Special Issue – Annals of Event Communications in Plant Sciences (2237-4027) volume 2, issues 3-4, p.105-107, Jul-Dec, 2012 I Workshop of Plant Biology – IB/UNESP Biometry and dormancy breaking of Ormosia arborea seeds Aparecida Leonir da Silva* Glaucia Almeida de Morais Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul, Ivinhema, MS, Brasil. Workshop Information I Workshop of Plant Biology (I Workshop de Biologia Vegetal) was held in the Bioscience Institute – UNESP, campus of Rio Claro, Brazil, during August 20 and 21, 2012. Workshop was a scientific event organized by Post-graduate students from that Institute aiming to integrate Post-graduate and Graduate students from different areas related to Plant Biology (Anatomy, Ecology, Evolution, Morphology, Physiology, and transitional areas) from different Universities. Workshop Organization offered a large number of speaking activities, scientific discussions, and extra short-courses to improve the knowledge and formation of students in Plant Biology. Scientific Committee Alessandra Tomaselli Fidelis, Anna Carolina Bressan, Daniela de Oliveira Dinato, Diogo Amorim, Elaine Lopes, Letícia Peres Poli Luis Felipe Daibes, Marcelo Claro de Souza, Milene Amâncio Alves Eigenheer, Naiara Lopes de Sousa, Nara Oliveira Vogado, Natalia Costa, Paulo Roberto de Moura Souza Filho, Rafael Marques Guimarães Konopczyk, Rita de Cássia Andreotta, Tiago Haruo Ishibashi, Vitor de Andrade Kamimura, and Yuri Brenn. *Corresponding author: cida_uems@hotmail.com Received on August 14, 2012. Accepted on August 21, 2012. Online published on December 18, 2012. INTRODUCTION MATERIAL AND METHODS Ormosia arborea (Vell.) Harms (Fabaceae) is a native tree species presents in fragments of the Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, being considered an endangered species due to the environmental devastation (Lorenzi 2000). As well as in other species with tegument dormancy, seeds of O. arborea need special treatments before sowing to allow or increase germination. The seeds must be physically or chemically scarified to weaken the tegument and allow water absorption (Lorenzi 2000), because the restriction presented by dormant seeds must be overcome in order to allow the germination process (Fowler and Martins 2001). For better understanding the seed physiology of O. arborea from Vale do Ivinhema-MS, Brazil, and to define the better way to overcome seed dormancy, this study aimed to perform biometric analyses and evaluate the germination potential of O. arborea seeds that were submitted to dormancy breaking treatments. Five hundred and three seeds of O. arborea were used in this study. The seeds were collected on soil surface, at the left margin of Rio Ivinhema, at Nova Andradina (22˚ 02' 56.7'' S 53˚ 41' 25.6" W), State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The biometrical data (length, thickness, width and mass) were obtained from 203 seeds, using a digital caliper (0.01 mm) and an analytic scale (0.0001 g). The length was obtained measuring the largest seed axis; the width and the thickness were obtained from the widest part of the seed. The seeds were submitted to the following treatments to test the dormancy breaking: a) mechanical scarification – seeds were sanded down with number 100 sandpaper on the opposite side to the hilum up to embryo visualization, and immersed in distillated water for five days, at room temperature, replacing the water every 24 hours; b) chemical scarification – the seeds were immersed in concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4) for 20 minutes, washed in running tap water for 5 minutes; c) control – 106 Silva and Morais. 2012. Biometry and dormancy breaking of Ormosia… the seeds were immersed in distilled water for five days, at room temperature, replacing the water every 24 hours. The seeds were planted on a nursery containing washed sand as the substrate, in a greenhouse under 50% artificial shading, and were irrigated by sprinkler three times a day, for 5 minutes each. The seedling emergence was evaluated daily for 40 days, and the seedling was considered emerged when it appears over the substrate surface. The maximum and minimum temperature was obtained using a thermometer located near the nursery. The following emergence parameters were analyzed: percentage, percentage, average time, average rate, relative frequency, and synchronization index. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The seeds of O. arborea presented the averages of 11.6 mm in length, 7.5 mm in thickness and 9.5 mm in width (Table 1). These results are similar to that found by Gurski et al. (2012), i.e. 11.5 mm, 7.5 mm and 9.2 mm, respectively, to the same species, but with material from a Restinga in Macaé, Rio de Janeiro state. On the other hand, the average mass of the seeds in the present study (0.59 g) was lower than that found by Gurski et al. (2012). In our study, the mass and the length were the most heterogeneous and the most homogeneous measurements, respectively, showing the highest and lowest variation coefficient, respectively (Table 1). (1997), the best methods for breaking dormancy of O. arborea seeds are mechanical scarification and chemical scarification using sulfuric acid. Fowler and Martins (2001) recommended only the use of mechanical scarification, whereas, for Davide et al. (1995), the scarification of O. arborea seeds must be performed using sandpaper and posterior immersion in water for 48 hours. For Teixeira et al. (2009), the best method is the scarification using sulfuric acid. In the present study, the mechanical scarification was not efficient in dormancy breaking, resulting in only 2% of seedling emergence, whereas the chemical scarification rise the emergence percentage to 65.5%. The treatments used in the present study do not reduce the average time of emergence, and, consequently, they do not increase the average rate of the process. The emergence was observed only 20 days after the planting (Figure 1; Table 2). The synchronization could not be compared due to the low percentage of emergence in the control and in the mechanical scarification treatment, but the frequency distribution in the chemical scarification treatment reveals the existence of two main peaks between the 21th and 32th days. The seedlings emergence shows no relationship to the temperatures in the experiment period (Figure 2). Table 1. Biometric data of Ormosia arborea seeds. Average Maximum Minimum Variation coefficient Standard deviation Length 11.64 mm 13.47 mm 9.35 mm 6.43% 0.75 Thickness 7.47 mm 9.59 mm 3.57 mm 9.46% 0.71 Width 9.52 mm 12.43 mm 7.20 mm 7.54% 0.72 Mass 0.59 g 0.88 g 0.24 g 16.39% 0.10 Only 1% of the O. arborea seeds used in the control emerged (Table 2), in agreement with the studies of Marques et al. (2004) who found 1%, 29% by Lopes et al. (2004), and 1% by Teixeira et al. (2009). Table 2. Percentage, average time, average rate, and synchronization index of seedlings emergence of Ormosia arborea in nursery. Sandpaper/water immersion Control 2.0 Average time (days) 28.5 1.0 26.0 0.038 0 Sulfuric acid 65.5 28.5 0.034 -3.5 Treatment Emergence (%) Average rate (days-1) 0.035 Synchronization index -2.0 According to Almeida (2008), Marques et al. (2004), Lopes et al. (2004) and Vieira and Fernandes Communications in Plant Sciences (2237-4027) Figure 1. Relative frequency polygons of the Ormosia arborea emergence in nursery: A – control; B – mechanical scarification; C – chemical scarification. volume 2, issues 3-4, p.105-107, Jul-Dec, 2012 Silva and Morais. 2012. Biometry and dormancy breaking of Ormosia… References Figure 2. Maximum and minimum temperatures observed during the experimental period, from 04/01/2011 to 05/11/2011. According to Fowler and Martins (2001), O. arborea presents germination between 30% and 70% in greenhouse conditions, up to one month after planting, using pre-germination treatments, as observed in the chemical scarification treatment of the present study. CONCLUSIONS The biometric measurements of the studied sample correspond to those on literature. The chemical scarification for 20 minutes was the more adequate procedure for dormancy breaking in the seeds of O. arborea. Almeida AH. 2008. Viveiros florestais de espécies nativas: produção com qualidade e garantia de sucesso aos projetos de recuperação ambiental. 44p. Monografia, Escola Agrotécnica Federal de Inconfidentes, Brasil. Davide AC, Faria JMR, Botelho SA. 1995. Propagação de espécies florestais. Belo Horizonte: CEMIG; Lavras: UFLA. Fowler AP, Martins EG. 2001. Manejo de sementes de espécies florestais. Colombo: Embrapa Florestas. Gurski C, Dias ES, Mattos EA. 2012. Caracteres das sementes, plântulas e plantas jovens de Ormosia arborea (Vell.) Harms e Ormosia fastigiata Tul. (Leg papilionoideae). Rev Árvore 36:37–48. Lopes JC, Dias PC, Macedo CMP. 2004. Tratamentos para superar a dormência de sementes de Ormosia arborea (Vell.) Harms. Bras Florest. 80:25–35. Lorenzi H. 2000. Árvores Brasileiras: Manual de Identificação e Cultivo de Plantas Arbóreas Nativas do Brasil. Instituto Plantarum: Nova Odesssa. Marques MA, Rodrigues TJD, Paula RC. 2004. Germinação de sementes de Ormosia arborea (Vell.) Harms submetidas a diferentes tratamentos pré-germinativos. Cient. 32:141–146. Teixeira WF, Rodrigues EA, Amaral AF. 2009. Estudo de superação de dormência de Ormosia arborea sob diferentes testes, para produção de mudas para reflorestamento de áreas degradadas no município de Patos de Minas, MG. Perquirere. Rev NIPE/UNIPAM. 6:26–30. Vieira IG, Fernandes GD. 1997. Dormência de Sementes. Informativo Sementes IPEF. Available at www.ipef.br/tec sementes/dormencia.asp Accessed at May 05 2011. Acknowledgements We thank Douglas de Araujo and M. Takaki for suggestions and English corrections. Review process and quality of English writing is responsibility of Workshop Scientific Committee. Communications in Plant Sciences (2237-4027) volume 2, issues 3-4, p.105-107, Jul-Dec, 2012 107