Research Report 277 Hybrid Bases in Graphs Ladislav A Novak and Alan Gibbons RR2II ln this paper we introduce a new concept, that of hybrid base, which is a maximal circuitless and cutsetless subset of a graph. Although this concept of simultaneous circuitlessness and cutsetlessness has been used in proofs of some theorems in so called hybrid gaph theory, it has not received much attention. Only largest circuitless and cusetless subsets (hybrid bases of maximum cardinality) have been recognised as important and then only as an auxiliary notion. [n contrast to nu.x-i*rally circuitless subsets (rees) or to maximally cutsetless subsets (conees), hybrid bases are not of the same cardinality. This fact, although seemingly an "imperfection", is the cause of rich stnrcture which we describe in this paper through several propositions. The concept of hybrid bases is related to several important notions in hybrid orientated gaph theory. For example, it is related to maximally distant pairs of trees, to complementary pairs of trees, to perfect trees and to topological degree of freedom. It is also closely related to the problem of finding the minimum numhr of independent variables in the hybrid analysis of electrical networks. Dclparlment of Cornputer Science University of Wa: wick Coventry CV4 7AIUnited Kingdom March 1992 Hybrid Bases in Graphs Ladislav A Novak Deparrnent of Elecrical Engineering, Univenity of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia and Alan Gibbons * Deparunent of Computer Scierrce, University of Warwick, England Abstract In this paper we introduce a new concept, that of hybrid base, which is a maximal circuitless and cutsetless subset of a graph. Although this concept of simultaneous circuitlessness and cutsetlessness has been used in proofs of some theorems in so called hybrid graph theory, it has not received much attention. Only largest circuitless and cutsetles subsets (hybrid bases of maximum cardinality) have been recognised notion. In contrast to maximally circuitless subsets (fees) or o as important and then only as an auxiliary maximally cutsetless subsets (cotrees), hybrid bases are not of the same cardinality. This fact, although seemingly an "imperfection", is the cause of rich structure which we describe in this paper through several propositions. The concept of hybrid bases is related notions in hybrid orientated graph theory. For example, complementary pairs of trees, to perfect pairs of trees and it is related !o maximally o topological tJo several important distant pairs of trees, !o degree of freedom. It is also closely related o the problem of finding the minimum number of independent variables in the hybrid analysis of electrical retworks. $1 Introduction We intnrduce a new concept, that of hybrid base, which we believe has relevance in current graph theory and within certain important applications. of a graph is said to be a hybrid base of the graph if it is both circuitless and cutsetless and maximal in the sense that no other circuitless and cutsetless subsets of the graph contain b as a proper subset. For exarnple, figure I shows two copies of the same graph with trvo A subset b of edges different hybrid bases indicated with bold lines. Any subset of a hybrid base is also both circuitless and cutsetless and will be called a double independent subset of the graph. It is obvious that a hybrid base or any of its subsets may be seen as part of a tree and part of a cotree at the same time, and consequently has rhe properties of both. But there is one important distinction: in contrast to maximally circuitless subsets (trees) o{'the gaph or to maximally cutsetless subsets (corees) of tne graph, maximally lcircuitless and cutsetless subsets (hybrid bases) arc not necessarily of the same cardinality. This is the case, for example, for the graph of figure 1. This "irnperfection" however turns out to be an advantage. x Partially sr.rpported by the ESPRIT II BRA Prognimme of the EC under critltract No. 3075 (ALCOIO. bold cdges bclorg b hybrid bases lbrl= 3 l\tl= 2 (b) (a) Figue I Although the concept of simultaneous circuitlessness and cutsctlessness has been used in prmfs of some theorems U,2,3\, it is surprising that this concept has not received much anention. Only largest cfucuitless and cutsetless subses have been recognised as important [3,4] but not rrcre than as an auxiliary notion. The part of graph theory which deals with concepts which are inherently related to both circuits and cutsets, we shall call hybrid gmph theory. The promotion of new notions can be a qpurious process and it may not at first be clear which are of value and whether the most useful defrnitions have been made. We hope that the notion of hybrid base and will take its place as a notion of independent will provide excellent intuitive insight within the area of hybrid value, graph theory.Throughout this paper we shall, without loss of generality, be concemed only with 2-connected graphs. It was pointed out by Amari [5] that the set of edges of a graph can be divided into nvo distina subsets such that the sum of the rank of one subset and the corank of the other may give a number which is less than both the rank and the corank of the gpph. Not long afterwards, this number was forrnally defined by Tsuchiy a et al. and called ttr hybrid rank t6J. In the sam paps the notion of a minimal hybid rank taken over all possible par:titions of the edge set of a gnph was inrodrrced and called the tqlogical degree of fieedom. That paper together with tbc paper of Kishi and Kajitani [] in which maximally distant pain of trees and principal partition werc introduced providc the foundation of the hybrid approach in graph theory. Since 1967 many Papers have been published in this area mostly by Japanese authors. The concept of hybrid bases is *learly related to several important notions in hybrid orientated gaph theory. For example, it i5 r;;".lated to maximally distant pain of trees [], to complementary pairs of l,'ees [3], ro Fedscl pairs of trees [8] and to topological degree of freedom [6,7] . It is also related to the problem of frnding the minimum number of independent variables in the hybrid analysis of elecrical networks. S2 Preliminaries 'lJris sei:tion is devoted to some definitions a"nd assertions related to material that