{urtu{ -':. i' 1.t - grsb f,lsrsr@n Sepert aa &etlng rith Cx'eb etLn with YLerirn -- - -,------ 1-21 D8 C Astoria, @ffiffi i- , ,' ,, $,r' 'i ::, l:r:l t .,, tt1n W ekxe* *snsr*l Genr1 crder #a3y* 3S4S 94 s6*tx*S #;d*r V *f July, # of ritted in ss,ls*&s for *ra& f,5*rry fih1r fsr crab *83 usd.irr inrtadietles et*ta6 that thst nro fis.strs4 rae permlttad, ia abc ry*'are under uridict3.on in,;repn in ;tat ur. rae reau,tjn :oy,r, no ; vio w; sse wd* *e$e*4.fs# !'rs Sf{rr*sig* il oaut. p*ereeul*a swsbt. ::rovi'iin *3rsS ta' ier ffi# la4nltg duri €hls t1 ceict of *$m Fr*ri.*,Sa sf *ssbE *aa*Xag st the tb* BLW7 # I at ot ret *n? ov 28$ g*ta *tlerr** frJ*ras&sr# o z:Ct3 S€ ef, e-nef Oi or aci *se h*s* 6la sr iox sf thc $*et6 drrrf,*S t&e sl**e* 6*"s*s*. *o.wy*r1 C)C pr*acat of preeent iie itwit ii ,Blrer. llpit of bund the This a.r cf,#e ia &ogx*d tbs thr t$res mtla iior. 6hi,* jrerlt&trctiea, xr;era, SXses jri8iCtion In la ib*w is*?*F1Fp proven tte jurisdiction. iice tt&s ets** tte kdesrpo Jrrrlr{lctloa Sryers* $*e&6 qess,se *#&*ft te ters fIsrincr* it ln tla*rg 4?e::t ra,,:rl:rtlene, it ots*bly oj tls ftEn lt folls.s* 1io t&"s* *e? uotr grr*s*u! cffidrt ed u1dh*v* Ivi tc. eeaslderod.IegFUlJ l,egnllf C. ttt alsc. cr i wp:*1"4 gpe,*lh3.e eLs* tth* *ret.€ ts bb* eeni1ered 6 t'h{lt ibl aut i3; k*m&*r ceisber $g i :osi c1cs densS s*l€ &* Lx.do* sl$sed, &*&&* o1d&*ap*te dit *b€ e*pXi*$€{ eelal* bi hIC9 CC1d b&,*es oref,crate cra** :1Cfl &.s.*s iav s$€*s :r iUn e*mg**rc{, *hls boat bee* Ii ln***.n#cooeci wte tis t h*rs ** kiorn knasn ** i31z1, u** *1*& L&t,h, CO w*thth of sf t.; ths Ssla#i* {:1 vr (1l) W Irii ttQr tktrr eett*r orabs fromtbathestlt**ttr€ utids pots, er*bs fr*w F*tsr this t1at thoamcunC,iWuns** bd sptsd not t$*t te Z eehi:sl$ thu2 btt Astoria area. &atss*& &tr#&r 3* t rlser {l*mtl fror. f,rsm:rg*s in*3-Se *b* ;u1ie kitp ;t ti wx,* prxbLle k*swl*d"6w eu*,*i*t ths ot sit of nti1 thls tit . ni.i. f f*,r t&he ef@s w&s xe* nw* urrtll re:s? ef !a#*t &p;631xr, rl*t** fXsbnith, IzJ. Ia$eI tLeh ate, wits a1re1j flchi** hing is al*ae$,€S th fsctft iitths.€OW) trt ret:tz E&n. l**xa?er, ths €*&&@s **s .d tc t* the tbl0 itn **ww*Ivcs .esa1yes ar$ .]Øt tT beth *,w*6 idi' *f **e fls** ?* **xplsuln &*?!r easge* the rawia:Ss,* thra*tw*r or r:**e**g g*to6*j1nor ,'s!l{ w*?s stx't tii €tt **Wij timr theatensd, t fir*1ag S*g@lseiiin. ;l nqe*er jn *a.. i,x:"g t.sr& Fga.e**x 3 C . a:4 cie a*d" m** :. once. L &c-?&s {it 6s@. r*xdgr, t* ii lilloeleg grls#ler a trip r. SciseIa, trlp ith ifr. c eltnstlt:a by pirona stlth in of ation bj a d.is discil.esXs:: th* sit vf thC tct th- Lty fishin fl*hlag ecbr 1? to nde t$ t S6?