6140 Page 1 of 8 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL NORTHERN RESEARCH STATION (NRS) NEWTOWN SQUARE, PA FSM 6100 – PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 40 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AWARDS Supplement No.: NRS-6100-2008-3 Effective Date: March 28, 2008 Duration: Effective until superseded or removed. Approved: MICHAEL T. RAINS Station Director Date Approved: 03/28/2008 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Title and calendar year. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. The last supplement to this title was NRS-6100-2008-2. New Document(s): 6145 8 Pages Superseded Document(s): 6145 7 Pages (Last supplement was NRS-6100-2008-2 dated 2/11/2008)) NRS SUPPLEMENT 6100-2008-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/28/2008 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 6140 Page 2 of 8 FSM 6100 – PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 40 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AWARDS Digest: 6145.3 Authorizes the use of up to three (3) hours of excused absence (administrative leave) per week for participating in an approved fitness and wellness program. Clarifies that when administrative leave (transaction code 66) is used, it cannot be added to an employee’s core work hours to earn credit hours. Employee will submit form FS-6500-229, “Request for Reimbursement” form to the Albuquerque Service Center (ASC) Budget and Finance Office. States the types of reimbursements requests accepted by ASC. Prohibits the pre-payment of a yearly health club fee prior to the use of the facility. For example, if an employee prepays from April 2007 through March 2008, the reimbursement request cannot be processed until the period is over which would be in March 2008. However, if an employee pays for the health club fee monthly, the reimbursement can be submitted and processed after the month has ended. For example, ASC can process March 2008 fees in April 2008. ASC will also accept reimbursement requests for quarterly fees. For example, ASC will reimburse an employee for January 2008 through March 2008 fees in April 2008. NRS SUPPLEMENT 6100-2008-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/28/2008 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 6140 Page 3 of 8 FSM 6100 – PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 40 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AWARDS 6145.01 - AUTHORITY Title 5 United States Code 7901(5 U.S.C. 7901), and Title 5 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 792 (5 CFR Part 792) provide authority to establish prevention programs related to health. Authorized activities related to wellness include health services, health education, specific disease screening, health maintenance encouragement, and the establishment and operation of physical fitness programs. Related authorities cover issues of alcohol and drug abuse, employee assistance programs, and occupational health and safety. 6145.02 – OBJECTIVES It is Forest Service policy to encourage employee wellness programs, where appropriate, to enhance employee ability to lead a satisfying and productive life and to reduce Forest Service costs through increased productivity and reduction of illness and injury. The objective of this program is to improve individual employee fitness as appropriate (i.e. weight loss, flexibility, muscle tone, aerobic capacity, stress reduction, etc.), and encourage personal health maintenance including physical exercise. It is required that participants in approved exercise activities adhere to all recommended safety practices and approved equipment. Participation in any program under this wellness plan is voluntary. Time schedules and coordination with work activities need to be agreed upon between the employee and their current supervisor. A supervisor may deny an individual from participation in a requested activity if it interferes with a specific work project. 6145.2 – PHYSICAL FITNESS PROGRAMS Fitness and Wellness Program There are two components of the Fitness and Wellness program: the Fitness Center Reimbursment and the Excused Absence. Employees may choose to participate in one or both components of the program. In order to participate in the NRS Fitness and Wellness program, the attached employee’s Personal Fitness Plan (PFP) Contract (form number NRS-6100-2) must be completed. This contract is the document authorizing the employee to participate in approved activities in the Personal Fitness and Wellness Program. The contract must be properly completed and signed prior to the start of any fitness activities. The PFP Contract is an agreement between the employee and supervisor regarding participation in the program and should be strictly followed. NRS SUPPLEMENT 6100-2008-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/28/2008 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 6140 Page 4 of 8 FSM 6100 – PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 