1 المسألــة :19-2/1تنفيذ خدمات االتصاالت القائمة على بروتوكول اإلنترنت في البلدان النامية االحتـ ــاد الـ ــدويل لالتصـ ــاالت مكـتب تنمي ـ ــة االتص ـ ــاالت Place des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland www.itu.int 01/2014 2 01 0- 2 01 4 طبع يف سويسرا جنيف2014 ، التقريـر النهائـي قطاع تنمية االتصاالت لجنة الدراسات 1 الـمـس ــأل ـ ــة 19-2/1 تـنـفـي ــذ خ ــدم ــات االت ـص ــاالت الـق ــائـم ــة عـل ــى بــروت ــوك ــول اإلنـتــرنــت فــي الـبـل ــدان الـنــامـي ــة فرتة الدراسة اخلامسة قطـ ــاع تنمي ـ ــة االتصـ ـ ـ ـ ــاالت 2014-2010 (ITU) ������� ����� (BDT) ������� ����� ����� ���� ����� ���� Place des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 20 Email: mailto:bdtdirector@itu.int Tel.: +41 22 730 5035/5435 Fax: +41 22 730 5484 ������ ������ ������� ��� ����� (IP) ��������� ��������� ����� (PKM) Email: bdtpkm@itu.int Tel.: +41 22 730 5447 Fax: +41 22 730 5484 Email: bdtip@itu.int Tel.: +41 22 730 5900 Fax: +41 22 730 5484 ��������� ������� ������� ������ ����� (IEE) ���������� ���������� Email: bdtiee@itu.int Tel.: +41 22 730 5421 Fax: +41 22 730 5484 ������ ����� ����� ����� ���� (DDR) �������� ������ Email: bdtdeputydir@itu.int Tel.: +41 22 730 5784 Fax: +41 22 730 5484 ������� ����� ������ ���� ����� ������ ���� ����� ������ ���� ����� ������� TelOne Centre for Learning Corner Samora Machel and Hampton Road P.O. Box BE 792 Belvedere Harare – Zimbabwe 19, Rue Parchappe x Amadou Assane Ndoye Immeuble Fayçal, 4e étage B.P. 50202 Dakar RP Dakar – Sénégal Immeuble CAMPOST, 3e étage Boulevard du 20 mai Boîte postale 11017 Yaoundé – Cameroun P.O. Box 60 005 Gambia Rd., Leghar ETC Building 3rd floor Addis Ababa – Ethiopia a E-mail: itu-harare@itu.int Tel.: +263 4 77 59 41 Tel.: +263 4 77 59 39 Fax: +263 4 77 12 57 E-mail: itu-dakar@itu.int Tel.: +221 33 849 77 20 Fax: +221 33 822 80 13 E-mail: Tel.: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Tel.: Tel.: Tel.: Fax: itu-yaounde@itu.int + 237 22 22 92 92 + 237 22 22 92 91 + 237 22 22 92 97 itu-addis@itu.int +251 11 551 49 77 +251 11 551 48 55 +251 11 551 83 28 +251 11 551 72 99 ��������� ������� ���� ����� ������ ���� ������� ����� ������ ���� ������� ����� ������� ����� ������ ���� Colonia Palmira, Avenida Brasil Ed. COMTELCA/UIT 4 Piso P.O. Box 976 Tegucigalpa – Honduras Merced 753, Piso 4 Casilla 50484, Plaza de Armas Santiago de Chile – Chile United Nations House Marine Gardens Hastings – Christ Church P.O. Box 1047 Bridgetown – Barbados SAUS Quadra 06 Bloco “E” 11 andar – Ala Sul Ed. Luis Eduardo Magalhães (AnaTel) 70070-940 – Brasilia, DF – Brasil E-mail: itutegucigalpa@itu.int Tel.: +504 2 2 201 074 Fax: +504 2 2 201 075 E-mail: itusantiago@itu.int Tel.: +56 2 632 6134/6147 Fax: +56 2 632 6154 E-mail: itubridgetown@itu.int Tel.: +1 246 431 0343/4 Fax: +1 246 437 7403 E-mail: itubrasilia@itu.int Tel.: +55 61 2312 2730-1 Tel.: +55 61 2312 2733-5 Fax: +55 61 2312 2738 ������� ����� ������� ����� ����� � ���� ������ ����� ������ ����� ������� ����� ������� ��������� ����� ������ ���� ����� ������ ���� 4, Building 1 Sergiy Radonezhsky Str. Moscow 105120 Russian Federation Sapta Pesona Building, 13th floor JI. Merdan Merdeka Barat No. 17 Jakarta 10001 – Indonesia Thailand Post Training Center, 5th floor, 111 Chaengwattana Road, Laksi Bangkok 10210 – Thailand Mailing address: P.O. Box 25 – Moscow 105120 Russian Federation Mailing address: c/o UNDP – P.O. Box 2338 Jakarta 10001 – Indonesia Mailing address P.O. Box 178, Laksi Post Office Laksi, Bangkok 10210 – Thailand E-mail: itumoskow@itu.int Tel.: +7 495 926 60 70 Fax: +7 495 926 60 73 E-mail: Tel.: Tel.: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Tel.: Tel.: Fax: itujakarta@itu.int +62 21 381 35 72 +62 21 380 23 22 +62 21 380 23 24 +62 21 389 05 521 ������� ����� itubangkok@itu.int +66 2 574 8565/9 +66 2 574 9326/7 +66 2 574 9328 Smart Village, Building B 147, 3rd floor Km 28 Cairo – Alexandria Desert Road Giza Governorate Cairo – Egypt E-mail: itucairo@itu.int Tel.: +20 2 35 37 17 77 Fax: +20 2 35 37 18 88 ������ (BDT) ������� ����� ���� ����� ����� (EUR) ������ ���� (ITU) ������� Place des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 20 – Switzerland E-mail: eurregion@itu.int Tel.: +41 22 730 5111 لالتصال بنا :املوقع اإللكرتوين www.itu.int/pub/D-STG/ :املكتبة اإللكرتونية لالحتاد devsg@itu.int :الربيد اإللكرتوين +41 22 730 5999 :الـهـاتــف www.itu.int/ITU-D/study_groups :19-2/1 " #$" !" ! "# $% &' &# ( )*% +! $%) ,- # # ./ &01 2) 345 6)%7 6%! ,89: 2# .<=> ?@A' ,B C *-! $#9D! EF C ?G +# 8 ! ,B# 94! 2) /*! # .6I@' 6H <=> ?@A' ,/! $% "IJ &#! KG L! M G! P4! 017 *! Q %+9 # C ?* ,48 N! O ! KG 383% W* (I8' HXJ YPA 6% # .!# 193 R!-! B C "IJ &#! C ST -# U8H# V 9# ."IZ! 79H $% [ 2 7H# X#9!> 8# ^+! (?+# + &01 2) _9H A Q U` aH )*% \9] .)*% &- # b4 c UVH8 + C %d !" Uh# .?`9% V*! "I' 2) ) 01 ef ( S!# 6I@'# ?+! g-# 98! % [f #' K !?G ?* "IJ 0:> b # !5 # iG)# < ,89: 2 )*% .8! W* 9H!# jk 1 #$ - # lmG! 2)J# ! E-! n C 6<G) UG 2014-2010 [94! C 1 ! ef ' N! 0! :! V 9# G! W* 6%! 37# .oX9X> * 8I!# # )*% +! *! (79r ?4S # )*% +! / 0! %@! [! 2) 5 W' ef [4 2) *-! 2pq 6%! 6t# .)! *-*! 8!#J Q 6<G [9) U) @u!# +# 8 !# 6%! v9@ ,*1# G ST +5 \#Q# > \#Q vKwJ Q4X # )*% +! / ef Q4! -H! 489%! xQ=# W* (I8' 37 7 . # )*% +! / -w 2)' ef @`f -k# 4*! g-) ,- # 9yJ 6*B# *# u! z89%! {! )1 ef 6)H! Q4!# |! 6<G)# }! 6 .)! *-! 8!#'# 889! # ~ ?89] N! ! O<X [9) U) #' 8a \' W* %) V) #' 79w 97Q \8 # .4* 79w# f 2) "m1 [ 989! PA f C _w . }#! B X+ 2) S © ITU 2014 2) L1 Q f *# \a # 7 6w \a [H YPA 2) "3+ \' G 2 .4r 9H! {5 U .(ITU) 0! }#! B 19-2/1 1 1 2 1.1 2 2.1 3 19-2/1 3.1 3 2 3 1.2 5 (VoIP) 1.1.2 7 2.1.2 8 3.1.2 8 (EoIP) 4.1.2 8 5.1.2 8 6.1.2 01 (IPT) 2.2 00 05 3.2 IPv6 IPv4 05 01 IPv6 IPv6 IPv4 4.2 1.4.2 2.4.2 11 3 08 1.3 08 2.3 01 3.3 01 4.3 11 4 20 1.4 22 1.1.4 22 2.1.4 21 3.1.4 27 4.1.4 iii 19-2/1 5 12 28 1.5 28 2.5 21 3.5 6 33 31 1.6 31 1.1.6 30 32 2004 2.1.6 2008 3.1.6 33 4.1.6 33 5.1.6 33 2.6 33 1.2.6 35 2.2.6 35 IP 35 1.3.6 31 31 3.6 IP IP 2.3.6 3.3.6 4.6 31 31 1.4.6 21 2.4.6 21 3.4.6 21 4.4.6 20 5.6 11 7 11 8 iv 19-2/1 I. Annexes Annex 1: Questionnaire on ITU-D Question 19-2/1: Implementation of IP Telecommunication Services in Developing Countries.................................................................................................. 47 Annex 2: Results of the Survey ..................................................................................................... 55 Annex 3: Composition the Rapporteur Group for Question 19-2/1 ................................................ 61 Annex 4: Reports of the Rapporteur Group Meetings for the study period 2010-2014 .................... 62 II. Glossary ............................................................................................................................ 63 III. References ........................................................................................................................ 64 5 1 13 2 13 3 11 4 31 5 31 1 v #% &' ! "#$% 19-2/1 19-2/1 ! ! #$ " 1 N1> K$> 4D d*f d ">#'> "* VK'/">#'> %R ? Fc' 1 +4' G2 P+! 9+ j () %&'$ G2 NL! "K- N' i4' 3: 9Kh .P++_ "VK ">#'> "* VK 8 k9' N& .">#'> "!' @* L$ 9?* 5Y2 %+ "* VK'/">#'> "K6 .,-* +2: +4' l< .#<> 2NV> N Wf +$ + " "# Em' H .] ' "! *K $! "*+Q 3*+! @^ ">#'> um = %N2 t s r: E, ! o pq> ^f "$ .P+n K6 72 JL9 JNN .*Kx "*+Q w6 H 8# 1* * "*+Q AB v P++_ "*+Q < @* l4 M @* ++ m' (IP) () %&'$ G2 NL! "K- 3: * @* ++ dY: E1' yzm lK$> #<> N V) Pi "0* K' k "! :NC "+8 {v "K6 "K- N1> K • {() %&'$ G2 NL! "K- NL! ">#'> "K6 J$ ,- $< • {Pf - ! m AB Vx • {HL! .NI WI | • {*+Q PV • {() %&'$ G2 NL! "*+Q "K- @* !1 • {d< ">#'> |2 • .? "Vn> *+Q ' • Y2 '9 "*+ AB +C v 3zm l* 3+ AB $ N > l} N2 I ~#$ +: vB .