Annotating Protein Function through Lexical Analysis Rajesh Nair and Burkhard Rost

AI Magazine Volume 25 Number 1 (2004) (© AAAI)
Annotating Protein
Function through
Lexical Analysis
Rajesh Nair and Burkhard Rost
■ We now know the full genomes of more than 60
organisms. The experimental characterization of
the newly sequenced proteins is deemed to lack behind this explosion of naked sequences (sequencefunction gap). The rate at which expert annotators
add the experimental information into more or
less controlled vocabularies of databases snails
along at an even slower pace. Most methods that
annotate protein function exploit sequence similarity by transferring experimental information for
homologues. A crucial development aiding such
transfer is large-scale, work- and management-intensive projects aimed at developing a comprehensive ontology for gene-protein function, such as
the Gene Ontology project. In parallel, fully automatic or semiautomatic methods have successfully
begun to mine the existing data through lexical
analysis. Some of these tools target parsing controlled vocabulary from databases; others venture
at mining free texts from MEDLINE abstracts or
full scientific papers. Automated text analysis has
become a rapidly expanding discipline in
bioinformatics. A few of these tools have already
been embedded in research projects.
roteins are the machinery of life. The information for life is stored in a four-letter
alphabet in the genes (deoxyribonucleic
acid [DNA]) (Alberts et al. 1994; Lodish et al.
2000). This four-letter DNA alphabet is translated into a 20-letter amino acid alphabet constituting the basic language for proteins, the
machinery of life. Proteins are formed by joining amino acids through peptide bonds. Proteins differ greatly in the number of amino
acids joined (from 30 to more than 30,000)
and the arrangement and types of amino acids
used (dubbed residues when joined in proteins). Proteins are the macromolecules that
perform all important tasks in organisms, such
as catalysis of biochemical reactions, transport
of nutrients, and recognition and transmission
of signals. The plethora of role aspects of any
particular protein is referred to as its function.
However, protein function is not a well-defined term. Instead, function is a complex phenomenon that is associated with many mutually overlapping levels: chemical, biochemical,
cellular, organism mediated, developmental,
and physiological. These levels are related in
complex ways; for example, protein kinases
can be related to different cellular functions
(such as cell cycle) and to a chemical function
(transferase) plus a complex control mechanism by interaction with other proteins. The
same kinase can also be the culprit that leads
to misfunction, or disease. Thus, identifying
protein function is a step toward understanding diseases and identifying drug targets (Brutlag 1998).
The first entire genome (DNA) sequence of a
free living organism, Haemophilus influenzae,
was published in 1995 (Fleischmann et al.
1995). Currently, we know the full genomes
for more than 100 organisms; for more than 60
of these, the data are publicly available and
contribute about 250,000 protein sequences,
that is, about one-fourth of all currently
known protein sequences (Carter et al. 2003;
Liu and Rost 2001; Pruess et al. 2003). The
number of entirely sequenced genomes is expected to continue growing exponentially for
at least the next few years. This explosion of se-
Copyright © 2004, American Association for Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved. 0738-4602-2004 / $2.00
PRT; 319 AA.
AC P15172;
DE Myoblast determination protein 1 (Myogenic factor MYF-3).
OS Homo sapiens (Human).
OC Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
OC Mammalia; Eutheria; Primates; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
OX NCBI_TaxID=9606;
KW Myogenesis; Differentiation; Developmental protein; Nuclear protein;
KW Transcription regulation; DNA-binding.
FT DNA_BIND 109 121
122 161
K -> E (IN REF. 2).
Figure 1. Protein Entry in SWISS-PROT.
The SWISS-PROT identifier for the protein MYOD_HUMAN is found under the header ID. The type of protein and its source organism are
found under the DE and OS headers, respectively. Detailed functional information regarding the protein is found under the header CC.
This information is written in plain English and is not suitable for computer analysis. Following the KW header are keywords describing
the function of the protein. The keywords use a restricted vocabulary and are ideal for tools for text analysis.
quence information has widened the gap between the number of protein sequences deposited in public databases and the experimental characterization of the corresponding
proteins (Baker and Brass 1998; Koonin 2000;
Lewis et al. 2000; Rost and Sander 1996). Bioinformatics, sometimes referred to as functional
genomics, plays a central role in bridging the sequence-function gap through the development
of tools for faster and more effective prediction
of protein function (Bork et al. 1998; Fleischmann et al. 1999; Luscombe et al. 2001; Valencia 2002; Valencia and Pazos 2002).
