8th Meeting of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Occupational Health Geneva, 19-23 October 2009 Workers Health in the Eastern Mediterranean Said Arnaout, M.D., Ph.D Regional Adviser, WHO/EMRO arnaouts@emro.who.int WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region Palestine LEB Bahrain 22 Member States Population: 540 Million WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region Palestine LEB Bahrain 3 mega countries WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region Palestine LEB Bahrain Countries in crisis, conflict, emergency situations EMR Wide Variation, Cultural Similarities • Wide range of GDP (Somalia-Qatar) • Labour force (10-50%) of active population • Non-local/ immigrant workers represent the majority of the workforce in some of Gulf countries • Huge informal sector • Unemployment, double job • Working children What are the main challenges, facing workers’ health in EMR? Workers’ Health Dilemma in EMR • Rapid growth of general population and young people reaching adulthood (huge increase in labour force, unemployment) • Inequity, poverty, conflicts, disasters • Conventional as well as new challenges • Insufficient and inadequate OH&S services (human resources, infrastructure, education, training, reliable information and research) • Diverse spectrum of occupational and general health risks (Triple Burden) Triple Burden of Disease • Communicable Diseases • Non-communicable Diseases (behavior-related risk factors/smoking, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity) and chronic stress of various causes • Occupational and Work-related Diseases Regional Situation • OH Services are significantly vary from one EM country to another • Variations include both qualitative and quantitative parameters • There are very good amount of experience in some EM countries, and could be used, exchanged or even replicated by other countries • There is a pressing need to enhance and progress OH services in every EM country • (innovative & cost-effective approaches) is needed Collaborating Centres (CCs) for Occupational Health in EMRO • 3 (2 in Egypt, 1 in Tunisia) • Others who showed interest (1 Egypt, 1 Iran, I UAE, 1 Morocco, 1 Pakistan) • OSH activities are mainly implemented by MOHs Important Country Activities • Bahrain: OHS Committees in all Ministries (MOH) • Tunisia: - Regular publication of OHS Journal - Annual OHS Conference on regular basis • Jordan: National Strategy OHS • Iran: Silicosis Prevention & Control Program; PHC • Kuwait: Healthy Work Places and Disability assessment Workshop Important Country Activities • Egypt: Several training courses for PHC workers – National workshop on protecting HCWs & preventing needle-stick injuries, 4-5 Dec. 2006 • KSA: national Workshop on OHS in Medical practices, Needle stick injury surveillance • UAE: National Training Workshop on OHS for PHC Physicians • Syria: Translation & production of background materials • Libya, Oman &Yemen: Training course for health inspectors UAE, Libya, Oman &Yemen: Training courses for PHC workers Important Country Activities • Qatar: Increasing interest in occupational health • Morocco: heading towards establishing national centre for occupational health • Iraq: Reviving occupational health in the country • Oman: – 1st International conference Dec. 2006 – Healthy workplaces initiative 2007 Main Obstacles – lack of effective coordination between concerned authorities – Role conflicts between various authorities responsible for OHS – Weak legislation and/or enforcement – Insufficient budgetary resources or human resources (even in WHO) – lack of educational programs – lack of expertise – lack of standards Very Important Obstacle • Working in the field of occupational health and safety is not rewarding job in this part of the world!!?? The greatest challenge • How to transform the difficulties, obstacles and challenges into opportunities? Role of WHO/EMRO • Strengthening national programmes Workers’ Health: – – – – MOH & MOL, ILO, ALO, WHO Academia & Collaborating Centres Organizations of Employers & Workers, NGOs Private sector • Coordination with other programmes and initiatives under HPP and other Divisions • Make maximum use of the momentum of GPA & HWPs Initiative 3 Recent Important Milestones in Developing workers Health WHO/EMRO 2003 • Regional Consultative meeting on the development trends of occupational health and safety in the EMR “Current status and perspective”, Damascus, Syria, 16-18 Dec. 2003 2005 • Intercountry workshop on “primary health care and basic occupational health services: Challenges and opportunities in Eastern Mediterranean Region, Sharm ElSheikh, Egypt, 12-14 July 2005 Some Regional Publications 2008 • Regional workshop on “Updating national strategies and plans of action on workers health” Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, 5-7 May 2008 The Regional Office and the EM countries actively involved in the preparation process for the Global Plan of Action on Workers’ Health 17/22 countries of the EMR responded to the Country Questionnaire on WHO GPA on WH EMRO developed the Regional Framework for Implementing the GPA • A country questionnaire on “Following up the implementation of the regional Framework on WH was sent to all EM countries”. • To urge them to develop their own national framework and to help develop the baseline data with performance indicators • Positive responses are being received Inter-regional activities the WHO/ILO Joint Efforts on Occupational Health and Safety in Africa • Unified Country Profile on Occupational Health in Egypt, prepared jointly with all partners concerned on occupational health and safety at national level • A workshop on the national occupational health and safety profile in Egypt was successfully organized in EMRO, Egypt, 29–30 October 2003, as an activity of these joint efforts Strengthening the cooperation and collaboration with ILO & ALO • Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between WHO/EMRO, and the Arab Labour Organization • Coordination meeting (ILO, ALO, WHO) and a joint plan The Executive Board of Health Ministers’ Council for the Gulf Cooperation Council States • Established the Gulf Committee for Occupational Health which was instrumental in convincing the GCC council to: – adopt the Gulf Strategy on OHS – Adopt the HWPs initiative MEETINGS OF THE REGIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT (RACHE) • Occupational Health is an Important Issue on the Agendas • Establishment of Regional EH Team with CEHA, 3rd Meeting of (RACHE) 12-14 Oct. 2009 Committee on Health and Safety in the Workplace in the Regional Office • Important achievement • Established by the Regional Director’s Circular No. 812 • On line questionnaire of assessing stress and other psychosocial factors at WHO workplaces • Our Target is to make WHO premises HWPs WHO/EMRO Priority Actions • National frameworks for GPA (priority areas) • Unified National profiles • PHC and BOHS • HWPs (Operationalization) • Integrative approach to protect and promote the health of HCWs • Capacity building at all levels Thanks To all who organized this meeting, and who supported EMRO, our Member States and CCs in the EM Region