*f "+D 1 +! NI 6 : + - AB !m> cmK' Em' () %&'$ G2 NL! 8 *i0 : "N1> ^V G2 < .NI' ?B .NL! +2! ++D @* +$ 0m +_ @+m Jm W*: M .(2011 19-2/1 ) RGQ 19-2/1/002 1/28 : 1 1 #% &' ! "#$% 19-2/1 1.1 L @* 2NR 2010 4 AB * 24 @* P $ +n +!2 F^ ">#'> N . c +N2 "*+ ^'" 19-2/1 ?B .*Q + Pm %0 ">#'> N' `< " j_ < @* 9+ :.f 9 ., j L 3zm l"* 3+ () %&'$ G2 NL! ">#'> () %&'$ "K6 ^' + * 3+ 9m#' 3: NC M m "+8 [ • {] ' "! "*+Q () %&'$ "VK' ^ * 3+ *i0 NI #<> ! S- [ • {] ' "! "*+Q "! () %&'$ "*+ () %&'$ "K6 ,-' fE1 j L Y! [ • .KN NI ? F#<> / 1* l] ' :.f p^f @* < L 3zm lv AB m)$ {() %&'$ "!' iC W+! ' n* !' (1 P s+ ^& l ?B P1 Y! T % l+ Pm y l.#' .Ly !' (2 {"V> = O#< .f++D H j "+8 G2 r, 9V' U* (3 2.1 %&'$ G2 NL! "K- 3-$ "6) "* Em - @* ++$ ">#'0 + D> ky .* 3+ $ [ l() () %&'$ G2 NL! "K-$ l101 ! l($*) 1998 J J$+ c* ~2 +< G2 ! +6 .. #<> N dN9* d& 9[$ l ! AB $ n : "v * f2$ .D> 5Y2 %+ AB $ "K- p^f G2 ' / ++D AB Vx (IP) 3-$ I "9V %' l(WTPF-2001) 2001 W2 +!2 F^ l">#'> " 1 . + Z< 3+ uV' j "+8 F+# ‘F:’ ^f ~+9 ."D F:" +N2 (IP) () %&'$ $ '9 %B + 3+ p^f (N9 [Q :) * ">#'> ,-' "f 9m#' j "+8 N > l* ."() %&'$ $ '9 " +2z$ "() %&'$ $ '9 $ * 57 }m" W< lD F:$ d0N2 l2001 W WTPF + !2: http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/ :< *) "() %&'$ $ '9 @2 . !" rV ! r_ 2003 W ! ^f n +< .(e-strategy/publications-articles/pdf/IP-tel_report.pdf +2 2> f^ " . ? NI "9 V* NL< W+< #<> NI .() %&'$ $ '9 %B [ lD> 5Y2 () %&'$ r& +2B (* 16 AB 5) 2003 W2 P D> R < (IP) () %&'$ G2 NL! "K- r&" +[B G2 2005 P }m l^ d' .* 3+ http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/special-projects/ip-policy/final/ :< *) "# "v L "2 3-$ l* 3+ N > lD> 5Y2 %+ W02B f rK @* |, .(IPPolicyHandbook-E.pdf ' "$ ! L L G2 rK +&c .() %&'$ G2 NL! "K-$ # Y! # "v }' ! P) @2 "** W+! l() %&'$ G2 NL! "K- W W+>$ 2 #% &' ! "#$% 19-2/1 "*+ "K6 fE1' j L Y! G2 dY: +&c .() %&'$ 9Kh j "! ! Y< .# "* @* +4 Q G2 @* E1K r 32 . () %&'$ "!' @2 d!' 1 "+ _ "+2: l(2006-2002) 11 + Pm %0 http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/study_groups/SGP_2002-2006/ :< *) "* 3+ () %&'$ .N< - 1* NL! k2 v "VK [ l! ^f 5V .(SG1/index.html r) # "v "! Y2 "K- @* +L l! $1 K0 "*+Q ' ~ ! %' .(v AB * um K) P= +$ @2 H K) *Kx +$ @2 N +$ @2 ! Z< ldE: .5Y2 %+ @* P " %0 @* NI #<> ! "+8 dY: .NI "+8 G2 r, W+$ '9 ^'" 19-1/1 G2 NL! "VK k2 v G2 19-1/1 "4& l(2010-2006) $ + Pm http://www.itu.int/publ/D-STG- :< *) .L9 ! +6 . # @* +4 () %&'$ "! 3: +&: ">#'> + " "# ">#' J$ ! o pq> : G2 (SG01.19.1-2010 KN "='> @2 *2 C ! : l^ d' .() %&'$ ! 8 o u=' $! @* J/ N& ."*+Q +!' "f ! m G2 4&' j NI "fq> "K- %D> .! x " 19-2/1 3.1 "! "*+Q () %&'$ $ ">#'> "K6 n @2 "* +n: Nq d %n 5 I "9V G2 %#8 l] ' 2NV> #<> NI ! "+8 H9 l3+ u2NV ! }m 3> +N2 l-< +$ ., p^X 3 +2B l19-2/1 X' j Y! .h& "c J "2! 5Y2: D> 5Y2 %+ AB u*+< l2011 * .(d¡ 3+ <: @* 5 d* d+$ 21 ! 3+$ 6 *+!* 3+$ 9) 1 M0 3> G2 d+$ 41 V: N' rK* f+2: j T) "5#n) 2 M0 W+! .! ^f (R: l$ P D "E/: j L Y! ! ^f dY: 2> "^: lv AB m)$ .P AB d ">#'> .`NV> 5/: " j " 2 1.2 ~¢ .">#'> "* VK' %R (IP) () %&'$ G2 NL! "VK W+ +4 %&'$/%) HK8 %&'$ 2NR * W+ N9 K- !? %&'$ u$ () %&'$ . / . +,- )" y$ u<' ">#'0 + D> "">#'>" #* ~¢ 2.(TCP/IP) () #3 < 5 ;+ 691#': 78. 61 . 45 . , . 3 . ,2 . 01 '+ *+" ' @Kh l! ^f | lJ @^f @* ".##;%@93 < 5 ? >+ . 8' . 88= . : "6) : "*0 %! : $ : %B & HY' j *+Q y$ "() %&'$ $ ">#'> 62005 ! 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[ f j "K- AB "# f j "K- @* l*i E "K- "K* @* P++V `: "K- ."*+Q +' I ] "*+ AB v K*B K !* m 44' l*2 #$ lf *- *+Q Em$ W4> @* |, "*+Q ' .*- *+Q Em$ "*4 P++_ "K- "VK' K' 3: ., 19.">#'> Convergence and Next Generation Networks, OECD Ministerial Background Report, 2008, 17 .http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/25/11/40761101.pdf Excerpt from New Technologies and Their Impacts on Regulation, Module 7 of ICT Regulation Toolkit, March 2007, 18 Author: Technical University of Denmark. Convergence and Next Generation Networks, OECD Ministerial Background Report, 2008, 19 http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/25/11/40761101.pdf. 22 #% &' ! "#$% 19-2/1 JK FY @* l^ . *- v J8 P++V d[m l3G Wi-Fi WiMAX v lP++_ K0 .*- *+Q Em' @* Jx J,- +2 J,- L ] k8 (& vB * ++D $ l P< H!' ' NI "X G2 E @* d* "*+Q i' ª +< 3K' *+2 K o uV' +* ++D r# @* # lv AB m)$ .> W: * Nf f .%* o G2 *2+* "*+Q ~ () %&'$ G2 +N' K6 AB %!> ? Hf @^ Jx PSTN .,-* @* ++ W+ }¬ m* Y< x ,- f- j # ~ "K6 E1' +< . K- v # .$ H!' NI "X G2 J ^ l%+ W*: P++V 4Vn #0# ' lN K' kQ ¸$ *: 8 ´ H!' 3zm l+_ @+m [ lK* N2 ~ K6 - N2 3: 9*+ ">#'> "* VK' AB K %!* v }!8 dY: H9* f . Y2 K- - AB %!> N2 d*f d 8 ´ H!' Fc l[ #$ *+! 3+ AB $ . G2 .FTTx LY ~ - 72 () %&'$ "K6 5< m<5Z a - m<5Z "*+Q N dI .JNN IP ">#'> "*+ Em .: S6 2 2 k2 v 3B @* ++ K l m' W+ P5& HI l^ ." G2 r +4 Y2 K0 .dY: ! r m' " W+ K' 9+ O# J "5VB H!' P2B G2 3+ ? : (4G) $ _ "*+ ! 34 (HDTV) 2 34 W+ 2 +4 dI > j *+ E "' O#¬ P2B i' P2) * r: K' 3+ @* ++ 3zm l V *+ P) G2 NL! 9 G2 3>1* %D> dq %' .P1K$ W+' 20 .3+ k$ l 6# "+D IP "*+ H< %n W+> 1h .H< * PB IP ">#'> "*+ /c' P+!* * U "*+ }m* AB * 5+ ,_ - ' d01* # vB .m,_ H< Q [ #$ @Kh n (CLI) F f "** </* * dY: E1 f .w6 "K6 72 &x "!m+' HK· , .IP "K6 %0 @* &x Nn K- ,-* : JN < @* 9$ v E,' !"#"$ 5< @2 i' () G2 @* PB M#Q uV G2 lVx () * PB #' %! .() %&'$ G2 d& HL< ©2 E1K$ : 1&: l@ 5: WI @* PB () %&'$ ICT Regulatory News, May 2010. 23 20 #% &' ! "#$% 19-2/1 +* 9$ ^» @ . 2 ?B AB Vn ¼ lx N&x " d#< d01 1t yB * 3+ k$ ©2 N-' wn ?!h+ U < ¥v¡ m © * . +4 Fx ^f P) ~? k %< +n G2 zm ldm#B 1&: o G2 f+Lm i' H · +2< $& + ‘Q G2’ () 21 .£7 5Y y +· ?Å ] m5: "*+Q P+* "K6 "#<> *K' o . 2 +$ u 3: G2 m G2 HL! . #<> AB I 4* 2NR @* 54=& 2> ^c 3: rª H9* #2 (QoS) *+Q PV .() %&'$ G2 d& NL< ¬ 3: "NI G2 rª lIP ">#'> %n @* n - < ."4 ' P+L .L9 > f P+!* H *+2 . a# 5+ PV /' ~m >B ld0n X +q 3: *+Q PV /c' 3: y6 @* j Y! 4 ^ l() %&'$ G2 NL! "K- %0 @* 34 2v) "# + "*+ Em' 22 .P+!* 8* * "*+Q PV 3NY &x ": ++D # l^ ."K- 72 }m+' j " * "*+ n $[ 1&: *: ^f @K .s! $< *+ PV Em' @KN @* lP+ VoIP "*+ .‘+9V Ym:’ GN 5V P4 AB h *+Q So 3 "*+Q .*+! P+4* : "v Y< + ,- *+ PV #' ~ 9K (< x "*+ n* Wi ": ++D 1* ! %x .K- G2 "*+Q @* +4* %B fm j "*+Q G2 %#8 2 E m' P4* AB f^' GYm: vB mN m* Y< dY: E1' 3: @Kh 23 .8 W+!* 1* mB "2 f l50N Nx *+Q PV O¨ Nm P5K @* +4* }!D ,$ lv G2 P02 .E $ 5m W+2 n k +2< *+Q PV E* nC# A " ' /o ³ * ®' 3: rª lH2: K-$ () K- () %&'7 $ [ * ? AB I$ " . @* & G2 J l^ = .IPT "*+Q "! ^' (< 9 [# " 9V U V: @* p+$ k9 3: JL9 JN ">#'> .,-* (NRA) ? NI X .9!' Y! p^] ! $7=. $, 5< >" /<[#N *# 2.1.4 - 3zm lv * lJL9 JN AB () %&'$ $ ">#'> "*+ Em F k @NK ~ "K6 - K' @* E& 54V f .K* N2 lv "K6 d[# l# ~ !n P+N2 < AB F4N E % v 3NY " ' 3: ., l+ +X WTPF-2009 Backgrounder, “Convergence, including Internet-related Public Policy matters”, http://www.itu.int/wtpf2009. 21 Excerpt from WTPF2009 Online Resources, http://www.itu.int/osg/csd/wtpf/wtpf2009/resources/convergence.html. 22 Multiple Play: Pricing and Policy Trends, Working Party on Telecommunication and Information Services Policies, 23 DSTI/ICCP/TISP(2005)12/FINAL, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 07-Apr-2006, http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/47/32/36546318.pdf. 24 #% &' ! "#$% 19-2/1 @* Ym: v 3N & dY: " . G2 J . 8# 8[: rV @* '> .}m G2 NL! m 44 NL! AB +_ @+m rV 8# "*+ 1* "*+ - W*: d*f d!L2 N K- lW2 K-$ lK) "*+Q$ } Nm }# : o "9_ }[ 1* +$ #* I' 3: "*K8 @Kh l^ .* 3+ K) 24 .W N NK MQ W J2! J$ "&- @2 d0Ym l[Q 25 /K# %&'$ $ ">#'> "*+ .: *: !* K$ 2 2 () K6 AB v 3B | 3zm l%1N& !mB ^: vB .() AB v K' .f * 3+ 99V' j 4Vx @* .() : L @2 P! p^f () [' d <: d+< d*N2 }' *+! 