Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol. 44, No. 4, 479-484, 1996. P O T E N T I A L - D I S T A N C E RELATIONSHIPS OF CLAY-WATER S Y S T E M S C O N S I D E R I N G THE STERN THEORY A. SRIDHARAN 1 AND P. V. SATYAMURTY2 Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India Abstract--This paper deals with the use of Stern theory as applied to a clay-water electrolyte system, which is more realistic to understand the force system at micro level than the Gouy-Chapman theory. The influence of the Stern layer on potential-distance relationship has been presented quantitatively for certain specified clay-water systems and the results are compared with the Gouy-Chapman model. A detailed parametric study concerning the number of adsorption spots on the clay platelet, the thickness of the Stern layer, specific adsorption potential and the value of dielectric constant of the pore fluid in the Stern layer, was carried out. This study investigates that the potential obtained at any distance using the Stern theory is higher than that obtained by the Gouy-Chapman theory. The hydrated size of the ion is found to have a significant influence on the potential- distance relationship for a given clay, pore fluid characteristics and valence of the exchangeable ion. Key Words--Cation Size, Clay Minerals, Diffuse Double Layer, Electric Potential, Stern Theory. INTRODUCTION Several investigators have studied the diffuse double layer theory (Verwey and O v e r b e e k 1948; Bolt 1956; L o w 1959; van Olphen 1963; Mitchell 1976; Sridharan and Jayadeva 1982) to understand better the behavior of a clay-water electrolyte system. M a n y of these researchers have used the G o u y - C h a p m a n theory to explain their experimental observations (Bolt 1956; Olsen and Mesri 1970; Mitchell 1976; Sridharan and Jayadeva 1982). However, the G o u y m o d e l of an electric double layer contains some unrealistic elements. F o r example, the ions are treated as point charges and any specific effects related to the ion size are neglected. However, in the vicinity o f particle surface, where the concentration is high, the distance of the closest approach to the surface is important and the size of the ions must be considered to give an accurate description o f the status o f cations adsorbed on clay particles as in the S t e m model. A n attempt was m a d e here to study the effect of various parameters on the potential-distance relationship assuming the S t e m model and compared the effect to the G o u y - C h a p m a n model. DOUBLE LAYER AS PER STERN THEORY In the S t e m theory, the distance of the closest approach of counter-ions to the charged clay surface is limited by the size of these ions. The counter-ions charge is separated from the surface charge by a layer o f thickness, ~ in which there is no charge (van Olphen 1963). A molecular condenser is formed by the surface charge and the charge in the plane of the centers of the closest-ions (Figure 1). B e y o n d the molecular condenser, the remainder o f the counter-ion charge is distributed as in a diffuse G o u y atmosphere. A low dielectric constant is assigned to the m e d i u m within the Stern layer (van Olphen 1963). M a n y investigators C o p y r i g h t 9 1996, The Clay Minerals Society 479 have discussed the dielectric constant o f the m e d i u m next to the charged plate (Conway et al. 1951; C o w n i e and Palmer 1952; Palmer 1952; Palmer et al. 1952). Sridharan (1968) discussed the variation of a dielectric constant with distance, closer to the clay platelet as brought out by the above investigators and concluded that there is a general agreement between different approaches and could be taken as 3 to 6. Single Platelet (van Olphen 1963) Clay particles carry net negative charges on their surfaces (Grim 1962; L a m b e and W h i t m a n 1969; Mitchell 1976). T h e s e negative charges are primarily due to isomorphous substitution. These charges depend upon the type of the clay and the environmental conditions in which they are formed. They can be treated as constant charged platelets. Or = (It1 ~- O"2 [1] where ~r = Total surface charge = B E C / S , ~rl = Charge in the Stern layer, tr z = Charge in the G o u y layer, where B E C = Base exchange capacity o f soil and S = Specific surface area o f soil. A c c o r d i n g to the Stern theory, ~rl and ~z are given as: o', = tr2 Nlve 1 + (NA/Mn)exp(-(vedP 8 + qr)/kT) = (enkT~sinh/Ve~ ~ \ 2~r / \2kT/ [2] [3] where N1 = No. of adsorption spots on 1 cm 2 area o f the surface, N A = A v o g a d r o Number, M = M o l e c u l a r weight of the solvent, n = Concentration o f ion electrolyte, v = Valence of cation, e = Unit electrostatic charge, qba = Potential on the border o f Stern and G o u y layers (Stern Potential), ~ = Specific adsorption po- 480 Sridharan and