1630 Page 1 of 9 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL NORTHEASTERN AREA STATE AND PRIVATE FORESTRY (NA) NEWTOWN SQUARE, PA FSM 1600 – INFORMATION SERVICES CHAPTER 1630 – PUBLISHING AND RELATED ACTIVITIES Supplement No.: NA-1600-2009-1 Effective Date: January 23, 2009 Duration: Effective until superseded or removed. Approved: KATHRYN P. MALONEY Area Director Date Approved: 01/23/2009 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Title and calendar year. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. The last supplement to this Title was NA-1600-2007-1. New Document(s): Superseded Document(s): (The last supplement was NA-1600-2005-1 dated 07/06/2005.) 1630 1631 1633 1630 1631 1633 9 Pages 4 Pages Digest: 1630 Designates the Group Leader, Office of Communications, as the Publications Control Officer. 1631 Replaces the Desktop Guide with the 10 Step Publication Process. Replaces the Information Product Request form with three new forms for processing publications. Revises the required Reviews and Clearances. Supplement NA-1600-2005-1 is obsolete. 1633 Reassigns responsibility for posting Web-formatted information products to the Office of Communications Public Affairs Specialist in the Area Headquarters. NA SUPPLEMENT 1600-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/23/2009 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 1630 Page 2 of 9 FSM 1600 – INFORMATION SERVICES CHAPTER 30 - PUBLISHING AND RELATED ACTIVITIES 1630.4 – RESPONSIBILITY 1630.42a – Area Director The Area Director designates the Group Leader, Office of Communications, as the Publications Control Officer for the Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry. 1630.43 – Authors It is the responsibility of all employees to familiarize themselves with the content of this supplement and the national issuances of FSM 1630 and FSH 1609.11, before developing an information product. 1631 – PUBLICATIONS MANAGEMENT 1631.14 – Processing Proposals for Publication The author will follow the step-by-step developmental sequence described in The 10 Step Publication Process, which is attached as Exhibit 1 and available on the Intranet at http://fsweb.na.fs.fed.us/staff/BusOps/oc/communications_naw.shtml. All forms will be completed and routed electronically. 1631.15 – Reviews and Clearances The author of an information product will submit “Form A—Information Product Proposal” (NA-160014, Exhibit 2) to their highest level supervisor (Assistant Director or Field Representative depending on authors’ supervisory structure), along with a proposed distribution plan created specifically for the information product. The Information Product Request Form (NA-1600-13) is obsolete and will no longer be used. Highest level supervisors will ensure that proposals are concurrent with their work plan and the author is the right person to develop the product. In addition, Assistant Directors will ensure that the project is a program priority and that funds have been allocated for the work. The Assistant Director will then forward Form A to the Publications Control Officer for review and clearance. The Publications Control Officer approves the publication proposal and forwards Form A to the Creative Services Team Leader. The Creative Services Team Leader sets up a conference with the author to discuss development of the information product, initiates “Form B—Information Product Development” (NA-1600-15, Exhibit 3), and sends a copy to the author. The author drafts the content of the information product in accordance with the submission guidelines, obtains the necessary content and policy reviews, and forwards the draft product and Form B to the Assistant Director. The Assistant Director reviews and approves the draft before submitting it, along with Form B, to the Creative Services Team Leader for product development. Authors requesting reprints of previously published materials, requiring no changes to text or graphics, should complete “Form C—Reprint Request” (NA-1600-16, Exhibit 4) and submit it through their highest level supervisor and Assistant Director to the Publications Control Officer. NA SUPPLEMENT 1600-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/23/2009 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 1630 Page 3 of 9 FSM 1600 – INFORMATION SERVICES CHAPTER 30 - PUBLISHING AND RELATED ACTIVITIES 1631.2 – Standards for Publishing The following standards are established for the Northeastern Area in addition to those outlined in the publication, “USDA Visual Information Standards – Print, Exhibit, and Presentation Media Specifications and Uses.” 1. The outside front cover of each information product will contain the following information: a. Publication number, assigned by the Printing Specialist of the Office of Communications Creative Services staff at Area headquarters. b. Month and year of issuance. c. Corporate identifier—“United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry” d. Forest Service shield and Northeastern Area logo. 2. The inside front cover or outside back cover will contain the following information: a. The Area headquarters’ mailing address—“Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry, 11 Campus Blvd., Suite 200, Newtown Square, PA 19073.” b. The Northeastern Area’s Web site address—“www.na.fs.fed.us.” 3. An optional statement may be added when the author is located at an Area field office or satellite location. For example, for an author located at Durham: “[Author’s full name] works at the Northeastern Area’s field office in Durham, NH 03824-0640, phone 603-868-7600.” (Note the use of the field office’s main phone number.) 