To recognize and support perianesthesia nurses at Vanderbilt who have exhibited excellence in
their service above and beyond towards their patients and colleagues.
Nominations for recipients are due by December 31st.
Award Criteria:
Please include dates for specific activities of the nominee.
1. A perianesthesia nurse who makes a significant, positive impact on perianesthesia nursing as evidenced
through collaboration, esprit de corps in a project, etc.
Examples (but not limited to) include: helping a colleague with the hands on work of creating a
research/EBP project, setting up a study group for certification examination, taking over unit tasks due to an
emergency or resignation, being the “go to person” who can answer questions about ASPAN Standards.
2. A perianesthesia nurse who makes a significant contribution to the current work of Perioperative Services
at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
Examples (but not limited to) include: a commitment to the promotion of Shared Governance, a Unit board
representative or chairperson accepting an extra assignment at the last moment, strong commitment in
encouraging professional practice through certification, promotion of VPNPP clinical ladder, furthering of
perianesthesia nursing education, etc.
3. A perianesthesia nurse who makes a positive impact on service excellence in the promotion of nursing in
the community or the workplace.
Examples (but not limited to) include: organizing PANAW Celebration at workplace, organizing a fundraiser
for local charities, working at local health fairs, speaking at community groups on health related topic,
speaking to student nurses, and promotion of ASPAN/TSPAN to coworkers and other perianesthesia nurses.
4. A perianesthesia nurse who makes a positive impact as a leader in perianesthesia nursing.
Examples (but not limited to) include: utilizing leadership role on the unit to promote excellence and safety
in the care of the patients, leadership role in ASPAN/TSPAN/MTSPAN, leadership as a VPNPP 3 or 4 in
Perioperative Services through evidence based practice or clinical improvement projects and education of
their coworkers, leadership and promotion of Shared Governance within the unit, resource person, assisting
and promotion of staff to meet their clinical and educational goals, and the assistance of staff with their
personal and professional needs to increase job satisfaction, etc.
Contributions and activities used in the nomination process for this award must have been completed within the past
three years.
Submit to your manager, educator, & director!
Application is due by Midnight of December 31st.
Award Procedure:
Nominations may only be made by current perianesthesia nurses at VUMC.
Only online/e-mailed nominations will be accepted.
Information required for nomination should include:
A description of how the nominee meets the award criteria.
Contributions and activities used in the nomination process for this award must have been completed within the
past three years.
Nomination Procedure:
Nominations for the PANAW Recognition must be received by December 31st.
You must be a current perianesthesia nurse at VUMC to submit a nomination, and you must include your current
job role and location (unit).
Nomination Forms:
To nominate a perianesthesia nurse for this distinguished award, please read the criteria closely and submit by
email your reasons for nomination of this nurse to your manager, educator, and director.
Nomination forms MUST be submitted by midnight, December 31st.
Award Description:
All nominees will receive:
A certificate of recognition
Award Recipient will receive:
Engraved Award/Plaque and recognition during Perianesthesia Nurse Awareness Week (PANAW) in
Contributions and activities used in the nomination process for this award must have been completed within the past
three years.
Submit to your manager, educator, & director!
Application is due by Midnight of December 31st.