Here, we briefly review some of the attempts
at annotating function through homology
transfer. The most widely used methods that
allow guessing protein function rely on the
ability to correctly mine the information deposited in public databases and scientific journals. Although we need a comprehensive ontology for protein function, developers have
begun to successfully explore the marvels of an
ever-increasing body of research in biology and
medicine. There are two major methods attempting automatic lexical analysis: (1) parsing of controlled vocabulary from databases
and (2) mining unstructured text available
from scientific publications. We could not cover all the promising approaches that have
mushroomed over the last 5 to 10 years; therefore, we focus in detail on a few success stories.
Annotations and Annotation
Transfer of Protein Function
Information about protein sequences is stored
in public databases such as SWISS-PROT and
TREMBL (table 1). SWISS-PROT (Apweiler 2001;
Bairoch and Apweiler 2000) is an expert-curated database that also contains annotations
about function (figure 1). These annotations
(Boeckmann et al. 2003)
TrEMBL (Boeckmann et al. 2003)
Gene Ontology (Ashburner et al. 2000)
(Mewes et al. 2000)
(Carter et al. 2003)
Table 1. Web Sites of Major Databases and Genome Resources.
are added by a team of expert annotators who
extract this information primarily from journal
publications (Junker et al. 2000). TREMBL
(Bairoch and Apweiler 2000) consists of entries
that are derived from the translation of all coding sequences in the EMBL nucleotide sequence
database that are not in SWISS-PROT. Unlike
SWISS-PROT records, those in TREMBL are awaiting manual annotation. SWISS-PROT currently
contains only 113,470 sequence entries, and
the TREMBL database contains over 755,169 sequence entries (Boeckmann et al. 2003).
Annotations of function primarily occur
through homology transfer. Experimentally
determining protein function continues to be
a laborious task that can take enormous resources; for example, more than a decade after
the discovery, we still do not know the precise
and entire functional role of the prion protein
(Harrison et al. 1997). The automatic elucidation of the protein function is therefore an appealing challenge (Apweiler et al. 1997; Eisenberg et al. 2000; Gaasterland and Sensen 1996).
The most commonly used approach for the automatic elucidation of protein function relies
on the fact that two proteins with similar sequence often have a similar function.
The basic idea to exploit this fact involves
the following steps: (1) extract the experimental information from the literature into a controlled vocabulary of annotated databases; (2)
establish thresholds T for pairwise sequence
similarity that imply similarity in function; (3)
for a protein U of unknown function, search
the database for proteins {K} that have a sequence similarity to U: SIM(K, U) > T; and (4) if
any such protein K is found, transfer its annotation to U. Albeit this concept appears
straightforward, in practice, there are many
hurdles to overcome: First, the function is not
well defined; hence, it is very difficult to create
controlled vocabularies (Ashburner et al. 2000;
Bairoch and Apweiler 2000). Second, because
function is such a complex phenomenon, it is
very difficult to assign one number that describes all these roles at once (Ashburner et al.
2000; Todd et al. 2001). Third, to add to the
complication, it seems that the precise values
for thresholds of significant sequence similarity (T) are actually specific to particular function—that is, become T(F)—and have to be
reestablished for any given task (Devos and Valencia 2000; Nair and Rost 2002a, 2002b;
Ouzounis et al. 1998; Rost 2002, 1999; Todd et
al. 2001; Wilson et al. 2000; Wrzeszczynski and
Rost 2003). In general, the inference of function is reliable only for very high levels of sequence similarity (Devos and Valencia 2001;
Nair and Rost 2002; Rost 2002). For reliably inferring the subcellular localization of a protein
using homology transfer, a sequence identity
of more than 80 percent is required. At this sequence identity, subcellular localization annotations can be transferred at more than 90-percent accuracy. Below this threshold, the
accuracy of annotation transfer rapidly decreases (Nair and Rost 2002b).
Several pitfalls in transferring annotations of
function have been reported, for example, having inadequate knowledge of thresholds for
“significant sequence similarity”; using only
the best database hit; or ignoring the domain
organization of proteins (Bork and Koonin
1998; Devos and Valencia 2001; Doerks et al.
