!p l l( tl & I ISSffiSX$e&&&es*Is$ 1NiPIDAL STI'G BEFgeIffitr PRIMENT Sp*ei*l R*rp*rt No. Hor 8d Spcia1 Report g?f 1949 &grtl 27 April 1g4S '^'1 .....1$' :',, "' o. Ietre$Rettcn mt rodu.ct ion sn Ari1 Aprlt 12, l,*, 1949 1,349 t&* On the FErt Port Seemtarln"a cc.miion of ef &*5atGgn, ts &yoceen, Orlrgpn Orgorn m&* rne t tcrt teat bl**t* blasts d'lr**tlg directly q&t ant f,rem from Ea,yoeaa* ?ll!*Raph say. seJr. lfbr ocean oi sR Tillemook The ;n*,1mrr pnrpos. set was to to {etrrp detWn. lar the tha feasibility frarlbtllty tl.artlEt ae channel of blastin; in. of eharrnel in ln that to plratt st'tl boat* tbat aF+a boatr area to permit small to deok cloe* inshore. to dock closer inshrr. Altbonsb ne €€nprqeantl*l lthou. no nseqnential. rbrllfbbl she1lfisb rrefpt oysters oyrt#r except f,cct from (beds 500 feet bl,*rt}r s|ri fk*{a ss$ fgo* blast), *r*a that tbst night were pr*e**t present ts in tbr the trw*r31*t* i*cLiate area br algbt be f,8esg'*elsblrrrstieaa damaied) observations sad aridt*lta testslrrr; weremsda tndetoto*tt*u*t attempt*eto&rtalslnr determine*h*t what *ff*at effct resb bt*rtiag n,l,** have h*vs were such b1aatin mhht rrrt it lt done &n* ln el*ru 9ror€r*h Th clai lru*rr Sincere $tne*r* thanks c*bas. thqakr gsel,r*l€a, s.rr due daa ta Fqrt Commission, Hr*'3bu*16 are to tha the Sagru*t*r* Baoceen Part end Donald Toy. Powder esd.Mr. Sogr of ,*tl*r FBdr? of ?tlas €oryx*y **teal bla*ti.ag, Company $hs who dtd did tk6 the actual blasting, for excellent cooperation far their *h**r *xr*Ilmt eoogrrntlo,n in la the tlc u*tt*1, aatt,r and t ta ,ffirlrlr as& S. Handley S*n$lc$ snd r,ad C. C. Smith $rfi*th for d.en*tlea or t&rlr donation Messrs. D. &r their sf oysters €Jtltrfr fq+ tc,*t**S ee the blnr*" far testing in th* blast. ?b* ar**, involved tarols*fr, was ry&r& !rsan4y The area r*sqymLd. wd bottom bottEn ran:giri r*ngta$ J / foot tide tl*,r level. a ltval. / 5fi foot nleul a I / if to to from about Ths center csetsr line llnc for far the blartlng was thr blasting r*r drawn ep through The drcaa up throrrtb a eal1 d1*1**rr'x*xrr or mpll depression, .str channel, ehsusl, a m'* was n:raln{* runnin. 'fr*m B*th Both Bla*ta blasts wra er tbrea& through n&trsh which *a ogtr{*sfr "creek" of of d.r*tc*gp drain&; r*t*r water }st &E}a flr*d, itesta* sf,t*rwEs low set and fired during th* the afternoon Ler tide tl{r.of of *Etrr /o.s pril 12 (Low f,r*t at carlbr}&t}. {Sax water *t SIE$ $rI1,i.S f,priariba1di.}. 