SOA Committee Meeting September 12, 2008 Next Steps for Assessment at UNI

SOA Committee Meeting
September 12, 2008
Next Steps for Assessment at UNI
I. Welcome and Introductions
New members: John Ophus, Laura Terlip
Still waiting for a rep from NISG
Next meeting—what suggestions/preferences, given the available times from people’s
II. Updates
College Portrait/VSA Committee is looking at keeping the page updated; a new version
of the page will be coming in January and we will make changes as needed. A VSA
Media announcement is scheduled for 9/24.
No takers so far on department meetings re NSSE/MAPP data, but I will be sending emails to all department heads reiterating the invitation to invite us!
E-portfolio Brown Bags—Marilyn
Departmental Assessment Practices Inventory—will go out September 22
Department or college updates from the group?
III. “Next Steps” Conversation
Handout to fill out individually: Thinking About Next Steps for Assessment at UNI
Discussion and sharing, question by question
IV. Next Meeting
As determined above:
SOA Committee
October 17, 2008
Strategies for Testing
I. Updates
From Donna:
CAAP testing
Request for times and templates for assessment
Workshops on LAC skills and civic/community engagement (ADP)
Call for mini-grant proposals is out
SOA page—deans set December 1 deadline for departments
APR is coming up
Plan to give department secretaries passwords for data and SOA pages
On teacher center search committee—want to make sure that office works with mine
From members:
Upcoming meeting on UNITED system and portfolios (being planned in conjunction
with IT—Marilyn and Barry)
II. Examination of Testing Options
Discussion with Pros/Cons Handout
An Examination of Testing Strategies
Assessment day(s)
New student
orientation (1st year)
Required for
graduation (seniors)
Testing in designated
courses (1st year and
Testing before new
student orientation
(1st year)
Other . . .
SOA Committee
Review of Mini-Grant Proposals
November 7, 2008
Review of proposals
Assessment Data Collection and Management in the Department of Biology
Retreat to Update the OSFE SOA Plan
Assessment of the Academic Learning Center and Its Subsidiaries
Ideas for Criterion 3 in Self-Study
SOA Committee Meeting
December 5, 2008
Self-Study: Criterion 3a
I. Updates
Committee decisions were sent to the three proposal groups. I have not heard yet from
Kathy Peters. I have not heard decisively yet, but they may have decided to proceed with
their plan without funding from the mini-grant program; they have asked me to serve as
the speaker noted in their proposal.
Announcement was put in UNI Online to let faculty know they can still apply for minigrant funding for this year. I also plan to send a letter to department heads to ask them to
share the information with their faculty.
Reaccreditation self-study dates (one of these three!):
Nov. 15-17, 20010; Nov. 8-10, 2010; April 4-6, 20011
As representatives of your college or area, you may be contacted by a self-study Criterion
3 committee member for more information related to Criterion 3 areas. Sub area groups
are to have a draft of their section of the chapter done by March 1; the chapter draft is due
May 1.
Brown Bag Lunch on PAS was well-attended. Marilyn for details?
APR—This year a self-study could be disapproved based on the SOA plan. If that
happens, the writer(s) must consult with me and then submit an Appendix to the Dean
and to Ira Simet, Chair of the CAPR, outlining proposed improvements to the program’s
SOA plan.
II. Discussion: Ideas for Criterion 3a
Handout: Criterion 3 sub areas and examples of evidence
Handout: Draft 1 for Criterion 3a
What would you add? Delete?
Where can I go for information?
III. Meeting Times for Next Semester
HLC Criterion 3
(From The Handbook of Accreditation, pp. 3.2-9 through 3.2-12)
3a. The organization’s goals for student learning outcomes are clearly stated for each educational
program and make effective assessment possible.
Example of Evidence
The organization clearly differentiates its learning goals for undergraduate, graduate, and postbaccalaureate programs by identifying the expected learning outcomes for each.
Assessment of student learning provides evidence of multiple direct and indirect measures of student
Results obtained through assessment of student learning are available to appropriate constituencies,
including students themselves.
