Research report CASSANDRA-II: A 90 DISTRIBUTED BLACKBOARD SYSTEM lain D Craig (RReo) Abstract The blackboard problem solving architecture has been used in a number of real-time and near real-time domains with some success. The architecture is usually employed when control becomes complex. The control component of a blackboard system is centralised and combines both local and global control. ln this paper, a system is described which distributes control across the blackboard. The system, CASSANDRA-ll, has been used in the controlled airspace monitoring domain. CASSANDRA-ll is a distributed system in which the usual abstraction levels of the blackboard are replaced by level managers. Level managers contain schedulers which make control decisions only for their own level manager. Global control is achieved by a separate scheduler. Department of Computer Science University of Warwick Coventry CV4 7AL, UK Jan 1987 I NTRODUCT I ON ( Erman. Hayes-Roth, 1 975; The blackboard architecture near real or real time of 1983) has been used for a variety problem distributed used in problems. also been has It time plausibly (Lesser. has been . It 1983 I experiments solving might be a general argued that the blackboard architecture (Hayes-Roth. 1983) probJ.em solving of modeJ. and Despite considerable interest in the architecture, it of domains, number in a application successful its particularly where problems, of number a from suffers are concerned. The core of a and organisation control globaI database (the blackboard) a blackboard system is this hierarchy: abstraction as an which is organised problem plan solving the for hierarchy serves as an outline problem domains can process ( Feigenbaum, 1 97S I . Not aII (e.g., hierarchy strict easily be structured according to a somewhat a (Hayes-Roth, cases, fn some 19?9)1. comments in in unnatural and highly abstract hierarchy must be invented abstraction the to Coupled order to fit the architecture. levels problem: abstraction problem is the micro-Ievel a within faII which gloss abstractions over many frequently called are (these abstractions given level finer-grained in (Lesser, 19??)). These problems suggest that micro-IeveIs the imposition of hierarchy may be unwarranted in some cases and, thereby, complicate the architecture. The second is a rchitecture bJ.ackboard problem the with major BJ.ackboard sYstems are scheduling. frequently used to solve problems which require complex control regimes. As BaJ.zer et a1. note (Balzer, 1980), a aspect of building scheduling is the most difficult aII architecture. blackboard the In application. blackboard decisions are made by a central scheduler: loca1 and globaI mixed. Hayes-Roth ( Hayes-Roth, 1 984 ) has are control The based upon planning. developed a theory of control of representation explicit requires theory Hayes-Roth controJ- decisions within the system- In this paper. a system calJ-ed CASSANDRA-II (Craig. ft was designed to monitor air traffic 19861 is described. time. real approximately in airspace in controlled but architecture, the blackboard on CASSANDRA-II is based graceful degradation and the requirements of retiability The major architecture. suggested changes to the traditional system The and abstraction. changes concern control also it usual: than hierarchies abstraction fewer contains global a control. and local between makes a distinction schedulers of construction the makes which distinction somewhat easier than is usually the case. domain is briefly In the next section, the application system is cASSANDRA-II the three, In section outlined. in to control approach the four discusses Section described. and reliability with concerned five is Section the system. problem soIving. to distributed the system's contribution --tt- Section six summarises the main poJ-nts 2. TASK DOMAIN of the monitorrng I is concerned with warns system The airspace. movements in controlled airt:raft ( conflicts or confl-ictions ) of the user of any violations controllecl relative are Aircraft control rules. traffic air specific kinds of to to a set of rufes, some of which apply j-t:h (sector apply to any wh of rules ) , sorne alrspace is rules airspace . One a spect of the Iatter controlled f reasons, ef it:iency ancl for saf ety aircraf t, separatirrn: and the vertical. must be separated in both the hqrizontal to the altitucle at in adclition, rules relating There are, must ffY. which aircraft CASSANDRA- I perform knowleclge sources to The system contains and to checks separation longitudinaland Iateral vertical, altitude correct at the is flying check that each aircraft heacling. When any qf these r:hecks f arIs, a message f or its the the type of violation, is sent to the user stating information. other useful ancl caIJ.