3+ s 3zm l(2010) 1 iX o#L lITU-D `! - d!m • 17,5) * 3+ s u! t ">#'> "* VK' "*+ G2 (L 1,5) 9 @* AB ">#'> "* VK' "*+ K' 3: G2 l! "51> k$ * l%+ ^f .(L .(LDC) d¡ 3+ <: N > l* 3+ .f t 1&: *+! 3+ !* 3K' 3: .dK* d+ L "*+ C AB v V: @* Wi0 + |2 %i * lu (< • 3: * 3+ d$ [ "K- 3B vB : Y2 "K- @* .K * f .R +$ mY* "$ P+2< * V: @* wn l+ () |2 W+' * d %+ [ ' dY: +2' 3: @Kh j l!mB (IXP) () %' S! V W+2 : & W+2 • .C "C AB v K' k u'v (< H9' ()$ ^f .() |2 5!'> N r F^ * l$8 x W+ • ..L9 N AB $ ] s$ > K' "*+Q AB v NN $ "$8 x" H$ d*N2 9B - j l.L @4 *+ Pf¯ +Lm (& N9* • AB * lx "+* N1> G2 ' "m l9* G1 P> rx * Nq) AB v V: @* Wi0 + |2 K' ND P * 3+ AB $ dY: ' .9m l(v .P++_ *+Q p^f v l() W+ G2 E& E/' X 3K " 9' 3: *Kx G2 J lW+!' N2 I ~#$ .*- *+Q k JNY Y2 8 - 9_ 44' + 3+ @* r;? l() : G2 r G2 (IXP) () %' S! V / Ym: H9 % S! 9+ 3: 9V 23 "&v l" $VB 38 [: @* .Y! p^f 3-$ fI 9V m* L#!> () "*+ .*+!* J,- @K l() %' S! @* f ld01* &# .y+$ () t 9* P () $8 AB f^ AB Vx 3 ld C &x E' @Kh · H9$ Nm 3[ .K Pi u2 r' . $?P ? Q3R 3S :(WDTR 2010) 2010 F 0+0 ?9 D L .(RGQ19-2/1/6-A ) _ -` (a9 K [ 25 24 25 #% &' ! "#$% 19-2/1 - $, 3.1.4 k$ .() %&'$ $ ">#'> *+ ^' +2 * 3+ 99V' j ! "+8 @* k$ . Nm .fE * 2NV / dY: X ¡B r8m 9$? !' ( p: 8 "+8 6- 5Z L }L2 () rx : `' }? [ 5$9K O! 1h l* 3+ AB $ 26 .() "*+ G2 s %#n V: @* n $ N v S! H' l^ .() AB v W*: B<- p" .($1 Q "*+Q +$ $1 d*N2 3,- u*+! F^ (VoIP) () %&'$ $ "# ! 7 n 'X "*+Q @* d: d#2 – U f AB U "5+ E' 1h ld!' +$ & .9N= dI .5 G2 ! $1 '9 AB $ d*f d* < "** (8[: lv AB m)$ %_ W+> .L &- @* P+n U "*+Q $ 5+ <* ++D 1h ld*N2 _ F^ F+8 f ^f .U n 5+$ < "** $ @Kh > l.VK @* x +2 r$ *+Q <' 3zm lv G2 P02 27..NI ?) 2 "9_ @* & u +# 3: J 3: J l^ .N* K-$ JN v U "*+Q $ dY: *f K-* f .L$9K `! .6> < d[# l92 3#8 j "*+Q G2 ! 3-$ $ G2 *+Q N* 3K VoIP c" q# "+ HN#' +' ">#'> "+ # "&- "! "*+ .*+!* "K- .,-* G2 S- vB # 28.K) $< 5VB @* 3! vB ">& @K 3NY "*+Q }m ^& H] [Q .+ ¥ 3n k$ "*+ 3K' n *f * +x 72 3! U4 [ 3K9 "$ .2NV #< Y< dY: f $ lr8m !' * () %&'$ ©2 @* "Vn> d' "*+Q "K- !' ^ = l"* HI G2 +4* K-$ 3+N 5iB @* !1 Pi AB .*' -* ^ \K- @* 3NY \Vn #' 3+ ., l^ .JK9 .y+$ Q1 r#1 >" }L/ rK N< 36 @* vB .* 3+ () AB v W*: L }L @* +n .C C O! 5$ H2 @* +$ > 29.C ",$ Q G2 C m' @* +4' 3: C "K Pm "2N " . $?P ? Q3R 3S :(WDTR 2010) 2010 F 0+0 ?9 D L .0+0 C9,+ B9+ 4 @?A 26 27 Convergence and Next Generation Networks, OECD Ministerial Background Report, 2008, 28 http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/25/11/40761101.pdf. . $?P ? Q3R 3S :(WDTR 2010) 2010 F 0+0 ?9 D L 29 26 #% &' ! "#$% 19-2/1 "+! 5 50B HfE " . ., .C ",$ "R7 i' +8> - "+! .() 34 V: @* .C C Em' 9' G2 "*+Q .*+!* =-' !"#"$ n b ] *'I d H EI# 6 n }L? G2 /c 3: () %&'$ G2 NL! "K- NL! ">#'> "K6 J$ [ 36 @* ! ! "Q k$ v¬ @* +$ > l"K- p^f J$ [ 9' V: @* l^& . [ &n ..! +n$ &BC D A 0 >(? @ 4.1.4 '9 "*+ - () K6 AB v Pi W*: d+V d*f d!L2 - AB * 3+ !m K- FY @* .H] ½n> J$+ JN @* K +! Em' * ^& l(IPT) () %&'$ $ .JNN [ l* N< "9 Em' V: @* " v¬ :. * 9* .+ "Vn> @* +2 @2 5#!0 = 3+ ($2: {(IPT) () %&'$ $ '9 "*+ HI' • {yc6 E' \B () %&'$ G2 d& NL! "K- ^' • {IPT %R * Y< ! / • {IPv6 +[) AB IPv4 +[) @* %!> • {IPv6 +[) * O#¬ • {IP [ • {IP *+Q PV • {IP *+ O' • {IP "K- @*: • {() %&'$ G2 NL! "# "*+Q P' • .(­ NI • 5 "6.$ /"0. 12 ""3. )45 ". +,- " ^' HKD j NI ? 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K' K*B +$ +&' © • 39V iN Sj e.N $ ,- Lk l \ L3_ :0+0 B9+ & ' (*+ I@ ?# \+< X 31 .Lirne.Net,2005 39V iN Sj e.N $ ,- Lk l \ L3_ :0+0 B9+ & ' (*+ I@ ?# \+< X 32 .Lirne.Net,2005 29 #% &' ! "#$% 19-2/1 :9_* J j L Y! @* .IP [ 3-$ L f 3: &;v l9/sL {IP W+$ [ W F#<> ¥vN ' • .P++_ "*+ " *+Q PV "E,* ' • ;<. =5 9:! 78 6 ' *J $% 6> (* 1.6 33 "# ">#' J$ [ Q G60' 3: N< VK Y$ ">#'> "K6 J$ ! 36 @* 3& + *N 'X K- G2 NL! '9 @* %8 ^ ">#'> `< fV ." ">#' Y m () %&'$ G2 d& NL! K- o Fc .() 72 '9 AB (PSTN) .() 72 '9 - AB "*+Q J$ ! ">#'> ! %&'$ y$ l(VoIP) () %&'$ $ "# ! : l() 72 '9 ~¢ ' l*2 #$ .%&'7 W+$ "# *+ AB dY: E-' .f .Wi +' "K6 @* fE : () 72 '# "6) %! %B @* JN @K j ">#'> "*+" y$ () 72 '9 ~¢ ' l/< /<Ct .m 72 '9 #' ".">#'> }m* %N$ 5+ }?* n @* +n 3 () %0 @* "# "6B .&-* ">#' "*+ $1 () J0* P-2 AB () 72 '9 .N* +2 i l& () 72 '9N .9V :+ @2 302) ^* '9N V ¥v¡ & %1* .$1 '9 .N* +2 TB / @* 7&: H< ^f ." 3Y .* 3+ $ () 72 $F A (" &B;' E6 $ 1.1.6 N<* *+ VK Saerom &6 (*+< .1999 W2 /< P* % () 72 '9 *+ 0?B ">#'> "*+ .*+! 2 N @* O' &- + 3& l*+Q 0?B < .@¢ 'f s: G2 W!' R .K *Kx @* ## {£R 'f *+ 7' '9 p^f (& l2004 W2 () 72 '9 3-$ 9V U @2 302) wn Y* '9* 7' 9K R y: G2 "*+Q$ ~2> l^ = .dR "&- @* ++ 9*+< .P_ "2: l() G2 NL< *+ AB ' ~ '9 3$ () G2 W! ! K- ' 3$ dN' 9V' U* *Kx "+2: .() 72 '9N ='> "2+ I K *Kx @* W9* }m < @* 9V UN `-* +2: +< .: ">#' *+& X () 72 '9 3-$ l2004 W2 $&: l* 3-$ 5 }m' AB K *Kx ([' l2 `N V .57Q .2005 $&: v) L "- .() 72 '9 3-$ W2 302B +[ .1/INF/32 33 30 #% &' ! "#$% 19-2/1 f 3& 2009 .W y %· 3* 2,47 JN +2 ¸$ n 2008 W2 "*+Q P? ":+$ J0* 10 2010 W2 N* J0* 9,14 f 3& .2009 W2 y N* J0* 6,66 N* J0* 4 @* (CAGR) r& F N %+* ¸$ .$1 '9 "*+ +2 TB @* L 34,6 $ F: l2011 .L 49,15 2011 AB 2008 W2 +3 6 01-!12 <: 5= 3-!7 #: :5 %&'$ PSTN VoIP (2004 $) (" &BC #J $FI BH G7+C 2.1.6 K6 +2) f .9V :+ ^X m+ 3& .2004 * "() 72 '9 . pq>" @2 @2;: 72 '9N P< N' 3: () %&'$ G2 d& NL< K6 AB %8 5 r!' @* vB l">#'> 72 '9 W+$ v l">#'> 4D f £1 m+ 3& .2010 W2 %· ¥$ GID () NL! "&- JKN lP++V "*+± P4* + P++_ ">#'> "&6 W*: M Em () |9 AB dY: () 72 '9N .9V :+ .* .K-$ 5!'> AB Fc' P++V "*+ ' @* %+ m JD %0 @* *+Q * m AB ">#'> "&6 J$ - m $ .*+Q PV H< +: .J1n Jh& ">#'> .,-* @* () 72 '9 $ ´ N2 }m K *Kx "-: W< P_ E* +2: "0N0" H< WI I &- "&- "*+ AB () 72 '9 N }m 3N [ dY: N }m Z< ".() 72 '9 PV JD $" K-$ () 72 '9 .9 ³ 5+ PV l2004 W2 "IT839" ">#'> "* VK L ? K *Kx (9 *+2 I P2) N `' lP p^f @* d<0 .P++V "*+ £¼ @* P+n f2$ () 72 '9 "v () 72 '9 .N @Kh [: l2005 W2 @* % # @* d2 .() 72 '9 .dY: "5+ .!' 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"=' ~+9' .f .() 72 '9 $ ° J&- J$ *+Q 3zm ^ .* W<: AB "5+ & 3N Fª * d lM#Q uV N 3K* F: MYLG070 W+ @Kh .'X P'm #<> n @* PE& +Lm 50N K- *+ @2 P2 .f j i-HUB *+ m' .f .Wi-Fi *+ AB v yK*z$ 3 (AP) K > v !$ um "** ! n i-HUB "*+ m' .‘P¢ !+x’ ` @* *02B (B .Wi-Fi K6 %0 @* () AB v$ !m n $ [' W 5! KT QOOK -. /0 12 G2 N-' (CPE) N 3K* P++V "+* m' .f .2008 W2 () 72 '9N \*+ KT (!?: &n n G2 `0?> [$ 4,3 |2 66 $ @Kh .(LCD) L %& 66 E*& ^X .Iriver < @* uNN#' i? 'f KT (!?: 2009 W2 .° m# "*+Q ¯ u 3: N& .v AB * l MP3 + ,-' P# ?B n @* P+ L OL# 'X . "** ! n 9$ m' ‘P+* P^m’ $F A (" &BC Q= " 5.1.6 @* JN @«Kh K *Kx < @* H .9V' :+* ld>: ./0/ & () 72 '9 Ç *2 3B @* d +- S6> @* +N* *+Q PV JD .'9 *+Q %!* & () 72 '9 $ ~2> W*: 4Vn iB () 72 '9 AB H< !' ' 36 @* 3& ld/ .JN p G2 F^ *Kx < () 72 '9 J,- S- HÂ2 ld1/ .() 72 '9 G2 K *Kx !m* .">#'> K4L) $% &'() => FE3 !0;(0 2.6 1.2.6 34 .*+!* (ISP) () "*+ .*+!* < @* () %&'$ G2 NL! ">#'> "*+ W+!' le/59E f .(BWA) k2 .K0 v "*+ .*+!* (IPTSP) () %&'$ $ '9 "*+ l4& ! 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WI Pi4 .(GPRS) U* @* f .BWA IPTSP O' G2 %#8 2004 W2 P# O "5VB L f HKn F: 9> $ .9+' # ++q N-' : NI' " ¼ .ISP O' G2 %#8 9V' 3zm l2001 3! rV +#' L F: : l(2001 3<) 2001 W e/59E ">#'> HI' 3< WKn: @* @* !m O 5,B : } X h lX O* 9V F: 5iB X < @* uV' : #' : # F: 9 iª l"+V 3B l! "!8 > .vB *: : FVi *: +[B n0#$ dY: X ²D .*Kx W*: LV Y< m' 3: 9 iª ">#'>$ } Nm HL_ .# M#± P!* "5VB `-' 3: .H&C P .I m> e/59E ? #<> () %&'$ G2 NL! ">#'> "*+ * 3B &' 9 13 82 626,40 u2NR * *Kx AB IP ">#'> *+ *+!* m 2012 $: 4 AB 2011 @* *+!* 9m (.K*: > 377 886,8928 =) &' 1 77 58 730,00 [: @* .(.K*: > 1 124 847,69 =) 6 16 03 896,40 IPTSP 9m (.K*: > 147 956,6715 =) &' 1 20 20 000,00 n f () "*+ .(&' 81,24 = .K*: > 1) .BWA O' 8[: 9m (.K*: > 758 295,1304 =) &' K 3K K .e/59E 2NV> ` G2 E& E/' () %&'$ $ ">#'> "*+Q 3& *Kx r'K 3-$ "* @* ` F: G2 %#x @Kh ^ {r K6 G2 <* * "*+Q r'K* 34 #% &' ! 