follows. Wc prcslrme that the reader is familiar v,'ith the following basic notions of graph theory: graph, edge, circuit arrd cutset We take these to L* prirna"ry notions drat need not tre defined. However we will defrne all other notions on the basis of these. Throughout we denote a graph by G and im edge set 3 by E. The tenns circuit, cutsct, trec, cotree, forest and coforest will bc uscd here o rncan a subcct of edges of a gnph. A forest is a maximal circuitless subset of edges while a coforest is a maximal cutsetless subset of edges. If the graph is connected then a forest is a tnee and a coforest is a corec. by t*. The non-negative integer ranl F, related to a tree t, is called the diameter of the tree t. Given a tree t, any edgc in the corrcsponding In what follows, a tree wiX be denoted by t and a cotree cotree t* forms exactly one circuit with edges in t" Such a circuit is called a fundanrental circuit of G with resp€ct to t. Similarly, any edge of the tnee t defines exactly one cutset with the edges in the corresponding cotree t*. Swh a cutset is called a fundamentel cutset of G with reqp€ct to t . If E' is a subset of E then the rank of E' is the cardinality of the largest circuitless srbsct of E, tbc co-rank of E' is the cardinality of the largest cutsetless subset of E and the complement of E'is the set difference E\E' denoted by E*. By lE'l we denote the number of elemens in (that is, thc cardinality o0 the subset of E'. Given a subsets s of a graph, we denote by nr(s) (rcspectively nr(s)) the maximum number of independent cutsets (circuits) made of edges in s only. The distance between two (spanning) trees tl arrd b of a graph, written ltr\|, is the number of edges which are in tt but not in t . A tree g is said to be maximally distant from another trec tl if ltr\t l ) ltr\l for every trer t of the graph. A pair of trees (tr,b) is defined to be a perfect pair of rees if both t2 is maximally distant from tt and tt is maximally disant fro- b. A pair of trees (tr,g) is defined to be a maximally distant pair of trees if ltt\l > lt\"| for every pair (t',t'). A pair of rees (t1,9) is said to be a complementary pair of trees if tt and harc disjoint and their unim covers the edge set E. Assertion I t8l Given a tree to of a graph G, (Vt) W <rank to* Assertion 2 [8] re equivalenc distant from tt The following five statements i) t2 is maximally ii) the fundamental circuit with respectto t2defined by an edge in tt*nb* contains no edges in tt^b. iii) the fundamental cutset with respect to t2* defined by an edge in ttnb contains no edges in ti*nt2*. iv) ltr\gl- rank tr* v) ltrngl = ns(tl) Assertion 3 tEl The following five statements are aluivalent: i) (tr,tz) is a perfect pair ii) fundamental circuits with respect to tt and t2defined by edges in trnh' tt*nt r'contains no edges in I iii) fundamental cutsets with respcct !o tlf and t r defined by dgqs in trnb contains no edges in tt*nb*. iv) rank tt* = v) nr(t1) = ltt\l =lh\tl= rank t2* hrnbl= nr(!) In proving theorems we shall occasionally refer to the following three theorcms which one found in the graph theoretic literaure, frexample in [0,11]. can Orthogonality theorem Given a graph G let C be a circuit and S bc a cutset of G. Then Painting theorem (also known as the Cn Sl* l. Colouring theorem) Given a gaph G let {e}, Et and Q form a partition of the edge set E of G. Then either e forms circuit with edges in E, only s a cutset wi& edges in Q a only, but not bodr. Maximal independence theorem Irt A be any edge subset of a graph G. Th€n all maximal circuitless (cutsetless) subses of A re of the same carrdinality. A more general version of the Painting theorem, together with a large number of its coollaries be found in [12] . can $3 Double independence and hybrid base A subset of edges of a graph G is said to bc a double independent subset of E if it contains no circuits and no cutsets of the gaph G. This concept, although it has never been given a specific name has been used in proofs of some thorems f1,2,3,41. A double independent subset d of *dges of a graph G is said to be a hybrid base of G if it is maximal in the sense that no other double independent sul)set of C contain d as a ploper suset [n other words a double independent subset d of G is a hybrid base iff for an arbitrary edge e in d*, dw{e} is not a double independent subset of G. Obviously, an edge subset of G is a double independent subset of G iff it is a subset of a hybrid base of G. In contrast to maxirnally circuitless subsets {tiees) or to maxin'rally r;ulselless subsetr r;i;rximally circuitless and cutsetl*ss subsets (hybrid 505,',s) illustrations we ples€nt the following exanrples: neerJ ncit (cotrees), have the same cardinaliry. As 5 Example I For the graph shown in figure 2 all hybrid bases are listed bclow and classified by cardinaliry into two groups a) with cardinality 2: (3,6) b) with cardinality 3: (1,3,4) (1,5, O (2,4,6) (1, 3, 5) (1,4, q (2, 3, (2,3, o t (2,5,6) 6 Figure 2 This is one d the smallest examples with at least two different cardinalities of hybrid bascs boll eilges bebng O bytriil [\r= ? lbel= 6 baser hl= 5 Figure 3 Example 2 We employ an augmented version of the g'aph of figure 2, shown in figure 3. All hybrid bases arc classified by cardinality in three gruups: with cardinality 5, with cardinality 6 and with cardinaliry 7. One representative for each group is thown in figure 3. The list of all hyb'rid bases for tlre g.aph is shown in Appendix 1. Remark I Starting with the graph of exarnple l, it is possible to build a class of graphs by consecutively addiirg new 'floors' which are copies of the same glaph . Adding one floor above the ground floor gives the graph of figure 3 for which thrrc different cardinalities of hybrid bases: 5,6 and 7 . The result of building n- I floors over the ground floor, is sho.,vn in figure 4. "chcre arr: w !r tl rl lb{=3n+D-1 ta) ll I /I\ vl) i--l- D+l tl w Figure 4 It is not difficult to prove thu all hybrid bases of the graph obtained (which has n floors including the ground floor) can be classified by cardinality into n+l groups represented by carrdinalities 3n-1, 3n , ..., 4n-1. We now present some properties of double independent subsets and hybrid bases based on the Painting theorem. The first proposition gives a necessary and sufficient condition for a subset of edges to be a double independent subset Proposition A subset d of circuit ard I edges is a double independent subset a cutset of a graph iff each edgc in d forms both a with edges in d* only. Proof Irt an edge e belongs to a subset d- Then according to Painting theorem applied on triple ( d\[e], {e}, d*) e does not form either a circuit or a cutset with edges in d only iff e forms both and a cutset with edges in d* only. lrtdbea 1. 