HOP PESTS AND THEIR CONTROL A REPORT OF THE CONTROL OF THE HOP RED SPIDER AND OTHER CLOSELY RELATED PROBLEMS DURING THE SEASON OF 1940 by H. E. Morrison, Assistant in Entomology and J. D. Vertreea, Research Fellow, Dow Chemical Company Table of Contents Summary Introduction Acknowledgements Objectives Proceedure Seasonal history of Hop aphis and Hop red spider Development of Commercial duster Insecticidal, acaricidal and phytocidal action of DN Dusts on hops Discussion of Results Summary of data The effect of DN Dusts on the physical and chemical quality of hops and the brewing qualities of beer Continued compatibility studies with DN dusts and other insecticides Discussion of results Summary of data Fungicidal properties of DN Dusts Phytocidal action of various DN dusts Time mortality studies of DN dust The leaf area of a hop plant and method of estimation Appendix Report on physical and chemical properties of DN dusted hops Report of DN deposits on dusted hop leaves Comments by Growers on the seasons work Page No. 1 7 8 9 10 10 12 18 21 35 36 38 39 40 46 55 55 62 65 68 2 8. To make residue analysis on hop foliage which was treated with DN dusts and to correlate these results with mortality of red spiders. 9. To initiate the study of the fungicidal properties of IN dusts. These objectives were carried out during 1940 and are reported in detail in this annual report to the Department of Entomology. A sumary of the accomplishments is given as follows: 1. Development of Commercial Luster A satisfactory means of contacting the under surfaces of 'hop leaves was demonstrated commercially. percent of all leaves can be contacted. Data show that 95 Slight modification of equipment now owned by growers has been found necessary and one grower has been able to transform his old duster into an efficient dusting apparatus with the expenditure of only $60.00. 2. Experimental Results and Cost Studies Field experiments were carried on at Grants Pass, Eugene, Corvallis, Buena Vista, Independence, and Canby, Oregon. Effec- tive results (97-99% dead spiders) were obtained by the application of 50 pounds of ON dusts to the acre. At present the cost of controlling spiders approximates $4.75 per acre or $0.0475 per hundred pounds of dried hops. 3. Phytocidal Studies ON dusts were applied to Fuggles, Early Clusters, Late Clusters, and Red Vines at dosages ranging from 50 to 100 pounds per acre with safety. Slight burning to young foliage was noted in one instance and this was correlated with exceedingly high temperatures (over 100° F.) which occurred the day after application. 3 Chemical Analysis There was no correlation between the amount of DN deposited and percentages of red spiders killed. Walnut shell flour was shown to be superior to Frianite in depositing IN to hop foliage. 5. Aphicidal and Compatability Studies DN dusts were shown to have no toxicity to hop aphids, but the combination of nicotine and rotenone to DN dusts have given encouraging indications. Certain preliminary studies have also indicated that a combination of DN sulf4r may successfully control sooty mould. 6. Meetings with Growers Six meetings with hop growers were held at each experimental yard at the time of dust application and again several days afterward. Growers were invited to pick their own leaves at this time and observe the dead spiders under the microscope. The results were always received with a great deal of enthusiasm. Considerable progress has been made toward combating the hop red spider, and the Department of Entomology feels that LW dusts will offer the final solution. unsolved. 1. There are, however, certain problems which are as yet These are listed as follows: Commercial Control Measures Hop growers have received the 1940 results with a great deal of interest and enthusiasm, and many contemplate modification of their present equipment into efficient dusting units. A certain amount of cooperation between the Experiment Station and hop growers will be necessary during 1941 and 1942, growers will need advice on modification of machinery. The 14 Measurements of the red spider control obtained by various grower applications will be essential. 2. Coot Studies The present cost of applying EN dust for spider control approximates $4.75 per acre. There is a possibility that this may be reduced from 20 to 60 percent by continued field trials. There are several ways in which this may be accomplished, 3. A. Reduction of the amount of material applied. B, Incorporation of a slicking agent to EN dusts, order to obtain better deposit. C. Mechanical dilution of the proprietary product with suitable and inexpensive diluents. D. Improvement in the efficiency of present dusting machinery. in Hop Aphis The hop aphis problem is yet unsolved. Certain important leads were obtained during 1940, but aphis were not present in sufficient numbers during the growing season for aphicidal studies. Hop Mould Preliminary results indicated that hop mould may be con trolled by the use of ON dusts. Work is being carried on on this problem during the winter months. Field tests during 1941 and 1942 should prove the value of this discovery. 5. Downy Mildew There is no data on the effect of DM dusts on downy but there is evidence that DM dusts have fungicidal properties. 5 The ultimate objective of the Department of Entomology is to find a satisfactory dust mixture which will serve for red spider, aphis, mould, and downy mildew. 6. New Materials New and untried DN materials are now appearing on the market. These materials should be tested by the Experiment Station for red Bider control. If these materials should prove to be of value, the competition between different commercial concerns will result in reduced material costs to growers. 7. Feasibility of DN Dusts DN dusts have been applied comercially for the first time during 1940. The promising results which were obtained apply only to the seasonal conditions which existed during 1940 The Experiment Station should check on various grower applications during 1940 and 1941 in order to determine the ultimate safety of DN dusts under varied seasonal conditions. 8. Chemical Analyses The importance of chemical analysis in determining the amount of DN deposited on hop foliage was demonstrated during 1940. These testa should be continued on a more extensive scale during 1941 and 1942. 9. Red Spiders as an Economic Problem The common red spider, the European red spider, the clover mite, and the Pacific mite are a few of the economic forms which are pests to truck, greenhouse, fruit, nursery, small fruit, and floral crops. DN dusts have been demonstrated as being 6 specific for spiders and mites and may serve as a control on most of these crops. However, each crop presents a new prob- lem in method of applying duets and plant tolerance. The Ex- periment Station could be of great service to Oregon agriculture by attacking the red spider problem in general and developing controls for each crop. The following budget to cover the proposed program is submitted and is based on the monetary expenditures during 19401 A new duster designed to serve for pest control in the experimental hop yard, demonstration experiments, and commercial control experiments $300.00 Travel -- 20,000 miles 800.00 Labor 800.00 Materials 400.00 Supplies 100.00 Total Salary Total $2700.00 7 Introduction The hop red spider, Tetranychus telarius Linn, is considered by hop growert as the most important economic pest of hops. Work on the con- trol of this pest was first undertaken in 1937, and has continued throughout 1940. Laboratory and small plot field teats have shown that the pro- prietary DU dust (dinitro-o-cyclohexyl phenol) at 1 percent concentration in walnut shell flour was outstanding in 1938. Subsequent small plot field trials have indicated that mechanical dilutions of the 1 percent dust to .03 percent were quite satisfactory in red spider control. Other small plot tests during 1939 indicated that loin, rotenone, pyrethrum, and nicotine sulfate were compatible when freshly nixed and mechanically diluted with the 1% D! material. Various diluents, such as talc, hydrated lime, diatomaceous earth, and bentonite were used as diluents. There were no noticeable toxic differences with these materials when they were freshly mixed. Bentonite and diatomaceous earth possessed undesirable physical properties for hop dusting. Several growers obtained and applied DU dusts during 1939, and the results were quite unsatisfactory. The writer observed on© of these com- mercial trials, and concluded that inadequate machinery was responsible for poor coverage on the undersides of hop foliage and the subsequent poor control of the hop red spider. it was evident that some research on dust- ing machinery would be necessary before commercial control could be obtained. The Department of Entomology, accordingly, enlisted the aid and cooperation of the Department of Agricultwal aligineering of Oregon State College and the United States Department of Agriculture Division of Drug 8 and Related Crops. An experimental duster which featured low velocity and high volume of air outlet VAS constructed. field trials late in the 1939 season. This was given preliminary The huge fish-tail nozzle was generally unsatisfactory, but several practical ideas resulted from this trial, and plans were made to construct a more efficient unit during the 1940 season. Results of the 1939 trials are reported in the seasonal report to the Department of Entomology, and in the Journal of Economic Entomology, Volume 33 (4) 614-619 - 1940. It was generally believed that sufficient small scale tests with the use of DN had been carried on over a period of two years to warrant some large scale field trials. Work was started on the construction of a dusting unit during the winter months. The Dow Chemical Company estab- lished a $1,000.00 fellowship and donated materials in carrying out this undertaking. Acknowledgements in this field program are hereby extended to the following: 1. The Dow Chemical Company of Midland, Michigan, for the establishment of a commercial fellowship to the value of $1,000.00, and for furnishing proprietary dusts to the value of $500.00, 2. Mr. F. E. Price and Mr. R. N. Lunde of the Department of Agricultural ering of Oregon State College for construction of the experimental duster. 3. G. R. Roemer, Division of Drug and Related Crops of the United States Department of Agriculture, for furnishing hands and equipment for the construction of the experimental duster. 4. Dr, R. E. Fore, of the Department of Farm Crops, fOr furnishing labor and care of the experimental hop yard. 5. Dr. D. D. Hill, of the Department of Farm Crops, and Dr. D. E. Bullis, of the Department of Chemistry, for physical and dhemieel analysis of 1i dusted hops. 9 6. Dr. R. H. Robinson, of the Department of Chemistry, for making chemical analyses of DN dusted hop foliage« 7. The various hop growers who were found to be excellent cooperetors are listed as follows: Mr. Ben Hull, Grants Pass, Oregon Mr. Ben Hilton, Grants Pass, Oregon Mr. George Hilton, Grants Pass, Oregon ur. Frank Kennedy, Horst Hop Ranch, Independence, Oregon Mr. Dane J. Purvine, Buena Vista, Oregon Mr. H. L. Pankalla, CorvAllis, Oregon Mr. John Nordenhausen, Canby, Oregon Mr. L. S. Christofferson, Eugene, Oregon Mr'. Co A. Sloper, Albany, Oregon mr. R. E. Chittenden, Salem, Oregon 8. The several county agents and assistant county agents, who arranged for and participated in the field meetings, are listed as follows: Mr. 0. K. Beals, County Agent, Grants Pass Mr. Chester Otis, Asst. County Agent, Grants Pass mr. H. L. Riches, County Agent, Salem Mr. R. E. Rieder, Asst. County Agent, Salem Mr. F. C. Mullen, County Agent, Albany Mr. IV. S. Averill, County Agent, Corvallis Mr. J. J. Inakeep, County Agent, Oregon City M. 0. S. Fletcher, County Agent, Eugene Ur. W. C. Loth, County Agent, Dallas The objectives of the season divided themselves into the following general phases: 1. The continuation of seasonal developmental studies on hop spider and hop aphis. 2. The development of a commercial duster for application of DN and other dusts for hop pest control. 3. The study of the insecticidal, acaricidal and phytocidal properties of DN dusts when applied to hops under the varied climatic conditions which exist in the hop growing sections of Oregon. Supplemented under this objective were certain other items such as a. The determination of the amount of DN dusts necessary for commercial control. b. Chemical analysis of DN deposit on hop foliage as correlated with different diluents. 10 c. The demonstration to hop growers of proper methods of dusting for hop red spider control. 