2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 1-3 SITE Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency Weighted Percent How old are you? 11 years old or younger 1 12 years old 2 13 years old 3 14 years old 4 15 years old 5 16 years old or older 6 Missing 9 115 624 604 202 36 5 0.5 6.1 35.0 41.5 14.4 2.5 What is your sex? Male 1 Female 2 Missing 795 798 2 49.9 50.1 In what grade are you? Kelas 7 1 Kelas 8 2 Kelas 9 3 Missing 7 970 608 10 0.4 50.8 48.8 596 431 440 99 27 2 36.3 27.2 28.1 6.9 1.5 Country Question Number Site Code 4-13 SCHOOL School Codes 14-16 CLASS Class Codes 17-17 Q1 18-18 19-19 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3 20-23 Q4 Q4 How tall are you without your shoes on? (Note: Data are in meters.) 24-29 Q5 Q5 How much do you weigh without your shoes on? (Note: Data are in kilograms.) 30-30 Q6 Q6 During the past 30 days, how often did you go hungry because there was not enough food in your home? Never 1 Rarely 2 Sometimes 3 Most of the time 4 Always 5 Missing 1 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 31-31 Q7 32-32 33-33 Q8 Q9 Country Question Number Q7 Q8 Q9 Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency During the past 30 days, how many times per day did you usually eat fruit, such as nanas, pepaya, pisang, or semangka? I did not eat fruit during the 1 past 30 days Less than one time per day 2 1 time per day 3 2 times per day 4 3 times per day 5 4 times per day 6 5 or more times per day 7 Missing During the past 30 days, how many times per day did you usually eat vegetables, such as wortel, kol, bayam, or kangkung? I did not eat vegetables 1 during the past 30 days Less than one time per day 2 1 time per day 3 2 times per day 4 3 times per day 5 4 times per day 6 5 or more times per day 7 Missing During the past 30 days, how many times per day did you usually clean or brush your teeth? I did not clean or brush my 1 teeth during the past 30 days Less than 1 time per day 2 1 time per day 3 2 times per day 4 3 times per day 5 4 or more times per day 6 Missing Weighted Percent 158 9.9 438 417 292 143 51 89 7 28.1 25.7 18.5 9.1 3.3 5.5 44 2.7 219 358 474 357 41 90 12 14.1 22.2 30.3 22.7 2.6 5.4 6 0.4 66 202 778 479 62 2 4.1 12.9 49.3 29.6 3.7 2 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 34-34 Q10 35-35 36-36 37-37 Q11 Q12 Q13 Country Question Number Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency Weighted Percent During the past 30 days, how often did you wash your hands before eating? Never 1 Rarely 2 Sometimes 3 Most of the time 4 Always 5 Missing 16 58 205 421 889 6 0.9 3.6 12.5 26.6 56.4 During the past 30 days, how often did you wash your hands after using the toilet or latrine? Never 1 Rarely 2 Sometimes 3 Most of the time 4 Always 5 Missing 23 45 155 397 971 4 1.4 2.9 9.4 24.9 61.3 During the past 30 days, how often did you use soap when washing your hands? Never 1 Rarely 2 Sometimes 3 Most of the time 4 Always 5 Missing 40 160 406 471 517 1 2.6 10.3 25.7 29.1 32.3 During the past 12 months, how many times were you physically attacked? 0 times 1 1 time 2 2 or 3 times 3 4 or 5 times 4 6 or 7 times 5 8 or 9 times 6 10 or 11 times 7 12 or more times 8 Missing 885 242 253 94 27 18 12 51 13 55.5 15.5 16.2 6.0 1.7 1.2 0.8 3.2 3 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 38-38 Q14 39-39 Q15 Country Question Number Q14 Q15 Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency Weighted Percent During the past 12 months, how many times were you in a physical fight? 0 times 1 1 time 2 2 or 3 times 3 4 or 5 times 4 6 or 7 times 5 8 or 9 times 6 10 or 11 times 7 12 or more times 8 Missing 857 317 244 81 28 8 8 40 12 54.1 19.7 15.7 5.2 1.7 0.5 0.5 2.6 During the past 12 months, how many times were you seriously injured? 