n Veaetable Diaest OREGON JAN 0 4 1983 I IPR Volume 31 Oregon State University, October 1982 Publication Notice 4 combined Growing Globe Artichokes from Seed in Western Oregon Oregon Vegetable Digest will no longer be published for free distribution because of budget reductions and financial limitations. Several options are being explored: solicit donations to continue publication, publication on a subscription basis, discontinue publication, reduce size and change format, combine with other publications, etc. We need your immediate response regarding your interest in future publication of Oregon Vegetable Digest. On page 11 is a response sheet. Please fill it out and return as indicated. Your response is needed! Globe artichokes (Cynara scolymus L.) normally cannot be grown as a perennial crop in the inland sections of the Pacific Northwest. In Oregon, small plantings have persisted in the coastal areas, but generally do not survive winter in the Willamette River valley without special protection. Globe artichokes are usually propagated by division. Seeds from commercial cultivars yield highly variable, mostly inferior plants, and buds grown from seedlings tend to be spiney. However, a seed propagated strain has been developed by commercial breeders from the important commercial clone, 'Green Globe', and is available from retail catalogs under the same name. Although the seed strain is variable, most of the plants bear relatively spineless buds of good edible quality. Variations in number and size of fleshy bracts, overall shape, and amount of red pigmentation are not noticeable, and a small percentage of plants produces very undesirable buds with narrow, pointed, In This Issue... Growing Globe Artichokes From Seed in Western Oregon . Tillage Treatments Compared on Bush Bean and Sweet Corn Numbers 3 ..5 Irrigation, Nitrogen Spacing Affect Bush Bean Yields. Cultural Practices Affect Corn Head Smut in 1982. 7 News and Notes 9 1 spiney bracts. Seedling artichokes were grown in experiments for four years at the OSU Vegetable Research Farm near Corvallis. In 1978, 320 plants were grown from seed sown in the greenhouse April 2. These were transplanted May 15, three feet apart in rows six feet apart and banded with 534 pounds 8-24-8 fertilizer per acre. Water was supplied by overhead sprinklers about each week during the main growing season. About 75 percent of these plants produced buds. The 1978 planting was completely killed the next winter, which had low temperatures in the 12 to 14°F range. In 1979, seed was sown in the greenhouse about March 15, and transplants set out May 17 in rows banded with fertilizer as in 1978. The area was divided into halves; one received a sidedress of aiumonium nitrate on July 2 so final nitrogen rates were 42 and 142 pounds nitrogen per acre. There The were two plant spacing treatments. wide spaced plants were 3.5 feet apart in two rows six feet apart, for a population of about 2,100 plants per acre. The narrow spaced plants were about three feet apart in three rows three feet apart for a plant population of about 4,800 per acre. Guard rows were placed three feet apart from the narrow spaced rows and six feet from the wide spaced rows. Based on the assumption that early removal of the central bud would promote size and number of subsequent buds, the central bud on each plant was pinched (removed) as soon as it could be deComparison of harvests of untected. pindhed plants of narrow spaced guard rows and narrow spaced pinched plants indicated that the only effect of pinching was the loss of the largest bud on Pinching did not increase each plant. total yield although the number of intermediate sized buds may have increased. About 92 percent of the 1979 plants produced buds. The crop matured from Buds were harJuly 24 to August 24. vested twice weekly when they were at approximate commercial maturity, regardless of size. At this stage, the edible bracts were still tender. They were sorted into three size grades: A, large size, average .37 pound; B, medium size, average .17 pound; and C, Effects undersize, average .08 pound. of treatments on C size buds were similar to effects on A and B sizes, and are not Size C buds comprised about presented. 