-sign of the aircraft knowledge sources to sources remove from knowleclge perform other checks. These the sector inside not which are consicleration atl" aircraft (radar produce aII visible for returns will being monitored remove just ancl sector ) the those within not aircraft, 1n any engage to which are too far separated airt:raft cletectrng f9r Clne knowledge source is responsible conflict. have crashed, the user if aircraft crashes tretween aircraft. emergency should be informed immediately in order to direct services to the site. I n aclclition , cASSANDRA- I I contains It structural-1y. The task domain is quite interesting Is there knowledge: of types separated completety contains does separation and between separation types no interaction allocation ' The only IeveI with cruise not interact the monitored outside aircraft an is that requirement and that consideration from be removecl should airspace applied. are checks any other crashes be detected before Eeyr:nd these requirements, the separation and cruise Ievel led checks may be performed in paral-1e1. These observations architecture. I i CASSANDRAof the to the clevelopment 3. SYSTEM STRUCTURE i is structured as a set of nine i-ntermanagers. Communication between level communir:ating level managers Level uni-directional. is always managers conventional more in IeveIs to abstraction corresponcl relationships b.Lackboard systems. There are no hierarchical and cruise separation the although managers between IeveI l-eve1 two with processes are associated 1eve1 allocation pruning away for is responsible which of managers, one cASSANDRA- I -2 the which cannot possj-bIy engage in conflicts, aircraft between refationship The other of which performs tfre checks. t9 the IeveI managers in eat:h of these pairs is far closer j-s leveI Each abstraction. to pr:oclucer-Consumer than it manager in the system operates inclependently of aIl- others: to this is when a .l-eveI manager has no the only exception process ancl waits for input from another more infr:rmation to raclar system[ 1 ]. level. manager or the surveillance The gross structure of the system is shown in frg Level The core of system is the Ievel manager concept. relatecl for collecting a deVice be to managers are designecl knowledge know.leclge items (blackboard entries ) ancl relevant ( called a clatabase contain managers Level together. sources the l-evel by analogy with the trlackboard mociel) which holds or hypotheses. The entries in the Ievel are usecl to entries the local knowledge sources. The knowledge sclurces trigger knowleclge and manager represent a level within held manager: a leve1 the purely to local expertise which is j-nstance only one level and to one belongs knowleclge source and create update, acld, may manager. A knowledge squrce belongs it which to i manager Ievel in the entries delete leve.I other to post entries knowleclge sources can also managers by sencling messages ( knowlecl ge s.Jurces cannot levels other than th6se tq which they sicle-effect directly trelong ) . levef the system into of divj-ding The intention of each components, autonomous permit Iargely managers is to leveI Each needs. its to which has a scheduler tailored a scheduler and scheduling dataIase ' The manager contains decisions scheduler is concerned with purely loca1 control manager. a level by made are der:isions global control no each database, its ancl scheduler In acldition to a lq1cal precondition ancl source knowleclge a contains manager level interpreter: action source knowledge a and condj-tion matcher Ievel in different representations different these permit managers. that each The provision of these components entails Level others' of aII independent tevel manager is completely passrng messages by another each ' managers communicate with The result ls that CASSANDRA- I I exhibits greater modularity system. I n traditional blackboard than a more traditional of modularity is the primary source systems, the blackboard of the existance (each of is ignorant KS knowleclge source in the : I I ) cASSANDRAto applies also this others atl present system, level managers can be added or remoVed with difficultY. very littIe Ill In the current implementation of the input is replaced bY input from a simulator. -3 system, radar Po."lo"r (ginqlator) InpuF Lev4 Mavtagel Verhc*l lq', bn. Sef huy'ix) l*v, Mgt. Prnntn5 L<v.141r. Vattr'cal Sge. chechr bry,5"+ tav. Aqr. Le,v. ,tYtt, lnfr.r{ar< (useR) fi1. 