0 times 1 1 time 2 2 or 3 times 3 4 or 5 times 4 6 or 7 times 5 8 or 9 times 6 10 or 11 times 7 12 or more times 8 Missing 709 345 215 48 13 11 6 26 222 51.6 25.4 15.4 3.4 0.9 0.9 0.5 2.0 4 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 40-40 Q16 41-41 Q17 Country Question Number Q16 Q17 Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency During the past 12 months, what were you doing when the most serious injury happened to you? I was not seriously injured 1 during the past 12 months Playing or training for a 2 sport Walking or running, but not 3 as part of playing or training for a sport Riding a bicycle or scooter 4 Riding or driving in a car or 5 other motor vehicle Doing any paid or unpaid 6 work, including housework, yard work, or cooking Nothing 7 Something else 8 Missing During the past 12 months, what was the major cause of the most serious injury that happened to you? I was not seriously injured 1 during the past 12 months I was in a motor vehicle 2 accident or hit by a motor vehicle I fell 3 Something fell on me or hit 4 me I was fighting with someone 5 I was attacked, assaulted, or 6 abused by someone I was in a fire or too near a 7 flame or something hot Something else caused my 8 injury Missing Weighted Percent 877 58.7 162 10.9 87 5.7 47 39 3.3 2.8 53 3.7 152 72 106 10.1 4.9 845 57.9 106 7.6 251 59 16.8 4.1 29 25 2.0 1.6 11 0.8 133 9.2 136 5 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 42-42 Q18 43-43 44-44 Q19 Q20 Country Question Number Q18 Q19 Q20 Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency During the past 12 months, how did the most serious injury happen to you? I was not seriously injured 1 during the past 12 months I hurt myself by accident 2 Someone else hurt me by 3 accident I hurt myself on purpose 4 Someone else hurt me on 5 purpose Missing During the past 12 months, what was the most serious injury that happened to you? I was not seriously injured 1 during the past 12 months I had a broken bone or a 2 dislocated joint I had a cut, puncture, or stab 3 wound I had a concussion or other 4 head or neck injury, was knocked out, or could not breathe I had a gunshot wound 5 I had a bad burn 6 I lost all or part of a foot, 7 leg, hand, or arm Something else happened to 8 me Missing During the past 30 days, on how many days were you bullied? 0 days 1 1 or 2 days 2 3 to 5 days 3 6 to 9 days 4 10 to 19 days 5 20 to 29 days 6 All 30 days 7 Missing Weighted Percent 877 59.6 314 212 21.6 14.4 15 50 1.1 3.4 127 894 60.7 207 14.2 82 5.6 28 2.1 7 20 12 0.5 1.4 0.9 218 14.6 127 650 407 168 67 35 4 35 229 47.5 29.9 12.2 4.8 2.7 0.3 2.6 6 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 45-45 Q21 46-46 47-47 Q22 Q23 Country Question Number Q21 Q22 Q23 Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency During the past 30 days, how were you bullied most often? I was not bullied during the 1 past 30 days I was hit, kicked, pushed, 2 shoved around, or locked indoors I was made fun of because of 3 my race or color I was made fun of because of 4 my religion I was made fun of with 5 sexual jokes, comments, or gestures I was left out of activities on 6 purpose or completely ignored I was made fun of because of 7 how my body or face looks I was bullied in some other 8 way Missing Weighted Percent 650 47.5 84 5.8 75 5.4 26 2.1 53 3.9 63 4.7 127 9.6 290 20.9 227 During the past 12 months, how often have you felt lonely? Never 1 Rarely 2 Sometimes 3 Most of the time 4 Always 5 Missing 435 459 541 126 22 12 26.8 29.2 34.3 8.1 1.6 During the past 12 months, how often have you been so worried about something that you could not sleep at night? Never 1 Rarely 2 Sometimes 3 Most of the time 4 Always 5 Missing 526 514 412 123 11 9 32.2 32.8 26.2 8.0 0.8 7 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 48-48 Q24 49-49 50-50 51-51 52-52 Q25 Q26 Q27 Q28 Country Question Number Q24 Q25 Q26 Q27 Q28 Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency During the past 12 months, did you ever feel so sad or hopeless almost every day for two weeks or more in a row that you stopped doing your usual activities? Yes 403 1 No 1,186 2 Missing 6 Weighted Percent 26.5 73.5 During the past 12 months, did you ever seriously consider attempting suicide? Yes 1 No 2 Missing 96 1,491 8 6.7 93.3 During the past 12 months, did you make a plan about how you would attempt suicide? Yes 1 No 2 Missing 71 1,501 23 4.9 95.1 How many close friends do you have? 