1998; Galperin and Koonin 2000). Despite all
these problems, the majority of annotations
about function in public databases result from
homology transfer (Devos and Valencia 2001;
Koonin 2000; Valencia 2002). Databases such
as SWISS-PROT usually do not provide pointers
for the origin of the information. One problem
arising from this approach is that it is difficult
to distinguish annotations that are experimental from those that are predicted.
Problem 1:
Multiple Levels of Description
The function of a protein is context depen-
dent. Database annotations of protein function
are often confusing because of the variety of
functional roles (Attwood 2000). For reliable
automatic predictions, computer-readable hierarchical descriptions of function are needed
(Bork et al. 1998; Overbeek et al. 1997).
Several groups and associations have ventured to introduce numeric schemata to define
function. The first attempt was the introduction of enzyme classification numbers (Webb
1992); this classification uses four digits to classify enzymatic activity. The first enzyme classification digit distinguishes the general types of
enzymes; the second enzyme classification digit specifies the substrate (oxireductases), the
group transferred (transferases), the type of
bond (hydrolases, lyases, ligases), or the type of
reorganization (isomerases). The third and
fourth digits provide more detail (for an excellent survey of structural aspects of enzymatic
function, see Todd, Orengo and Thornton
[2001]). MIPS attempts to extend this idea to a
wider perspective, with more proteins and
more roles, through its classification catalog
(Mewes et al. 2000).
Arguably, the most impressive gargantuan
effort at defining ontology for protein function
originates from the gene ontology consortium
(Ashburner et al. 2000). Gene ontology distinguishes three levels of protein function: (1)
molecular, (2) biological, and (3) cellular. At
the molecular level, the protein can, for example, catalyze a metabolic reaction and recognize or transmit a signal. In a biological
process, a set of many cooperating proteins is
responsible for achieving broad biological
goals, for example, mitosis, purine metabolism, or signal transduction cascades. The cellular category includes the structure of subcellular compartments, the localization of
proteins, and macromolecular complexes. Examples include nucleus, telomere, and origin
recognition complex. The subcellular localization of a protein is an essential attribute for
this level. The totality of the physiological subsystems and their interplay with various environmental stimuli determine properties of the
phenotype, the morphology and physiology of
the organism and its behavior. Gene ontology
is not complete. In fact, now after almost a
decade of efficient work, the first notable coverage of the experimental information is complete, and the developers contemplate restarting. Nevertheless, gene ontology constitutes
the best set of definitions available today.
Problem 2: No Machine-Readable
Functional Information
Nearly all databases present the protein se-
quence in formats that are more or less
straightforward for parsing by computers.
However, annotations are mostly written in
plain text using a rich biological vocabulary
that often varies in different areas of research
(figure 1). Such annotations are primarily
meant for the eyes of human experts; hence,
they are not machine readable (Eisenhaber and
Bork 1999). Another problem that hampers automatic annotations is the quality of database
annotations: Only a few database groups attempt a quality control of curated annotations
(Tsoka and Ouzounis 2000).
Automatic Lexical Analysis of
Controlled Vocabularies
Protein databases such as SWISS-PROT usually
contain functional annotations at a very detailed level of biochemical function; for example, a given sequence is annotated as a cdc2 kinase but not as being involved in intracellular
communication (Apweiler 2001; Tamames et
al. 1998). A number of text-analysis tools have
been implemented that infer various aspects of
cellular function from database annotations of
molecular function. Many methods explore
the functional annotations in SWISS-PROT, especially the keyword annotations (Eisenhaber
and Bork 1999; Fleischmann et al. 1999; Nair
and Rost 2002a; Tamames et al. 1998).
SWISS-PROT currently contains over 800 keyword functional descriptors. Semantic analysis
of the keywords is used to categorize proteins
into classes of cellular function (Andrade et al.
1999b; Bork et al. 1992; Karp et al. 1999;
Ouzounis et al. 1996; Riley 1993; Riley and
Labedan 1997). There are two types of methods: (1) fully automated and (2) semiautomatic.