4. Investigations on the effect DN dusted hope might have on the physical and chemical quantity of hops and on the brewing (polities of beer. 5. Continued compatibility studies of DN and other insecticides. 6. The initiation of the stub' of fungicidal properties of DN dusts. 7. The phytocidal effect of DN dusts on various crops and the associated control of red spiders on these crops. 8. Time mortality laboratory studies of DN on the hop red spider. 9. The development of a technique for estimation of surface leaf area of a hop plant. Procedure 1. The Seasonal Development of Hop Aphis and Hop Red Spider. A great quantity of data on seasonal development of the hop aphis and hop red spider has been collected during the last several years. This information has been taken largely at Corvallis, Oregon, but is also supplemented by quantitative data from other hop growing sections. There is sufficient material of this nature to warrant a special report and this will be written in the near future. 2. The Development of a Commercial Duster for Application of DN Dusts and Other Materials Dar Hop Pest Control. An experimental duster was built through the cooperative efforts of the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Department of Entamdlogy of Oregon State College and the Division of Drug and Related Crops of the United States Department of Agriculture. This duster consisted of an old type Niagara dusting unit which was propelled by a six horsepower motor by means of fiber belts. Dusts were distributed by means of a centrifUgal Fig. 2. Side view of hop duster used at 0. S. C. Note Y's used to divide dust stream. Also note that this is old type duster with dust entering air-stream after the air leaves the fan. This type is quite inferior to the newer types which thoroughly mix the air and the dust by passing the dust through the fan. See Figures 3 and 4. Fig. 4. Fig. 3. This hop duster unit was very effective in control of red spider in 1940. Side view of hop duster. Note mushroom type of distribution head and tractor power take-off. fan through four 3-inch flexible tubes. The tubes terminated into fish- tail nozzles (1/8 by 10 inches at discharge and 12 inches long). The nozzles were mounted on a frame which was telescoped for height and width adjustments. This feature was especially convenient of adjusting the unit for height of trellis, and width of hop rows. One set of nozzles was mounted approximately 2i feet from the ground, and the other set was fastened 5 feet higher on the frame. The air stream as will be noted in figure 2 was divided by means of Vas. Satisfactory control of the hop red spider was demonstrated with this dusting unit. It did have, however, certain definite disadvantages. These are listed as follows: 1. The unit was greatly overpowered and it was necessary to reduce its speed in order to keep dust within hop yards. 2. The V-type distribution was generally unsatisfactory, and in spite of any attempted corrections, there was considerable variance in distribution of dusts. 3. It was not possible to cut the amount per acre below 50 pounds because dust materials became clogged inthe air stream. 4. The unit was unwieldy and attempts to duplicate its structure commercially would have been prohibitive from the standpoint of costs. The problem of dust distribution was alleviated through the efforts of Mr. Ben Hilton, of Grants Pass, and the Hardie Manufacturing Company of Portland. This was effected on Mr. Hilton's duster by means of the so-called "mushroom type" of distribution, which is pictured in figure 3. The dust-laden air is propelled directly into this mushroom device and outlets are taken directly from it. was entirely eliminated. The principle of V distribution Mr. Hilton dusted over 100 acres of hops which 12 were heavily infested with red spider, and was able to effect better control than was demonstrated by the experimental unit at any time during the season. The results of the season's experimental work on methods of dust application were quite successful. 3. It was demonstrated that: 1. Commercial control of the hop red spider could be achieved with proper dusting equipment. 2. Most dusting equipment now owned by hop growers was generally unsatisfactory for red spider dusting. This equipment with small expenditures ($60.00 to $100.00) could be readily converted into satisfactory units. 3. The transformation of this equipment should not interfere with its efficiency for hop aphid control. I. Detailed particulars of the improved hop dusters are given in Station CirculAr of Information No. 237, March 25, 1941. The Study of the Insecticidal, Acaricidal and Phytocidal Properties of DST Dusts when Applied to Hops under the Varied Climitic Conditions Which Exist in the Hop Sections of Oregon. Sections of hop yards varying in size from 5 to 15 acres were selected in sax different Oregon hop producing localities. Each location was closely watched for signs of definite hop red spider infestation. Grower cooperators were requested to sign articles of agreement, and these 382-95 are included in Paget, / of the appendix of this report.* It was the general policy to hold field meetings at the time of dust applications and again immediately after data had been taken. estimated 200 growers attended these meetings. An A summary of results at- tained was presented at each meeting, and the growers were invited to pick their own hop leaves and observe the number of dead red spiders with the aid of binocular microscopes. Several of the growers expressed their appreciation, as is evidenced by their letters on pages 68-71 of the appendix. * See Department of Entomology report. Code to Treatments Can. Grants P is. Numbers Treatment Co Treatment DN Dust 1 3Sabsac32---LM.----.--z----2DN 7 DN 0 a Vista Salem 1 1 Dust 2 lbs /acre 2 2 2 Dust lb Dust D-4 be =c DK Dust D-4 21-11.13/ign 5 __............-1.-01........=.........gama5 orroaroorrooLVOMPOW 111 Dust D-4 6 Sq lbe/iere 6 6 6 6 6 DR Dust D.3 ;49 lbs /afire DN Dust D.3 7 7 7 7 7 7, lbs /acre 8 8 8 g 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11---- DN Dust D.3 50 lbs /acre DK.Dust D.7 100 lbe/acre 3.0 9 DN Dust D..7 11 75 lbp/acre DN Dust D-7 be Nicotine sulfate 11 lime.- sulfur 16 b ere Nicotine sulfate lime.eulfur 14 75 lbs /acre 14 10 17 Nicotine sulfate lime-sulfur be Dotano.py 10 Sulfur Dust 100 be Eotano-py Sulfur dust 10 75 lbs /acre Hotsno-Py Sulfur Dust # 10 50 lbe/acre Cheeks (No Treatment) 15 19 to 2 1§---- 13 16 6 4,5,. 7,8,9 and 10,11,12 were combined ih the second Corvallis Application and dusted respectively with DN Dust, DN dust 1) 4, DN dust D-3, And Dt Lust D-7. No check rows were allowed to stand between treatments. 16 NoteTreatments 1,2,3 2 3 4 5 Code to Ind endenee Treatments eatment DN Dust Applied with Experimental duster MT Dust D-4 applied with experimental duster DN Dust applied with Horst apIlis duster DN Duet D.4 applied with Horst aphis duster Check. No Treatment 75 75 75 75 lbs acre lbs/acre lbs/acre lbs/acre EXPERIMENTAL PLOTS 1940 TtlY"r"r%rITtITT itTrr V 14 II Iv 14 V IL II 10 16 9 8 V 7 18, 5 4 '16. 2. CORVALLIS I 1. EUGENE 11 III iii III III II I ; II ill II II :; Ij 1'T 3 it 11 ii 5. GRANTS PASS 4. CANDY XIII.' VI 7. SALEM 6. BUENA VISTA Fig. 13 The materials used in these testa consisted of: 1. ON dust (1% Dinitro-o-cyclohexyl phenol) in Frianite. Frianite as a carrier had not been tried on hops, but it was very successful on citrus in California. Previous to this time all DN dusting had been carried on with walnut shell flour. The cost of walnut shell flour was more than twice the cost of Frianite. 2. DN dust - D-4 (2% dioyclohexalamine salt of 1% dinitro-o-cyclohexyl phenol in frianite). This was an entirely new material, but reportedly safer on foliage than the proprietary DN dust product. 3. DN dust flour). 4. EN dust - D-7 (1% dicyclohexyl amine salt of i% dinitro-o-cyclohexyl phenol in Frianite). 5. Nicotine sulfate - hydrated lime - sulfur dust (10-40-50) was used as standard check. 6. pyrethrum- sulfur dust (Botano-py sulfUr dust No. 10) consisted of 8.5% pyrethrum flowers and extract; 37% sulfur and 54.6% talc. This was purchased by the grower and used as an additional treatment at Grants Pass, Oregon. (i% Dinitro-o-oyelohexyl phenol in walnut shell With the exception of the trials at the Horst Hop Ranch, at Independence, Oregon, all materials were applied at rates of 50-75 and 100 pounds per acre. Diagrams of the experimental designs are given in figure 4. plots were used in all instances. between each treated plot. Two row Check or untreated plots were interspaced At Grants Pass, Oregon, three check rows were used between each treated plot. It was learned later that one to two check rows were sufficient and this policy was adopted for the remainder of the season. The method of measuring biological efficiency VW carried on as follows; Five plants were selected at random from each treatment. 25 leaves were taken from each of these plants and 5 leaves from this group were selected at random and scored according to the living and dead red spiders. This was accomplished by the use of binocular microscopes. The seasonis work was quite exhaustive and nearly 750,000 spiders were scored in this manner. The percentage of dead red spiders was computed from these figures and used as a measure of acaricidal efficiency. The scoring was done by two individuals, each one counting either 2 or 3 replicates from each plot in order to reduce errors due to the personal equation. Attempts were made to study the rate of red spider build-up after dusting at each location. Harvesting of the crop and other factors inter- fered with this study to a considerable extent but certain indications were obtained. General comment concerning the field experimental program by locality is given as follows: Grants Peas I r. Oregon. Cooperators:Mr. Ben Hull, Mr. Ben Hilton and George Hilton. Dusts were applied July 12, 1940, and data were collected July lit. Temperatures reached a meTtenm of 93 degrees Fahrenheit July 13. Exceed- ingly heavy deposits (500 lbs. acre approximation) were noted on several plants adjacent to the area in which the duster was cleaned. of injury were noted. No signs Very satisfactory control was obtained with DM dust, DM dust D-4, and DM dust D-3 when applied at rates of 50, 75, and 100 pounds per acre. DM dust D-7 was generally unsatisfactory, but super- ior to the nicotine sulfur and pyrethrum duets. Mr. Hull later purchased sufficient material for dusting his entire yard of 90 acres. In the absence of a suitable dusting machine, the Ex- periment Station cooperated and assisted in the dusting of this yard. Very satisfactory control of the hop red spider was obtained. 15 Mr. Ben Hilton and Mr. George Hilton later modified their old hop duster and dusted 100 acres of hops for hop red spider control. Satis- factory control was noted and later checks in the Hilton and Hull hop yards showed that the control was effective over a long period of time. Corvallis, Oregon. Cooperator, Mr. H. L. Pankalla. It was first believed that red spiders would develop more rapidly in Grants Pass and that work in this section would have been completed before the red spiders became a pest in the Willamette Valley. This did not occur and populations of red spider developed simultaneously at Corvallis and Grants Pass. The Corvallis plots were dusted July 10 and operations were then moved to Grants Pass where dusts were applied on July 12. It was not possible to collect data on the Corvallis experiment before July 18. Mr. Pankallats hop yard was not suckered and all suckers were heavily infested with red spiders. The suckers could not be dusted because of their prostrate habit of growth. The heavy population on these suckers was apparently responsible for reinfestation of the treated plots and control figures in this experimental layout were poor for all treatments. Mr. Pankalla had these suckers removed and the entire layout was redusted July 22 at the rate of 75 pounds per acre for each material. Very satisfactory control resulted from these second treatments and no plant injury resulted from these two applications. Later in the season the entire yard of Ur. Pankalla became heavily infested with red spiders and an attempt was made to control some of them with DN dust - D-L in a spray combination. This was used at the rate of 5 pounds per hundred gallons with 1/2 pint of SS -3 used as a wetting agent. 