CIS STUDENT ENRICHMENT FUND TUITION SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES SPRING 2016 TUITION SCHOLARSHIPS These awards are for Computer Information Systems majors. They are offered by the Center for Information Systems in the College of Business Administration and may be applied towards Kent State University tuition for Fall 2016. The selection process will be based on academic merit, leadership potential, and communication and IS skills. At the discretion of the CIS Scholarship Committee up to 6 awards are planned. SCHOLARSHIP AMOUNTS: $500 to $2,500 MAJOR: Computer Information Systems CLASS STANDING: Minimum 3 hours completed in CIS courses including M&IS 24053 or currently enrolled in M&IS 24053 and earning an A or B GPA REQUIREMENTS: Minimum 2.75 in CIS courses OTHER ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Full-time or part-time undergraduate student Not graduating before December 2016 Preference will be given to MISA (The Management Information Systems Association) members and/or students with IT-related work experience OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: The CIS Scholarship Committee reserves the right to select both award recipients and award amounts however they deem appropriate For an application to be considered, it must include a completed form and all supporting documentation Please note: If selected to receive an award, you will be notified by e-mail and invited to attend the May 6, 2016 CIS meeting at which you will be recognized. **IMPORTANT** TO APPLY FOR ONE OF THESE SCHOLARSHIPS, YOU MUST SUBMIT A COMPLETED CIS STUDENT ENRICHMENT FUND TUITION SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM (AVAILABLE ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES) AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION NO LATER THAN FEBRUARY 1, 2016 12/7/2015 CIS STUDENT ENRICHMENT FUND TUITION SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM SPRING 2016 GENERAL INFORMATION (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) Name __________________________________ Banner ID ___________________________ Home Address _________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address Phone ______________________________ Spring 2016 Class Standing FR SO JR SR Officially Declared CIS Major Yes MISA Member Yes IT Work Experience No Yes No Expected Graduation Date _________ Date ____________ Initial Membership Date ___________________________ No Employers ____________________________________________________________________ Positions/Dates ________________________________________________________________ Total Credit Hours Completed as of Fall 2015 ______ Total Spring 2016 Credit Hours ______ Grades in Completed Computer Information Systems Courses: Course Computer Apps Web Programming Systems Analysis Program Theory Project Mgmt Grade Course Grade Database Mgmt Software Integration Internship Enterprise Systems Adv Comp Prog GPA in Completed Computer Information Systems Courses ______ Course Grade Net Theory & Apps IS Management Net Management IS Certification Special Topics Cumulative GPA ______ Please indicate the percentage of funding for college expenses (tuition, books, room, board, miscellaneous expenses) you receive from the following sources. The total should equal 100%. Parents ______ Loans ______ Federal Grants ______ Self ______ Scholarships ______ OTHER INTERESTS List extracurricular activities past and present. (Use an additional sheet of paper if necessary.) Organization Name Position Held Dates 1. MISA 2. 3. 4. 12/7/2015 List any community service activities. (Use an additional sheet of paper if necessary.) Association Status Dates 1. 2. 3. 4. SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION (INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED): 1. A typed essay (no more than 2 pages double spaced, 1” margins, 12 point font) that describes why you deserve a CIS scholarship. Indicate your interests and career goals in your essay. 2. A copy of your transcript(s) from all college/universities you have attended. (Note that FlashLine provides a link for requesting an “Official Academic Transcript.”) 3. A completed College of Business Administration Scholarship Reference Form (available on the following page) from a Kent State faculty member or advisor. Request that the evaluator place the completed form in an envelope and sign the back of the envelope after it has been sealed. 4. A copy of your resume. BE SURE TO READ AND SIGN THE FOLLOWING: I hereby authorize the CIS Scholarship Committee to inspect any and all of my student records. Signature Date If I receive a scholarship and/or an award, I hereby grant Kent State University the absolute right and permission to interview me and/or to use my name and likeness in photograph(s) and video(s) in any and all of its publications and in any and all other media or advertising, whether now known or hereafter existing, controlled by Kent State University, in perpetuity, and for other use by the University. I understand that the photo(s), video(s) and interview(s) may be published on the Web (Internet) and can be viewed throughout the world, not just in the United States. Ohio Revised Code, Chapter 2741.09A, exempts institutions of higher education from claims to a right of publicity of an individual’s “persona” if: (a) the individual is or was a student at, or a member of the faculty or staff of, the institution of higher education; (b) the use of the individual’s persona is for educational purposes or for the promotion of the institution of higher education and its educational or institutional objectives. (NOTE: Choosing not to sign this statement will not impact your eligibility for a scholarship.) Signature Date Submit all application materials by February 1, 2016 to: Ms. Terri Harmon or M&IS Department Office, Room A-432 College of Business Administration Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242 12/7/2015 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SCHOLARSHIP REFERENCE FORM PLEASE PRINT To be completed by Applicant: Applicant Name: _______________________________________________________ To the applicant: Under the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and subsequent legislation, students have the right to inspect letters of reference. It is your option to preserve or to waive your right of access to such letters. We believe, however, that references completed in confidence are especially valuable in assessing qualifications. Please mark the appropriate sentence below indicating your waiver choice, and sign your name. I waive my right to review the completed reference form. I do not waive my right to review the completed reference form. Applicant Signature: Date: __________________________________ To be completed by Evaluator: The student named above has applied for a scholarship or award from the College of Business Administration, Kent State University. Your evaluation of the applicant will be an important consideration in the awards process. Please complete this form supplementing it in any manner you believe appropriate, and return it as soon as possible to the applicant in a sealed envelope. Please sign across the back of the envelope. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Evaluator’s Name Phone Number ____________________________________________________________________________________________ School/Department Email Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________ How long have you known this applicant? In what capacity? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Please evaluate the applicant with regard to the following qualities: Rare Excellent Good Above Avg Top 5% Top 10% Top 25% Top 50% Intellectual Ability Leadership Ability Writing Skills Oral Skills Creativity Energy & Enthusiasm Persistence & Drive Ethic and Morals Below Avg Lower 50% Unable to Judge Additional comments that may aid in the committee evaluation (attach another page if necessary): Evaluator Signature:_______________________________________________ Date:______________________ 12/7/2015