2 double independent subset of a graph and let eed*. Ttren independcnt iff circuit tr Next proposition is a strengtren venion of Proposition Proposition a e belongs to a du [e] is also double circuit and to a cutset made of edges in d* only. Proof riple (4 [e], d\[e]), both a circuit and a cutset nr.ide of edges in d* only iffe does not form either a circuit or a cutset with edgcs in d only. Becausc d is double independent, the last staiement means that d t-r [e] is also double o independent Ac,conding to the Painting theorem applied to the e belongs to 7 Note In proving Proposition l, Painting tlreorem is apptied to the riple ( dr{e}, {e}, d*), whereas in the case of Proposition 2 this theorem is applied to the triple (d, {e}, d\{c}). The difference is in the choice of the edge c. Now we establish necesary and sufficient conditions for a double independent subset to be a hybrid base. Proposition 3 Given a double independcnt subset d of a graph the following statements are equivalent r) d is a hybrid basc ii) any circuit and any cutset madc of edges in d* only are disjcint iii) any edge in d* forms acircuit and/or a cuts€t with edges in d only Proof i) <=+ ii) A double irdependent subset d is a hybrid base if for each €€ d*, dt-r{e} is not double independenl But according O Proposition 2 il is true iffthere is no edge that belongs at dle same time to a circuit and a cutset made of edges in d* only, that is, iff any circuit and any cutset made of edges in d* only, are disjoinr ii)<+iii) The statement ii) is tnre iff there is no edge in d* that fmms both a circuit and a cutset with edgesin d* only, thatis, iffforeachedge eed+, edoesnot formacircuit and/oracutsetwith edges in d* only. By applyrng the Painting e forms a cutset and/or a circuit with edges The following algorithm for finding Algorithm a theorem to the triple (d, {e}, in d d\[e]), we deduce that only. tr hybrid base is based on hoposition 3. I (to find a hybrid base b) Input: A gnph G. begin f +- se t r:f all edges of the graPh G b<-6 while f is nonempty do begin Contract the edges in G that belong to b and in the graph obtained identify edges that belong to self circuits. Denote the set of these edges by C. Rernove the edges in G that belong to b and in the graph obtained identify edges that belong to self cutsets. Denote the set of these edges by S. f <.- the complement of the union b u C t-r S Choose any edge eef b <-- bu{e} end end of Algorithm t According to Prroposition 3, each edge in the complement of a hybrid basc b, forms a circuit or a curser with edges in b only. Because a hybrid base is always part of a ftc, a circuit that an edge in the complernent of b forms with edges in b only is a fundamental circuit with rcspcct o the uec and consequently is unique. From dual reasoning, a cutset that an edge in the complement forms with in b only is also unique. But, nevertheless, an edge from the complement of b may form u the same time both a circuit and a cutset. For example, in the gaph of figure 5, the marked edges which belong to the corylement of a hybrid base (forrned frm ttre bold edges) -ake both a circuit edges and a cutset with the hybrid base. Figure 5 Thus, the edges in d* can be classified into three groups: edges that do not form cutscts with edges in d only, edges that do not form circuits with edges in d only and edges that form both a circuit and a cutset wirh edges in d only. According to the Painting theorem an edge belongs to tbe furst iff it belongs to a circuit (a cutset) made of edgcs in dr only. According to the same theorem an edge belongs to the third group iff it does not belong to either a circuit or a cuts€t made of edges in d* only. (respectively, second) gfoup g4 Rank considerations Recall n, and n.. Given a double independent subset d of a gaph G, the fcrllowing proposition relates the numbers and d* nr(d*) and n"(d*) to the carrdinaliry of d and dt to the rank and tre corank of d and to ttre rank and the corank of G. Proposition 4 Given a graph G and a hybrid base d of G, tire following relations hold: rankG = ldl+nr(d*) =rankd* = ld*l- n.(d*), rankd = ldl corankG= Hl + n"(d*)=cordnkdr =ld*l-nr(dt), corunkd =ldl Proof This follows the statt:iixnt and proof of the follc'xing lemnra 9 Lemma L,et p I 11r) be a rank (corank) function of a graph G with edgc set E. Then, for all AgE, thc following hold: lAl =nc(A)+p(A) 141 = q(A) +.rr(A) p(E) = nr(A) +P(A*) s(E) = n"(AFlr(A*) Proof Let A, (respectively, 4) be a maximal subset of A which does not spntain cub€ts (circuits). Then A\As (respectively, any edge in consequently lA\Arl ( lA\D A\) forms a cutset (cfucuiD with edges h A, (A") only and equals a maximal number of independent cutsets (circuis) of a gnph G, made of edges in A only. But: IAW = L{l-A(A) IAW=lAl-p(A) and therefue we obtain jr(A) (la) n"(A)=lAl-p(A) (lb) n.(A) = lAl- I€t pBgrB) be a rank (respectively, corank) function of contraction (redrction) of G from E to BcE. Then forall AC.E [ll] : pB(A) * p(A u JrB(A) = Jr(A (ErB)) - p(nn) u tE\B)) - pt{Rts) l-et A=B, then we obtain: pA(A) = p(E) - p(A*) (2a) AA(A) = A(E) - $(A*) (?b) On the other hand, for p and A the follo*'ing relationships hold for all AgE, [l lAl-s(A)=p(E)-p(A*) lAl- p(A) = AG) - A(A*) Cc'r;rparing (2a) wittr (3a) ad (2b) witlt (3b) we clrtain: l] : (3a) (3b) pA(A) = lAl- A(A) (4a) AA(A)=lAl-p(A) (4b) Comparing (1a) wirh (4a) and (3a) and er,,mparing (lb) with (4b) and (3b) we conclude that the following relations hnltl l0 p(E)=n.(A)+p(Al) (sr) A(E)=n.(A)+A(A*) (sb) o Proof (of Proposition 4) Recall relations (la"b) and (5a"b) and qpecify A respectively as: i) A=d ii) A=d* Obviously p(E) = rank G, A(f,) = corank G 0, p(d) = ldl, nc(d) = 0 nr(d) = A(d) = ldl and therefore we finally obtain: i) and rank G = p(d*), corank = A(d*), Hl = corank d ldl= rank d ii) rank G = ns(d*)+ldl, rank d* = ld*l- n.