16 Fair control resulted from this trial and the limiting factor was attributed to the inability to effect proper contact of red spiders on heavily webbed leaves. Eugene, Oregon. Cooperator, Mr. L. S. Christofferson. The Red spider populations in this area were comparatively light. experimental section of the yard was dusted July 16 and data were taken July 21. The results were similar to those obtained at Grants Pass, Oregon. No plant injury was noted. Salem, Oregon. Cooperator, Mr. R. E. Chittenden. This yard of English Red Vines developed a very heavy population of red spiders. July 25. A portion of it was dusted on July 23 and data were collected Results were similar to those obtained at Grants Pass, Oregon, and no plant injury was noted. LT. Chittenden later attempted to modify a local hop aphid duster, and dusted his entire yard with DN dust. The remodeled unit was not efficient and only fair control was obtained. Canby, Oregon. Cooperator, Mx. John Nordenhausen. Certain portions of the experimental section of the hop yard were very heavily infested with red spider. were taken on August 2. It was dusted on July 31 and data No plant injury was noted and the control obtained was similar to that of other areas. Buena Vista, Oregon. Cooperator, Mr. Dane Purvine. This yard developed a moderate infestation of red spiders late in the season and was dusted August 16. Data were collected August 23. This was the last experimental trial of the season and the supply of DN dust 1>-7 was exhausted. plots. This material was accordingly not applied to these Temperature rose to 105 degrees on August 17 (the day following 17 application) and very slight foliage and cone injury VAS observed with ON dust, LW dust D4 and DN dust D-3. The rows in this yard ran east and west and the yard was located low with steep banks forming an amphitheater about it. All burning was confined to the south side of the row (that portion of the raw which was exposed to direct rays of the afternoon sun). The injury was slight and no economic damage resulted. The controls ob- tained were similar to those obtained in other yards. Independence, Oregon. Cooperator, Mr. Frank Kennedy, Manager of the Forst Hop hanoh. The purpose of this experimental setup was different than in other The efficiency of the experimental duster was tested against the yards. efficiency of the Horst hop duster which was commonly used for hop aphis control. DN dust and DM dust D-1 were applied at the rate of 75 pounds to the acre with each unit. collected August 21. Dusts were applied on August 15 and data were The results shoved that the experimental duster was considerably more efficient and again indicated that satisfactory control of red spider by dusts could be accomplished only by efficient dusting equipment. Two days after application (on August 17) temperatures rose to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. No burning resulted on arr of the plants in the Horst yard. Albany, Oregon. Cooperator, Mr. C. A. Eloper. No experiment was made in this yard. Ur. Sloper requested the aid of the experimental duster for application of DN dusts to his heavily infested hop yard. The Experiment Station accordingly cooperated to this extent and assisted in application of the dusts. The dusting of the yard (August 25) was timed too late for effective results. Red spiders were Already in the hop cones and had caused decided discoloration. It was Fig.5 Inspection of Experimental Hop Duster 19/40 Hop Field Day, Corvallis, Oregon 18 evident from these results that satisfactory control could not be expected with any type of equipment after red spiders had once entered the cones. Discussion of Treatments 1. Three materials, namely DM dust, DM dust D.4 and DN dust D-3, gave very satisfactory control of the hop red spider at rates of 50, 75 and 100 pounds per acre. There was but one exception to this instance and this occurred in the Corvallis plots. This has already been discussed and the low measured kill was attributed to reinfestation of the dusted plants from heavily infested hop suckers. 2. DN dust D-7 in all instances was significantly inferior to the other DN dusts. 3. All DN materials were in all instances significantly superior to the nicotine-sulfur plots and in the one instance the pyrethrum- sulfur plots. 4. Frianite was used as a carrier in DN dust, DN dust D-14 and DN dust D-7 while walnut shell flour was used in all DN dust D-3 applications. General inspection in the field seemed to indicate that better deposit of the toxicant was effected with walnut shell flour. This was somewhat difficult to verify because of the difference in color between Frianite and walnut shell flour. Leaves were accordingly selected at ran- dom from a number of the experimental areas and chemical analysis of the deposit was made by Dr. R. H. Robinson of the Chemistry Department. Con- siderable variation was noted between treatments and this was probably due to varieties, climatic conditions at time of application and other factors. One striking feature of the analysis was that DM dust D-3 (1/2% DN in walnut shell flour) gave a better comparative deposit of dinitro-o-cyclohexyl 19 phenol than did DN dust (1% DN in Frianite). This is borne out by the following sursnax7. Concentration Amount per acre of DNOCHP Type of Dust Deposit or micrograms sq.cm. Carrier DK Dust D-3 DK Dust D-3 DN Dust D-3 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 50 75 100 Walnut Shell Flour Walnut Shell Flour Walnut Shell Flour DN Dust DV Dust DN Dust 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 50 75 100 Frianite Frianite Frianite .8825 .9700 1.0700 .6600 .61400 1.11450 It could be accordingly assumed that a 1% DN dust in walnut shell flour should produce twice the deposit of the toxicant as a 1/2% dust. This being true a deposit of 1.7650, 1.9400, and 2.11400 micrograms per square centimeter could be expected of a 1% DN dust in walnut shell flour at the rates of 50, 75 and 100 pounds respectively. This 1% duet in Frianite gave only .6600, .6400 and 1.1450 micrograms per square centimeter at these rates. Walnut shell flour may be therefore rated as aver- aging 58 percent more efficient than Frianite in depositing the toxicant on hop foliage. (Chemical analysis data are found on page of appendix.) Satisfactory analysis of DN dust D-14 and DN dust D-7 could not be made because the solvent used in extracting the toxicant also extracted the chlorophyll and prvented colorimetric determinations. 5. DN dusts as applied were of no value for hop aphis control. 6. Tests to determine the efficiency of the experimental duster in comparison to present growers' equipment showed that the former duster averaged 96 percent kill of the hop red spider as compared with 52 percent kill with the growers' duster. 7. The DN dusts showed no evidence of burn to hop plants at tempera- tures below 100° F. Slight burning was noted at the Purvine Ranch when Fig.6 Growers' Examination of DN Dusted Hop Leaves 1940 Hop Field Day, Corvallis, Oregon Fig,7 Experimental Hop Red Spider Control. Pankalla Hop Ranch, Corvallis, Oregon - 1940 temperatures reached 105° F. the day following applications. 8. Red spider population studies showed that one dusting with I dust) tJ duet D-4 and DR dust D-3 was sufficient) and that there was little tendency for spiders to increase rapidly on hops which had been treated with these materials. The method of studying these trends was not entirely satisfactory and additional work of this nature should be continued. A summary of the figures obtained in these experiments is submitted on the following pages and complete data on each experiment is included in pages 62-227 of the appendix.* data. * See Department of Entomology report for original Hull Experiment a Grants Pass Data collected 7/14/40 ed 7/12/140 Varlet fir 98.4 100.0 99.1 94.2 100.0 99.8 99.4 98.3 98.9 86.1 69.9 66.6 78.5 51.4 48.1 9.9 8.1 96.3 2,5 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2.8 11.8 18.0 6.1 97.5 100.0 98.1 96.7 99.0 99.9 100.0 98.0 95.0 90.9 95,3 81.6 72.2 32.8 49.4 16.5 12.2 86.1 4.9 4.3 3.7 6.7 8.4 Crust 5.5 6.4 8.4 98.8 99.8 100.0 96.3 99.9 100.0 99.5 97.6 95.1 100.0 70.1 81.6 52.3 34.7 51.8 28.9 17.5 7.0 1.7 2.8 13.9 5.7 2.9 2.7 95.4 99.7 99.8 97.0 99.5 99.9 99.4 99.2 65.4 52.6 57.4 57.1 63.6 40.1 35.7 25.8 14.7 7.3 7.9 98.2 99.8 96.6 99.6 99.3 99.4 99.7 98.3 99.5 95.3 76.5 44.0 51.2 31.0 38.3 42.2 13.9 5.0 2.5 2.0 18.0 8.1 4.0 97.7 99.9 98.7 96.7 99.5 99.8 99.6 98.3 90.8 85.0 73.8 66.2 63.6 38.0 44.7 24.7 13.3 40.3 3.9 3.5 10.8 9.4 4.8 OS wefts Treatments (1-24 inclusive) At odds of 19-1.... 17.7 49-1.... 22.2 99-1.. Code to Treatment Prianite DNOCHP DNOCHP - Frianite DNOCHP - Frianite No. 1 2 3 25.8 Treatments (1-12 inclusive) At odds of 19-1.... 10.88 49-1.... 13.66 99-1.... 15.82 DN Dust DN Duet DN Dust nts (1-9 inclusive) At odds of 19-1.... 1.5 49-1.... 1.8 99-1.... 2.1 Treatments (1-99) (1-99) (1-99) MOM Frianite 4 DN Dust D-4 DCHA salt of DNOCHP DNOCHP Frianite ON Duet D-4 DCHA salt of =CIF 5 Frianite DN Dust D-4 DCHA salt of DNOCHP DNOCHP 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 (2-1-97) (2-1-97) (2-1-97) lbs/acre 100 75 50 100 75 50 100 DNOCHP - Walnut shell flour (0.5-99.5) 75 DNOCHP - Walnut shell flour (0.5-99.5) 50 DVOCHP - Walnut shell flour (0.5-99.5) 100 Frianite (1-0.5-98.5) DNOCHP DNOCHP DCHA salt of 75 Frianite (1-0.5-98.5) DNOCHP DCHA salt of DNOCHP 50 Frianite (1-0.5-98.5) DNOCHP DNOCHP ON Dust Oq DCHA salt of Pyrethrum f1over&extract-eu1fetalc(8.5-37-54.5) 100 Botano-Py Sulfur Dast#10 75 Pyrethrum flowerecextract-su1 tp-talc(8.5-37-54.5) Botano-Py Sulfur Dust#10 Botano-Py Sulfur Dust#10 Pyrethrum flowerftextractsulfrtalc(8.5-37-54.5) 50 100 Nicotine sulfate (40%) - Lime- Sulfur 10-40-50 75 Lime- Sulfur Nicotine sulfate r%) 50 10-40-50 Nicotine sulfate 40%) - Lime- Sulfur to 24 inclusive - Checks - No treatment DN DN DN DN DN Dust Dust Dust Dust Dust D-3 D-3 D-3 D-7 D-7 22 Pankalla Experiment, First Application Dust applied 7/10/40 Data collected 7/18/140 Variety Fugglea Percent dead red spiders Treatment Replications Number 2 1 Mean 3 4 5 2 3 14 5 6 7 8 9 23.14 2.3 96.8 28.6 19.2 97.2 214.14 11 63.5 71.7 52.4 12 22.14 13 8.4 17.5 9.1 0.2 10 14 15 16 36.5 1.8 63.9 145.2 15.8 78.9 32.9 91.7 1414.8 149.3 12.7 3.3 5.7 3.7 1.7 25.7 0.4 914.2 25.6 45.3 75.7 76.6 80.8 31.1 62.5 15.2 2.8 15.8 21.7 1.5 16.2 20.0 61.4 40.4 36.3 96.5 15.1 68.8 58.2 44.3 54.8 1.3 9.4 0.8 1403 32.1 3.9 87.9 26.8 5.7 80.8 20.3 32.0 814.2 140.2 88.5 6.4 53.7 77.1 15.9 14.2 1.3 4.6 5.9 5.6 87.14 31.1 71.7 56.6 1414.9 23.9 3.4 10.6 8.2 2.7 Differences necessary for significance at odds of 19.1 21.96 27.57 49-1 99-1 31.914 Code to Treatments No. 1 2 3 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 114 15 Treatment DN Dust DHOCHP- Frianite (1-99) ON Dust DNOCHP- Frianite (1-99) DN Duet DNOCHP- Frianite (1-99) ON Dust D-14 DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP- Frianite (2-1-97) DN Dust Di-4 DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP- Frianite (2-1,-97) DN Dust D'-14 DCHA salt of DNOCHP-ONOCH- Frianite (2-1-97) ON Dust D-3 DNOCHP- Walnut shell flour (0.5-99.5) DN Dust n6.3 DNOCHP- walnut then flour (0.5-99.5) DN Dust 1:0-3 DNOCHP- Walnut shell flour (0.5-99.5) ON Dust D-7 DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP- Frianite 1-0.5-98. DN Dust D-7 DCHA salt of DNOCHP- DNOCHP- Frianite 1-0.5-98.5 DN Dust D0-7 DCHA salt of DNOCW'- DNOCHP- Frianite { 1-0.5-98.5 Nicotine sulfate (40%) - Line - Sul Air (10-40-50) Nicotine sulfate (140%) - Lime - Sulfur (10- 140 -50) Nicotine sulfate (140%) - LiMe - Sulfur (10-40-50) ......._216C2211(TIArteet4) DCHA designates Dicyclohexylamine DNOCHP designates Dinitro-ortho-c yclohexyl phenol lbs /acre 100 75 50 100 75 50 100 75 50 100 75 50 100 75 50 Pankalla Experiment Second Application Data Collected 7/24/40 Dust applied 7/22/40 es icati Treatment Number Mean 97.9 99.2 99.9 97.2 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 97.9 98.7 96.7 94.0 1.0 97.8 99.8 99.9 92,5 0.7 99.0 99.6 99.8 93.5 1.3 99.4 99.7 98.3 93.8 0.7 98.4 99.4 98.9 94.2 0.8 Differences necessary for significance at odds of 19-1..... 1.6 49-1..... 2.0 99- 1..... 2.4 Code to Treatments Treatment No. 1 2 3 4 5 DN Dust TM Dust DN Dust DN Dust Check. DNOCHP- Frianite (1-99) D-4 DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCFP- Frianite (2-1-97) D-3 DNOCTiP- 'Walnut shell flour (0*5-99.5) D-7 rCHA salt of DNOCHP- DNOCHP- Frianite (1.0.5 -98.5) No treatment DCHA designates Dicyclohexylamine DNOCHP designates Dinitro-ortho-cyclohexyl phenol lbs/acre 75 75 75 75 214 Christofferson Experiment, Eugene, Oregon Data collected 7/21/40 Dust applied 7/16/130 as Variety Treatment Replications Number 2 co 2 98.14 3 98.8 14 914.3 5 6 100.0 96.7 99.8 91.1 7449 87.1 90.0 82.3 35.6 67.3 6.8 5.6 7 8 9 10 12 33 14 15 16 3 vio) 14 1111 100.0 100.0 98. 14 99.5 99.3 100.0 96.7 80. 8 99.0 95.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 99. 3 98.7 100.0 99.6 98.7 99. 7 99.14 100. 