26 P, SK,corrected {Q.,fl feet mrrcsta8 for 9&* first etrergGconsisted. f,*.rtt charge aoartttrdt sf f*ct long The of *a an epF upper string ?S 70 feet ? r?rt!a* leng Joined tf Joieod by * lEs*r qf 50% iowe par*laa ES f,rct *+e+a*-** rts*ag?h Afsrportion 25 feet le*g, long. --4tal -ef T*s*l Three cases dyna€*rrr of $0S strength illtt {dttchlag type typr! I **m mite (ditching were uniformly uniformly set rrt along alons the upgtr 70 ?0 foot rtrlng rlth tba upper feot string with osE additional *dd,ltlousl case enso being hrla# set rt in la three thrr* closely elo**1g,rgl*acd slssg the one spaced rowe rsln along th* lower *.8 trolrtr 25 pertlon. foot- portion. foot gsp*{r**d, of rEqs$* drarEr The second *hs ro'i along 6&*a set ?0 foot arge consisted ef one ees case f,Eot +loegr as 70 lin* 0orrnfrom frsm the th+ lower line *xtcadlag eztendia, down lc**r end *rH.of thr fi firltret charge. *f the eharsa. / I '.+.,i The depth *h$ maen naa d,upth plantln{q of of planting * f the tbc dynamite iHrn*$tt* s*a xbsut three thrsa feet of p3anting was atout below th* th* *urfeec surface ta in both both fcct b*}s* lnttraeet. instances. -1* -1. ;]i-i:l..::: & iinersfof*st**sg 4tIfl *e# te *h*fgtr si.tb th *&e ffies*s ws5** wIth the *r*ecelt* rit D.ri4 *&* ;thoU, af*h€f4k ftk / ,li k*t }'48 feet Iith $$*Hs8$*e&t*trS a roziteI7 tr*itlt$ &s bT klEs * 6gt$& f the thee!e*t* its qe* tc ffet af, th* sff,Est wi the Sw,*-*3 i$*$ feet f561 about d about *he*t 4-8 *'I#*r* P4 *bs sidee, to*€the the sidee, ad **n'?erto fres tt&* eter fs*t tro tsp* or ffi foet eie t**the $pr8a E&*top, *E** gh*l}* p trst*' k*#*mi tsto boU E.p.rcfry water 1t ttffi watee th b}**t f:"t}l*s**s *fu ritteij fiio,i {Lt*g* I#w&i#*}"g t.:t) l***r {**;.t} 78 t*et on {h!F lower f,-*s* a* *beg! $s slr'*to8eao.t roih t&* th.g411lfsry*st*g .irdI *rea s*a**ot **ws#],r trongly *a$s*g$ Oet the ears '$1: * & * rof p aif t h * *chnet. k f f i l r s } * f 4 * iire l G s t *i.ctèr ' $ * t n # sextexáLn s f f i . t ' * b * oit t * & gOet l * w dthe l i | q se*rs s s f k {djet.e* 'djt.e* bechaet. . u*t wac xat wac nsfi re acn.t sfrn*t re acn.t rt *esffiSof S lWSq &e* &*t*b{ ow to*'4. ±teb. t*ss*rfr* the *ct*}a eg,-a Lp ffi$ *ettLe g##, Looee }*$ Loo*e an n t* to 16s{c*a f jut Jut tb* a*t*t prt th t tfsr the d'*ag deep ln*t fsst tee ts t toot tti aF te ceattered evttered abct, abct, Im. Im.!tl***l pee* *rssrlta* t* re*tt*esd sb+etr ase.e. oit i{s ssst6l* tteret%g,hqt tteret% aoit *rej M*$**tsr€* E#1teIJr n thó thó *W a*a er1 effect effect *ff;r€t on '?e gr****tr ffi* i44yt *g aF W@l*g t *egt€t* It *sxa, *:S. wa*'** to to Looses Lcose *wae ru1tj*'ng flat flet f3*t 1le*4 l| b*]$*t*4 [t Ic Sesst#s It the ertao.kCHeY erto. kCHY t&* e*f*s*r r*tu*is's otl retrntzi ni*h tc til* r4l'eret rU ert wIth tc *stt rw'***WIth rw&*,&y ,gf&* stllJi &t e ffrt tbt xesaeffect *hx* e. & to *1 fr6!*a of tl**t t14,e. n*nr cf h.t ae fe fcil ruiic in erhqe bit ln p*utnpf et0r fralr'j4_gg!g!. etr s,Crbs, Sli*at. te cat l&r I?WU et I1WU et to e lls,a s,sr et*ffi g,*e' t!s*r the the f*f** ftre% ftre% bi bi aet. *t. ts *w center ci' ci' the ryry*F etrip Iri t)e center the upper ss ?O fsrt foot rtrtp *f *,k to *k6 a*p&qr Micles *s s**dn*nEli** ?t*i. i ff % og en rscllftsh, st*r' q€an4 *Xfi**ffi* ario* rio* tiiterv#le tiitervale cped*s *nt*s"*** t r**l*wr Urn a? ?etf l'iffi sei off *lgs& thie ers t1e +f,f sZazL *&te p***& fft*tF te efof tE'c *ffrst Iveethe theflae.l affect of te fflarl iasl affect t*r* rirG LIves 1a1e also Th 1a1e tebl# also t'aG 6lltr t*3.owt plaeed eaci se liet, ts*h es *r 1iet, li.