(d*) corank G = nc(d*)+ldl, corank d* = ld*l - nr(d*) Corollary I tr (to Proposition 4) The sums Hl + n"(d*) and ldl + nr(d*) are invariants of a gnph. Corollary 2 (o Proposition 4) The numbers n (d*) and nr(d*) are invariants of the set of all doublc independent subsets of thc same cardinality. Note: to each class of double independent d1 and dze subs€ts we may associate a triple (d I n (dr), ns(d*)). If two double independent subsets of a graph and ldrl= ld2l + k then according ro Proposition4, nr(Q*) = nc(dl* ) - k, andn (Q*) =ns(dt.) - k 3 @lusuating Corollaries I and 2) Two copies of the same graph with wo different double indepcndent subsets of the same class, Example shcwn in figure 6. Note that d, is a hyb'rid base while dt is not. are Nevertheless the staternents of Corollaries I and 2 hold. Both d1 and d2an.e characterised by the triple (2 | 1,2). Proposition 5 A subset b of edges of a gaph G is a hybrid base of G iff br is a minimal subset with the proirenies rark b*= rank G and corank br,,=cortnk G in the sense that no other subset of b* has the samc tirt'irrtY. 1l Bold edger bebry b doubL lndcpcrdcnt rubsc! ldtl= (r) 2 Fzl= 2 o) Figurc 6 The following algorithm for finding a hybrid base of a grryh is based on hopooitiur 5. Algorithm 2 CIo find a hybnid base b) Input: A graphG begin G'<_ G G"e- G b+-9 white corank G'=corank G and rank G"=rank G do begin Choose an edge ee b* that does not form either a selfcircuit of G' q a selfcutset of G". Contract e in G'and remove e from G". Denote the graphs obtained by Ge'and G"" respectively. G' e- G"' G" G- G"" b e- bu{e} end end of Algorithm g5 Hybrid bases that belong I to a prescribed tree in which a hybrid base is obtained by consecutive augnrentation of a double independent subset" here we search for hybrid bases by making consecutive rr,'luctior",s of a set of edges that contains a hybrid base as a proper subset. Evidently, any hybrid base is a sut-,set of Unlike Algorithms a tree and so and 2 it is convinient to start with a circuidess subsct that contains a hyb'rid base. The dual proposition can be fomrulated with cutsetless subsets. The main advantage in searching for hybrid bases by making reductions of trees is in the following: it is possible to predict thc cardinality of a hybrid base that belongs to a prescribed tree, before nue have actually found a hybrid base. Moreover, it is possible to frnd a hybrid base u'ith prescribed cardinality by choosing a tree with appropriate diameter. t2 Proposition 6 I-et g be a circuitless subset of cdges of a graph having the following property: (p) each edge in g* forms a circuit or a cubct with edges in g only. Then for any edge eeg, the subset gt=g\{e} has property (p) iff the conjunction of t}re follwing two statements holds: i) e belongs ii) any cutset that e forms to to a cutsct made of edges in g only, and with edges in gt and any circuit made of edges in g* only, are disjrrint Note. Since g is circuitless, the edge e does not fonn a circuit with edges in g\(e) only therefore, according o tbc Painting thesem, e fomrs at least one cutsct with cdges in gt only. and Before we prove Proposition 6, we present the following lemma. Lemma 2 Given an arbitrary subset g of a graph, suppose that eeg that xeg* forms a circuit q *ith frms edges in g only, then ee C* a cutset Se with edges in g* only and iff xe S". Proof E g* and Cr\{x} g. g arc obviously disjoint and hence [e] c Srn C.C SincelS"nC*l+ l,weconcludethatSrnQ = {*,e},thatiseeC* iff xeS". The subsets S"\{e} {x, e}. tr Proof (of Proposition O + Suppose that g1=g\[e]has property (p), then ee gt* forms a circuit or a cutset with edges in only. Because g is circuitless, e does not form a circuit with edges in 91 only. This leads o 91 the followin g nro corrclusions: a) e forms a cutset with edges h gr=${e} only, b) e forms a cutset with edges in g* only and (acconding to the Painting theorem applied to the uiple (g1, {e},g*)).Obviotrsly a) is equivalent to i). Supposenowthat condition ii)isnot tnre. Tharis, suppose rhat there exists an edge xe S.\{e} c g* that forms a circuit with, say C*, with edges in g* only. Then according to the Painting theorem, x does not form a cutset with edges in g only and, consequently, neither with edg''r in g\{e} only. According to pmp€rty (p) of g, x must form a circuit with edges in g only. Denote this circuit by fomrs with in g. Applying lrmma the edge e from g and add C*. Since g is circuitless, C, is the unique circuit that x 2 to the pair (S",Cr), we conclude that c Cr. Now, if we remove it to g*, ihis unique circriit is d.:stroyed Thus x both does not form a cutset and does not form a circuit with edges in g\{e} only. This contradicts the assumption that g\{e} has Foperty (p). Hence, cc'rrditlon ii) holds. += Suppose that the subset Bt .' g\{e}do(.s not have pi,''i;irf} (p). T?ren there exi'sts an edge xegt* that does not fonn either a circuit or a cu$et with edges in gt only. Fecause g r:ontains c and g is ,;-ircuitless, then e d*es not fonn a cii:r":itit with erlges in g\{e} ,,81 only. l3 Case 1. Supposc dso that e docs not form a cutset with edges in gt. Then condition i) does not hold and consequently ttre conjuction of i) and ii) is not tnrc. Case 2. Supposc that e forms I cutsct with edges in 91 only. Then x*c. Because of the assumptions drat g has property (p) ana 81 docs not, thc edge x fqrns either a circuit or a cutset with edges in g only such that either is destroyed by rcmoving e from g. We shall first show that if x would form a cutset with edges in g only then this cutset cannot be destroyed by removing e from g. Actually, if S, is a cutset that x forms with edges in g only, then either So contains e or not. If Sa does not contain e then, after rcmving then because eforms acutset with Sc 9 witr x still forms a cutset with edges in gr. edges in 91 only, (Sru S)\(Sou ff q) So contains c ir still a cutsct that contains edges x and edges in 91 only. Hence the assurytion that x forms a cuset with edges in g only contradicts the assumption that 81 does not have property G). At the begining of C:se 2,we claimed that the edge x forms only a circuit Crwith edges in g only. Due to the assumption that g is circuitless, C, is thc unique circuit x fomrs with edges in g only. Thereforc, C. can be destnoyed iff e belongs to Cr. Thus ee C* and applying lrmma 