*fl,s Ssssfi&ey l? to ecxi?**et tbc ]ierty sa* rw*,s r fi fi#,1grs*p n n ttr ii a a-d 63 sry xany ctber 6Aber ap*:rtn6 oif intillagal 1i oa4n to ht i *f,f,iffit*!, hal4 *c g** thon *ka$ tff p.s possible g;*:6slbl* f.* ri"n*tte@t oier his ** r**ens:tr$*r'k1* aiw refuse4 r#{trre* to *bis tie fi fiI. The?&*iriiviiu1 i*altvXsae]" ffXcb*n* t*tt th tfuel"* fl*}*.teg. f,*r thtir €s6fi rn Ccau other ethar fl*hsf?trs fis-ir. ffi*w*f'ef; a!.& ft**ring. *e se1i3$ Ciu. e*.lr€i.na* aCtOi e#3. st*is$ he es*t*$g *l* p i, tcted. ex$ry€ss*d, **etEfl se's stlll,R#s** xi;r t11i ** wast ieu to it tf jf tb*'rswnit**gp ner sosl&r Ae*eldledls aa £cco,giy #cti$€ sith ujr. r. Jsss Jean Efi$tr'fr*$adsrisl atiii with rLht, sgerstany thc3ffhore aerja1 scctry ofofthe offsborEVess1. ?ea*al Owners offi*rt &s*ssXe*ts*r etrtton,*l,sb which**r***3n* cotA m**}g iarly -all o: ?i*e ar** *.&I ef thaarea, drrssp remlt* roL f**rsrw* rir of ofthe reit ad; e, ffotr'I*'sfuss 117th,; c-zr saF cagry**lesr tion, in la that *hat eases"t&tlsa ocitio {gryruorng# .*l,l crab sp tsorl; * affisties stin of cf, aU *rab f*eb#!ffi'A iBtrn :ni esf ctnr i*s&oi etbsr t*tsF6*t** intet parti 'to ** aetwry* te iron tept to out by ireE the tb* matter sitsr Se,rglss o*t bg ffi*eatr, iitj sa#rq*ffit, reen1, ;:i.s. r, $Wcgle had. ***Fae* o91a }wi &r in **vses dno to ta t* &e 'ee ffi€etn*$ re'tin #*ls were it €* e held. trt to hs3*. The ?be e.,ea*n6 et1, f*$ s6&e$fret*d[ odle for fer per*nt *ugh a çeent at a*.5LCh 1O0O Eu*s,s#* saj g4r],SrS0A# ssab€r 21, ?1, ce.ber Fre*sn$ ?ret atst the tbs m*tleig ry6rs *,}Ise.* e€w*aflser eetin were three *l,*la$etr bi.clo 3te etSton, &slf ioa? F!,rgViEh af of tb* the YelJ*Ss**r 'ol1fson, iewsl! oe11 I.. S. &rr1*g*, rriA.e, sdd &n Sa-*e** gb&s* S b**! here #"a ere 20 boat e*a*ru{e,#}ryf*}* ownertcrabb,re), 0 boat pallere, four pu.keir flrr reçst%tiwes, ch*rman !!r. Hr. Jess Jaw HFI{k}. r.tbt. 3{s. 'r. Sall*froa o11etonsr}esd€€ ted r.. Sr, $xnwlarr r*&retsor f*r b*lngpresent Oi'5 regrets .rot nrtb3ir$ {Es to tc Fr*s€frttd.ue weethstr ather *as&ltie*s* coiititin. thss t ff* aepS**Mthe&&s **w**sl,estt position tn t1$ned. Conissjo&s i.nterretat1. !,sg*rllr*tat* 5m*&*loaeMafi* of ;*he ia' l*x *f, pl*t*fs* gi**e 1s.* fe#er41ri,6 redi-. pattUL. &eim*fr,ti ot Lyoth tlrsee splle the 'three *ile linit. ].&slt. lie a1.o ex.' *r* S* *1*e plainsd, he thei.tent l,;teat or pLiiod of t*tu: lawt, e, l.