*t*4 b*l,ors ptrsilf, at *?t e.ci pleeed ttozi. *fse* h1**& blast *s o4 aaca *e*& Ws*fss&r twea, (hrob AI1 AIl 221 tist. fzoa e.nt.r . 0 ff* {**&*PS 1.0 ft, t*ett.7. Zlow &lar* lfs 2 e*eklee S e*ek1es *ssklr* - *bur kt*{teit Pssnee Pssne 4tree ******gElc[r 8,F*H#*6 4tt*3!e .tfaec on Glrf$** P 2 eg+clil aOeie. - 8s str sf*tcr* stor cptrs cptr. 1 tr *l**?*s Csicer pi'otast*za) II srsl crab l€*Eear Pm&lcterl btii4 $ cooles es*3** *- h*r**& eirZaa, eoeklee *2 eoekles *a*}*r -* os& #$tr.€**,t I e14*ete? eI4*te? oysters oysters *]**t*r *trr*t$} [ 2 1$ 3.0 3.8 l$ ft destroyed estrojed Xown 180 1S *?* ***t{sf€ Sl*ld* ' {**l*f$S dmstryed. *#S0*r S$*ll.,s rnasbe4, :o *f,f*$,t tte$ sF ;o O effect *ff**t $* tster I rr,*s {g mg#**gl 8t efrif 22 tuS -'* April * bul4*{ iI4 2 cck1 E ee*lqs iF 2 S eoe1es s.& tEtr&** w**trs* - ore elster oysters Lg**tfa 1 sl*r*t",Gr ff.ct #r *ff,*c? orab tC. tC. 3. ,r.sb taister sr*b (C. ts. aast*twl I oreb orab 3 off* -2- sot f,ffiAs S6t fot * +t**.6 : r+ts tt iN Ff H H it 11i.' 1ast effect {gla** *f,frst table ?**}* continued.) csatlwl'**} '."-"i Distance Slrtrncg re 20 2: *s g* 30 Eesu1t B*xant.r Specian *rP**arn 3 2 2 I l1 I I cackles eeaklq* * buried. trrr*r4, grfiase cockles * on *ch}*e ea airfac. slp,xt{,r elmeter eg*t*rr oysters era'b(C. crab ter) {€. nsslrtatPl No *ffoe{ *E effect I 2 g 2 II I cackles *neh[*r - brted ]resla{ cackles &skl6r - en face 6s mr ffi*fes& El*s*sr cluster sg*tast oysters crab (C. produ ems) arab No So effect affcEt a FtF 's a ft SelI Small crcst crack le in ca,r*precl carapace, ltlll sitU aliwe *Llts && active eFll 22 *g **tlra AJTII c' ${ t !tF I **afr{9" mssg*l AFFII1 18 Dead Beed -- Lpri 18 g cackles 2 @shl*r * lsf,ic& biried 2 S *coo gokies &3*s*w r.f**r+ onmsurface 3. cluster €grt* oysters I *$r*t*r f I crpt 1 crab {C. (C. sr,gfutcsj ma4ster) No +fftrt effiet Ea S cackles *pc*l*r - * 'b.r bsrieil 2 Led tff,re't No 8e effeàt 6' f r 0 ni " dt a @ ss 38 n Ea 2 I sockise on earface *oslltl nsf*gc el&*br oyrt**c 1 tsrs I cluster I 1 esrrt rab l!. (C. prm*otul pro &c 45, *s, 60, s,s*78 ?$ r0 N a il* a filt it N a a _. J €"rr**g Clams *x{, and og*tcg* oysters as aboy *l *}'qf6 We $e effect offrEt -. sks lffis,&t The ce*kl+*r cackles, ffi*W Cartium ff*ltr cerbis, $#* were *t*sls*s speoisszta brout ury up fmx from X*qala* Taquini S,ryp My, prurL*,e*3tr end !f3.11*wohr *cesxE& axtll taken secured a rrr& week previously hal$, in tr&a to tE Tiliamock. la en trm& until *Ssrlea tank ffi* he34 ru aquarium q1,**from Thyy renet irtesize raaEuS in rnf rib l*s{tb 1amtb (about with *a an tlrr] r{t'h 60 to ssrultr size) f,rea 60 ?t ma s ia b 79 l*beet normal averafe rtb rib ltngth 1enth of *ver*gsr of 70.0 mn ?