, l"leh II' ~liI!~ " It, Y1&h (l~t~ M.. 'l'. l{o;y Dom;.Id II t.. McKe$1ilI'l John 'J.'. '4h~tt ~ City, O:r(lgon J(lWpC't/i 0!'(lg(l11 , II II ~lilI'lJI O!"lilgon 'fl:l.l'l¢MIilt.1lI1' ~;r It n- l't Yf 1't M- Il II f'(lli~1I! Ol'lllg<m 3~ F:lJith Dmc> CO(llil 'b~ o~~ ,ll' 11 Jf lj D'il'IAIi COO!l BIiV C:r<1b f1lilM~ ,'I 1r1~d~ ,\ll~illl. IJ1~n ,'Iil~ n$hG~l~ Oft&hll>l:'lIl ar~ n$he~.liI AsIIl.'l.. W:tlll!:im:'lJ ~!lyg,;~~liI~l ~As$l.'l.. II II ,I, arah tilil11'~ l> It II C(,l~ I'lilwtli> II 'If~ a. H. '1'Um":l'BWt H. k:U~ l~i_\ W.. Dtmmid<t K. l~ .. P\U'Vine OooU GQbbie lild ~I!t C. V. :l?liIt.e:l'BQn II Ii. G. l'Itdth ~Ii<il~ ChJ.liIfJ }l~e (Mlrlh a"l;S.. ) ltw>illllll ll:. ll-tpl, COOl't " mlllll1lOOk ONgorl ClIa!ilt. MI'IA lKJ Bell St. 'l.'lilm,. SlIatw 1/:i.llJI>po1nt Qjrst$l:'lf, In\;. tl$~ ,''l1~ C<!ttagllllil, N(;lWta C~,lt;r alv.b :Netute Ha.PW C<ll!lp Ol:!tt~1l NetlJl:l1'ta Cll.~kt liI &!lilts» Fishing all K1ncll; 14aldpC't C:rab :t'1shlill'.l!llm Hoov"".', J. $• •a lii.. M.ndl!lll C. \'1. Snott II lfle~ ~~$ " Iilkm GIl.lnp O<Ilil.lll:l$1dlil & 1'C't~ Nlll~S Club In<!ivldw ilit<;;l:'eated in c:l'~wb:lng !lIjXll:'t lll.7d cllilllllling 'l':U:lm~ok ~ 11 II Orf£ll),'On SPl\l!'tlil iil!;G ~ ~ E. ~~ .formA. ~ It'iSh &. Cr<1b CQ. OOlilfJ ~ C!'ti> c~.. :lfiltt V~~ lOU lalalf thill ~til'lg :!.II lIl'dled ~ P:l:'OJ:YOl.1ed :I'lIlgu:Latiooo for I\l!'~ &ld ~ along tb~ j}~. I tb:ink w l'.rid iHJtt~ oQrj,,'iid~ tM o1'. .b Ildwat:l.{}u th"$" 1idlt\t w haw ~ our 11IVf£l!i>tiWJ.ti~ &1d wimt ~ bo d~ to l'mll!idT thfil Idtnati. ll.Ud ir"el;'MflIll preduliltion. 1Ift~ tbia 11:; d~ tlloim Illle(fOJ1l1l 1,lU$ ~ lII~tl$ti(ll\lil or Bl:l1.1ualII we ~rould be ,(!.ad to got thliilllo t4111 have quite III llllUliIl"ll, !)(lllt ll~ 1'-00. p$titi~ ~ 5,]1 h",re whioIl ldll !I,.\iilQ bo nooll1dtlX'6d ll.Ud W!i¥ lmnt 4W'$r711l1~ i;G flilfll. fre$ give bill mm !dl1lliUi 00 it 01;" WII,Y' cd.'l;'ioillll1 Qf mw~"gti~ lIlI:lda bY tho ~l>liIlon i;I",*l!l!IlII ~ W&1t to set w'!; kll'0plilr re~ti0rl$ to inorelitllllil the we.b and (l~ ~t1lm lililq the il~~ w: .* th of mlll Nlll1llpG fil'~ MK$~ arid hll,£I ~~~ III Iilt1l,liy of thlJl the hava l:lQIilI'l Wllrk1I'lg wt . 1'M.s work hM bill. \ttldQX' th",· gel11l11'lilil direet.100 ~illi' of tha Qral.:> W(lwk '!;ill,;; Mlr. 'l'l':1ll.etlilQU. Considerable wrk Ml:l b<ilen dQne covering thll t i':rOlll the ll101l.th of tha Col1l.lllh1a 111il flU' IiOUth alii Coolil~, Md I bel1$1l'cE1 l>o't't Ox::tm-tl. the \~aiQnp 1lfl its J!l"OU<lm, it! ~!dit1Qn to ll!ll.king Qn ~t:I!.Qn of thl'l orabs haVl'l also undertalt;ll;n l1. progr_ ta~g to dete~ on to Wi:l h1stor;r f~ta $lao on ot diffllll:'ent spoa.1es that OOUlil into thll; regulatiol1 of thll fisl:u~~. 'l'hrm:tl!h t;lUOl work ttl'" l:'lKlO'iMnuat1oIW and thll ~PO/il$lll or till! C~$ion are alii follows. fo11oo11'1.g tM genel'<ll outline we ,,'ill hava tall dl1l'tlidloo diSC1l.11f>ion of the :N;gW...t.ioll<l ~ )il:'. f~~ <U1d !~t X<1lJ.etaoo 110 $ll ot you w:Ul get a tll~ pictlU'1l of ~lh/l,t the CcilIlliflsion is tr,y'il'.e to (io, *,hioh is tl1.e e01:l11ll'll"Vation of the' fillh£ll"jr 11h:tllh b lJlltllltit ot tho 1;cl,nal'lliciS of the I7ltatll. U<m tM pl'QPOlle..'l. ot tho Cl\JlllmiIll\l1b en tI'll I>Ule lim1t of OO~'l~U611t clC'a~ :In!lJj~'II:U;i'~ +~ lll<Iuth of the thlll Illir~ 1ll1lillil "''ill be 6J;: 1nclllllll Iltll£<sUl'lld I!Wr<'illl ths back Md back ot O\U' of the h!i,y rishlll!~7 I lllight. "'''W we 11.''711 not prOll;l'lll,!!sed !~!lll.~ t;Q W;li(lll rellil1l!llill!lndatiOl'!l'l b to l!IllY spllci!ls or 11171 t;Q 1>_ _ • TIMI I'$nly l'(~gu1at1on will be thst the lll1~ sillle lim1t will r~n 6 inokills, lI\~l1Iuroo tt'Oltl po:iJ'1l1 to po:l.nt. 1'h<l $easonl!S th"t eril l"!'OI>li!l>OO ~ too Clllllll111111ion will. biil depl1ltlde!lt on the GllllllWenQlll of SOlt,..llhllll Ilra1:lJ:i arid . tltlll is beclW.llll at tI,e dirtel'entiu1in me of lllOlting iG! llraos al<mg tlH~ e~t of: Oreion. :it! propollloo te divide the oO/ilat il,tu two ar>ClllJillCaal:l<lde lfa:ll4 nmhp ana. Gil,lIell4& HeM Iilouth. So till'! IIt~1l0n will be l:lete1'l!iinlld by Ol\Jlllmilllilion to ~an the arll.bll g<:lt 30ft t;oolloo. At ttl.l.s tilll<l tilt\! C~I!l$ion not raeQllll,~"ndil\g a;n;y d ~ whell the lilQIIlIil;l'l flOOllion W:u1 C10llll or ,,'ill opan. I'llis will be dlltll:l'll\b100 ~ the OOOlU':!'enllJil of soft III1<1lllll liUlct 'lhlill1 the.!" ,liet to A c ex>tain l:la."lins&1lI 1iJ,1I 1,0 l.h"'n pl)t.ll will JigO in and l!CI!;,J1J lIill so oot.. 'l'wo weeks netic'!! lIill be giVlin ,~hen pl)'ts will llqI!tlii out liUld $ll'io when they wi.U go 1lfl" In the !>1!3S. We hair!> not eJ:lOUgh to !!l!'lklil a. J:*MI~dlll;t:ion (II, the soosons. with thi I:ll!!l!lereial Ill:lpeets of the fishery$ ! will l~ve ;l.t t'or the !'let <l;l.lIloulllled ~ ]1,cK<ill!'mm· to liU\d HI:'. T<1lJ.etlilOO. ! think we l:llld Pllttlill:' tlllke CI:ll!!l!l"c:ial lPdIiln e~roial views first. tell yO\! thl'l V1/1IWS they !:I"v.. to\ll'ld» upon which we hsee QUI:' l:'elllJ!llllI~t:l.Oll:II. ff!r, ~m"!l: "Ie have been l$tud;ying the shalUich tialllill.7 alo~ the Ol'egon {lObt tor thol> past 7<il1i.r lI:!'.Q. are stWiel! are nct eC!lllPllilta at the jll'ellent timlil. life intend theae t'l/Ogulations to be prll~ regw..at:l.orlil to help lilten a ~~ent pregl:'8lla 1lfl 01JlJ:' shellfish i:l.ahliU7' We abo intend tc llll!J.m mooitiCtl,l;.iu."l.l! 0'1" i.'urthar re~tion$ !Mil the lilttldiu pregrus liUld lllOre int~nat:l.Qn 1:lJ:iCQl\IlIlI! .Wd>ilab1e. In thll mJ.$l) of thlll 110ft !;Ihell~ llelillilon. ~"e don It llous1der we knm; enough about the crabs ott the oout of Oreg'(l/'l. to sot a (~et:l.nite t:!.ll:lb. ~'f,!llltt:l,r", way w han we 11ill be making the ses.aon tl<i>:ldble.. OUr pm'pJ:lse iii to lout :iJ'\ l'llgulatiolli!! to I:lJ:cOlltplil1>h t1l" purpOllll\!$ which we have otttlinoo. )il:'. 