0 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.3 100.0 99.2 99.6 98.8 97.7 99. 2 96.9 96.5 98.7 96.5 96.2 89.1 76.5 98.0 99. 7 100. 0 96.0 97.6 100.0 96.1 83. 9 82.0 149.0 93.0 914.1 68.14 66.7 100.0 82.9 97. 2 1413.2 141.0 32. 6 43.4 149.2 66.1 56.6 78. 14 62.9 66.3 17. 4 26.6 14.1 14.2 5.3 19.14 9.6 5. 14 5.7 9.1 necessary for signiticanee Treatments Treatments (1-12 inclusive) (1-9 inclusive) Iifiereneee Treatments (1-16 inclusive At odds of 19-1... 12.2 At odds of 19-1... 12.5 At odds of 19-1... 7.14 149 -1... 49-1... 15.7 49-1... 15.3 9.3 99 -1... 17.7 99-1... 18.2 99-1... 10.8 Code to Treatments No. 1 2 3 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 114 Treatment DN Dust DNOCHP- Frianite (1-99) DN Dust DNOCHP- Frianite (1-99) DNOCHP- Frianite (1-99) AN Dust DM Dust DP-4 DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP- Frianite (2-1-97) fiN Dust D-4 DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP- Frianite (2-1-97) DM Dust D-4 DCHA salt of DNOCHP -DP HP- Frianite (2-1-97) DN Dust D-3 DNOCHP- Walnut shell flour (0.5-99.5) DN Dust DNOCHP- walnut shell flour (0.5-99.5) J Dust D-3 DNOCHP- Walnut shall flour (0.5-9905) DM Dust D-7 DCHA salt of DNOCHP-I:NOCHP-Friautte (1-0.5 -98.5) fiN Dust D-7 DCHA salt of 1110CHP-DNOCHP-Frianite (1-0.5-98.5) I Dust D-7 DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP-Frianite (1-0.5-98.5) Nicotine sulfate (140%) - Lime - sulfur (10-40-50) Nicotine sulfate (40%) - Lime - sulfur (10-40-50) Nicotine sulfate (10) - Lime - Sulfur (10-40-50) 15 16 Check - No treatment DCHA designates Dicyclohexylamine DNOCHP designates Dinitro-ortho-cyolohexyl phenol 'be/acre 100 75 100 5o loo 75 5o 100 75 100 75 50 25 Chittenden Experiment Salem, Oregon Dust applied 7/23/140 Data Collected 7/25/140 Variety Red Vines Percent dead red spiders Treatment Replications 1 2 Number Mean 5 3 6 100.0 1 99.5 100.0 99.5 99.2 99.6 2 97.7 97.8 98.9 914.2 98.9 97.5 100.0 100.0 98.5 3 96.7 98.2 95.9 98.5 92.7 98.5 14 97.3 99.0 97.2 99.1 98.5 5 99.4 914.2 99.5 98.1 6 95.6 96.2 98.1 99.1 97.1 97.2 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.9 99.5 99.8 7 8 99.2 98.8 99.3 98.14 98.14 98.8 9 98.9 97.5 99.2 98.1 99.2 98.6 10 85.5 82.2 63.5 95.5 92.9 93.5 97.6 88.2 914.8 95.4 90.14 75.9 12 68.14 59.2 79.5 614.7 59.14 79.0 68.7 62.2 65.14 13 714.0 83.6 58.5 114 17.14 12.6 62.5 10.0 114.0 8.2 15 27.8 17.1 32.2 46.0 34.4 31.5 16 0.5 5.5 8.2 5.1 5.8 5.14 Differences necessary for significance Treatments Treatments (1 to 16 inclusive) (1 to 9 inclustve) At odds of 19-1.... 9.0 At odds of 19-1.... 2.2 2.8 149 -1.... 149 -1.... 11.3 13.1 99-1.... 99-1.... 3.3 Code to Treatments No. 1 2 3 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 114 15 16 Treatment lbs/acre DNOCHP- Frianite (1-99) DNOCHP- Frianite (1-99) DNOCHP- Frianite (1-99) DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP- Frianite (2-1-97) DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP- Frianite (2-1-97) DN Dust D-14 DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP- Frianite (2-1-97) DN Dust D-3 DNOCHP- Walnut shell flour (0.5-99.5) DN Dust D-3 DNOCHP- Walnut shell flour (0.5-99.5) DN Dust D-3 DNOCHP- Walnut shell flour (0.5-99.5) DN Dust D-7 DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP- Frianite (1-005-98.5) DN Dust D-7 DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP- Frianite (1-0.5-98.5) DN Dust D-7 DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP- Frianite (1-0.5-98.5) Nicotine sulfate (140%) - Lime - Sulfur (10-40-50) Nicotine sulfate (401) - Lime - Sulfur (10-40-50) DN DN DN DN DN Dust Dust Dust Dust D-4 Dust D-4 Nicotine sulfate (40%) - Lime - Sulfur (10- 140 -50) Check - No treatment DCHA designates Dicycloherflamine DNOCHP designates Dinitro-ortho-cyclohexyl phenol 100 75 50 100 75 50 100 75 50 100 75 50 100 75 50 26 Nordhausen Experiment Canby, Oregon Dust applied 7/31/40 Data Collected 8/2/140 Variety Late Clusters Percent dead red spiders lications Treatment Number an ; 97.0 96.8 99.8 93.7 *; 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 98.2 96.3 97.1 97.7 95.6 95.3 95.8 97.9 98.5 96.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.2 82.6 95.1 94.7 97.5 98.5 89.5 84.2 86.3 86.5 95.5 100.0 99.4 99.1 99.7 99.2 87.8 97.8 99.5 99.2 99.1 98.3 90.5 99.1 95.3 95.0 65.7 83.9 94.0 95.7 99.3 86.1 61.9 74.0 61.9 34.6 92.1 62.0 59.1 44.2 90.7 25.9 13.4 24.1 19.3 142.8 23.7 44.0 20.3 26.8 32.3 17,1 15.4 4.7 10.0 6.7 1.6 2.6 3.9 3.0 7.0 erences necessary or s (lance 12.9 at odds of 19-1 16.2 49-1 18.8 99-1 88.14 99.5 96.7 95.6 87.7 63.7 69.6 25.1 29.4 10.8 3.6 Code to Treatments No, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Treatment lbs /acre DN Dust DNOCHP- Frianite (1-99) EM Dust DNOCHP- Frianite (1-99) DN Dust DNOCHP- Frianite (1-99) DN Dust D-4 DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP- Prianite (2-1-97) DN Dust D-4 DOHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP- Frianite (2-1-97) DN Dust D..4 DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP- Frianite (2-1-97) DN Dust D-3 DNOCHP- Walnut shell flour (0.5 -99.5) DN Dust D-3 DUMP- Walnut shell flour (0.5-99.5) ON Dust 0-3 DNOCHP- Walnut shell flour (0.5- 99.5) DK Dust 1:67 DOHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP- Frianite (1-0.5-98.5) ON Dust 0-7 DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCM0- Frianite (1-0.5-98.5) DN Dust D-7 DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP- Frianite (1-0.5-98.5) Nicotine sulfate (40%) - Lime - sulfur (10-40-50) Nicotine sulfate (40%) - Lime - sulfur (10-4440) Nicotine sulfate (40%) - Lime - Sulfur (10-40-50) Check - No treatment DCHA designates Dicyclohexylamine DNOCHP designates Dinitro-ortho-cycloheva phenol 100 75 50 100 75 50 100 75 50 100 75 50 100 75 50 27 Purvine Weriment Buena Vista, Oregon Data collected 8/23/40 Dusted 8/16/40 Variety Late Clusters Treatment Percent dead red spiders ReOlicationa 5 3 4 Number 1 2 1 100.0 97.4 98.8 99.5 100.0 99.7 98.6 98.9 88.3 82.2 97.8 98.3 99.2 99.8 99.6 98.3 94.5 97.6 98.2 84.2 7.8 15.9 0.7 2 3 It 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 23.7 14.2 0.6 99.7 98.3 90.0 100.0 92.8 97.3 97.7 91.7 92.0 38.5 7.4 14.7 1.3 100.0 71.2 99.1 99.9 93.6 95.6 99.0 99.5 65.1 10.4 10.4 99.9 94.2 97.1 100.0 99.9 97.6 98.2 88.9 86.4 82.7 18.6 9.3 3.6 3.2 99.14 Mean 99.5 91.3 96.8 99.7 98.4 97.3 96.9 95.2 92.9 70.5 13.6 12.9 1.9 Differences necessary for significance Treatments Treatments Treatments (1-9 inclusive) (1-10 inclusive) (1-13 inclusive) At odds of 19-1... 32.2 At odds of 191... 11.1 At odds of 19-1... 7.4 49-1... 9.3 49-1... 13.9 149 -1... 40.5 99-1... 10.8 99-1... 16.2 99-1... 46.9 Code to Treatments No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Treatment DNOCHP- Frianite (1-99) DN Dust DNOCHP- Frianite (1-99) DN Dust DNOCHP- Frianite (1-99) DN Dust DN Dust D-4 DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP- Frianite (2-1-97) rr Dust D-4 DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP- Frianite (2-1-97) DN Dust D-4 DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP- Frianite (2-1-97) DN Dust D-3 DNOCHP- Walnut shell flour (0.5-99.5) DN Dust t1-3 DNOCHP- Walnut shell flour (0.5-99.5) DN Dust D-3 DNOCHP- Walnut shell flour (0.5-99.5) Nicotine sulfate (40%) - Lime - Sulfur (10-40-50) Nicotine sulfate (40%) - Lime - Sulfur (10-4040) Nicotine sulfate (40%) - Lime - Sulfur (10-40-50) Check - No treatment DCHA designates Dicyclohalylamane DNOCHP designates Dinitro- ortho- cyclohexyl phenol lbs/acre 100 75 50 100 75 50 100 75 50 100 75 50 28 Horst D. wZ.lete Herat Hop Ranch Independence, Oregon Dust applied 8/15/140 Data collected 8/21/40 Variety Late Clusters Treatment Number 1 2 3 14 5 1 95.5 91.0 18.1 92.3 1.2 2 Percent dead red spiders Replications 3 4 5 99.1 90.5 58.4 60.6 6.6 98.4 98.9 21.9 66,1 4.3 98.2 90.3 64,0 61.2 2.5 97.6 96.5 mean 76.4 57.0 97.8 93.4 47.8 67.4 2.2 3.4 Differences necessary for significance Treatments Treatments (1 to 5 inclusive) (1 to 4 inclusive) At odds of 19-1.... 21.5 At odds of 19-1.... 24.5 49-1.... 26.9 49-1.... 30.76 99-1.... 31.2 99-1.... 35.6 Note- Ten leaves populated with 1948 red spiders were counted from another part of this yard. This had been dusted with Niagara sulfur and resulted in 21 percent kill. Dusts were applied with the Horst duster. Code to Treatments No. 1 2 3 4 5 Treatment lbs/acre EN Dust Applied with Experimental duster DN Dust D-4 Applied with D4 ..., mental duster DN Dust Applied with Horst aphis duster DU Dust D-4 Applied with Horst aphis duster Check - No treatment DN Dust designates Dinitro-ortho-cyclohexyl phenol and Frianite (1-99) 75 75 75 75 DN Duct D-4 designates Dicyclohe4rlamine salt of Dinitroortho-cyclohexyl phenol (2%) Dinitro-ortho-cyclohexyl phenol (1%) and Frianite (97%) 29 Summary of 1940 Experimental Plots Percentage of Dead Spiders (Weighted-Mean of Treatment) Replications /lean Mean 2 6 1 5 3 4 2 1 acre Treatment 100 0.9 100.0 99.6 99.0 99.1 95.5' 95.0 Wa) bk -bust DN Dust 75 97.7 99.2 97,0 97.2 88.4 32.1 98.3 85.3 95.9 81.2 96.6 3.9 -I Dust 50 99.8 91.6 97.6 97.1 97.1 100 98.7 98.0 97.6 99.9 99.7 84.4 96.4 98.8 D' Dust D-4 -87.2 97.8 34.2 99,4 98.5 DN Dust D-4 99.6 97,1 94,0 75 99,6 -DN Duet D-4 50 99.5 99.2 97.1 90.6 97.7 40.8 87.5 96.8 96.1 99.2 100 99.8 99.2 99.9 99.4 97.5 80.9 L1 Dust D-3 -84.h 97.9 16.7 DN Dust D-3 95.3 98.9 75 99.8 97.3 98.8 98.4 89.8 94.5 50 98.3 86.3 98.5 96.0 93.6 66.3 DN Dust D-3 -81.8 88.1 56.6 --DN Dust D-7 100 93.4 96.0 84.5 78.6 -34.8 94.2 70.6 79.6 DN Dust L1-7 75 88.4 77.8 87.6 64.6 30.2 -50 75.9 83.2 67.2 65.8 -64.5 73.0 DN Dust D-7 100 3.8 -41.4 48.9 Nicotine sulfur 45.3 41.3 69.0 24.3 614.8 -25.8 28.5 75 20.4 67.8 12.9 27.5 13.9 12.3 Nicotine sulfur 50 12.5 16.0 29.4 U.S 10.9 14.9 16.1 Nicotine sulfur -9.3 100 64.3 Botano-Py #10 75 66.5 Botano-Py #10 Botano -Py #10 50 37.7 4.6 1.6 6.2 2.4 Check 9.6 10.3 4.8 0.7 5.5 Mean 1 includes first and excludes second Corvallis applications !lean 2 excludes both Corvallis applications lbs/ Locetons 1. 2. 3. 4. Grants Pass Eugene Salem Canby ). 6. 7. Vista First Corvallis application Second Corvallis application DN Dust DN Dust D-4 DN Dust D-3 DN Dust D-7 Nicotine-sulfur Code to Treatments DNOCHP - Frianite DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP-Frianite DNOCHP-Walnut shell flour DCHA salt of DNOCHP-DNOCHP-Frianite Nicotine sulfate (40%) -- Lime - Sulfur Botano -Py #10 Pyrethrum flowers and extract - sulfur -talc. (10- 40-50) (1-99) (2-1-97) (1-0.5-98.5) (0.5-99.5) (1-0.5-98.5) (8.5-37-54.5) Differences necessary for significance (inaluaing first CorvallIe application) Excluding Botano-Py, Excluding Botano-Py', Check, Excluding Botano-Py Dust Chck and Nicotine dusts nicotine and D-7 dusts At odds of 19-1... 36.5 At odds of 19-1... 15.1 At odds of 19-1,0. 16.9 49-1... 45.8 49-1... 20.9 49-1... 18.0 99 -1... 53.1 99-1... 24.1 99-1... 20.7 (excluding Corvallis applications) Excluding Botano -Py, Excluding Botano-Py, Check, Excluding Botano-Py Dust Check and Nicotine dusts Nicotine and D-'7 dusts At odds of 04... 17.5 At odds of 19-1... At odds of 19-1... 4;1 49-1... 21.7 49-1... 7.7 49-1... 5.2 99-1... 24.9 99-1... 8.9 99-1... 6.0 30 Studies on Population Build-up after Dusting. Hull Experiment, Grants Pass, Oregon Populations ordfroWrrrr-Z-reserlk4tre Dusting lbs/acre Treatment DN Dust DN Dust DN Dust 106 DN Dust D-44 DU Dust D-.4 DN Dust Dm4 DN Dust E-3 75 50 100 75 102.2 193.9 183.9 104.1 Observed 17 days after Dusting 1,4 22.1 4.6 3.3 18.3 177V gxpected* 17 days after Dusting Percent Control** 120.6 Itf.tr 228,8 217.0 122.8 90.0 87.6 205.6 93.4 91.3 98.6 100 208,2 176.4 2.9 75 211.6 1 10.14 249.7 Ix Dust D-3 114.3 50 274.5 323.9 100 DK Dust D-7 160.3 189.2 39i:i DN Duet D-7 82.8 181.4 153.7 75 50 DU Dust D-7 219.3 258.8 88.5 i...i Check- No treatment -221.0 261.6 261.6 00.0 Nicotine sulfate-sUlfur and Botano-Py plots redusted by groner because of poor control. * Computed from the rate of(ncrease of the check /untreated plots) according to the original (mean) population of the individual plots. ** Computed from the formula. DN Dust D-,3 Expected population minus observed population Expected population X 100 Summary of Mr. Hull's red spider control using the Station Experimental duster and DU Dust at 50 lbs/acre. 22 days after application. Mean spiders per leaf (mean of 600 leaves) before dusting 198.0 Mean spiders per leaf after dusting 3.2 Percent Reduction 98.4 Summary of Mr. Ultonfs red spider control using his converted hop aphis duster and DN Dust at 50 lbs. per acre. 114 days after application. Mean spiders per leaf (mean of 100 leaves) befbre dusting 200.0 Mean spiders per leaf after dusting 0.6 Percent Reduction 99.7 31 Studies on Build-Up of Red Spider Populations after Dusting. Pankalla Experiment, Corvallis, Oregon. Mean popUlation of entire block before dusting. Treatment of red dere per leaf a- Expected populaObservedrpo tion of dusted tion on dusted plots 27 days plots 27 days after second after second dusting. 