*.0 ma, " They to ts each {l*trtrlqtr* t*ttlttr $b*y were mrc randomly &,sh station. rradoalg distributed The a.S*t;r! oysters warc were etrwt'orr clusters af, of sbr one srrd and tev two Ecar jar old hetrf,ic oysters, Ostrea fha etltlrtr olil ?*ciZic $l. -Fntf &jacent bed.. of Sxdtr*y )1*thley rd and $d,th Smith *t at $tgec*m. )ayocean. jigas taken ta^h*a at *t the tha tima }*d,r pf flps the tlw from t&r ad,Jeo*at #tg*tr gtrt*tl They 4-12 per *hpg rsned r**gadlfrom *-1* oysters a"*r&s! of f,rsnn *le*tcr with ss a?eraje ef 8.4 systere etlteru per rlth an lttr 1sr cluster "S.* cluster. slurtcf. &r*n{b* up Serfs?t fw* the t&* Newport The were small raal,l ats*+Llsareul niwesilaneoni ryarlmps niweellaneoni epeciane brouiht nS from tba crabs *rrhr *tru bccs held. laboratory &!*r they had tar a*tar*} several reat&r monthu er or mare. rharE thay bl{. far l*ar*.'torE who ha6,been As *t woch ttFf e*b they y not weak, cte.l eta.) bat but iliri were *trX all *b*? that har* been *c*n normal norp*l, in sodr wt haTe la reaction r+**tdon (possibly {Ilo*rttrlt m*&r were available *ar,t *t the *r*trX,ab}* at ths morent. w&snt. rlcrr males. *rslcs. All kt on. &11 ht ogr were t**t They raued tu fhlrf r*:*pd {n back rld,th from frorn 3.18 width eyrrost width to ltld 144 m, ma, aversE. t,l$ te rldtb 3.29 re. l$l ma, lt** ea? at S feet or less at 20 fact or k11 *pcetm*&r; kIl specimns, except A!,1 *trq set tli6 oysters, t&,leh were u$*pt the oyn?*ra, which .*8* -3- .t. np1e b*gr baje CaaE *eqlLt **I*re*+ *ffi* Ln separSt3 b].*st last mra were f,irst first 5r!".*oad placed in tbp b 6s*tsr off the tb,c center from frer the rpc** *f spee any mziu of *fl*l*l*e prrcat treasttrag with te labels lilt ate løeat in *,r!dlprevent l,*b*le totataøfs*llit*ta stth appropri $rp*e'ria*a last. linensfollawis6 fo1icwin *u the bLs,et. twa* ax*rtt{' hsr* exerted *aul$ have thls wonU ths,t this btli.*r*S that sgt believed it lE not 1* is lx'. fo*r in about foer The bnried eoEhlcs cookies e*rt were er* et tbe{lt Shc brpl*dl aff*Ct, erreh{sai.*6 *ff,aetr s$Fllastsbla ci.shionlz ni appreciable *B,y qsd,sr satfast. thsaTrfane. shamMer the €b6i ewport te the ttrr 8*W.ert ecimenss**E wereBrcPeS!* brouitba&h k to *lL rpe*,lffiR* a.x.perlasat all the tba experiment SoLle*Xng ollowix that SBGG 5flGal$t' nijht. *11 Ui ef tb*t s*ro of t*kse care laboratory where thty they !s*ft were cxsela6{ exaMasd *.nil ad taken lsbsratsry shara sp.etme rFcslccsa lbrsa$ s** abserved alx*3ft{ throu pia**& t* still etlEc alive :rurc were placed in *En*rl,* MunrIa ar4 utll.l *t *B at April SWn 22 rhish tlm rca closed. e1ces6. which tiwe ths th* *tpa**mat ezperment was roup ef of lafE*gan leftover str'$1iurler[11e*es$'* xa ss&tttaa in additiou tuto tb€ thef,er*sle$p foreoin, once I!iscUanecua