A Comparative Study of Harmonic Filtering Strategies for a Shunt Active Filter P. S. Sensarma, Student Member, K. R. Padiyar, Senior Member, V. Ramanarayanan Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore: 560 012, India. Abdmct- In recent years, the issue of harmonic flltering has received considerable attention. Although various strategies of harmonic filtering have been proposed, there h still some confurion regarding the prefkrable solution. In this paper, a comparative analyal of the filtering strategies, for a pure shunt active filter, is carried out. The analysis ia based on frequency-domain techniques and includes the various non-idealities which appear in a real system. All analytical arguments are corroborated with experimental results. f i r exclusive load compensation purposes, the preferred rolutlon is indicated. by a modified high-pass filter function [SI. The significant non-idealities are considered for system modeling and the filtering characteristic of each method is derived using frequency-domain techniques. Analytical predictions am experimentally verified on a 2 KW, sixpulse thyristor rectifier load. Harmonic filtering is done by an IGBT-based STATCOM. Based on the filtering characteristics and ocperimental results, relevant conclusions are drawn. 11. THECURRENT CONTROLLER I. INTRODUCTION Fig. 1shows the circuit schematic ofthe STATCOM. In the deregulated power market, adherence to Power Quality (PQ) standards has emerged as a figure-ofmerit for the competing power distribution utilities. Among the various PQ problems, harmonic distortions in the line currents and consequently in the voltage at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) greatly disturbs the normal operation of connected loads. aaditional harmonic filtering solutions using passive series-tuned filters suffer from dependancy of filtering characteristics on the component values of the tuned circuit. Drift of component values also deteriorates the filtering performance. Moreover, these are prone to resonance interference with the network. In recent years, availability of voltage source inverters with fast switches and good controllability has spurred the development of active filters. The active filters are immune to network resonance effects. Possible active filter topologies include both series [l] and shunt conkurations [2], although unified approaches 131 have also been reported. In [4], the application areas for pure series and pure shunt active filters (PSAF) are clearly demarcated. However, large and medium power industrial rectifiers have smoothing chokes either on the 8~ or dc side. The present focus is on harmonic filtering for such types of non-linear loads, where using a PSAF is meaningful. In this paper, the different harmonic filtering strategies applicable to a PSAF are analyzed and compared. In all the cases, the Synchronous Reference Rame (SRF) method [5] is used for harmonic measurement as the accuracy of this method is independent of dip tortions in the PCC voltage. The SRF approach is a two-step procedure which involves convertingthe three phase currents to their rotating frame (d,q) equhlents. The harmonic components are then extracted Each of the series inductors has an inductance L and an internal resistance R. The ac side currents are sensed through Hall effect sensors and fed back for control. The current controller is designed on the basis of vector decoupling of the d and q axis currents [I.The general form of the control law for either of the axes is vd/q (1) The current error is modulated by the function H i ( . ) which is given by The controller is realized on a digital platform, which is based on a DSP processor (TMSF240). As a consequence, a time delay, equal to one computation period, appears in the current control loop. In addition, the current sensors also introduce a delay in the feedback path. For a signal f(t), delayed by a time interval 7 , 0-7803-6401-5/00/$10.00 0 2000 IEEE 2509 - id/*). = e d / q f wLiq/d i-Hi(ikq the s-domain representation is given by 0 .................... 1 L{f(t - 7 ) ) = e - r r f ( s ) N ---T(s) 1+87 (3) if the frequencies of interest are small in comparison with 1 / ~ .F(a) ia the Laplace nansform of f(t). If 3 :,. ......... .. . .. . . ...........;. ........ ..) ... I . . ...:. . . . .. . . . . . . . j ........... ..i ...................... -10 g . . . . . . . . . . .:..........i..................... . . .. . . .. : i . 4 ..................................................... . . . . . . i.....+ i.............1....... . .:...... .. . . : . . . the time delay due to the STATCOM current Bensor is Td and the computation interval is T,,then, using (3), their input-output relationships in the sdomain are Using this approximation, the current loop ie configured as shown in fig. 2. The block Gf, shown in fig. 2, is the phnt t r a d e r function, which is e x p m d below. 