'I'Qlletlilou hll.1i balllO in (lll1:\J:'L~e of tholilo invalltiga:l:<iona :for t,lw palilt ;l!Wil,J;'. lie will prllllant to you now thll jullltifioation tor liUld O\U' fiming/$ '.ltLrU\F( this past }r~ liUld thl:'<nlfth mlAt b!Milill lIe hava tor theso ps,rticull'Al' 1"IlgtlliltiOll:ll of the Ol:l1lJlr.1llliliorl. lif. T9Q<I£l!ilont The li\rt\o rii~he~ Oregon ill ~ntel?ed thralll lllldn erelll.IHO,rf tll.e Aatoria area) Out of X,alJlort !lJ1d. wt of Cool! 13ay in the Boutll.. 1: t if), Vlll',. l<,trg'~ i'bhllr,y) ab\ilut. ,1<U'6,'fls I!Il.1Y 01; the llItlltei> (;In tJ.1l> \:\o&at. hi&1te m'<J;lffl up a amall ohiart "l1.c!,l:ing tho Ol-ag;;on pl:'l!loootion i'X'<Il!l llJ.l b~tI>JI gi'ling tho ~ ~ by po~ga of eli'llhlll fl.4 <1l!l l~ int<::! 1941. 1halle era tmseu on l)l~aollAl y_:rll!. Iou wI notiee t!1'l.t thl'l fbhet7 hall b/ilel1 ll:Itpllllding tb.:l:"ou;;r)l thiil period btl aplJarentl,f hall tlOlMWhat. lliivelled oU he~. It, halll ,llil'\fillled oft at 350,,000 dO/ilen o:ra.bs. l'hll lllain cateh of this {j<ll!lOil tr<ll!lLltlil i\s~ii!i arlilll, 4'% llJ.I lll'll,l;a were lamed in tlrlll~. Coo!> l'llli;r wee Iill'lca lIith 16li\ of the tiiltal. 'l'he 'Iill~, Yllquil:la 1mlpq1il3 arllAliJ were tb:lx1:l$ lMd:iJ'tg "botlt l2jIl llAIiJl:l 0.1: th"" tot$l. Port Orford !:ta.d S% of thlil total. ~{1tll tlrlll gelwl'<ll blwkgroulld we liklll to go Utto the g~J1ll."$l regulat,l.onll liU1!1 prlillill.lnt p:robllillllllJ lIitl1 wlu,ch we l),ri!il la.sed. At the present t:!.llle t,hllrEl ill a lliliSe lllldt ot (; 1m:hf;1l mllilclilured M:rOlllil thll j!l1IintJil.1'bllrll a:re a fllli regulat.illl1l1l on. thll g~ tdthinthe b"W1ll wlth wltlm. tie Itt'\! not trying to l:mKe a;n;y e~ejh '1.'110 l>j;'oblel'JJ$ fllJilJllIii bl the fililhillry arll SMI'Il:ralt 'J:he tirilt liUld lllOllt :iltlportllJlt is "iU'e W$ ~tt:L"i! thlil proper tlse Qut of tltla rl'lso~uroe/f" .l'eroope _ are taking to lil\l,eh$ ~pe w(> lliI:re not taking <l!ll!)ugh. Thi$ on$ ot the Pl:'~ IItlldell W1iI dlllllidlild to !!l!'lk11l. A '\ItI~ 1Illportant point the mattllr ot intl1l1'3tate ralatit:>;!llilhip. 1hare i$ iii (l(lllfliot li>iithin the regulati<;nll blltwoen the States 0f: WIlJiIhingto11 <1M Or0ll.'OI:l. 4;;jI; ot a.ll our crabs were lr~nl:lwl !r<ll!l thl1t. ar~.. fA recent e(lll.l:'t... J'ulillg in Washir;gton now lllalt;eil it );lolililible tor the 1JJ:<lgOl:I f1lllllerman to l'ish tlmt arlla. The lliBt em :ts tblli I~li ll.tUiw.$ti<iln. ,/i.:ra. all Qur urjilpl:I alQ.!'Ig thi\! IiIOIilllt the 00lll1l ,,1a hIl.VI1I $l!lparate r e.l(;llJ.at1onm: He at:'l!S d~oil"..\! a tagging pr~em llentared in the north.. Thll resultlil of this ta~ show tha ~ ott Ast~ ~ .. very detin1tl1lly l'mlV'ing populaM.tm" 'J:Iii.f!S "ers . :t'l.!Icove:rsO. in lib", Iili'_ ~ tlili' ~ ~ 1llilUes of! DiI!Il1ltrtlct:loo bland r4t 0.1;\$ iv-o t"'iIiI1 that· Y,\€i,\'e no qU0stiQll wi;. that :i.n thill <WlIlll. the erll.bll ~c dei':lnitely lOOVing ba.ek am torth and <We Il. ~glilt~liIQli$ pQplllll.t1~ ':!'h:!J; lell"''''o us l~ith \lo!1ll1U!liQlli~ Firllt, p*:rilapll it, iii jutiticI1t1Qn 'l;.hill Collllilbia areli should 1;;(1 tishlilti bl b\lfl>h ll>i;&t,elil. It UlilO .ilI.lililllillil the fact tfmt intel:'liItata ref~tion6 ahould .!le illltde to ¢Ql:lf~ l'mlre ~$1;r ~1 do now. 'l'l:l@ Iilize regulation Wlii.ll l!~'oo first. Ths 1il1ze or erablil inereMiIlli!, as you kl10wj (lilly ,.hoo they lihed., t" Imow wnlilthe); ~1!Ji. wQtlld gain pO'!mlila~ Of' ;,<'bethel:' WIll 'I~ lO~lil Wlol _ lll:I!Jini~l size lil1Jit" l'::liIl:l;lr filllhlllmlln l'l.iltV4l> MVQll£l.tad m~!e$ OD,li:l 'i:\IlJi;;' Qr Mother.. lUll.'\(<1' lJlll",n lituclyinB; px'incip!lJ.l;r o!f thlil Ne~1Po:l't a;r<;.'lS. t,he gro,",th the el'ablll" vi!;) tcmm thl~I'6 "'X'1i; llppa~4IH'It1;r tt'O zin gt"cmpk1 at Illx'abe .,rlll tillh~cH We tholt the ifWrCI1Il!ll if, abe ~it1lJ;a about lf/~ of ~m inch.. in a c<:lrilliderablll 1XWl'!lllll,llllll nlcerei'ore ",,,,,,,;7"" Illl$ a ramdt. I like prell<£lnt iJiI, &1-"1"'1 to Wfl!llre crlitblil Ikl'l f'olll:lWll 'Wi·til th~, ei-/'ll.raprel.lented hera. By t<l-ldJ'Ig ar$1Il, ·tecl:mic!lJ.l;r \li~hingl:.Qn w",t'ill:' b\.d; is arll VfJ.lc':{ mg<li crliibs ll.m'$, aJ:ld ,$ l-"I!lliJ;: tor r;l:It~ i" app~'~tely th<l S<:llOO" the ~,I!l'dport ar<;;lt "!~',,"-l' ';16 a pl:ll1Jl: 'but t1. it b \l>ver :I.n b!ll:rll.. WIi! l".aVl1l ths 1"'11',,1 po;,nL,., here l:'Iilprll$~lt:1.f:l8 a prOOt1mIll:IMiI1I <:Ii:! TUliomQillk HeM. pillulll.r ~ Nll''PW-t hel:'(J., ego!! ~ it! to tho"", of th., All/tori... aX'$Ii; wi ton the Illltin polill. newEl<. l!owllvlllr. ill 1!11l11n that in l1l11 Jal'i!ll:Iili Ull:t l.(lIillltion (if thll li'Oi;lfJel'lt1w mW.till are the ~. '.rhere ill r,Q l!'llll.illl1l. to lI.lJmlllile the:!:'';; 1.. lillllthiug but ll1l. llq,ual to a ~'l:'aph ..bien dopietll lll'llKlll filOl1lJ; tlh<ll: ent.i);,;iI CnaIl1:.. I woul,;l ulcrlilMfll ifl 5111$ mid weight erabs of dif'fillNut s:l."o,.:rne C l'&bll iOO1'o';!l\lilll In tlilrrlf:1.(la:t:l¥ !Ult the widtll inorlllM~,. l)reslInt 6":l.nch lim1 t Mt'OiSl:! the 'lill tiXlt"fra.f,e 15 QUl'WlIll PllllC~. T11ll.t crab~ it' w;;r"oo t{l until nllx,t:. t Molts a£,ll,in$ w.i.ll ~ to Ql1e p~ Qlml:l<lllil~ ~ 00 increasOil ng that we do hll.17$ a y;l:'Mh r'ilte t.he _t;l\ lIIJ,,,ng 'I>he coast, 1',hat W~ a 7<:iJ!; inereMI!l it lil/N_ to _ th11lrl!! would be littl~ object:l.<:m to e regullfltc!l:ltl tlmt nat\u'f/ll" l WQuld like til shOll wlmt. "ftect it wo'il.d r.ave on i.llonelil f lililbery if' thil we limit is iner_1illtl, IX", x'ecou~~'!Int al:1. itl.lilX'eMlI' to are Pn:lplil$lng 1.11 ~ured ~ llh!l'llldi!lr ~ hel:'ll... That is !l!quiment to ~ed thilll~. The rlil.ationl>h:tp Pli1twlllliln thi\1! two _thOOlil of _alilUll"inl~ ill S.QOlill1 on ih",!!/) two e~. Be~,: '!'lith ~rabs trOlu the Ali>t~iill- ~l1lat i t will be "coo tllat thJ/l portion :i.n lJllld ia "iJ." po:rtill1l. trmt w111 bJil attlilctlltt+ It 1$ a complill:'at1.ve2,y few that wOll1d bs taken" Th" $1!Ji~J'} ill> ·trus of this lill:l11lpl,.... :'01.' the AIil-~ ~e.. 00 the lilouth i!1dlil.