FRAMEWORK for NATIONAL NETWORK & CYBER SECURITY 23 September 2009 1 Ram Narain DDG (Security), DOT Email: 06-02-200906.02.2009 23.09.2009 7 Tier Approach to Network & Cyber Security 5 levels of Security 4 Facets of Security Issues in Facets Actions on Issues Scaling & Measuring Recovery Mechanism Learning/Feedback 2 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6 Tier 7 23.09.2009 DDG (Security), DOT Five Levels of Security International Level National Level Enterprise Level Local Network Level Device Level 3 23.09.2009 DDG (Security), DOT 4 Facets of Security Cyber Security Communication Assistance for Security Information Security Telecom Network Security 4 23.09.2009 DDG (Security), DOT Overlapping in Facets of Security Information Security Network Security Cyber Security Communication Assistance for Security Security Issues Matrix Information Security z z z z z z Standardization Confidentiality Integrity Availability Non-repudiation Access Control and Authentication Cyber Security z z z z z z z z 6 De capacitating (DoS, DDoS) Website Compromise Network Scanning Probing Phishing Span Virus Steeling of info (Trojan etc.) 23.09.2009 Telecom Network Security z z z z z Communication Monitoring Data Access -RA Network Decapacitating Maintenance capability Trapdoors, Trojans etc Communication Assistance for Security z z z z z z Interception Monitoring Analysis Speech Recognition Social Network analysis Trace ability of users DDG (Security), DOT Action Table for Information Security Issues Standardization Action z z z z z Confidential z z z Integrity z z z z Availability z z z Access Control and Authentication 7 z z Standard Formulation Awareness of Standard Use of standards Enactment of Regulations Organization & Structure Security of Media Encryption policy Protocol Standardization Digital Signature Distortionless Communication Intrusion detection Addressing Reliability of Media Media capacity Protection Physical Access Password Management 23.09.2009 DDG (Security), DOT Action Table for Cyber Security Issues z z z z z z z z Action Decapacitating (DoS, DDoS, Botnets) Website Hacking Network Scanning Probing Phishing Spams Virus Steeling of info (Trojan etc.) z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z 8 Installing Honeypots Intrusion Detections System (IDS) Firewall Antivirus Hardening of Operating System software Port Management Use of Proxy servers Use of Safe Software Vulnerability Scan Identity Tracing National Regulations International Co-operation Monitoring & Tracking Organization and Structure Incident Reporting System Addressing BGP, DNS vulnerabilities 23.09.2009 DDG (Security), DOT Action Table for Network Security Issues z z z z z Action Communication Monitoring Data Access -RA Network De-capacitating Maintenance capability Trapdoors, Trojans etc z z z z z z z z z z z 9 23.09.2009 Equipment Testing Equipment Purchase Procedure & Conditions RA Access Precautions Installing Sensors Maintenance Skills Development Enacting Laws Solution implementation Algorithm designs Regulation Operations Involvement of SPs Organization & Structure DDG (Security), DOT Action Table for Communication Assistance for Security Issues z z z z Action Interception & Monitoring Speech Recognition Analysis Trace ability of users z z z z z z z z z z 10 23.09.2009 Legal framework Technical capability Structure Availability of Tools & Technology Development of Analytical Tools Users Verification Process CLI Restriction Identity Management Encryption Policy Decryption Capability DDG (Security), DOT Scaling & Measuring • What can’t be quantified, can’t be measured • What can’t be measured, can’t be monitored • What can’t be monitored, can’t be controlled & improved 11 23.09.2009 DDG (Security), DOT Scaling & Measuring – Information Security Issues Standardization z z z z z Confidential z z z Integrity z z z z Availability z z z Access Control and Authentication z z Action Scale Score Standard Formulation Awareness Standard Use of standard equipment Enactment of Regulations Organization & Structure 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 Security of Media Encryption policy Protocol Standardization 5 8 7 4 6 4 Digital Signature Distortion less Communication Intrusion detection Addressing 4 4 3 2 6 6 4 3 Reliability of Media Media capacity Protection of data 7 7 6 5 4 3 Physical Access Password management 8 12 6 7 Total 12 23.09.2009 100 62 DDG (Security), DOT Scaling & Measuring – Cyber Security Action 13 Issues z Installing Honeypots z Intrusion Detections System (IDS) z z z Firewall z Antivirus z z Hardening of Operating System software z z z Port Management z Proxy servers z z Use of Safe Software z z National Regulations z International Co-operation z Monitoring & Trading z Organization and Structure z 23.09.2009 Decapacitating (DOS, DOSS, Botnets) Website Compromise Network Scanning Probing Phishing Spams Virus Steeling of info (Trojan etc.) Total Scale Score 20 8 10 5 15 6 10 10 10 10 15 5 4 7 8 5 100 48 DDG (Security), DOT Scaling & Measuring – Network Security Action z z z z z z z z z z z 14 Equipment Testing Equipment Purchase Procedure & Conditions RA Access Precautions Installing Sensors Maintenance Skills Development Enacting Laws Solution implementation Algorithm designs Blocking of sites International Regulation & Co-Operations Organization & Structure Issues z z z z z Scale Communication Monitoring Data Access -RA Network De-capacitating Maintenance capability Trapdoors, Trojans etc Total 23.09.2009 Score 20 10 20 40 20 20 12 15 5 12 100 54 DDG (Security), DOT Scaling & Measuring – CAFS Action z z z z z z z z 15 Legal framework Technical capability Structure Availability of Tools & Technology Development of Analytical Tools Subscriber Verification CLI Restriction Identity Management Issues z z z z Interception & Monitoring Speech Recognition Analysis Trace ability of users Total 23.09.2009 Scale Score 30 20 25 25 20 4 12 20 100 56 DDG (Security), DOT Grading Score Grade >80 70-80 60-70 50-60 <50 Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor Composite Score & Grade z z z Composite Maximum Score: Total Max Score/4 =400/4= 100 Total Score: 220/4= 54 Grade: Average Recovery Mechanism • Don’t loose heart • Activate Command & Control System • Determine the Level of Problem • Assess Damage • Check for any Skill Gap • Equipment and tool Availability and their working Condition • Network Awareness • Documentation of Network – A short pencil is better than long memory • Accessibility of Documentation 18 23.09.2009 DDG (Security), DOT Feedback/Learning • From every Success and Failure there are lessons • Failure is not when you fall; failure is when you don’t get up • Feedback is the food of Champions 19 23.09.2009 DDG (Security), DOT National Security Environment Capability Structure Laws and Regulation Security Environment 20 23.09.2009 DDG (Security), DOT Enhancing Security Environment Capability High Level Laws and Regulation Structure al n n tio tio a rn era e t p In o-o C Capability Low Level Laws & Regulation 21 Structure 23.09.2009 DDG (Security), DOT Cyber Security S – Structure E – Experience C – Capability U – Undertaking R – Regulation I - International T – Technology Y - Youth Cyber City Cyber Security THANKS 24 06-02-200906.02.2009 23.09.2009 DDG (Security), DOT