10' Fig. 3. Bode plot for current controller loop gain, Go,. (5) "i -10 , . , . ,.i. ........................................... F . . - ...................... The closed-loop transfer function thus becomes, : I : I 1 . ... . . ... .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . I :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . -100 . $ j 8 ; 8 -1 50 10' - . I O Fig. 4, :\I ............................................................... : : 1 : . . ,.. I I :' .. .. . -16' For the system data shown in Table I, the bode plot for the loop transfix function is shown in fig. 3. Since the phase margin is about Me,the closed-loop current control system, with all non-idealities considered, is stable. Fig. 4 shows the corresponding plots for the closed loop system. The vertical dashed line in fig. 4 is drawn for easy reference, corresponding to a frequency of 300 1' 0 Frequsny ( r r d e c ) : . .. . . . .. Flequency ( d - 4 .. 10 ' Bode plot for current ccintroller cloeed-loop transfer function, Gci. Hz. The phase lag at 300 Hz (1885rad/s) is 20°. The current control loop forms the innermost loop in the control hierarchy and is identical for all compensation strategies which are discussed in this paper. III. COMPENSATION STRATEGIES Of the various strategies for harmonic compensation that have been reported in litmature [8][9][10],the ones applicable for a PSAF are mentioned below. The circuit schematic of a PSAF Is &own in fig. 5. All d i k d o n s in this section refer to this schematic and the etrategies use terminal qiiantities, available at the I Fig. 2. Current control loop with internal del- ineluded. TABLE 1 CIRCUXT AND CONTROL PARAMETERS Inverter aeries inductance Inverter series resistance Inverter sen-espath time constant Inverter Bwitching frequency Current emmr delay Unit sample delw High Pase Filter time conetant Current Control loop Dc loop gain PI controller time constant Rf 9.67 mH 0.206R fr 36.1 ma 8 KHs L q '&.TA Tv TF K Tc 2 5 0 ~ 1% a 6.3 me 6963 18.1 ms Fig. 6. STATCOM in the system (current directions shown). 2510 qG}‘““7i- harmonic components of the PCC voltage by e h and positive currente to be taken BB shown in fig. 5, the describing equation for this strategy is ContFOllcr Entraction iz(t) = Kvh Fig. 6. Method I: Compenaation schematic. eh(t). (10) This method was shown [lo) to be suitable for reducing the overall voltage distortion in an interconnected system. However, if the active filter is used for load compensation only, this scheme can lead to overcompensation. This situation arises,for example, when the PCC voltage has harmonic distortion but the load is lineat or it is wvitched off.For this reason, this method is not investigatedfurther. PCC. A. Method I: h a d Current Sensing This method is basically a feedforward scheme. It involves measurement of the load current and subsequent extraction of ita harmonic content using a high pass filter scheme. The harmonic components, so extracted, are adjusted for polarity and used as.reference commands for the current controller. This is explained Iv.ANALYSISOF FILTERING SCHEMES A. Load Current Sensing with the help of fig. 6. Denoting the harmonic mmponenta of the load current by ilh and positive currents to be taken as shown in 6g. 5, the describing equation for this strategy is iT(t) = i l h ( t ) . * Denoting the delay in the load current sensor by a firstorder hg,with time constant Tal, the compensation achematic is shown in fig. 9. GF(B)is the transfer function for the high pass filter which is expressed as (8) B. Method 11: Source Current Sensing In this strategy, the source current is measured and its harmonic component extracted. This is scaled by a suitable controller, usually of the proportional type. The output of the proportional controller is provided 89 a reference to the current controller. This is schemati- Also, i,(t) = i&) - ir(t). (12) cally represented in fig. 7. Fig. 7. Method 11: Compensation schematic. The harmonic extraction block u s e s a similar high pass scheme as in Method I. Denoting the harmonic components of the source current by &h and poaitive currents to be taken 69 shown in fig. 5, the describing equation for this strategy is iE(t) = ‘Kih e i,h(t). (9) C.Method 111: PCC Voltage Sensing This method requires measurement of the harmonic component of the PCC voltage, e(t). The harmonic component is then used to generate the current reference, after pawing it through a proportional controller. Schematically, it is represented in fig. 8. Denoting the the schematic can be reduced to that shown in fig. 10. It is seen that the control structure comprises two flow paths in parallel. Since both the individual paths consist of linear eystems, stability of these individual systems guarantee overall stability. One of the paths has a gain of -1 and is therefore stable. Stability of HI(s), therefore, ensures total system stability. &om the discussion of the previous section, it is obvious that the closed-loop poles of the current control system lie in the left-half of the s-plane. These are also the poles of Hi(#), along with a left-half pole at s = -1/Tdl. Thus, all the poles of H&) lie in the left-half of the s-plane. So, it represents a stable system and the compensation 5 1 +rT& ‘c + Fig. 9. Method I. Total system schematic. Fig. 10. Method I. Equivalent eystem schematic. Fig. 8. Metbod 111: Compensation schematic. 