The organization integrates into its processes for assessment of student learning and uses the data
reported for purposes of external accountability (e.g., graduation rates, passage rates on licensing
exams; placement rates; transfer rates).
The organization’s assessment of student learning extends to all educational offerings, including
credit and noncredit certificate programs.
Faculty are involved in defining expected student learning outcomes and creating the strategies to
determine whether those outcomes are achieved.
Faculty and administrators routinely review the effectiveness of the organization’s program to assess
student learning.
3b. The organization values and supports effective teaching.
Examples of Evidence
Qualified faculty determine curricular content and strategies for instruction.
The organization supports professional development designed to facilitate teaching suited to varied
learning environments.
The organization evaluates teaching and recognizes effective teaching.
The organization provides services to support improved pedagogies.
The organization demonstrates openness to innovative practices that enhance learning.
The organization supports faculty in keeping abreast of the research on teaching and learning, and of
technological advances that can positively affect student learning and the delivery of instruction.
Faculty members actively participate in professional organizations relevant to the disciplines they
3c. The organization creates effective learning environments.
Example of Evidences
Assessment results inform improvements in curriculum, pedagogy, instructional resources, and student
The organization provides an environment that supports all learners and respects the diversity they bring.
Advising systems focus on student learning, including the mastery of skills required for academic
Student development programs support learning throughout the student’s expertise regardless of the
location of the student.
The organization employs, when appropriate, new technologies that enhance effective learning
environments for students.
The organization’s systems of quality assurance include regular review of whether its educational
strategies, activities, processes, and technologies enhance student learning.
3d. The organization’s learning resources support student learning and effective teaching.
Examples of Evidence
The organization ensures access to the resources (such as research laboratories, libraries, performance
spaces, clinical practice sites) necessary to support learning and teaching.
The organization evaluates the user of its learning resources to enhance student learning and effective
The organization regularly assesses the effectiveness of its learning resources to support learning and
The organization supports students, staff, and faculty in using technology effectively.
The organization provides effective staffing and support for its learning resources.
The organization’s systems and structures enable partnerships and innovations that enhance student
learning and strengthen teaching effectiveness.
Budgeting priorities reflect that improvement in teaching and learning is a core value of the organization.
SOA Meeting
I mentioned in my e-mail last week that I would send more information on our first meeting for
this semester, and here it is!
We will meet next Monday, February 2, from 1-2 p.m. in ITTC 349, our usual penthouse loft. I
have two topics for our agenda, in additional to the usual updates from me and from any of you.
First, I'd like to work on firming up the operational description for our committee--e.g., how
representatives get on the committee, how long they on the committee, how to move into new
operational procedures, etc. If you'd like to refresh yourself on how other committees on campus
do these things, here are some links I found: (not a lot of information, but an overview of
many committees) (specific bylaws from a specific
committee) (another set of bylaws)
Second, I'd like to ask your help with brainstorming documents/evidence related to assessment
that we should have in the resource room for reviewers during our reaccreditation visit from the
Higher Learning Commission.
Hope to see you next week!
Spent most of the time on updates and brainstorming re Criterion 3 document.
Delayed operational description of committee to March 2
SOA Committee
April 6, 2009
SOA Functions Description
I. Today’s Meeting
Draft of committee functions document
Update on self-study
Ideas for next year—for committee or for assessment in general
Updates from the group
II. Committee Functions Draft
Ideas from last time have been incorporated—any changes?
Committee list: correct? If so, I will contact the appropriate Deans/others to see about next
year’s committee.
III. Update on Self-Study
Now reviewing chapter drafts.
Criterion 3 will be reviewed on April 15; I can share the draft with you along with comments
after that date.
(Timeline is below)
IV. Ideas for Next Year
Celebrations—brown bags, poster sessions, 5 minute spotlights on web page . . . other?
Events? Timing suggestions?
Workshops on “closing the loop” and on annual reports. Other?
Ideas for web page resources?
Assessment process/policies clarifications needed?