€.1 i.., ue o criI srabr tholld should ce o* 1z1ed bafore ti lsfid,sdbefore tbs epen egmin tmg pf sse$s$*,etib of &Pi# t'o sreb rb eeeon, 1948, rsetbfiiry r 1dir $s#*&"r.r 23, &Sr lS4S! the rb fih fl,*trwm tes sr*& th*t &at f,&tlt.E$ rdFt*sd rretives of*f the ths #sa$! oup hse hd *gr**e reei w& a'4*sdsr*e& erre. tn1 ttd,$ u xadepet€#g.lg,g rt-w4in at *t the tb Ja1y h*erl:rg. hirin.. $tltg She bw*6 '?he bt vierg asc.t s$r*$s*were 6@tr{} *rke* to te *&r*e ree ts to s}t{ta abtte bg by ths the la***t iMent of tb ef the law. It lt wmx p*txto$ ointd ut e* the *** to ?ns fish.e*wsl hreri thet coceratio was thet if tf s*sp6:rettsa w*{ ret notert*imf,, atti, the *be other qr&l6eeould *t?lsr p*c&ebl* sf,f*etlvs mtb*€" taie 4ffectiv uth;d qsoe&€ o1d be &* x gaax*#,str*& -oesion thit ltslt wMcft renl* close €lera all tne i!*Hsrd both t.ie iniiiM end all waters, !6ti: .mtosan on tcen.at oesa$ *t th the eax snffio tlfiR. tjin, :iis elltdsstln* erninatirg €ht rlier ereb cr.bftr.*hingi fjiin. rlser Sem Some Slsruea{oe diEc ioo s$ on ths the p**t prt of 1at cno of att teapt *s& b&t ic sbj*ets* cbJecteadM Sel***owuer sflffi}e sbe stetcd etateci fre id hhe t''..ruki *f.jrehi:rtd. oIu ut b n*t L. at st thi. thl*.eeetl&:1 g.groerpat of rcend bg silg ajreeeent Leu14 of boat boxt offiBfs owners rgecfu'd' racfr1 *tgE*E*6 bg* st'tix ais cs,e** rAt *lea tb*t eagaure6a3,*ttas* tion. that reUations glsplrl, iou4 De bg d. bj be rodo *8- il : ."\ bow4 by bgttice thew orly. that1}.*ry*ed due Sxrece*6 .rocesefof ci the* tha.t fru anm1d. $etlpr e fl**swn *ke,i.e be b*ad *s* tEtA& F{e* 4 the *brEcEe6cao6$i*setl*n *sffil&*Xss es& :r 9*l.lefs€n folion trseeed rUor betcxi kr*twaen*ke Coiiaion F;rr r,bsare. tsston'dogi.rt deee to o 3ls thu C8@icsiogfl vured th *ass&rred tbst it ths c.rrbb..r snor,bb-r*that ren. Re €f!ffiBr lt sna tth# Co xt graaart* yar rora1 iat the sas,*w eeon by &y the 4e nsaoperiin ffi&* t&* aM" of h*rq a e* 4stE Ef naxt sxw,sgffi#ths Fa#aef attls*nt1 teiit.tivelr diseed s'l*h ith rp ffitt}ffifs*, oerth ws t6*tls*lg The dat &ss*#sr l8 fsr *ps*try Setas Deeerber St*e**6dt S&* I$r for notiozt ta to tha the wabrs iOere w*,rtr*a;e. . &sl* Merle varren, crab fts4'mr firtan, presented Hp" e s* Fe**ats{i e etlaa S1 the & ofofold be det until }l* Ilm$** s$s*&€r28, s**,t*l D.oeber runl* bs%ance, ** no €f** crb whth eldh tate4 a*s**dt in i& *b**&6ssr fietal o,ain date *e S*.,t*of ft*lal s'Seffigse ef tr crrb **es6s'f,ss e*e,& scn for &ss* IIr -.reb&?eigtlst. pasead with* a?nrir vary subiiil aj&rity. m**rl;*g' 3x***{ rrl*h sis *ffi*SeA seconded eS aM The lfu rotio wo**er s*"$ This rz,tio *hX* ffittes is net 1r not I'brr aw b.t u*fi}I,* at ht iaer*ly esffit be gentleen'.e*ffiwe* arent a& sx&o:nnot forced. *'* *n#*Ees&" spstX*wa& the e#r*lsx Conisaton disclained of pry -m, kr. lhllryf*e* oll4fsoi told the renbsre rs##s ,e:f &l*s3{hXffig rwiore t*34 th ffi* W*s** *$# jjt :.jnst risherm tho iit sgp4*e€ *ryj f,lah**s*a w$,e€l&* *l,rrry{!