiOn position throl2ghout thrO'U8'hout the 5-minute 5-m1nute observation observation period.. period. One One zoeae, zoeae,after after settling tothe thebottcn bottombelow below the the point point of of relea8e,8tarted release, startedto toactively aotive1yswim swim settling to against the theourTent currentinin8hort shortburet8 bursts and and after after 197197 8econda seoonds hadhad swum swum65 65cm om (3.3 nun mm per speed). per second second average average 8peed). Zoeae oflight lightand and4.21 4.21cm omper persecond. second Zoeae subjeoted eubjected to to 66 66 and and 155 155 ft-o ft-c of were swept swept out of of the theswimming swimming Chamber current were obaniberwithin within11minute minuteofofrelease. release. SUMMARY SUNMARY Dungeness San Pranoisco Franoisoo brine ahrimp shrimp at Dungenes8crab crablarvae larvae were were fed Sa at oonoentrations 10, 15 15 or or 20 20 per per rn]. ml. concentrationaof of 1, 1, 5. 5, 10, Survival after103 103 day8 days Survival after rearingwas was highest highest and. and lowe8t lowest when diet concezltration8 conoentrations of of 10 10 of rearing whenfed fedat at diet and and.20 20brine brine shrimp shrimp per per ml, in]., respectively. respectively. Mortality Mortality was wasmost mostsignificant 8flifiCaflt the megalops megalops 8tage. stage. during the Time when zoeae zoeae were ooncentration Timeof of molting moltingwas wasshortest s1ortet when were fed fed at aa concezitration of five five brine brineBhrimp shrimp per ml. ml. Molting or of the through fifth zoeal the first first through fifth zoeal stages aM stage first first 000urred. on the the 14th, 26th, and megalops megalops stage occurred on 26th, 37th, 37th, 51st, 17. 109th days, respeotively. 72nd and 109th respeotively. Megalopa.e IIega].opaewere werelargest largest (8.46 (8.46 mm) mm) when when fed at at aa diet diet concentration oonoentrationofof1010brine brineshrimp shrimpper per ml. in].. Survival Survivaj. of of zOGae, zocae, reared reared 77 77 ~s oonoentration of of 55 and. and 11 dars at a concentration 11 per five brine brine shrimp shrimp per per ml ml was 80.0 per flask, flask, and and fed. fed fiva 80.0 and and 9.6%, 9.6%. respectively. respectively. Cannibalism "T,r the was Cannibalism !.,y themega.lopae megalopaeononzoeae zoeaeand aM other other megalopae megalopae was dooumented at at all all diet diet concentrations. oonoentrations. dooumented Fifth stage stage orab orab zoeae zoeae were were subjeoted subjeoted to to 24, 24, 340 340 and. and 990 990 ft-c ft-c of of light and. and their reoorded. their behavior behavior recorded. An inverse inverse relationship relationship was evident evident between light intensity. out time, time, aM anddistance distanoecovered. oovered by the the between intensity, settling out zoeae. zoeae. Swimming speed was was sporadic sporadic at at each each light light intensity. inteneity. Swining speed Crab using light light as as an an Crab zoeae, zoeae, when when subjected subjected to towater watercurrent, curent,uaig attractor, response. General General behavior behavior attractor, generally exhibited no positive response. was to to settle settle to in that that position position throughout throughout the to the the bottom bottom and and ranain rnain in the 5-minute 5-.inlnuteobservation observation period. period. LITERATURE CITED LITEtkTURE Reed, P. Reed, P. H., H., 1966. 1966. Controlled rearing cf (t Durigeness Dungeness crab crab larvae larvae and. and the Controlled rearing the influence of of environmental environmental conditions oonditions cn en their their survival. survival. Commercial Fisheries Research and Development Act Progress Report, Report, Ncvember 16, 16, 1965, 1965, to to Jtne J\OJle 30, 30, 1966. 1966. Fish Commission Commission of of Oregon Oregon Ncvember Pr~cessed Report, lOp. lOp. Processed Report, rearingof ofDungeness Dungeness crab crab larvae larvae and the P. H., H., 1967. 196'i. Cortrollec]. Oontrolleu rearing the Reed, P. Reed, influence of environmental environmental cond.ition oondi tione on their survival. survival. influence of Commercial CommerciaJ..Fisheries PieheriesResearoh Researohand andDevelopment Development Act Act Progress Progress Report, Report, July Coission of July 1, 1, 1966, 1966, to to June June 30, 30, 1967. 1967. Fish Commission of Oregon Oregon 12p. ?rocessed Report. Report. l2p. Processed Reed. P. P. H., H., 1968. 1968. Controlled Controlled rearirg rearing of of Dungeness Dungeness crab crab larvae larvae and the the Reed, influence of of environmental environmental cond.ttiona o.mditione on their their survivaj. survival. influence Commercial Fisheries Research and and Development Act Aot Progress Progress Report, Commercial Report, July 1, 1967, to June 30, 1968. Fish Coission of Oregon July 1, 1967, to June 30, 1968. Fish Commission of Oregon Report. lOp. lOp. Prooessed Report. Processed