PLAN OF CARE Rev 12-17-15 Data Definition Tool 1 2 3 4 Indicators RN assigned Medical Record # Date of Documentation Priority Problems (maximum 4 unless restrained, then 5) identified within 8 hours of admission. Standard PC.02.01.01; 5 Goals documented for each Priority Problem during the first 4 hours of each shift or admission to the unit. PC.02.01.01 6 Identified priority problem outcomes are updated/documented throughout the duration of the shift or within the last 4 hours of each shift. PC.01.03.01; RC.02.01.01 7 If a Priority Problem is not resolved at discharge, follow-up needs/plans are documented. PC.01.03.01; RC.02.01.01 Location Yes 1)HED Plan tab, priority problems highlighted in red 2) paper if documented during HED downtime, 3) StarPanel HED pdf if >48h since discharge 1)HED Plan tab , 2) paper if documented during HED downtime, 3) StarPanel HED pdf if >48h since discharge 1)HED Assessment tab, 2)HED Vital Signs and I&Os tab, 3)HED Plan tab, 4) paper if documented during HED downtime, 5) StarPanel HED pdf if >48h since discharge Patient has been admitted 8 hours and Priority Problems are identified. During first 4 hours of each shift or admission to the unit, goals are documented on each Priority Problem. Identified priority problem outcomes are updated/documented throughout the duration of the shift as part of the RN assessmet or within the last 4 hours of each shift under Response to Care/Recommendations. 1) HED Plan tab under Discharge Problems needing followPlan of Care Discharge up are documented on all unresolved Problems Needing Follow- Priority Problems. Up