1633 - PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTION 1633.04 – Responsibility All printing and binding, including reprinting, will be submitted to the Printing Specialist, Office of Communications Creative Services staff at the Area Headquarters, for purchasing through the Government Printing Office. 1633.13 – Printing Approvals The author will request advance approval for color printing (black plus one or more colors) by sending a written description of the proposed use of color and a justification to the Creative Services Group Leader. NA SUPPLEMENT 1600-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/23/2009 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 1630 Page 4 of 9 FSM 1600 – INFORMATION SERVICES CHAPTER 30 - PUBLISHING AND RELATED ACTIVITIES 1633.2 – Distribution 1. The staff that initiates an information product is responsible for distributing the completed product to the unique distribution plan that was submitted with the Information Product Proposal (Form NA-1600-14). 2. The staff will send 18 copies of printed and digital publications to the Printing Specialist, Office of Communications Creative Services staff, at the Area Headquarters. 3. The Office of Communications Public Affairs Specialist in the Area Headquarters is responsible for having Web-formatted information products posted onto www.na.fs.fed.us. NA SUPPLEMENT 1600-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/23/2009 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 1630 Page 5 of 9 FSM 1600 – INFORMATION SERVICES CHAPTER 30 - PUBLISHING AND RELATED ACTIVITIES Exhibit 1 Office of Communications—Creative Services 10 STEP PUBLICATION PROCESS Follow these steps when planning a new information product for print, Web, other electronic medium, or display. Visit http://fsweb.na.fs.fed.us/staff/BusOps/oc/communications_naw.shtml for publication process forms and information, or contact the Office of Communications Group Leader, Gina Childs or Creative Services Team Leader, Victoria Evans. February 2009 NA SUPPLEMENT 1600-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/23/2009 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 1630 Page 6 of 9 FSM 1600 – INFORMATION SERVICES CHAPTER 30 - PUBLISHING AND RELATED ACTIVITIES Exhibit 1 (continued) What needs to go through the 10 Step Process 1. Hard copy publications 2. Revisions of hard copy publications 3. Displays and exhibits 4. New Web publications and documents 5. Corporate products (Success Stories, State Fact Sheets, etc.) 6. First edition newsletters hard copy or electronic What needs to go through Public Affairs Articles to be published outside of the FS(journalarticles, magazine articles, etc). These will be edited by the publication to their standards; however, they do need to be reviewed by: • Assistant Director (for technical accuracy and adherence to program policy). • Public Affairs Team Leader (for adherence to Forest Service policy). Intranet Materials (NA WEB)—Materials to be posted to the NA Web site can be e-mailed to the Newtown Square Public Affairs Specialist for review and posting. Internet Materials (WWW)—Revisions and updates to existing Internet Materials (other than formal publications) can be e-mailed to the Newtown Square Public Affairs Specialist for review and posting. News releases, press and Congressional contacts. Criteria for Printing Not all documents need to be printed. Consideration for printing will be given to documents that: 1. Result from a congressional request or mandate 2. Need to be portable to the field 3. Depend on visuals for communication—such as posters, displays, and exhibits 4. Brand the FS/NA identity—product is critical to communicating agency mission 5. Describe critical/emerging issues that need broadest possible distribution 6. Target an audience that does not access the Internet Reprints Reprints of publications, with no changes to text, require Form C. Color Printing The agency has specific criteria for color printing and allows it only in limited circumstances: it is necessary for the image to be usable (such as a map), to properly portray an image where detail is important (such as a drawing of an insect) or similar circumstances. “Because it will look nicer” is not an acceptable criterion. If you think you can justify color, start the process during the Product Planning Meeting. Submission Guidelines These guidelines describe minimum requirements for information products submitted to the Office of Communications. Following these guidelines will help to minimize production delays. Text • MS Word, unformatted: no indents, mixing of fonts, hyphens or justified paragraphs. Times New Roman 12 point. Avoid all capitals for Headings. (Note: text copied from the Web, even if the same type style and font, has different characteristics and must be converted to “normal”). • Include full sentence captions for all figures. No graphics in text document. • Text must be proofread and spell-checked with hyperlinks removed. • Citations must follow the American National Standard for Bibliographic References as shown in FSH 1609.11, Section 16. Electronic sources should follow the Columbia Guide to Online Style and include the date accessed in parentheses. • Printout with text double-spaced and electronic file on CD. Charts, Graphs, and Illustrations • Submit graphics and text in separate files. Indicate in the text where each graphic should go. • Include source data for charts or graphs in case they need to be re-designed to fit the publication’s style. • Charts and graphs should be submitted in Excel or separate Word file when possible, or submit data only and explain the format you want. • For visuals designed