f;isg*trl I!iscUaneoua blart center *&e opposite s$Ps*ta *cttar on oa the 89 feet ths blast wrfaq*r 20 f+at from frqm th he srfa.e *s*klr* **r cosicles was 3r1**a* ilaced ss on sb* giritq t#s?r side sf of ttsp te re,i1ar rssrlar test, rctF0 recov*&f*h were taGevsight clams rar6 were XHt put ontl eat, fl,t* tirø sfoXwbich *gh* el*S pralcat* bcltctc4 buried. knr!,cd Es tbr*a believed. ir?d,r th* ered., the sl*e{s$ misjn three or pl*hs* picked *S up }3 by **kr other $erttar parties present. 'orseglt a4irttl*r tB the ttsc eqzarts. esd pn* Fcqnrt lab te the tb Newport lcF and These rrrc were aio Tbo6 alle brou.fht back Lssh to T,Et in F Ssa One lll effects. *ffcctr. gxril 22, tboctas no se 111 nttll showing f,en* still *9. the tbc ether of thu** was *nr touM f,sesddead *a** April *ihrr four af these Xffi.netclf f*3lAstn€ lediatety fiiewln the tiring of a*sb each *hr$f$f tbn flrt*f ef, rx*nrtrc{ the area rrsr was examined thc *r** gtaEssl' tbr grounds, o* the for other ryaetffi'* specimens af, of aqr any strt sort tb*t that *sf{ vire e,trS*s*l}f originally y*tm*t pnsent on f.or.ethry Soet zone, *sn*r 86 foot i&; 26 er) *csn were found fsna{ within ulthle the .Fi.lE EmlI. crabs e*nhl (C. ?ive small {$. ry*g*ftsjr} stn*brl Three bad lm*aa brohen os broken or cracked ffir** ba& 99.8 mm. F? te mr aok width, nl*tFr averaging from to 97 fasx* 7? 9? mr m b*s* m*raed;r* 90.2 arspeces ami. arspeces aed e,rtrs iore d,r*d[ dead *a on ttk?6tfr recovery, t**rapsrr They fhap ranged rsesil tl*qag ef dAmage One showed gus of aE xternnl sxt*r**l si#St *bsrwrt no 9m .ll ht lbre€t! rrh*t*osvcr through eq* one sh+rc{ shøwed neit*ffeetr uo)effeot whatsoever v*r3 slp r**atulry €a+d., The Shs remaining also de*d. April 22. EZr April feaa&. wr found. tlsrps slqxn One clam saek neck (5ebizothexne) eat horse {srhl,reth*aru'rl was It v*ivtrtls*ttd, stinatt that It **l th*t mr te 100 *hall the clan originally had. had a shell shell length length of of 80 olaa originally l;sgth S to 1$Sii, tha he& aa" of optglnally Ehort Sbri Shstrq Ghost perafound. *$ foot th* 25 fsst zone. wa*. f gbsrt boet shrimp within the fqaad, vlthl* r&rlsp were A A considerable s6sri6**sb!a nsabee number Ef, .{ tha *t Newport, F*s$artl the pL*oed in *g**rlq,x at sa aç.sriun la an Altheugi all Ltvt*6 1ivi; specinens r**. also Altbss,gh *3.1 al*a placed ryeelmssswere -&- si{ 5i. flnsl slstrir*tlen ss these thaa* yes **a me4e final observation on day, April &{B the thc followin.g fstrtrqtlaE d+F, l$tb, ryttf 15th. $*,a*a Xl*rt Since wet trgwrl**ee ha ezperence b*e shown sbpr* i,tit ta b*1*eay *nyofof,these tlhrrcforms fsra! very 1on to b6 be Al.ffi,erlt diffion1t to h1t lsn€ "r!y It s*o f,tlt *k*t th!.s felt that ffis **sat thIs wee about*hs the Alwlt limit sfof reliability trtr$bobservations. rctl*bll"lty of sbsGffs,ttoaa. ofsuch it A ?Sof af 76 A &t*1 total of were tbor* collected ebiegPq?Eqe,!