20 percent of the total crop weight. The 1979 planting was totally killed by winter lows which included several days in the range of 13 to 15°F. In 1980, planting dates and initial fertilization were the same as in 1979. Two spacing and two nitrogen fertilizer treatments were replicated four times. Nitrogen rates were 42 and 190 pounds nitrogen per acre. Two spacing treatments were: wide, with plants three feet apart in rows three feet apart (4,800 plants per acre), and narrow, with plants two feet apart in rows three Harfeet apart (7,260 plants per acre). vest and grading procedures were the same as in 1979 except that no center buds Buds were prowere pinched when young. duced by 99 percent of the plants. The crop matured from August 4 to October 12. Except for loss of about 15 percent of the plants from crown rots, this planting survived the next winter, with no temperatures below 25°F. Buds were harvested in spring 1981 for estimated yield, but because of uneven stands, there was no attempt to relate the yield data to treatment. In 1979 (Table Nitrogen effects. 1), there was usually a slight increase in size and number of buds at the higher nitrogen rate, and in 1980 (Table 2) this increase was consistent at all spacings and all grades. However, no fertilizer effect was statistically significant at the five percent level, suggesting that the initial band application of 42 pounds nitrogen per acre was adequate. In both years, Spacing effects. total weight and number per acre of buds of individual and combined grades were significantly greater for narrow spacings (Table 1 and 2). Wider spacing increased weight and number of buds per plant in In 1979, significance was all cases. obtained only for the number of B grade In 1980, all differences buds per plant. were significant except for the number In both years, of A size buds per plant. weight of individual buds was not signif icantly different in any treatment comparison. This indicates that increases in yield per plant or per acre were primarily caused by an increase in number of buds produced. Yield data were obtained in 1981 from the overwintered plants between Previous nitrogen May 8 and June 5. and spacing treatments were disregarded because stands were disrupted by a winter plant loss of 15 percent. Yields of A, B, and combined A and B sizes were 3,400, 5,125, and 8,525 pounds per acre, which are 68, 72, and 71 percent, respectively, of the average yields for the same planting in 1980. Numbers per acre were 59, 47, and 50 percent of the 1980 average. Average sizes of A and B sizes in 1981 were .42 and .26 pounds per bud, compared to .37 and .17 pounds per bud in 1980. These differences between 1981 and 1980 production probably were caused in part by the 15 percent reduction in stand. The highest yields obtained, about 5,530 pounds per acre of size A buds plus 7,400 pounds per acre size B buds in 1980, are higher than commercial yields reported in California of 9,000 pounds per acre in 1979 and 8,000 pounds per acre in 1980 (USDA Crop Reporting Board, Vg. 1-2, Vegetables, 1980 annual summary, December 1980). However,yields are lower than year-long production by off-shoots and stumps reported by Ibrahim et al. (Reference 3). Size A buds in our study are of the size range of about 50 to 60 per 22-pound standard box, and are much smaller than typical sizes in California production (Reference 4). Our size B buds are well below California commercial sizes and may not be acceptable in supermarkets or other stores. Also, some losses would result from cullage, which was not allowed for in our yield estimates. Globe artichoke seedlings are re- ported to requre exposure to temperatures below 50 F for stimulation of bud Plants development (References 1, 2). not receiving adequate cold exposure In remain in the vegetative condition. 1978, only 75 percent of our plants produced buds, but in 1979 and 1980, 92 and It 99 percent of the plants produced. appears that in western Oregon sufficient vernalization of 'Green Globe' seedlings usually occurs in the field as the young plants develop after midDuring our study, May transplanting. average minimum temperatures for the four-year period were 44°F for May and 49°F for June while maximum temperatures were 65°F and 72°F for these respective It also appears that plants months. grown from seed sown directly in the field in mid-May may receive adequate cool temperature exposure (vernalization) In 1979 and 1980, extra borto produce. der rows were direct seeded at the time In 1979, the transplants were set out. 79 percent of the direct seeded plants produced buds the first year, about three In weeks later than the transplants. 