2 we conclude that x must belong to S"\{e}. On the other band, according to the Painting theorem, if x does not form a cutset with edges in only, then x forms a circuit C** with edges in conclude that e does not belong to C*f gli. 91 Also, applying thc Painting theorem, we because otherwise e cannot form a cutset with edges in g, only. As we pointed out in the note, e forms at least one cutset with edges in g* only. Thus we finally have the following: both a cutset that e forms with edges in g* and a circuit that made of edges in g* only (that is, C**) contain the edge e and therefore are not disjoint. This conmdicrs condition ii) and consequently tlre conjuction of i) and ii). o Proposition 6 enables us to develop a procedure for checking whether a tree contains a hybrid as a prop€,r subset The procedure consists a) of consecutive applications of the following two Given a circuitless subset g, find an edge ee g such that both conditions base steps. i) and ii) of proposition 6 are fulfilled- b) eeg\{e} The input set can be a tree of the gaph. The proc.edure terminales when either there are no more cutsets of the graph in g or when there are such cutsets but none of the edges that belong to them satisfies condition ii). There are threc possibilities: 1). The procedure carulot stafi because there are no edges for which conditions i) and ii) are simultaneously satisfied For exa-mple t-his is the case with the graph of figurc 7a- 2) The procedurc can start but in the final result we obtain a subset which is not double ir dependent (fi gure 7b). 3) The procedure terrninat;s with a doiible independent subset (figure 7c). l.l Start = Finirh Start strn J Finirh (hybrll bue) finirh (double independent subteQ Figure 7 A tree may contain more than one hybrid base hybrid bases (only 3 are indicated). t (a) as in thc bl (b) examplc of fig 8 whe,re there are 12 distinct bz b3 (c) (d) Figure 8 'Itre above procedure is formalizecl ln &e following algorithrn l5 Algorithm 3 CIo frnd all hyb,rid bases that belong to a prcscribed Input:A graph G and a tree t rec) of G begin HeQ Remove the edges in G that bclong to t and in the graph obtained find the set form selfcutsets. of edges that do nc hnote this set by C. Contract the edges in G that belong to t* and find the set of all trees in the graph obtained" Denotc this set of trees by T. while T is nonempty do begin Choosc any trec teT. Find rhe union of all fundamental cutsets of G defined by edges in t. Denote this union by S(t). if C n S(t) is nonempty then {t\t is a hybrid base} H<-Hu{t\t} else {t\t is not a hYbrid base} H<-H T <- T\{t} end if H is not empty then output "H is a set of all hybrid else output "there are no hyb'rid bases that belong end of bases that belong to t' o t" Algorithn Proposition 7 lrt b lx a hSrgi4l tmsc and let t be a tree of a graph . If bgt then lU = diamefer t = hl - ns(t). Pr"oof GivenagraphGandatre€t, letbbeahybridbasethatbelongtotasaproPersubsetThen according o Proposition 3 and the fact that b belong to t, any edge in t\b fmrns a cutset wift erJgts l,r b only. On the other hand b itself is cutsetless and therefore b is a maximal cutsetless subset of t Thuseach edgein t,bforms a cutset witli edgesinbonly andhencenr(t) = lfS l. But lt\b l=h l- fld h l. According to Iffma 1 applied to A.=t, rank t*+nr(t) = lt l. Frorn the o lasttworelationsweobtain h l=rankt* (=diametert) = ltl- nr(t). and therefore nr(t) = lt | - As an immediate consequence of Proposition 7 we have the following corollary: Corollary 3 (to Proposition 7) All hybrid bases rhat belong to the same tree of a gnph are of the same caniinality. l6 According o Proposition 7, to find a hyhid base of prcscribcd cardinality c, we have !o apply n c.The nirtrul cudirnliry in tle set of all lrybrtd bases of not less tlen tlv minitnal dioneter in tlu set of all trees of tlat grryh. Algorirhm 3 on a tnee of diareter equal a graph k obvionsty $6 Hybrid bases and perfect pairs of trees The notions of double independence and hybrid base are closely related to pairs of trees, particulary to perfect pain of f,ees. The first proposition in this section relates double independent subsets of a graph and pain of tnees. The same result was implicitly enployed in tU in the p'roof of Theorem 11. Proposition t A subset of edges of a graph is a double independent subset iff it can be represented as a set difference of a pair of trees of the gaph. Proof =+t-etdbeadoubleindependentsubsetofagnphGandlet tbeatreethatcontaindasaproper subser Because no any circuit of G made of edges in d only, the graph G6 obtained from G by removing all edges that belong to d, has the same rank as G. Every circuitless subset of G6 is a circuitless subset of G too. Hence, a tree t' of G6 that includes M as a proper subset is also a tree of G with the same property. Consequently, (t,t') is a pair of trees for which fu' = d- e [rt (rl,t2) be a pair of tr;es of a graph G. Then, t1\2 is a subset of both t1 and t2*. Thereforg tf2 is a double independent subset of G. Because each hybrid bases of a graph is double independent we conclude from Proposition 8 that any hybrid base is a set difference of a pair of trees. The converse statement is not generally tnrc. For example, figure 9 shows six copies of a graph and for each copy a differcnt subset of cdges is indicated by the use of bold alges. The subset of edges and so is d2. JJowever, d1 is not a hybrid d2=t3\r4, where t1,\,t3and t4 are dt is a double independent subset base whereas d2 is. N*tice also that d1=t1\2 and that all trees of the graph G. The next proposition provides a link lxtween hybrid bases and perfect pain of trees. Proposition 9 Irt b be a hybrid base of a S"ph. Then exists a perf.:,:t prir (t1,Q sucli that b = tt$ . Proof Because b is a double independent sribsr:i of the graph exists a pair r.rf trees it follorvs from hoposition 8 that there (tt,b,) such that b = tt\2. [}us tt\2 is a t,;'lrr id barc e6 G ar:d, ac,.ording part l7 iii) of Proposition a cutset 3, each edge of with the elemens of edges in tt\ tr*nt2* cannot meks circuits wittr edges itt is complement (which includes tt*nt2*) only. But til2 together wi0r cutsets with the edges trV only and consequently t$ tt*nb* t1. Suppose that this is not true. Then, according pan edge ee b bt ard hcnce 6c rank tz* = ht\tzl. This means that