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O?"C N3 ( N"# IP !0;(0 !CM 3.6 " : 1.3.6 i* rV JL J,-* /0/ &R* ">#'> "* VK'/">#'> $ G2 @N9 f .3E*K Orange 3E*K MTN ! *+Q ,-* CAMTEL f ">#'> &6 AB v "*+ .*+!* @* 60 @* 1&: dY: 3E*K ">#'> "* VK'/">#'> '9 .,-* + ()$ N9 ` CAMTEL HL! ,- v lJ= (ISP/ASP) () .! ) 'X "*+ 1998 W2 9' ^* W+!' .f $1 '9 `< CAMTEL KD l"CTphone" P++_ K- - + l2005 W2 .(v AB * lK & ($1 'X 'X \*+ AB m)$ lCDMA * s: G2 W!' P++V 'f *+ +!' dY: CAMTEL ":+$ .C 'X K- - @* 54=& l2005 W2 wn (2000 W2 MTN 1999 W2 Orange) 3E*K K0 '9 ,-* 3: ^* l2006 W2 .d: PE#! L "# "*+ Em GSM s: G2 !* "K6 3,- & P+ L L 1* P++V "*+ ' V: @* GPRS AB GSM H\K-$ 5!'> AB +N2 "K- MSC "*+ $ L dª+' : 2010 2009 2008 W2 .() (MMS) .() %&'$ G2 NL! "K- AB H9+ ">#'> "K6 n' ,$ H9+ d26 () "*+ 1&: .1998 W2 ">#'> `< D ^* * +n AB d* d¡ () "+96 +< N v / .() %&'$ $ '9 "+ L "*+ < mY r K6 .f CDMA) K0 "0[ }? @2 : 2 Y* "0[ (PSTN) *N + 'X K- }? @2 .2 2 ">#'0 VSAT # ~ (ISDN lADSL) ## K "0[ (WiMAX 35 #% &' ! 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(-: j # L SQ # ~ "0[ @NY' l? +# G2 - ! @* .# ~ @* km 5 000 @* 1&: HY' STM16 K ! K- p^f m' P- H< ) 4& T N- ? ! K- ' y6 @* # ~ @* mB km 3 000 .+ wn +h .!m) n %? G2 ! F^ SAT3 F8 K AB v$ CAMTEL N' l+ +# G2 n < F· & WI f l($: AB !mB n) ACE `-* dY: 6 CAMTEL . $: dY: ! @* lv AB m)$ .$: AB p+$ * , AB !mB V @* !mB 3+$ $E !m) Ä, G2 + P+< 44 & .? n G2 (MAIN ONE ACE WACS) 8 "0K P++V ' S! 5$ ."*N AB v l k2 v$ dn N' > j K- AB x v JD AB .*' - @* + dY: H +D -* N-' .f .() %&'$ G2 NL! "K- AB K- @* %D> N> p^f ^' F .(OBN) # ! K- (CBN) Y2 3E*K K6 (MORA) v K6 :9* *: T G2 - Pi %0 @* P "0[ +!2 4& K _ "+* AB W+< _ @* 'X ">+ %D {50N 4& }?* @* <> @* *+! " m 1&: o G2 $=> V: @* +$ @4 J+ F Ê 4&* %+ {P++_ "*+Q - "*+Q rV J? 5&- S! P+2 5-B l() %&'$ 34' "*+ () %&'$ $ "# ! "#* 5< [ IP-VPN [Q m> "K- *+ () AB v Em 2 P+< "v (PoP) V {) " "¶- a2 G2 L # ~ "0[ G2 NL! IP-MPLS ">&'$ P+$ H +' K6 ' .F+ > # ~ # C EI "+ G2 3+N Hf .# ,- 2v) %) + NI: ! '9 .,-* "K6 N-' + L "*+ p: . Nm . ! "K6 "K- () %&'$ G2 NL! :K0 '9 ,-* J&-N 9*+! j NK : Q "*+Q @* {(GPRS) Wi $ ">#'0 * *+Q %= " & '9 { N8 (WAP) .K0 } %&'$ #' r #' {£K) +7 AB MMS L l !* AB !* @* MMS L {USSD "6 W+$ "5+ +[ ! N8 +[ {(fE l5+$ ½n> CW CCF CUG CLIR CLIP) (ISDN) "*+Q *K N< K- L¯ {"# "*+ '# PE#! L PE#! L '# L ^) L .J&- %#' "9V ,-'/Sn 37 #% &' ! "#$% 19-2/1 2009 2008 W2 %0 NGN N* AB 3E*K Orange + ! K6 K- n' +< : () %&'$ G2 NL! "K G2 K- * N- .2010 .?n 4&* MSC-S @4&* HY' l(NGN ,# l! "*+Q +' "*+/4&*) MSC-S 4&* 3 {@ @4& @* F: @* ,- ' G2 < {(MGW) L "$$ 9 .(ngHLR) ++_ _ @* - <* ++8 30= P+< ' ngHLR R$ 5!'> .f K- L " (& l2010 2009 .*2 J$ .-* J0* 7 AB K- @* N- 54_ Wm$ }? @2 (> F+) + J+* 7&: $' IP-MPLS !m K6 ! * N- mn) PE (WË+! ) P F n %B "0[ G2 ! K- p^f W!' .* 72 + 5!'> .f ! K- L " (& 2010 W2 .*+Q PV PB E IP "¢* (W+Ì! " - "# "!m+' @* %D> l.L %) "0[ k$ G2 (1+1)SDH AB IP-MPLS K-$ .IP-MPLS ! K- ?n VSAT * 5-B lIP-MPLS AB # * 1 041 l(BSC) P+2! "C HK« D P+n 31 @* 3E*K Orange F .2 WI ">+$ %n # ,- .2 WI HI' H .(TRX) !* * 11 127 (BST) P+2< !* .IP ! K- "¢* HK8 K* N2000 N-' j HK8 N-' .2009 W2 %0 _ "K6 N* AB 3E*K MTN ! K6 K- n' dL4V : () %&'$ NI: K- - [ MSC W+< _ "K6 * Z' lNGN ,[ (MSC-S) "*+ – ! "*+ +' 4&* 4 {NGN E {(MGW) L "$$ 6 .(SGSN/GGSN) $$/*2 GPRS H2 '+!2 mn) PE (WË+! ) P F n' %B "0[ G2 W!' IP-MPLS !m K6 @* ! * 3K .*+Q PV PB E IP "¢* (WË+! P+2< !* * 1 064 l(BSC) P+2! "C HKD P+n 14 @* F .2 WI K* M2000 N-' j HK8 ">+$ %n # ,- .2 WI HI' H .(TRU) * P+n 25 140 .IP ! K- "Í* HK8 (BTS) ] Q !"#"$ vZ X @* $ @* d+2 l(WLL) K0 C WiMAX 2 "*+Q .*+!* "K6 () AB v "K6 N-' ,- CAMTEL @* PV* "0[ VSAT * " lWLL 2 9N-' > }?* *!* ! AB ! () %&'$ G2 NL! NI @* d+2 "K- p^f @NY' . "m &n Yx &8 x j L IP ">#'> "!' "*+ N-' .(v AB * "*+ ! AB ! @* () "Í ) (IPTV) () 34' (VoIP) () %&'$ $ "# ! 5>cf () AB v *+!* fm .Faxmail WebSMS PE#! L (IP-VPN) [Q m> "K- 38 #% &' ! "#$% 19-2/1 #5I A IP .. I+* T&- A $, $Q 3.3.6 @* : L? ,- K' N1> k %Nn v ) * @* +2 l#<> n @* lf "K6 H\K-$ 5!'> G2 &R* J,- =-' j ("*+Q "VK !' "*+Q () %&'$ AB %!> 3zm J,- 5>cf AB $ .() %&'$ G2 NL! "K- AB H9+ ! L - 3zm l! n @* .H] [Q V) J8 "*+ JK9 r* [m dY: 1h :.f IP ">#'> "*+ "K6 AB %!>$ } Nm %&'$ G2 NL! Wi +' "VK' *K ? [ l(QoS) ">#'> @*: *+Q PV E @* Wi 3+!m / E Wi H' '# ">#'0 ['0 : !) () {(v AB * l3NY !' * _* p^f P2* l5Y<> +2 lIP W<: ¥B V: @* x N< HI' P2B {W< "E, Y¬ 3: @Kh j Wi : AB P+ : @* %!>$ /' j lNL! "K- J$ [ *+ "+n + V: @* "5V) (">&'7 "9V) [ "9V {(º½n> P' º5+ 5yB) .VK n @* P+C "*+Q G2 x L rV W!' j lO *Kx) K) "*+Q 2 2 (GOVNET) (B *Kx K- ^' L "+8 @* ! %B IPv6 AB IPv4 @* %D> (fE l£K) H K) P= K) 8# K) ! p^f ^' 36 @* .&R* V +V ¼ lE `- ^] } Nm .(IXP) () %' j "*+Q ">#'> W k G2 P+2 "*+Q .*+!* JC J,- J$ &x E' 9' IXP .() %&'$ G2 +N' O? !#H 4.6 " : 1.4.6 35 2$ (¡ +< .">#'> "*+ d0Lf d¡ + +96 3! * ^* .!mB ! W +$ & RN [' .N$ ($1 Q "*+ V' N$ ! '9 AB M uV$ P6) * '# '9 "*+ 8m "v * 72 d#n r K6 AB v H . /t %+ @K f¡ dY: " "*+ 5$ @* f £ l^ = .F· ~: & F$ 3 wn & RN [' H © n (VSAT) d+V PE,[ 3: < @* v * .¹V N1> G2 6* E/' u ^f 3: ^& + .() #' 5/: 2 ">+* p2 F^ (ACE) ‘$: AB !mB n’ `-* ?B . & ,-' 2012 W2 @* £1 # :+ .+ .1/INF/24 39 35 #% &' ! "#$% 19-2/1 $FU M 2.4.6 "* VK 8 ,¢ -' 3: J l() K-$ d+V 9$ & RN "K6 N [ d = f + "K- dY: =' 3: IPv6 IPv4 "K6 .2T K-$ uN&$ + ">#'> .] [Q (ASN) P r& +2< W+' 3: AFRINIC G2 r+ `: %? N2 6 HI$ E AFRINIC X (ISOC) () &6 (*< l^ d09' : r_ "i$: .IPv6 .N W+> H @x HI* 3& % ^f J! M6 AB "K- ,-* ! • @K l*+! %= G2 *+ nY) K- "+2 .P* % BGP IPv6 IPv4 ">&'7 .P+ d*+< .Y [m (& § @* : %#' K6 ,¢ -' 9m 3N j " "K- .AFRINIC X %0 @* ] [Q ASN W<: }' N2 "K- & ":+$ § • Nª Ã! +* Î-: +< ."K- .,-* + J! r+ @* +4* AB Vn ¼ lP= p^f + • . r+ wn [ p^f 2 *$ r+ ^f J&- IPv4 VK' ( , p^X . L NI X G2 J uzm lJ¯ r+' rV AB #<> ! S- -< ?B $1 p^f (& .2011 7m (!?: ">#'> "* .NI 6V $Q 3.4.6 :.f & RN () %&'$ "K6 ,-' %) L Y! 5Y! < r (< p J 6* ¹V: N1 E& +n AB %i * "> p^f N1> • {! ("! *+Q 3K n @*) N S 3zm $ .* VK' G2 (< . `-* @* d<0 5 Ï f .Pm* E ">#'> "* VK' `< P • {++V f * * 9* +! G2 ½x < .f "K- PKm n P++V "VK' * +V @+m J*' & G2 4& 3K 3: ., .L @* +$ > • G2 "! "*+Q #! +! "K- 8 $!* ">#'> "* VK' X G2 J $ 2 * @* () %&'$ $ "# ! [: .u*+!' 3: ' * @* 92 %#x @Kh j +L @* +< G#<: }!D V: @* 8# 8 G2 ^f PB NI {v 3v' ~ .3 +$ dKn $ 3K' @ l. K 9¯ Y$ l²x @x .+ $ Kn • &- N1> G2 @N1 =-' H (< .~ %[ Pz$ &- d< *Kx .W+! © .<$ & RN J$ N< P= d!n + 3: ^f 36 @* .9m H9: 56 R 4.4.6 5>cf J$ - H! ./ ,-* % < l(3G) 1 _ "K6 @* 3K6 & RN (!?: "K- V: @* J¯ @* Pm f ."K- p^f J* J$+ JC J¯ O! f J,- dm& d+' J$+* m: m' @2 "E/: 3: } ! G2 5Y ^f .2,5G _ "K6 GSM 2/+! G2 % B : rV: W+! J n "K- p^f ,-' K' G2 P6* $ /c ^f .9m N .r+ 40 #% &' ! "#$% 19-2/1 ST R> C4 Q P/" 5.6 *<B f `- ^f @* ~+X . Y2 K > K6 aV H2 ">#'0 + D> - s+ AB .N< v m' j ">#'> "* VK' "!' + ^f Y2 K > [' Em' AB `- .* l++8 uV G2 .L }? *C K " "- +$ @2 r 1* "*+Q "! ' aV "- s+ AB Y* K$ : dR k () %&'$ $ '9 1* "! Em K- W+ dY: @Kh l* W4 vB .+$ @2 H .(() %&'$ W+$ () 72 34) () 34' >2 7 ">#'> N . c f+N2 j l">#'> N' `< ?B 19-2/1 @2 .L9 ! ^f % 3+ () %&'$ G2 NL! ">#'> "*+ ^' l*Q + P (WTDC-10) 2010 W .2014-2010 + Pm 5/: 19-2/1 $ ! }m u$ W< F^ N dY: 8 f .* Y< #<> 2NV> ! *X Y! @2 d0Ym l] ' M "+8 ? ! i$: +< W+! lv AB m)$ .IP ">#'> "*+ ^' V: @* * 3+ X +#' 3: J j * N Y< v l* 3+ 99V' j Y! "+8 p^f 9V* V: @* 9V U ! Y< lIPv6 AB IPv4 @* %D> l H< Y< l() %&'$ G2 NL! "K- N10 PV Em' & @2 d0Ym l ">#'> "K6 () %&'$ G2 NL! "K- J$ ,- $< .9 !n ³ G2 %m K-$ N JN < @* $ *+Q 4&' 3: @8 @* 3zm l. G2 IPv6 +[) ^' +96 2012 W2 3: AB I$ lv G2 P02 .VK NI r_ G2 f/ IPv6 AB IPv4 @* 9+ %D> =' ^' G2 * 3+ )* ?@ "A"6 B4! 8 l19-2/1 ?B f++D j Y! "+8 G2 r, l #9#S p=' !Â' "*+ ^ %^' j D> 5Y2: 9V P+2N 2* ~¯ 9!' @Kh j "Q @* L? +* f * 5! #9#S p=' p^f | G2 HfE 5Y2 = Ð - .