40 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AWARDS A new contract is required at the start of each fiscal year and when there is a change in the employee’s supervisor. As part of the employee’s PFP Contract, certification by a physician is required. The certification is used to indicate whether it is appropriate for the employee to participate in an unsupervised exercise program. This includes only the approved activities listed on the employee’s PFP Contract. Expenses resulting from the screening & certification with a physician are not covered under this plan. Component 1 – Fitness Center Reimbursement Once the PFP Contract is signed by the employee, physician, and the supervisor, the Forest Service will pay up to 75% for any participation in the Employee Wellness Program per fiscal year at any health club that is authorized on the employee PFP. Reimbursement is not to exceed $150.00 per year. 6145.3 – EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS Expenditure of appropriated funds (for example, for supplies or equipment) must be supported by, and consistent with, the unit's plan that identifies goals, benefits to the Forest Service, how and where equipment will be used, and risk factors considered to minimize the potential for injury and liability. PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATION AND RECORD KEEPING In accordance with USDA's strategy for the elimination of convenience checks, all employee reimbursement checks, including wellness reimbursements, employees will submit payment requests to the Albuquerque Service Center (ASC) Budget and Finance (B&F) Office. Information on how to submit payment requests to the ASC B&F is provided on the ASC B&F Miscellaneous Payments website at: http://fsweb.r3.fs.fed.us/asc/bfm/programs/financialoperations/payments/miscellaneous/Procedures-QuickGuides.php. Appropriation law prohibits the pre-payment of a yearly health club fee prior to the use of the facility. For example, if an employee prepays from April 2007 through March 2008, the reimbursement request cannot be processed until the period is over which would be in March 2008. However, if an employee pays for the health club fee monthly, the reimbursement can be submitted and processed after the month has ended. For example, ASC can process March 2008 fees in April 2008. ASC will also accept reimbursement requests for quarterly fees. For example, ASC will reimburse an employee for January 2008 through March 2008 fees in April 2008. NRS SUPPLEMENT 6100-2008-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/28/2008 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 6140 Page 5 of 8 FSM 6100 – PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 40 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AWARDS Employees submitting requests for reimbursement must ensure that a copy of the signed PFP Contract and Form FS-6500-229 (Request for Reimbursement) are sent to the NRS Safety and Occupational Health Manager in Newtown Square, PA. The Safety and Occupational Health Manager will provide an annual report to the Executive Team with the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. Number of participating employees. The duty location. Dollar amounts. Total cost of fitness center membership. Names of individuals will not be reported beyond the Safety & Occupational Health Manager, except as required by law for audits. Component 2 - Excused Absence If approved in the PFP Contract the employee may use up to 3 hours of administrative leave (transaction code 66) each week to participate in approved wellness activities. No administrative leave for a workout on any single day will be less than 15 minutes or more than 1 hour. The intent is to encourage multiple workouts over several days. Administrative leave used must be mutually agreed upon between the employee and the supervisor. Excused absence is not allowed on weekends unless it is a scheduled workday within the employee’s normal tour of duty. When administrative leave (TC66) is used for the fitness and wellness program, it cannot be added to an employee’s core work hours to earn credit hours. The fitness and wellness program is a voluntary program and it is not intended to extend an employee’s normal working hours for the day or for the pay period. It will only be used if the employee can be spared from their normal work activities. The employee’s supervisor will determine how they wish to have this workout time tracked. It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that they are exercising during the period for which they are claiming for fitness activities. The employee’s signature on their Time & Attendance certifies that the employee participated in fitness activities during the time administrative leave was charged. Employees must clearly identify on the PFP Contract the day, time, and duration of the scheduled activities. Conflicts due to work assignments, travel, and sick/annual leave cannot be rescheduled. APPROVED ACTIVITIES Forest Service Manual 6145.2 requires employees to identify fitness activities by considering the potential for injuries and the image such activities present to the public. When reviewing NRS SUPPLEMENT 6100-2008-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/28/2008 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 6140 Page 6 of 8 FSM 6100 – PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 40 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AWARDS activities for inclusion into or exclusion from the wellness policy, three major factors were considered: 1. How the public would view the appropriateness of a particular activity were they aware that Government money was supporting the activity(s). 