251 1 Fig. 12. Method 1. Modified system schematic for finite load impedance. Fig. 11. Method I: filtering characteristics. function for the entire scheme is also stable. " s f e r scheme is therefore, Gl(8)= H lmt i p = -1 -IH[(8). (4 Fig. 11 shows the Bode plots for G[(a). This shows the filtering characteristics of Method I. It is seen that there is about 2.5 dB attenuation given to the 300 Hz component. The above analysis is applicable t o situations where the load can be represented by a current source, with infinite internal impedance. Since this is not practically available, a portion of the STATCOM current flows into the load circuit. In this context, a quantity Z h , called "sharing factor" is introduced. xh < 1. \ 3Y8000 -8000 -6000 -4ooo Real suds -2dw 0 am0 Fig. 13. Roots of the @stem, Glf(.9), with variation in sharing factor from 0.1 to 0.9. The closed-loop poles are plotted in fig. 13, for a variation of s h from 0.1 to 0.9. S i c e there are no right-half roots, the system is stable. However,this conclusion is valid for equal phase angles of the murce and load impedances, which ia a special case. where, Zuh is the internal impedance provided by the murce network to a harmonic component of h-th order, and Z[h is the internal impedance provided by the load circuit to the same harmonic component. The sharing factor indicates the Norton's current in the source branch, due t o the STATCOM, as a fraction of i,.It is also clear that in a practical situation, 0 < +++ (14) B. Source Current Sensing The control schematic, with all sensor and computation delays included, is shown in fig. 14. Tdl is the time constant in the source aurent sensor model. The system involves a feedback element, as is evident from the control schematic. The loop gain is given by (16) With this consideration, Kirchoff's Law at the PCC node gives i, = x h i c i [ O (17) where, i ~ ois the current in the load branch, without STATCOM operation. The modified schematic is shown in fig. 12. Stability of the total system is ensured if the positive feedback system, shown within dotted l i e s in fig. 12, is stable. The dosed-loop poles of the positive feedback a m are obtained below t o investigate stability. The closed loop transfer function ia - Robustness of this system is considered for two diflerent C89e5. Case 11-A:K j h = 0.1. Fig. 15 shows the bode plots of Go,for this w e . Fig. ' ' ~ ~ z t I+ q, Fig. 14. Method 11. System schematic. 2512 I1 is unable to provide any filtering &e&. Thus, harmonic filteringof Method 1I is poorer than that of Method I. V. DELAYCOMPENSATION SC~EME~ Id 10‘ Frequ-Y Based on the analysis of the previous section, the load current Bensing method ia adopted here. The problem in achieving satisfactory compensation is the phase delay introduced by the cascade combination (Ht)of the current control loop, high-pass filter and the load current sensor. Two separate approaches can be adopted for delay compensation and these are de acribed and analyzed below. I 0‘ 1-( A . Method I-A: The ‘Dynamic” Compensation Apm c h Fig. 15. Case IX-A. Loop gain. This method of delay compensation can be realized with both analog and digital controller hardware. Here, a phaselead filter is provided after the high-psss filter, as shown in fig. 18. The phaselead filter dynamics is described by the following t r d e r function. where, U,,,is the central frequency where maximum phase lead v is obtained, and rd lo‘ a is the “spread factor” which decides the value of v. The bode plots of GPLF(S) are shown in fig. 19 (a) and (b). F’rom the magnitude plot in fig. 19 (a), it is Frequency (radlsec) Fig. 16. Case XI-A. Filtering eharacteristica. seen that the filter haa high pass characteristics. This may not be a signiscant problem because of the -40 dB roll-off in the closed-loop transfer function of the current controller. Since the gain always exceeds unity, the filter output has to be appropriately scaled down to generate the current controller reference command. The phase plot shown in fig. 19 (b) has a sharp peak at the central frequency. Fig. 20 shows the bode plot of Ht. Comparison of the two phase plots reveal that an exact cancellation of phase delay for an extended frequency range is not possible. Under this circumstance, the b a t option is to attempt cancellation of the dominant harmonic component. For a six-pulse rectifier, which is used here, the dominant harmonics are the 5 t h and 7-th, both of which appear as 6 t h harmonic components in the aynchronous1y rotating reference frame. nom Sg. 20, phase delay given to the 300 Hz component is about 42O. From fig. 19 (b), this can be cancelled by choosing a = 4. 