39 clays dusting. 39 days after first after first dusting. dusting. * Percent Control** Mean of all DN treated plots 462 33 554 93.7 Check No treatment 540 647 647 0.0 * Computed from the rate of increase of average population per leaf of entire block before dusting and the population per leaf of the check (untreated plot) after the second dusting. * Computed from the formula Expected ulation minus observed population 100 al119 (toted population Note- All plots with the exception of the check were treated with DN Dust, DU Dust D-4, De Dust D-3 and DM Dust D-7 at the rate of 75 pounds to the acre. Only a few rows were allowed to stand untreated. Summary of spray treatments at the Panic-ale Ranch Number of leaves counted Treatment water 5 lbs. 2/3 pt. 100 gal. Dry lime sulfur water 5 ibs. 100 gal. DN Dust D-14 SS-3 Percent Mean population per leaf Date applied dead spiders 20 1609 8/18/140 85 25 2147 7/18/40 63 The lime sulfur treatment was applied early in the season by Mi. Pankalla. A portion of this same yardman used one month later to test the effectiveness of DN Dust D-14 as a spray. The increase in population of red spiders which averaged 63 percent kill is interesting. 32 Studies on Build -Up of Red Spider Populations after Dusting. Christofferson Experiment, Eugene, Oregon a ons o r of ore Dusting Treatment Ms/acre DN Dust DN Dust DN Dust DN Dust D-4 DN Dust D-4 DN Dust D-4 DN Dust D-3 DN Dust D-3 ON Dust D-3 DN Dust D-7 Check- No treatment 100 75 50 100 75 50 100 75 50 100 63 88 101 90 64 68 87 101 110 77 73 s rs per observe 35 cWys after Dusting 1 3 3 1 1 2 3 1 4 19 245 e Expect-1mi 35 dare after Dusting 211 295 339 302 215 228 292 339 369 258 245 Percent Control 99.5 99.0 99.1 99.7 99.5 99,1 99.0 99.7 98.9 92.6 0.0 Note- All remaining treatments had been harvested at time of this survey. * Computed from the rate of increase of the check (untreated plots) according to the original (mean) population of the individual plots. ** Computed from the formula Expected population minus observed population Expected population 100 33 Studies on Build-Up of Red Spider Populations after Dusting. Chittenden Experiment, Salem, Oregon lbsjacre Treatment DN DN DN EU Dust Dust Dust Dust D-4 DN Dust 13-4 DN Dust D-4 DN Dust EI-3 DN Dust D-3 100 75 50 100 75 50 100 75 Population of red spiders per leaf Population 24 days Original after dusting population 238 12 17 23 29 23 75 34 714 95 22 96 106 158 104 55 Percent reduction 87.5 83.9 85.4 72.1 90.3 54.7 98.7 42.1 All other treatments and all checks were redusted by the grower with DN Dust at rate of 50 pounds per acre. The following data is a summary of counts made on hops which had been dusted by the favorer. The dusting unit was converted from a hap aphis duster to be used far red spider dusting. In general it was not efficient in giving adequate coverage on the undersides of the hop foliage. The different counts show a slight increase in kill which resulted from minor mechanical changes of the duster. Date applied Material No. of spiders per leaf 'Percent dead ti Met 0 lbs/acre 8/10/140 92 81.4 50 lbs/acre 8/11/40 314 87.4 DN Dust 311 Studies on Population Build -Up after Dusting Nordenhausen Experiment, Canby, Oregon a 913 before Dusting Treatment DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN Dust Dust Dust Dust Dust Dust Dust Dust Dust D-4 D-4 D-4 D-3 D-3 D-3 DN Dust D.-7 DN Dust D-7 IV Dust Dar Nicotine-sulfur Nicotine-sulfur Nicotine-sulfur Check Ms/acre 100 75 50 100 75 50 100 75 50 100 75 50 loo 75 50 . o re . Observed 28 days after dusting 248 137 82 82 23 26 26 17 514 19 29 194 90 236 65 103 50 99 53 69 86 814 5 per Expected * 28 days after dusting 726 401 2140 26 240 158 586 264 691 190 64 302 73 114 122 1146 3 16 185 224 246 , 290 155 202 251 246 Percent** Control 96.8 93.5 89.0 92.9 83.0 95.0 98.9 97.8 86.3 78.8 50,0 60.6 21.3 8.4 10,4 0.0 * Computed according to rate of increase of check (untreated plots) according to original (mean) population of individual plots. ** Computed according to the formula Expected population minus observed population Expected population X 100 35 b. Investi ations on the Effect DN Dusted Hops an Chemical arff651 TIECIMITTWWW ht Have on the Physical Quin-flee Uf-Heer. It was thought advisable to carry on tests in order to ascertain the effect DN dusted hops might have on the physical and chemical properties of hops and on the brewing quality of beer. A number of hop plants (Late Cluster variety) were accordingly dusted with DN dust and DN dust D-1 at the excessive rate of approximately 200 pounds per acre. Undusted rows were interspaced between the treated rows in order to prevent contamination due to drift. Hops were picked and dried the day after dusting. Samples of these hops were submitted to the Farm Crops Department and Chemistry Department of Oregon State College for physical and chemical analyses. Samples were also submitted to the Wahl-Henius Institute for brewing studies. There was no difference in chemical analysis between dusted and undusted hops as is indicated by the figures for preservative values. The undusted hops had somewhat better color as is indicated by their hue. This, however, offers no serious objection because color has not been correlated with hop quality. There was no difference between dusted and undusted hops with respect to brewing qualities of beer. The dusted and undusted hops show no other differences as shown by physical measurements. Several remarks in the report by the Wahl-Henius Institute require explanaption, The ring-like dark spots which were present in the undusted sample and which are mentioned by the Wahl-Henius report are probably due to an excess of oil in the small baler which was used for pressing the samples. The undusted hops were baled first and probably absorbed this excess oil. Sample 3 (DN dusted hops) were reported somewhat redder than the 36 other samples and apparently subjected to a greater extent of wind damage. The dusted plots were located on the southeastern portion of the yard and subjected to severe wind damage. It is probable that one sample may have shown this damage to a greater extent than the other samples. 62- 64 The couplet!. data on this study are given on pages / of the appendix. 5. Continued Compatibility Studies of DN and Other Insecticides Investigations were continued in the small plots of the Entomology section of the experimental hop yard. These tests were delayed until after the extensive field work had been completed. Reliable results on the pesticidal and phytocidal action of tested materials may not have been obtained because of the cool weather during the latter part of August. The method employed and diagram of experimental layout were similar to that reported in Journal of Economic Entomology 33, No. 1, P. 70, 1940. The following materials and combination of materials were tested during 1940. Treatment No. 1 2 3 14 Treatment Check - No treatment Dinitro-ortho-cresol Walnut shell flour 1.00 99.00 Dinitro-ortho-cresol Walnut shell flour 2.00 98.00 Dicyclohexyl amine salt of dinitro-orthocyclohexyl phenol Dusting sulfur Frianite 1.00 0.50 49.00 49.50 Dicylcohexyl .amine salt of dinitro-orthocyclohexyl phenol Dinitro-ortho-cyclohexyl phenol Dusting sulfur Frianite 2.00 1.00 49.00 48.00 Dinitro- ortho- cyclohexyl phenol 5 37 Treatments - Continued Treatment No. Treatment Dinitro- ortho- cyclohexyl phenol 6 Dusting sulfur Frianite 7 No application made 8 9 5% rotenone from Cube root Inert rotenone filler 1N-834-A-7 (*) Soapstone Diatomaceous earth 0.75 15.75 2.00 71.50 10.00 Check - No treatment Dinitro-ortho-cyclohexyl phenol 5% rotenone from Cube root Inert rotenone filler Frianite 0.85 0.75 14.25 84.15 Dicyclohexyl amine. salt of dinitro-orthocyclohexyl phenol Dinitro-ortha.cyclohexyl phenol 5% rotenone from Cube root Inert rotenone filler Frianite 0.85 0.425 0.75 14.25 83.725 12 Dinitro-ortho-cyclohexyl phenol Nicotine sulfate from 40% nicotine sulfate Frianite 0.875 5.000 94.125 13 Dicyclohexyl amine salt of dinitro-orthocyclohexyl phenol Dinitro-ortho-cyclohexyl phenol Nicotine sulfate from 40% nicotine sulfate Frianite 0.875 0.4375 5.0000 93.6875 14 Dinitro-ortho-cyclohexyl phenol Nicotine (Free) from 95% Nicofume Frianite 0.875 5.000 94.125 15 Dicyclohexyl amine salt of dinitro-orthocyclohexyl phenol Dinitro-ortho-cyclohexyl phenol Nicotine (Free) from 95% Nicofume Frianite 0.875 0.4375 5.0000 93.6875 10 11 16 Dicyclohexyl amine salt of Dinitro-orthocyclohexyl phenol Dinitro-ortho-cyclohexyl phenol Loro (rainy]. thiocyanate) Frianite (*) 1.00 49.00 50.00 An undisclosed activator manufactured by DuPont. 0.875 0.4375 5.000 93.6875 38 Discussion of Results 1. A very high mortality was measured in all of the treatments excepting treatment 8 (Rotenone .75%). This material was significantly poorer than any of the other treatments but decidedly better than the check. 2. Treatment 16 (DN-Loro combination) was the only treatment to give foliage injury. 3. This injury was considered as very severe. The dusts which contained nicotine and Loro (Nos. 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16) were very heavy and difficulty was experienced in handling them in the duster. 4. The addition of rotenone, nicotine sulfate, free nicotine and Loro did not add or detract from the toxic properties of the proprietary dusts. These mixtures were used immediately after mixing and it is pos- sible that aging might alter the toxic properties to some extent. 5. The dinitro-o-cresol dusts were equally as toxic as the regular DN dusts under the conditions of these testa. The weather was quits cool at the time of application and the true phytocidal action of these materials may not have been experienced. 6. Hop aphis populations were not sufficiently high during 1940 and the aphicidal properties of these mixtures could not be fully evaluated. The summary of these data are given on the following pages while complete data are given on pagea2)12-371 of the appendix.* * See Department of Entomology for original data. 39 Summary of Small Plot Dusting Trials Applied 8/11/40 Data collected 8/15/40 East Farm, Corvallis, Oregon Treatment Number 1 1 5 6 3.7 99.6 96.5 100.0 100.0 99.8 7 8 48.4 2 3 4 Percentage of dead= i&twiders Replication number 5 6 2 4 3 4.4 0.9 3.7 5.9 98.6 99.0 99.8 100.0 99.3 100.0 99.1 99.8 99.7 99.9 99.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.7 NO TREATMENT APPLIED 58.4 79.9 32.4 30.9 T 8 Ian 3.9 99.7 98.3 100.0 100.0 99.7 6.8 99.4 99.5 99.0 100.0 100.0 3.2 98.9 97.5 98.9 99.5 100.0 4.06 99.25 98.75 99.65 99.93 99.86 55.9 23.0 43.1 46.50 Differences necessary for significance at odds of 19-1 7.43 9.10 49-1 10.35 99-1 Differences necessary for significance (Treatments 1 and 8 omitted) (Check and rotenone plots) at odds of .67 19-1 .82 49-1 99-1 .93 Treatment Number 1 9 3.3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Percent of dead red spiders Replication number 6 2 4 3 5.7 98.7 99.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.8 100.0 4.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 6.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.7 100.0 99.5 99.3 1.3 99.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.7 100.0 100.0 1.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 7 5.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 ti 1.