· it ilil a ~ amount ill blling tali",!!. It ill to agrOet~<iJllt bet;>d\1lan the fill!1."Moo ti'lamliiltlvlilIi. thoJ' d <lll1liroo thlilY oould takifl In l'mll:'lil. .. (l~plaUrl.nl2i chm-t) .. To whow tUG ellOl~C th/lt rtJJq 1:>0 obtainoo by the 4'1CrOO!:lO in Ili!!!ll l'1fll lld.e;ht pair!'t out 100 ~I:l 01' 6...il1Ch cl'ablil~ ;!.t t)l~lY werli! allowml ·to ftO 1,lp,til tbo follow:bl[, Y~l:'$ 1ii'll'I.lld gain 7(1)$. Th<ttt is c1<liar ppofit f111h,,~. Il.£I lll:'. ~ poirlted outjt ~ work l1lin the bs,rll ill not cOllJPlliltlil yet. !Iilct OUt' 11\:!r~, cC!llipl,et.",. dooll> flil<tll that """ h.a.vtli jnstitieation for 1n,l;lcrl~all,:i.ng siil!<iI lim1t 00 I.tl'a1Jlil in hap at thll mdlil. ~ ,,<',"';;.. mm lIlil<lJ.llill:'.. &1'e llllll.":!;l' id.eas prO!10lIllt). thfii reason t}d;s.•. 1t.;r be r,laill.l$d that 1m-gel:' Ol.'l:lbs ,U'~ w1',.. l~!'l:;re it M au op~ tjUfiistl00 lilt i:.r'll Ul:ltU WIll e&l gat, llII'>i'Ii> ll'ili;liIt::l!Il tkta 011 it" >'Ie l'ooCllilllllm that tIll! tJ:le llt'I:l$((Int llIilillii lL"1d.t hill; l("e~inlld,. As 1m' 1M!! 1l'lll!lS<;ln concerned 1:.11,,1"'" arll 1:.herb Th"'t'$ jfJl:lllI6 t~el!l to soft ,:a-abli> t.he lllQltini~ Hal>Ol1., llom~ad pot natehl'l<.l tliltL"l$ of tillwi wt" ~ One ;.';'f.lillil,ple ahowed tbat ~ llll!ii.virllJ[ the pGts our longJillt', !iii" a dr~ of .from 4'; soft IIhell 1:Jll 1,,6:' "There ili' /'>00'" Ii"kjil! it pots ~e ti~lllld t1111\t tl.lll.e. There ~ ap~'llntJ.;:r '1ary at tba.t tim",. :ush"FS' 111tG!ldl1l to clowll it$l;,il.t at that solt llont'..ition piM'tly to the ~l:'1lI1 eendiUoo Gi the <l~.l'1Io, fllil nll:Ittar ot ;y1.eld i!.i of g.t'!Ultt con~<lt'tlc~ A llQtt el:'!l.b il!l itl a Vlilvy WIIlteq <:lenditiOOj .lI:!w in ~i t1 ot ,~ ll.li\\1 low :i.n yi~ld. \'Ie OO'le tQ'lll1I1 trm;t; what we ~~ M a No.*, 2 ~b, Ii> crab W1llh.b $t111 hard enough til put 00 the llll:U'kct, allowed to l>.lll'I.ioo ..p ~lill inl.lI'Ilaee 1;)1,) lI!Jiight. it it il'l p-l'Oteeted until th!.t t~.. are thl!li'efore l'~'lOOd:l.ng a elooml :;!lMOO during tho !!loft lilf,ell 1\\\!lll.1iI00" Us 10\Uld cI>. diUIllt'<\intial llhilld<:iing.. ilwrill€1 the alit lllilSIlOO :tn tlie Astorl.a alJOO in the tirlilt Jll:Irt of XlOlil1llll00lJ the erAblil Wllrlil rwming 53% in tho l~Q" ;;£ . . . . . In U<il¥1PO:rt :i.n tbo Illid<UJil of Novl1llllbllrk thil! CrAblil lI!Jil'lil only 25Jit Mo. 2. fhil!~' hi,," haf'liened up that lllUOO l'mli'iI!. 'rhllt'lil ill possibly !Still lllm"$ VlU'iatioo 1dth:l,tl tJ:l'il wJllll areM of thlil ~t. kq X'lil,,;l.lJAtion 00 e~ai1l00lil» it t.he 1llC!.\$t 1s ui:vidflld intG "l'lllM, wi)'l rmve to he divided J,I1 lll'OOS ;ffll1lt'1ll thsre is no ~app1tll> ot fishery.. It it ii'l not dOlIO i t ldll be :!Jllposilibla to oolW-Olil lll¥I{ such reCQlllr/ll;lndatioo. Wlli l:'1l(lQ!rll:lend two lll.l:'elllll, wnlillt'l!l tlllilrl!l ia 00 ovlllrl"'PPulg of arlllJ AIiltoria. .ftshlld, 1>,,00 am < 6i t_. am ot f:l.ah1ng. It it iii! done, it will bl!! :lJ!I,p~l1lible til,) ell:!'O¥'Cl1l !mY !lue1l ree-aooatiOl1lll" II'! t.l:ie bll;,ve, apin our work :'\lil Mt !a.l' ~~ ~ to r ~ l1la,T 1idtb Clil~ll1y ,~hlI.t QP~l1! thl!!l'i.l. It 1$ WI., llOl)ls,1ble tJ:ll"re a.re t'i.ttterl'lnt tild :l.n tl1<1 bqil all Iitpil:lilt. outlli~. So;in W lJqil we hlI.VI1l ne ,iuti.t'i<lIi4t1on i'or cl:l!lS:\girlll !Wl1llflMt "SUllil,t~ M bll;,v fish~t' M111Ql'dir\("),y we ,1>1:"5 l''illll~~ th'il bqIfI bill 1l.l1't ~n thlil y~ ~ wtill _ =n (ltllllP1lrt.e our ,,~l'k. w., ~ t""tJ $ ~ up the e~r¢1el \\ll'1d fi1"l1lt. You llaft ~$~ thl!! clislliWl!liIion lil!i! t.'l tllil l'l'JallOUl> L'o1' b'.eit1ng l:lugg",sWl t'e~t1oM. . :ul.1l1ooe the Ulll.t'llalll1l i'l11l'A of 4~1il tlll!lil:\l ottl1l~ to 1l:l.clhee.the r"gul",tun {Jf the lil~ b;r flit, f:tsh'J.n,g Oil ItN beSinninif, w get 'eoft. clOIl::i,n,Z l:\.lll1 t the ,...S/S notioe ~"'l' lit lililrttilin r""rl1ll1!~1l of 1'11,11 be tLad to lililtlX' t'rlllli llZIit i>! ;rau. Ll\ltlll te"lk$ iiI~ t:l.gh~n w aN ~t. ifdJll\ll in the ,\lill lll~ toot to be l1lll!t.+ th!l\ llo1nt:t1ilt'l I:>;r our <lrll1lhiJIg. ~ thi/l 1>12.y "'$ hll."re opef'aterJ lTh!q Ylilllrs. '~lil ooUldn n 1\I11tro1here 'Idthou:l# tl\lel t,.""'t it wi.tl we \:x:lnetit of thliil indM~. yo'U;(' !!loft Iilh(jU, rishe~l O\lt of I&qu.'\.illl. Bay IJeN fJJf iilPJ.ilion tJl£:lt II .clOJleed S<lJ\\$Or! llhwld a J,,,r:tod ... ['",pt;;,mb!!>l' 1 to j)eeember 1. of thei!' eCtft llheUll tbi:!> 'r1dl!l re5,\'ulll,tion '11'00. arl/! a'lll ore to Q1litlll:'l1!1ne wt:\!ll:l. to i t will be th;;; th€l :l,u1;.tlntiOfI ~ 1~o dstll~·;tn~l the W, ~~(~{8l!lI:t l\!,l:>fe Iilt'l operatil:lg all 1I,1Iilt'lf; OOJlelJlt. ott t<:> ;:,1lat, l'i<l also illtillnrl. to study ClI111ght by hottts ilIO we w:i:ll t,o J:lcr."'l'ees of ini~timl. f'el?hapl!> l!>Ollle of the t:l.shl1l:'ITw.l1 .l'ill sq th4t W"...ll ot> il!i:poel1>iM.a. tOlm tll<J:ce ;I.e a correlation bet1rflllll'l th<!l Q(fQl.IlCrene<l oj,' l:Io.:£'t, llh@J.lin p<>tll and ill ~ ashore. It 1ld£Xlt be thOllght ttw.t the alilOl.l11011 lldg:ht run a long :pl!ilt'iQd of tl!PJ:!. That ien't 'lit ~t w:Ul be ju.",t Iil-J!i liIIuon as we think ill justified. \\ll'1d ill :lJl the llliighl:>orhQod of tJ:lr1l1l llloothll. It M/;ll'ill'l a littb bit ,lit:iol,ll:!; to eet a d.eftl1ita $ellJ>oo, pl'lrt:l.o\lll'lrly :lJl u$;t"tll;in Il.l:'~ll. In the ClI1S1Il of yOlllr" Jell'. 'J:olletIlOfI i'~ that September 1 VOtud havtl ~ ttJl:> late to 1::10" the !loason. Our ll.tudies l,1lhOl'ifl<!d th1\ill:'<ll wer"" 75%I!l'!lft shells lilt tllat l?::l.nie"lar ~. Olllr 1l'1tsnt~... l'he SliliJ.1lI0n tX'Olll out I'$t\llly 'Ii«" tbil:lk it 1~1 v:~ (Oi'i'shox'''' l''illlle~1 ut-oll'ia.) QUI' :men ,u,-e h~'\'.U¥ accord tot: ll. <1; Ill:i,~. 'J:lle two not1lJ<lI of alallt:U~a ~ . I qtlMtion it th~IY eM glllt tlll~il':' potll 00'1:. ;til t~t t1loo. ,,1,$ l'mleh ll.lil l\l lil~n !tr\tlt al!llll:'ooce 00 tho oceoo th", dQ1rfnt pllrtilltlll$l'ly llprlng d1U'ins tb!ll fleoo, lillllilaM it M l'mlch ClI1 t~.'O or t,~'ei\l W1\il"ks thl! })otlll out. 111'". some pots out, '~Q &l1<lW to to eet their to t.lll:'Q\lt ll.wy a:tJ¥ J:lrablil that, /Are :I.n the pets. 