Satyamurty -,fs Clays and Clay Minerals Table 1. Values of valence, hydrated radius and N1 for various ions. ~o---" Stern layer ( molecular condenser) Platelet surface ( negatively charged ) Ion Valence Hydrate~ radius (A) K Na Li Ca 1 1 1 2 3.8 7.9 10.3 9.6 N1 (ions/cm 2) 1.731 4.006 2.357 2.713 • • • • 10 la 1013 1013 l013 potential) at a distance, 8. B e y o n d the Stern layer, the potential distribution, which follows the G o u y distribution, considering qb~ as the starting potential of the G o u y layer, is given by: %-I' e z~/2 + 1 + (e z~/2 - 1)e layer ey/2 = Distance from Figure 1. Stern Layer Schematic figure of Stern and Gouy layers. e z~/2 + 1 - (e z~/2 - 1)e-~ [6] where y = ve(qb/kT) (Non-dimensional potential at a distance x) % = (veqbJkT) and ~ = Kx, in which K = ~/87rne2v2/ 9 Thus, for any given soil and pore fluid, qb~ can be determined from Equation [5], tbo from Equation [4], and potential, (b at any distance, x beyond the Stern layer using Equation [6]. Parametric Study tential of the counter-ions at the surface, k = Boltzmann constant, T = Absolute temperature and 9 = Dielectric constant of the pore medium. The surface charge is related to the Stern potential and surface potential as: Er tr = ~ (dO0 - ~ ) [4] where 9 =- Dielectric constant of the m e d i u m within the field of the molecular condensor (that is, within the Stern layer), 8 = Thickness of the Stern layer, ~b0 = Potential at the surface of the clay platelet and +8 = Stern potential. Substituting the Equations [2] and [3] into [1], one can get the relation b e t w e e n a and qb~ as O" z NlVe 1 + ( N A / M n ) e x p ( - ( v e ~ ~ + 'tr)/kT) (9 + k 2~r / / k2kT] [5] By solving Equation [5], one can get the value of +~. By knowing the value of qba, using Equation [4], surface potential, qb0 can be calculated. POTENTIAL-DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP. Within the literature, the potential-distance relationship for clays using the Stern theory has been dealt with qualitatively, but not quantitatively. Therefore within this paper, an attempt was m a d e to give a quantitative picture. For the Stern layer, the potential drops linearly with distance f r o m a value o f qb0 at the surface to a value of +~ ( S t e m The influence of various parameters, such as, the number of adsorption spots on 1 c m 2 area of the plate, N 1, the thickness of Sternlayer, 8, specific adsorption potential, t~, the value o f dielectric constant of pore fluid within the Stern layer, and 9 on potential-distance relationships have been studied. Also, the distribution of potential according to the Stern theory is compared to the G o u y - C h a p m a n theory. The thickness of the Stern layer was taken as the radius of the hydrated ion. The number of adsorption spots on 1 c m 2 area of the plate, N 1 depends upon the hydrated radius of the ion. The value of N1 is determ i n e d as the number o f equivalent squares of size equal to the diameter of the hydrated ion of those can be a c c o m m o d a t e d on 1 c m 2 area o f the platelet. Hence, the thickness of the Stern layer and the number o f adsorption spots per c m 2 of the plate are interdependent. Table 1 presents the type o f ion, valence, hydrated radius (Mitchell 1976) and corresponding value o f N~. W h e n the type of ion is specified, corresponding values of 8, N~, and v were used. Table 2 gives the values o f B E C , Base E x c h a n g e Capacity, and S, Specific Surface Area, for the three types of clays, which were used in this study (Sridharan and Jayadeva 1982). Table 3 gives the assumed values of dielectric constant of the pore fluid in the G o u y atmosphere, 9 dielectric constant of the fluid in the Stern layer, 9 and the molecular weight of the solvent, M, which were used in this study. The values were taken at a r o o m temperature of 25 ~ Vol. 44, No. 4, 1996 Potential-Distance relationships Table 2. Clay properties. Clay type BEC (meq/100 gm) S (m2/gm) Montmorillonite Illite Kaolinite 100 40 3 800 Table 3. Values of dielectric constants in Gouy and Stren layers and molecular weights for various pore fluids 100 15 EFFECT OF N~. Figure 2 hypothetically shows the effect of N~ on the potential-distance relationship, b e y o n d the Stern layer, for a fixed value of 8 of 6 ,~. As N~ is increased, the Stern potential is decreased at any distance. B e y o n d the value of N~ ~ 1016 ions/cm 2, the potential at any distance by the Stern theory is less than that obtained by the G o u y - C h a p m a n theory. Figure 3 shows the potential-distance relationship for Na and Ca montmorillonites, with corresponding values o f NI, 8 and v (Table 1). For both N a and Ca montmorillonites, it was seen that the potential at any point that is obtained using the Stern m o d e l is higher than that is calculated by using the G o u y - C