+t. jaitteasis. Pourteen sf those s*tr"teetE$ srrr Wg!,*g Oie jaitteasis. tourtr+a glyloeal;r metilated. tire 7, ?6,orar18.4%, sf the of 1B.4Srwere lrohffi up mse brok trp or Er otherwise lrr,tllate8 by the s€hssrlm obviously tlc llast. blast. lacltrd.lsc ths Ineludin the aortall*r" mortality. slst6, abøfe, tot*l of a* total 59were mrc dead ltr* fg by i*pll Ari1 13, sf 39 llilr or er $l.$il .slss cpaelmar Nine specimensorof e*L}{t*gtfg Cal1isnaea were f tkrerrer ltrr feep*g ; thre., or 33.3%1beiuj $sn$S,tttr*x qilla*l.snr bp*-&assB broken or ktl.lt* ktUed killed by by physical physical trntiletton. Se*r e*h*rs dl{fu Ctrts8 Pour ethers died., givinj aatotal *stel mowaorSlr*te*X tallty ef71.8%.. ??.8* tality.of stc e"e trtr-ql}l The ttrqr*$p averagebaahr bogyl*q€tb lengthpfof the the dead Uposbia was 6srn 88.2 ry mena1*a** sainat 65,3 me 66*P I ry for f,e*those th{}s*surviving. su*rtrlsE" For foF Callianausa ar+rap lengths r*n*tbr were mls 109.6 the for ths average lssrf me sa ffrt t*lll*gfr* 6e***,aM the tb dead ") ,i 1Sg,* swrf,llry. 102.5 f*,r for tM iie surviving. *hns mould *enJd rstn This seemtoto1s6.tr*ta indicate*trt&rr either a.* ittff*rrsgis} mortality eepa**na el*n wxtslt*Jr depending differential upon*tq* else elsesfof of*bc the lb. individual with tb* tha ,},rilFf larcer {&gl"I,ihql. rrtth 6s6t ones mrt more&r*sGlrttal€ om8ceptiieta to**Jsr'r, injury,srorsleE elsexmrqlt erely *$ {trtrffcrcnti*l differential in ln collection wllrltlcn of the apaoimat epecims. of the qtlh Fish *hru w.l,wa Three salmonf,tagBrtrlugq{t**t*ttroLy fingerlings(tentatiyely identified leesl were i€*attftrcd as*rchume) wn found fomai gS foot r{thls the within within the 25 foot zone. thc 25 f,*a* zone. soxsr Pork &rk }oagtba *S44umr Por! ]ngths ]ngths wore wore36, 36,Sl}f 38., 38.,sef, a*d a*d r. r. rorc $61 '4.,, gnblar Blent rarc also fousd,r ranging Iit gobies (Clevelandia lee) {elErc.tra+a1e alaa found, is rdiniBta fttn from rsrglag in 'Sr".}er}were 65 me, 5$8. to te 65 arcraglag 61.5 mr averaging 6L$ me. m. All the tlro fish f l,sh were carr either d,ceA er alther dead sucbwhen All or in $Bat near rt*tc ofefsueb noae stall Sfrn co1 sotla 6. vry lastea. looted. Sttee},Sqnsoqe tiscel1anecus Iiiyertebre.tes 1iscel1anecus Iiiyertebre.tes l4*{rtoLra*s$ A snail (Theta sp), heighth i small xell sb*nl feesg urharmod1 Ac&btb of a*larwit rltbtra 8$ within 25 r*a found {P*&9, apl, sf, 11S me, mp was feet f,**t of t&e center. ef, the ssatcrr .*"spselssa A cpeoimen ef of swt alm (Macama) wS elan *Lro found in length wu also $S m ta frqe* uninjured. uslaJa*a{' l&gEgal 58 lrn$&.r*s *S* ,i.:,' *hf*il l"o"rgp X'O nF} rxra f,*ttffir large seed, sand $ew worms (Nereis were found. {F-eSe}nap) ll d.