1 c\qh, Laf. Jep. Ptr+*ty l-e.v. toQr fhe structure 1. of a IeveI manager -l-s shown in frg CONTROL ISSUES Ls contro]. systems, blackboard I n conventional. in a gtobal schecluler ' The gIobaI scheduler is centralised from responsible for seLecting knowledge source activations a set of cand j-dates ancl for for:ussinS the system's attention Scheduling has been on various regions 6rf the Ilackboard. regarded for a long time as one of the more diffrcult Scheuduler clesi-gns aspects of the blackboard architecture. (Hayes-Roth, 1977)' The complex very been frequently have local both with concerned also is schedul-er centralised (which KS to execute witliin a region of the blackboard) ancl on to concentrate global (whi-ch regi,rn of the bfackboard next ) control Problems. approach was aclopted. The In CASSANDRA-II, a different parts that different showed problem domain of the analysis independently (the 1evel managers) could operate refatively could 'be control suggested that thrs each other: of The extent. managers to a large within leveI localised strategres contrnl different are there was that seconcl issue domain: some leveI which apply to the airspace monitoring information, clistance using control their et'fect managers have this not does manager atlocation 1eve1 but the cruise ace to interf the dition, act In availat:le. r:f ormation inf kind qf pruning the some and ( manager ) leveI the input radar sequences of knowledge source require managers Ievel could be met by a central-rsed regulrements These eXecutions. there be, at that requirement but the final scheduler, s ome over clistributron possibility of the 1east, shoulcl cgntr(]I that indicated strongly network communication not be centralised. These observations are supported in the current version of the system. Each Ievel manager has a Iocal schecluler. The local scheduler is charged with the contrcll- of only the GloEraI schedulrng resides. manager in which it level schedul-er. LocaI j_saons 1ocal a by made be cannot dec to other level messages send however, can, schedulers behaviour. of form some request to managers in order an monitorj-ng domain, airspace In the controlled controf non-local passing to effect message using example 9f has been detected to be ()n an is as foIIows. If an aircraft leve1 given its heading, it is possible f.l-ight incorrect other aircraft ' with engage in conflicts wiII that it Messages can be sent to the Separatj-on level managers ( in manager -- vertical separation the vertical particular, be the most probable ) so that wiII conflicts separation attentLon can be focussed on any events concerning that particul-ar aircraf t. to blackboard system, the decision I n a more conventional focus on the offencl in9 ai-rcraft would be taken t:y the -4 E.rtriar I o cof S"latAuler Sc,heal*tq Dahlare f(now leASe Scu(c2! Ks nt rtt-crtarr KS Lc{etl Er,vef o Ae*.ron h.rlergte{<r llrlq6c, qQ.r oe ( -- Sr' 2 the schecluler must central scheduler. That suggests that of (or have representatrons violations for moni-tor tasks rlf the violations ) or must be aware of the intentions sel-ects for execution. In CASSANDRA-II, the methodology rt which emerged was one of cloing what is necessary where rt ls control erttailecl coflecting this for control, necessary: one facet of the airspace into clecisions about a particular place - the Ievel manager responsible for that facet. The methodology outlinecl above has a number of effects. effect is that the schedulers associated with each The first are quite simple. They are concernecl only wrth manager IeveI of tasks within the level manager anc'l are the schedulrng where f ocus cl ecisit:ns. of any glotral ent indepencl totally f ocus clecisions have to be made, a global schedul-er is used. The system (rperates on a dual-schecluling system' Tltis second scheduler makes decisj'ons the global that point entails which determine how the Ievel managers a s incl ivicl uals are to between IocaL and gIobal control The division operate. the design of the system's rntroduces a seconcl benefit; mechanisms can be divided into two cctmplementary scheduling the tw(l cJi-vision is that components. The result of this component become smaller than usual ancl ' types of control because Iocal scheclulers are simpler, they tencl to tre f aster than the comparab].e monolithic scheduler [ 2 ] ' In the t:urrent implementation of the system, the gIobal is concernecl only with selectins the next Ievel scheduler system is to The aim of the present manager to activate. perform