2. The potential for injury or illness in the various activities in order to assess the risks associated with potential worker's compensation claims. 3. An overall assessment of whether the particular activity fits into the wellness plan's goals of motivating employees rather than just providing recreation. The following is a list of approved activities under the NRS Fitness and Wellness Program. These activities should be performed moderately rather than in a strenuous manner. Only approved activities are allowed under the NRS Fitness and Wellness Program. Approved Activities Aerobics Bicycling (road) Elliptical trainer Free Weights Jogging Pilates Racquet Ball Rowing Machine Ski Machine Skipping Rope Stair/Step Machine Stationary Bicycle Stretching/Yoga Swimming (in a pool) Tai Chi Tennis Treadmill Walking Weight Machines X-Country Skiing Squash Liability Employees injured while participating in an agency approved physical fitness activity, even outside duty hours, may be eligible for worker's compensation benefits under the Federal Employees Compensation Action, 5 U.S.C. 8108, et seq. es. Approved programs must be documented and safeguards incorporated to limit the potential for injury or illness. NRS SUPPLEMENT 6100-2008-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/28/2008 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 6140 Page 7 of 8 FSM 6100 – PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 40 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AWARDS USDA Forest Service NRS-6100-2 (02/2008) NRS Fitness and Wellness Program Personal Fitness Plan (PFP) Contract Page 1 To be completed by the employee: The employee selects the component of the NRS Fitness and Wellness Program in which they wish to participate: Fitness Center Reimbursement (not to exceed $150.00) and/or Excused Absence I, voluntarily agree to participate in the NRS Fitness and Wellness Program. I have read and understand the NRS Fitness and Wellness Policy and agree to abide by all the requirements. I also understand that participation in the program is limited to only the approved activities as stated below: My specific activity(s) will be (): Aerobics Bicycling (road) Elliptical trainer Free Weights Jogging Pilates Racquet Ball Rowing Machine Ski Machine Skipping Rope Stair/Step Machine Stationary Bicycle Stretching/Yoga Swimming (in a pool) Tai Chi Tennis Treadmill Walking Weight Machines X-Country Skiing Squash My specific schedule of participation will be: Day of the Week Example: Monday Time Period 12:00-12:30 PM Duration 0.5 hrs Total Employee’s Signature Date Employee’s Duty Location Phone Number NRS SUPPLEMENT 6100-2008-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/28/2008 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 6140 Page 8 of 8 FSM 6100 – PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 40 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AWARDS USDA Forest Service NRS-6100-2 (02/2008) NRS Fitness and Wellness Program Personal Fitness Plan (PFP) Contract Page 2 Only to be completed by the employee’s physician: To be filled out by physician: (PATIENT) is capable of participating in an unsupervised exercise program offered through the U.S. Forest Service as outlined in page 1 of this employee’s PFP contract. Physician’s Name (printed) Phone Number Physician’s Signature Date To be completed by the employee’s supervisor: APPROVED DISAPPROVED (If disapproved, state reason(s) below) Supervisor’s Name (printed) Phone Number Supervisor’s Signature Date The supervisor must approve any deviations from this contract in advance. If the employee terminates participation in the NRS Fitness and Wellness Program, they will notify their supervisor in writing. The supervisor must maintain the original document in the employee’s Employment Folder. PRIVACY ACT NOTICE The information collected on this form is used to authorize the employee to participate in the NRS Fitness and Wellness Program, that participation will not place the employee unduly at risk due to inadequate physical fitness and health. Collection and use are covered under Privacy Act System of Records OPM/Govt-10 (Employee Medical File System Records) and are consistent with the provisions of 5 USC 552a (Privacy Act of 1974).