tt is maximally l, rank tltltt\|. that for the case under consideration, equality must occur. That is, tr*nt2* belongs only. Thereforc edges in ttrrrt2t malc distant from the t2. On the other hand, according to Assertion e'e rnakes a circuit orland We now provc 9 is also maximally distant from ii) of Assertion 2, there exists an edge such that a fundamental circuit with respect to t2 (defined by that edgc) contains an ttntz. Consequently, t'2=(t2\e)u{e'} is again a Eee and such that t1\t2 Ctt\'2. But subset t1\'2 is, according to Proposition 8, also a double independent subset that contains (as a propfr subset) the hybrid base distant from g tfg which is a contradiction. Thus we have proved thar tt is maximally and vice versa- Hence (tr,tz) is a perfect d.2 pair. t3 o t4 Figure 9 Remark 2 The converse of Proposition 9 is not generally rrue. That is, if (t1,9) is a pe.rfect pair of rees then their set difference is not necessarily a hybrid base. To see this consider figures l0 and 11. Figrne 10 shows four copies of the lame graph and within each a subsct of edges is indicated using bold lines. Now (tr,b) is a perfect pair and (by inspection) tr\ is a hyb'rid basr: while t2\t is not tt rtlt2 Figure Figure 1 12lrt l0 I shows four copies of the same graph and again various subsets of edges arc indicatcd using bold lines. Again (tr,tz) is a perfect pair while neither t1\t2 nor t2\, is a hybrid base. Tbc marked edges (indicating tile2 rnd t2\1) fmm neitlrer circuits not cutsets. rrb r11r2 Figure r2ltl t2ltl ll The next proposition gives necessary and sufficient conditions for the set difference of a hybrid pair of trees to be a hybrid base. Proposition Irt 10 (t1,t2) be a perfect pair of trees of a graph. Then tl\ is a hybrid base iff each edge in t2\, thar belongs to the fundarnental circuit with reqpect to t2, defined by an edge in tl*nt2*, forms a circuit with edges in t1\2 only. Proof + Suppr:se there exists an edge ee defined by an edge in to tt*ntz* j\t that belongs to the fundarncntal r:ircuit with respect to t2, and at the same time e forms the fundarnental chcuit Ce with resirect tl in which at least one edge is in ttnt . Thus, e does not form a circuit with edges in t1\2 only and at the same time forms a circuit Ce with edges in the cornplement of the Pailting theci *m, applied to the triple (( not fqrrm a cirtset with edges in tt\ )\{e},{e}, t}2 ), we conclude that edge e does tt\2 only. Since e, wlrich is an edge in the complement of t1\2, does not form either a circuit or a cutset with edges in the cornplement of of Proposition 3, tt\2 is not t1\2 only. According to a hyb,rid base (proof by contradiction). tft, acconding part iii) l9 e Supposc now that each edge io defined by an edge in tr*ng*, tz\r that belongs to the fundarnental circuit with respect to t2, forms a circuit with edges in that do rnt belong to the circuits that edges in tr\ only. The rcrnaining edges in h\r tt*nt2* forms with edges in tz, do not belong to any circuit made of edges in the complement of tt\2. Denote the set of such edges by R. Each edge y that belong to R, according to the Painting theorem applied to the triple (( necessarily forms a cutset with edges in cutset wi6 tr\2 only. Thus each edge io tr\ )\(V),{y}, t1\2 ), tz\r forms either a circuit q a tltz only. On the aher hand, since dre pair (tt,b) is a perfect pair, accoding 3 all edges in tr*ng* formcircuia with edges in tlb only and all edges in trng form edges in to Assertion cutsets with edges itr tltz only. According to part iii) of hoposition 3, tilb is a hybnid basc. o As an immediate consequence of Propositions 9 and 10, we have the following propositioo which gives both necessary and sufficient conditions for a subset of edges to be a hybrid base Proposition 1l A subset i) t$ of edges of a graph is a hybrid base itr the pair of trees (tt,td is a perfect pair of trees ii) each edge in t2\1 that belongs to the fundamental circuit with rcspect to t2, defined by an edge in tr*nq*, forms a circuit with edges in tf2 only. Remark 3 Condition i) and ii) of Proposition 11 are mutually independenr In other words neither (i)=+(ii), nor (ii)+f). To see that (i) does not imply (ii), it is sufficient to consider thc exarnple of frgure 1l Although the pair (tt,b) is a perfect pair, condition (ii) is not satisfied- C-onversely, in onder to sec that (ii) does not ir:ply (i), considor the example of figure 12. ln this example, by inspection, condition G) ls satisfied but rank t1*=J>{:ltt\gl and hence (tt, te) is not a perfect pair. Rernark { Irt D denote the set of all tree diameters of a graph G, let P denote the set of all perfect pair distances of G and let B denote the set of all hybrid base cardinalities associated with G. According to part iv) of Assertion is a subset of D. 3, diameter ( tt ) = distance beween tt and t.2 = diameter (tz ) anA hence P On the other hand, according to Proposition 9, for the existence of a hybrid base b in a graph, it is necesary that there exists a perfect pair of trees (tt, t2) such that b=tt\2. Consequently, B is a subeet of P. Thus we have proved that BCP rnin D ) min P ) min B and max B Smax P S max D. g D. It immediately follows that 20 trk Figure 12 g7 Hybrid bases of maximum cardinality The concept of hybrid bases of maximum cardinality is clearly related to several important notions in hybrid orientated graph theory. For example, it is related to maximally distant pain of trees, to complementary pairs of rees and to opological degree of freedom- Hybrid bases of maximal cardinality (as distina from maximum cardinality) have appeared only as an auxially notion without a specific name (except in [4J where they are called dyads). Proposition L2 If (t1,t2) is a maximally distant pair of trees then both t1\2 and b\t ale hybrid bases. Proof Suppose that one of the subses tl\ or 9\1 is not a hybrid base, for example the subset t$. Then there exists a hybrid base d that contains tilt2 as a proPer subset Acco'rding to hoposition 9 there is a perfect pair of trecs (t'1,t'2) such that httgl t'f'2 = d. Becaus tl S d = t'N'2, we conclude that ( Hl = lt'r\'rl which contradicts the assumption that (tl,t2) is a maximally distant pair of uees. Corollary 4 (to ProPosition 12) The card.inality of a largest hybrid D base of a graph is not less then the maximal diameter of the