With fully automated methods, the problem
of automatically extracting rules from keywords has parallels to the problem of text categorization, that is, assigning predefined categories to free-text documents. Many statistical
learning methods have been applied to this
problem, including nearest-neighbor classifiers
(Yang and Pederson 1997), multivariate regression models (Schutze et al. 1995; Yang and
Chute 1992), probabilistic Bayesian models
(Lewis and Ringuette 1994), symbolic rule
learning (Apte et al. 1994), and m-ary (multiple-category) classifiers such as the k–nearest
neighbor (Dasarathy 1991) and the linear least
squares fit (LLSF). These methods have been intensively studied and are among the most accurate for text categorization (Yang and Liu
1999). The majority of the tools for annotating
function are based on one of these methods.
LOCkey (Nair and Rost 2002)
GeneQuiz (Tamames et al. 1998)
Meta_A (Eisenhaber and Bork 1999)
AbXtract (Andrade and Valencia 1998)
(Blaschke and Valencia 2002)
Table 2. Resources for Text Analysis.
Some of the major methods for annotating
function are LOCKEY (Nair and Rost 2002),
SPEARMINT (Bazzan et al. 2002; Kretschmann et
al. 2001), and the support vector machine
(SVM)-based approach of Stapley et al. (2002)
(table 2).
Semiautomated methods are based on building dictionaries of rules. Keywords characteristic of each of the functional classes are first extracted from a set of classified example
proteins. With these keywords, a library of
rules is created that associates a certain pattern
of occurrence of keywords to a functional class.
The major methods in this category are EUCLID
(Tamames et al. 1998), META_A (Eisenhaber and
Bork 1999), and RULEBASE (Fleischmann et al.
1999) (table 2). We review the LOCKEY and EUCLID algorithms as examples of the two main
The LOCKEY system (Nair and Rost 2002a) is
a novel m-ary classifier that predicts the subcellular localization of a protein based on SWISSPROT keywords. The algorithm can be divided
into two steps (figure 2): (1) building data sets
of trusted vectors for known proteins and (2)
classifying unknown proteins. First, a list of
keywords is extracted from SWISS-PROT for all
proteins with known subcellular localization.
On average, most proteins have between two
and five keywords. A data set of binary vectors
(Salton 1989) is generated for each protein by
representing the presence of a certain keyword
in the protein by 1 and absence by 0. Second,
to infer subcellular localization of an unknown
protein U, all keywords for U are read from
SWISS-PROT. These keywords are translated into a
binary keyword vector. From this original keyword vector, LOCKEY generates a set of all possible combinations of alternative vectors by
flipping vector components of value 1 (presence of keyword) to 0 in all possible combinations. For example, for a protein with three
keywords, there are 23 – 1 = 7 possible subvec-
tors: 111, 110, 101, 011, 100, 010, and 001.
These subvectors constitute all possible keyword combinations for protein U. The keyword
combination, that is, subvector, that yields the
best classification of U into 1 of 10 classes of
sub-cellular localizations is found. All exact
matches of each of the subvectors to any of the
proteins in the trusted set are retrieved by finding all proteins in the trusted set that contain
all the keywords present in the subvector. By
construction, the proteins retrieved in this way
can also contain keywords not found in U.
The next task is to estimate the surprise value of the given assignment. Toward this end,
LOCKEY simply compiles the number of proteins belonging to each type of subcellular localization. This procedure is repeated in turn
for each of the subvectors, and localization is
finally assigned to a protein by minimizing an
entropy-based objective function. The system
accurately solves the classification problem
when the number of data points (proteins) and
the dimensionality of the feature space (number of keywords) are not too large. LOCKEY
reached a level of more than 82-percent accuracy in a full cross-validation test. However, because of a lack of functional annotations, the
system failed to infer localization for more
than half of all proteins in the test set (Note: A
number of SWISS-PROT keywords are biologically
correlated to subcellular localization; for example, DNA-binding proteins always localize to
the nucleus. These keywords, which were all
simple one-to-one correlations, were excluded
from testing because the goal was to estimate
the true ability of the algorithm to infer complex correlations among the keywords). For
five entirely sequenced proteomes—(1) Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast), (2) Caenorhabditis elegans (worm), (3) Drosophila melanogaster (fly),
(4) Arabidopsis thaliana (plant), and (5) a subset
of all human proteins—the LOCKEY system automatically found about 8000 new annota-
Unknown Query
Find Homologues
SUB vectors
Best Classifier
(by entropy)
Find Homologues
TRUSTED vectors
Infer Localization
for Query
Figure 2. The LOCKEY Algorithm.