1980, 96 percent flowered, about two weeks later than the transplants. References Gerakis, P. A., D. Markarian, and Vernalization of 1969. S. Honma. globe artichoke, Cynara scolymus L. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 94:254-258. Harwood, R. R. and D. Markarian. Annual culture of globe arti1968. choke (Cynara scolymus L) I. Preliminary report. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science 92:400-409. Ibrahim, A, M., E. J. Ryder, and V. Offshoots vs. 1981. E. Rubatzky. stumps as planting materials for globe artichokes. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 106:728-731. Sims, W. L., V. E. Rubatzky, R. H. Sciaroni, and W. H. Lange. 1977. Growing globe artichokes in CaliUniversity of California fornia. Cooperative Extension Leaflet 2675. J. R. Baggett, H. J. Mack, and D. Kean Horticulture Department Table 1. Size grade Effects of nitrogen fertilization and plant spacing on globe artichoke yields, 1979 low Nitrogen levels LSD 5% high narrow Spacing wide LSD 5% Pounds per acre A B total 3,035 2,029 5,064 3,097 2,243 5,340 NS NS NS 7,811 9,065 7,892 9,025 16,917 NS NS 4,228 2,714 6,942 1,905 1,558 3,463 627 680 908 10,684 10,967 21,651 5,059 7,123 12,182 2,355 2,857 4,411 0.88 0.57 1.45 0.95 0.77 1.72 NS NS NS 2.22 2.29 4.51 2.53 3.57 6.10 .99 0.40 0.25 0.37 0.22 NS NS Number per acre A B total 16,876 NS Pounds per plant A B total 0.88 0.66 1.54 0.95 0.70 1.65 NS NS NS 2.29 3.03 5.31 2.45 2.84 5.29 NS NS NS Number per plant A B total NS NS Pounds per bud A B Table 2. Size grade 0.38 0.22 0.39 0.24 NS NS Effects of nitrogen fertilization and plant spacing on globe artichoke yields, 1980 low Nitrogen levels LSD 5% high narrow Spacing wide LSD 5% Pounds per acre A B total 4,655 6,924 11,579 5,367 7,218 12,585 NS NS NS 12,707 39,660 52,367 14,690 41,279 55,969 NS NS NS 0.79 1.17 1.96 0.90 1.23 2.13 NS NS NS 2.16 6.71 8.87 2.45 7.04 9.49 NS NS NS 0.37 0.17 0.37 0.18 NS NS 5,527 7,396 12,923 4,486 6,746 11,232 739 534 400 15,257 43,626 58,883 12,141 37,475 49,616 2,501 4,812 5,180 0.77 1.01 1.78 0.92 1.39 2.31 0.13 0.13 0.13 2.10 6.01 2.51 7.74 8.11 10.25 NS 0.48 0.48 0.37 0.17 0.37 0.18 NS NS Number per acre A B total Pounds per plant A B total Number per plant A B total Pounds per bud A B 4 Strip and Conventional Tillage Compared on Bush Beans and Sweet Corn centers of strip tillage plots and was eliminated by mowing the row centers in the May 13 bean and corn plantings. In the June 21 bean planting, glyphosate was applied to row centers two days after planting which effectively suppressed wheat regrowth. Soil temperatures at seeding depth, about two inches, were recorded in the two bean plantings for about 17 days. Tilled treatment soil temperatures were higher than undisturbed soil temperatures (covered with flailed mulch) for both Maximum and minimum temperaplantings. tures for conventional tillage were higher than for strip tillage in the Degree days accuznuMay 13 planting. inulated (50°F base temperature) during a 13-day period beginning with the fifth day after planting were 226, 208, and 152, respectively, for conventional tillage, strip tillage, and undisturbed In the June 21 planting, however, soil. soil temperatures in the strip tillage treatment were higher than for convenCumulative degree days tional tillage. were 270, 289, and 257, respectively, for conventional tillage, strip tillage, It is not known and undisturbed soil. why this reversal occurred between planting dates but factors that may have had an influence were soil moisture level, differences in seedbed tilth, radiation effects caused by crop residue on the soil surface, and general weather conditions. Plant stands of beans in the strip tillage plot were 38 percent less than for conventional tillage in the first planting but in the second planting, the strip tillage plot stands were about 6 percent higher, thus following the same trend as soil temperatures in the second Sweet corn stands were 11 perplanting. cent lower in strip tilled plots than Plant height for conventional tillage. for beans 14 days after planting was 15 percent less in each of the plantings; plant height for corn was 4 percent less for strip tillage compared to conventional tillage. Potential benefits of reduced tillage include lower tractor fuel and labor requirements, less compaction because of fewer trips across the field, and better Little is known about erosion control. effects of tillage practices on production of snap beans and sweet corn in the Reduced