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Mean 3.58 99.76 99.98 100.00 99.96 99.96 99.91 99.91 Differences necessary for significance treatment 9 (Check) included at odds of 19-1 49-1 99-1 .88 1.07 1.22 Differences necessary for significance with treatment 9 (Check) excluded at odds of 0.23 19-1 0.28 49-1 0.32 99-1 140 The Initiation of the Study of Fungicidal Properties of DN Dusts. DN dusts were found to offer little promise for hop aphis control. It was noted, however, that in the dusting trials at the Sloper yard near This Albany that a few red spiders were killed in the cone by DN dusts. indicated that some dust could be introduced mechanically into the hop cone when it was nearing maturity. It is at this time of the season that hop aphis enter the cone and secrete honeydew which promotes the growth of 85 percent of all cones examined showed that mold started in sooty mold. cones which were infested with either living or dead aphis. The presence of this mold lowers the quality of hops. It was thought advisable to set up preliminary studies in order to determine the possibility of using DN dusts for sooty mold control. If this were possible, both spider and mold control might be controlled by the same dust. A number of hop clusters were accordingly brought into the laboratory and dusted with various DN dusts. hop aphis. These clusters were heavily infested with After dusting they were placed in a bell jar in order to maintain high humidity which is favorable for both aphis and mold development. two weeks, these hops were removed and examined for sooty mold. After The number of bracts of each cone which showed presence of mold were recorded. The following summary indicates that the DN dust in combination with sulfur had some promise. Treatment Check DN dust 2% dinitro-o-cresol DN dust D-14 DN dust D-14 - sulfur DN dust - sulfur T0 N cones examined 45 45 35 4o 45 ho Percen e infested cones 36 27 51 38 38 0 este. per cone 5 2 11 5 7 o ac 141 Sooty mold studies were continued in the laboratory by Mr. J. D. Vertrees, and the following account is taken from his report: "Two types of media were made up, one with the bodies of the hop aphid in agar, and the other with a decoction of hop stems, leaves, and cones in agar. The mold is reported to grow rather vigorously on the aphis bodies in the field, and it was thought that an agar containing aphis would be excellent for growth of the mold in culture. However, the mold grew no better than on the hop decoction agar, or even plain potato-dextrose agar. "The formula for the aphis agar is as follows: 10 grans of sterilised aphis bodies (steamed in autoclave) 17 grams agar 1000 cc. distilled water "The formula for the hop decoction agar is: 1 lb. hop leaves, cones, stems, etc. 1000 cc. water Boil for one hour. Strain. 900 cc. water 100 cc. hop decoction 30 grams agar "The infested hop cones were brought in from the field and the mold was isolated from this source. Cultures were finally obtained and were perpetuated on the hop agar and also on the potato-dextrose agar. "Tests were first run on the effect of pH on the growth rate of the hap mold. It was desired to find the optimum pH for the growth of this organism. The following table summarizes the results. The pH value was determined by the electrometer methods of pH determination. 42 No. pH value 1 2 3 2.34 2.71 3.01 3.15 3.42 3.54 3.88 4.23 5.89 6.53 7.33 7.73 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Neasurement of mold growth in sq. am. (six days after inoculation) Media hydrolyzed - did not solidity n n n is n 90 140 99 40 15 6 4 2 No growth " " "On the basis of these results, most of the other media, which was used for growth purposes in the experiments, was brought to the approximate pH of 3.20 to 3.15. "A few preliminary studies on the fungicidal effect of DN dusts were carried out. A summary of these are given in the following table. The tests were carried out in three different portions. amounts of the dusts were incorporated into the media. First, small Second, the agar plates were dusted before inoculation of the mold organism. plates were dusted five days after inoculation. used were 0.1 gram. per 25 cc. of media. Third, the The amounts of dusts (Plates poured in 25 cc. each) 143 SUMMARY OF TESTS ON HOP MOLD Dusts Incorporated into the Media Material DN D4 DN-S D4-S Sulfur Check Types of growth Means of dimensions in mm. Very slight growth No growth 2x8 ---3x8 6x11 n " n n Very slight growth Large growth Dusted before inoculation DN D4 DN-S D14-8 Sulfur Check -- No growth II n n if In It --- -- Very slight growth Large growth 2x5 6x14 Dusted after inoculation DN D4 DN-S Very slight increase in growth Growth killed 11 5x17 14x15 5x17 " 104-s Sulfur Check Measurements Original Final 52E17 6x114 Growth increased 6x17 5219 WS 5x17 5x17 7x14 9x19 "A final experiment was conducted on the fungicidal action of the DN dusts against the black hop mold. replications of each treatment. These tests were made with five The plates of hop agar were inoculated with the mold from the pure cultures and allowed to develop for five days. The measurements were then taken of the growth of the mold colonies. Dust was then applied to the surface of the cultures and allowed to remain at room temperature for ten days. Measurements were then taken, and the dif- ference in square millimeters of growth was tabulated." 14 It was evident from these laboratory studies that DN dusts had This was shown some inhibiting effect on the development of sooty mold. when the dusts were incorporated into the media or when the dust was applied either before or after inoculation. The pH range for optimum mold development centered between 3.01 and 3.42, and this suggests that the addition of the dusts which are slightly acid may have sufficiently changed the pH and prevented mold development. DN sulfur in these tests did not parallel the indications of the original laboratory tests. None of this work was conclusive but it was believed that the results were sufficiently favorable, and that preliminary field tests should be attempted. 145 Hop Mold Studies (Complete Data) Cone No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 E 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3o 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ho 41 42 43 44 45 Number of bracts shaming sooty mold spots* Treatments DM DustDMDN Dust D4 sulfur cresol DN dust Check D4 1 0 4 0 29 16 18 12 0 13 18 22 0 0 23 2 10 0 23 3 1 0 1 8 27 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 h 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 236 Total Mean per bract 5.24 % cones infested 35.5 2 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 10 0 0 54 0 0 6 42 7 11 0 39 9 49 46 37 5 0 2 11 9 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 30 0 0 21 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 25 At Dust,. Sulfur 0 3 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 29 24 9 3 4o 33 5 h 0 o 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 7 1 24 34 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 3 21 36 19 0 0 16 h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 2.24 391 11.17 219 5.47 317 7.04 0 0 26.7 51.4 37.5 37.7 0 0 0 2 25 29 0 * There are on an average of 50-55 bracts per cone. L6 The P tocidal Effect of DN Dusts on Various Craps, and the Associated Spiders on7Thardrws Control of DN dusts have been found very toxic to many species of red spiders and many of these pests have a wide list of host plants. Tetranychus telarius Linn for example is known to attack over 100 different host plants. Greenhouse plants, nursery plants, vegetables, fruit trees, brambles, etc. are included in this partial list. DN dusts are now known to possess definite toxicity to certain plants and the severity of plant injury by these varies with climatic factors. The principal contributing factor of this phenomenon appears to be temperature. It was thought advisable to carry on studies on the phytocidal action of DN dusts on a wide assortment of plants in an effort to learn the tolerance of these plants to DN dusts. This information would be of special benefit to subsequent red spider control if and when these controls were made necessary. Tests were made by Mr. Joe Schuh, Assistant Entomologist, of Oregon State College and J. D. Vertrees, Research Fellow, Dow Chemical. Company, Oregon State College. The tests made by Mr. Schuh were confined largely to greenhouse and nursery crops and those of Mr. Vertrees consisted largely of vegetable and field crops. Information of similar efforts were collected from California on nursery, vegetable and tree fruits. These tests were made by Professor W. E. Blauvelt and Dr. D. T. Prendergast. In all, 131 different kinds of plants were subjected to DN dusting of some kind. Not all were dusted with the same materials and the carriers of these dusts probably differed. There have been some conflicting reports depending on locality and the subsequent different climatic conditions. In general, it is indicated that plant tolerance is dependent largely upon the degree of succulence of the plant, the temperature at which the 47 dust is applied, the concentration of dinitro-o-cyclohezyl phenol in the These results also suggest that dust and the rate at which it is applied. each plant has its own thermal range. This has been determined on citrus and hops as approximately 100 degrees F. It is evident that the proprietary 1% dinitro-o-cyclohexyl phenol dust (DN dust) is toxic to most plants and the 0 dinitro-o-ayclohexyl phenol (DN dust D-3) is considerably safer. The 2% dicyclohexylamine salt of 1% dinitro-o-cyclohezyl phenol (DN dust D-4) tends to make this dust considerably safer to plants while the 1% dicyclohexylamine salt of 0 dinitroo-ayclohexyl phenol (DN dust D-7) slightly improves this margin of safety. The addition of sulfur to the dicyclohexylamine salts of DN (DN dust D-4; sulfur and DN dust D-7; sulfur) considerably reduces this margin of The following is a tabular summary of the plants tested. safety. Number of plants tested Type of dust DN dust DN dust th-3 DN DN DN DN dust dust dust dust D-4 D-7 D-4, sulfur D-7, sulfur Number of plants showing no burn Percentage of plants showing no burn 27 28 64 65 80 99 99 111 106 49 49 89 86 13 16 83 27 Satisfactory control of the common red spider was noted on such plants as beans, violet (a variety of double violet Princess Charlotte; which was developed by Nrs. R. H. Dearbor140 and hops. The successful con- trol of these pests centers itself about plait tolerance and development of satisfactory means of application of dusts. A list of the various plants tested is included on the following pages, and copies of the complete work are included in pages375-380 of the appendix.* * See Department of Entomology report for original data. 48 The following is a list of various plants which were dusted with various kinds of DM dusts. Data from Schuh. See Circular of Information, Oregon State College, No. 235, 1941. Hardwood Trees or Shrubs Variety Code No. 1. 2. Acer almatum rubrum disectum (Japanese lace-leaf maple) 3. 4. Aesoulns hippocastanum (Horse chestnut) Azalea hex. 5. UMW EMdigeri lea molls 6. sac c um (SilWragl) 7. 8. Wan alba (European White Birch) 9. WEB florida rubra (Pink flowering dogwood) Cotoneaster gprvhigmpHgalor oxyii011#1J54FLIRETawthorn seedlings) Crates 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. truxus Selpervirens (Boxwood) cneorua sylvatica purpurea (Copper beech) o Maidenhair tree) eat r sp. Kerrie Koelreu Laburnum nice, flore-pleno a paniculata /Rain tree) are (Golden chain, seedlings) 8 =jeans, us sp. (Apple seedlings) Prunus americana (American plum seedlings) Prunus aviva Otazzard cherry seedlings) t)runus CiFiiifera (Myrobolan plum seedlings) Prunus mahaleb (Mahaleb cherry seedlings) rue, sir."-Tnar seedlings) uercus rubra (Red oak) Rosa sp.-TIEStta cuttings) lirira sp. (Multiflora cuttings) ISTi sp. (Rugosa cuttings) americana (American linden) 716iinum tinus (Laurastinus) trtra The following dusts have been found safe for use on the above plants as designated by their code number. unsafe or questionable. Plants not listed below are either 149 DN Dust DN Dust D-3 7. 1. 11. 17. 23. 3. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 20. 23. 25. 28. 30. DN Dust D-4 1. 3. 5. 6. 7. DN Dust D-7 15. 16. 17. 20. 1. 3. 5 23. 7. 8. 8. 214. 10. 10. 11. 12. 25. 11. 12. 14. 15. 16. 28. 31. DK Dust D-48 17. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 28. 29. 31. DN Dust D-78 7. 3. 7. 11. 11. 12. 16. 17. 20. 23. 25. 28. 12. 17. 20. 23. 24. 25. 3. 28. 31. Evergreen Trees or Shrubs Data from Schuh (See Oregon State College, Circular of Information No. 235, 1941) Variety Code No. Cedrum deodora (Deodar cedar) Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana alumi (Alumi cypress) thamaecyparis Lawsoniana EWiTades (Birds' neat cypress) Juni erus ohinensis femina perils chinensis Prairiana (Pfitserfs juniper) Juni rue communis de ressa (Vase juniper) perus ilaiTiii-s c (Spring creek juniper) 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. junl rus HUTaate (Irish juniper) rus proc ens (Chines® creeping juniper) rue sabina Julerus virginiana (Eastern red cedar) cea conoglauca lar-ea ens (Colorado blue spruce) Pinus o (Uugho pine) u a or en s auras. nana (Berckmants golden dwarf) u a occidentans pyraraiis (Pyramidal arborvitae) u a occiddntelis woodwardi (Woodward's arborvitae) axus baccate ((3ciirMIThhe yew) The following dusts have been found safe for use on the above designated plants. Plants not so listed by their code number were either unsafe or questionable. 50 DN Dust DN Dust D..3 None 32. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 4o. 41. 44. 45. 46. 47. DN Dust D-4 32. 33. 35. 36. 37. 38. 40. hi. 42. DN Dust D-7 32 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 33. 