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 or more 4 Missing 28 118 155 1,286 8 1.8 7.5 9.7 81.1 1,259 82.6 27 30 56 92 54 1 76 1.7 1.9 4.0 6.0 3.7 0.1 How old were you when you first tried a cigarette? I have never smoked 1 cigarettes 7 years old or younger 2 8 or 9 years old 3 10 or 11 years old 4 12 or 13 years old 5 14 or 15 years old 6 16 years old or older 7 Missing 8 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 53-53 Q29 54-54 55-55 56-56 Q30 Q31 Q32 Country Question Number Q29 Q30 Q31 Q32 Question Code and Label During the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke cigarettes? 0 days 1 1 or 2 days 2 3 to 5 days 3 6 to 9 days 4 10 to 19 days 5 20 to 29 days 6 All 30 days 7 Missing Unweighted Frequency 1,372 80 17 14 17 3 13 79 During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use any other form of tobacco, such as sirih or cerutu? 0 days 1,508 1 1 or 2 days 65 2 3 to 5 days 8 3 6 to 9 days 4 4 10 to 19 days 2 5 All 30 days 5 7 Missing 3 During the past 12 months, have you ever tried to stop smoking cigarettes? I have never smoked 1,224 1 cigarettes I did not smoke cigarettes 60 2 during the past 12 months Yes 160 3 No 34 4 Missing 117 During the past 7 days, on how many days have people smoked in your presence? 0 days 1 1 or 2 days 2 3 or 4 days 3 5 or 6 days 4 All 7 days 5 Missing 279 368 218 109 609 12 Weighted Percent 90.2 5.3 1.2 1.0 1.2 0.2 0.9 94.8 4.0 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.3 82.5 4.0 11.1 2.4 17.1 22.9 13.7 7.1 39.2 9 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 57-57 Q33 58-58 59-59 Q34 Q35 Country Question Number Q33 Q34 Q35 Question Code and Label Which of your parents or guardians use any form of tobacco? Neither 1 My father or male guardian 2 My mother or female 3 guardian Both 4 I do not know 5 Missing During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have at least one drink containing alcohol? 0 days 1 1 or 2 days 2 3 to 5 days 3 6 to 9 days 4 All 30 days 7 Missing Unweighted Frequency Weighted Percent 445 970 19 27.4 61.4 1.4 65 91 5 4.4 5.5 1,479 39 9 1 3 64 96.6 2.6 0.6 0.1 0.2 During the past 30 days, on the days you drank alcohol, how many drinks did you usually drink per day? I did not drink alcohol 1,468 1 during the past 30 days Less than one drink 37 2 1 drink 12 3 2 drinks 1 4 3 drinks 3 5 5 or more drinks 4 7 Missing 70 96.2 2.3 0.9 0.1 0.2 0.3 10 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 60-60 Q36 61-61 62-62 63-63 Q37 Q38 Q39 Country Question Number Q36 Q37 Q38 Q39 Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency During the past 30 days, how did you usually get the alcohol you drank? I did not drink alcohol 1,471 1 during the past 30 days I bought it in a store, shop, 9 2 or from a street vendor I gave someone else money 7 3 to buy it for me I got it from my friends 22 4 I got it from home 9 5 I stole it 1 6 I got it some other way 4 8 Missing 72 During your life, how many times did you drink so much alcohol that you were really drunk? 0 times 1 1 or 2 times 2 3 to 9 times 3 10 or more times 4 Missing 1,556 25 10 3 1 During your life, how many times have you ever had a hang-over, felt sick, got into trouble with your family or friends, missed school, or got into fights, as a result of drinking alcohol? 