RESEARCH APPROVAL FORM Standard practice is for electronic authorisation via pFACT. This form should normally be completed for projects where no pFACT costing is required, i.e. under the following circumstances: Circumstance A OR Circumstance B OR Circumstance C There is no significant involvement of Principal Investigator’s time AND The sponsor/funder does not meet the Full Economic Cost of the project AND The funds applied for are less that £5,000 For Studentships, where the sponsor specifies the studentship stipend, fees and provides a limit for consumables/running expenses For Studentships requiring a contract with the funder - including CASE, EngD, DHPA, DTC - a ‘Studentship Project Budget Approval Form’ should be completed and returned to the appropriate Contact Manager Your Pre-Award Contact should be contacted if clarification is required. Department: Contact Name: Sponsor/Funding Body: Contact Phone No: Principal Investigator/Fellow Email address: Research Title: Where UCL not the Lead complete LEAD INSTITUTION NAME: Proposed Start Date: Proposed End Date: FULL ECONOMIC COST: SPONSOR PRICE: PLEASE NOTE: All costings for applications or contracts where the Head of Department is the Principal Investigator or where the funder does not meet fEC must be approved by the Divisional Head or Dean of Faculty (with the exception of applications to Research Councils or Charities) Authorisation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. All eligible direct and indirect costs relating to the project have been included, in particular Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator time/costs, and no additional financial or other commitment will occur as a result of undertaking this project without the prior approval of the Faculty. If the research project requires access to NHS resources these have been agreed with the appropriate Trust R&D Office. Contact: UCLH – Nick McNally; 02073809833. Whittington Hospital – Senga Steel; 02082885674. Royal Free Hospital – Clara Kalu; 02073177557. If the research project requires access to UCL computing resources the UCL Research Computing Resource Allocation Group have been consulted. The academic content of the research project has undergone the appropriate Departmental/Divisional/Faculty internal review process prior to funder submission. All necessary approvals have been granted (e.g. ethical approvals, genetic modification and Home Office requirements) prior to project commencement and all investigators and collaborators are aware of UCL’s ethical norms and expectations as set out in its statement and policies and procedures on Research Governance. To the Department’s reasonable knowledge, neither the Principal Investigator nor any of the Co-investigators and collaborators have previously been or are currently being investigated for any scientific misconduct. The project has been prepared in accordance with the UCL Academic Manual – in particular taking into consideration Data Protection and Freedom of Information. I hereby confirm that the details above are correct and that the proposal has been prepared in accordance with the points above. Head of Department (HoD) or Dean/Divisional Head* (*if less than fEC &/or PI is HoD) Principal Investigator (PI) Name: ___________________________ Name: ___________________________ Signature: ________________________ Signature:________________________ Date: ____________________________ Date:____________________________