* 3+ IP ">#'> G2 N' +< * +$ * 3K' > j %x : "N : } $! E HI HfNm .C 9m¯ `< 44' G2 HfE D> 5Y2: +2 "Q @* NL! p^f 3: @* !/ G2 @o . +$ Ym: o .N_ G2 P+L $ ">#'> "*+ ^' 9' 4Vx iB V: @* 3+ $ Vx S! @* P+n H2+ P) 1 $ }Q H2+ P) K' 3: 3+ ., l^ .() %&'$ G2 NL! ">#'> .() %&'$ "*+ K "*+ m& E 9K +! ">#'> "*+/"K- * NL! NI NI 3K' +< 2 "K6 ' & G2 /c' +< j [ ++8 NI ! NI | 3K ^X .P++_ "* "5VB ' 8 @Kh .* 3+ AB $ [ ld+V d*f * +$ IP "*+ Q =-' d+V H9 @* 3 8 AB ¥D : ! .NI J! K- lv G2 P02 .O # "v " G2 J ^ .IP ">#'> "*+ N10 ] /* $ Em' V $ @NY' n* 8 VK n @* P+ "5VB +2< 9+ 3: @* +&' 3: * 3+ .HfE lJK9 J,- @N1N * 41 #% &' ! "#$% 19-2/1 l< .IP "*+ "K6 - N P+2N [Q/* "&- =-' 3: * 3+ @Kh P= 1* K) "*+Q - k AB v W*: d*f d!L2 K- N 3 dI P+n .f [Q/* "&- 3zm lK) *Kx £K) H K) 8# K) ., lv AB m)$ .\*+ \K6 - ~& 3N V: @* * 3+ L Hf: @* d!!D .¥Q @* N1> @* +4 ^_ l£! f?B d[# lP4mn E$+' ^' 3: * 3+ V: @* MQ N1> : Jo }[ 1* l+$ #* I' 3: "*K8 @Kh l, p^X .W N %NK ^' JK9 J,-N "Vn> D 3+ ., l^ .* +$ ~I ¬ +< "K- i' K' =- (& vB Nm I' 3: d01* 3+ @Kh vB .IP ">#'> "*+ .8 H!' : v "K6 +[) 3: .() %&'$ @2 () %&'$ "*+ "K6 - r *i %+V N* +2B IPv6 AB IPv4 @* %D> 9' 3+ ., l2$ +' IPv4 .8# 8[: T * }$ p^f I 3+ ., l^ .*+Q PV * IP ">#'> "*+ "K6 Y S! @* W02B ^& J,-N *+Q PV "N* @* ¿ +x J' 8 9V' U* M0 Y! \ *+Q PV "*4 @¢NY' 3$ ") G[' l++8 uV G2 ." p^f 3-$ JK9 ^c' 3: ., u: dY: ²n0 .JK9 Ñ# # "v O () %&'$ ">#'$ [Q .2> J$ K K- P5& H< ? 9 H¢!' 3: 3+ G2 J l^ .E.164 H< * IP ">#'> "*+ r' H!' J N& l() %&'$ "*+Q m,_ H< * N > l H< * W+> S6 x PSTN W< ]-* W<: O#¬ @8 @* 3K +< . ! 9*+> P+ .W< !' V: @* l^ .Pf - + AB ¥D * 3+ 3: 19-2/1 3-$ 5#!> 9I ) r+ Mm "* H!' AB . ., l# "v "> - "+! 44' .(v AB * *+! %+ q + .2 5&vB G2 N' 3: ^& 9 !n Nx 8 +2< 9V' U* Y' 3: 3+ ., 9V +2! U T 9V U p^f .2' 3: ., .P++_ IP "*+ 3-$ JK9 J$ .v AB * <2) v M6 - %? [ JK9 N· # P+8 H*» () %&'$ ©2 P2 3!1 > s d+V S! @* IP $ ">#'> @*: [#Q NI !) # "v E$+ v¬ ., l^ .">#'> [# " N· * } *+2 .(5 +n G2 kQ ¸$ *: 8 ´ H!' 3zm l+_ @+m [ lK* N2 x 8 ´ - 3: ^ P2* ., 8 ´ H! 8 +2< ++D ., l^ .k K6 - K' .+ NI X < @* \2* ., N& (NL! &- rV @* [) H P++V d[m 3G Wi-Fi WiMAX v P++_ () %&'$ G2 NL! K0 "*+Q ' E J,-N N V: @* "Q k$ * 3+ ^' 3: FY @* l^ . *- v J8 ., · $ 9D H 3: rª @K .*- *+Q Em' N9* &- $ $1 *+ Jx J,- .K- ' G2 ¹ E/' X 3K >: # "v "*+ #<> 5! $< +\ >: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 42 #% &' ! "#$% 19-2/1 W+ =- " "=' Y' 3: * 3+ ., l#<> 2NV> N 44 K) P= K) *Kx N > l!* K$ 9?* T < @* IP "*+Q "! .fE lK) 8# £K) H "X < @* 8[ K-$ () %&'$ "K6 NL! "K- J$ [ * %' @* +$ > /c Wi +' : AB P+ +' : @* %!> 3 dI * 3+ (NRA) ? NI .(">&'7 "9V) "9V (½n> P' l5+ 5yB) [ + }L? G2 "K- J$ [ r_ D [* ? NI "X G2 J l^ = .() %&'$ G2 NL! "K- NL! PSTN/TDM "*+ .*+!* J,- J$ C &x E' 9 (IXP) () %' S! ^' G2 * 3+ =-' .() %&'$ G2 NL! ">#'> "*+ W k l(ISP/ASP) v () 43 13 14 15 I. Annexes Annex 1: Questionnaire on ITU-D Question 19-2/1: Implementation of IP Telecommunication Services in Developing Countries Annex 2: Results of the Survey Annex 3: Composition the Rapporteur Group for Question 19-2/1 Annex 4: Reports of the Rapporteur Group Meetings for the study period 2010-2014 II. Glossary III. References &!' !" #$% 19-2/1 Annex 1: Questionnaire on ITU-D Question 19-2/1: Implementation of IP Telecommunication Services in Developing Countries Question 19-2/1 (Implementation of IP telecommunication services in developing countries) is expected to describe: • The potential challenges, benefits and opportunities that developing countries encounter when implementing IP networks, services and associated applications; • The technical, economic, and regulatory conditions necessary for developing countries to implement IP technologies, services and associated applications; and • The main issues raised by the operation of IP networks and IP services, and associated applications, such as economic impact and possible regulatory frameworks. Expected outputs for this question are: 1) Annual progress reports indicating the status of IP applications; 2) At the end of the study period, a detailed final report addressing all the issues raised in the Question as well as lessons learned/success stories/conclusions; and 3) Guidelines for overcoming the challenges identified. During the first meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1 for the fifth study period, held from 20 to 23 September 2010, the Rapporteur's Group on Question 19-2/1 recognized the need to compile the latest information about the status of IP telecommunication networks, services and applications from various aspects (technical, regulatory, economic, social etc.) and to get views/opinions on the issues addressed by Question 19-2/1 through a questionnaire to be sent to ITU Members. Please read the guidelines below before answering the questionnaire. As your contributions are very important for the success of this study, please answer the questions in detail as much as you can. GUIDELINES IN ANSWERING THE QUESTIONNAIRE The questionnaire has 3 parts: In Part I, the main purpose of the questions is to get the latest information about the current status of IP telecommunications (IPT) networks, services and applications in a country along with the national strategies, policies, existing regulatory regime and approaches to IPT networks, services and applications. It is expected that the questions in this part will be answered by the Administrations. In Part II, the aim is to learn the potential challenges, benefits and opportunities encountered when implementing IPT networks, services and associated applications along with the technical, economic and regulatory conditions necessary for developing countries to implement IP technologies, services and associated applications. Also, in the questions, it is intended to get views and opinions on the main issues raised by the operation of IPT networks, services, and associated applications, such as economic impact and possible regulatory framework. In Part II, questions are also intended to get information about the main issues raised by the operation of IPT services, such as economic impact and possible regulatory framework. These parts of the questions are addressed to the Administrations and Sector Members where relevant. In Part III, it is expected from the countries to provide specific needs for training and expertise and also it is expected that the countries to share their experiences (country case studies) on IPT network, services and applications which could be useful for developing countries. Administrations and Sector Members are welcomed to provide their contributions for this part. 47 &!' !" #$% 19-2/1 For each part, it is appreciated if you can provide the relevant documents (legislation, law, web site address, project description, etc.) or links to reach the documents if available online. ITU-D Study Groups Secretariat, Telecommunication Development Bureau Fax: + 41 22 730 5484, e-mail: devsg1@itu.int With copy to Mrs. Aysel Kandemir, Rapporteur for Question.19-2/1, ICTA (Turkey) Phone: + 90 312 294 7259, Fax: + 90 312 294 7153, e-mail: akandemir@btk.gov.tr And Mr. Fabrice James Djoumessi Dontsa, Vice-Rapporteur for Question 19-2/1, Telecommunications Regulatory Board of Cameroon, Phone: + 237 99310548, E-mail : fabrice.djoumessi@art.cm QUESTIONNAIRE Name of your Administration: ...................................................................................................... Country: ........................................................................................................................................ Contact person: ............................................................................................................................. Tel: ........................................................................................................................................... Fax: ........................................................................................................................................... Email: ........................................................................................................................................... Please answer the following questions in detail as much as you can. You may attach a separate document in answering the questions. 