*},i**&sd no #** spq eM. t€*t€* r*r *Le*,ng flO W f15ti1 dir*tic1$ io:jeeefoft&nr the&M**iex COi151On kd,' hed, er or qs*al$ ould iasie l*ros *4ff atcb wsb *trwtlffi" sr c,r sr *qll;eg*e Geor Plwber, c&Urnon €@rgs S*aa$er, €&*fu@s of cf, p eoit grr*e$t As# th tee ford e* pve'mt 9*sw&for *sri Sprrsviewtn s*wittaa tbt r*qEert that osq;lttsrr r9'Lest. 'eriteria ror now fus in af,faets affect, gre*antetl rrsented the ahll- ,pritscis *hr comittee'$ 1O soft mft shell I0# o%, *gt* M asWed huld h s*.W}for raised to f*r discussion. Atrws*lae. the rent 1O F* **l*a*i, *s 'gSSr t& gwexlt fSS *hGeI* The Ccd5*.:b* &r**. gtrartfl*dt the er b**. and E].**iry ciostn the **a reasons ***a** as srt**s&* ae awd sian then *ga'is atn clarified on Epsclleg onii ASs eriteria slEn *rhs* thtt ajrity ftsIA ilffi€ W*5 fltb#1sffi ba}&av& tb*t ef of th+the w.jart,ty (It i ls beile,ed d. sa on t&s the :-#,S 1O soft *d, *&s&1. {tt seft ehell. *attrr be se n ove.rail avers for f*r the the satire th $$ soft EII bad sr*r*,Ll, 6?srts#s IO bse *go bs not awaze rcft sMll est ffiese t*k*t tlrq area, la one s*b#se alone. x.}ss*i 5*t just et[* subarea *F&** not *lest in -aserelet*s ex;laid n* no fb#?W irther so%tli cotnnt this qra* fuhen t&ta the*r p'esguw* proposed sa6 fiure. ernin *hs# nw'r*' rlted fron *beftthmrien fl*&wtwa cffiffisrsi*# fre**the rsa".rl*e* 1owever t&lr ths sssstg?r withdrn.) wa not mt ri,thdram.l reqn**t me re bwry}t brotght u Ep tax ad and gEi pot tax t*x w*'E Several1o6*1 lal lsansr t2es ccncernin pouia *e8 ceneerxing Ssa@&es Ssr*rel fcf' lesion's For?l,*d PortWd Office Sfftsr fof by the fiheren se*areferred ts the ths Co ftnstc*lcare r*fqr:nqll to bratthey tb*g were k3r *lwws but ?b* f{ Myica. s&vle** Diecuseion Blmnseloar crEbo Isnd, crabs ts, land wn&tmw to sltt continue It is b*ilg€re€ believedtb*i tbt s*trS cult ths thas& onef&stgfffitr firtn will lt l.s .€|- bsf,*ra.l**p& before Ll cga*3'**6; onii on *bs 28 Fs th S *f, of &eaakrl December; th.t *&&tr the *&e rffila&pr ef tb ,eaiiar of the f,lslprffi fishexn trtl} by t&eir *?tr*s 'by will abide their vEt* vote fe* for th* the f,ew foi &*ye thi i*anla*.w" eini, It is *s tb*opinion oplalon of it the *f the tM &I.alads*x pmsent bioIoiste *&s w*t*#ff etiu &xr*e*x*the ex*s eatr}. also r*rsals* revealed*h*t thatt&ts thief,*lrtg fairly weU*rEaaig** orniset SFqS rop ef ft f,lsregss of ieren ecfls tLa dait d+*lt *l?h ttb as av a r bcd,f