16 shows the filtering characteristics for this method, which is the bode plot of the correspondingclosed-loop system. This system is stable, as the gain plot does not crws the 0 dB lime. However, the magnitude plot of 6g. 16 reveals minimal harmonic filtering Case II-B: Kjh = 8. Fig. 17 shows the bode plots of Go, for this case. The magnitude plot of fig. 17 shows that 0 dB ciosaover occurs at the mavimum point and the phase margin is about zero. Thus, a PSAF realimtion based on Method C 3 1 O -= -100 U Fig. 18. Dynamic delaJr compensation approach. 2513 -1. J 1 I. 0 t t ...................... ................... .................... ...................... ....................... ........ . ..:....... .......... . . ...................... a - .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . ... .. . . . .. . . . . . . : . . ... .... . . . .... .... .... .... . . . . .. .... . . ........ ....... .............. ...... ..... .................,.!. .. . . . . ... . ... . ... .. ... . . . . . .. . . . 10' Frequency (nldlsac) I -20' ld 10' 10' Fig. 20. Bode pl'ot of H1. Freqwncy(ad'-el Fig. 19. Phase lead filter characteristice for 1 magnitude (b) phase. 5 (I 5.10. (a) . . .: . < . ... . .... ... ... . -10 ................... .l.i................................. . . 1 : .. . . . . 1 : 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I .............. Fig. 21 (a) and (b) show the bode plots for the combined system, as shown in fig. 18. It is seen that the phase shift is zero at the central frequency (300 Ha) only. Loop gain at the central frequency is approximately 2.3, which has to be scaled down to unity. B. Method I-B: The 'Steady-state" Compensation Approach Fig. 22 shows the control schematic for this method. The phase-lead filter is replaced by a reference genere tion block, other components remain identical. This method can be applied only where the controller is realized on a digital processor platform. Thia allows for data sampling and storage. The approach is based on the assumption that the load harmonic current is strictly periodic. Consequently, + - + h [ ( k &)Tal= iih[kT, TP nT8] (21) where, n is a positive integer. This implies that future values of the current can be predicted from the information obtained from the previous cycles. To determine the value of n, an audit of the various phase shifts, at 300 Hz,are given below. Current Controller High Pass Filter : -20" : 5" A phase lag of 1S0 at 300 Ha corresponds to a time lag of 139 ps. Delay introduced by the current sensor can be considered to be a time-shift, T a . Therefore the total time advance needed is T+ = T a + 1 3 9 p = 3 8 9 ~ For a sampling interval of 125 ps, n is rounded &to 3. In the following section, experimental results for Methods I-A, I-B and Method I1 are provided. The 2514 I : I I : . . ..... . . . . .. . .. :. . . ....i ...... . . (a) Fig. 21. Method I-A: Bode plots for closed-loop transfer function i&)/il(a) (a)magnitude (b) pbase. Rdcnnu; Fig. 22. Steady-state delaJr compensation approach. current harmonic spectra for each of these casw are also plotted for comparative appraisal. VI. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The experimental results ishow the source current waveforms for the different control strategiesmentioned before. Fig. 23 shows the sou1:ce current in the absence of compensation. The cur,reni; waveform is typical of a six-pulse rectifier in continuous conduction. The dc side of the rectifier feeds a resistive load, through a smoothing choke. Fig. 24 show the harmctnic spectra of the three line currents. The first plot on each row shows the fundamental and the second shows the harmonic components. All graphs are plotted against the hannonic number and the y-axis is calibrated as a percentage of the fundamental component,, which remains constant throughout the experiment. It is seen that the dominant harmonics are the 5 t h (28%, 26%, 25%).,7-th VII. CONCLUSIONS (5%, 4%, 4.5%) a d 11-th (8%, 7%, 6.5%) harmonic components. A slight unbalance in the load currents can be observed. F i g .25 shows the source current with Method I-A. The waveshape shows significantimprovement. Fig. 26 shows the corresponding harmonic spectra. The 5-th harmonic component is attenuated to 4% of the fund& mental, but there is no significant improvement in the 11-th harmonic, which remains at 7 %. Fig. 27 shows the source currents obtained with Method I-B. Their harmonic spectra are shown in fig. 28. No individual harmonic exceeds 3% of the fun& mental. Fig. 29 shows the source current for the three phasea, obtained with Method 11. The high-frequency compe nents in the current waveform is to be noted. Fig. 30 shows the harmonic spectra. The 5 t h harmonic is brought to below 7% in all the phases. But the source current has a very large 20-th harmonic component which grows in magnitude with increasing Kfi. This validates the theoretical predictions, derived from frequency-domain analysis. -0.m~-am -4.015 . 