0 times 1,551 1 1 or 2 times 29 2 3 to 9 times 2 3 10 or more times 5 4 Missing 8 During your life, how many times have you used drugs such as putaw or sabu-sabu? 0 times 1 1 or 2 times 2 3 to 9 times 3 10 or more times 4 Missing 1,583 7 1 2 2 Weighted Percent 96.5 0.7 0.4 1.5 0.5 0.1 0.3 97.6 1.6 0.6 0.2 97.7 1.8 0.1 0.4 99.4 0.4 0.0 0.1 11 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 64-64 Q40 65-65 66-66 67-67 68-68 Q41 Q42 Q43 Q44 Country Question Number Q40 Q41 Q42 Q43 Q44 Question Code and Label Have you ever had sexual intercourse? Yes 1 No 2 Missing How old were you when you had sexual intercourse for the first time? I have never had sexual 1 intercourse 11 years old or younger 2 12 years old 3 13 years old 4 14 years old 5 15 years old 6 16 years old or older 7 Missing Unweighted Frequency 16 1,547 32 1.1 98.9 1,538 98.5 7 3 6 5 1 1 34 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.1 During your life, with how many people have you had sexual intercourse? I have never had sexual 1,523 1 intercourse 1 person 31 2 2 people 4 3 3 people 1 4 4 people 3 5 6 or more people 6 7 Missing 27 During the past 12 months, have you had sexual intercourse? Yes 1 No 2 Missing Weighted Percent 93 1,500 2 The last time you had sexual intercourse, did you or your partner use a condom or kondom? I have never had sexual 1,454 1 intercourse Yes 18 2 No 95 3 Missing 28 97.1 2.0 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.4 5.9 94.1 93.1 1.2 5.8 12 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 69-69 Q45 70-70 71-71 Q46 Q47 Country Question Number Q45 Q46 Q47 Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency Weighted Percent During the past 7 days, on how many days were you physically active for a total of at least 60 minutes per day? 0 days 1 1 day 2 2 days 3 3 days 4 4 days 5 5 days 6 6 days 7 7 days 8 Missing 369 383 229 179 81 44 62 236 12 22.8 24.3 14.3 11.5 5.2 3.0 3.7 15.3 During a typical or usual week, on how many days are you physically active for a total of at least 60 minutes per day? 0 days 1 1 day 2 2 days 3 3 days 4 4 days 5 5 days 6 6 days 7 7 days 8 Missing 371 396 228 183 86 61 56 202 12 23.0 25.2 14.2 11.7 5.5 4.1 3.3 13.0 How much time do you spend during a typical or usual day sitting and watching television, playing computer games, talking with friends, or doing other sitting activities such as main play station? Less than 1 hour per day 1 1 to 2 hours per day 2 3 to 4 hours per day 3 5 to 6 hours per day 4 7 to 8 hours per day 5 More than 8 hours per day 6 Missing 488 644 275 109 22 41 16 30.2 41.2 17.5 7.0 1.3 2.8 13 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 72-72 Q48 73-73 74-74 Q49 Q50 Country Question Number Q48 Q49 Q50 Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency Weighted Percent During the past 7 days, on how many days did you walk or ride a bicycle to and from school? 0 days 1 1 day 2 2 days 3 3 days 4 4 days 5 5 days 6 6 days 7 7 days 8 Missing 805 113 83 42 36 30 180 302 4 49.8 7.0 5.2 2.7 2.5 2.0 12.0 18.8 During the past 7 days, how long did it usually take for you to get to and from school each day? Less than 10 minutes per day 1 10 to 19 minutes per day 2 20 to 29 minutes per day 3 30 to 39 minutes per day 4 40 to 49 minutes per day 5 50 to 59 minutes per day 6 60 or more minutes per day 7 Missing 434 483 245 191 45 55 125 17 26.7 30.3 15.4 12.7 2.9 3.6 8.4 1,010 425 79 30 26 25 64.7 27.0 4.9 1.8 1.6 During the past 30 days, on how many days did you miss classes or school without permission? 0 days 1 1 or 2 days 2 3 to 5 days 3 6 to 9 days 4 10 or more days 5 Missing 14 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 75-75 Q51 76-76 77-77 78-78 Q52 Q53 Q54 Country Question Number Q51 Q52 Q53 Q54 Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency Weighted Percent During the past 30 days, how often were most of the students in your school kind and helpful? Never 1 Rarely 2 Sometimes 3 Most of the time 4 Always 5 Missing 91 313 557 436 192 6 6.0 19.6 35.1 27.1 12.2 During the past 30 days, how often did your parents or guardians check to see if your homework was done? Never 1 Rarely 2 Sometimes 3 Most of the time 4 Always 5 Missing 299 313 403 344 231 5 19.4 20.1 25.3 21.3 13.9 During