graph. In other words, maxB 2 maxD. Proof Because a maxirnnlly disrant pair is always perfect pair, llie maximun'r tree diamcter in a graph is r,. equal to t6€ disi;..noe berw*een a maximally disii,rt lrsir of cs. But according to Froposition 12 the set difference l-x:twe.en a maximally disrant pair of tr'res is a hybrid base and therefore the cantinality of a largcst hy'crid base is riot less than the nraximal diamcier in the graph. tr 2r According to Remark 4, max B S max D. Thus,we have shown that the following inequalities holdsimultaneously: max B SmaxDand maxBlmaxD.ThusmaxB =rnax D.Thisimpotant fact was fint pointed out by Sengoku t2l and recalled by Lin [3]. Remark 5 The converse of Proposition 12 is not generally tnre. That is, both tl\q and g\1 are hybrid bses, if for a given pair of trees (t1,g), then (t1,9) is not necessarily a maximally disuntpairof recs In order to see this consider figure 13. This frgure shows four copies of the same graph with different subsets of edges indicated with bold lines. Now t1\t2 and tz\t e both hybrid bases but (tt,tz) is not a maximally distant pair of trees. r2ltl tll12 Figure 13 The next proposition is a consequence of Proposition E. It gives necessary and suffrcient conditions for a subset of the edges of a graph o be a hybrid base of maximal cardinality. The same statement appeared (withoutprm| as Theorem 15 in [4]. Proposition 13 A subset of edges b of a gaph is a hybrid base of maximal cardinality (a dyad) iff b is a set difference of a r:axirrrelly distant pair of rees. Proof .+ kt rrees b be a hybrid base (tr, 12) such thr;t of maximal canCinality. According to Proposition 8, there exiss a pair b= t1\g. Suppose now that (tt, t2) is not a maximally distant pair of rees. Then, for a maximally distant pair (t1', t2), which must exist, the set difference (according to Proposition assumption that b is a .: l2) a hybrid base. But hyhid base,:f lbtl=ltt\'l>ltt\l=lbl koposition 12, b is a hybrid tt\'=bt is also which contradicts the maximal cardinality. = Suppose that b is a set difference of a r', 'ximally disurnt pair of trees (tt, !). Then acconding o base. Any other hybrid basc , according to Proposition 8, also is a set difference of a pair of trees. But ht\rrl2 maximal cardinality. of ht\'l for all tt', b' in a graph and consequently b is of 22 The following proposition relatcs hybrid bascs to distinct and complenrntary trees of a Proposition faph. L4 Given a gaph G, let b be a hybrid base and let ds, be a maximal double independent subset of b*. If lbl = rank G then b and d, constitute a pair of distinct trees in G. We prove the following lemma beforc proving Proposition 14. Lemma 3 Given a hybrid base b of a graph , let d6. be a maximal double independent subset of b*. Then ds* and b are of the sam candinalitY. Proof Since b is a hybrid base, according to Proposition 9 there exists a perfect pair of trees (t1,t2) such that b = rilb. The subset g\1 obviously belongs to b*. Because b\r C tl*nt2, independent Since (tr,tz) is a hybrid pair of trees, any edge in h rz\r only and any edge in trnt2 Proof (of Proposition tt*nr2* forms a circuit with edges forms a cutset with *dges maximally double independent in b*. Since hl\t2l = lt"\tl, b\r b also double it tz\r only. Thereforc, we conclude that lbl= Hu" l. t2\1 is o 14) Given a hybrid base b of a gnph , let d6. be a maximal double independent subset of b*. Then according to l-emma 3, 4. and b have the same cardinaliry. But the cardinality of a double base. tr independent subset is always less then rankc and thereforc 4. is a hybrid As an immediate consequence of hoposition 14 we have the following corollary: Corollary (to Propmsition 14) Iet b be a hybrid base of a graph. Then the following i) b* is a hybrid base ii) h*l= lb staternents are equivalenc I iii) (b,b*) is a complementary g8 A1:plication pair of u'ees in hybrid network analysis 'lhr: classical approach in hybrid analysis of electrical networks deals with, so called, topologically complete sets of network variables. Such a set @nsists r:f a minimal nrtmber of voltages and cu; re1ts whose valiies ar e sufficient to determine one of two variables (voltage or current) of every ,:.lge of the nr:twork, by n:e.ans of Kirchhoffs laws only, providing that only *ne variable (eiiher a 23 voltage or a current) of an edge can contribute to the opologically complete set In gfaph theoretic terms, this notion can be formalized by introducing a pair of disjoint subsets (t,p) of edges such is circuitless, p is cutsetless and each edge in the complemnt of a-4r either fomts a circuit with edges in t only or forms a cutset with edges in p, only (see for example [2]). The set of that r voltages of the edges in r and curents of the edges in p then form a topologically complete set of network variables. The cardinalities of corylete sets of variables of a network may differ. Certainly, a complete sa of the network with the minimd cardinality is of particular interesL As has been pointed out by Kishi and Kajitani [1], the minimal number of network variables in hybrid analysis coincides with the maximal distance betrveen trees and atso with the minimal hybrid rank of the gnph associated with the nework. The minimal hybrid rank of a gaph was introduced by Tsuchiya et al. IQ and called the topological dcgree of freedom of a graph. On the other hand Sengoku [2] first ob,senred that the cardinality of a largest simultaneously circuidess and cutsetles subset (in our terrninology a largest hybrid base of maximum cardinality) is equal to the smallest number of topologically complete newort variables. Given a hybrid base b of a graph G, let t (respectively, [r) consist of all edges in b that belong to the circuits (cutsets) of G that edges in b* form with edges in b only. Obviously, the union of and p is equal to b. Ttre voltages associated with edges in t and currents r associated with edges in p form a hybrid set of variables in the sense that these variables determine at least one of two variables, voltage or current, for each edge in b*, by means of Kirchhoffs laws. This is clear because b is both circuitless and cutsetless and becausc any edge in br forms a circuit with edges in t only or a cutset with edges in p only. If tnp is empty then exactly one variable, either a voltage or a crurent is associated