h a p m a n m o d e l throughout. EFFECT OF e'. F r o m Equations [4] and [5], it can be seen that the change in the value of e' does change the value of qb~, but not qb0. The relation between 4)0 and e' is given by Equation [6]. Figure 4 gives the varia- Pore fluid Dielectric conslant in Gouy layer (e) Dielectric constant in Stern layer (e') Molecular weight of pore fluid (M) Water Ethanol Carbon tetrachloride 78.54 24.3 2.28 6 3 2.28 18 46 154 tion in surface potential with e'. It can be o b s e r v e d that the increase o f the value of e' decreases the surface potential, ~b0 significantly. Since ~b~ was not affected by e', b e y o n d the Stern layer, the potential distribution was the same for a given soil and pore fluid characteristic and was independent of e'. EFFECT OF 0. The relation between the specific adsorption potential, t~, thickness o f Stern layer, ~, and surface negative charge, (r, is given by Equation [5]. The change within the value of t~ causes change within the Stern potential. Figure 5 gives the potential-distance relationship for Li and K montmorillonites for ~ = 0 and ~ = 0.1 eV. Corresponding values o f NI and 8 given in Table 1 were used. It is observed that the increase of t~ reduces the Stern potential significantly that is for K, especially w h e n N1 is large. 300 Montmorillonite Water v:l ,,,, ,, . ,.is. . ,,.,,1'41=1 u i o n s / c m '/, I 015 > 2 0 0 "kk"\:'~ E ~'~'~ 2 n:0.0001M 5_6A 0 I/#~-~0 _ . . . ."'%. . ......... . ~ i i l r n 0 481 Gouy-Chapman Stern tl" Theory Theory e ~ E o a.. 100 10" -........... ~ ~ o o _ 06 .......21611 ii , i ~I 6 ..... i1616~ ~ i....816 .... ~ li I106 I I i a i I i i12-.~6..... i14-6 Distance Figure 2. (A ~ Effect of N1 on potential-distance relationship. 482 Clays and Clay Minerals Sridharan and Satyamurty 250 - ',, ', 200 Monfmorillonife Water n=O.O001M ",, ",, !/,=0 Gouy-Chapman Theory > .__.. ...... Stern Theory E 150 -6 loo *5 r~ 50 q 0'"'"'~'6'"'"'B'6"'"'"~'6""'"9'6'"'" i'i ~""' i'~b"" Distance (A ~ Figure 3. > v E Potential vs distance curves for Na and Ca montmorillonites. 4 Monfmorillonite ~,~.. 3 ..~Ca "'-,~.... Water n=O.O001 M Stern Theory o m 0 O 0 .+.. oCl00091 "'--. " 0 n o 0 3 5 4 33 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 t 8 I 9 I ...... I 2 10 I Figure 4. Effect of e' on surface potential. I 3 I, I,~- J 4 5 6 7 8 Vol. 44, No. 4, 1996 Potential-Distance relationships 483 Montmorillonite Water n=O.OOO1M 270 v:l . %% Gouy-Chapman ........ Stern Theory " ",,.. > E 22O D, ~ ,,, .,~,,, \ . 0 Jl Theory =0 L,, t//=0.1eV = 170 ',-I,,,,- 0 13._ 120 K,~ 7q0 III II II II I III Iii 50 Figure 5. II III II 50 III ~ -~ E 11 I II II II IIIII 90 (A ~ II I tl II IIIII 110 II II II/''- 130 150 Effect of specific adsorption potential on potential-distance relationship. _,'i v II 70 Distance 300 > IIII I=lllite 3 5 0 --,~ : ~ K=Kaolinife - ,',/I M=Montmorillonite - .. ,..,/K : -.2". M : 250 - "-'-"~-_ - c --.\. ~,',, ~ 2OO 12I o~ _i., ""~'~ ~~- ~~~. ~~ , , , . , . ,4,,,- r'- I 5q 0 15 2C ID 0 IO0 L I Water n=O.O001M 1#=0 Stern Theory (Lithium ion) . ......... Stern Theory (.Potassium ion) K+ Gouy-Chapmen Theory (for Li + & ions) cl6 ....... s'6 ...... 's'6'"""Y6 ....... Distance Figure 6. ..... (A ~ Potential-distance curves for three types of clays. 484 Sridharan and Satyamurty EFFECT OF CLAY TYPE. F i g u r e 6 s h o w s the potentialdistance r e l a t i o n s h i p for the three types o f clays. F o r a g i v e n p o r e fluid, t h e d i f f e r e n c e s in potentials at any d i s t a n c e for the t h r e e t y p e s o f clays is negligible. But, the type o f e x c h a n g e a b l e ion h a s a significant effect on the p o t e n t i a l - d i s t a n c e relationship for a g i v e n clay a n d pore fluid, a l t h o u g h the v a l e n c e is the same. CONCLUSIONS A d e t a i l e d q u a n t i t a t i v e study o f the Stern theory, w h i c h is m o r e realistic for use w i t h i n the c l a y - w a t e r s y s t e m since it takes the size o f the ion into consideration, has b e e n carried out. A q u a n t i t a t i v e study h a s b e e n c o m p l e t e d u s i n g the S t e m theory. T h e S t e m theo r y is c o m p a r e d w i t h the G o u y - C h a p m a n theory. T h i s detailed p a r a m e t r i c study d e t e r m i n e d the influence o f the various p a r a m e t e r s affecting the surface a n d S t e m potentials. T h e potentials o b t a i n e d at any d i s t a n c e f r o m the clay surface u s i n g the Stern t h e o r y are h i g h e r t h a n t h o s e o b t a i n e d b y t h e G o u y - C h a p m a n theory. T h e size o f ion is f o u n d to h a v e a significant influence o n the p o t e n t i a l - d i s t a n c e r e l a t i o n s h i p for a g i v e n clay, pore fluid characteristics a n d valence. 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