4 -a01 . -4.w . o . . . . . . o m 0.02 . , 9 -om5 4 0 1 I I filtering characteristics over the source current sen& ing method @I), which has a possibility of instability. The PCC voltage sensing method (111) may not be very suitable for exclusive load compensation purposes. Two delay compensation schemes were analyzed in connection with Method I. Both the methods show identical filtering performance at the dominant harmonic frequency. However the "steady-state" method (EB) was seen to a t e r an extended range of harmonics in comparison with the udynamic" method (I-A), Reaults from frequency-domain analysis were experimentally validated on a 2 K W thyristor rectifier and a STATCOM of appropriate rating. Therefore, it is concluded that method I-B is the preferred harmonic filtering strategy, if transient performance is not a major concern. o.m . .... ...... . . ........ > -om and in the absence of any delay compensation, the load current sensing method (I) has marginally better . 0.m 0.01 _ ........).................. 4.z~ In this paper, a comparative study of the exist- ing harmonic sltering schemes for a PSAF was performed. For identical current controller parameters 4w I I o 0.m am oms 0.02 , i / I I -om -0.02 -oms 0.00~ -om 4.01 o am 0.01 0.016 aoz 0.0~5 ....... LO . -am 4.02 -0.oi5 4 0 1 . 4.w . . o o.m a01 ...... . . o m o m o.as 4.m 4.02 4 . 0 1 5 4.014.000 (a) I 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 8 2 5 .. . .. m '0 . ..,::..... 10 -H - .. ... 15 ...... 1' 1 ... .. IO IS w 23 ........ ................ ....... . . : ......i. ......._........ i....... . .. .. . . 5 ace i : ........ 0 =E' a015 0.- I s . ...... i. . .....4 ....... :L ....... ... i .*. ... ... .. ... am a m ... ...... ....... a ............:. ......;....... ;....... . .... .............. .:.. : : : : .. .... 5 .. ...... a, o Th.(3 Fig. 26. Source currents with compensation (Method I-A) (a) b o @) i a b (c) Fig. 23. Source currents without compensation (a) ia0 (b) i.6 (c) i,c. . .. . .. . , . . ....... ...... ........ . ..... . .. .. .. . . . ......... ...... ...... ........ (Cl . .. OO 15 BD lhln-doHmbr 10 0 . .. io .... ...... ..... I . ....... ...... ., . , 15 +lurndoHmbr . .... . . . 10 1s . BD no O E DD HmnmbNmhr = Fig. 26*,Harmonic spectra of source currents with compensation (Method E A ) (a)i.* (b) 6.1 (C) ire. Fig. 24. Harmonic spectra of source currents without compeneation (a) ia0 (b) idb (c) Le. 25 15 ........ ....... -0.w +.om -a01 -0.o 0.aoi oms 0.m 0.w !. I. I. I. !. I. .r . s ...................................... ........ ................. . . . . .. .. ... .. . . ... .. .. o... . . . . . .,. . . . . .. . . . . .... . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . .:. . @) .. .. . . .. .. .. . 4 .: . . ;...................... . . .:.... ..:.. . ......i..... ....... 4.m -om -4.015 -4026 1 1 j., . ....... , ~ . . . ..,.... . . . . . . ....... . -0.01 .... -0.a 4 . 0 ~-0.015 -0.01 -am n OO(M . ...... . ....... -om 0 . . 0.m o.m 0015 . . om 0.02 0 . o ~ ao2 0.025 am . IC) (C) ....... ....... . 4.a - O m 4.015 4.01 -0- 0 <io08 0.01 0.01s 0.02 ooa llnm (r) Fig. 27. Source currents with compenaation (Method I-B) (a) Fig. 29. Source currents with compensation (Method 11) (a) i,, (b) i.b (c) is=. i.a (b) i,b (c) iac. ,m. .....:........_. .: I'H'. m 3 ....?: 1 0 $ ........ ...... ) ....................... ; j ' s i I. ' 1 i i .. .. .. 0 1 0 . . 5 ! z o j . . 10 15 .. .. . 0 .. p 1 "0 a v s .......................... 1 . . .. . .._l ..... . . . . ....:........:.....:... ...:..... .. .. . . . . . . . .. s 10 1s 20 P RI . w 1 . ~ 1 .. ....... ... ..... .. ..... . . . H.mol*Nunk Fig. 28. Harmonic spectra of Bource currents with compensation (Method EB) (a) i,*(b) i,b (c) iaC. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Fig. 30. Harmonic spectra of source currents with compensation (Method II).(a) (b) ish (c) is,. [4] The authors acknowledge the support of Mr. Chowridass, Mr. RamachGdra, Mr. Sadanand and Mr. Paul,workshop s t d l Department of Electrical Engineering, IISc, during fabrication of the experimental hardware. REFEI~ENCES IEEE Industry Applications Maigoaine, Septemberf October, 1998. DD 21-30. [5] 2516 S. Bhikacharya, D. M. 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