with other software, submit the product in vector format (can be resized without loss of quality) whenever possible. File extensions should be WMF, EMF, OR EPS. If vector is not possible, submit in the original format at 300 dots per inch (dpi) for the size image you want to appear in the product. Images, Photos, and Slides • Submit images in electronic and hard copy, showing any crop lines on hard copy. Resolution should be a minimum of 300 dpi for the desired size. If in doubt, ask Creative Services staff for assistance. • Digital cameras should be set to TIF or to the JPG setting with the least compression (highest quality jpg image). Do not edit original images because a loss of quality will occur. Always edit a copy. Send both the original and the copy. • All graphics and images must have a full-sentence caption and photo credit information. Images/Graphics for Web Posting -Same submission rules apply, except 150 dpi is acceptable. NA SUPPLEMENT 1600-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/23/2009 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 1630 Page 7 of 9 FSM 1600 – INFORMATION SERVICES CHAPTER 30 - PUBLISHING AND RELATED ACTIVITIES Exhibit 2 Form A — Information Product Proposal (To be initiated by author) Product Title Date Author’s Name Phone E-mail Program Time Sensitive (Yes ) (No ) Target Date Describe the product and what information need it addresses. Purpose of Information Product Job Code How will the information product be used? How do you know this subject/product is in demand? Target Audience Who is the product designed for? (Be specific.) How will your product get to the target audience? Distributio n Plan How will the audience learn the product exists? If product is to be mailed or e-mailed, please include the lists or reference which lists in the Contacts Database. Cooperator s What other staff groups or organizations are you working with on this product? Reviewers Who will be reviewing this product? Deadline Final Product Budgeted Funding Evaluation If this product is needed for a specific event, please list the event and the date. Cost of final product How will you measure the product’s success? (Web statistics? Number of requests? Cooperator/user feedback?) Final Product Format (Check all that apply.) Printed Web DVD/CD Video PowerPoint Display Poster(s) Newsletter Quantity # Pages Size Color Requested Service (Check all that apply.) Creative Writing Reprinting Editing Photocopying Graphic Design Scanning Initial Approval/ Proposal Approval Field Representative (If Field Office employee) Staff Assistant Director Publications Control Officer Director’s Approval (If necessary) Reason for Disapproval Illustration Laminate/Dry Mount Approve Printing Other Disapprove Signature Product is in concurrence with work plan and the author is the right person to develop product. Approves product based on available budget and it is a program priority. Approves product proposal based on NA mission critical, not a duplicative effort, fits criteria for printing/Web distribution. Decision in case of disagreement. Submitted to Creative Services Date: NA SUPPLEMENT 1600-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/23/2009 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 1630 Page 8 of 9 FSM 1600 – INFORMATION SERVICES CHAPTER 30 - PUBLISHING AND RELATED ACTIVITIES Exhibit 3 Form B — Information Product Development (To be initiated by Creative Services) Product Title Date Author’s Name Phone E-mail Program Time Sensitive (Yes ) (No Draft Approval ) Target Date Job Code Approve Disapprove Signature Date Comments Complete Incomplete Signature Date Comments Approve Disapprove Signature Date Comments Assistant Director Sign Off Editor Graphic Designer Author Certification for Production Publications Control Officer Area Director For Office of Communications, Creative Services use only Product Information (Check all that apply.) Printed Publication Web Publication DVD/CD Video Exhibit/ Display Poster(s) Newsletter Full Color Ink Color Paper Color Paper Weight Other Product Format (Check all that apply.) Quantity Size Brochure Booklet Binding Single Sheet Publication Number Paper Finish Other Date Color Approval Budgeted Amount Distribution List Name Address Phone E-mail Quantity Requested Service (Check all that apply.) Editing Graphic Design Illustration Photocopying Creative Writing Scanning Printing Laminate/Dry Mount Reprinting Other NA SUPPLEMENT 1600-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/23/2009 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 1630 Page 9 of 9 FSM 1600 – INFORMATION SERVICES CHAPTER 30 - PUBLISHING AND RELATED ACTIVITIES Exhibit 4 Form C — Reprint Request (No changes to publication) Product Title Publication Number Date Point of Contact Phone E-mail Program Time Sensitive (Yes ) (No ) Target Date Cost Amount budgeted for reprinting. Reason for Reprint Describe reason for reprinting. Target Audience Who is the product designed for? (Be specific.) Distribution Plan How will your product get to the target audience? How will the audience learn the product exists? Job Code $ Total Quantity Requested Shipping Quantity Shipping Address Initial Approval/ Proposal Approval Field Representative (If Field Office employee) Product is in concurrence with work plan and current needs. Staff Assistant Director Funding is available and it is a program priority. Publications Control Officer Director’s Approval (If necessary) NA mission critical, not a duplicative effort, fits criteria for printing/Web distribution. Reason for Disapproval Approve Disapprove Signature Decision in case of disagreement. Submitted to Creative Services Date