'l'tlCt ita tj(41 l t th'i:) obl;:o' objelltion \1C cal.'! tb:lJil: of r ~l'hc lilbe ll1Jl1t ill thllh ldem!A.l l~~ the ~r pots that h!iWl:l"l;. heen dUfic,llt it J:Illll:i dWllp til" ItEM Iitl'iulii~idell. A could d{iUOOr..ta~ l.vil Ina pN out ~ wClllld be di;t'f1.,llalt for the l'1r, exlferlill'll',:\!lm <ltt1il~. In a VEl ~;' • '!If Cl'll;Olil ~r ~ pet the I.\rabs al'lil of no pvt:i.c~ value and 'Wl.l1.ltd I gl."ant a man br~t tn lSI big lood W'elilklil hIiil wOIl,\d be Ulilhlg the law to 1l1mi oovanttilp. 'l'!:l!1' lillllldoo Wablli al'lli dlllld. A1WQr~ _va _ il~ 111lt*1iI w yOllll:' • Ql;I.~lilction Iilt'l the lliUl!: ~t,'i' ~ hi!l:\rli! &x\y objection !IiIll.lllli?N?T_t would btl ll. 1110lttlOO 'U\at wt))u.1.cl !'lUCt\lllitl1! fran on t h e ' fig whlilt'l the Cl"l'l.b!l&,?e ~t::i.ng .$oft. If not, go to tbe Mldng of ¢ 1,;r. ~~JJlt 15 Otle th:lJ:li. a,$ ta i!(lft lllhell$. }J:r. Tolle!aon: ',I> pEll'Bona.l Mlh UQI~el' wow..d our IIrlt1!lria for pl'.'Opol>al for !loo,$onlli, ",'hen '\1e lil:ld tbe el:'~$ ~ llIQtt in the ;"i3lrpect:l.Y(l Ul'1:.$ roo:: 01001ll'O Uj:>OO t'JlO t_. 1110011;8 110tililih the t:li"Slil 1Xf ofJliI11illg, lmll!l:t 10',1( iii! ;reaebed, the Il (ll:.$on to bEl oplil1lod up,ln t.Wlil V,'IlOlal Ul;)tililll. :ernr.;'will btl in goOOCiilMit1li11l by t.li.at reli>lil~h t'llill~l1'tI,,,mt all1l0 to Sllllllill Mr. 11m1t on pe:r£101llll t&lr.e. tP.at the ~ l'5be limit ~ in!lhe~l IllfoaS\treQ, IJlrlnt to point. bag llm1t" t!ll1l COli:iJllia::d,011 i'11l1ll1l1l tUrit II, dai4 baiil lildt nllWt ~ "et l?er,,10W tlllO or !l'rl!ha tho C_blll:i011 hkle 1;l·1rlil1l thb t h'Jll/llill't. It:u, thoughtlil of tho COllllJiQi011 '!;'11ll peraorlAl b~1Z lill41, lithould 110t o~~o<>lild, 12 oriilblli • ,1cl1!i, IlU ~;" QJ: lilex, that o~ 1llAle m'b$ be teK\1ll". are jUi,t the thollghtll Cmlllliilillld.OII On pel'l'ilOl'J!ll vjlIli1 tror.lil oJ: l;ll;'Il!JIiI" I W011UI,l':l', fI.o~:l', if ;roo dillCt\:;l!il tllll>t.. crabill ~lr* TtMef!mi of c:rabs th<il.t bc,(Ul II lot by ';U'C t~k&t ax~e tW\:,@tl !,\1tt1nk~ in a hl\yS "0~Il!lrJ.(lati",rll! 001:.$1:.. c%'iticilil1l1 thfli:!' a~m Willil. lilxAml:,lc $t'uzt\ :roa;lllW~,+ a perof,llt!111$ t{l*"~Ji W/$ a.:r~ $1\i;1> that ~<ijtam Bl.l:y. J::;11l1w indieat,1ll Y:rom 4'~ inchllf.i UJ:; JS~ qf the Qrabs taklln MJ>~'lil (;, t5 nm" arll :!.lId!viduw wi'll) very hI:M:1l;r ,iil~ Wile th$ lll.'lillllilUt lim,! SU(lI ara~. ;'n;{llt cut (mt tllk" of lll'ablii hill''''. wlOil:\ht inC1'lilaael; 'l:IUllh than dess the w:l.dth. A t;"'Ulnh C1:'ab weighs 4. (lila1 5-1l1elllill.l $ 0:<;1 6-inM 1$ Qlh !n I'ligard thll %1Ull'.l:Iar that "I'll> take - that iii; j?1"i!:Jil,ril,y !!Xl :p:robl!llll. If individ11!l.b :l'eetrictod tl:l 6-itlch Cl:'!1.bs tor QI</l;1 ume they willl oot be l'Iblc '00 tllklll hUS"" nlllllbi:l1:'Il. It 10 "fery ~~J to Illl.YlIl Ii!. ball; lill4t.to enforce t,ll" r"qui:rllllllil1lt tfJEl;l:, eO;;E'lwtr.lJ'l,l must have a ).iC{ll1lilC to fiJilh. If;m onf<:>rsement officer rindll a man fillhing, weJ>l!I he C!ltlllllll!l the man l'llilllll:llt he j;)£ll1l\ot, f#t fieh:'Ulg. 'It'll V1firy liitX'ontl;;y· r oeooll1l6x,d a bag limit £0,' PQ1'aOMl Ul1!e.. F~0"', lillil krlow, J:'"tll:! srMtlle:r th<1.n llliJJ.eli!. they re<l<:h J.~ i:!1,)ntl" there 8X'1; !'lot an;r numbol:'of' j,;I" t,'lke. ~ !he one<l tht,t lex-a t!lke have IJ, '~!'!ll~<lIill1U!l alll0011t~ oi: eg;.;fl. cl'ab rt1'ly ft>t'tUbe tho 11 Of femlAloe. conlt t,) \101':f!J' about m~~;~.~::i; ho :I.~ m,Vl1!r :l.'Qtml;i ll. Imta:rtil.illOO 1iltJ,IiJh U,s of betW<4\l:lltl to l'er!l!!J,e1il Will e&J:':!'';y lilg!)f'l. l;lt'QtllCt thelia t<illl'Jil.lea to are taken, 'Lit", l>iZll of p€llC'ticulnl' (lUe, in crall... %",l!l so eo ill{lr01&$;O Olir l1ltml1".1!l. \\lX".,t _V~tch-; In til" Sa.1.moll til"h~,ry. hold ind.ividu,litl ~le the sarno TJ:l:"Qbl~ l1llilt a o.ot'init0 l:l.\ld.t ,IJ) lill4!;' unler,s Both C<llifol;'l1ia and i',a;al:lJLl1.E;ton hilt'., a i.'1iIIillll! tl\!lt in nQ lil1rlil1rL l>ut'f1ciCllt" l: ,11ould teksn ! or personal U.l1ie. 'kte \fe Mve c~mlt a license to it" 12 ft.'i.3:filc}llalUM. CQllllf4l!lilion thllil;. nq'lXVe !;i:\rrcl.Ul c<>l'tainl;r bill both PM !IU;lllber to be W, Gabjl,'u I think the oi' i/:l l'l~t,hinE; tl~t ehould llll.V(; been protectod l> ~ l>gQ. I th;lnk ,fll! haVlll 1I0000l(fl l;'Jilgu.1AtiOl) :pota in the 1mT. 14mlt Ulil dawn thel:'0 1llIllkl:\ Qltl' living that wa:r. Ij:,. ~ ~ I ~IO'll1d llke 1',0 hll;lre i!1". r~l1Ie 4:!Jolrnl>s \1ll'ld too Wm' tl'leyllll.Ye!>ell,l do1ng 1l:l. Ne~ ll$y. It" '£~ Thlil PlUlt ~... 'If'" h",viI dO'll,Il !lOl.widlill.'able in 1~Ilt!l.rtl.. \<!<'l l,l1l"n-1lild wt a t!lg/;:lus oper1l.t1<ll:l ~J$tartl!i llay. haw f:tPl!lil 011 tn/} take of lill'aillil in the baT. I fu'st. if I cel'l''liict, 1,2x'. Gab:!.", in :!'lllIIlilJ:'k Il,lil tl:l the ZliUIllbIll'Oi't,otil. h,w", 1$0ell ~Iilig,':lb()t'hood 2!Xi pot!! iXI tlae bq lali;t Yllar. ther" '11%\1> lilPP1'WJ.matlll;r 25 01' 30 fil1ihlild by one lMlil, ~ill(> !:las ol;>e th!ill'liI ! <;JI' t1:l:lNl. Jkl:. the' lll'i),lu·t l;li' th", ljlJlJl?ililOn l::ll!t tall there 'I',;;)re l!lQ1'<l potlil. "'lil have takl!lll the cat<Jhoo fJ;'«il y,hat OM Qll!1lIll(flNlial f1sh~ who hIillil belill1 i':l.$hi.ng corwiG~ntl;f liiMe :l.9'!j>~ i~1S w",re tacoo with the pO!ill$ib:U1V th/;lt, th"'l'lil mi~t be a.n (N,,~fish1ng lld' ~1!'Jtms Ds;v'. It ill a ~ $_ Wl!l<lt t,o "<i1~ 1£ ih~ P!lll'l1!\:!:tlaJ. tIH dlll'll'll'£ 'tiw l$~ to th!!l pl:'(i$l$llt PT'OdtlIllUOO ~lil'r pot M!1l ~u;d Wi~Iil~ t.ht> mll:tlb~ 1:'I","12l"e,", W fo,ll~ t~ml(I, that ;lmtt ,!,"UInm.l:lI~ the 1:1 ~ tl""'(f h~ld no l5'ull l'i1l!l ~tI'l ~~l1\:kl'n QU:l:' tIilg work. IilPIW=-t$:Qr ;';00 ott ml.... bhn t~ t.l~t tl:lIIN ~:Qlft _,ldl,~t"JlJ!' !