LONDON’S GLOBAL UNIVERSITY Disability in Academia: Voices from UCL disabled students. This event, funded by UCL ChangeMakers, is designed for students at all levels of their academic studies and staff to open up a space for discussion about disability at a university level. Six disabled students share their experiences of studying at UCL with their disability through experience-­‐‑focused talks, talking about the challenges they face, what is has taught them, what they have achieved and how they feel the experience can be improved for current and future disabled students. UCL ChangeMakers is a scheme all about students and staff collaborating and innovating to improve the UCL learning experience. This event serves as a platform where disabled students from all levels of academic study can give voice to their experiences, raising disability awareness both at UCL and in academia at large on a wide range of subjects concerning disability and university, to foster inspiration, learning and criticality and to provoke discussions that matter for students both in the present and in the future. Contacts: Wednesday 16th March 2016, 5.30 – 7.30pm UCL Arena 1-19 Torrington Place Naqi: master’s student in Technology Management (System Engineering Management) Department of Space & Climate Physiscs. Helen: PhD student Department of Speech, Hearing and Phonetic Sciences. Assel: PhD student in the London Interdisciplinary training programme Safiya: Barlett School, MSc in Development, Administration and Planning Deborah: 3rd year Biological Sciences MSci Cate: PhD student Department of Linguistics (Division of Psychology and Language Sciences)