35. 36. 37. 38. DN Dust D-4S DN Dust D-7S 41. 46. 47. 41. 44. 45. 46. 47. 142. 45. 46. 47 48. 49. 39. 40. 41. Greenhouse and Nursery Flowering Plants (Data from Blauvelt and Geary in California; Vertrees in Oregon) Code Number 5o. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 61i. 65. 66. 66A. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 79A. 80. Variety ,..__arbiE.J.z Aster Azalea Begonia Calendula California poppy Carnation (20 common commercial varieties) Chrysanthemums (50 common varieties) Coleus Crassula argentea Cyclamen Gardenia Geranium Hydrangea Xalenchoe Ligustrum lucid= Morning glory (Wild) Peony Peperomia Pilea macrophylla of se Better Times) Rose (Variety Briarcliff) Rose (Variety Premier Supreme) Rose (Variety Talisman) Rose (Variety Token) Rose (variety Yellow Gloria) Rose (wild) Saintpaulia Sedum Weinbergia Sagon Stock Violet (Princess Charlotte) Zinnia 51 The following dusts have been found safe for use on the plants as designated by their code numbers. Plants not so designated are either unsafe or questionable. DN Dust D-7 DN Dust D-4 50. 52. 53. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 79A. 62. 50. 52. 53. 54. 56. 58. 59. 60. 61. 63. 64. 65. 66. 66A. 67. 68. 69. 70. 54. 56. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 66A. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 79A. Note - DN dust D-4 mixed with water at rate of 1.5 pounds per 100 gallons of water showed no burn on 31 varieties of Chrysanthemums and slight burn on 9 varieties Fir Chrysanthemums. Fruit Trees Data from Amndergast and Vertrees Variety Code Number Code Number; 89. 90. Almond* Apple Apricot* Cherry* Fig* Filbert* Grapefruit Lemon 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. Variety Olive* Orange Peach* Pear* Pecan* Plum* Prune* Walnut (Persian) The following dusts have been found safe for use on the above plants as designated by the following code number. Plants not so listed are either unsafe or questionable. DN Dust 81. 87. 88. 89. 90. 95. 96. DN Dust D-3 81. 82. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 93. 94. 95. 96. DN Dust D-4 82. 87. 88. 90. 96. * Note - This dust not applied to the remainder of the above plants 52 Hardwood and Evergreen Shade Trees (Data from Prendergast) Varlet?' Code Number Elm 97. 98. 99. 100. Maple (Norway) Pine 3 care The following plants have been found safe for dusting with the dusts as designated below. ON Dust Alai 97. 99. 100. Dust D-3 97. 99. 100. Berries and Small Fruit (Data from Prendergast and Vertrees) Variety Code Number Blackberry Grape* Raspberry Strawberry 101. 102. 103. 104. The following plants as listed by their code number are safe for application of the following dusts. DN Dust DN Dust D-3 DN Dust D-4 ON Dust 0-7 None None 101. 103. 101. 103. * Grapes not dusted with LW dust D-4 or DN dust D-7. 53 Field Crops (Data from Prendergast and Vertrees) Variety Code Nubber Alfalfa Barley Clover Corn Flax Hops Rye Vetch (Hairy) Wheat 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. The following plants as listed by their code number are safe for application of the following duets. DN Duet 108. 111. 112. 113. DN Dust D-3 103. 105. 108. 110. 111. 112. 113. DN Dust D-4 103. 104. 105. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. DN Dust D-7 103. 10L. 105. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 54 Vegetable Crops (Data by Vortrees and Pandergast) Code Number Variety Artichoke (Jerusalem)* Asparagus* Bean Beets (Garden) Cabbage Celery Cucumbers Eggplant Muskmelon Onion* Peas Peppers (Bell) Potatoes Rhubarb* Squash Tomato Watermelon 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. The following plants as listed by their code number are safe for application of the following dusts. DN Dust DN rust D-3 114. 119. 120. 122. 123. 124. 127. 128. 130. 114. 116. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 126. 127. 128. 130. DN Dust D-4 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 124. 125. 126. 128. 130. * Not dusted with DN Dust D-4 or Di Dust D-7 DN Dust D-7 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 124. 125. 126. 128. 130. 55 8. Time Mortality Studies of DN on the pa. Red Spiders In answer to numerous requests regarding the rate of toxicity, Mr. J. D. Vertrees undertook to study this problem in some detail. Dosages of DN dust were held constant and the time required to kill red spiders was measured. The technique and complete data are found in the report of Mr. Vertrees to the Dow Chemical Company. A tabular summary of these results is all that is included at this point. Percent dead spiders Average 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 9. The Leaf Area of a Time required to kill spiders. Minutes. Overage) 24 33 43 52 62 71 79 90 100 110 (1 hour 50 minutes) 120 130 139 149 158 167 177 186 195 204 (3 hours 40 minutes) Plant and. Method of Its Estimation Gross (Hops in their Botanical and Commercial Aspect, page 16, Scott Greenwood and Company, London, 1900) reports Fleischmann as stating the total superficial leaf area of a hop plant is about 120 square feet. There was no mention of the method of obtaining this figure. The writer searched literature for some rapid and inexpensive 56 means of evaluating the total leaf surface of a hop plant and finally adopted the following procedure. Thirty different hop leaves were taken from several hap plants of the Late Cluster variety. square centimeters. These leaves varied in size from 10 to 400 An outline of each leaf was traced on paper and this model was carefully cut out with scissors. Various known areas of the paper were weighed and paper area was computed in terms of square centi meters per gram. The thirty leaf models were then computed for area on the basis of their weight. The thirty leaves were dried thoroughly and individual dry weight measurements were made for each leaf. The regression coefficient was then computed between the area of each leaf (as determined from paper models) and the dry weight of each leaf. Three hop plants of the Late Cluster variety (two female and one male) were then selected and every leaf was removed. The leaves of each plant were kept separate and their dry weight determined. An extension of the regression coefficient for each plant showed the following results. Dry weight of hop plant leaves Grams 629.50 623.75 702.25 Plant 1 b. 2 " 32 Mean Leaf surface area of hop plants sq. centimeters 86169.2750 86382.3875 96125.1125 89225.59 sq. ft. 92.75 91.90 103.47 96.04 It was found that the surface leaf area was not directly proportion,' al to dry weight of the leaves. Figures computed on the dry weight of each leaf on the basis of direct proportion are given as follows. 57 Plant 1 'b pi ft 108398.01 sq. cm. or 116.68 sq. ft. 107364.83 sq. cm. or 115.57 sq. ft. 120925.34 sq. cm. or 130.16 sq. ft. 2 3 Mean 112229.39 sq. cm. or 120.80 sq. ft. The above method is naturally subjected to many sources of variance (variety irrigation, soil fertility, cultural practices, etc.) but it is felt that for a reliable approximation it should serve very well. It will be noted that the mean value figured from direct proportion is very close to that mentioned by Gross while the value computed by regression is considerably lower. The variance between plants is not large and a differ- ence of 10 to 20 of the largest leaves could easily account for this difference. Complete data of this work with a table for rapid estimation of leaf area of hops from dry weight are given on the following pages. Boyce et al. (J.E.E. Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 450.4467, 1939) conducted laboratory studies with dinitro-o-cyclohexyl phenol on the Citrus Red Mite, Paratetranychus citri McG.vand found that .356 micrograms per square centimeter of this material was necessary for satisfactory control. They also stated that Tetranychus telarius was somewhat easier to control. There are normally 680 hop hills per acre which when mature would approximate 65,307 square feet (60,673.400 square centimeters). of leaf surface. From those figures an estimated 5 pounds of complete 1 percent dust would be necessary to adequate coverage of leaf surface for an acre of hops. The amount of DN dust found necessary for satisfactory control during the 1940 season was 50 pounds per acre. This represents a difference in material costs of $4.50 per acre, and indicates that considerable value could be achieved by continued investigations into more efficient dusting equipment. 58 Leaf Area-Dry Weight Study on Hop Leaves Dry Freight of Leaf No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 leaf, grams 2.875 .815 .655 .265 .395 .045 .110 .715 .170 .225 .100 .505 .330 .410 .745 .320 1.535 1.205 .640 .420 2.045 .180 .280 .740 .145 .315 .250 .040 1.200 1.155 Weight of paper replica, grams 1.675 .580 .505 .180 .390 .040 .110 .555 .170 .195 .100 .335 .265 .290 .505 .285 .795 .705 .505 .280 .875 .175 .235 .415 .135 .215 .185 .040 .710 .695 1 gram of paper averaged 267.11 square centimeters. Area of paper replica Square centimeters 447.4 154.9 134.9 48.1 104.2 10.7 29.4 148.3 45.4 52.1 26.7 89.5 70.8 77.5 134.9 76.1 212.4 188.3 134.9 74.8 233.7 46.7 62.8 110.9 36.1 57.4 49.4 10.7 189.7 185.6 59 Calculation of Regression Line of Hop Leaf Area from Leaf Weight (x) and Leaf Area (y) Weight of leaf (x) grams Area of leaf (y) Square centimeters 447.4 154.9 134.9 48.1 104.2 10.7 29.4 148.3 lo 11 12 13 2.875 .815 .655 .265 .395 .045 .110 .715 .170 .225 .100 .505 .330 114 .1410 15 16 17 .745 .320 1.535 1.205 .640 .420 2.045 .180 .280 .740 .145 .315 .250 .040 1.200 1.155 18.83 .628 Leaf No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total Mean Correlation coefficient 121.55 - 67.91 r= (1/.786 - .394) (- (L9399.93 - 11694.25) or 53.64 or .976 145.11 52.1 26.7 89.5 70.8 77.5 134.9 76.1 212.4 188.3 134.9 74.8 233.7 46.7 62.8 110.9 36.1 57.4 49.4 10.7 189.7 185.6 3241.3 108.14 Regression coefficient - Y = a plus bx b Standard deviation y Standard deviation x or 87.78 r 976 = 136.85 .626 a= Mean y - b Mean x or 108.1h - (136.85) (.628) or 22.20 = 22.20 plus 136.85 x 1.000 Then Y - 159.05 295.90 2.000 432.75 3.000 Total (e) 581997.79 108.14 .628 Mean (y4) 19399.93 86169.275(92.75 sq.ft Plant 1 Male .... 629.500 Total (14) 23.5825 85382.3875(91.90 Plant 2 Female... 623.75 Mean (x2) .786 96125.1125(103.47 " .626 Plant 3 Female .. 702.25 Standard deviation (x) Mean Standard deviation (y) 87.78 Mean (x2) .394 11694.25 Mean (y2) Total (xy) Mean (xy) 3646.5949 121.55 Let x The above leaf areas if computed from the would give the following results: 116.68 Plant 1 Male 115.57 Plant 2 Female 130.16 Plant 3 Female 120.80 Mean mean on basis of direct proportion sq. sq. sq. sq. ft. ft. ft. ft. 60 Table for Computing Surface Area of Hop Leaves from Dry Weight of Leaves (Variety Late Clusters) Dry weight Leaf area Dry weight Dry weight Leaf area sq. cm. grams eq. am, grams grams 23.57 .di 1.13 100.20 .57 101.57 .02 24.94 .58 1.14 102.94 .03 26.31 1.15 .59 27.67 .60 104.31 1.16 .04 29.04 .61 1.17 105.68 .05 .06 .62 107.05 1.18 30.41 .63 108.42 1.19 .07 31.78 08 .64 109.78 1.20 33.15 .65 .09 111.15 1.21 34.52 .10 112.52 .66 1.22 35.88 .67 113.89 1.23 .11 37.25 .12 .68 115.26 1.24 38.62 .69 116.63 .13 1.25 40.00 118.00 1.26 .70 .14 41.36 .15 119.36 1.27 .71 42.73 .72 120.73 .16 1.28 44.10 122.10 1.29 .17 45.46 .73 .18 46.83 123.47 1.30 .74 124.84 .19 .75 1.31 48.20 .20 126.21 1.32 .76 49.57 50.94 .21 127.57 1.33 .77 .22 .78 128.94 1.34 52.31 .23 130.31 1.35 53.68 .79 .80 131.68 1.36 .24 55.04 .25 .81 1.37 133.05 56.41 .26 .82 1.38 134.42 57.78 135.79 59.15 1.39 .27 .83 60.52 .28 1.40 .84 137.15 .29 61.88 138.52 .85 .30 .86 1.42 63.26 139.89 .31 64.62 141.26 .87 1.143 66.00 .88 142.63 1.44 .32 67.36 1.45 .89 144.00 .33 68.73 .145.37 1.46 .34 .90 1146.74 1.47 70.10 .91 .35 .36 .92 148.10 71.47 1.48 72.83 1.49 149.47 .37 .93 .38 150.83 1.50 74.20 .94 152.21 1.51 .39 75.57 .95 .40 76.94 .96 153.57 1.52 .41 1.53 78.30 154.94 .97 .42 156.31 1.54 79.68 .98 81.05 1.55 .43 157.68 .99 82.41 1.00 1.56 .44 159.05 .45 83.78 1.01 1.57 160.42 161.79 .46 85.15 1.02 1.58 86.52 1.03 163.15 1.59 .47 .48 87.89 1.04 164.52 1.60 89.26 165.89 1.05 1.61 .49 .50 1.62 90.63 1.06 167.26 168.63 1.63 .51 1.07 92.00 170.00 1.08 1.64 .52 93.36 1.09 171.37 1.65 94.73 .53 96.10 1.10 172.74 1.66 .54 1.67 1.11 174.10 97.47 .55 .56 98.83 1.12 175.47 La Leaf area eq. am. 176.83 178.21 179.57 180.94 182.31 183.68 185.05 186.42 187.78 189.15 190.52 191.89 193.26 194.63 196.00 197.36 198.73 200.10 201.47 202.84 204.21 205.57 206.94 208.31 209.68 211.05 212.42 213.79 215.15 216.52 217.89 219.26 220.63 222.00 223.37 224.74 226.10 227.47 228.83 230.21 231.57 232.94 234.31 235.68 237.05 238.42 239.78 241.15 242.52 243.89 245.26 246.63 248.00 249.37 250.74 61 Table for Computing Surface Area of Hop Leaves (Continued) Dry weight grams 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.71 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 1.76 1.77 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.81 1.82 1.83 1.84 1.85 1.86 1.87 1.88 1.89 1.90 1.91 1.92 1.93 1.94 1.95 1.96 1.97 1.98 1.99 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 Leaf area sq. cm. 252.10 253.47 254.84 256.21 257.58 258.94 260.31 261.68 263.05 264.42 265.79 267.15 268.52 269.89 271.26 272.63 274.00 275.37 276.73 278.10 249.47 280.84 282.21 283.58 284.94 286.31 287.68 289.05 290.42 291.79 293.16 294.52 295.89 297.26 298.63 300.00 32.37 302.74 304.10 305.47 396.84 308.21 309.58 310.95 312.31 313.68 315.05 316.42 317.79 319.16 320.53 321.89 323.26 Dry weight grams 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.3o 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.37 2.38 2.39 2.4o 2.41 2.42 2.43 2.44 2.45 2.46 2.47 2.48 2.49 2.50 2.51 2.52 2.53 2.54 2.55 2.56 2.57 2.58 2.59 2.60 2.61 2.62 2.63 2.64 2.65 2.66 2.67 2.68 2.69 2.70 2.71 2.72 2.73 Leaf area sq. cm. 324.63 326.00 327.37 328.74 330.11 331.47 332.84 334.21 335.58 336.95 338.32 339.68 341.05 342.42 343.79 345.16 346.53 347.90 349.26 250.63 352.00 353.37 354.74 356.11 357.48 358.84 360.21 361.58 362.95 364.32 365.69 367.05 368.42 369.79 371.16 372.53 373.90 375.27 376.63 378.00 379.37 380.74 382.11 383.48 384.85 386.21 387.58 388.95 390.32 391.69 393.06 394.42 395.79 Dry weight grams 2.74 2.75 2.76 2.77 2.78 2.79 2.80 2.81 2.82 2.83 2.84 2.85 2.86 2.87 2.88 2.89 2.90 2.91 2.92 2.93 2.94 2.95 2.96 2.97 2.98 2.99 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.0 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.2o 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 Lea! area _151. 