the past 30 days, how often did your parents or guardians understand your problems and worries? Never 1 Rarely 2 Sometimes 3 Most of the time 4 Always 5 Missing 244 324 427 340 241 19 15.6 20.5 27.1 21.7 15.1 During the past 30 days, how often did your parents or guardians really know what you were doing with your free time? Never 1 Rarely 2 Sometimes 3 Most of the time 4 Always 5 Missing 225 251 387 395 317 20 13.8 15.7 25.1 24.9 20.5 15 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 146-146 QN6 147-147 148-148 149-149 150-150 QN7 QN8 QN9 QN10 Country Question Number Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency Percentage of students who went hungry most of the time or always during the past 30 days because there was not enough food in their home Yes 126 1 No 1,467 2 Missing 2 Percentage of students who usually ate fruit, such as nanas, pepaya, pisang, or semangka one or more times per day during the past 30 days Yes 1 No 2 Missing Percentage of students who usually ate vegetables, such as wortel, kol, bayam, or kangkung one or more times per day during the past 30 days Yes 1 No 2 Missing 8.4 91.6 992 596 7 62.1 37.9 1,320 263 12 83.2 16.8 Percentage of students who cleaned or brushed their teeth less than 1 time per day during the past 30 days Yes 72 1 1,521 No 2 Missing 2 Percentage of students who never or rarely washed their hands before eating during the past 30 days Yes 1 No 2 Missing Weighted Percent 74 1,515 6 4.5 95.5 4.5 95.5 16 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 151-151 QN11 152-152 153-153 154-154 155-155 156-156 QN12 QN13 QN14 QN15 QN16 Country Question Number Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency Percentage of students who never or rarely washed their hands after using the toilet or latrine during the past 30 days Yes 1 No 2 Missing 68 1,523 4 Percentage of students who never or rarely used soap when washing their hands during the past 30 days Yes 200 1 No 1,394 2 Missing 1 Weighted Percent 4.3 95.7 12.9 87.1 Percentage of students who were physically attacked one or more times during the past 12 months Yes 1 No 2 Missing 697 885 13 44.5 55.5 Percentage of students who were in a physical fight one or more times during the past 12 months Yes 1 No 2 Missing 726 857 12 45.9 54.1 Percentage of students who were seriously injured one or more times during the past 12 months Yes 1 No 2 Missing 664 709 222 48.4 51.6 Among students who were seriously injured during the past 12 months, the percentage whose most serious injury happened to them while they were playing or training for a sport Yes 1 No 2 Missing 162 496 937 24.6 75.4 17 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 157-157 QN17 158-158 159-159 160-160 161-161 162-162 QN18 QN19 QN20 QN21 QN22 Country Question Number Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency Weighted Percent Among students who were seriously injured during the past 12 months, the percentage whose most serious injury was the result of a fall Yes 1 No 2 Missing 249 410 936 36.9 63.1 Among students who were seriously injured during the past 12 months, the percentage whose most serious injury was the result of them hurting themselves by accident Yes 1 No 2 Missing 311 345 939 47.7 52.3 Among students who were seriously injured during the past 12 months, the percentage who had a broken bone or a dislocated joint as their most serious injury Yes 1 No 2 Missing 205 454 936 31.2 68.8 Percentage of students who were bullied on one or more days during the past 30 days Yes 1 No 2 Missing 716 650 229 52.5 47.5 Among students who were bullied during the past 30 days, the percentage who were bullied most often by being hit, kicked, pushed, shoved around, or locked indoors Yes 1 No 2 Missing 77 630 888 10.4 89.6 Percentage of students who felt lonely most of the time or always during the past 12 months Yes 148 1 No 1,435 2 Missing 12 9.7 90.3 18 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 