A sequence-unique data set of localization-annotated SWISS-PROT proteins was first compiled. Keywords were
extracted for these proteins and merged with any keywords found in homologues. The keywords were represented as binary vectors in the trusted vector set. An unknown query was first annotated with keywords
through identification of SWISS-PROT homologues. Keywords for the query were represented as binary vectors.
All possible keyword combinations were constructed (the subvectors). The best-matching vector was found
based on entropy criteria (Nair and Rost 2002a). This vector was used to infer localization for the query.
tions about subcellular localization. LOCKEY
has been optimized to provide fast annotations. Annotating the entire C. elegans proteome took less than 4 hours on a Pentium III
900-megahertz machine. The algorithm is limited to problems with relatively few data points
(proteins) in the vector set (n << 1000000) and
with few keywords (n << 10000).
The EUCLID system (Tamames et al. 1998) uses SWISS-PROT keywords to classify proteins into
14 classes of cellular function according to the
scheme originally proposed by Monika Riley
(Karp et al. 1999; Krawiec and Riley 1990; Riley
1993; Riley and Labedan 1997). The 14 classes
are grouped into 3 broad functional classes: (1)
energy, (2) information, and (3) communication. The EUCLID system can be summarized as
followed: First, keywords characteristic of each
of the functional classes are extracted from a
set of classified example proteins provided by a
human expert. This dictionary of characteristic
keywords satisfies the following criteria: (1) only keywords with functional meaning are used,
and keywords with no functional information
are excluded (for example, hypothetical or
three-dimensional structure); (2) only keywords appearing in more than one SWISS-PROT
entry are considered; and (3) only keywords
with more than 85 percent of their occurrences
in a single functional category are included in
the dictionaries.
Next, to assign sequences to classes, a simple
voting scheme is used. A sequence is automatically classified in the functional class to which
the majority of its keywords belong. The dictionary of keywords is then used to automatically
assign all proteins from the database if a sufficient match is found. Proteins thus assigned to
a functional class are analyzed to extract a new,
more extensive dictionary of characteristic key-
Since HXKB_YEAST is in the ENERGY class, increase counts of
keywords “kinase” and ATP-binding in the “Energy” class
Count the Occurrences of Each
Keyword in Each Field
Set of Proteins Classified
by Human Experts
Generated Dictionary of Keywords
Assign each keyword to one class
Add the Classified Proteins
to the Initial Set
Assign Proteins to Classes
Figure 3. The EUCLID Algorithm.
Scheme of the iterative method used to classify sequences in three functional classes. The classification relies on the definition of a dictionary of keywords characteristic for a particular functional class. First, experts assign hexokinase from yeast (hxkb_yeast) to the energy
class. Second, a keyword dictionary is constructed scoring the keywords associated with hexokinase in the energy class. Third, the same
dictionary is then extended to classifying other proteins. The process is iterated until no more keywords are gained.
words. The process is iterated until the classification quality no longer increases (figure 3). A
limitation of this approach is that only simple
correlations between keywords can be discovered. The method is easily scalable and can be
applied to very large protein databases. For the
genome sequence of Mycoplasma genitalium
(Fraser et al. 1995), the EUCLID system was able to
classify 52 percent of the sequences at a classifi-
cation accuracy of 82 percent. The EUCLID algorithm has been incorporated into the GENEQUIZ
workbench for sequence analysis (Andrade et al.
1999a). GENEQUIZ is a semiautomated protein
sequence analysis workbench whose principal
purpose is to infer a specific and reliable functional assignment together with a broad cellular
role for a query protein by analyzing annotations from sequence database matches.
Mining Free Text
from the Literature
Experimental results are usually published first
in scientific journals. Because such publications do not conform to any standardized
rules, this information is not computer readable. At best, this lack of automation leads to a
severe delay in incorporating the information
into databases. Furthermore, a lot of the data
will lie buried in the literature forever. One solution to this problem will be to adopt standards similar to the PDB model for protein
structure for depositing functional information into databases, that is, requiring deposition of, say, protein-protein interactions into a
public database along with publication.
However, currently, mining text is the only
way of retrieving functional information from
the literature. In recent years, many groups
have worked on dedicated problems in this
area, such as machine selection of articles of interest (Iliopoulos et al. 2001; Shatkay et al.