48 &!' !" #$% 19-2/1 PART-I (This part of the questionnaire is to be completed by Administrations only) 1) Do you have in your legislation the definition and scope of "IP telecommunication network", "IP services and/or applications". Yes No If yes, please provide the web site address where the relevant document can be found. If your answer is “no”, please provide your perception and understanding on the given terms. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Which of the following describe your legislation best in terms of addressing the issues raised by IP telecommunication (IPT) network, services and applications? Please choose the most appropriate one for your country. There is a specific legislation governing IP telecommunication (IPT) network, services and applications Existing legislation is based on the principle of technology neutrality so it is applicable to legacy and next generation networks/services. Revision required in some areas (licensing, numbering, interconnection, quality of service, consumer issues etc.) Other (Please specify below) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Do you have law/legislation which governs the access to IPT services by disabled people? Yes No If yes, please provide brief information and the link if the relevant document available online. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Do you have specific law/legislation which allow for providing VoIP services (please refer to the definition of VoIP made by ITU-T SG17)? Yes No If yes, please provide brief information and the link if the relevant document available online. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 49 &!' !" #$% 19-2/1 5) Do you have national plan and/or strategy for deployment of all-IP networks (overlay or replacement)? Yes No If yes, please provide the main points and the link for the document where it can be found. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Does your national regulatory authority encourage telecom operators to roll-out full IP-based network? Yes No If yes, please describe briefly how? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7) Do you have national strategy and/or plan for transition from IPV4 to IPV6? If yes, please provide the planned deadline for such transition. Yes (Deadline for transition :………….) No If yes, please describe the main point of the strategy and provide the link for documents available on the subject. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8) Do you have any survey conducted in your country which measures the market demand for IPT networks, services and applications and their availability in your country? Yes No If yes, please explain briefly the main results below and provide the document or the link if available online. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 50 &!' !" #$% 19-2/1 9) Do the operators in your country deploy or planning to deploy IP based networks? Yes No Please provide brief information on the status of IP based network deployment in your country. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10) Which of the following IPT services are provided in your country? Please provide brief information about the range of services provided. VoIP IPTV IP streaming nPlay bundled services E-services (e-government, e-health, e-commerce, e-learning others) Others (please specify......) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 51 &!' !" #$% 19-2/1 PART-II (This part of the questionnaire is to be completed by Administrations and ITU-D Sector Members if relevant) 11) Which of the following challenges are the most significant for your country when implementing IP networks, services and associated applications? Investment cost and lack of financial resources Existing regulatory regime Lack of established standards Lack of expertise and experience on IPT Lack of specific regulations to govern IPT Lack of IXP (Internet Exchange Point) Inter-operability between existing and IPT networks and services Technology knowledge and skilled human resources Quality of service Trust and security for IPT networks and services Others (please specify......) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12) Which of the following benefits are the most significant for your country when implementing IP networks, services and associated applications? Please explain briefly. Increased productivity Economic and social development Innovations Low cost in service provision Provision of new, converged and bundled services to the customers Accessibility of public services Economic and social development Others (Please specify...) 13) Please describe the opportunities to be encountered when implementing IP networks, services and associated applications in your country. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 52 &!' !" #$% 19-2/1 14) What are the technical, regulatory, socio-economic and policy issues that need to be addressed in your country in order to introduce/deploy IP networks, services and associated applications? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15) What are the main issues raised in your country by the operation of IP networks, services and associated applications, such as economic impact and possible regulatory frameworks? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16) Is there any IXP (Internet Exchange Point) in your country? Yes No If yes, please provide brief information about the success factors particularly impact on internet prices and the link if the relevant document available online. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ If no, is there any plan to establish it? what is the effect of unavailability of IXP on Internet prices? And what are the conditions necessary to implement an IXP in your country? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 53 &!' !" #$% 19-2/1 PART-III (To be answered by both Administration and Sector members, if relevant) 17) Could you share your countries’ experiences (best practices, success stories, lessons learned) on IPT network, services and applications which could be useful for especially developing countries? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 18) Training needs: Please list the 5 most critical areas where your country needs trainings (seminars, workshops, etc.) in order to introduce or to foster the use of IPT services. Being as specific as possible will help ITU to seek ways to provide the required trainings ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 19) Expertise needs: Please list the 5 most critical areas where your country needs expertise. Being as specific as possible will help ITU to seek ways to provide the required expertise ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20) Other comments ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you. 54 &!' !" #$% 19-2/1 Annex 2: Results of the Survey 1. Introduction In order to compile the latest information about the status of IP telecommunication networks, services and applications in various countries and to understand associated technical, regulatory, economic and social challenges as well as to get views/opinions on the issues addressed by the Question 19-2/1, a draft questionnaire was prepared by the Rapporteur and Vice-Rapporteur for Question 19-2/1. After discussion, it was adopted by the Rapporteur’s Group in its meeting in 9 May 2011. Subject questionnaire was sent to relevant ITU members. Answers to the survey received from 9 developed countries, 6 transition countries, 22 developing countries and 4 least developed countries (31 July 2011). Preliminary analysis of the survey is provided below. 2. Preliminary analysis of the answers to the survey Responses to the questionnaire on Question 19-2/1, attached as Annex 1, were received by 41 countries: 9 developed countries, 6 transition countries, 22 developing countries and 4 least developed countries. Annex 2 provides the overall statistics prepared by BDT based on the answers received. In order to provide some insight into the answers received, below is a summary of some of the main points of the survey result. 2.1 Definition and scope of “IP telecommunication (IPT) network”, “IP services” and/or “IP applications” Regarding the question on definition and scope of “IP telecommunication (IPT) network”, “IP services” and/or “IP applications”, developed countries stated that specific definitions of the given terms are not available as they have technologically neutral legislation which covers all kinds of technology including IP based technologies. On the other hand, one third of developing countries and least developed countries provided their answer as “yes” giving some reference to their legal documents on the issue. In general, the perception and understanding of the countries on the given terms are very similar. For instance International Telecommunications Users Group (INTUG) provided its understanding as “IP telecommunication network means a network using the Internet Protocol (IP) and IP addressing for communication. “IP service” means a service available using an IP telecommunications network. “IP Application” means an application accessible via an IP telecommunications network. The majority of the countries who responded to questionnaire stated that their existing legislation is based on the principle of technology neutrality so it is applicable to legacy and next generation networks/services. On the other hand, some of the countries stated that a revision is required in some areas (licensing, numbering, interconnection, quality of service, consumer issues etc.) on the issue (see Figure 1). 55 ! " " #$ 19-22/1 %&' Figure 1:: Status of leggislation with h respect to IIP telecommunication networks/serviices 2.2 Laws/legislation on access a to IPPT services and a VoIP Regardin ng the existence of the la aws/legislatioon in the diffferent countrries who respponded to th he survey which go overn the acccess to IPT services by disaabled people e, from the 39 9 answers recceived, only 5 of them stated th hat their legisslation has prrovisions regaarding accesss to IPT servicces by disableed people. Co oncerning the quesstion which sought s to und derstand if thhere were sp pecific laws/le egislation in place which allow for providingg VoIP servicees, from the 39 answers rreceived, 16 of o them generally stated tthat VoIP is allowed by legislatio on. In some countries, c like e Tonga, althhough it is no ot explicitly sttated in the law, VoIP services are provided d by the operaators. The ma ajority of couuntries who responded to the questionnnaire stated that they have a national plan n and/or strrategy for thhe deployme ent of all-IP networks aand that the national regulatorry authority encourages telecom opeerators to ro oll-out full IP-based netw works. For insstance, in Latvia, th o optical bacckhaul in rural areas. he governmeent has decided to co-finnance the deployment of Furtherm more, most of o the countries stated t hat the operrators are de eploying or pplanning to deploy IP based neetworks. 2.3 National strategy s and/or plan foor the transsition from IPV4 to IPV V6 Concerniing the natio onal strategy and/or plan for the transition from IPV4 to IPV6, from the 38 8 answers received for this quesstion, 13 of th hem stated thhat they have e a plan to gu uide them in the transition to IPV6. For instaance, the Czeech Republic stated that tthe deadline for transitio on is 01/01/22011, Viet Na am stated that their deadline is 31/12/2020 and Turkey sttated 31/08//2013 as theirr transition d eadline. 2.4 Types of IPT servicess provided With reggards to the broad range of IPT servicces provided in the countries, in accoordance with h received responsees, the main n services prrovided in thhe countries are VoIP, e-services e su ch as e-Govvernment, e-Health, e-Commercce, e-Learningg, IP streaminng, IPTV and nPlay n bundled services (seee Figure 2). 56 ! " " #$ 19-22/1 %&' Figure 2:: IPT services provided in the countriees 2.5 Challenge es faced by the t countriies in rollingg out IP nettworks The survvey further showed that the chal lenges whicch are mostt significant for countriies when implemeenting IP nettworks are the t followin g. Note that these are listed with the most significant s challengees first and th he less significant challengges last in the e list: 1. Trrust and security for IPT ne etworks and services 2. Investment cosst and lack off financial ressources 3. uality of service Qu 4. Laack of establisshed standards 5. Exxisting regulattory regime 6. Inter-operabilitty between existing e and IPPT networks and services 7. Laack of expertise and experrience on IPT 8. Laack of specificc regulations to govern IPTT 9. Laack of IXP (Intternet Exchan nge Point) 10. Teechnology knowledge and skilled humaan resources 11. Fu urther detailss can be found d in Figure 3.. 57 ! " " #$ 19-22/1 %&' Figure 3:: Challenges when w implem menting IP neetworks 2.6 Benefits and a opportu unities relatted to the implementa i ation of IP nnetworks Regardin ng the benefits which are most significcant for the countries wh hen implemeenting IP netw works the followingg benefits weere mentione ed (further deetails can be found in Figu ure 4). Note tthat these are e listed in order of significance. 