as fast as possible. A version of the system without a gJ-obaI scheduler is under construction ' The new version is across the Departmental network ' In the to be distributed be applied ' the same methodology will version, dirstitrutecl with what concernecl be wil-I schedul-ers experiment , I n this 1n any permitted tr: direct, lre not will good and at they are be only will but managers, level other of actions way, the motivated able to make suggestions. This decision is partly version vy the fact that the g1obal schedul-er in the current manager level of the system is respon.sible for serialising I t is expected that some on a uni-processor. activations component will be required to monitor control messages from other level managers: this entails an extension to the level Iogically but interacting, manager in which another, separate scheduler wilI lre provj-cled. 5. DI STRIBUTION AND RELIABILITY over allow clistribution been seen, this fact impacted cln cAssANDRA- I I was clesigned to many processers. As has t2J CASSANDRA-II's predecessor, cASSANDRA-I had a cenAn eXperiment was performed to compare schecluler. tralisecl in performances: cASSANDRA- I I performed better the relative terms of response time and accuracy of detectron ' -5 many of the design decisir:ns, concernecl . partir:ularly where (:ontrol is the system in a variety of It is possibrl-e to clistribute is to allocate a one way to perform distribution ways. separate processor to each 1evel manager. This methocl of was the one we hacl in mind when designing the clistribution to each leveI system. By a.llocating a separate processor the system's tretween mapping manager, there is a natural ancl conventional hardware. architecture of a Ievel manager to a single processor The allocation it is control, In air traffic implications. has rel-iability possible. one I f as r:r as reliatrle systems to Ie essential f processors managers level than there are mQre assumes that the or else that a IeveI manager does not consume aIl becomes processor 1t network, the in of each resources possible for IeveI managers to migrate from one processor to obvious fashion. This kind of migration another in a fairly might occur when there is either a hardware or a software f a i-]-ure . of the failed a new instance processor : the new new on the manager is started level ( that processing scratch from level manager instance begins informatl-on of the any n() attempt is macl e to recover is, manager ) . I n practise , this level stored in the faited causes no problems when the time requirecl to migrate and start a l-evel manager on a new processor is less than the radar sweep time ( on average, six seconcls ) . When migrat:-on occurs, The facts uni-processor that the kind possible for modest power. 6 . that the system has been cleveloped on a smalI and that its performan(:e is adequate suggest describecl here shoulcl be of clistribution nodes in a communication network with only CONCLLIS IONS of the blackboard architecture, a system designed for high is It has been descrllred. time Ftrolllem solvlng real in a clistributed, reliability moclular ancl Iends highly is The architet:ture environment. parall-eI evaJ-uation. to itseJ-f naturally cAssANDRA- I I , a variant control within the system is based upon the principle in the p-tace knowledge scturce activation of controlling r:f cASSANDRA- I I Ttre architecture . is requirecl where it component. system each in mechanism provides a control llasis, purely IocaI a on schedulecl are sources Knowleclge tailored easily more be can schecluler each This entails that tfl trr the task in hand. There is a methocl11logical corollary and local intq) divided be control that required it is this: to clesign global components, each r:f whir:h is f ar simpler more traclitiona-I a in analogue the than and construct blackboard syst,em. -6 The system was clesrgned to be as simple as possrlrle. reasons ( it This approaclr was adqptecl partly f9r reliability is easier to rnaintain srmple systems ) and partly because of Many of the clata structures are consict erations. runtime that re-coding in ADA or C w6ruld suggests which length fixed better runtime er to extrat:t orcl possibte in easily be performance. A rough uni-processor CASSANDRA-I I current claily west Drayton, conclude that 0n a performance evaluation ha s been clone. system (a vAX 11/750 uncler 1' 2BSD IJNIX) is abfe tcr handle between 2 '2 and 3 times the Ioacl at the Lt1nclon Air Traf f ic Control Centre, we Middlesex, Englancl. 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