2000), automated extraction of information
using statistical methods (Stapley and Benoit
2000; Stephens et al. 2001), and natural language–processing techniques (Friedman et al.
2001; Ng and Wong 1999; Thomas et al. 2000;
Yakushiji et al. 2001) as well as setting up specialized knowledge bases for storing molecular
knowledge (Stevens et al. 2000). The invaluable electronic availability of scientific publications through MEDLINE (Airozo et al. 1999)
has not only severely affected the ways of writing papers and doing science in general, it has
also enabled the development of an avalanche
of methods that mine these data. Automatic
text-analysis tools can assist human annotators
and can thus significantly shorten the time lag
of functional annotations. One of the most
crucial bottlenecks for automated text analysis
is the mapping of gene-protein names (Hatzivassiloglou et al. 2001; Valencia 2002). Although this problem might be overcome in the
near future by particular standards adopted by
journals, this hurdle currently hinders the
availability and usefulness of public methods
Many tools focus on mining MEDLINE abstracts. Although the principal reason for this
restriction is supposedly related to complexity
(abstracts available fit onto a disk and can be
searched quickly), abstracts are occasionally
more easy to mine because many papers contain less precise and less well-supported sections in the text that are difficult for machines
to distinguish from more informative sections
(Andrade and Bork 2000; Ding et al. 2002;
Hersh et al. 1992).
The current version of MEDLINE contains
nearly 12 million abstracts and occupies approximately 43 gigabytes of disk space. A
prominent example of methods that target entire papers is still restricted to a small number
of journals (Friedman et al. 2001; Krauthammer et al. 2002). The task of unraveling information about function from MEDLINE abstracts can be approached from two different
angles. In the first approach, computational
techniques for understanding text written in
natural language are based on lexical, syntactical, and semantic analysis (Cowie and Lehnert
1996; Salton 1989). In addition to indexing
terms in documents, natural language–processing methods extract and index higher-level semantic structures composed of terms and relationships between terms, which can be done in
different ways (for general discussion, see
Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto [1999]). However, this approach is confronted with the variability, fuzziness, and complexity of human
language (Andrade and Bork 2000). The GENIES
system (Friedman et al. 2001; Krauthammer et
al. 2002) for automatically gathering and processing knowledge about molecular pathways
and the IFBP transcription-factor database (Ohta, Yamamoto et al. 1997) are natural language–processing-based systems. The second
approach and one that might be more relevant
in practice is based on the treatment of text
with statistical methods (Andrade and Valencia
1998; Yang 1996). In this approach, the possible relevance of words in a text is deduced from
a comparison of the frequency of different
words in this text with the frequency of the
same words in reference sets of text (Berry et al.
1995). Some of the major methods using the
statistical approach are ABXTRACT (Andrade and
Valencia 1998, 1997) and the automatic pathway discovery tool of Ng and Wong (1999)
(table 2).
There are advantages to each of these approaches (grammar or pattern matching). Generally, the less syntax that is used, the more domain specific the system is. Thus, a robust
system can be constructed relatively quickly,
but many subtleties can be lost in the interpretation of the sentence. In some applications,
however, the domain-dependent patternmatching approach might be the only way to
attain reasonable performance in the near future (Allen 1995).
The ABXTRACT system (Andrade and Valencia
1998, 1997; Blaschke 2001; Blaschke and Valencia 2001) is triggered by collections of abstracts
related to a given protein, and it is able to extract functional information directly from
MEDLINE abstracts. Relevant keywords are se-
lected by their relative accumulation in comparison with a domain-specific background distribution. To obtain a representative set of words
(and their abundance) in protein families, the
background distribution of abstracts is chosen
to represent the widest range of protein families.
For each of the representative set (dictionary) of
words, two statistical parameters are computed:
(1) their frequency in each family and (2) the
deviation of the distribution of their frequencies
in the set of families. Provided with a query
family and an associated set of MEDLINE abstracts, words that are likely to be functionally
important for the family (putative keywords)
are found by comparison with the background
set. This comparison is done by measuring the
frequency of the relevant word in the query
family relative to its background frequency of
occurrence using a z-score (Andrade and Valencia 1998). Words with a high z-score are likely to
be potential keywords for the family.