397.16 398.53 399.90 401.27 402.64 40440 405.37 406.74 408.11 409.48 410.85 412.22 413.58 414.95 416.32 417.69 419.06 420.43 421.79 423.16 424.53 425.90 427.27 428.64 430.00 431.37 432.74 434.11 435.48 436.85 438.22 439.59 440.95 442.32 443.69 445.06 446.43 447.80 449.16 450.53 457.90 453.27 454.64 456.0o 457.37 458.74 460.11 40..48 462.85 464.22 465.58 466.95 468.32 APPENDIX 62 The common red spider, Tetranychus telarius, is the most important hop pest in the Pacific Northwest. This tiny mite feeds on the under- surface of the hop leaf and at harvest time will enter the ripening cone. General lowering of yields, defoliation and lowering of quality result when this pest is abundant. The Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station instituted a research program for the control of this pest in 1937. Large scale field tests were attempted during 1940 and the Division of Drug and Related Crops of the United States Department of Agriculture, the Dow Chemical Company of Midland, Michigan, and the Departments of Entomology and Agricultural Engineering of Oregon State College cooperated in this endeavor. Two proprietary compounds were found to be satisfactory at the rate of 50 pounds to the acre, and efficient dusting units were necessary for their application. 1. DN dust. 2. DN dust D-4 The two materials are given as follows: Dinitro-ortho-cyclohexyl phenol Frianite 1% 99% Dinitro-ortho-cyclohexyl phenol Dicyclohexyl amine salt of dinitro- orthocyclohezyl phenol Frianite 1% 2% 99% The above materials had been approved by the Pure Food and Drug Administrap. tion but there was some question regarding their possible effect on the brewing industry and the production of beer. A number of hop vines (variety Late Clusters) were selected and dusted heavily (approximately 200 pounds per acre) with these materials. An undusted portion of the same variety was set aside for comparative purposes. Undusted roes were interspersed between each dusted row to prevent contamination due to drift. picked and dried the day after treatment. The hops were Physical and chemical tests were made by the Departments of Farm Crops and Chemistry of Oregon State College. The data from these analyses are submitted as follows: Chemical Analysis Treatment Percent by weight Beta Alpha resin resin (B) Moisture (Al Hard resin Preservative value 10 (A + i) 11.66 10.17 10.72 1.29 1.05 0.98 98.0 97.6 98.7 DN dust DN dust D-4 Check (Undusted) 9.32 10.96 10.80 5.91 6.37 5.30 Physical Analysis Color Treatment DN dust DN dust D-4 Check (Undusted) Treatment DN dust D-4 ::2:::;Undusted) Treatment DN dust DN dust 5-4 Check (Undusted) Treatment DN dust DN dust D-4 Check (Undusted) Green 10 gy 7/8 23 27 29 Yellow 10 yr 7/8 16 13 12 Black Gray N-1 N-7 Hue Chrome Brilliance 22 27 21 5.90 5.00 7.07 1.95 1.30 2.05 5.5 5.6 5.5 49 33 38 Foreign Material Seeds items ano leaves Weight Weight % % 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.5 0.4 0.4 3.54 2.40 3.00 Strip, Weight 9.6 10.7 8.7 1.92 2.14 1.54 16.7 12.0 15.0 Lupulin Examination Lupulin Aroma Evaluation Evaluatlon Color 0-10 1-20 Amount Description Med. pleas. " " 16 16 16 Med. Good General Examination Appearance General evaluation description Good Good Good 9.0 9.5 9.5 8 8 9 n Condition of color (1-10) Cryst. Trans. Med. yellow 9 9 9 Seed color Seed density Pubescence or strigs 3 tan - 2 purp. 3 tan-2 purple 2 tan-3 purple 2/5 3/5 3/5 Dense-short Med. - Med. Med. - short There was no apparent significance in the chemical properties (preservative Value) of either treatment on untreated hops. The check on untreated sample was somewhat superior to the dusted hops as is indicated by the hue of these samples. This offers no serious objection because color is not correlated with the quality of hops. Samples of these dusted hops were submitted to the Wahl-Henius Institute of Chicago, Illinois, for brewing tests. The results of this study are submitted in its entirety in the following report. Two items of explanation of this report are given at this point. 1. Sample 1 (Undusted sample), ring-like dark spots which were not present in any of the other samples. This resulted from an excess of oil in the small baler used for pressing the samples. 2. Sample 3 (DN dusted sample) was somewhat redder and subject to apparent wind damage. This was probably true. The loca- tion of the dusting plots was in the southeastern section of the yard which is subjected to severe wind damage. DINITRO-ORTHO-CYCLOHEXYLPHENOL DEPOSITS ON DUSTED HOP LEAVES In cooperation with Ur. Uorrison, of the Entomology Department, samples of hop leaves that had been dusted with varying amounts and percentages of dinitro-ortho-cyclohexylphenol were collected and analyzed. The DN dust was prepared using either walnut flour or Frianite as the carrier or diluent. The DN was incorporated to give either a .5 per cent or a 1.0 per cent DN dust. The dust was then applied to the hops at the rate of 50, 75 or 100 pounds to the acre. About fifteen leaves were then selected from each plot, from which eight were taken for the chemical analyses. From this group, eight leaves were selected that measured by the planimeter about 1000 square centimeters. after extraction of the DN by the solvent used. The leaves were measured The accompanying table contains the results obtained. On the assumption that a 1 per cent DN dust would deposit more than a .5 per cent dust, and that when used at 100 pounds of the dust to the acre greater amounts would be deposited than when used at the rate of 75 or 50 pounds to the acre, the results as a whole are contradictory, and inconsistent. For example, at Grants Pass, more DN was deposited when a .5 per cent dust was used than when a 1.0 per cent dust was used. Also the Corvallis yard deposited more DN when a .5 per cent dust was used at 50 pounds to the acre than when it was used at 75 or 100 pounds to the acre. There seems to be a fair consistency in the relative amounts deposited from 50, 75 and 100 pounds to the acre in the Eugene yard, but there again less dust was deposited when used at the rate of 1.0 per cent than when used at the rate of .5 per cent DN. There is a possibility that the quality of the hop leaf surface or the influence of dew together with mechanical imperfections that might prevent even distribution of the dust at close range may account for the inconsistencies of the results. On the other hand it may be possible that a .5 per cent DN dust will deposit more of the active ingredients than a 1.0 per cent dust. Unquestionably there is a large error of sampling, since some of the leaves were so thickly covered with the dust that it was easily visible and imparted a yellowish color to the extract.. ing solvent. Notations of possible abnormally large amounts of dust were made before analyses, and these observations usually were found true. It is also interesting to note, as were obtained from the Eugene yard, the results were fairly consistent at 50, 75 and 100 pounds of the DN dust to the acre. The fact that a .S per cent dust deposited larger amounts than 1.0 per cent dust may be actually true, and it might be well to test a concentration even lower than .5 per cent for deposit, especially if the latter has given as effective control as did the 1.0 per cent dust. 67 19140-14.1 Dinitro-ortho-cyclohegylphenol on dusted hop leaves ...ortrr_s.142. DN in dust: Lbs. Acre: ory Yards a t ran ass : ene SURE-crograms tro-0-cy o egy p now sq. cm. .5 50 1.07 1.13 .44 .89 .5 75 .69 1.38 .58 1.23 .5 10o .97 1.58 .92 .81 1.0 5o .96 .6o .18 .90 1.o 75 .45 .74 .25 1.12 1.0 100 2.30 .70 .30 1.28 Lab. book R -7, p. 224. C 0 P OREGON STATE COLLEGE School of Agriculture Experiment Station Extension Service Corvallis September 16, 1940 Dean Wa. A. Schoenfeld Campus Dear Dean Schoenfeld: The attached excerpts from letters addressed to Dr. Mote relative to the hop red spider control program are transmitted herewith for your information and for any disposition you wish to make of them. It occurs to me that you may wish to transmit a copy to Mr. Mac Hoke, Chairman of the Experiment Stations Committee through President Ballard inasmuch as the work done on the red spider problem was under the legislative funds. These letters of commendation from prominent hop growers were, I believe, unsolicited and speak well for the progress Doctors Morrison and Mote have made with this problem. Very truly yours, R. S. Besse, Asst. Director Agrfl. Experiment Station RSBOLH ccs D. C. Mote H. E. Morrison C 0 p Y Box 366 Eugene, Oregon August 21, 1940 Doctor Don C. Mote Oregon State College Corvallis, Oregon Dear Doctor Mote: I want to take this opportunity to thank Oregon State College for the demonstration of red spider dusting which they performed in my hop yard. I am well pleased with the results and I know it is a great benefit to the hop growers in this district to have a dust that will kill red spider. Sincerely yours, /8/ L. S. Christofferson 70 C 0 P Y Corvallis, Oregon August 17, 19140 Dr. Don C. Mote Agriculture College Dear Sir: I wish to thank you for the good work you have done on our hop ranch, of the control of red spider. The five acres that Mr. Morrison dusted we picked every hop, and the rest of our forty acres, which we did not dust, we lost considerable hops, which to my estimation would amount to around six hundred dollars. Hoping that you continue this experiment which we appreciate very much. I also want to thank Mr. Morrison for his prompt cooper*. tion. Thanking you again, we remain Yours respectfully /3/ H. L. Pankalla 71 C 0 EOLA RANCH, Independence, Oregon August 21st, 1940. Dr. Don C. Mote, c/o Oregon Agricultural College Corvallis, Oregon Dear Dr. Motes- We wish to express our appreciation to you and to Dr. Morrison for the very thorough experiments you have made this summer with the D.N. dust in the control of red spider in hops. Today we had an opportunity to examine leaves which had been dusted on a check plot in one of our yards and found more dead mites than we had ever seen after using wet sprays or any of the dusting sulphurs. As you know, we have tried a great many different combinations of dusting materials in an effort to control red spider but none of them have been satisfactory. Fortunately, there has been a very light infestation of red spider this season but we have seen several seasons when growers' crops have been reduced by two or three bales to the acre and the quality of the crop damaged by red spider. This has cost the growers thousands of dollars. We sincerely hope that the experiments can be continued another We season in order that growers will be prepared to combat this pest. believe that within a few years, most growers will use the D.N. dust in their routine dusting programs, the same as they now use dust or spray for combating aphis. Very truly yours, E. CLAM) NS HOIST CO. By DFK D. F. Kennedy