\I"'i;!'''' to l'llllllb,!1Ir' ,~h"lNE:~" \l'!llr,'f n~ ~n'<lI l)tr.J,l)g h"'>"_ ~ 1;,1011 cQl:!tinmnjJ; to \,ork in NliJ;bm tll1dJill a.ll '1~ I:I~, tllmdlll to rim ~,l i1tllll!:ll'l:t' ~. in ;fUtUt'iil pl:ltlll ~ PJ,'I'l$llII:lt tlU1;," ltffiJ brl1~ ~ or j;'ljlC~ Vlfllil tl>!li~OO Qtt T 1$ 111l)V~IIMI"llt {jon(J"'~, oot,\~~lI:l Vflif!:I lOll to'l;1iIl ~ll ;1t J: ~ e~'I'b$ ill; the ,;, ~toh.. hut. ,yOllti ill! S~(lp~.:1bl\(i t.o iii ot IllUcll "'Y~~l lQ!,mr fa:&' t,!,M that ~hlNl'l. bi1 ~l <w;~ ll:lJr!(J!II I Wlill1I th~1"\ll tlls putll -~. bi1 ha'1l'$ ;,toon llilil. lI>l?lll t.'ilI1iIJ:'e they f1i>n 19:;'1;. <ll'l c~'t l'!j<l'l:. ¢l 6-:iJltJh 1}~1h Tll"lY d.idntt, lllOl"llo Ii> llAlI ~~n Cl:>lltl'lll:l1$!:l by t!:ll'6<1l lliie. It lillI:lSt toot ;!,'lidl~ f.iIij ;jT<Ilt" <Jlrllflf',!)t jUlilti:!.'1 we tlllJ! poi%:l'l,/O l:'@lltlt':LlltiV<il <I'll al'(l <It;l.ll ,~Cll',,'\E,j :I",:\,g'W41#:"{";0l>°U,l~;'Il~~~::J;' l'llero ~ be ft'Mly ml)'ti,"~ p~~tion. that Uliilt'e 11; I'fj;(;t;L~IJJy cl;llllmerc:l.al enhoing bi# stt1d;y Ilrablh dl:'w, stio<\l,lly J::J.T:&!'l;:Llk' cOEll"el"oi~,l t:l.lS}:Mi:J:. t:",lro to il}tlil¥:W5,f7 their lll!:'JU"$ r>1l&.l!OI! fw: tor l:'t'lON&tl.oo I cen see no tl1", ;I"'lJllc;r ·the; (l041lT,Ullid.Of, ,lot ;l(l. tIJ;Uf r0gtllai,1<:1lt upon whii'lh bass tlw/" :rcg,"J.<\:~:L(;,n... NateI'li'1 or t.l:;ti 1:101$ 1iW~ l~"wpol't lw,vfil bam iLS!ci.ng "MSorI fSl' ,,~ time but batoro ,."" thi;:; to oo.ve SOl:ae ti> bail,,, 1ton", lil:len VIS gElt the tal:ltl\! the nmlbcr ot the CINilD wi"",!; the ::f.@ fill' !l1l too.l1l1ii baYll~ ~ TtdJ~ l:%',11 a ml)/ifM.l1g o@fi:Yre )'W. ditfil:r"nt :!'@lJ;IW"tiolllll ,lJl.l:'€i on d:i.tfsl'\!mt "''ll that l,ut b go;l.ng t.o take 13~ t~. 'L"a~llll:l l'sgulations we are prOP';},ll1.<1i\; \.ooay mel""'ly the ata.rt !lnd WIl don't ~~.,t t'll llJAYJtl .my l'ilgll,lation ;mtil lIJ'O i'~tIIl to b... it up. . 1ll1't! . w" ,i~l'k liltll,l'tea y«ll?'l;l !Jh1l\thl:l.,:!:f,y ;mt,:u' the l;QillillUll7l:Y,n hiLS lllG'f~ lllw.l:!'tly haven't the ll1/ll;n~ tll.!iiI Q~lllll;l.l.la1lm ~t1~1it~1~, ff;; _t It l1i1 l:lUll' ~ti~ tl,.,;l; tlw C:~fi1.<lll ~1) ~t a postel." lIll'l~ 1'C'Ge oot~ the ~e ~ !'~e ~, U wlill1 iLS tlllll otb<l:ll' ~~tton. W:;J'lmt,<$~ at ~ve Pl;ll(l!l trylXit. t%l memould !»at lef~",llj;t,Ul:'€i tl>at we thljl he~'11 llliJ.V'i the ~;r :l:''ilI,:t\.'J.at4 ll~ l:1.mit.~ I}@l;~. lll:lll1p:t.~ ~ ~ lill1 th1;$lll ,fbhel'i1;$ t.l:l It only wi;, ~l1sIll:ton ~ l:llId ~ a$l'lS~ t"'$l 4IInd ~ !i~l1MWlg 00 l;Jw t1onditi~~ tlmt ~1v.. we ~(lf># ,,$ OOll 1I~1l u,JOn pi>1115 1Wi!, ~ cral:ll>-'thaiirw mIt ,ro (100 f t Mve tq 1De ~Iil~' lNilgulatio);$i OiIl tlw ~i" <:\OOlt b.,VID e~'llW tllt1t~ ]f9U w'.cll m'1l going t(l tMlile £Mtw llaV<\I ~ tlQ<;T.. :r"'Iil~tlIl.Ii\t:ltlnll llllll.l!ld in Just as 1'lllt,al:'tI5-H~W GqM;a~t with l'Ulf,lil ~~1~W41 I S<,1iI;l6 in i,UIil' tut~. iiI.'l thilll nlltiti~ ~ ooasntt the tl_~W rllgulati* sq b!l;'lt? row outs:i.de alY, ilrabs.. It uh"uld be law "'n!o:t'cl'illiiiint.You QIi\r,*t tell ''''..\.,,'" in ~r~ hfl;y.. You dll ullli!ie 2.1W l'jJ?,.t',"(, to be 6~, NlilklPQrt. out. Ojiinion foil;Wt:~ ~ 00 tin • IJ"terlin f 15 th~t}er 51-reulfi1 -~ :l:~QQk~ ;Ullf"";l'J,,g~,,,€,,). VIil17[{ elOI3~II tiKl,,,,,~;t to l~U"g~1 o:t~e:s. g:f'et 19r:O-"~dl1.g -as t,h0 bi.Qlogista. lW,~ to. '£her", 1l!l$Y I a~f;m'c you that tho dool'" Uk€) to jlJlJ!P into 1"(1;],U,Ul.l;J,(,n!: 1ft~ a.s,"iZ1 ~",\;.cc",,, inl'o:~:!!I,tj,ClJ, ~f\la$ ~ oth~ to Ull ~;ould I as like to ki'QW t,~ 'Ull t"o ytl11.. $(!B if :f\1lll,l,"S ~;e:Ll as alon§; to It Wotllxl 1lle<1lll1 that with oth<ill" Yll<l.l:'f>,. lW<ar.. CQlJ:,~)IlJ"im:ra with the oatClh is they Ii X"Jl 1J01:,l'l,( "''''l'J,t; Boult! ,:,(:i:"" :I.t ~;l'. ~ll:ll1,U ba,vs ,jUl hot bB 1i;'\'0Pllmi. ~Jlmt we ere dQing., dil:ectiorl. into reg:;,uli,i.iom; on WB 'lfariOll!\l ~~ iii. H£;ll1llt1l'lrl l.ll11;,1l .~'" 't.OlJ:i'$I;'V~ lire t:c, st$!) :t'''F~t COlilmi'''X'l!i&Q S{la~i'Cm 1$ ,pri'l!'ltic~ .l~or ;l"¢U emu.a this peril::d cOIJqmt-oo ¥Jr.. :r911et'!q.'1.~ ere not, ~Ig '!\he erablil ;'J.r:, $$1$ thlil.t pradUllt!on imlilgo;;J;e ~.d lWi\! apllal:'$l'lt:l;jr J.e'J'~led prQt,,~ctioo at t11., ps:'1'Il:llltllt t~ ood tn" thing we ~ it. £!rl.l t ';!~ 11leta:rt.s. ! lllJ,'\11Il liv\1ld h;zr t,!'!... b"Ml. ever "inee I f,fli\(' a Uttla l'ji.rl.. the, ~ we 1l0llld large Gl."~$.. :l'l0"1l th<il only litUa M4i' a~ll;1l tlmt I w!llW:4llt even l~ 1)1,1:.11 "lint ot,t people that ,QOI'l'!!l to 'Visit ;"Illeli a chi, II l<re Tillie and t;Ull$ illgll.1lt< 'I;.he i'llllhel'lllM WO out llt!\lf is lMk;y' t;;; get Ol1!!l gO(lQ $ilil~ er";'b.. )!r. bag ar... rim 1;rr.. 3i~ !iiV~ ~ lilq, of 12 era'blJ. I &:!ll h~rtily in !a~ Q! thjjl ~inl~h Hlll~t Gll blJ\1lil aI1d <ilao tlle I think timt is ampl4il1l ~lln.t T ihlllin;:, crabe tor the plMilt lllQr", ~'ablll thiJl Yllat' tl;,!!.tI I!Ivll:ll.E!l.cll j;'iahel'f,1al1 gQt 1lI0N th!!.tl he I thir.k '!;he boats have improved '!;lw er~. I :l;'atl'l<Wll!h/'!l:' her/'! shore FillhirliiS feesl'll Clwnllm> and 'I!I'e betore. +.}"",." W€l$ Ol.ll;y thl'1l0 Q£ UIlI cl'ahbir.g tl'<1IlI! <!ltd we lOO !»tll out a.llQ out th!l!l1. I th1:ok we CYlllcliI. tie eOQd bOO $\Nl"!!Ql':l. The I> al\11ll all railor cll!llllS aboot 7WYfiJar ~'1$1:' d"'ltJt th!l!l1. I'l1ll gilt too 1Ilr#!" 1 "n.,rlli: the ~g ooatli! turlrlng oot bott!llll ll'CI'Cll.$<l (lrab". all knOl.' l:3rabll tl'Il;¥i!i\l. "Ilrll.b.. next to lilJ:'<!¢l1 t gcW'I!.l: ll!i,!dl,\1l of j')JrU 1:le!,JI'1l >11l !;:ot '" dOl!;6U <Jl'alJlIl te 11l1vEl "r~,jj. CYO~'.illll-'-I lllil:;):,t lll"ds"l':l hu;rldl'€d ;VC!?"~1 th:ly fMl'q C;):C:l<l p.rOY1l!l1 il,· yeal'3" ",'L,"':" fll:J Slr~,l!l\1lr&d:W !athat' st"u'tcd 1 haVIl l!lJ.~ bOl'tt" aO(Ylit 'l-.zrr,ar c,vclcl!I tW 'then 'th\1l,}'" ~ b~'t'Jn ~,- -th-~ ~Ja~h~a~ d~. 1:mcll: 'If',:!l1n,, $~.. l:'1ll.t'h••:w, ,,'$ lire l'l n :,,'1'';'' !l!CX'li! ulterllsted clx~~i h,~ h~lx~ t)'VJ?, Qrab~t. 'rIds the' o:rai>~;. til",;!'