The system has been tested on a number of
different protein families and showed a good
ability to extract functionally important keywords. A modification of this algorithm, called
SUISEKI (system for information extraction on
interactions) (Blaschke and Valencia 2001;
Blaschke et al. 2002), has been applied to the
problem of extracting protein-protein interaction from MEDLINE abstracts. In addition to
the statistical approach of ABXTRACT, SUISEKI also takes advantage of the analysis of the syntactic structure of phrases and other developments in computational linguistics. The SUISEKI
system was able to extract almost 70 percent of
the interactions present in a relatively large
text corpus at approximately 80-percent accuracy for the best-defined interactions. The SUISEKI system discovered a total of 4657 proteinprotein interactions in cell-cycle proteins in
yeast from a corpus of approximately 5300 abstracts (approximately 12 megabytes).
The authors identify a number of sources of
error in mining MEDLINE abstracts: First is erroneous detection of protein names. There is
no systematic nomenclature for gene and protein names, which has led to a number of possible writing variants and synonyms being associated with the proteins that makes
detection and classification difficult. Second
are indirect references and anaphoric expression. This problem is key for the analysis of
MEDLINE abstracts, where protein names can
be given in the title or initial sentences and later treated with forms such as the protein or
mentioned as a general class of proteins such as
the kinase. Third are deficiencies in the information-extraction technology. Incorrect parsing of sentences as a result of limitations im-
posed by the parsers and the use of complicated sentence structures to convey results are
some other areas where the information-extraction applications require improvement.
What is to be expected from computational genomics in the near future? As we illustrated in
this article, our battery of tools is becoming increasingly sophisticated, and our ability to annotate protein function using computers is
generally improving. However, to fully exploit
genome information, we still need to progress
from methods derived mostly from traditional
sequence analysis that examine genome sequences individually to algorithms and databases that exploit the inherent properties of
entire genomes. The development of a standardized ontology is an important step in this
direction. Text-based tools such as LOCKEY, EUCLID, and the MET_A annotator that infer cellular function from detailed annotations of molecular function found in databases can be
useful aids in the development of ontologies.
The development of tools for the extraction
of useful functional information from the existing literature is still in its infancy. The complexity and fuzziness of natural language make
it extremely difficult for computer algorithms
to parse and extract useful information from
text. The development of a standardized vocabulary for reporting experimental discovery
in the scientific literature will go a long way toward simplifying the process of extracting information directly from literature.
Genomics-based drug discovery is heavily
dependent on accurate functional annotations. Toward this end, bioinformatics will
need to deliver highly integrated, interoperable
data “warehouses” that allow the user to reason over disparate data sources and ultimately
enable knowledge-based inference and innovation. The road toward satisfactory solutions
might be long. However, the first successes
have been encouraging. One important lesson
from the successes of bioinformatics over the
last decade continues to be that integrated
tools become successful when their developers
are integrated with the wet-lab biologists.
Thanks to the following members of our group:
Jinfeng Liu and Megan Restuccia, for computer
assistance, and Dariusz Przybylski and Kazimierz Wrzeszczynski, for helpful discussions.
The authors were supported by grant DBI0131168 from the National Science Foundation. Last, but not least, thanks to all those
who deposit their experimental data in public
databases and to those who maintain these
Airozo, D.; Allard, R.; Brylawski, B.; Canese, K.; Kenton, D.; Knecht, L.; Krasnov, S.; Sandomirskiy, V.;
Sirotinin, V.; Starchenko, G.; Wilbur, J.; and Zipser, J.
1999. MEDLINE. Bethesda, Md.: National Library of
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Rajesh Nair is a graduate
student in the Physics
Department at Columbia
University. He has been
responsible for developing a number of widely
tools for the prediction
of protein subcellular localization such as PREDICTNLS, LOCKEY, LOCHOM, and LOC3D. His recent research interests have focused on the application of
machine learning techniques such as neural networks and support vector machines
to predicting various aspects of protein
function. His e-mail address is
Burkhard Rost is an associate professor of biochemistry and molecular
biophysics at Columbia
University. He was responsible for creating
for protein secondary
structure prediction. PREDICT PROTEIN is the most widely used public
server for protein structure prediction and
has handled over a million requests. His research focuses on the prediction of protein
structure and function by combining
means from simple statistics to AI and evolutionary information. His e-mail address is