163-163 QN23 164-164 165-165 166-166 167-167 168-168 QN24 QN25 QN26 QN27 QN28 Country Question Number Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency Percentage of students who most of the time or always felt so worried about something that they could not sleep at night during the past 12 months Yes 134 1 No 1,452 2 Missing 9 Percentage of students who felt so sad or hopeless almost every day for two weeks or more in a row that they stopped doing their usual activities during the past 12 months Yes 1 No 2 Missing 403 1,186 6 Percentage of students who seriously considered attempting suicide during the past 12 months Yes 96 1 1,491 No 2 Missing 8 Percentage of students who made a plan about how they would attempt suicide during the past 12 months Yes 71 1 1,501 No 2 Missing 23 Weighted Percent 8.8 91.2 26.5 73.5 6.7 93.3 4.9 95.1 Percentage of students who have no close friends Yes 1 No 2 Missing 28 1,559 8 1.8 98.2 Of students who smoked cigarettes on one or more of the past 30 days, the percentage who tried their first cigarette at age 13 or younger Yes 1 No 2 Missing 98 42 1,455 69.7 30.3 19 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 169-169 QN29 170-170 171-171 172-172 173-173 174-174 QN30 QN31 QN32 QN33 QN34 Country Question Number Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency Percentage of students who smoked cigarettes on one or more days during the past 30 days Yes 144 1 No 1,372 2 Missing 79 Percentage of students who used any other form of tobacco, such as sirirh or cerutu on one or more days during the past 30 days Yes 84 1 1,508 No 2 Missing 3 Among students who smoked cigarettes during the past 12 months, the percentage who tried to stop smoking cigarettes Yes 160 1 34 No 2 Missing 1,401 Percentage of students who reported people smoking in their presence on one or more days during the past 7 days Yes 1,304 1 279 No 2 Missing 12 Percentage of students who have a parent or guardian who uses any form of tobacco Yes 1 No 2 Missing 1,054 536 5 Percentage of students who had at least one drink containing alcohol on one or more days during the past 30 days Yes 52 1 No 1,479 2 Missing 64 Weighted Percent 9.8 90.2 5.2 94.8 82.5 17.5 82.9 17.1 67.2 32.8 3.4 96.6 20 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 175-175 QN35 176-176 177-177 178-178 179-179 QN36 QN37 QN38 QN39 Country Question Number Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency Among students who had at least one drink containing alcohol during the past 30 days, the percentage who usually drank two or more drinks per day on the days they drank alcohol during the past 30 days Yes 8 1 No 44 2 Missing 1,543 Among students who had at least one drink containing alcohol during the past 30 days, the percentage who usually got the alcohol they drank by buying it in a store, shop, or from a street vendor Yes 9 1 No 43 2 Missing 1,543 Percentage of students who drank so much alcohol that they were really drunk one or more times during their life Yes 1 No 2 Missing 38 1,556 1 Percentage of students who had a hang-over, felt sick, got into trouble with their family or friends, missed school, or got into fights, as a result of drinking alcohol one or more times during their life Yes 36 1 No 1,551 2 Missing 8 Percentage of students who used drugs, such as putaw or sabu-sabu one or more times during their life Yes 10 1 No 1,583 2 Missing 2 Weighted Percent 17.1 82.9 19.0 81.0 2.4 97.6 2.3 97.7 0.6 99.4 21 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 180-180 QN40 181-181 182-182 183-183 184-184 185-185 QN41 QN42 QN43 QN44 QN45 Country Question Number Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency Weighted Percent Percentage of students who have ever had sexual intercourse Yes 1 No 2 Missing 16 1,547 32 1.1 98.9 Percentage of students who had sexual intercourse for the first time before age 13 Yes 1 No 2 Missing 10 1,551 34 0.7 99.3 Percentage