HLC Steering Committee
Self-Study Timeline
Spring 2009
February 4
February 18
March 4
April 1
April 8
April 15
April 22
April 29
May 1
May 13
Steering Committee Mtg.
Steering Committee Mtg.
Steering Committee Mtg.
Steering Committee Mtg.
Draft report due for:
Chapter 1 – Barbara
Chapter 2 – Karen & Siobahn
Steering Committee Mtg.
Draft report due for:
Criterion 1 – Inez & Jim
Criterion 2 – Jan & Shashi
Steering Committee Mtg.
Draft report due for:
Criterion 3 – Barry & Donna
Criterion 4 – Mike, Patrick & Bart
Steering Committee Mtg.
Draft report due for:
Criterion 5 - Al
Steering Committee Mtg.
Draft reports from all
subcommittees due to HLC
Steering Committee
Steering Committee Mtg.
Presidential Room
Presidential Room
Presidential Room
Presidential Room
3:15 p.m.
3:15 p.m.
3:15 p.m.
3:15 p.m.
College Eye Room
3:15 p.m.
Presidential Room
3:15 p.m.
Presidential Room
3:15 p.m.
Old Gold Room
3:15 p.m.
College Eye Room
3:15 p.m.
Rev. 1/09
Self-Study General Timeline
Fall 2007
May 2008
May 2008-April 2009
July 31-August 1, 2008
August 2008
Fall 2008
September 2008
October 2008
October 31, 2008
November 2008
November 2008-May 2009
Meetings held with Academic Affairs and Educational & Student Services to discuss
participation in the FoE program.
Conference call with Dr. John Gardner, Director of the FoE.
University Council meeting to discuss Reaccreditation and FoE.
HLC Steering Committee convened to begin self-study process.
Accreditation Web site launched.
UNI formally admitted to the FoE program.
Town Hall Meeting to discuss Reaccreditation and FoE.
Conference call with Dr. John Gardner, Director of the FoE.
HLC Steering Committee members attend HLC Annual Meeting.
HLC Steering Committee meets to plan self-study process and organization of
HLC Criteria Subcommittees appointed.
Subcommittees collect, analyze, and interpret data and draft reports.
Team attends FoE Launch Meeting.
FoE Dimension Subcommittees appointed.
HLC Liaison visits campus.
FoE Task Force convened and Current Practices Inventory initiated.
FoE faculty/staff surveys administered.
All subcommittee work plans due to steering committee.
FoE first-year student survey administered.
FoE Task Force analyzes data and develops draft reports and strategic action plan.
February 6, 2009
April 2009
May 1, 2009
Team attends FoE Winter Meeting.
HLC Steering Committee members attend HLC Annual Meeting.
Draft reports from all subcommittees due to HLC Steering Committee.
May-August 2009
Fall 2009
September 2009
October 1, 2009
October 2009-December 2009
January-February 2010
March-April 30, 2010
April 2010
May 3, 2010
June-July 23, 2010
FoE Strategic Action Plan refined.
HLC Liaison visits campus.
FoE Strategic Action Plan initiated.
Final reports from subcommittees due to HLC Steering Committee.
Draft self-study based on subcommittee reports.
Campus input regarding self-study draft.
Self-study refined based on campus input.
Steering Committee members attend HLC Annual Meeting.
Full, approved text and visuals to UM&PR.
Self-study print and Web production including Annual Report on the progress in
implementing the Foundations of Excellence Strategic Action Plan
July 2010
July 26, 2010
September 1, 2010
November 8-10, 2010
February 2011
Seek third party comment.
Completed files to printer and electronics vendors.
Distribution of self-study to HLC review team.
HLC review team visits campus.
Convene Steering Committee to develop program plan to address the
recommendations from the self-study and the HLC review team.
Annual Report on the progress in implementing the FoE Strategic Action Plan and
self-study recommendations.
Annual Report on the progress in implementing the FoE Strategic Action Plan and
self-study recommendations.
January 30, 2008
February 6, 2008
February 14, 2008
February 22, 2008
March 5, 2008
April 7, 2008
April 12-15, 2008
Spring 2008
November 2012
November 2013