2610 Page 1 of 4 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL CARIBOU-TARGHEE NATIONAL FOREST (REGION 4) IDAHO FALLS, ID FSM 2600 – WILDLIFE, FISH, AND SENSITIVE PLANT HABITAT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2610 – COOPERATIVE RELATIONS Supplement No.: 2600-2001-1 Effective Date: January 30, 2001 Duration: Effective until superseded or removed Approved: JERRY B. REESE Forest Supervisor Date Approved: 01/16/2001 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Title and calendar year. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. New Document(s): 2610 4 Pages Superseded Document(s): 2610 (Supplement 2600-99-1.) 4 Pages (Last supplement was 2600-2000-2.) Digest: Insert digest information here 2611.1 Combines the Caribou and Targhee National Forests’ supplements to reflect the consolidation of the two forests. No direction changes were made; only the forest name is updated. CARIBOU-TARGHEE SUPPLEMENT 2600-2001-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/30/2001 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 2610 Page 2 of 4 FSM 2600 – WILDLIFE, FISH, AND SENSITIVE PLANT HABITAT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2610 – COOPERATIVE RELATIONS 2611.1 - State--Forest Service Memorandum of Understanding. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Supplementing and Extending the Statewide Agreement of March 4, 1976 between State of Idaho Department of Fish and Game Region 6 U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service Targhee National Forest This Memorandum of Understanding, made this day of 200 , by and between the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Region 6, hereinafter called the "Department", and the U.S. Forest Service, through the Forest Supervisor, Targhee National Forest, Region 4, hereinafter called the "Forest Service", is entered into for the purpose of protecting, conserving and managing the fish and wildlife resources of the State of Idaho within the Targhee National Forest. The Department and the Forest Service agree to the following guidelines to promote understanding and cooperation in managing the game and non-game wildlife and fish and their habitats. THE FOREST SERVICE AGREES: 1. To furnish the Department with the following recurring information as available on impacts of land uses on fish and wildlife habitat. This will be furnished on or before the dates indicated: a. Five-Year Timber Sale Action Plan and map by March 31 and revisions whenever they are issued. b. Timber Sale Program announcement by April 15 and November 15. c. Plans for timber stand improvement projects involving impacts on wildlife habitat by March 31. d. Recreation Visits Report including campground use, boat counts, wilderness registration cards, and other appropriate information by May 31. e. Seasonal wildlife habitat condition and trend data as available. 2. To furnish the Department with information on the following CARIBOU-TARGHEE SUPPLEMENT 2600-2001-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/30/2001 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 2610 Page 3 of 4 FSM 2600 – WILDLIFE, FISH, AND SENSITIVE PLANT HABITAT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2610 – COOPERATIVE RELATIONS non-recurrent projects requesting input from the Department on the best possible management alternatives. a. Land Use Plans during the inventory stage of the planning process and again during the evaluation and decision-making stage. b. All Stage I EA or ES Reports, including but not limited to, timber sales, roads, vegetation manipulation projects, timber stand improvement projects, mining and oil and gas exploration projects. c. Preliminary location and concept for stream alterations and stream crossings at least six months prior to bid openings for a project. d. Wildlife habitat management plans. e. ORV and transportation plans. f. All new and revised livestock management plans. THE DEPARTMENT AGREES: 1. To furnish the Forest Service with the following recurring information as available. This will be furnished on or before the dates indicated: a. Plans for chemical control of fish in waters within the Forest. The plan will list toxicants to be used, field formulations, application rate, area to be treated, and other pertinent details. It will be submitted at least three months before control work is begun to allow review under Federal Interagency pesticide use regulations. b. Plans for changes in fish stocking programs on waters within the Forest. This will include either substantial changes in the number or species of fish stocked, and intent to stock waters which are currently barren. Plan will be submitted at least one month prior to stocking. c. Plans for introductions of exotic birds and mammals and/or reintroductions of indigenous species. Plan will be submitted at least 6 months prior to stocking. d. Plans for trapping, marking, and releasing wildlife (except fish) on the Forest, or trapping and removing animals from the Forest Plan will be submitted at least three months prior to trapping. e. Plans for supplemental stocking of wildlife species. CARIBOU-TARGHEE SUPPLEMENT 2600-2001-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/30/2001 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 2610 Page 4 of 4 FSM 2600 – WILDLIFE, FISH, AND SENSITIVE PLANT HABITAT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2610 – COOPERATIVE RELATIONS f. Conservation Officers will contact District Rangers for recommendations for season or regulation changes prior to District Conservation Officer meetings. The Regional recommendations to the Forest Supervisor prior to the Commission meeting. g. Species management plans will be furnished during inventory and again during evaluation and decision making stages. h. Plans for stream improvement projects. IT IS MUTUAL AGREED: 1. That all parties meet at least annually to discuss management programs which have an effect on wildlife population and wildlife habitat. 2. That wildlife and fish management plans on National Forest lands will be comprehensive in nature, providing for joint objectives, goals, and cooperative management. 3. That both agencies will make joint reviews in the field on an "as needed" basis on all activities where major differences of opinion occur, as requested by the Forest Supervisor or Regional Supervisor. 4. To inform the other agency of emergency orders and/or closures as soon as practical after implementation. 5. Department representative will be included as a member of interdisciplinary teams and as a core team member for EA preparation as requested by the Department. 6. Jointly prepare plans for agreed upon release sites for depredating black bear and mountain lions. 7. This agreement may be modified by mutual written agreement of the Regional Supervisor, Region 6 of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game and Forest Supervisor of the National Forest. It may be terminated by either the Forest Service or the Department by giving thirty (30) days notice, in writing, to the other. Unless so terminated, it shall remain in force indefinitely. SIGNATURES: I _________________________ Regional Supervisor, Region 6 Idaho Department of Fish & Game _________________________ Forest Supervisor Targhee National Forest