tilWillamette Valley, however. lage practices may also have some potential disadvantages including possible reductions in yield, reduction in soil temperatures, different field equipment requirements, and the need for better management practices for controlling weeds, insects, and diseases. Rotary strip tillage was selected for comparison to conventional tillage because primary tillage, application of fertilizer and herbicide, and planting can be accomplished simultaneously, thereby reducing the number of field operations required. A preliminary experiment was conducted on Chehalis silty clay loam soil at the OSU Vegetable Research Farm in A winter wheat crop was flailed 1982. before tillage operations in the spring. Conventional tillage consisted of moldboard plowing to a depth of 10 inches, followed by four times over with a power harrow. Strip tillage was accomplished by using a rotary tiller which had been modified to till a strip 12 inches wide. TilDepth of tillage was five inches. lage treatments were replicated four times. Two plantings of 'Oregon 1604' snap beans were made on May 13 and June 21. Fertilizer was banded at planting at a rate of about 40 pounds nitrogen, 96 pounds and 40 pounds K20 per acre. Only one planting of 'Jubilee' sweet corn was made on May 13. Banded fertilizer application was the same as for beans; an additional 100 pounds nitrogen per acre was sidedressed at early tasseling followed by irrigation on the same After planting, the plot area was day. sprayed with DNPB amine at four pounds Regrowth active ingredient per acre. of winter wheat occurred in the row 5 treatments on yield as well as effects on soil temperature, soil water relationships, fertilizer needs, and application methods, weed, disease and insect con(Part of this report is control, etc. densed from Paper No. PNR 82-108, presented at the 37th annual meeting of Pacific Northwest Region of American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Corvallis, September 1982.) Yields of snap beans, adjusted to 50 percent sieve sizes 1-4, were significantly lower in strip tilled plots than for conventional tilled plots (Table 1). Yield reduction was 32 percent for the May 13 planting and 29 percent for the June 21 planting. Total yield of husked ears of sweet corn (Table 2) was reduced 7 percent in the strip tillage compared to the conventional tillage treatment. This reduction was not statistically significant, however. Nuinber of ears and individual ear weight also were reduced slightly in the strip tillage treatment. Additional research is needed to evaluate the effects of reduced tillage Table 1. H. J. Mack, A. R. Bonanno, and K. L. Petersen Horticulture Department Effect of two tillage treatments on yield of 'Oregon 1604' snap beans, Corvallis, 1982 Tillae treatment Ma Conventional tillage Strip tillage Date means LSD 5% for treatment means Table 2. D. E. Booster Agricultural Engineering Department lantin 13 lantin June 21 Treatment means T/A T/A T/A 5.6 3.8 4.7 7.0 5.0 6.0 6.3 4.4 1.0 T/A Effect of two tillage treatments on yield of husked ears of 'Jubilee' sweet corn, Corvallis, 1982 Tillae treatment Yield Ears/plot T/A no. 8.4 7.8 53 50 Conventional tillage Strip tillage Oregon Vegetable Digect is published four times a year by the Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, J. R. Davis, Director. Address correspondence to the author concerned or to the Department of Horticulture. Material may be reprinted providing no endorse- Wei t/ear lbs. .59 .58 Kernel moisture % 72 73 ment of a commercial product is stated Please credit Oregon State or implied. To simplify technical terUniversity. minology, trade names of products or No equipment sometimes will be used. endorsement of products named is intended nor is criticism implied of products not mentioned. Irrigation, Nitrogen, and Spacing Affect Bush Bean Yields Two irrigation treatments, in combination with two nitrogen fertilizer rates and two row spacings, were tested on 'Oregon 1604' bush snap beans at Corvallis in 1982. One treatment, adequately irrigated by overhead sprinklers, received 6.2 inches of water in six applications during the season, on May 26, In June 4, 21, 28, July 7, and 12. the other treatment, soil water stress was imposed by withholding irrigation during pre-blossoming and early podfilling. This treatment received 2.9 inches of water in three applications, Rainon May 26, June 4, and July 15. fall from planting on May 6 until harvest on July 22 was 2.3 inches. First bloom was on June 24. Nitrogen rates were 0 and 135 pounds nitrogen per acre, split into two broadcast applications on May 26 and June 4, followed immediately by irrigation. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was broadcast and incorporated before planting. Row spacings were six and 36 inches with 6-inch rows having twice the population per acre of that in 36-inch rows. Thirty six-inch rows were Table 1. harvested in all plots on July 20 and 6inch rows were harvested on July 22. Treatments were replicated four times. Yield of plants under water stress pre-bloom and during the pod-filling stages of growth was reduced 13 percent compared to plants adequately irrigated Also, the water stress treat(Table 1). ment had a lower percentage of small pods, sieves sizes 1 to 4, than did adequate irrigation. Nitrogen fertilizer increased yield 13 percent and 6-inch rows yielded 11 percent more than 36inch rows. All these differences were Increase in statistically significant. yield from nitrogen was greater for 36inch rows than for 6-inch rows. Results substantiate earlier work showing the importance of adequate irrigation during blossoming and podEven though most of the rainfilling. fall occurred during this growth period in this experiment, yield was reduced. H. J. Mack and A. R. Bonanno Horticulture Department Treatment effects on yield and sieve size distribution of pods of 'Oregon 1604' bush snap beans, Corvallis, 1982 Irrigation T/A Adequate Water stress 7.0 6.1 N Rates % 1-4's T/A % 1-4's 51 38 0 135 6.2 7.0 45 44 Row Spacing T/A % 1-4's 6-inch 6.9 46 36-inch 6.2 43 Cultural Practices Affect Corn Head Smut in 1982 Tests were continued at the OSU Vegetable Research Farm in 1982 to evaluate the effects of planting depth, seed size and irrigation practices on incidence of head smut (Spacelotheca reiliana) of sweet corn. 'Jubilee' sweet corn was planted on June 15 in 36-inch rows and included treatments, listed in Table 1, which were replicated four times. No irriga- first irrigation was just after planting In followed by another one week later. the third treatment, plots were irrigated five times, at three to four day intervals, and received a total of about 7.5 All plots were then inches of water. irrigated on July 17 and thereafter at 10 to 14 day intervals. Incidence of head smut was lowest with the greatest amount of early irrigation, was intermediate for the treatment receiving two irrigations, and was highest when no early irrigation was added (Table 2). Results from 1982, along with those from 1980 and 1981, show that manipulation of certain cultural practices affect incidence of head smut of sweet Where head smut has been or is corn. a potential problem in some locations, shallow planting, use of large seed, and early irrigation could reduce percentage of plants infected. tion was supplied early but plots were irrigated at regular intervals of 10 to 14 days, beginning on July 17. Rainfall from June 15 to July 17 was 1.2 inches. Fewer plants were infected with head smut at the one-inch planting depth, and the percentage increased as depth of planting was increased to three inches Incidence of head smut was (Table 1). similar on plants where the seed was planted at three and four inches deep. In comparing seed sizes, all planted at two-inch depth, incidence of head smut increased as seed size was reduced. The application of lime in the furrow, also at the two-inch depth, did not reduce head smut infection as was the case in the 1981 test. In another experiment, 'Jubilee' sweet corn (large seed) was planted at two-inch depth on June 16 in a location Three iradjacent to the above test. rigation treatments were established during the first three weeks after In one treatment, no early planting. Two irrigations, irrigation was added. supplying about 3.5 inches of water, were applied in a second treatment; the Table 1. H. J. Mack and J. R. Baggett Horticulture Department P. A. Koepsell Botany and Plant Pathology Department Effects of cultural treatments on incidence of head smut of 'Jubilee' Corvallis, 1982 sweet corn. 8) Percent of Plants Infected Treatments Seeding depth, 1-inch Seeding depth, 2-inches Seeding depth, 3-inches Seeding depth, 4-inches Small seed size Medium seed size Large seed size Lime in furrow 3.3 6.4 13.2 12.6 21.6 18.4 11.8 17.2 a ab bc bc c c bc c Values followed by the same letter are not significantly different from one another by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. Large seed size was used in Treatments 1-4, 8. Seeds in Treatments 5-8 were planted two inches deep. Table 2. Effects of early irrigation treatments on incidence of head smut of Corvallis, 1982. 