€ ,fa,FJ l<1ts l:hr!i Oll _11 "~il; nenl' fou:m:l ll'llVtl. ldl#Mll. Is i,hera 1'l1l'J ali! to whorl!! :t'e$.SOl1 ri"he~ d<;J'illp-sea b<l<1$ lind pl'evoot 1~,e pet" th41l e;J;'!f, !:Ill ",t ! iilsk i,$ flak? cOiiling lllt,Q t,he bayll': hOUl:'ll1 '" &;1' whiltl Qil"r) 11:, lllen rishing at the th'i:l sports fiehel:'llllm. 1:MO Qr three hQUl:'lh tli(;lUth 'ch()f hay f:lll<;l ke~~p er",bs 1:m;V. we hav", petli! s~ all thll ~ trOOI A£.t<!ru. to Ne%1jJort. If ar",. iJt'e keepin[;, a let ot ¢l~abs frQ1i;t cOOling :tnto the 0$:,1. 'l"I1{>nbhe' croo petu L'l, 0$:,1 LIlli:. th!llll. lIilii \1l);re oole to get gebs ">ill l'iX'at elm,,,, !:lut I have got &0 dispt~ t,hat l d oo.'t too;" like ~bil" ,!IJ:t:!' :more. .iimuJll/ t 1 think I fish aI!I we ean't e",tc!l a to!);, f :ts ('lw~ex·nlid. ~'fr,~ V"3~te!lt, t!;; ",,,,,,>(; thtcl:'e. tl:'ll.l~ 1111 ~'One Fe until ,1ill get at Icc·""". faT as lletllli'ts wo 'i\irra hBl~ to to CQIIllI!l to t1:1111 :m<,eting. th", Nk,1llAtiom; if t_ ean ~ e 00;l' l"egulatiem; by g:L'",U1kl thooe """1 ,~ p~bl;y tlle:t'S ,,:I'll pu:I;,I;,iJ:lg tlll'o'tlgh that 1dll han 1;,1> be mMUl~ iJ:l the a.lllthing else. is to haVe :mm'El ~ lIO that m'l enl:I 'mat haa l::~ otll' l~t,",llt hatI1G&p. In t;l.ml it will ~ al1i!1lilli all rapidly U p<;l$sibllll. He Ali; !!lile t rom. tllere.. :1.\11' orlr>::l,t,ii:m ~1c) ,~ill then lnjcoX'lflll,\\:t(llt on I~f ll. Vllat!!ht lllit,ll, cll~, we ani 11lOl'e tblJ,n flOl,·k,l.ng to!:' lih ere t Yoo 11£l,vliI the n'iMlleseary the lllg,izla!;;w:oe'l' 1!1t, V~I Yell it is lI'lllltriet:hl'<ll we neoo !\!QIIllI!l ~enu. l/hill/let" llaVliI S~ t'e,gulatol"'y iill)illW V"yll. Will nll$d full ~ cloll!<'ld l!.;!'lia&. \fie- l;I01,Ud !I!Cl'O dona t.lm:ll we can now" la'. I'ut'V"lU!t It the lllaj<:n'1ty of a, belWhlg on ,lI'($lll' deeiIl1"l':l'l' ' £l:r co VSla:lteh~lJhat ",e CQlIJlXll.lnity POWlll:'1> $eaaons, 'Wlmt 1l,Jlj'(ethin€it lWe tr;rill£~ to get a~ 1':r00l is not to :l:'egulate for an;y particullllJ1 c.Oll'U.urAit~' be~us'e If_jortL't~J~ thO' p~;;Qpl\¥ na.p.,t':;t,;;;n to t1ant B:Qrrre prkr+i';i.~ul(1.r ill "~he b,BBt intllNst rAU,' it might not. lv"; J:'.eke ~W b" build ocr, fMtlll. Mire hllU :reSOUl?C!ile tJM?I It might; tlling. l?egulat:ion at etai>6 a:u b{~OSX1Sj(j the CO'.il!1F.\I'.it;jr has 'ff!Jr:; detl'~nt<il. lught 0::1,11 nyeter b OIlill the tinest 0;($1;"'1'/$ destrnyilld throu~ l:'Bittlla.tiorw Yaqllina J3lI,y r 1)1).1', tUG all,jri1ue:pi1l ,',I,d thil) 1",<;lS0UC" he))$ beon p*'iM:1,icfllJ.y out oocutWc local 1'lJ£llI1ations. "'~lllel~lJ<'Jr a billl"::\s put tlU'ough tl:lltt tl'Ul F'il!h CQ!lll1lission could In n<\1ft le6ielature e bill was pv:t. 'Llu'Qu",h to lelO'.IlJil a cel."'tain ot l,ha bOW. It (J',/'fIi,r;j' lcgilii1Jl,tm'B ;;~"Il!lj,l1,r; kind of: lag1s1",tilh'l the pooJ,llo of ll:!l;;' eOl!~mlllity mi:ibt think proll@J:". Your 1~ the ~«; #~s Qu;rs,* POp't.,U1lt33:Yns ti'~ ~ tr"r~"Qg ~ld el~ .. u, r~f:u:u~:t.i,on$ that w;ll hl;r. Vea.telp If oW:' b1ulogiota ~ thl:!y gAilt ;40.,,.,:;; ~J~''t PtW!1n~: !lJ:~ 0",$ ll(;llr""e.'cial J;lJom 4f"t;1 ~"ou. to t}/jI:Jr thtd; there is to run !!,,'W,,'hero trou 11 to 16 or :l!lOrO. cor.;),JOlJc:i,,,,,:L fi:Jhirag gOtl:a-,", I 1,;"f,jliLzt rIO" ~~~~t It 11.1\11 lett ian I t fiBih:!S,"; pots n'".r. even got ,lO bad Ho had 1;,0 ,",co.. ", one ~ lOll!) ll',Illl a, lirlu€t;:.• I) oven :i-n his be f"bout Ooe8Jatrj.t'h~. of I would sayarB.!', w.bou:~ 1:ii.W are f!a,1{e. "HOk"' ~b11ity to Veatch! ... \, .~ '," to l"tff 1J£.1f.$ta %~ \lCltU.d be \''Je t,;7,tke ~ttt. Mph"' rt ]!t¥~.ti·Wj~4lt (;c re triat, 8);1(l ort that. It"ts almost tmpo~~a1tJ10 U$ to be tiloro intend to l!'",k" Uj'\<i! """"'~" <:It/ar of' holp. to tb~~·. ~'Ja Atl'll 'W certainly }ta'. 1f~la!!,!b.: loZe are not; ovlilrleoking the illlportance thlll persFlnlil t,t,ty,ii) 0:1: "raba. "Ie UI1ilel;"iSt!lml thili'l 4:lllllOltlil ver:! Vl'lluablll to the (1Ql~i'iif it to be taken :U,\:'o l;Ql1lil:!Alll:'atimt in l'Ill oj;' \JltIr htu~ actions. I &!llliXl'e you that 1<11:1 lllJ:'e !J1'0l:l~1(!, all tact all WB C~t to g~ in!o~tion to!' i"urther l:'og:t.llatious for tall ~. jj!,lt otL"I;r on ClI'&bs but ollllrllil,t l:J,VlIt1!lI'Jil am ~thil1g ellillil. As I G ~ie don t '!;, \1!i\llt to j:t",:- thro\lgh '" l'llglilatioo 1\tldhe,ve $Ol!leO!llil come '.lrotmd and "vJ]:lat do you OOSlil thil:> on'lll \'Ill ariil lllJ au we ean. :t'l:viln we !:lJ:'I1l to notii'f you and call you in again. ¥t'tt1l"iS-probkJ.:ply btrtli$$JHll'l Ollti'$ a tiW1 w l'~OW~ It corilll,j,'lJ:;r 1ntencj tp Qfijlo'tn1111;.;,r gj"ve:. l ittl", to liifll:¥ um'(ilAsQ,ll:;ble 19311l!:1111 oJ: t:lJJte. )If:.r & SJ.i1!'I9:L! ~ h: 1,,'re,V$!lto L~_ 1{1;'~$-,._ lQ$J1C~,\1; prGbla...'11 urfE~ut. The Q)?iWtUng t~~ ~~Uson Ifigh1&"'&;f ii'i%s b::-ought a i:9",;at j,lJ1'lilX oJ: toux':lsts. BeIo,'$ it WlIS ,,,,l/Ati1FJaly u!lknowu" It 110,",,1., pl:'¢lllpt att<:liltion. is I Ol1(' ttll'Jm .t';r¢lll .3 inches up. t;llat is that; &ost liko 't,o Qut ao;m,e t'<1_iS..ua i~ia.n$ rfij~tioolil tl:p uhdl' plans G>t ~nli$lII. cl"abe tmi1o:r tlw:!; (, 1nohOill. tind they we Lat();r they rind th15rcll 10 r,o 11loo'& in them and tlU"llW 1-4110 :t"c\nt bQ$t$ 1'.,""''' J::llil11 l;ilO l'Bl'lt boatl'l pOi:!t th~ GeJue tJl<~~~t &1t~~, 0t>8Zirr; im~n.-:; ~,'1:Juld }!it. Su¢lll!!bl\'l: ~'ie 'Will be like. ! e;~'Ji,itt as ,\Ie lIl'c1" f1J."st I wID 'to the t~g Uk""",'" orobs. lIo will ,l:,llll,s,'-'if $('G¥~SO~'l hQl"'S4a re!rn1ations .il:lid:l ar'e IJetai=t.1l :say,. to C<:li1lllle:rew of 1K:':!"",'" 0<, in frQm thor'll? ];lr,~, TQll~ts~u.In 2;lD:m: l'-J;O diG/.:;ing bfJt\'[~H$n Sunset'. £(;J:ld £.1J:':; J~1(#f~t::1Q.: I t.htrik h'i,::f"ox"S tor:' t.hiiJ horse C'1;:ml? r,amll J'~~,! :l\)JJ.e£~sQn; !,rcund COOl! IllJY !~t!ek" ~tl e1exJ, it ~£illE.rilQok ",r"U"",."'i.:'! If Bay" ,,11 ';,;[e "Blue at n~,1;V0 varioollc Hi"',<,"'" be t,C:kl'l'll. that l('fw the (;Ol1W at ni?flt, '" (:> lr}.ll'I'Or h0lt3 tho ",£1''I)ot of olOll::h'G :t<!