Development Planning Unit Disaster Risk Reduction for Natural Hazards: Putting Research into Practice An interdisciplinary Conference on 4th - 6th Nov. 09 on Disaster Risk Reduction, Vulnerability, Resilience and Research Practices. Development Planning Unit Description: • • • • Three Days conference 50+ papers/interventions Posters presentations 100+ applicants Development Planning Unit Outputs: • A unique event; • A moment for future possible partnership; • A space for researchers, practitioners civil authorities and the humanitarian, development and business sectors. • A time for examining the concept and process of disaster risk reduction; • An opportunity for critical thinking on disaster risk reduction and its future. • A Special Issue publication for Natural Hazard Development Planning Unit Why is this central to DPU’s work? • Its centrality in our Development expertise • Its relevance for our new module BU6/ES5 Disaster Risk Reduction in Cities and Adapting Cities to Climate Change in the Global South recently started with 40+ students; • Its relevance for DPU staff experience and interests. • Its relevance for our current research projects (Bangladesh) and future development interests (Scenario common session with Eng Dep., Escalator funds, etc) Development Planning Unit More Information • To find more information: • People responsible for this project and how to contact them: Catherine Lowe Carina Fearnley Camillo Boano