body sltb with *tt least Issrt so *s*r ry&lx* !hila *t1trl atill k*t**t*s$ haslttin at st 1eree of ala{F6r ef *Fe*lr. ocsu. t* *w*t to trzet q"sqg*&&n€ everything&*the&M,esica Coi ion says *af* or *r dces &eaal they tgf aro *$r porl ann. l,+*st .st le in a a frl,lrrtaaln6f istetiinf mood Lu gmcral. ear* ta fa+erablg dispoead. iral are are favorabiy tow.'d the dtrFcreit torrsd,r fu gofted"ssiotrand erd its CoaLasioA l*s ,estless. tLon. Sowv*trr the t&s I!owever, *atet thpc *ffimrtest rtant Fs*.s* roint e*sw ho,n ** is *k the see&ffis** weakness in pr*sent 31ssF tn pr*aeat fatSlng to latf$'as faiIin ition to eersr oovr ftsht*€ fftii b*;rer$ three tbrEe 4.iez. sli;s. bejond Begnrd;aru of Regardless of chat rb*t eJorlty aJority ffij j do bs oi do e:rera thre atii dli px;babg probably*rqags lys be % ess or $ f# sgst*€* raeent eystem. P&!**s*t* the thn qd.r the tw insui'ents tsarEnsir to under +h sswqf;*f* over ao gwa.xaee eion tje r**gts8iea *a €trss bgthe tk rrt*&* ion istl opposed writr* *rpl*4 by i*sle** inless ffi€*s*efy ceeaary es as #& an *hss&e*s nbsoite labt tt pt for l*$* ettsw* f,*f enlorcement. **.&m*aes*e trt It {*HJ& coidd ffi**+ aite w.t*ge&lr, ticaily, it l* seeri x*ew e* at first f**s eimer, iarce, *leea close elr aU. respective rrerpcttr?o izahcre lssb*?s caters **trm (bays) {efw} r i *loa# wlsb offshore cf,f&sw we alone witn tars re rst*rs rwgaa#,}**c lies ef of &tslag*,t*[1 biolo4a1, soci1oica1, other Ge6tslosta*l;or8!, *&* )u.at&#tifiction a,ecs ifi'c* *'64 e8$*E?t* its port in l* lt* prsg? craba cr**lr It *eml* It otld *I"** leo grr*remr& prevent *a kr*t boat *het thatsi&* rn1htbe b ber br bound **&qA outside mt#t*i oen area a* spes e,ffiefrom fg$w rixu rqse$s*g ts to e port ro to la aa c1osed *a naieq*. UnloM the €.o*d, agea & Ssf,t in th shoi.ld s&sll&dltbe? *t**a&I,tgr veu'tu1ity ever ar*r oecui 3t is a€@s.rr It prmhoped Xar*ss* insteM that is to t€ b&d b$#, t&55t pres ent 3aW3 lai deveo w*t *s**fqrcrysnt ffiSj perwtt t*e Coriisaion fuffin*alsa to 'rit tha aUss tE reglste ba3r*S three tbn66 #I*l *egrtata bejor4 ' wall s.& as s*#t$a, dthin. && ryetl in aryr an ***st Ie v9ut it {t **"".666r ebrlOn* t&at ss obviois tt sown rem mans Hgearof ef ezteMtn rxtgsdlgg pgr risdiction is the *+sres* l* th* orrect &uffiFr nscer, re rctter tn idesteptxi $rnr{*d,1o*1ea her *&*s 1rue i*ns# isca by sfik*tsppl,&e the €k* tru* ffisns of seane of lessetpioa :ossaseien }lsi,ta Unite or eul.atious. sr otnr sth€ssuch. crrch tegalatlons. Eeg*s Bopy ?ollefson Fsll*f*sa rriage $ss*ll. D. LoweLl 9, &;sr**$p &Ie1*4ri* ioloti ste tu+ai&&rr E$r 1$4*8 Decaer - ft r*a