+ja~a:rch clollw:"e !U'ali rt;st:ri¢ti\~ 011 <!t f,\f,l.:l'li'!. llloox;;:l divis10ll tlu"J,t should, day. S~[lZiOn ·thllU' ill! lill a1'I'> olo$1nl;; oJ! cli,;ggi,nti ~$' elot:;:U,g thlllla t,rllil<,,> to (l;~Ill:'(lill.l diggl.l!W,gOOlll" the ,::astex'rl 'lott-shell, also the llll.lI::l cl<w, tl.J;l];llU'Ctl'tly XlUlllber 01' Cl11Jlll'l lU'<:l there. a l<ll.:!'ge ,u'oo Cit j7J:lllnd that sui t,~hlll lmt tile lOOin flat in the !4ostUlloa C~llIlWl.:l· dug flUi;. It i$ otill dbt4i.n <' revi Cl1ll'Ul t.'}~. 1",,111; 'I\'111t<ll;' b;rdiru:~ t,hi:l $I;ltwil WI'" obtained 1<'1 c~# m:lioh tl:ff! a.."1 ,,:n~ night 1$ 'jfllr',f 1ntl\ilnl\l1~ O<:l:llllot be CQl1s1:l/Wml. good b;r a::t!¥ m,OOlllil. :;:h/Wli\> il:l l:\ ~l'y l:llllilll ",roo (?),Z's ll¢lll!! c~ but it 111l a veri!!B fil!lU a;re<1J> a ~i acre. flatll al'e VIi!1I£'Y ll'.~ tor:tcl1ti~ 1$ '" la.l:'g;1> bu.'JineA thQN. AllCPt'dinglyJ> w ~ ~d~ ar" dug 1l~/WQ1~. ~,ent t~. ll'll GQ W .feel i f l¥'J.;d~\1fint€i~ protelJi'1l 1l1.'\lltI!l in the 1II"'I;l'!;\WC!!. we ~~~Q 'l~le ot,llol' b~'li!J> ~ hn.ve too llrJoh intox_tion mu.m:t .::1000 ~Q~~ku~a.~ S!lElt.il;, mlich a;tl:l oloeod t.t the but \1 rn.t ljj'IJl 1I<lJile W.r~. '1'11',,36 b~ ~e <:W:iilliid <ll.:!'1i1 Iil!!l$ll.. JalirlPli'l ill ll\,'l:trsll!~ ~ .fl'Ol"a tl:~ W !1ve aorelil WMO}l l:l'!.lI'r~:rt iii <lJ 11Ul popul.at1en Vll'~'li~ :\,t is iilcQIllPnhsosible t,hat "'til'll! 11 slMlll ar~ ootWi stan\i a ~ heavy ~ di~. We biilliev€I tl1l1!l'1l\l b~lSf the ~ and 8Ul!l", shonld_rlllllli'>.1n 1110$~ H Ih:~ 1'.fl(},7L1.x~t6pn; <:rM~~r l~'{ n 1:001, clatl o;e Uti,l!:! (~ol:la~~ th~J QJ1itl f~i Qas~~ Oct' <;;l$fi1:~ CUllli. a re baiti cockle Ol""£j.'b wx'ioll.'> B¢i.:JtttX1W 11.1'''''''1) tor use as ml!'ll:l\~l:'!i! all a~a!i! to t,lle others. I At the regu.1.ations on the coo!de.. s,,(~\i1lii1i.i UilJpqua !J,;;,c:/. Both th,,>'1'~ b<\Yll at ~)cj1'tll<"tiO>l:IIl. Abtw..ctO>l:'W;1 llho1'l they are irall O!'I~ to £ivill ch!,!1jI per toot, in SNail do not t!ll1lli1ct reiiltx':1.otive .re;,.1.!latiOl'la dug as as 1 ktl01tf on :!:ill!!; corulii"ion of ul<w 8J1,O~'li a.i?t:%as,. b6: 1&,1;0 Yei)l':uaI':r in ,tj '~il\ll!J ;',t'el;'ent <l.l:'iilal!.. aro in },,,is'' I~t~~h., 1,mdOlilJ'tedl¥ The ,Gl~l$ ,,\fJ8.""r' d !:"l;,ually all I al'l 1I\\X'e lU'OOt of pOOO? CtlntC4 i>,D,l)Jk!.!.~' S til 00W,.l Xl"t, i>.llJcunt oX yo~r'*' WfJ' the yiel.<l ef IJ;il. afl;el'Wll.1"(ll1l l7e"ch ,eJA)$'e to: ""eS't' clal'\$ -co poor Ctjnditd.. o~l,. h'G on th.u,ie", ll.:K'eal1l Ol1"t of 1','(yU:l.d "t :d:ul"in~ th$ useablla meat in grc,.tly ,,~, 1i$h'~n t,hey jUlll,p izl 7Q~m~-1 Aect5rdinglY' dur:l.ll,g the b.X"'C l,.t~GCuKuilt;"i1·KLirlg ~'l~i} (~OOlh'l1eroi;iiJ, cLi2kei£~ 'b~ d.f;m.e ~ fr01'i Dec~er g{J:tn?~ do_ in ha,''l'' in(:>lu£ii'if:e~ !tor:;:e 01"-'1\, £t:nd lilpt\\'!I!1 01' thrill' l)c to }1ra.t'rt~ {,' 1';~1~ ce~in tht1,t or not$' I \'lo not some t a,lcen. }lc!ertlllJu In g e:neral, it j.b pret,ty Cocst the kuowtl W t,hll e!!lrly spr1ng, ,"J.T,lIOtl;:!!l (l:!.r>lll It IiUoI~e the Pac5.fic are ""'1'J".1;0,1."I:12, vrh:i,.ch a;1"'0 ~oltr!:iti<3n. t'fC ll,t M OVlll'-all l'e@J.ation w::Ul be th e pi'oh1em. 1,," wa brelik :1.1:. to firlG, Vir~ a!(>;l i Vf~ COlrt5.nuiU/! OtlX' li tudell. ~;'" gerMl~ra1 ~~~$ whert~ l)ut on 1'l>k,'lllIiI.tiOl'l6;/ 1tie intO!'ld, to do tll&l:. 1l.lllo.. l1l IE,!' ,}J:t~"J I darl f h R0g~1.l~d..1.~sc WLlln;)1.,:K' POOl' cOl:lttit1<l1l.. liU101i1f it is of ~~.r c(l/!lln1'l'!"oiaJ. ~OOJn(\}reitif.l or 1:l(~ of blu& S l'lould , not on '1'ill&,l)Jook. taken "filiI€< in "iclUlllll. l:. tIt L5 a I.sib B1ay 01'/;,11'1 Dux'irlg thlJ lar;t yow:'s 3. h&\\tEl a lot ot It 1,;:; 'JrIl1 opixl1a.n that 1Ol1i.lll<l kind of :!.'ogulat:cone; he pu.t Ol~ thla <lim;ins; Q;I: blu.a C1Ulllll Uill ;;rw 11ll.t M season £01' ct'll.ue. ':!:lIe O=:rl.lilsiol1 has aut,lloritJ' to 'l.'hli'l fact tirst j)f Jmt$. &Q\l1il t;e4J,Bons. £'rOlll late Jun~' to the 'l;,hll lllll.tter is t,tlixt J.t, bf;Dl1 my start. l:l1?t1\'I\!'l11.ng that blue clJ1i.llllJ to their lfJ.;t'{$l<» 5001.10 ';:J;e)aBOn. (It!lJ:"~ Se£13tm,. a:~ltmJ:'~f; 1Jr Il, '#>1 --:r~j~ij'&:SE' f there ,,1.11 bll cor4W~~Trt TtJ on ;:t 60-m,son d.iltar'1ll1t.'Lat ,,'j'i1 wow cOlllpJ.etl:< "Iithin tllB.t & 1:1<0/ in it f!I#Y 00 7t:;J.1r. Qo:eur but $11t\%1]1 1t~~ i~ . ~' C{;-'fi(i'J%" ~d'e tea held up :If;<1r condHion" Cl:J!l';J"i~ ~qojjti on aQOll silt on \k)oo l3a;v. v:o ~ b~jh to 1llJ,y~ il. 1 110t10e pr<Jb:lAllll t1:'!ll~i!i,-gO:V,'l:'Xl!1ill'IYt u """1"""1" to kuo-w olamlil left fox' "oo~ei&l diggers or othal:'\'lisll. Jrl£~ _"'~E I ,,~;:~~~t~h:eJX~tm~ion , en thll :ru:lned. It diY'fJCt.llli a l",tt"r to the to the 11M::-\:' tha't tr:x',)u,·!:l lJr,l"ti"ula:r area wher'z> ow' ur<:'dging clli:!llil are, the Cll<J,llncl is to b", OV"':rblu'lieu roell: in t,10 ,'if. the to ~50IOOO cu. apJ~,rc"tilllk",ijely;;;90,000 cubic Y"-l"l.illl. \,&1:",,,, 1X\l'1t1 (JI,lOlmt" the 1l.l'IlOtU'lt bedf~ otticQ h~ve ~:.. have on ttlat sanw °F<{l;tllition ch>:rm1;ll llwt$d ~"11$ l>""Gln J.:{- .iJfear tlw.n have. bed". defJt!'<)yed. 1-1l"_, 3eo't't ~ corninL1 l:>fWJ«? have. ~.lX', HcKel~1':W1Xat iJt' , cOOlilback. ~ or will ve:Y'~r bad.• do f,V11:t".!thine CXIJ"'!ld:Lllg 1l1i;mey. prtlductivitJ, of thd.:r p5.p€;. It chaneo of s-t'f¥ J.ouel' th~, llibn~r, thor to e .YX'lIiC; cost more IllOney. th{)y contraetor to tht! able to set hil;l ,:r.m llr(X:<!il on it.. tCIl are g(l:!.ng '1;,0 to the Mtll:t""<.!J. reliJourlile of '1;;11.1;l cl!:'Jr13 will bll than fi.ll\j' posiJible 1;lx'teOO:L~ p:l.pe 'Xj'r,ential tc e~v~ th,d, 1~.1l be of COllt of trOll! illhore. 15;.'. 1l000is:1lt ',ll! don't have £\uthClx':i.ty ollteolves 'lXlii have no cOll'trol over liherllthe land ill to b'" <l1.;:lil};,Iiill.. It if' gov6l;':lllr.nt ell wo OtlJ:l do is te.lk thWYIl ~to ;i;l;,.. l:1;;~. SCO~~: 1 1>,1110'11<1 «.xr. Port ~llsion,HIS to ,lfJl1~ Lapp 1,)1.111> it. Th""'l> ill l\ pQ.~liibUity that fu:l'l'lish d'lllllp fellow "cti.Ql1 h::lc OiilU". arell.$. ;, I Wlilnt to til'" Ai1JJg El1gineel'$ tM:1Q they clainl th.. rieht to d:l.l'lpooe <l%4i/ wt:,;y Ul'l.de;r' ldat~r ~ It :t1fJerllB to n. qu~tion It' SOInce ~iUftl.d is lott it lll1ghl. a<l1\1e back in llIWle arSfl$. 