with each edge in b and therefore thc set of voltages in form a topologically complete topologically complete set of variables. If t and curents p tnlr is nonernpty then we have an "almost'' set of variables because then each edge in rgr contributes to the hybrid sct of variables with two variables: voltage and cunent The number of elements of such an "filmostn topologically complete set of variables is equ*l to ld*tl + lp\d + ztr4rl. For any hybrid number is always greatsr than or equal to lbl. Equality @curs iff a t trase b this and p are disjoint" that is, iff b is hybrid base of maximum cardinality. The following algorithm gives base b. a procedure for finding a pair (tg) associatr.:d with a given liybrid 21 Algorithm (To find a 4 pat (t,p) of subsets for a given hybnid base b) Input A graph G and a hybrid base b. begin for all ee b* do begin find the circuit C" drat e forms with edges in b only if C" exists do mark edges in Ce\ {e} as v-edges end for all ee b* do begin find ttre cutset S" that e forms with edges in b only if S, exists, do mark edges in Se\ {e} as i-edges end Denote by t the set of all v-edges and denote by p the set of all i-edges. end of Algorithm Proposition 15 Given a hybrid base b of a graph, let t (respectively, p) consist of all edges in b that belong to circuits (cutsets) that edges in b* form with edges in b only. If the cardinality of b is less than maximal dren each such pair of subsets (t,p) has a nonempty intersection- Proof t and p are disjoint Then t and currents of edges in p fonn s tr'i)ologically complete set of variables. Suppose rhat the intersection of voltages of edges in t and p is empty, that is, suppose This is clear because any subset of b is both circuitless and cutsetless and any edge in the complernent of the h;. i",rid base b forms a ' rircuit or a cutset with rdg':s in b only. Since the union of t and p is equal to b and tlre intersection is nonempty, we conclude ilrat the cardinality of b is equal ro rhe cardinaliry of a topologically eoorpl*te set of variables which is greater than or equal to the topoittgical degree of freedom. Hence the cardinaliry of b is greater than or equal io the topological degree of fir:eedom ( hybri,l rank) of the graph . But, acuording to Rerrrark d, the cardinality of b is always less than or equal f,; {r" maxi'rr:l ,Jistance be degree of freeedunl which is a contradicl;tm. tween pairs of mees, that is, to trc topological 25 A main goal of this section is to show that the number of hyb'rid nerwork variables can bc madc smaller than the topological degree of frecdom by using hybrid bases of non-maximal cadinalities. For this purpose, we will relax the definition of the topologically complete set of variables by omitting the assumption that an edge can contribute in the hybnid set of variables wittt cxrtly onc variable (either a voltage or a current). Thus we shall consider an "almost" topologically cunpletc set of variables. Although such a situation with nvo independent variables associated with a nerwork edge is physically admissible (for example in case of norator's edges in a nctrrork), nomrally the voltage and the current associated with an cdge of the netrrork are mutually tied up with the so-called constitutive relations. Briefly qpeaking the constitutive relation of a l-port is described by a collection of pairs of signals of voltage and currents that are allowed by thc l-porr In the case when the l-port is v-controlled or i-controlle4 one of these nvo variables (voltage or curent) can be found from the other and consequently, the total number of nerwork variables needed to be associated with each edge is one. Thus when the total number of variables is equal to the card.inality the union ru4r, that is, to the cardinality of the hyb'rid base b. But lblis always less than or equal to the opological degre of freedom and ttrerefore the total nuber of variaHes is less than the topoplogical degree of freedom- As an illustration, we consider an electrical network with the six resistors whosc constitutive relations are : v1= v1( i1) (cR1) v2= v2(i2) (cR2) ir= i3( v3) (cR3) ia= ia( va) (cR4) ir= i5( v5) (cRt v6= v6( (cRO 5) Irt G be the graph (asscyciated with the network underconsideruion) ro see that (rank G)=(cormk G)=(hyb'rank G)=3. Irt shown in figure 14. It is easy b=(3,6) be a hybrid base of G of nonmaxinral cardinality (bold edges). Ttre edge orientations are related to the edge currens and thc edge voltages. The singly marked edges 11,2,61 indicate i-controlled resiston and the doubly marked edges {3,4,5} indicate v-c*rrutrlled resisors. Figure 14 In this case, using Algorithm 4, we obtain T= F = b. Hencetnrlt * b and hence I v3, i3, ve,kl constitutes a hybrid set of variables. 25 Doubly marked edges form circuis with edges in t 1=6; only and singly mnted edges form cursers with edges in p (=b) only and consequently ttre associated Kirchhoffs laws are: Kirchhoffs current laws (KCL) ir-ir*k=0 (KCLl) it+ir-i6=0 (KCL2) Kirchhoffs voluge laws (KW) -v3+v4fv6=0 Ga/Ll) -v3+v5*v6=0 (rryL2) Substituting KCLI, KCL}, KVLI and KVL2 into CRl, '.., CR5 and CR6, we obtain each voltage and current of the net'work uniquely expressed in terms of the variables v3, i3, v6 and i6: v1= v1( (CR1+KCLI) i:- id (CR2+KCL2) v2=v2(-i3+ i6 ) (cR3) ir= i3(v3) ia= ia( v3 - v6 ) (CR4+KWl) i5= i5( v3 - v6 ) (CR5+KW2) v6= v6( (cR6) 16) If we substitute (CR3) and (CRO injo the other relations, we finally obain: v1= v1( i3(v3) - 5 ) (CRl+KCLI+CR3) v2=v2(-i3(v/+g) (CR2+KCL2+CR3) (cR3) ir= i3(v3) ia= ia( v3 - v6( ip ) (CR4+KWl+CR6) i5= i5( v3 - v6( g) ) (CR5+KVL2+CR6) (cR6) v6= v6( i6) Writing I VL for the circuit that edge 3 forms with cdges I and 2, and KCL for the cutset that -:dge 6 forms with edges 4 and 5, and expressing all variables in these equations in terms of variables v3 an6 i6, according to the last equations, we finally obtain [bl=2 equations in terms of 2 'rariables {v3, i6}: k) f v3 = 0 ia( v3 - v6( ip ; + i5( v3 - v6( id ) - k= 0 vr( i3(v3) - i6 ) + v2( -i3(v3) + Thus the number of equations and the number of independent variables is less then the topological degree of freedom, which we intended to show' 27 $f0 Concluding remarks In this paper we introduced the new conc€pt called hyb'rid base of a graph. 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