Joseph Conrad: A Descriptive Bibliography Compiled by

Joseph Conrad: A Descriptive Bibliography
Compiled by
William R. Cagle and Robert W. Trogdon
Note: This bibliography is being prepared for publication; it describes Conrad’s works as
they appeared in his lifetime or in their first appearances. The present form is made available
exclusively for the use of the editors of the Cambridge Edition of Joseph Conrad. Please refrain
from printing pages and thus help keep this revised form from getting “published” before it gets
published. The compilers welcome notes on omissions and errors that our readers find. However,
please remember that this is a primary bibliography and thus does not list secondary publications
on Conrad or his works. Nor does it list new editions or reprintings made well after Conrad’s death
or well beyond the works’ first appearances, such as paperbacks. Please send notes on errors or
omissions to Robert W. Trogdon ( To access: Click here.