of students who have had sexual intercourse with two or more people during their life Yes 1 No 2 Missing 14 1,554 27 0.9 99.1 Percentage of students who had sexual intercourse during the past 12 months Yes 1 No 2 Missing 93 1,500 2 5.9 94.1 Among students who had sexual intercourse during the past 12 months, the percentage who used a condom the last time they had sexual intercourse Yes 6 1 No 14 2 Missing 1,575 Percentage of students who were physically active for a total of at least 60 minutes per day on all 7 days during the past 7 days Yes 236 1 No 1,347 2 Missing 12 32.7 67.3 15.3 84.7 22 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 186-186 QN46 187-187 188-188 189-189 190-190 QN47 QN48 QN49 QN50 Country Question Number Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency Percentage of students who were physically active for a total of at least 60 minutes per day on all 7 days during a typical or usual week Yes 202 1 No 1,381 2 Missing 12 Percentage of students who spent three or more hours per day during a typical or usual day sitting and watching television, playing computer games, talking with friends, or doing other sitting activities, such as main play station Yes 447 1 No 1,132 2 Missing 16 Weighted Percent 13.0 87.0 28.6 71.4 Percentage of students who did not walk or ride a bicycle to and from school during the past seven days Yes 1 No 2 Missing 805 786 4 49.8 50.2 Percentage of students who usually took 29 minutes or less each day to get to and from school during the past 7 days Yes 1 No 2 Missing 1,162 416 17 72.4 27.6 Percentage of students who missed classes or school without permission on one or more days during the past 30 days Yes 560 1 No 1,010 2 Missing 25 35.3 64.7 23 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 191-191 QN51 192-192 193-193 194-194 262-262 263-263 QN52 QN53 QN54 QNROVWTG QNOVWTG Country Question Number Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency Percentage of students who reported that most of the students in their school were never or rarely kind and helpful during the past 30 days Yes 404 1 No 1,185 2 Missing 6 Percentage of students whose parents or guardians never or rarely checked to see if their homework was done during the past 30 days Yes 1 No 2 Missing 612 978 5 Percentage of students whose parents or guardians never or rarely understood their problems and worries during the past 30 days Yes 568 1 1,008 No 2 Missing 19 Percentage of students whose parents or guardians never or rarely really knew what they were doing with their free time during the past 30 days Yes 476 1 No 1,099 2 Missing 20 Weighted Percent 25.6 74.4 39.5 60.5 36.0 64.0 29.5 70.5 Percentage of students who are at risk for becoming overweight* Yes 1 No 2 Missing 117 1,011 467 9.9 90.1 Percentage of students who are overweight* Yes 1 No 2 Missing 33 1,095 467 3.0 97.0 24 2 0 0 7 G L OBA L S CHOO L - BA S E D S T UD E N T H E A L T H S UR V E Y R E S U L T S Indonesia (Sumatra) Survey Public Use Codebook Data Standard Location Variable Name 264-264 QNFRVGG 265-265 266-266 267-267 QNANYTBG QNMINPAG QNWKRDG Question Code and Label Country Question Number Unweighted Frequency Percentage of students who ate fruits and vegetables five or more times per day during the past 30 days Yes 1 No 2 Missing 392 1,187 16 Percentage of students who used any tobacco on one or more of the past 30 days Yes 179 1 No 1,336 2 Missing 80 Percentage of students who were physically active for at least 60 minutes per day on less than five days per week on average Yes 1 No 2 Missing 1,287 292 16 Percentage of students who spent less than 2.5 hours total walking or riding a bicycle to and from school during the past seven days Yes 1,312 1 264 No 2 Missing 19 358-369 Weight Weight 370-374 PSU Primary Sampling Unit 375-383 Stratum Stratum 384-388 BMIPct Percentile for body mass index, by age and sex Weighted Percent 24.9 75.1 12.0 88.0 80.9 19.1 82.5 17.5 25