1. o the custome ers Prrovision of neew, converged and bundleed services to 2. Innovations 3. opment Ecconomic and social develo 4. Lo ow cost in serrvice provision 5. Acccessibility off public servicces 6. Increased prod ductivity Figure 4:: Benefits of implementin i ng IP networkks 58 &!' !" #$% 19-2/1 As for the opportunities to be encountered when implementing IP networks, services and associated applications in the counties, various issues are mentioned by the countries as opportunities. They include the following: • Employment opportunities • Infrastructure development • Innovation • Increased productivity • Ease of expansion and upgrading of the network • Greater availability of advances services • Lower costs of network development, lower service cost • Faster access and collection of information 2.7 Issues to be addressed in order to successfully introduce IP networks, services, and applications Regarding question on the technical, regulatory, socio-economic and policy issues that need to be addressed in a country in order to introduce/deploy IP networks, services and associated applications, some of the countries stated that the regulatory frameworks to govern the implementation of IP networks, services and associated applications have to be put in place, including the issue of interoperability between the legacy network and the all IP network. In addition to these, human resource development and capacity building are stated as the issues to be addressed. Concerning the main issues experienced in a country with the introduction and operation of IP networks, services and associated applications, various issues have been stated by countries. For instance, the main issues raised in Tonga were noted as being the unavailability of a regulatory framework and the quality of services provided to the general public. Montenegro stated that the main issue in the country is the shared use of underground ducts and global Internet access. For Eritrea, the main issues noted are the high prices and the latency of the existing IP network, as well as inadequate capability and experience of the young engineers. They further noted the need for longer training on high-end software. The International Telecommunications Users Group (INTUG)1 stated that the major challenges affecting most regions/countries are the following: • Cost models used for determining regulated prices for significant market power (SMP) operators; • Progressive elimination of fixed and mobile termination rates; • Transparent traffic management rules to prevent discriminatory network prioritization; • Spectrum allocation processes (avoiding stealth taxation through auction fees); and • Establishing and sustaining open competition in wholesale and retail markets. 2.8 Impact of Internet Exchange Points on internet prices In order to better understand the impact that the existence of IXP (Internet Exchange Point) have on demand and on internet prices, countries are asked whether they have an IXP in their country and if this 1 INTUG is an international association of business users of telecommunications, bringing together national and multinational user associations throughout the world. They have members and contacts in all five continents. 59 &!' !" #$% 19-2/1 has an effect on internet prices. From the 38 answers received, 23 of them stated that they have IXP in their countries. In Pakistan for instance, there is no IXP, however operators and ISP's have established interconnects with each other so local traffic can be routed locally, without the need to go to internet cloud and back and in this way increase costs. 2.9 Training needs in the countries Concerning the training needs of the countries in order to introduce or to foster the use of IPT services various areas are depicted by the countries. Some of them are as follows: • Regulation of IPT services • Implementation, administration and management of all-IP networks. • Legal implications and policy issues of IPT. • Transition from IPv4 to IPv6 • Allocation of IPv6 resources • IP Interconnection • IP QoS • IP service licensing • IP network security • Billing for IP based voice services • Internet regulatory policy 60 &!' !" #$% 19-2/1 Annex 3: Composition of the Rapporteur Group for Question 19-2/1 ― Implementation of IP telecommunication services in developing countries Function Name / Country Rapporteur Mr Fabrice James Djoumessi Dontsa (Cameroon) from 2012 Ms Aysel Kandemir (Turkey) Vice-Rapporteur Mr Youcef Bouzar (Algérie Télécom SPA, Algeria) Vice-Rapporteur Mr Seyni Malan Faty (Senegal) Vice-Rapporteur Mr Rachid Outemzabet (Algeria) Vice-Rapporteur Mr Patrick Zeboua (Côte d'Ivoire) BDT Focal Point Mr Desire Karyabwite 61 19-2/1 Annex 4: Reports of the Rapporteurs Group Meetings for the study period 2010-2014 The reports of the Q19-2/1 Rapporteurs Group meetings for the fifth study period are available at the link http://www.itu.int/md/D10-RGQ19.2.1-R/ . The reports of the Study Group 1 Q19-2/1 meetings are available at http://www.itu.int/md/meetingdoc.asp?lang=en&parent=D10-SG01-R&question=Q19-2/1 the link 26 19-2/1 II. Glossary 3G Third Generation BWA Broaband Wireless Access CDMA Code Division Multiple Access DSL Digital Subscriber Line EoIP Everything over IP FTTH Fiber To The Home GPRS General Packet Radio Service GDP Gross Domestic Product HDTV High Definition Television ISP Internet Service Provider IP Internet Protocol IPT IP Telecommunications IPTV IP Television IXP Internet Exchange Point MMS Multimedia Messaging Service NGN Next Generation Network NRA National Regulatory Authority PSTN Public Switched Telecommunication Network QoS Quality of Service RFID Radio Frequence Identification SMP Significant Market Power TDM Time Division Multiplexing VoB Voice over Broadband VoIP Voice over IP WTDC World Telecommunication Development Conference WTSA World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly 26 19-2/1 III. References 1. ITU-infoDev ICT Regulation Toolkit 2. WTPF-2009 Background documents http://www.itu.int/osg/csd/wtpf/wtpf2009/ 3. ITU Internet Reports 2005: The http://www.itu.int/osg/spu/publications/internetofthings/ 4. Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), Consultation Paper on Issues relating to Convergence and Competition in Broadcasting and Telecommunications, January 2006 (WTPF 2009 Background paper) 5. Convergence and Next Generation Networks, OECD Ministerial Background Report, 2008, http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/25/11/40761101.pdf 6. ICT Regulatory News, May 2010, http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/treg/publications/ICT-Reg-News-e.pdf 7. New Technologies and Their Impacts on Regulation, Module 7 of ICT Regulation Toolkit, March 2007, Author: Technical University of Denmark 8. VoIP: Developments in the Market,OECD,10 Jan http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/56/24/35955832.pdf 9. A Handbook on Internet Protocol (IP)-Based Networks and Related Topic and Issues http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/special-projects/ip-policy/final/IPPolicyHandbook-E.pdf 10. The Essential Report on IP Telephony, 2003 http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/e-strategy/publicationsarticles/pdf/IP-tel_report.pdf 11. Convergence, IP Telephony and Telecom Regulation : Challenges & Opportunities for Network Development, with particular reference to India, Lirne.Net,2005 12. Various contribution documents of the meetings 13. GSR Discussion Paper 2009 14. Plenipotentiary Resolution 180 (Guadalajara, 2010) 15. WTDC Resolution 63 (Hyderabad, 2010) 16. WTSA Resolution 64 (Johannesburg, 2008) and online Internet 2006, resources, of Things, DSTI/ICCP/TISP(2004)3/Final, _____________ 26 (ITU) ������� ����� (BDT) ������� ����� ����� ���� ����� ���� Place des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 20 Email: mailto:bdtdirector@itu.int Tel.: +41 22 730 5035/5435 Fax: +41 22 730 5484 ������ ������ ������� ��� ����� (IP) ��������� ��������� ����� (PKM) Email: bdtpkm@itu.int Tel.: +41 22 730 5447 Fax: +41 22 730 5484 Email: bdtip@itu.int Tel.: +41 22 730 5900 Fax: +41 22 730 5484 ��������� ������� ������� ������ ����� (IEE) ���������� ���������� Email: bdtiee@itu.int Tel.: +41 22 730 5421 Fax: +41 22 730 5484 ������ ����� ����� ����� ���� (DDR) �������� ������ Email: bdtdeputydir@itu.int Tel.: +41 22 730 5784 Fax: +41 22 730 5484 ������� ����� ������ ���� ����� ������ ���� ����� ������ ���� ����� ������� TelOne Centre for Learning Corner Samora Machel and Hampton Road P.O. 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