11' t.!I.IlSt: high dlgg1ng, 'h'ill all" ~t ,:'~!~. ,you al~¢~ ,going to QrQdgi,!1ti:1 C10llQ thlll bay to eomrJlereiul di~ll:o Mi.'", V~~. 'f51fq hav~ to cllll',;!01 the area, to all clam di&l~l1g. ;~'lal:,a digging go",,". it might not bliJ pl'cfitahle "-1V'"";;'. It cloiH,d tQ all c~ tligg;l.nj;;, .ca"'f!C! !jaZ!lh RllQdiilpQrt~ ',i", a little al:lCl Cl¢lllUl are hl.lgll'ltliMtl; to C~ haol!:. 1,'i.l~ t 1;~~iet6<j;~n; It t:,he b~ls B. re Il:'GUbla ~i.th d:rad!i:ilJ~ Qtl; thll ilm.pqUlilf Klo't p"M.ili: "'1,,111. ~t' _.J::~fJ,llt1S*,_) Bt:.tJf OGar:1-n~ h.ltll'<i;! a l~t put O1,lJll!l o'Oje(Jtl';. b~itlg- hw.e ~\t-i~S '!:to ~~(~ not c:Lwil ,t'rOlll 't'j 1'llll\l(:;ol!: ~. 'l':l1::I..llmook il> the 0111V on the l:;Q:l,lllt at'''! abso1ute:l:,f :r,o rc~t;l.<lhf'. x'at.<! the clanl" <Il'~ t ~Jk0n out pllil:llce 4ll'ld thtll lil!3 thlllY are depleted, :L t h:!4'lk '!;JIEI C')lJl$ when ~ b'" a 11:lllit on all ~ 'In m:l~ik ~. lho u~r(til:l,l to depmm on 'i-.hm,," cl&w d1g~ wllat ill biai.d. ~.ld 't\lh@;1J t,o~'1$ts 'ba\;:liin Qut is eno~oouih i~.h",re v;ere a.hout .00.#000 ta-,ke;Il ~t Q:ll'e "vjJ~w._ Tllq 1n':U~ll: ',ll'",''' Cl&lil1t> iu J;r1,r tl,,,, liiaski'ul. l"a" VIIif:lI WfOX'tUlUltlll tll<\.t tIll!> when 'Jf<)U:I! lllen 1-1l1lX''il d!l>'ln th"':I7" it W"«ll nr;r po<:>~' w~thft!" l:i.Kldt.blilre 1M'are not 11~ llIe:n QUi:, -I;1:<el"". LAlSt y"ar when titie ~;U6 rig,ht till'!!"e 'ft,,,,, w,$ hig$!, 4$ ,)000 Uil§l:£:lni cwO!:! at Ol'l<il t:lJlle-. lUi thoJ><' peOl;:>l", a t ,,'1; or 'l?asbtu.'bs i.J.pieOlh 'J:'nat i.3 a lot clams.};;y- .ob"'J:;:va:tion the p",ople oot ,lith tile I.;bjeiilt ChOl<rJer ,!.t,d tiWil' en'~hl.ll1sism gets bettor of l;.h<J¥ C!il1 get. don tt th"y Iii\? ~. antl no ii.t ill. ~~ 1>\;1 is a lot of ta.",(}wl@ SCf1LW ~1.,p:qr X'<!l<l.lillmable limit rhe c wa dir",1iug :l.1.'l mren just plil<Jple to dig, or il;")! ~JOOi.l.. {'~'"ltja.d. 'l?at1 a til'"" when t.hey'Were VG1'J' - tI.lk\\lll 01lt. by As I $fPJ'l, the Jl0UX' inen lHsl"e (JJo\,al ,:t{0't"$ m.sleMiu,i1;_ I ha1r<1 C-owlted. 500 peoplei;) \1.{}n~t:. thin it ~ifttl',:gj more DJ.:t,nlt l~f) th!K;;ee O:LI. ths :t1la't,. b{l~:n 3000 \~<i'ouldl1 t t yau. not tGO say ·~t".11'*0 UU.:d:f r:Jl'£tijl', t.rti;ss? 1trere not theJa aut i:¥' 'It. ,;)b!tGzue~: ot b~l wlasb:t.ub fli.ll. P"~'S0D'i..L 'rl:h'} ~ tap~~ ~, &.'l.d Wr;c(ll:' el.<!mll ~ l;:Jut thuught cll!lU. ~Ihit.:h the Bay 1;.[4:"! u.se Borza elc&rus '- cloo{~tl S~$OI~ for 11@;l)S(!~ U$~ ~fJXOO c~$ GQlut~le:V4iitlj ,1.1.1Il:Lv foX' r~axkf;1~ {;l~J' lk1: d~ he JtUle 1. "1 ,:;":,,,m:v. Clt-ller tbOOF)l:l; 'C~a it lq~}r r£~fJJdf:l'£\$li; 1,-@ l1iillt.l@ COUUt-iiI tX'OOl Janwill:',lT c~. nJade of h¢r'£,., ile:lsoo~ th~ 00 110 elosl'Id 1;i<;:11J,f.iQll th!il1 en liJ:lruu~ Juue. 1..0 " ...."'''',"', iSl;l;J..Son otl1\'1r ~~ cart"J on COll',rl!i$$iOX1? nltrh.h,~ du~{ lil:Tl:lllll .. with ar<:las j. 1l0000par'ed the ~1Ul!ll..l*.. tskel. to l"li!ad you SOO" ot th<il ti~ll. £t J:l.ily la$t iilVllllnilr "n thlil w-lin flat in JIiJ::f., ;lust b4i'OI:'tl thl!: lilUlllr.tel' digging. J,ttllat t:lJillll irl the hGlil,vies"t d\l.f~ liU'elllJil tba~'0 '\$a tl"Qlll ;::100 to W'Ill!l c1<,..I\l$ WOO sqtlA:l"O £6Iilt. A l1il:lder-&;l:.!ilq ,jug /.Irea hs.d '; lll.<!mll 1000 ec'l~ t.wt. An arllAA VGry lltt.l<ll dug u,iiJ. 25 pel' J,ooo sqUl:l.l'Il feet. flounta again intha fall. That b, in rjov~r. 1'11" SJi'Glil, tlult l:ll:ld pelll:. llubjIlC'..!ld to this ~ d1f.,gil'li Cllt the number ol' (l~ dug i'rOlll thE: 2, it h&d a-i; hig1Jmiu!! tl;il f1>0lll 1.0 -w 15. \'ia 0OOllJa.lNIll the dUfel'lilut areas in '.l':l~ok B~., oot :f'roIll B!lil Ocean. fO'l.lUd l'rOlll Ol1e tQ fiVe cl~ p0:l' lOOO sqU!l.X'e teet iu the hGlil,n1;y dug arli!£lJjl '" pax-a, JllO:l'1l> (ill' 1"1'>5 :lJllilCelmilab~ to t.hiil <lVfi'&g~ perll'ln, carried 15 to 2D clams per 1000 iIlqUl:l.l'Iil roet. \iii did tl"" OOOll'l in ~II Blli.;r. In tl.e hel>vlly dug liU'elitG on the iilut side neal' i~,p::tre and GillU"lJilst'ln, the elsm a!.ll.mdMl::1l ran tl'Olll 3 to 5 el!ii.llie per :woo [le;:,,"',re f<iliilt. main flat on the l\1li!llt $1<.1" lI.1)'fl17&glild clams per 1000 llq~ £lll$t. shot"iS )J:q,rgar Day ~lsl>t Q:f' ;a 1/8 siiil<l $:l.de~ a pwnd. 'L'ill'=ok figtl~g 'rh8SG t:tf:"e con~e~~tt,;t\f~ ,~ J a.bout lli:...4 he feed thllt tho hQr~\e >"Ul1 ~" Ql/>;lrt is itl not :C'a:l' ~{) l:l:owov"r~ cOlld.l1g up. clam pQll.:l:lJd 1"$[\. Wl-:; CU1' 08.r1 i!$;8t our !ic.ur-es '10 sI1O\·;that can be ()e:rtain);l' :mJ1 ~ 1"0" l.r""itmt t;l.me. 1$ Il'h~ aV'%:1l~ag{* 1at"r ttllti'#i~l VIfJ'w"j:; or '9 ye;;;;;.."'s. inch. is It takes tli'hej;""e,•. tA# old.'/ l:;~01i~ the (>t1::u;~r abU1:ldiU'lCfI. a natt~e1ft oi:f'ic(;lX'1i! 'U:i:H!i!'fj f4xE ±'i'ltlii e1.t~. equivalent .from:3 tQ can '!.Wll!. :!.lr..l:ro'J..l,~i'l;om ::Jh~\i i.ih~;;t -($. rl~ 'bh~~ .3 d4:iZi<;g 0",' COOiparta t1'\n:::l;y" h1bLmf>~antt. i~n;y' {'1;U::l'£,r"nC~i. title. 2~('i1,.ng l Jeol j l e ., have a i~l'e{:d"-kJr m", ;; do\;ou a 1;L-t tIe 1: -~ llavliIu 1t are thi.~· 1rJy t.o have :C'O:NJ',"IJ..l. ,to 0F·i,d,on i'trture. think we $1 ,(;'d:;U1!4tlC~ a tta & llI'1 l,),oj:~~tIt ",~emG to '''''' docwtl to J doIJ:ll!no r.ll.'ob~ 1i,ouldI a cerWnJ~' llill in ';:'ut;u:re yea:r'il $ 'put the linrl:t 10\.1' ". "'~. W (l: fino CUllll and 1£",,,,1 th"'1 than 'one aOi'i\en be ~~lS. :l.'he ~~'\l$haug is 8.. y~rt th'11;, Pl·<:Il~cetior.. liete:r'!:'1l Iv",,, <~p,p):',;x.ci.liJiid."s:l;:l ZOO,0;);) th"1l:l. t<~ke a 14,1;, 0:1: to .J,: m~l llJi/l,aj,:1l1,; lil\~St,~ I don tt, Hr-. ~l(j;K~Y;"nai: to "~;,he \~·1~M11.s. it o:n ':U~la.llrl.O~k. "Hl1;,,,bJJ, ,,]:I:c;' "~I }§;C,., Pu'~tt$Rla: of t~~ Carul~ss!on ~-o T liheil'l t,he eJ,,,"'lIJll '1hf~ fL~j.sh ~e to th-51: i;i: n_tl$):ycicj,l ~·e-. I uflcle1 s'tzt!14t ',lou1d 1)0 beti;ar if It ba5.t. on ~1?jJ..lx;,mo{)k hat~ oys t-Iir' tiahexiwaln UlSIil ~¥:*) ~((;n"i'e it. to eoevJ.el:l ¥:'I!z-.;re out 'vrr;Lf} no '\:'o CiJ,{'!'t(j l:1U L~ ~ til]J~i at , ft 111£111 dc'(,·;n