'Jubilee' sweet corn. Irrig ation Treatment amount of water applied Ml M2 M3 no. 0 2 5 Percent of Plants Infected 10.2 2.9 0.4 0 3.5 inches 7.5 inches Values followed by the same letter are not significantly different by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. 8 a b c from one another News and Notes The Water Relations of Well-watered, Mycorrhizal, and Non-mycorrhizal Onion Plants Activated Carbon Protects Direct-seeded Tomatoes from Partially Selective Herbi c ides The water relations of mycorrhizal onions (Allium cepa L.) were compared with those of non-mycorrhizal controls grown under low and high soil phosphorus Mycorrhizal plants had conditions. higher leaf water potentials, higher transpiration rates, higher hydraulic conductivities and lower leaf resistances than did non-mycorrhizal plants grown in low soil phosphorus condiWhen controls were grown under tions. high soil phosphorus conditions, all 4 parameters were not different from The those of mycorrhizal plants. magnitude of the effect of mycorrhizal fungi on the water relations of the host may, in part, be a function of phosphorus nutrition. The differences in leaf water potentials, transpiration rates and leaf resistances are considered to be the result of the differences found in hydraulic con(C. E. Nelsen and G. R. ductivities. Journal of the American Society Safir. 107(2): for Horticultural Science. Activated carbon was applied in an anticrustant mixture with direct-seeded tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) to protect them from diphenamid (N, N-dimethyl-2, 2-diphenylacetamide) and metribuzin [4-amino-6-tertbutyl-3 (methylthio)-as-triazin-5 (4-H) -one] Commercially acceptable weed injury. control and obtained by carbon with Romanowski. Society for increased crop safety were the application of activated (R. R. both herbicides. Journal of the American Horticultural Science. 107(1) :27-30. 1982.) The Influence of Irrigation and Row Spacing on the Quality of Processed Snap Beans Irrigation method and row spacing had a significant influence on the quality of fresh, canned, and frozen snap Sprinkle beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). irrigated fresh and canned snap beans contained more ascorbic acid than rill Rill irrigated irrigated snap beans. snap beans had more intense color, lower shear values, less turbid brine, and less drained weight loss. Canned snap beans grown in narrow rows had less drained weight loss than snap beans from Frozen snap beans from narwide rows. row rows had more drip loss, less moisture, increased soluble solids, and increased ascorbic acid content than those from wide rows. Under the conditions of this study, rill irrigated snap beans grown in narrow rows did have quality advantages over sprinkle irrigated snap beans and snap beans grown in wide rows. (S. R. Drake and M. J. Silbernagel. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. l07(2):239-242. 1982.) 271-274. 1982.) Effects of Container Size, Transplant Age, and Plant Spacing on Chinese Cabbage Head weights of 'Nagaoka 55' Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinenis (Lour.) Olsson) were 76-79% greater at a plant spacing of 43 cm than at 28 cm. Percentage salable and grade 1 heads both increased with increasing distance between plants. Seedlings were raised in cylindrical containers of 2.5, 3.75, 5 and 7.5 cm diameter x 6.4 cm depth for 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks in a seedling house. Transplant age affected maturity time miniSeedmally and did not affect yield. ling fresh weight was greater in 7.5 cm containers than in the smaller containers Plants started at all transplant ages. in 7.5 cm containers matured 7.5 days 9 fertilizer applications without mulch. Fruit yield was affected by a significant interaction among N sources, N rates and mulch. Highest fruit yields were obtained with SCU and IBDU applied Leaf N was under mulch at 224 kg N/ha. higher during the season with slowSoil release N than with soluble N. analyses data from samples taken throughout the season showed that N source and rate significantly influenced the soil available N measured as (S. J. urea-N, NH -N, and NO3-N. C. A. Fiskell, and F. C. Locascio, Journal of the American Martin. Society for Horticultural Science. earlier, produced 10% heavier heads and yielded 25-31% more than plants started Plants from the in 2.5 cm containers. larger containers probably performed better as a result of the more favorable physical properties or fertilization regime of the container media. The highest yields in these trials exceeded (B. A. Kratky, J. K. 3 MT/ha . day. Wang, and K. Kubojiri. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural 1982.) l07(2):345-347. Science. Influence of Tillage System, Plant Spacing, and Nitrogen on Head Weight, Yield and Nutrient Concentration of Spring Cabbage . 106(5) :628-632. 1981.) Phosphoric Acid Anticrustant Improves Seedling Emergence and P Content Spring cabbage plants (Brassica oleracea L. Capitata group) grown by no-tillage culture yielded less than conventionally tilled plants when grown under the same N treatment and spacing. No-till yields could be compensated somewhat by increasing plant population and N, but head size was generally smaller than for conventionally tilled Large head size was positively plants. correlated with high N content of wrapper leaves in 3 of 4 years, while high Ca was associated with large plants or heads in 2 of 4 years. (Dean E. Knavel Journal of the and J. W. Herron. American Society for Horticultural 1981.) l06(5):540-545. Science. Phosphoric acid (H3PO4), applied as an over-the-row banded spray to Willamette silt loam, significantly hastened the emergence of seedlings of carrot (Daucus carota L), cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), and onion (Allium Final stands were usually cepa L.). The effect was particularly improved. pronounced in early plantings. Banded H3PO4 decreased soil crusting as measured by decreased mechanical resistance to penetration of the soil surface. Phosphorus content of seedlings of carrot, cucumber, lettuce, and onion was significantly increased with H3PO4 anticrustant. Yields were usually greater on soils treated with H3PO4 than on soils treated with either broadcast or subsurface banded applications of concentrated superphosphate Subsurface bands of CSP resulted (CSP). in poorer stands, lower leaf P content, and smaller yields of carrot, lettuce and onion than did banded H3PO4 at the same rate of P application. However, both leaf P content and yield of cucumber tended to be greater with CSP than Phosphoric acid treatment with H3PO4. improved stand of carrot and lettuce at soil pH between 5.0 and 6.1 but de(Delbert D. creased stand at pH 6.6. Journal of the American Hemphill, Jr. Society for Horticultural Science. Responses of Bell Pepper to Nitrogen Sources Maintenance of adequate available soil N for bell pepper (Capsicium annuum L.) growth is essential to high production in Florida and requires mulching, fertilizer placement, and timing of fertilizer application. Slow-release N was supplied as sulfurcoated urea, isobutylidene diurea (IBDU), or ureaformaldehyde and was compared at 3 N rates with soluble sources such as urea, ammonium nitrate, and ammonium sulfate on 'Yolo Wonder' In the first season, highest pepper. yields and N concentrations of tissue occurred where IBDU and urea were applied broadcast with mulch as compared In the second with band placement. season, broadcast fertilizer placement with mulch was compared with 3 split- 107(1) :50-53. 1982.) N. S. Mansour Extension Vegetable Crops Specialist 10 Oregon Vegetable Digest Response Sheet Name Mailing Address Please check one of the following: II I would be interested in receiving the Oregon Vegetable Digest at a This is only subscription rate of $10 for three years (12 issues). an estimate since number of potential subscribers will determine the (Please do not send money at this time). subscription rate. I would like to donate to the Oregon Vegetable Digest publication fund. Please do not send money at this (Approximate donation $ . time). I have no interest in either of the above. I am not interested in receiving Oregon Vegetable Digest, even if it is free. Comments welcomed: Please mail this response before December 31 to: Oregon Vegetable Digest Department of Horticulture Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 11 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION of Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331 POSTAGE PAID US. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGR 101 Third CIm Of rctor PubIlcs$on Pi&Iy toy pth.le ue $300 BULK RT.