– 2 ETATMBA Teleconference May 2012 at 8:30hrs GMT Notes

ETATMBA Teleconference – 2nd May 2012 at 8:30hrs GMT
Present: Paul O’Hare (Chair), David Ellard, Siobhan Quenby, Ed Peile, Chikayiko Chiwandira,
Francis Kamwendo, Chisale Mhango, Wanangwa Chimwaza, Alan Davies, Staffan Bergström,
Anne-Marie Brennan.
1. Apologies
Neil Johnson, David Davies, Fannie Kachale, Doug Simkiss
2. Minutes of last teleconference held on 22nd March 2012
3. Update from Tanzania
SB reported that further AMO training has continued. Post-course assessment is underway. Total
of 106 AMOs trained; further courses continue but is dependent on availability of specialists.
4 Update from Malawi
a) Accreditation: progress and plans. Departments are working on the proposals for the
curriculum. There is a meeting on 10th May at the College to continue the work. The faculty will join
the Stakeholder meeting on 19th May, to be attended by the Principal and Dean. PO’H commented
that ongoing resources are a significant issue, and that George Mwale is supportive of the
Action: CW and AMB to finalise the letter of invitation to delegates, using the CoM per diem rates.
b) Stakeholder meeting on clinical officer training. The first part of the meeting on Saturday
19th May will be curriculum development; at midday the stakeholder meeting will commence. PO’H
asked for the Committee for opinions about this format: the Committee approved.
c) DMO training day. This will take place on Sunday 20th May, finishing at about 3pm.
5. Research – Tanzania
Telephone line unclear so the following summary was sent by email from SP:
SP reported that a Professor from Swiss TPH visiting Ifakara was asked to review Dr Kasasa’s
proposal with a view to providing supervision; the professor will recommend another colleague so by
next week a supervisor will have been identified for Dr Kasasa. GM has informed SP that the
second PhD candidate has started the application processes with the Nelson Mandela University
where one of the professors has agreed to supervise him.
6. Research – Malawi
WC has completed interviews in 5 districts.
FK will today hand in application to COMREC for PO’H’s diabetes project.
Fannie Kachale will start her PhD with the College of Nursing.
No plans for DE to visit Malawi at present. Eric Borgstein is planning research methods module
later in the year.
Action: PO’H to discuss details with Eric Borgstein.
7. NPC Network
DD not present at meeting, but he will be in Malawi for a month for Module 2 and it is likely that
developments will continue.
Action: DD to update the ETATMBA conference on 26th May.
8. Module 2 staffing and planning
The final planning meeting will take place on 8th May. EP commented that it is likely last-minute
changes will be required once the team is in Malawi.
Action: PO’H to write to FK regarding particular sessions where he will be assisting
Action: CM to give session on guidelines (1-hour lecture with workshop to follow)
No paediatric cover for week 1 but EP will fulfil this role, with the agreement of AD.
9. Development of future modules
10. Degree course development
Initially planned an advanced diploma, but this is being developed into a full degree. A further 3
modules are required, plus a professional project. In order to be cost-effective, existing Warwick
modules will be adapted. Two modules may be put together to save costs. One module will be
based around science. The final module will be either a project or a two-month attachment to an
obstetric unit. EP commented it is important to ensure that the modules add up to a cohesive whole.
Action: AMB to send EP copies of the modules.
11. Any other business
The ETATMBA Ethics Advisory Committee requested a representative from Karolinska, but
enquiries have proved fruitless.
Action: EP will re-contact Karolinska to try and identify a suitable person.
12. Date of next teleconference
The next meeting will be Thursday 14th June. The times will be:
08.30am (UK), 9.30am (Malawi) and 10.30am (Tanzania).