$dthe tbs third thtrG bad had the ath tbe *w Two wqro torn tprn in X"ahalf bsl,S badg carlt;r sug*rued.r cavity ruptured. rtptured. sat*raL t&rus& #sffi# verl thre.wi thre.wi ttorms ttormsi$h*g!eg*l (Ieriortiva) (Iemortiva)e*ra ire werefse** faund faundLE in in*s*6 dea4 dea4*s& aud aud*rst6a broken broken&sit+ cMit. cMit. tanl ion'. ion. Oxi l:,r:i ,:,,ii of the ghost hrimp( _ ebiapugetiensis) was found with the *U sg'ws6&l clan sSEne coiena1 (Pooidopthina ruitera) {effi*ffi$3 qF#t#f*} attashed att*ehea te attashod to tts its rf,€euaE ab8oin on ss the tb* wentral ea*Fn:. wsfq*tr surface, sb **a still e*ttl alive ¶be sbs cam was al,lva ms attached J* it *tt*ehad attached on on *rrrl gri1 lsthr ri1 13th. 13th. .: Suscrf $uussary ptfs*E*h €rs€qtt* ouz'"ssss8 cases *f of ggs 50 strength flr.s& as ml* fired ss a* single rl**Ln shot dyn te .wre *kt along [l.*!r* * 95 9s foot feot a *n lts# P*u&tr foot line line *'R *n * aaany aany ud ud bottom bottom ktts* of l.0 s# st Si:s l.0 to to e $*s 3.O fqp* foot tt*G tide tr*rl level*i atsaryee* eos*ms april &gu,i.tr12, oem, &4, 1949. lg*S, & seess{ P. second 8m},1sr srnaUer &,ar-4p charge was r*r also ftrc,iA and *trta fired sa* obsarsed. eslKry**r pl,***rl at 5pmens placed a* *nnqrq Ps*w,lss' own *lntrnmr distances fres from th€ tbo edatsr enter of tb blast of th l}**t showeds rbs*u{[l . ty &t*ttr* Little pr or F€ *erfiss cocklos te surfaoe s**k!.*r located o 6,*x*gr danas to 3*c**** 10 f,r*t *r I{l reat or fEgb*ar further 1' 1.. fr-ss the tba from een$tr. ztor. g" 2 2. .,.Xe damngn to seh*derfesa o damage to to su-surfa.ce su-eurfa.ce ooekl., cocklos cocklos located located 1.5 15 S*uf,#i fee*Ør fee*ør turt:er further lS loo*ted ll,rr$&s* fo* fr*e ', i' &s oerter. Eant6rr the - s. 3. so No 4*ssss dage totecrabs e**t* located rsc**Ea 30 s0 feet fs*t or ss f?en the feet or &*thar Ather tha center. *atsr. urther fro* fro* the center. &r:t0 Xedeaage **wga to 4 te oysters egrttr* located lot*tE{ 10 feet s or {lrrt*tr further from L* fap* fryn the &a center. arstffi* {Sk fsr*Wte* *Eaa not lThe tor&oing does sot consider ensi&ar any gch se c*ly at?elhrif,fip*** such consider any possible possible after.'effects after'effects such 36rxll,l* a* r$tlqgl silting) g 8O'.15 6p-75fluart*tlt5r sf ghoet L 8O.15 nrtality nrtality of of ghost shrimp ahrlry was rag fpund, Ssrt shrimp found clthfu wIthin85 25feot f.t off the cnter. thc Edatar. ts th*r In thes8*t! caseef,of øf vtehrates involved vtebrates ?heteSsilartqbr*ta* lsr*trra& it lt is !t bsl,larcdl believed likely ltka]y that that a1' alwat all d.*rmsn set all dca Souo by ay bLxa*.tng pSy*lel in blastIng {* is greatlg gros1y physical pbysical la nature, satnra, that tbat there t&rra is it lttt1s ihoek *!*ee* or gfuxtrl.cg*sl or little little ihoek or other other physiological. physiological dawd;*. e*bsl dage. roger ol1efson b#et *qll*f,ws Ie&ll Lowell Er D. b,mlaEp YAriage tslal*gistr Biologists .. TEST AREA BEFORE BLAST -- FIRST BLAST RESULTANT CHANNEL AFTER FIRST BLAST