Working Group 3.2 Report " performance of and access to

Working Group 3.2
" To improve the
performance of and access to
occupational health services"
Priority 3.2 Adapt and disseminate curricula, training
materials, and training for international capacity building
in OH, to make meaningful structures and functions
Measurable Key Outcomes 2012
 Creation of platform for accessing information
 Inventory of learning materials in OH implemented
 Develop a “community of practice” for adapting and
improving the teaching material
 Collection, adaptation, piloting and translation of
 Draft of core set of competencies for BOSH
 Network of experts: educators, content & technical
advisors on BOSH
Gaps to be addressed
Home for e-platform both technical and professional.
Support for structure and functions including partners
Necessary resources/funding to run program(s)
Identifying target audience(s) with clear needs
Modules that are easy to use in different local settings
Train Trainers: increase competencies of trainers! Include
pedagogical education and improvement of trainers
Collection, adaptation, piloting and translation of materials
in several languages from the start (English, Spanish,
Arabic, French, Chinese …)
Support countries to start and develop academic programs
in OSH
Barriers and solutions
 Funding
Regional funding proposals
 Bureaucracy
 Flexible partner-driven platform
 Neutral, collaborative home
 Create advisory and steering committee
 Missing needs assessments
 Cont'd discussion in Thursday work shop
 Missing partners
Call them up!
 Continue comm with existing email and phone list
 Skype-call for steering committee
 Partnering in small groups!!
 Follow-up from our meeting, discuss report etc.
Thank you!!
Frank, Linda, Johnny
& John, Norbert,
Timo and Leslie